Rosh Hashanah 2009

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Under the s tric t supervision o f the Rabbinic A u th o rity o f the London Board fo r Shechita



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Contents Shanah Tovah Welcome to the new year of 5770, I hope you enjoy this latest edition of Hamaor, which is packed with a wide range of articles that offers something of interest to everyone. From in-depth Halachic analysis provided by the Rosh Beth Din, Dayan YY Lichtenstein to a report by Sarah Anticoni about the future developments for women within the Federation of Synagogues.


Mark Harris updates us as to the regeneration of communities in Poland and you'll find delicious new twists to traditional recipes in Family Hamaor. If you're looking for a new book for the New Year then don't miss the review of Martin Stern's latest publication. My thanks go to all the contributors for this edition, submissions are always welcome, keep sending us your news, views and interesting stories that make this your essential Federation magazine. A special note of thanks to Roberta Rubenstein for all her hard work over the years on Hamaor, we wish her all the best for the future.






An insight into "Chalak Beit Yosef' CST - Speak up Do not cast us out in the time of our old age



Rosh Hashana Yom Teruah or Yom Zikhron Teruah?



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We also have some reflections about Rosh Flashanah from the Chief Executive, Dr Eli Kienwald and the Yeshurun's Rabbi Alan Lewis, as well as an inspiring account about Recha and Isaac Sternbuch efforts to save their fellow Jews during the time of the Holocaust.


The Role of Women in the Federation



Family Flamoar The Rosh Hashana Duet


Book Review - A Time to Speak


Return to der Heim


Hoping to help stillbirth parents


Recha and Isaac Sternbuch






Kashrus Directory


Federation of Synagogues Contact Details


Burial Society


List of Synagogues


Wishing you all kesivah vechasima tova.


Ham aor / Septem ber 2009

Published by The Federation of Synagogues 65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ Tel: 020 8202 2263 Fax: 020 8203 0610 Email: info@federationofsynagogues.eom www.federationofsynagogues.eom Editor: Eva Chapper Advertising: Eva Chapper

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Wc were very fortunate to have Edwina Currie come to Croydon to talk to us about her experiences as a

On Lag Ba'Omer a grand bonfire and barbeque was held at the home of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hamer. In addition to the normal fare, hot marshmallows were enjoyed by a

Member of Parliament and as a Minister in Conservative Government. after leaving Parliament was just as interesting and it was a great pleasure to listen to her. She told us that she now runs a book club at Nightingale House, amongst her other numerous activities, which include broadcasting and writing novels. Approximately 60 people attended the event and some people bought some of her books. We then had a lovely tea of sandwiches and cakes.

donation was made to Nightingale House. Croydon community celebrated the Aufruf of Danny Butler whose parents have been members of our

Synagogue for many years. Danny himself had attended cheder classes and he was remembered by many of the people as a young boy. We all wished him and his bride to be all the best for their future together. The Friday night dinners are still very popular and 19 people were present at the last dinner organised by our Revd. Mark Daniels.

We were pleased to welcome Rabbi Joseph Freilich as the speaker at our annual Dovid Ha-Melech Seudoh at the end of Shavuos. He gave an entertaining and humorous address. On Tisha B'Av, the moving film "Genocide", narrated by Orson Welles, was shown before Mincha.


n order to make the Eruv available to our members and visitors, Finchley Central Synagogue has been davening on Shabbos for the past year at Pardes House School. This been a very successful move, attracting enough children for two children's services, but it is only a temporary solution and we look forward to finding a more permanent building. We are pleased to be able to offer our members services for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur at both Redbourne Avenue and Pardes House this year.


JAMI still uses our beautiful building and their annual BBQ held in June was extremely successful with about 15 people present.


Our community celebrated the 95th birthday of Sam Berman on the 15th August with a wonderful kiddush in his honour. Sam is a Shabbat regular and we all love him dearly. Mark Daniels will become a Rabbi this summer but unfortunately will be leaving Croydon in August to go to Israel with his wife Sonya. He will be leaving the Croydon community and everyone here will miss him and the wonderful work he has done for us all. would like to wish them all the best for the future.

Services at Head Office Friday: Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat: Mincha Followed by a Shiur by Dayan Lichtenstein Weekday Mincha Monday: Thursday 1.40pm. Fxcept on Bank Holidays. Dayan Lichtenstein s Shiur Mondays 8.30pm

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Hom aor / Sep tem b er 2009

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DIARYDIARYDIARYDIARYDIARYDIARY NEWS ft EVENTS Ilford On Sunday 31st May, a unique event was held for 19 ladies of the community, who had never previously celebrated their Bat Chayil. At the ceremony, attended by 400 guests, each woman gave a presentation giving a personal account entitled, 'What brought me here today' and marked the completion of a year of study with teacher Rebbetzen Eva Chapper. The Bat Chayil graduates were presented with a certificate, the book "From Sarah to Sarah", generously donated by Michael Rogers in the memory of his late wife Ilona Rogers, and a booklet containing all the speeches compiled by Rabbi Chapper.

The graduates are listed in alphabetical order: Shirley Appleby, Estelle Bashton, Frances Bookatz, Linda Conroy, Marion Grant, Deborah Hiller, Felicia Lawrence, Maxine Leckerman, Beatrice Lesser, Estelle Luton, Debra Montlake, Fay Montlake, Helen Myers, Rita Newmark, Gloria Rones, Gill Saunders, Raya Simons, Sandra Wajchendler and Jessica Wesil.

Ohr Yisrael A unique trip - Ohr Yisrael's Second Poland Trip in 6 months Following their initial successful trip last September, Rabbi Ft Rebbetzen Garson led a second group of about 40 participants to Poland. This time they were accompanied by a special survivor, Mrs. Sala Newton the mother of Dr Ros Landau (wife of Martin Landau, President of Ohr Yisrael). Ham aor / Septem ber 2009

After a tour of Krakow and its sights and shuls, the group made its way to Auschwitz. Sala movingly retold of her experiences in the places that they occurred. Sombrely, we stood at the spot where she was handled and selected for life by Mengele and subsequently sent to the shower rooms together with her mother. It was at this time, that she was cruelly torn away from her mother, sadly never to see her again. A Sefer Torah was brought with on the trip and taken into the camp. As Sala's Auschwitz story drew to a close in the women's barracks, Rabbi Garson led the group in a deeply moving and emotional dance to the famed "Am Yisrael Chai". The group danced with the Sefer Torah in the barracks, as tears of hope for the future of the Jewish People flowed freely.

Dancing with the Sefer Torah in the barracks (Photograph by Lisa Shaffer)

Once outside the sun was beginning to set and the men davened mincha. The question "who would have thought such a thing would ever be possible?" rang clear in the silence. As the sun made its descent over the trees, a picture taken by participant Brian Conn eerily shows a clear "magen david" in the sun - over the Auschwitz crematoria - displaying the message of the eternality of the Jewish People. The group then made its way to the ruins of the crematoria and the gas chambers. Rabbi Garson delivered a powerful message of hope, explaining that once we walked out of Auschwitz, we would never be the same. Fie explained however that depression is not a word that should appear in the lexicon of Judaism. Page 3



DIARYDIARYDIAR DIARYDIARYDIARY NEWS a EVENTS Rather, we all needed to commit to improving our connection with the Almighty, which is something all those who perished were denied off so viciously.

After a whirlwind tour of Warsaw, we davened Maariv in the The Nozyk Synagogue, where Mr. Norman Black read the "Kel Malei Rachamim" prayer for relatives of his that were killed in Treblinka.

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This was concluded by some final thoughts by Rabbi Garson, whereupon the group broke out into dance and song, with "Ashreinu Ma Tov Chelkenu" - How *

special and praised are the Jewish People. The dancing continued into the streets we boarded the bus. All of us arrived home emotionally drained, but with a deep appreciation for the importance of Jewish


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By the ruins o f the eremotorio and the gos chambers (Photograph by Brian Conn)

As we walked the long walk to freedom, we all sang the famous R'Shlomo Carlebach "Krakow" niggun and the words of "Ani Maamin" echoed in the dark. The following morning, the group re-traced Sala's childhood to the city of Lodz. We located the building she lived in as a child. A 4 storey building which was once occupied by Jewish families, now houses Poles who "legitimately" own the properties. The current tenants allowed her to re-visit her family home. We then stood in the courtyard as she reminisced

continuity and commitment in our service to Hashem. The trip was guided by the expert guide "Tzvi Sperber", the director of J-Roots tours.

"Kabbalat Hatorah Shabbaton


In honour of our yearly receiving of the Torah, Ohr Yisrael hosted a sell out Shabbaton on the second day of Shavuot. The day was aptly marked with a siyum on Tractate Bava Kamma - the 2nd tractate to be completed by the committed group of Daf Yomi Learners - who attend Rabbi Garson's shiur every day at 5:50am!

about her fond childhood memories and the horrific


eviction of her family into the infamous Lodz Ghetto.

A 3 week Summer term with a huge array of shiurim,

BES Summer Program

programs ft lectures took place in June. Hertfordshire After visiting the site of the Ghetto, the group made its

Learning Experience was set up in memory of the late

way to the old Lodz Cemetery. Sala's father had died 6

Rabbi Shmuli Kass z"l, by Rabbi Garson and to date

months before the outbreak of the war, and due to the

100s of people have participated in their programs.

stresses of the time, was denied a proper tombstone setting. Recently her grandson Samuel, whilst on a

Speakers included: Rabbis: Leo Dee, Raphy Garson, Natan

Poland trip with his Yeshiva, used the cemetery's records to locate the grave-site.

Levy, Yehuda Silver, Avi Sharf and Dovid Tugendhaft. Rebbetzens: Dina Brawer Deborah Garson. Representatives of the LSJS faculty and Richard Carr.

Incorporated into the itinerary, was the closing of a circle for Sala, as Rabbi Garson officiated at a moving

Most of HLX's programs are now jointly run together

“Hakamat Matzevah" in the old Lodz Cemetery,

with Shenley United and Borehamwood 6t Elstree

grandson who joined us in the trip, emotionally

United Synagogue - which is a true testament to Rabbi

delivered an inspiring talk about the continuity of the Jewish People.

Kass's vision of having a centre of learning Torah for

Page 4

the whole Hertfordshire community. H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009

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and Paul Westbrook, together with their wives and members from Ilford Federation Synagogue and other Federation Synagogues who were visiting Israel at the time. Refreshments were served. This is the second ambulance that the Federation of Synagogues has presented to Magen David Adorn Israel on behalf of its members. The first ambulance, presented to them in 2005, is stationed in Hadera and is extensively used. The second ambulance is to be based at another location in Israel where this service is needed.

Photograph taken o f the Executive o f the Rabbinic Centre of Europe held at Shomrei Hadath Synagogue on Monday May 4th hosted by the Federation o f Synagogues.

New MDS ambulance mdais.019

The Federation of Synagogues presented an ambulance to Magen David Adorn Israel on behalf of its members on Tuesday 25th August 2009 in Netanya. The money for the ambulance was raised through the Federation's Kol Nidre Appeal. The Ceremony was attended by two Honorary Officers of the Federation of Synagogues from the United Kingdom, Leon Newmark

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The B lin d n e ss o f Bias Oavid Hitter U ,r V kr

Before Biting tnc ^n-v.— — that com e upon the poop Israel, the Torah says, All of t blessings Will come to you overtake you when you list the voice of Hashem your (Dcvarim 28:2)

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Ham oor / Septem ber 2009

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Page 5

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insight into "Chalak Beit Yosef By Dayan Y. Y. Lichtenstein, Rosh Beth Din, Federation o f Synagogues Approximately 18 years ago London Board Sheehita introduced a new, and higher, level of Kashrut for some of their butcher shops, called Chalak Beit Yosef. Primarily this was done on , 3SL encouragement of the then Sefardic i Chief Rabbi Israel, the Rishon Lezion Hagaon Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita, with enthusiastic support of the former Ab Beth Din of the Sefardi Beth Din, Dayan P Toledano, one of the ecclesiastical authorities of the London Board of Shechita. Although the original intent had been to satisfy those Sefardic customers, who were particular for this superior level of Kashrut, it has become very popular with Ashkenazim too. K'

Today the London Board certifies five outlets with Chalak Beit Yosef meat and the demand is growing.

Lately, however, there have been questions from various quarters about this practice and the purpose of this article is to explain what is meant by Chalak Beit Yosef and why others find it necessary. Interestingly, since 1905, London Board Shechita always provided for two levels of Kashrut. In 1991 the higher level was referred to as Machzikei Hadas, but this was a totally different type of operation than the Chalak Beit Yosef. The Machzikei Hadas story began in 1890 when severa frum immigrants were dismayed by the standard of Kashrut prevalent in the London Board for Shechita They proceeded to set up a different Shechita and subsequently a community with a much higher standard of religious observance. They brought in their own Rav, Horav Abba Werner zt"l and a 15 year battle began with the London Board for Shechita. Eventually a compromise was reached and in 1905 the Machzikei Page 6

Hadas came under the London Board for Shechita, albeit as a separate entity with designated butchers and selected Shochtim running their operation, while nominally under the supervision of the Chief Rabbi. For thirty five years this situation continued, with the more particular Yidden buying the Machzikei Hadas Shechita, and it was only at the beginning of WWII when Dr Schonfeld zt"l persuaded his father-in-law, the Chief Rabbi H Hertz zt"l, to allow him to open up a new Shechita for the Union called Kedassia. Eventually the complete London Board for Shechita raised its standard, to that of the Machzikei Hadas, and so in early 1990's Machzikei Hadas brand was discontinued and replaced by a new standard called Chalak Beit Yosef.


