Ace serif

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i Ace


Ace by Julia Beruffi

Font anatomy of the source font

Pointed cut-off

cap height ascender x-height

base line descender

Vertical cut-off


cap height ascender x-height

base line descender

Lem Slanted stroke endings

Font: Futura, Paul Renner, 1927, Bauer Type Foundry

Perfect round shapes

Regular thickness


mon Horizontal cut-off

Uppercase letters


Lowercase letters

abcdef ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz


01234 56789

Diacritics, punctuation, signs and symbols

.,;:!?<>«» +-×÷_*@ &#%€©™§ {} [] () /\ à á ä èéòóöùúü

ju mmm...


yo u will ne



and 1 big


ele dl em on

a l 4


e l ed

r g e pe


ts o r r

c y i


c p x n Futura

c p x n Skeleton of letters

Brushes applied

Serifs applied

Final letters


0° 46% 9,4 pt

0° 100% 8 pt

0° 100% 5 pt

0° 46% 8,6 pt

-162° 61% 6 pt

0° 100% 6 pt


Font relations

O Q O CGD O as base letter, brush used: 0° 46% 9,4 pt

I H L E F T I as base letter, brush used: 0° 100% 9 pt

V AW M N V as base letter, brush used: 0° 100% 6 pt



0° 100% 9 pt 0° 46% 9,4 pt



0° 46% 9,4 pt


0° 100% 9 pt 0° 100% 6 pt


b d p q Brushes used: 0° 100% 9 pt and 0° 46% 8,6 pt

n m h r u Lowercase N as base letter, brush used: -162° 61% 6 pt



v asg oecbdpq 0° 46% 8,6 pt


0° 100% 8 pt


Independent 0° 46% 8,6 pt

0° 100% 6 pt 0° 100% 5 pt

Font sizes in use

How to make ace juice

24 pt/28 pt

Ace is a famous italian juice which contains vitamins A, C, and E and it is made by only three ingredients: carrot, orange, and lemon. 14 pt/18 pt A good ACE juice is an excellent choice to enjoy a morning or afternoon snack because it knows give you the right boost of energy and wellness. In fact, its name derives from the three vitamin groups it is rich in: the vitamins A, C and E*. Right now I’m going to show you how to prepare your own ACE. A drink that is so incredibly delicious, wonderful to the taste, tangy, invigorating, and that I won’t be surprised if you start experimenting and creating your own juice mixes. Now as I’ve already said, this is an extremely easy drink to make. For equipment, you will need a juicer. If you don’t have a juicer I here you’ll find all you need for juicing with a blender. You will need: 5 oranges (Valencia are delicious but also Navel are good), 4 large peeled carrots and 1 peeled lemon. If you have a juicer, go ahead and turn it on and add the carrots, oranges, and lemon. Depending on how your jui-

cer works, you may have to strain the liquid before drinking (unless you like pulp and/or juice foam). But there you have it! You’ve made ACE! Super easy! Super quick! And Super good! Here another receipe: for this version you will need: 6 oranges, 3 carrots, 3 lemons, 200 grams of cane sugar, 600 ml of water. Carefully wash the ingredients. Peel the carrots and with a knife peel the citrus fruits alive, taking care to eliminate the white part with a bitter taste. Cut all the ingredients into small pieces, put them in the mixer, add the sugar and blend. If you do not have one large enough to hold all

*ACE is the acronym of the vitamins contained in the juice, which are: vitamin A makes hair and skin stronger and it keeps it elastic; vitamin C prevents colds and flu, it also helps with the assimilation of iron; vitamin E protects us from the cellular aging, it works as an antioxidant therefore it protects also from free radicals.

7 pt/10 pt

c e

the ingredients, proceed with several steps. To make the mixture less dense we suggest you to add the amount of water indicated, and you can do that directly into the mixer. Now pass everything with a strainer, crushing with a spoon on the sides, to separate the juice from the pulp. Put the juice into the bottles, that you have previously boiled in order to sanitize them, and close with the lids. Then proceed with the pasteurization by boiling. Place them in a thick-bottomed pot, with the lids facing up. To prevent the jars from bumping and breaking

10 pt/14,5 pt

during cooking, put a tea towel between each bottle. Cover completely with warm water and bring to a boil. After reaching the boil cook for at least 30 minutes. The bottles must always remain covered with water. When the bottles have cooled, check that the center of the capsule is lowered (sign of correct pasteurization) and stored in a cool place. Always remember to handle the jars with gloves to avoid burns. Keep your ACE juice in a cool place for up to 2-3 months. Once opened, place them in the fridge and consume them in a few days.

Typographic scale

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 46 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 40 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 34 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 30 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 24 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 18 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 14 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice. 10 pt

I think that I am going to drink some ace juice.

7 pt

Font anatomy

Brush terminal spur

ascender cap height x-height

base line


ascender cap height x-height

base line


Teardrop terminal


Lem Closed counter eye inclinated of 19°

46% thickness contrast

Double-story lowercase A

Double-story g with drop ear


mon Bracketed serifs

s on

e fr ora



ns o o m e l s ar rot

arrots l c s


an g e

on em s o

rr o t s l


ra o s


ca r r

es carrots l ng


mons e l s or t a o


n o ng m e l es c arrots


le m s t

s ! e or a n ge sc

Font characteristics

Q J r c j t g a Share same teardrop serifs

C G E F Z z S s Share same beak serifs

n m r u p h b d l k Share same x-height and ascender serifs

hu a Base line serifs AHIKLMNPRTXY fhiklmnrx

Teardrop serifs QJrjcgtay

Ascender serifs hbdlk

X-height serifs mnpru



x o n Faculty of Design and Art Free University of Bolzano - Bozen WUP 2020/21 Typeface designed by Julia Beruffi

Prof. Antonino Benincasa Andreas Trenker Emilio Grazzi Font created with Illustrator & Fontself

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