BORO MAG January

Page 7

MexiQ Kitchen & Drought

Burger Garage / photo Javier Ibañez

controlled dispensers that ensure each one is poured at 32 degrees so it’s nice and cold.” Brunch includes unlimited pours of Mexican beer. A monthly dinner series pairs microbrews with special dishes.

Astor Bake Shop / photo Bradley Hawks

Astor Bake Shop / photo Bradley Hawks

Astor Bake Shop: When Hell Gate Social first set roots in an out-of-the-way stretch of Astoria Boulevard five years ago, we were skeptical. But, propelled by friendly banter and affordable cocktails, the masses made it their watering hole anyhow. Now that Astor Bake Shop’s moved in next-door, the scene here is vibrant even during the daylight hours. Every morning, the talented George McKirdy treats us to his fluffy biscuits and gooey sticky buns straight out of the oven. We dig the hearty specials ~ meatloaf sandwiches, corn-studded goat cheese quiche ~ paired with artisanal coffee. But we especially love how McKirdy’s managed to elevate the simple egg sandwich with his rendition, served on a house-made Portuguese roll. McKirdy’s dedication to fresh ingredients delights the hardworking gardeners of nearby Two Coves Community Garden (where McKirdy gets the mint for his iced tea), craving a snack before picking up a shovel. It also points to a larger trend: the locavore movement taking hold in Queens. continued on next page


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