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that the But what is Chalak Beit Yosef and how does it differ from the term "Glatt", which is more familiar to Ashkenazi consumers worldwide?

To begin with it is necessary to define the term Chalak Beit Yosef. Beit Yosef is the name of the commentary that the author of the Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Yosef Karo zt"l, wrote in the 16th century, on the Tur, which was the precursor of the Shulchan Aruch written by Rabeinu Yaakov ben Asher in the 14th century. Rabbi Yosef Karo wrote his commentary on the Tur to provide the sources from the Talmud and to augment the decisions of the Tur with the then current rulings of other Poskim. Eventually Rabbi Karo condensed his commentary into a more concise Halachic digest, which he called the Shulchan Aruch, and which to this day remains the standard Halachic text on which Judaism relies.

The term Chalak means smooth, and so the complete term Chalak Beit Yosef means smooth according to the opinion of the Beit Yosef. What this is referring to is the stringency of the Shulchan Aruch (the Beit Yosef) that the lungs of a slaughtered anima perfectly smooth. H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009


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To explain this in a more comprehensive manner, although an animal can be shechted perfectly by the most G-d fearing Shochet it must also be free of various blemishes that can render an animal Treifa. One of these blemishes is a perforation in the lung the smallest hole renders the animal Treifa and immediately after Shechita the animal must be opened and inspected to see that there is no perforation. But, beside the possibility of perforation, the lung must be inspected to see if there are no adhesions, either from the lung to the cavity or from one lobe to another. These adhesions, called a Sircha, render the animal Treifa. There is a dispute among the early commentators as to why. Some authorities maintain that these adhesions are a sign that the membrane covering the lung was perforated, and that they are a type of scar tissue which has formed subsequently, but they do not protect the lung sufficiently and therefore the animal has become Treifa. Others maintain that these adhesions are not indicative of a hole having been there but that a hole will form on the lung. And if a condition has arisen that will definitely make a hole the animal is considered Treifa immediately. No matter what the reason is, all authorities agree that an animal that contains a Sircha is Treifa. And it is incumbent on the Shochet to examine the animal immediately after Shechita to see if there are any Sirchas and to determine if the animal is Kosher or Treifa.

The answer to this is that there are different types of adhesion and the Beit Yosef himself distinguishes between different types and different areas of the lung, some of which make the animal Treifa and others which do not. Short of reprinting the Shulchan Aruch into Hamaor, the minutiae of these differences are too complex to deal with in an article. But there is one rule which is important to mention and which defines the bulk of cases which are relevant to this topic. The Remo, the 16th century Ashkenazic commentator on the Shulchan Aruch, refers to a practice which was introduced in the time of Geonim to see if a Sircha could come off the lung without making a hole. If one could do so the animal would be considered Kosher because that would not be considered a proper Sircha but only a "Rir" - a mucous adhesion unconnected to the lung. Much Halachic literature has developed on this topic. First of all the (Beit Yosef) Shulchan Aruch himself accepted that there was a condition knows as a "Rir" but limited it to specific cases:

a) If it came off with the slightest touch it would be a "Rir", but if it required any rubbing or rolling between fingers to snap it would be considered Treifa (Sircha). b) Only if the animal belonged to a Jew and the inspector was known publicly to be a G-d fearing individual. And the Beit Yosef refers to this as a "leniency".

Up until now this appears to be a simple and straight forward procedure. Shecht the animal, open up the lung cavity - no Sirchas - Kosher, any Sircha - Treifa. However, it is not as simple as that. Although the Talmud rules that the majority of animals are kosher, (and it is a good thing too! Otherwise we could not drink any milk because the milk of a Treifa animal is forbidden but we rely on the majority), in practice the vast majority of animals we Shecht do have some type of adhesion and so how are we able to consume the meat? Hamaor / September 2009

Nevertheless the Remo did allow a Sircha to be rubbed or rolled between the fingers and if it snapped would be considered a "Rir" not a Sircha. The Remo concludes that although this is a great leniency there is "upon whom to rely on" and this has become the current practice among Ashkenazim, this is called Kosher.

In the last two hundred years a newer modified type of removing Sirchos has developed which is called "Kiluf", i.e. peeling the Sircha gently, and if it comes off without leaving a hole in the membrane the animal is considered Page 7



iuch kosher. Whether this is a modified form of and Mishmush", rubbing and rolling the Sircha, or is a newer type of removal is a dispute among the authorities. One thing is certain: in all of the above practices the lung must be subsequently checked (by water - to see if it bubbles, similar to checking a tyre) to ensure that there is no hole after the "Rir" has been removed. This above leniency, which was challenged by the Rashba, was condemned by the Shulchan Aruch as Treifa and a Shochet who relies on it says the Shulchan Aruch has fed Treifos to Jews! And so the practice developed that Sefardim who relied on the Beit Yosef insisted that they would not avail themselves of this Hetter while Ashkenazim, who followed the Remo, did. Actually even among Ashkenazim there were those who were careful not to rely on this leniency and insisted that the lung be smooth which they call Glatt. However, if the "Rir was very small and would come off without any significant effort the lung

would be considered Glatt but not Chalak Beit Yosef. This leniency - that if the "Rir" came off with only minimal effort it would still be considered Glatt, is brought in the Sefer "Daas Zevach", Chapter 22, from a famous Ashkenazi Shochet R' Michel Meradomsk and is conclusively ruled on by the Sefer Beis Dovid, the authoritative decision maker in Ashkenazi circles. However, he also refers to a ruling of the Shiah Hakodosh, that with up to three "Rir" one can rely on this Hetter, and in many Ashkenazi circles this is the custom. Those who are particular for Chalak Beit Yosef insist that the lung be completely smooth and do not rely on this Hetter. As mentioned before, even today, many Ashkenazim insist that they want only Chalak Beit Yosef and the London Board for Shechita is to be commended on providing this service so that they can provide meat at the highest standard for the complete London community. Wishing all Hamaor readers a Ksiva Vechasima Tova, a Healthy and Happy New Year for all of Klal Yisroel.

MENACHEMS G latt K osher ISuteller & D elicatessen W ishing all our custom ers a very happy, healthy am i prosperous N ew Year

All fresh m eat is G latt K osher S liccliitat B et Y osef only

Party P latters & F unetious D eliveries all London areas

1ÂŤ> lin s s e ll Parade, G ohlers G reen Road London YYV11 9 N N T: 0 2 0 8 2 0 1 8 0 2 0 / 3 0 F: 0 2 0 8 2 0 1 8 0 2 0 Page 8

Ham aor / Sep tem b er 2009



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PROTECTING September 2009 / Tishrei 5770

Jewish communal life across the UK continues to be as vibrant and varied as ever, and thankfully, most of us are seldom the direct victims of antisemitism. Sadly, antisemitic inci­ dents continue to occur. J a n u a r y to J u n e 2 0 0 9 A n t is e m it ic In c id e n ts R e p o rt In the first six months of 2009 C ST recorded 609 antisemitic incidents. This is more than the 544 incidents reported to C S T throughout the whole of 2008: and more than we have ever recorded in a single year since our records began in 1984. The beginning of 2009 coincided with the fighting between Israel and Hamas, with C S T recording a total of 286 antisemitic incidents in January alone. Antisemitism is not the fault of Jews or Israel, it is the fault of antisemites. British Jews should be able to air their views on Israel. These are racist attacks, in which nobody asks the victim for their political opinions. Britain is a democracy and Jews, like any other citizen, are entitled to express their opinions without being physically attacked or racially abused for it. R e p o rt in c id e n ts Antisemitic incidents can take several forms, from the more serious physical assaults to desecrations, graffiti or ver­ bal abuse. If you suffer or witness such an incident, we urge you to report it to the police and to C S T without delay. This is the best way to ensure that the incident is properly investigated, and reduces the chance of the perpetrators repeating their crime and someone else falling victim. It is important that we do not allow antisemitism to define our community and there is no reason for it to inhibit our Jewish way of life. We are all free to express our Jewishness however we see fit. Antisemitism, racist abuse or

the Jewish community

entirely free of charge, but protecting hate crimes of any kind have no place the community is very costly. in our society. C S T ’s work continues to take place It is likely that, in common with other forms of hate crime, some people in at hundreds of communal buildings our community who suffer antisemitic throughout the UK: including schools, incidents do not report them to either synagogues and community centres. C S T has taken responsibility with C S T or to the Police. By reporting antisemitic incidents, you can help to its Protective Windows Project initia­ tive, which ensures the fitting of shatterproof film on the windows of every Jewish communal building in Britain. Recent terrorist attacks at both Jewish and non-Jewish sites demonstrates that flying glass is the single greatest cause of death and injury. In January 2009, arsonists failed to set fire to the inside of a synagogue in London due to the shatterproof film on the windows, saving it from serious damage. In addition to the Protective Windows Project, we work in partnership with local communities and organisations on The Security Enhancement Projec t This ensures that security measures such as CCTV, access gates, lighting A bove: A n tise m itic g raffiti, N o ttin g h am sh ire, N ovem ber 2008. and alarms help to deter possible ensure that these crimes have no place threats against our community. in our community. C S T is the only national organisation T h a n k y o u to record and analyse antisemitic C S T would like to thank our network of over three thousand trained volunteers incidents in the UK. across the UK who give their precious time to protect our community in T a k in g r e s p o n s ib ility C S T is a registered charity. We receive all circumstances. C S T ’s work would no statutory funding or any official simply not be possible without the grants and we rely entirely on dona­ support of our volunteers’ families and tions to support and develop our work; the partnership of our community. We and trained volunteers to help do the wish you all Shana Tova. work. C S T prides itself in providing all of its services to the Jewish community C a n y o u h e lp ? Ever increasing demands are being community^ placed on C S T to protect our commu­ nity and we urge you to take responsi­ to remain vigilant and ensure that bility and play your part in this vital work. security continues to be a priority. If you are interested in becoming a C S T asks the community to report volunteer or would simply like to make all antisemitic incidents, and any a donation please call 020 8457 9999 suspicious activity, to both the or visit Police and to C S T without delay. )

London & Southern region emergencies, call the Police on 999 and CST on 07659 101 668. For non-emergencies call 020 8457 9999 1 Manchester & Northern region emergencies, call the Police on 999 and CST on 08 980 0668. For non-emergencies call 0161 792 6666 Community Security Trust registered charity number 1042391

- fe e R A T io r N OF S Y N A G O G U E S


Do not cast us out in the time of our old age By Alan Finlay, President o f the Federation o f Synagogues recently attended an Even Hapina (brick laying) ceremony of our newest constituent synagogue, Or Yerushalayim, Manchester. Attended by some three hundred people, it was a highly successful event which drew the M a n c h e s t e r community to come and see the progress of the new building. Local distinguished rabbomm were invited to lay down a brick, followed by the members. A special programme was arranged for the children, when they were 'issued' with hardhats, received pekelach and laid their own bricks. Each child received a special certificate with a photo of them laying a brick as a lasting momento of the event. Known locally as OJ, the congregation has been established for 11 years and currently holds services for its 100 members in a local hall. The Honorary Officers of OJ approached the Federation over three years ago for funding to establish its own premises and a presentation to the Federation Council was enthusiastically received and approved. An area of land in Bury New Road was successfully purchased in auction, planning permission was obtained and construction work started for a two storey building comprising a shul downstairs and a functions hall upstairs which can be used as a Ladies Gallery over the High Holydays. This is a very exciting project and the first time that the Federation has ventured outside Greater London. At the bricklaying ceremony, I was asked to lay a brick as Federation President and then, a little while later, asked to lay a second brick on behalf of the Federation. I took the opportunity of saying that such a project could only have been possible because of the sales of Page 10

shuls that had closed. The sale proceeds from those shul buildings were helping to fund the construction of this building. I felt it important that such contribution be acknowledged. Since becoming Federation Treasurer in 1995, I have organised the sale of eight synagogual buildings. I always made it clear to the local honorary officers that the decision to close would be up to the local members and should not be taken solely for financial reasons but, equally importantly, whether the community could remain spiritually viable. In Manchester, I remembered the words spoken by the then Vice President, Jonathan Winegarten, at the closing ceremony for Ahavat Shalom in Neasden. Quoting from Parshat Korach, Jonathan said that we read that Aaron and the leaders of the other tribes had laid down their rods and it was found that Aaron's rod had sprouted blossom and almonds. Mr Winegarten said that Aaron was known as a lover of peace, ahavat shalom, the name of the Shul and he was sure that, just as Aaron's rod had brought forth blossom so to, would the good name of the shul flourish in other communities. Laying that second brick was transplanting a bit of Neasden to Manchester. As I stood there, I remembered the other shuls that had been sold. Great Garden Street, sold to an inner city quango to fund a training centre for young people. Ainsworth Road which we sold to a housing association. I had stood on the bimah of the empty shul and had had a strong feeling of how it must have looked in its heyday on Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur with all the pews full and the atmosphere buzzing with excitement. One strange thing was that there was a tree growing out of the foundations which had reached the height of the building. I presumed that this was originally a weed that had not been pulled out and I thought that it might make an interesting dvar Torah about how, even a neglected weed can become strongly attached to a Ham aor / Sep tem b er 2009

shul and flourish in a religious setting. I thought of Woolwich Shul with its beautiful downstairs simcha hall, Clapton, at one stage the "jewel in the Federation crown", Jubilee Street, Greenford and West Flackney. The monies have been well used. Machzikei Hadath and Netzach Israel, both in Golders Green, have been acquired, Ohr Yisrael was started from scratch in Elstree and Shomrei FHadath off Finchley Road extended. And now, Manchester. What happened to the members? Many were transferred to local shuls and where that was not convenient, membership was transferred to Head Office so that burial rights could be maintained. I learnt from the distressing experience when squatters broke into Great Garden Street after exchange of contracts, thereby preventing us from removing the religious artefacts. Thereafter, no building was put on to the market until services had ceased, there had been a closing ceremony if that is what members wanted, all members had been provided with the opportunity of retrieving family donations such as plaques and memorial boards and the sifrei torah, prayer books, ark and bima had been taken away, either to Head Office or to be buried in Rainham. There are strict halachic rules regarding to whom shul buildings can be sold. Every prospective purchaser had to be vetted by Dayan Lichtenstein before the sale could proceed to ensure that the proposed use of the building fell within halacha. The subject is discussed in Gemorah Megilah, which Dayan Lopian of my shul was teaching us at the time that I was negotiating the sale of four shul buildings, which I thought must be quite unique in the history of the Jewish people. All these memories and more came flooding back to me as I put down that second brick. Not only the buildings but, more importantly, the individuals who Ham aor

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had done so much to make each shul so special. Shuls are not just where communities come to pray but where life cycle events are celebrated such as the birth of a child or grandchild, barmitzvahs and batmitzvahs, engagements and weddings. The emotional attachment that one can feel to a shul is immense and with every closure, we needed to appreciate and acknowledge the sensitivities involved. I am pleased that every shul closure was by agreement and without any feeling that it was being imposed by Head Office. Nowadays, maintenance work to a Shul building is carried out by contractors. I was dealing with men who had themselves put up every light, fixed the pew seats and repaired the roof. Ladies Guild members had spent hours each week organising the catering and laundry for kiddushim and functions. Everyone had carried out important welfare work caring for the needs of the less fortunate members. It is not, therefore, surprising that families were emotional at the closing ceremonies, remembering the rabbis and rebbetsins who had shaped their spiritual lives, the events that had occurred during their formative years and the characters who they had either loved or argued with. During the Shema Koleinu prayer, we say "Al Tashlichainu Le'ais Ziknoh" - "do not cast us out in the time of our old age" and we continue "forsake us not when our strength fails." I hope that those members and their families reading this article are reassured that their shuls may no longer exist physically but are still playing an important role in the growth of the Federation. Their memories have not been forgotten. The buildings may have gone but we have not forsaken them. At every opportunity, we acknowledge the debt that we owe. They have not been cast off in their old age. My colleagues join with me in wishing you all a kesiva v'chasima tovah. Page 11


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Rosh Hashana Yom Teruah Yom Zikhron Teruah? by Dr Eli Kienwald, C hief Executive, Federation o f Synagogues Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan z'T in his Living Torah Chumash translates Zikhron Teruah as "remembrance [and] sounding". Chizkuni translates as "commemorative sounding".

In order to understand the subtle but very important difference between the two expressions we need to examine what our Sages say about the reasons for the command to blow the shofar on this day. Rabbi Saadiah Gaon gives ten reasons:

In two places in the Scriptures we are commanded to blow the shofar on the first of Tishri. In Bamidbar (29:1) we are told: "In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, there shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall do no work of labour, it shall be a day of shofar-sounding ( Yom Teruah) for you". In Vayikra (23:24) we are reminded that "In the seventh month, on the first of the month, there shall be a rest day for you, a day of remembering the sounding of the shofar ( Yom Zikhron Teruah), a calling of holiness". The different nuances in the Hebrew language between the two pesukim are all worthy of further investigation. However, I would like to focus on the different names given to the first day of Tishri - Yom Teruah and Yom Zikhron Teruah - and the fact that the verse in Vayikra omits to say that the sounding is "for you". The expression Zikhron Teruah itself is open to interpretation. The Artscroll Chumash follows Rashi's exegesis that Zikhron Teruah is an asmachta (a biblical allusion) to the rabbinic law that on Rosh Hashana, as well as blowing the shofar, one should recite verses referring to "remembrances" and to "shofar blowing" (.zichronoth and shofaroth in the Musaf Amida), and translates it as "a mention of shofar blasts". Similarly, Rashi sees an allusion to the third group of verses (malchuyoth) in his commentary to Bamidbar (10:10). Page 12

1. To proclaim the sovereignty of the Almighty since it was the custom to sound the shofar at a coronation. To herald the beginning of the ten days of repentance.

a reminder faithful teachings of the Torah, since the shofar was heard at mount Sinai. 4. As a reminder of the prophets, the teachers of righteousness, who raised their voices like the shofar to touch our consciences. 5. To the sound of trumpets the Temple fell, and to the sound of trumpets it be restored.

As a reminder of the Akeidah, since the ram which was substituted for Isaac was caught in the thicket by its horns. To inspire awe ("Shall the shofar be blown in the city and the people not be afraid?"). As a summons to the Heavenly Court on the Day of Judgement to be judged.

As a reminder that the shofar will call together Israel's scattered remnants return to the Holy Land. 10. As a reminder of the day of resurrection, the return to life.

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t is interesting to note that five of these reasons are :or "practical" purposes (to call, to proclaim, to herald, ;tc) and the other five (shown in bold) are "to remind j s " of our history, our heritage and our future destiny. \s it happens, the first group fits nicely into the :oncept of Yom Tcruah and the second group into Yom Zikhron Teruah. rhis dichotomy between the practical and spiritual 'easons for blowing the shofar has been the subject of some challenging and animated debates among our Sages over the centuries. A relatively recent exchange of fiery letters on this issue took place between Rabbi Shmuel David Luzzatto (the Shadal) and Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh (*) of Leghorn. According to the Shadal the sound of the shofar had no other purpose but to announce the beginning of a new year at a time when there were no printed calendars (along the lines of R' Saadia Gaon's reason 2), in the same way as on the 10th of Tishri the shofar was blown to herald the beginning of the Jubilee Year. R' Benamozegh thought that this was a "nice but rather childish" explanation and, taking a diametrically opposite position, claimed that the sound of the shofar had the purpose of attracting the Almighty's attention onto us men, particularly at a time when war or other natural or spiritual calamities endangered the well being of the country: the first day of Tishri, being the Day of Judgement was one such occasion, because of the danger of being subjected to heavenly punishment.

At the sound of the shofar on the forthcoming 2nd Tishri (1st Tishri 5770 is a Shabbat), may He remember us for a year of Peace, Health and Success. On behalf of my colleagues at Head Office and myself, I would like to wish a Kesiva v'Chasima Tovah to the whole of the Federation family. (*) Rabbi Elijah ben Avraham Benamozegh (1822-1900) was an Italian Rabbi and philosopher, born in Leghorn of Moroccan parents and served as a rabbi and professor of theology in the rabbinical school of that city. He was the author of a commentary on Chumash (Em la-Mikra) and various other important works including a refutation of the Shadal's Vikku'ah al ha-Kabbalah, in which R' Luzzatto had disputed the antiquity of the Zohar.

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In R' Benamozegh's opinion, Yom Zikhron Teruah is a day of remembrance but not only for us. It is also a day when we ask the Almighty to remember that we are humble human beings and that we need His help and support. Perhaps this is the reason why the pasuk in Vayikra omits to mention "for you". The commandment to remember on Rosh Hashana applies to men and the Almighty alike. Hamaor

/ Septem ber 2009

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Nine By Rabbi Alan Lewis, Rav o f Edgware Yeshurun Every Amidah for every Shabbos and Yom Tov consists of seven Berochos. The exception to the rule is Musaf Rosh Hashonoh which contains nine blessings. The obvious question is why is this so? Or maybe we should ask what is the significant and symbolism of the number 9? A number of years ago an Odom Godol (a great man) pointed out something extremely enlightening to me about this number which, to be honest, I had never noticed before. If you take any multiple of 9 and add the digits you will find that they will either add up to 9 or a multiple of it. So for instance 9x3=27. Add the digits 2 and 7 and you get 9. Similarly 9x49=441. Add the digits 4+4+1 and once again we arrive again at the number 9. It is interesting to note that the Gematria (the numerical value) of the word Emess (truth) is 441; Aleph(l) + Mem(40) + Soff(400) = 441. This word Emess comprises of the first and last letters as well as the middle letter of the Alef Bais. This is to teach us that the truth can always reach to the extremes as long there is a connection to the middle / centre point. The uniqueness of the number 9 is the fact that no matter how great its multiples, by adding the digits there will always be a connection to its origin, 9. Something is always indivisibly true as long as it can be traced back to its everlasting foundations. This is why the Jewish people are still around today. For it is the result of actions of unshakable truth from our forefathers Avrohom, Yitzchok and Ya'akov and the great revelation of truth at the giving of the Torah at Elar Sinai that made us into an everlasting nation. Page 14

On the first of Tishri, 5770 years ago, man was created with the sole purpose of revealing the truth of Elashem's glory to the whole of creation. A child is born after 9 months of gestation inside its mother's womb learning the whole of the Torah. The angel who is teaching that foetus all that is true, then smacks the top part of its mouth and the child egresses from a world of total clarity into a place of confusion. The Emess is seemingly hidden because he has now forgotten all that he had learnt. Elis challenge in the time that has been allotted to him in this unclear world, is to bring back that truth of the 9 months of gestation into his life. The number that symbolises the truth is obviously the number 9. It is no coincidence but rather a reflection of the divinely inspired wisdom of Chazal (our Sages of Blessed Memory) that on Rosh Elashonoh, the birthday of man, the Anshai Knesses ETagadolah (the men of the Great Assembly) composed a Musaf service comprising of 9 blessings. This was to teach us that on the birthday of mankind the goal of man is to bring the truth of the Omnipotent into our own personal lives and the lives of others. If there was ever a time when the Jewish human individual seeks desperately for inner peace and true meaning to his or her life, it is now. If there was ever a time when there is such a sustained onslaught from certain sections of the human community to demean us and curse us into non existence, it is now. If there was ever a time when our frustration in not being able to convince others of the injustice that comes our way as a people is so painful to bear, it is now. In sets of 9 sounds, the ram's horn the Shofar is blown at the beginning of the year to remind us and reawaken us to the truths of why we are here in this world and this is powerfully reflected in the 9 benedictions of the Musaf service on Rosh Elashonoh. May the year ahead be a time where the truth of Elashem Yisborach will be openly revealed to all Elis creation. H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009

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â– ^dcration OF S Y N A G O G U E S


The Role of Women in the Federation


By Sarah Anticoni I recall as a child being told by my teachers that there were two key institutions in Jewish life; the home and the shul. I was and remained perplexed as to why women had to play a limited role in the shul when they appeared to dominate the home! As I grew older, I came to appreciate that I was not the only one who felt troubled by the disparity between what appeared to be socially acceptable roles within schools and the workplace and yet the shul remained a male domain. Surely Israel's democracy should act as a beacon and example? Would the shattering of glass ceilings in the commercial world not change the dynamic of shul meetings, where men spoke and women catered? Many had probed this issue but in September 2007 our President, Mr Alan Finlay, agreed to take the first step in hearing the views of the women of the Federation and a small working group of those who volunteered for the role was formed. Not all shuls chose to participate. We were fortunate to have halachic input and guidance from our Rosh Beth Din Dayan Lichtenstein and a constructive dialogue began. It was clear that whatever hopes and views might have been expressed for immediate and long overdue overhaul of the position, we all first had to understand and appreciate the halachic context which curtails women carrying out certain roles. I cannot underestimate the huge amount of time and effort that was expended by the Dayan in listening to the range of views and then researching the position and finally producing his psak din dated 4th December 2008. If you have not yet read it, I commend it to you to. I would not be presumptious enough to summarise the content as fully as might be necessary to fully appreciate the complex area but in essence, the difficulty lies within the interpretation of the prohibition Page 16

of a woman holding a position or appointment ('masimos'). Forbidden appointments are further defined as being limited to "sroro", a position of authority. It is also necessary to explore any issue of tzniyus. Once the working group of women, who had always actively participated in communal shul life, understood this concept, we began to explore a variety of possible options. We were looking for clear working solutions which could operate within the halachic context. It certainly helped to have mothers and grandmas as well as working professionals and homemakers to explore solutions. We wanted to see how women (and we looked at single women; divorcees; widows and married women) could vote; sit on a board of management and participate in Council business. We addressed the usual business of shul boards and identified quickly that women could not hold the positions of President or Flonorary Officers. Flowever, if the role of treasurer was an administrative function, there was no reason why the post could not be held by a woman. The Dayan also suggested the use of referenda on specific issues (e.g. appointment of a rabbi or moving shul premises). It became clear that women voting for women whilst halachically acceptable did not necessarily go far enough for some. One particularly inventive concept was to ask the rabbi or Dayan to identify in advance, agenda items which might have halachic issues and upon which women could not vote, thus allowing the vast majority of shul business to be conducted with women on the board. The ideas we had were discussed with the Dayan and further honed and then aired within individual shuls. It was important to know what other members (not necessarily just women) felt about some of the proposed changes before seeking to implement them and so two consultation meetings, the first at Ilford Federation on 13 May 2009 and the second at the Yeshurun Synagogue on 3 June were arranged and H am aor / Septem ber 2009


well attended. We had an opportunity on both occasions to hear the Rosh Beth Din's clear views on what steps could now be taken by shuls and the President's views too.

The Panel at the Ilford meeting (Photograph by Brian Ash)

The meetings were not limited to discussion on the role of women. The Federation constitution (which is the document which sets out within any organisation the roles and function of its members) was drafted in 1935 and has never been amended! The President wanted to discuss the governance of the Fed in all its guises. This included defining who were members and what their role as trustees might be; what the objects of the Federation are to be; the internal management structure as well as that of the Council; how elections to office should be conducted; how resolutions could

be brought to Council as well as financial arrangements of the Fed as a whole. It was quite a tall order to cover in an evening.

The meetings gave useful feedback on a number of ideas for change as well as raising a fair few new dilemmas to address (for example, is it halachically acceptable for a wife to hold her husbands vote as a proxy and what are the tznyiut issues that arise from exercising such a vote?). The momentum has gathered steam to find and implement a range of practical solutions without any further delay to ensure that all women who hold membership in their own right can participate at shul board and council level. The Honorary Officers have made it clear that the constitution should be redrafted (by the lawyers) and that they intend for it to be approved by council and in place no later than Spring 2010. Thanks to all women (and men) who have given their time so generously to date. I salute your tenacity, patience, dedication, imagination and humour. The journey has been long, the route far too convoluted for some and the destination may not be clear for all constituent shuls. Perhaps we should have used sat nav?



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/ Septem ber 2009

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• fe e R A T io r N OF S Y N A G O G U E S


The Rosh Hashana Duet Maureen Kendler is Head o f Educational Programming at the London School o f Jewish Studies The cathartic Avinu Malkeinu

strengthen us today", with six verses repeating that

prayer which we recite on

message in different ways, to which we all say Amen.

Rosh Hashana asking "Our for

Rabbi Simhah Bunim of Przysucha (1765-1827) wrote:

forgiveness ends on a note of

"A person should have two pieces of paper, one in each

despair, saying "we are empty

pocket, to be used as necessary. On one of them is


written, The world was created for me,' and on the other, 'I am dust and ashes.' The Kotzker Rebbe (1787-









moment of supreme humility, where



momentarily shrivels. If the last




1859) added that the trick is to know which piece of paper to take out and when.


Malkeinu was a sound it would be the cry of the shofar,

A friend once told me when he was in high school, the

a painful, pleading wail.

head teacher called him and a classmate into his office. They were threatened with a good hiding. My friend

Why is the shofar the key iconic sound of Rosh

was silent. His classmate talked and talked. When they

Hashana? The two source texts in the Torah for Rosh

left the office the classmate challenged my friend:

Hashana (Vayikra 23:24 and Bamidbar 29:1) refer to

"Why were you so quiet?" He replied: "Look, we got

this day as Yom Teruah, a day of "blasting" or a day to

caught, didn't we?" His classmate said, "Yes, we got

"commemorate a blast." But it does not specify which

caught, but you've got to talk back, keep talking, give

"blaster" of the Jewish orchestra should make this

yourself a chance to influence the outcome."

noise: the shofar is not mentioned. And there are two Biblical instrumental candidates for the job. In the Torah and the Temple, a silver trumpet - a chatzotzrah - makes the teruah and tekiah sounds just as loudly as a shofar.

Surely that should be us on Rosh Hashana - our prayers give us that chance to keep talking, keep trying to do all we can to "influence the outcome." Maybe we need to fold up the "dust and ashes" paper a little and smooth out the other one that reminds each of us

After a debate in the Mishnah (Rosh Hashana 3:3) the

"that the world was created for me." We must have the

shofar won over the trumpet for being blown on the New Year. The link with the Akeida, the sacrifice of Isaac, and the sounding of the shofar on Mount Sinai

belief and self confidence that we can be an agent for good, to stand up straight as well as bow in humility.

surely contributed to that decision. Also, the shofar is

shofar-chatzotzrah duet in which we are both proud

associated with a submissive demeanour, whereas the

and humble at the same time. May we all be given the

trumpet has more triumphant, military connotations.

guidance to know how and when to blow our own

The Rabbis of the Talmud (Rosh Hashana 26b) chose a

trumpet, and to cry with compassion at the sound of the ram's horn.

twisted ram's horn over the long, straight horn of the

We have to create and orchestrate for ourselves a

wild goat because the lowly, contorted ram's horn suits our Avinu Malkeinu mood. But the spirit of the assertive, confident chatzotzrah is also part of the Musaf service which closes by proclaiming to God: Hayom Te'amtzainu, "You will Page 18

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/ Sep tem b er 2009



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■ K D e R A T io r s OF S Y N A G O G U E S


Time to Speak - Controversial Essays that can change your life by Martin Stern (Devora Publishing, 2009) Reviewed by Dr Yaakov Wise, University o f Manchester






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The longest essay, on some ideas that can be found in the Shema, is particularly interesting and it will be



TO S1PM Controversial Essays That C an Change Your Life

By M a r t i n S t e r n The author is well known for his sometinx^s-eontjoswul wntinj*. in defense of Torah ludatsm. His worch duodatc an authentic Jewish view on an array of priAix.Unv subjects, and he doesn’t mince words with those who seek to dilute the beauty ludaism h.ts to offer You Ddiscover: • A new k-vel of undcrvLinding of tlx* Shenvi. tefillin, mc/u/ah, totzit; • The terrible repr-nuswons tfut hjse occurred because of a bdt of decorum in the s>TUgoguo; • The conrct response to the misjaonary menace; • YYtwUit means to be a ‘Kidduh Widow'; • I low to avoid being overly pious at other people’s expense; • The importance and ire of tie major Gemm.itna systems;

impossible for anyone who has read it ever again to rush off its recitation without deeper thought. In another essay on the collections of verses like Uva Letsion, the author shows how our Sages used the siddur








blandishments of the early Christian missionaries by making them fam iliar with Biblical verses that contradicted some of their arguments, something that is needed even in our times.

. and much, mmh more. The author’s dynamic 'Dear Ovum' letters allow him to present « m c of the pressing issues that confront synagogues the world over. Included is a novel way to 'make yw r simeha a simeha for everyxxve.' A Time to Speak speaks to everyone Thought-provoking and controversial, it reveals why ludaism continues to be such a vibrant, dynamic way of life.

d e V ora r e b i i s n i * c .11

Martin Stern will be familiar to most readers from his many letters in defence of Orthodox Judaism that have

His research into the Maoz Tsur has revealed the existence of several extra stanzas that had been suppressed in order to avoid the problem of falling foul of Christian censors. They shed a fascinating light on the way Ashkenazi Jews in Central Europe in the early modern period reacted to the pressures of the surrounding culture.

appeared in the Jewish press over the years and his articles on liturgical and social problems affecting the Anglo-Jewish community. In this book, he has expanded on some of these issues together with authoring other essays on a wide range of Jewish subjects.

In the section on shul behaviour, he decries the lax attitude that gives a semblance of validity to the critics of Orthodoxy and describes the traditional attitude to talking in shul and its repercussions throughout the ages. Following in the tradition of Rabbi Yisroel

To name but a few there is a detailed analysis of the concept of Torah min Hashamayim that clarifies the definition of the doctrine and shows how non-Orthodox

Salanter, he decries the super-piety assumed by some who ignore the problems they may cause their fellows and the excesses in simehah celebrations that put

groups so distort it as to render them as separate

pressure on others to exceed their budgets to "keep up

religions. His tongue in cheek parody book review of the so-called Higher Biblical Criticism exposes the absurdity of its purported reconstruction of Jewish history on the basis of supposed early sources underlying the Torah

with the Cohens".

text. It is regrettable that more of his many writings against the deformers of Judaism were not included but the author promises a second volume in due course. Page 19

The author's dynamic 'Dear Chaim' letters allow him to present some of the pressing issues that confront synagogues the world over such as the problem of meshullaehim collecting at inappropriate times. This format is also used to give some extremely H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009

BOOK REVIEW wmmm sympathetic advice to those who are confronted with eading services on becoming an aveil. His empathetic approach is highlighted in his essay The Kiddush Widow" that discusses the problems faced by mothers of small children who are housebound on Shabbat in the absence of an eiruv. One reader even commented that it was so true to life that she could not believe it was written by a man! In addition he has included a few of his less technical mathematical publications that shed light on Jewish themes, an analysis of the nature of language and an insightful discussion of women's issues.

About the Author


M ARTIN STERN studied m athem atics at Cambridge U niversity, w here he ream ed a Ittch e k x o f arts degree and continued hts research in O fo rd , ream in g hrv master of am degree. H e lo o k up a pt>J as lectu rer in M athem atic at the John Dalton College o f Technology, later nam ed M anchester M etropolitan U nrvovty. Beginning in 198$. the author became involved in defending Torah Judaism in the m o 'c secu lar Anglo-Jew ish press, anti deseioped an interest in liturgical and social problem s affecting the Jewish com m unity H e w as [virtKuLuty active in the largely successful campaign to com bat the attempts o f the M asorti (Conservative) movement to establish rtveH in M anchester. In m ore recent years he has used hts rTrbtolary skills to defend Israel a&iinst its detractors, both in the more secular An^cvJewish and general non-Jewish press. H e is vsvll known for his forthright approach, and refusal to bow. to political correctness o f any kind - something that has ltÂŤd, on occasion, to abuse by th o * who cannot tolerate independent thought.

deV ora

As the Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks writes, "Martin Stern has long been a forceful and intelligent defender of Orthodoxy and in this collection of his writings he offers a rich feast of insights into Jewish prayer, Jewish life and Jewish faith." The reader may agree or vehemently disagree with him about any number of topics but one thing is clear he won't be bored by this controversial, thought provoking and provocative defence of Judaism. Available from Borders and most Jewish booksellers and, on line, from


These are some of the words used to describe Martin Stern's A Time to Speak. You may agree or disagree vehemently with the author about any number of topics he discusses. But one thing is certain: You won't be bored by the insights of this eclectic defense of Judaism.

“M arlin S/cvn has long been .1 forceful and intelligent d e fe n d s o f Orthodoxy, and in this collection o f his writings he offers us a rich feast o f insights into Jewish prayer. Jesvish life, and Jew ish faith. His is a fine mind, a canng heart, and an infectious spirit."

C hief Rabbi S ir Jonathan Sacks -Martin Stern h<is produced an innosatiw work - part ongnaJ scholarship, part provtxaf/ve polem ic - that w ill entertain, inform, and challenge both the academic scholar o f Judaism and the obsenant and engaged m em ber o f the O rthodox community. His breadth o f interests is im p ress*?, perhaps ird icn tiw o f his origins in the Torah im D crech lrct7 Sch ool o f German O rthodoxy A book to b e studied and contem plated as it rcxvols m uch o f the ancient w isdom o f Israel for the contemporary, skeptical age.' D r. Z . Yaakov

Wise, Centre for Jewish Studies, School of

Arts Histories & Cultures, Unhersity of M andtester

d e Wo r a P U B L I S H I N G

Dr Z Yaakov Wise, MA, PGCE, Ph.D, M lfL, M CIM , M CIPR Freelance H istorian, Lecturer, Jo u rn a list and Broadcaster, Hon. Research Fellow, Centre fo r Jew ish Stu d ies, School o f A rts H istories Ft Cultures, U niversity o f M anchester. A sso cia te Lecturer in Public Relations, D epartm ent o f Com m unication, M edia Ft Journalism , S h e ffie ld Hallam University. Feature w riter: Jew ish Tribune Ft Jew ish Chronicle London Ft Jew ish Telegraph Group, M anchester. R eview er: Jo u rn a l o f Je w ish Culture Ft History. C on su ltan t to BBC Radio and TV and the A nglican Diocese o f M a n ch ester on O rthodox Judaism .

The Dayanim, Chief Executive and Head Office Staff extend their warmest wishes for

A Ksiva Vachasima Tova to all Members of the Federation of Synagogues and their Families

to all Members of the Federation of Synagogues and their Families Ham oor

/ Septem ber 2009

Page 20




Return to der Heim Mark Harris has made several trips to Poland, the homeland o f his ancestors June 1999, as my aircraft landed at Warsaw's Okecie Airport, I'd shed more than a tear or two. This was a first pilgrimage for me to the land of my forebears, who'd possessed the remarkable prescience, and courage, to leave the gritty industrial city of Lodz for an alien England as long ago as the 1870s. I'd reflected that my emotional response related as much to the Nazi Holocaust of millions of European Jews on Polish soil between 1939 and 1945 as it did to the timely salvation of at least some of my relatives, moving me to make a personal statement about Jewish continuity. In more recent times, since Poland joined the European Community, I've been back to the country often, concentrating to date on Warsaw, Lodz, Poznan, Cracow and Lublin. In September 1939, when Germany's jackbooted armies invaded, between three and four million Jews lived in these cities, and in towns and villages across the nation. By the end of Hitler's war, a ghostly remnant of death camp survivors attempted to return to the areas from which they'd been driven. Only to be met with local pogroms, notoriously in Kielce, and an utterly unsympathetic, Soviet-sponsored regime that hardly encouraged the early restoration of Jewish communal life. Today, an estimated 8,000 (largely elderly) Jews live in Poland, mainly residing in Warsaw, Cracow and Lodz, out of a total population of 38 million. In the museum of Lublin castle, which from its hilltop location once commanded the town's Jewish ghetto, I viewed a remarkable painting. "The Reception of Jews in Poland" by Jan Matejko depicts the admission of Jewish refugees by Prince Wtadyslaw Herman in 1096. As I contemplated the large canvas (and, undeniably, on my journeys through this new EC member state) I felt a compelling sense of national affinity, despite the long history of Polish anti-Semitism. This somewhat incongruous sentiment could stem from a belief that my Page 22

roots lie deeper, and my Jewish heritage extends further back, in Poland than in Britain. (Indeed, my birth certificate reveals my Polish surname as "Lezefsky".) Even though the Jewish presence in Poland is now statistically diminutive, there has been a gradual revival of communal life in some of the major cities, especially since the demise of communism (20 years ago last June) inspired primarily by Lech Walesa's Solidarity movement. In April 2008, I was in picturesque though touristy Cracow when the Prince of Wales opened a Jewish Community Centre in Kazimierz, the town's old Jewish Quarter. At the dedication ceremony, the prince, who'd contributed financially to the project through World Jewish Relief, said: "You have borne witness to some of the darkest clouds of human history right up to today, when a new and important chapter is opening". Thadeus Jakubowitz, president of the community since 1997, observed that the new building was "a dream come true". Surprisingly, many enthusiastic Gentiles are responsible for the renewal, preservation and continuation of Poland's Jewish cultural heritage. One example of this is the organisation of the month-long, summer Jewish Festival in Cracow, where several ancient shuls, mostly museums now, are open to visitors. Also, the Jewish Cultural Centre in Kazimierz has a number of non-Jewish staff; its April 2008, 65th anniversary screening of archive film about the ill-fated Warsaw Ghetto Uprising had a 30-strong audience that included just a couple of local Jewish people (and me). Another illustration is the capital's 390-seat Yiddish Theatre, where a vast majority of the repertory company as well as any audience are not Jews. I've enjoyed some excellent productions there, including a musical about the artist Marc Chagall. Unfortunately, on my last visit to Warsaw this year I narrowly missed a new staging of "Fiddler on the Roof. I've davened on Shabbat in several synagogues in Poland. These have ranged from the first city's beautiful 19th century Noyk Synagogue, which singularly survived (as a fodder warehouse and stabling facility) the German wartime occupation and the destruction of the Warsaw H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009


0 f 1



community's Purim inspirational efforts at festivities. The Megillah Esther recitation was actually filmed by Polish National Television for broadcast the following weekend. Luckily, I was able to view an early edit, which included footage of Rabbi Keller in his streiml and long black coat dancing around the little shul with me grasping his arm. Several young families enhance the kehilla, which boasts a Sunday cheder for a dozen children. On Purim night, dressed in colourful costumes, they delighted everyone. / * —. ^

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The Nozyk Synagogue in Warsaw

Ghetto in 1943, to the smallest, oldest, quaintest and most atmospherically active Orthodox shul in the country. This is the famous Remuh Synagogue in Kazimierz. The father of the legendary Rabbi Moses Isserles, who famously authored "The Tablecloth" (a combined religious and legal work relating to Ashkenazi customs), founded the house of worship in 1553. The Isserles family is buried in the centuries old, now painstakingly restored cemetery that arcs around the shul. Possibly the warmest communal welcome I've received was in Lodz, the city of my ancestors and once home to virtuoso pianist Arthur Rubenstein, where I enjoyed an exhilarating Purim this year. In an enclave not far south of what was the town's infamous wartime ghetto of "Litzmannstadt", where you can yet see many decaying (and amazingly still lived-in) tenements interspersed with rows of drab Stalinist housing blocks, stands the busy Jewish Community Centre. One Shabbat, I prayed in its white-walled prayer room alongside 16 men (with a handful of women in the adjoining, partitioned area). With no Levi present, I had the honour of being given the second aliyah. On the b.imah, I met the Polish-born, ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Simcha Keller, who has accomplished so much in revitalising the town's 500-strong community during his 15 years as its spiritual leader. I witnessed some marvellous instances of this charismatic minister's wonderfully warm Ham aor / Septem ber 2009




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Purim night 2009 in the Lodz JCC shul; Rabbi Simcha Keller wears a streiml

After the reading, some 50 congregants attended a splendid sit-down supper in the Centre's professionally run and truly superlative kosher Cafe Tuwim (I loved its tasty jellied carp), named after the city's once eminent Jewish poet, Julian Tuwim. As the vodka and slivovitz was poured (commendably generously) by the Israeli owner, Rabbi Keller entertained us with heartfelt Purim zemirot followed later in the evening by some soulful and poignant old melodies which he played, amazingly expertly, on his tuneful flute. Sitting only a few hundred metres from the boundary of what was the Nazis' most notorious ghetto, and relishing the community's cosy celebration of Purim, I pondered how incredibly the spirit, faith and hope of Judaism were alive again in Lodz. Sadly, but perhaps not unexpectedly, this wasn't quite the situation in other Polish towns. When my eyes first beheld the pathetic, dismal and emasculated hulk, Page 23


-^dcration OF S Y N A G O G U E S


which is all that remains of Poznan's magnificent former Great Synagogue, I couldn't stop the salt droplets from welling in their corners. After the German blitzkrieg into this main city of North Western Poland, the Nazis desecrated the beautiful, copperdomed shul, dedicated in 1907 for 1,200 members, and converted it into a swimming pool and rehabilitation centre for Wehrmacht troops. The city's 2,000 Jews, whose history goes back 900 years, were deported to ghettoes, concentration camps or slave labour sites. A few hundred trekked home after the war, but were thwarted from re-establishing a viable community.

I discovered a similar story playing out in Lublin, a small but lively university-city in South East Poland once steeped in Jewish heritage and Torah learning. Jews had lived here through the vagaries of good times and persecutions for over 600 years. In the late 18th century, the town became a vibrant receptor of Hassidism. A plaque in what had been the old Jewish Quarter recalls the long-vanished Hassidic prayer house where the renowned Rabbi Yaakov Yitshok ha-Levi Horowitz ("The Seer of Lublin") resided. The equally famed Rabbi Shlomo Luria (d. 1537) founded the community's main synagogue, named Maharshal-shul in his honour. Annexed to it was a smaller place of worship called the Maharam-shul in memory of Rabbi Meir ben Gedalia (d. 1616). Below Lublin castle a stone monument marks the site of the two buildings completely destroyed by the Nazis. By 1900, a thriving Jewish community made up 50 percent of Lublin's population, its more successful members (as in other Polish cities) living in mansions beyond the ghetto areas after the granting of residence rights. In 1939 there were 38,000 Jews in the town; almost all of them perished in the gas chambers of Belzec and Majdanek. Miraculously, a few

The surviving hulk o f the former Great Synagogue o f Poznan

Until only a few years ago, the building continued to serve as a municipal swimming pool. In 2002, ownership of the grim-looking and neglected structure was re-transferred to the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations in Poland. Apparently, there has been a heated controversy about future use of the building. This has probably stemmed from the fact that there are barely 60 Jews residing in Poznan, a leafy sophisticated metropolis of art, culture, international trade fairs and 200,000 people. As I understand it, a decision has now been made to develop this last substantive evidence of the city's Jewish inheritance into a "Centre for Tolerance", whatever that may mean. There's an active Jewish prayer room in a redbrick house not far from the degraded stump of the old shul; though I found the tiny community, maybe justifiably, somewhat elusive. Page 24

The building o f the former Yeshiva Hakhmei in Lublin

important Jewish buildings survived, including the orphanage (wartime HQ of the German-controlled Jewish Council), and the hospital (now a gynaecological clinic). But perhaps most notable is the H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009


impressive edifice of Yeshiva Hakhmei Lublin, founded by Rabbi Meir Shapiro in 1930 (a superb echo of the original established by Rabbi Shalom Shakhna). While the SS burned the Torah academy's 22,000 prayer and study books and 10,000 learned journals, the basic structure was unharmed. Only recently was it returned to the Jewish community by the authorities. There's another building in the one-time ghetto area, a prayer house set up by the guild of Jewish undertakers and the sole post-war survivor of some 100 local shuls and shteibls. Sadly, with just a couple of dozen, mostly elderly Jews living in Lublin a regular minyan is impracticable. Unfortunately, there was no Shabbat service during my stay; though special arrangements may be made when large touring groups from the USA or Israel arrive in the city. From the opposite side of the road, I could merely gaze forlornly at the tantalising Star of David in one of the first floor prayer room's four arched windows.

of wealthy manufacturing tycoons and the unpretentious headstones of more humble Jewish folk. But millions of Polish Jews had no burial place, no final tribute and no monument to be visited. I've recited Kaddish in Auschwitz, Majdanek and other Nazi death camps in Poland where Jewish men, women and children were slaughtered on an industrial scale. Invariably I leave behind the watchtowers and barbed wire, wooden barracks and work shops, SS quarters, cells and execution walls, gas chambers and crematoria physically chilled, even on a warm day, my mind a maelstrom of thoughts, emotions and prayers. Perhaps the modest but evolving resumption of Jewish life, spiritual and traditional, in today's new generational Poland represents a hopeful re-start for the community.


HEBREW CLASSES AVAILABLE AT The mausoleum o f Israel Poznanski, Poznan's 19th century textile tycoon

I've wandered through many ancient and "new" Jewish cemeteries across Poland. Long after the Nazi violations (thousands of gravestones were smashed or removed for road, wall and camp construction), several have been renovated and maintained with funding from various Jewish charitable foundations. Hundreds still visit the memorials of great rebbes from decades long past, the huge 19th century marble mausoleums Hamaor / September 2009

Loughton, Chigwell & District Hebrew Classes, Borders Lane, Loughton Co-ordinators: Mrs D Shilton and Mrs S Shine Croydon & District Cheder, The Almonds, 5 Shirley Oaks Road, Croydon Co-ordinators: David and Ophra Gilinsky

Page 25

iiN o n





Stillbirth is still birth help stillbirth parents

Hoping to

by Dan and Lisa Sh affer

Endorsed by Rabbi Shimon l/Veingarten, project made possible by Rabbi and Rebbetzen Garson as a cross community initiative conceived under the auspices of Ohr Yisrael Elstree Federation Synagogue. Please note some readers may find this distressing. It's 13 months since Lenni died and was born at full term just after an uneventful labour and due to an unexpected and random placental infection. No medical intervention would have altered the outcome. Her birthday and funeral took place on the same day.

stillborn baby, one must empathise with the unimaginable pain of a life eagerly and excitedly anticipated and then, just as you are just about to meet you baby for the first time, disaster strikes. A life lost before it has truly begun.

05-06-2008 6:39 am Lenni Veronica Shaffer born this morning sadly never to take her first breath.

It is just too painful to imagine isn’t it?

We are devastated and thank you in advance for your kind thoughts.

05-06-2008 10:10am Funeral 3pm Bushey all welcome at graveside. It was only thirteen hours from the time when Lenni emerged until she was placed underground. From the warm, nurturing womb, to the cold, muddy grave. Thirteen hours is not long. We wish that parents who had been through a stillbirth would have been with us at the hospital within an hour or two to help us navigate through the pressing and difficult, time dependant decisions that we had to make before our baby daughter, Lenni, was buried. This past year has been spent in endeavours markedly contrasted to 'normal' parents of live newborns. We live day to day life, cradling nothing but a palpable emptiness, being fed and nurtured on shattered fragments of mere hopes and dreams. The club that no one wants to join; the leprous affliction of a taboo bereavement. In order to engage with parents who have had a Page 26

If you think it is painful for you, how painful do you think it is for me? I wonder if you will avoid talking to me because you simply do not know what to say... I converse with a friend who has just plucked up the courage to pick up the phone after a year as he has decided that he might not be able to upset me now. He should have picked up the phone and called a long time ago but I guess, he just didn't know what to say! I don't look down on him though. I welcome his contact and explain how talking to him about Lenni affirms that she existed despite the fact that I have no memories of her and I can't tell you anything about her. All I have is a recording of her heartbeat on my phone, some scan pictures and a black and white photo of her after she had died and was subsequently born. Why black and white? In colour, her complexion would be deemed as too unnatural and upsetting for general consumption. Babies should not be tinged with a delicate hue of blue. Her photo is on my mantelpiece beside those of my other two children, all in their places in my family story. H am aor / Sep tem b er 2009

So he says to me, I was really sorry to hear about your terrible tragedy last year, I think well why didn't you call last year? But I say thank you so much for phoning, I lead the conversation as my friend feels awkward. I lead my friend through the specifics and let him know that even though this is a difficult conversation, it is a worthwhile one.

common issue of stillborn. Helpmelenni is a grass roots project intended to support parents of stillborn children from the moment their baby is born dead or dies shortly after birth. The web based element is intended to grow and evolve over time. With your help, we hope that the website will mature into a valuable and irreplaceable resource.

A stillbirth is still a birth, the same hopes and dreams, just a corpse instead of a scream to cradle all too briefly. I realise and articulate that in order for my friend to empathise with my situation and experience, he must put himself in my position and by doing so must go into a very painful place in his heart where babies die. This is just too painful for most people to do and so the leprous affliction that could have been a conversation hangs in the balance for the next person that is picking up the phone and hesitating about whether to dial my number or not.

We have set up a stillbirth taskforce, initially to cover NW London and The Home Counties to help people within hours of their baby dying shortly before, during or after, birth. We can help discuss your choices with you in a neutral and non- judgemental way. We have been in your situation and we know how difficult it can be to

To all those who are having to experience the death of a stillborn baby, my heart goes out to you. Where do you find the strength to carry on? The answer is: From wherever you can.

your baby.

Be ambassadors for lives that need you to express themselves. I remember the feeling of skydiving down a ravine without a parachute knowing that the only comfort will be, that sooner or later, the ground is waiting to come crashing up into me. I remember, today, double taking that I wish I was cradling Lenni, arms going up in reflex action. r

Lenni lives on through our actions and her existence has given us the opportunity to try and help other parents who find themselves in the horrific circumstance of expecting a first cry and instead, receiving a last breath. At present, Jewish communities in the UK have no centralised, organised and unified way of tackling the incredibly challenging but unfortunately all too Ham aor

/ Septem ber 2009

lose your baby. We can advise and help you navigate through the choices surrounding naming, burial, registration of birth and death, shiva, kaddish, watching over your baby's body before the burial. We can help you wash and dress

We can be with you every step of the way, or we can be invisible if you want us to be, but you will probably not know what you want, we didn't. But most of all, we can make suggestions based on our experience of losing our own baby at birth. We can share your experiences as you live through them with understanding and compassion. We can also provide you with suitable contacts for confidential and appropriate religious and emotional support. If you have been affected by this article or wish to be involved in this project, Dan and Lisa Shaffer can be contacted through the web pages at (


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Help us to help you Page 27



Recha and Isaac Sternbuch by Robyn Deutsch developed a vast array of contacts throughout Europe. In 1938, Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria poured over the Swiss border and the Sternbuchs provided food, clothing and lodgings for them.

Recha glared at the Gestapo officer's bloated face, cold eyes, row o f medals on his chest and a rottweiler at his side. 7 am Swiss. These Jew s came on my initiative. I am responsible for them. I would ask you to turn them over to me. I am taking them into Switzerland'. The officer's face reddened with fury at the impudence o f this woman who wanted the release o f a dozen Jews at the Swiss border. He rose, stood threateningly in front o f her and hissed in her face: 'How dare you! I'll send you away with these dirty Jew s! I'll rip up your Swiss passport if you don't disappear from here this minute!' The dog sniffed menacingly at her waiting for an order to attack. Recha stood her ground, her heart quaking, and replied quietly, I'll voluntarily join them if you don't turn them over to me. I am responsible for them'. To her surprise, the Gestapo officer released them, probably knowing he would have no peace if he didn't. This is typical of Recha Sternbuch's tenacity and desire to save as many Jews as possible - thousands in fact. Recha ft Isaac Sternbuch's names should be mentioned in the same breath as Oscar Shindler and Raoul Wallenberg but they sought no praise and refused publicity. They were both born in 1905. Recha was a daughter of the Chief Rabbi of Belgium, Rabbi Mordecai Rottenberg, and Isaac was a son of a Russian Chasidic rabbi who moved to Romania and then Switzerland. They were renowned for their hospitality and the steady stream of distinguished visitors to their door proved invaluable in their future work having Page 28

One would assume that many of the Swiss Jewish families would have done likewise, but sadly this wasn't the case. Recha and Isaac were exceptional and met with considerable opposition from their community. Unfortunately, The Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities, concerned over increased anti­ semitism as a result of this influx, had no compunction in denying assistance to refugees caught at the border. In 1939, Recha was arrested for aiding and harbouring refugees. She was imprisoned for a short time and faced three years of legal proceedings before being acquitted at a trial. Despite this, she continued her rescue operations throughout. HIJEFS ('Hilfsverein fur Judische Fluchtlinge in Shanghai) was founded by the Sternbuchs to aid the yeshiva and Torah scholars who had escaped to Shanghai. The organisation, which was run with the assistance of five skilled and influential individuals, operated between 1941 and 1951 and its sustained effort and accomplishments are beyond compare. HIJEFS expanded its horizons as the need arose and enlisted the aid of the Va'ad Hatzala, the rescue committee of the American Union of Orthodox Rabbis and became its Swiss representative. It was also greatly assisted by the Polish Ambassador in Berne, Alexander Lados and his aide Dr Julius Kuhl who permitted HIJEFS to use Embassy facilities to send hundreds of encrypted cables. The Papal Emissary, Monsignor Philippe Bernadini granted Persona Grata status to Recha to enable safe travel and helped them obtain South American visas. This article gives a small taste of the Sternbuch's achievements. H am aor

/ Sep tem b er 2009


In 1940 the Sternbuch's celebrated their only son's Bar Mitzvah. On that Shabbat, three refugees were captured and were facing deportation to Germany. Even though they were strictly shomer shabbat, the Sternbuchs, placing the highest priority to save a life, immediately went into action and by their efforts obtained the refugees' freedom. By the time their rescue mission was complete they had missed their

Sternbuchs pleaded for funding from the Va'ad Hatzala, who were obliged to route the request via the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, which refused to countenance the deal. Nonetheless, on 7 February 1945, 1,200 Jews were released from Theresienstadt, 2,000 Jews from the Ravensbruck camp, and their efforts resulted directly in a further 100,000 Jews being freed.

son's Bar Mitzvah.

Within a few days of the allied liberation of each country HIJEFS sent aid to survivors and were swamped with letters seeking help to trace relatives. They were the focal point of contact for all activists.

In 1942, they alerted the world to the mass deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto and warned of the destruction of European Jewry. Although not the first to raise the alarm, their cables, sent via the Polish consulate were easily verified. Initially, President Roosevelt did little and the American Jewish leadership remained silent. It took three months of mounting pressure from the Sternbuchs and Jewish communal leaders until the State Department allowed the information to become public, by which time 1 million Jews had been murdered. In the spring of 1944, when the Germans were sending 12,000 Jews a day by train from Elungary to Auschwitz, the Sternbuchs were in the forefront of those who sent pleas to the Allies to bomb the railway lines to Auschwitz. Their cries fell on deaf ears. They were also involved with the "Kastner train". In April 1944, Adolf Eichmann offered to Joel Brand and Dr Rudolph Kastner, leaders of the Hungarian Jewish community, a deal to exchange Jews for trucks. The deal was highly controversial and fraught with problems, but with Isaac Sternbuch's financial backing, a trainload of 1,684 people had safe passage from Bergen-Belsen to Switzerland. 9

In September that year, following the limited success of the "Kastner train", the Sternbuchs approached Dr Jean-Marie Musy, a former President of Switzerland and personal friend of Himmler, to seek the release of Jews from concentration camps. Musy and his son, Benoit, met with Himmler on several occasions and negotiated the release of the Jews for $1 million. The Ham aor

/ Septem ber 2009

In May 1945, shortly after the liberation of France, Recha went on a mission to rescue Jewish children who had been hidden in non-Jewish homes. She set up two children's homes in Aix-Les-Bains near the Swiss border; obtained hundreds of entry visas to France for Jews across Europe and founded two refugee centres near Paris. In July 1945 Recha visited Germany. Instead of staying in hotels to which her UN documents entitled her she insisted on sleeping in refugee barracks and made a huge impression on everyone. She left her belongings with them, arranged for packages to be sent and brought out cases full of letters. Her appearances renewed their faith. She ensured the religious needs of the survivors were met in DP camps - establishing kosher kitchens and synagogues. In 1946, Recha made several trips to Poland where she battled with the authorities to procure exit visas and smuggled children out of the country. In the following years she led many rescue operations across Europe, often putting herself in great danger. She was instrumental in the establishment of children's homes in Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Austria. Recha died in 1971 on her travels and is buried next to Isaac who predeceased her. Information based on book ‘Heroine o f Rescue by Joseph Friedenson Ft David Kranzler Page 29

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Preparation Time: 15 minutes

by Denise Phillips

Pa rev: Will Freeze Cooking Time: 30 minutes Serves: 6 people

i I :



2 tablespoons olive oil

10^ " ,es

7 raw beetroots - peeled and roughly chopped 900g carrots - peeled and sliced 2 onions

2 cloves garlic - peeled and sliced 2 sweet potatoes - peeled and roughly chopped

Wholesome Beetroot and Carrot Soup

2 litres vegetable stock Salt and pepper - to taste

• ; m

Garnish: Sprigs of parsley 6 whole coriander seeds

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Method: 1) Heat the olive oil in a deep saucepan. Fry the onions / •;

and garlic for about 5 minutes until soft. 2) Add the carrots, beetroot, sweet potatoes, and vegetable stock.


3) Bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes or until the vegetables are soft. 4) Pour into a blender and whiz until smooth. Return

Rosh Hashonah celebrations is a time for renewal and repentantce - so why not continue this ideology with renewing one’s eating habits and start the year with a nutritious soup. Carrots and beetroot are also symbolic at this time of year as the omens present us with the thoughts of prosperity and a life of good fortune. This colourful nutritious soup is perfect for family style eating whether it is a Yom Tov or for a change a different soup for Friday night. Soup is easy to serve and can be made in advance which makes the cook's task straightforward. I like to boost the intake of vegetables with a healthy content as much as possible at any opportunity. Page 30

to the saucepan and reheat. Season to taste. 5) Fry the whole coriander seeds in a dry frying pan for 2 minutes until slightly golden. Remove and crush with a rolling pin or pestle and mortar.

To serve the stylish way: Garnished with sprigs of parsley and crushed coriander seeds.

Hamaor / September 2009

(0 f Âť




FAMILY HAMAOR Sicilian Baby Aubergine Salad

Garnish: Large bunch of fresh basil

Method: 1) Preheat the grill to its highest setting. 2) Place the aubergines, cut side up and brush with a

'-4 < rZ


little extra virgin olive oil. 3) Grill for 10 - 15 minutes until slightly blackened turning them over halfway through cooking. 4) To make the marinade, put the remaining oil, lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, sugar, pine nuts, raisins and salt and pepper in a jug and mix. 5) Place the hot aubergines in a dish and pour over the marinade. Leave to cool, turning the aubergine once or twice before serving.

This is just the perfect salad for Shabbat and Yom Tov as it needs to be made in advance for the flavours to infuse and develop. Aubergines are particularly popular

To serve the stylish way: Garnish with sprigs of basil

in Southern Italy and in this recipe the basil, extra virgin olive oil, lemon and garlic marinates the vegetable so that they are succulent and tender.

Apple Pomegranate Cake

This is quick to prepare and can be served with meat, fish or a dairy meal. It is a tasty salad for a buffet table


and does not spoil with time. You can use regular sized aubergines if you cannot find the baby variety ~ just slice thickly. Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Serves: 4-6 as a side salad

Ingredients: 12 baby aubergines - halved lengthways



200ml extra virgin olive oil Juice of 1 lemon 3 cloves garlic - peeled and finely chopped 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Every Rosh Hashonah we repent for our sins and wish

25g pine nuts

for a happy and healthy New Year. Pomegranates have

2 tablespoons raisins 2 tablespoons granulated sugar

a symbolic connection as they are supposed to have 613 seeds which correspond to the number of mitzvot,

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

and they are also a cleansing healthy fruit.

Hamaor / September 2009

** J

Page 31



FAMILY HAMAOR Pomegranates have beneficial effects on heart disease,

4) Add to the mixture, mixing thoroughly.

haemorrhoids, fertility and blood pressure. A single

Fold in the apples and pomegranate seeds so that the mixture is a soft dropping consistency.

pomegranate provides 40 per cent of an adult's recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, and is a rich source of folic acid and vitamins A and E. One pomegranate also contains three times the antioxidant properties of red wine or green tea.

5) Pour into the prepared cake tin. 6) Bake for 50 minutes until well risen and firm to the touch. Turn out on to a wire rack to cool.

This cake is perfect for Yom Tov dessert served with ice cream, cream or custard or use at tea time when extra family / friends guests descend!

To serve the stylish way: Dust with icing sugar and ground cinnamon

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Cooking Time: 50 minutes Serves: 8 people

Ingredients: 450g eating apples, peeled, cored and chopped 1 pomegranate - remove outer skin 1 tablespoon vegetable oil - to grease tin 225g Self -raising flour 150g dark soft brown sugar 110g Unsalted butter or margarine 2 eggs, beaten 100ml soya milk / single soya cream (Alpro)/ milk 2 tablespoons clear honey, warmed slightly 1 teaspoon ground mixed spice

Get more pleasure from your cooking by coming on a Denise Phillips Cookery Class. And if you book one place you can get another at half price - that’s £30 off. Yom Tov Favourites Wed 9th or Thurs 24th September

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder

Credit Crunch dinner Parties Sun 1st, Wed 4th or Thurs 5th Nov

Garnish: Icing sugar and ground cinnamon


Puddings and Pies Sun 22nd, Wed 25th or Thurs 26th Nov

Shabbat Lunch - Sun 26th Nov or Thurs 10th Dec

1) Pre-heat oven to 180°C: 350°F: Gas 4.

Friday Night Dinner - Sun 6th Dec or Wed 9th Dec

Line and lightly oil a deep 18 cm (7 inch) round cake tin with non- stick baking parchment paper.

01923 836 456 or

2) Cream together the butter, sugar, until light and f Iuffy. 3) Add the eggs, a little at a time, beating constantly. Stir in the flour, cinnamon, spice, milk /soya milk / cream, baking powder and honey. Page 32

See for more details

Pleasurefor less Hamaor / September 2009



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PESACH 5769 ! APRIL 2009

essential Federation Magazine

our cooking by Cookery Class. ;e you can get



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community news


personal announcements

interesting stories

5th Nov

26 th Nov


10th Dec ;0okery-com


0208 202 2263 (ask for Monica)




Mazal Tov wishes are extended following people: BIRTHS Mozol Tov to the following on the birth o f a child: Dayan and Mrs Lichtenstein on the birth o f their Grandsons

Gaby and Miriam Goldstein on the birth o f a Grandson George and Ruth Blachm an on the birth o f a Great Grandson in Lakewood George and Ruth Blachm an on the birth of a Great Granddaughter

Dayan and Mrs Elzas on the birth o f a Granddaughter

Michael and Rachel Friedmann on the birth of a Granddaughter

Rebbetzin Zelda Berkovits on the birth o f a Grandson

Rabbi and Mrs Zeiden on the birth o f a Grandson

Rabbi and Mrs Doron on the birth of a Grandson

Rachel and Reuven Megnaghi on the birth o f a Daughter

Rabbi and Mrs Zaiden on the birth o f a Grandson

Ohr Yisrael Finchley Central

Rabbi and Mrs Garson on the birth o f a Nephew

Mr and Mrs J Edel on the birth o f their Son

Danny and Erika Conciero on the birth o f a Son

Mr and Mrs H Dony on the birth o f their Granddaughter

Cyril and Margaret Blake on the birth o f Twin Grandsons

Mr and Mrs H Greenberg on the birth o f their Grandson

Richard and Louise Shama on the birth o f a Daughter

Mr and Mrs J Silberman on the birth o f their Granddaughter in Israel

Eric and Brenda Brett on the birth o f twin Grandchildren in Israel

Mr and Mrs C Solomons on the birth of their Grandson

Eric and Glenda Deacon on the birth o f a Granddaughter

Mrs I Pollard on the birth of her third Great Grandson in Israel

Geoffrey and Jo Kay on the birth o f a Granddaughter Ed and Eva Perchick on the birth o f a Son

Mrs L Sacks on the birth o f a Great Grandson Nitzan and Joanne Yaniv on the birth o f a Daughter

Ilford Frances Bookatz on the birth of a Grandson Elaine and Alan Rubenstein on the birth of two Grandsons

Shomrei Hadath Andy and Aviva Kaufm an and Alfred and Louise Goldschmidt on the birth o f a Daughter and Granddaughter respectively

Ruth Best on the birth o f a Granddaughter Natalie and Freddie Jacobs on the birth of a Great Grandson Marion and David Levy on the birth o f a Grandson Sandra and Leslie W ajehendler on the birth o f a Grandson

Moshe and Ruth W inegarten on the birth of twins, a Granddaughter and Grandson for Shlomo and Susan Winegarten Aryeh and Ju d y Schleider and Shlomo and Susan Winegarten on the birth of a Daughter and Granddaughter respectively


Arieh and Alyssa Gilbert on the birth o f a Son

Leonard and Rosalind Conw ay on the birth of a Granddaughter

Daniel and Felicia Lightm an-Epstein and Sir Gavin and Lady Lightman on the birth of a Son and Grandson respectively

Michael and Loretta Goldstone on the birth o f a Grandson

Sinai Machzikei Hadath Rabbi and Mrs Pearlman on the birth o f a Grandson and a Granddaughter

Rabbi and Mrs B Knopfler on the birth of their Granddaughter

Mr and Mrs Eliezer Pearlman on the birth o f a Son in Israel

Mr and Mrs Moishe Knopfler on the birth of their Granddaughter

Mrs Pearlman Snr on the birth o f a Great Grandson

Mr and Mrs Gerald Halibard on the birth o f a Grandson

Page 34

Hamaor / September 2009

PERSONAL Dr and Mrs Yossi Spitzer on the birth of their Grandson


Mr and Mrs David Grant on the birth of their Granddaughter

Ray and Rochelle Antian on the birth of a Granddaughter

Mr and Mrs Yitzehok Kruskal on the birth of their

Ahron and Marlene Hadjizade on the birth of a Great Granddaughter

Granddaughters Dr and Mrs Yossi Adler on the birth of a Granddaughter Rabbi and Mrs Dovid Silkin on the birth of their Grandson Rabbi and Mrs Zvi Marmorstein on the birth o f their Grandson Mr and Mrs Y Y Adler on the birth of their Son Mr and Mrs Y D Fagil on the birth of their Great Grandson

Lawrence and Ruth Simberg on the birth of a Great Granddaughter Julian and Rina Greenaway on the birth of a Grandson Stuart and Carol Niman on the birth of a Granddaughter Robert and Jennifer Zeffm an on the birth of a Grandson Howard and Dalia Panas on the birth of a Son Victor and Kathy Panas on the birth of a Grandson

Mr and Mrs John Simmonds on the birth of a Granddaughter Mr and Mrs Lezer Bloch on the birth of a Granddaughter Mr and Mrs Shimshon Bloch on the birth of a Grandson

Steven and Estelle Brown on the birth of a Granddaughter David and Louise Frost on the birth of a Grandchild Laurence and Ruth Taylor on the birth of a Grandchild

Rabbi and Mrs C Hoffman on the birth of a Grandson

Hilary and Jonathan Raymond on the birth of a Grandson in

Mr and Mrs Yaakov Greenberg on the birth of their Daughter


Mr and Mrs Marc Nerden on the birth of their Son

Hilary and Laurence Corney on the birth of a Granddaughter

Mr S Dzialowski on the birth of their Great Grandsons

Carole and Stuart Niman on the Birth of a Grandson

Mr and Mrs Benny Dzialowski on the birth of a Grandson

Stacey and Richard Taylor on the birth of a Grandson

Mr and Mrs Yossi Englard, on the birth of a Granddaughter Mr. S. Dzialowski on the birth of a Great Granddaughter


Rabbi and Mrs C Z Cohen on the birth of a Granddaughter Mr and Mrs Avi Levison on the birth of their Daughter

Mazal Tov to the following: Rabbi and Mrs B Knopfler on their daughter Esther's

Mr and Mrs Richard Kaufman of the birth of a Great Granddaughter


Mr and Mrs Dovid Ryness on the birth of their Great Grandsons

Finchley Central

Mr and Mrs Doni Kaufman on the birth of a Granddaughter


Rabbi and Rebbetzin Telsner on their son Chaim's

Mr and Mrs Dovid Ryness on the birth of a Grandson Mrs Devorah Steinberg on the birth of a Great Grandson r and Mrs Boruch Silverman on the birth of their Daughter Mr and Mrs Boruch Silverman on the birth of their Grandson

Machzikei Hadath Brian and Channa Resnick on their daughter Yirat's engagement to Roni Weiss Efim and Marina Rabinoviteh on their daughter Natalia's

Mr and Mrs S Z Hoff on the birth of a Granddaughter

engagement to Shawn Cooper

Mr and Mrs Moshe Grun on the birth of their Grandson Mr and Mrs Sidney Bradpiece on the birth of their Grandson


Mr'and Mrs Richard Steinhart on the birth of their Granddaughters

Rabbi and Mrs B Knopfler on the engagement of their daughter Esther to Mr Avrohom Hoffman

Rabbi and Mrs Efriam Klyne on the birth of their Grandson

Mr and Mrs Alan Lewis on the engagement of their daughter

Mr and Mrs Allen Cohen on the birth of their Granddaughter Mrs Devorah Roth on the birth of her Grandson Rabbi and Mrs D Kirsch on the birth of their Granddaughter Mr and Mrs Julian Cohen on the birth of a Grandughter

Ham aor

/ Septem ber 2009

Katya to Mr Akiva Gardner Mr and Mrs Y D Fagil on the engagement of their grandson Eli Apter to Michal Abudraham Mr and Mrs Lezer Bloch on the engagement of their daughter Shifra to Mr Naftoli Wolinsky

■feeRATiors OF S Y N A G O G U E S

PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Boruch Silverman on the engagement of their son Aaron to Miss Esti Gould

Yeshurun Peter and Linda Hamilton on liana’s engagement to Dean Harris Richard and Sheryl Sandground on the engagement of their daughter Rishelle to Alain Cohen

Shomrei Hadath Rachel Harris on the marriage of her daughter

Sinai Rabbi and Mrs B Knopfler on the marriage of their daughter Gitty to Mr Naftoli Hamburger To Rabbi and Mrs Knopfler on the marriage of their daughter Miri Mr and Mrs Dean Kaye on the marriage of their son Joseph to Miss Shoshana Bak

WEDDINGS Mozol Tov to the following: Dayan and Mrs Lichtenstein on their daughter Hadassa's marriage to Moshe Rubenstein of Manchester Dayan and Mrs Elzas on their son Eli’s marriage to Ruchama Gelley Rabbi and Mrs Godlewsky on their son Yeehiel Yehuda's marriage to Leah Hersh

Mr and Mrs Danny Rotenberg on the marriage of their daughter Michal to Mr Avi Moher Mr and Mrs Binyomin Bokor on the marriage of their daughter Chaviva to Mr Jonathan Milner Rabbi and Mrs C Hoffman on the marriage of their son Elchonon to Miss Chava Leah Litke Mrs R Rotenberg on the marriage of her granddaughter Rochel Soroh Rotenberg to Mr Akiva Moshe Dominitz

Rabbi and Mrs B Knopfler on their daughter Gittel’s marriage

Mr S Dzialowski on the marriage of his granddaughter Miss Dinah Zucker to Mr Simcha Fried

Finchley Central

Mr and Mrs Yehoshua Steinhaus on the marriage their daughter Elisheva to Mr Doniel Sharman

Mr M Davis on his marriage to Mrs N Moser Mr Sam Rosengard on his marriage to Amy Mr and Mrs P Westbrook on their son Rabbi Daniel Westbrook's marriage to Dalia Wieder

Ilford Brian and Linda Shane on their son’s marriage Ashley and Hilary Kissin on the marriage of their son Elliot to Suzanne Bright Melvyn and Adele Elliott on the marriage of their daughter Gemma to Benjamin

Maehzikei Fladath David and Flora Wieder on their daughter Dalia’s marriage to Daniel Westbrook Lawrence and Cynthia Kleerekoper on the marriage of their son Anthony to Miss Naomi Rosenhead of Manchester Mrs Sylvia Fishman on the marriage of her grandson Anthony Kleerekoper to Miss Naomi Rosenhead

Ohr Yisrael Martyn and Debbie Slyper on their daughter Gemma's marriage to Jez Roskin Page 36

Mr and Mrs S Z Hoff on the marriage of their son Avrohom to Miss Esther Shenk Mr and Mrs Ralph Klajn on the marriage of their daughter Nechama to Mr Elimelech Goldberg Mr and Mrs Chaim Lubin on the marriage of their son David to Miss Miriam Chabsa Mr and Mrs Nososn Iwanier on the marriage of their daughter to Mr. Avi Leiner

Waltham Forest Rev Myers on his daughter Shulamit’s marriage

Yeshurun Rabbi and Mrs Alan Lewis on the marriage of their daughter Batsheva to Mr Shimon Brodie Rabbi and Mrs Aian Lewis on the marriage of their daughter Shalva to Mr Joshua Zneimer Alex and Anne Fleischman on their daughter Gabriella’s marriage to Robin Landy David and Margery Cohen on their daughter Gail’s marriage to Yochanan Carroll Susan and Stuart Lustigman on the marriage of their son Jamie to Madeleine Collier

Hamaor / September 2009


le of their son Joseph

Mr and Mrs S Barnard on their son's Barmitzvah

Mr and Mrs Laurence Ross on their 30th Wedding Anniversary

Mr and Mrs B Bernstein on their grandson's Barmitzvah in Israel Mr and Mrs A Fisher son's Barmitzvah

Finchley Central

Drs E and N Lever on their third son's Barmitzvah

Mr and Mrs E Amron on their 55th Wedding Anniversary

Mrs S Langdon on her grandson's Barmitzvah

Mr and Mrs H Greenberg on their 25th Wedding Anniversary

Ilford Maxim and Barbara Segal on their 35th Wedding Anniversary Norma and Melvyn Weinberg on their 48th Wedding Anniversary Rita and Leon Newmark on their 45th Wedding Anniversary

iage of their son ergranddaughter

Mr and Mrs N Balkany on their son's Barmitzvah

Mazal Tov to the following:

carriage of their arriage of their ler

Finchley Central

Ilford Ronnie and Felicia Lawrence and Mark and Gill Saunders on their grandson and son David's Barmitzvah Frances Oldstein on her grandson's Barmitzvah Howard and Claire Oldstein on their son Scott's Barmitzvah

Loughton Simon and Andy Vellerman on their son Jamie's Barmitzvah

tohe Dominitz i granddaughter Miss

Ohr Yisrael

Aaron Bermange's Barmitzvah

e marriage their

Gideon and Joanne Krotosky on their 1st Wedding Anniversary

Adam and Kane Orgel's Barmitzvah


Adam and Joelle Shenker on their 10th wedding anniversary

jf their son Avrohom

Shomrei Hadath of their daughter ie ge of their son David



Mr and Mrs Danny Rotenberg on the Barmitzvah of their sons Shammai and Yoel

John and Diane Sheer on their 25th Wedding Anniversary Naomi and Julian Green on their China Wedding Susie and Joe Holder on their China Wedding marriage

Miriam and Leonard Spectman on their Coral Wedding Richelle and Ray Antian on their Pearl Wedding


BAR MITZVAH Mazal Tov to the following:

Mr and Mrs Dean Kaye on the Barmitzvah of their son Osher

Rabbi and Mrs Gavin Broder on the Barmitzvah of their son Yechezkel Mr and Mrs David Wilner on the Barmitzvah of their son Shloime Rabbi and Mrs Howard Hirsch on the Barmitzvah of their son Yehudah Ze'ev Mr and Mrs Ralph Klajn on the Barmitzvah of their son Sruli Rabbi and Mrs Efraim Klyne on the Barmitzvah of their son Yehudah Ze'ev


Mrs Zelda Berkovits on her son Noson Menaehem's Barmitzvah

Mazal Tov to the following:



Doreen and Barry Bond on their grandson's Barmitzvah in Israel

The 19 ladies on their Communal Bat Chayil

lil'S 0 ^

Hamaor / September 2009 i contei

Albert, Naomi and Talya Samuelson on the occasion of Joseph's Bar Mitzvah

Alfred and Louise Goldschmidt on their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Ian and Cheryl Colletts on their 20th Wedding Anniversary

rriage of their

Ohr Yisrael

Shirley Appleby Page 37

lIN D il


PERSONAL Estelle Bashton

Ephraim Chapper on his 3rd birthday and Upsher

Frances Bookatz Linda Conroy


Marion Grant

Lennie Lieberman on his 70th Birthday

Deborah Hiller Felicia Lawrence Maxine Leckerman Beatrice Lesser Estelle Luton Debra Montlake Fay Montlake Helen Myers

Ohr Yisrael Len Cohen on his 65th birthday Stephen Gilmore on his 70th birthday

Yeshurun Amanda Nesbitt on her Special Birthday Mrs Helen Olivestone, wife of one of Yeshurun's founders Bernard Olivestone o"h, on her 101st birthday

Rita Newmark Gloria Rones Gill Saunders Raya Simons


Sandra Wajchendler


Tovto the following:

Jessica Wesil

Mazeltov to the Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks on his appointment to the House of Lords

Loughton Emma Pearlman's Batmitzvah

Yeshurun Laurence and Amanda Nesbitt on their daughter Jessica's Batmitzvah Rabbi and Mrs Lewis on their daughter Hadassah's Batmitzvah

Croydon Reverend Mark Daniels on receiving Semicha

Finchley Central Mrs L Sacks eldest son, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks being made a Peer of the Realm

Ayelet Besso-Cowan on her Batmitzvah

Ohr Yisrael

Frankie and Tony Branston on the Bat Mitzvah of their Granddaughter Abigail

Alt Shultz on his second Barmitzvah

Hayley and Michael Simon on Yaeli's Bat Mitzvah Nigel and Liz Walfisz on Sara's Bat Mitzvah

SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS Mozol Tov to the following Finchley Central

Ohr Yisrael wishes Mark, Sarah and Talia Pitch success on their recent "Aliyah" Congratulations to Eden Biton on being granted 1st place with the special "Achievement Award" in Yavne College, Borehamwood. Congratulations to his sister Arielle who came close second

Yeshurun Jeremy Van den Bergh on gaining a first class degree BEng (Hons) from Birmingham City University

Mrs L Sacks on her 90th birthday

Daniel Gordon, son of Jeff and Yaffit who has qualified as a medical doctor from UCL


Tova Hersch who has gained a 2:1 BA Honours Degree in Counseling

Hannah and Lauren Simon on their 21st Birthday Valerie Gilmore on her Special Birthday Page 38

Tanya Abizadeh who has gained a first in Sociology from Birmingham University Homaor / September 2009

NEW MEMBERS We would like to welcome the following new members:

Len and Michael Summers and their family on the loss of a wife and mother, Rose Summers To the family of the late Lily Barry To the family of the late Betty Burke To the family of the late Milly Rabin

Finchley Central

To the family of the late Beatrice Wilbey

Naomi and Elliot Conway

To the family of the late Martin Sacks

Georgina and Harley Glass

To the family of the late Helen Goodman

Karen and Rafi Moss

Mrs J Reback on the loss of her sister

Ian Needleman

Mrs A Shine and family on the loss of her brother

Louise and Graham Silas

The family of the late Jack Gayer Mark and Darren Muster on the loss of their mother Norma

CONDOLENCES We offer condolences to: Dayan and Mrs Ehrentreu on the loss of their son Tom Zelmanovits on the loss of his Mother Mr Melvyn Goldberg and Mrs Rochelle Chevern on the passing of their mother Debby Goldberg, wife of the late Stanley Goldberg o"h, former Elder of the Federation

Loughton The Family of the late Solomon Strauss

Maehzikei Fladath Dr Clive Coleman on the loss of his mother The family of the late Mrs Marion Wieder The family of the late Mr Alec Cohen

Family Weinberg on the petirah of Rabbi Noah Weinberg, founder of Aish HaTorah

The family of the late Mrs Lucy Wosner


Ohr Yisrael

The Family of the late Paul Rose

The family of the late Mr David Lawrence

Jonathan Beninson on the loss of his father

We wish a long life to Dan and Lisa Shaffer over the tragic loss of their daughter Lenni Veronica Shaffer (Eliana Ronit bat Meir Daniel), born 5th of June 2008 (2nd Sivan 5768) sadly to never take her first breath. May Hashem grant them the strength to get through this difficult time and may they know no more sorrow

Finchley Central

Shomrei Hadath

The Family of the late Basil Goldman

Herve Javice on the loss of his Father

East London Central The Family of the late Rebecca Krestin Mrs Brill on the loss of her Husband

The Family of the late Thelma Sable The Family of the past member Mrs Lucy Wosner in Israel

Yeshurun Warren Singer on the loss of his Mother

Fieldgate Street

Rachel Turetsky on the loss of her Brother

Mrs Beryl Gayer on the loss of her husband Jack Gayer

The Family of the late Sandra Dorothea Russell Dov Reichmann on the loss of his Sister


The Family of the late Carole Goldblatt

Rita Newmark on the loss of her sister

Stuart Lustigman on the loss of his Mother

The family of Lily Magen

The Family of the late Thelma Sable

The family of Joseph Blumenthal

The Family of the late Sadie Hinden

Homaor / September 2009

Page 39



-(iDeRATiors OF S Y N A G O G U E S

PERSONAL Keith Malkinson on the loss of his Father To the family of the late Irene Saunders To the family of the late Bryna Riehman, on her passing away at the age of 99 The Family of the late Nicola Rone The Family of the late Arthur Vertes Nina Duswiek and family on the loss of her mother-in-law, Eva Slaekman Karen Kropp and family on the loss of her mother, Blanche Flelman Andy Flarwood and family on the loss of his Father The Family of the late Don Finkel Keith Malkinson and family on the loss of his Father

Please send in all your personal announcements to: Miss Monica Kohn, Hamaor, 65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ or email:

David Nagioff on the loss of his Father

Peter Flamilton and family on the loss of his Father

We are delighted to print this edition of Hamaor Magazine F O R A L L Y O U R P R IN T IN G R E Q U IR E M E N T S : FR O M S IN G L E C O LO U R T O F U L L C O LO U R A 3 / A 4 C O L O U R A N D B L A C K & W H IT E C O P Y IN G Letterh ead s Compliment S lip s B rochures • Exhibition S ta n d s • Larg e Fo rm a t P o s te rs Invitations

F ly e rs • En velo p es

Lam inating A 4 P o s te rs

A H A PPY N 6W Y E A R FRO M A LL AT GXCO iONTACT S T E W A R T SINCLAII PHONE: O E O 8 9 5 8 7 0 0 0 MOBILE: 0 7 9 7 6 7 0 7 916 E-MAIL:

Page 40


Hamaor / September 2009





FEDERATION OF SYNAGOGUES KASHRUS BOARD Chairman: Mr A. Finlay Director of Kashrus: Dayan M. D. Elzas looncemenfs to:

The following establishments are licensed by the Federation Kashrus Board and are under the Supervision of the Beth Din of the Federation of Synagogues:

tfordWontondon CA T E R E R S :

MET SU YAN RESTAURANT 134 Golders Green Road, London NW11

020 8458 8088

MET SU YAN RESTAURANT 1&2 The Promenade, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware HA8 7JZ

020 8958 6840

NOVELLINO 103 Golders Green Road NW11

020 8458 7273

ORLI CAFE 96 Brent Street, NW4

020 8203 7555

ORLI CAFE 295 Hale Lane, Edgware

020 8958 1555

020 8349 2676

ORLI CAFE 108 Regents Park Road, N3

020 8371 9222

020 8954 6020

ORLI CAFE 56 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts

020 8207 6203

020 8202 6845

PITA RESTAURANT 98 Golders Green Road, NW11 8HB

020 8381 4080

020 8958 6910


020 7345 5554

020 8950 0400

PIZAZA 53 Brent Street, NW4 2EA

020 8202 9911


SAMPS 157 Brent Street, London NW4

020 8203 8088

AVIV RESTAURANT 87 High Street, Edgware

020 8952 2484

SLICE 8 Princes Parade, Golders Green Road, NW11

020 8458 9483

020 8203 4567

THE BURGER BAR 110 Regents Park Road, N3 3JG

020 8371 1555

020 8202 5575

THE KANTEEN 25 High Road, Bushey, Herts WD23 1EE

020 8950 0747

020 8958 7062

THE KANTEEN CAFE Brent Cross Shopping Centre, NW4

020 8203 7377

020 8203 6031


020 8951 0100

CREME de la CREME 5 Temple Fortune Parade, London NW11 PARK LANE HOTEL Piccadilly, London W1Y8BX

020 8458 9090 Fax: 020 8458 3339 020 7499 6321 Fax: 020 7290 7566 Mobile: 079 4115 3575


020 8458 7708


HENDON BAGEL BAKERY 57 Church Road, London NW4 LA BOUCHERIE EXPRESS LTD 78 The Broadway, Stanmore, Middx MR BAKER 119-121 Brent Street, London NW4 2DX PELTER STORES 82 Edgware Way, Edgware, Middx THE KANTEEN BAKERY 23 High Road, Bushey, Herts WD23 1EE

iating posters her5

BEIT HAMADRAS 105 Brent Street NW4 2DX


’86* RESTAURANT 86 Brent Street, Hendon NW4


K GRILL 60 Edgware Way, Edgware, Middx HA8 8JS


KYOTO SUSHI BAR 51 Brent Street, London NW4 2EA


Hamaor / September 2009



Page 41


65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ Tel: 020 8202 2263 Fax: 020 8203 0610 Email: info@federationofsynagogues.con www.federationofsynagogues.eom

Federation of Synagogues Honorary Officers

Burial Society

President: Mr Alan Finlay

Administrator: Mr Dovid Zelmanovits

Vice-Presidents: Mr Henry Dony Ft

Sexton: Mr Noson Kahler

Mr Benjamin Mire

Tel: 020 8202 3903 Fax: 020 8203 0610

Treasurers (Federation):

Out o f hours answerphone: 020 8202 3903


Mr Leon Newmark Ft Mr Paul Westbrook Treasurers (Burial Society):


Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen Ft

Montague Road, Edmonton N18 2NF

Mr Michael Ezra

Tel: 020 8807 2268

Beth Din

Upminster Road North, Rainham, Essex RM13 9SB

Rosh Beth Din: Dayan Y Y Lichtenstein Dayan M D Elzas Registrar: Rabbi Z Unsdorfer Enquires to the Registrar Tel: 020 8202 2263

Tel: 01708 552825 During the winter months both cemeteries are open daily, except Shabbos and Yom Toy from 9am until dusk. During British Summer Time gates are open until 5pm and during the month of

Chief Executive Dr Eli Kien wald

Ellul until 6pm.


■KD€RAT10N 65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ Tel: 020 8202 3903 Fax: 020 8203 0610 Email:

Burial Society RAINHAM & EDMONTON CEMETERIES CLOSING TIMES FOR ELUL 5769 & TISHRI 5770 The cemeteries will remain open each day from Sunday 23rd August to Friday 18th September 2009 until 6.00pm, Fridays until 3.30pm THE CEMETERIES ARE CLOSED BOTH DAYS ROSH HASHONOH 19th & 20th September From Monday 21st until Thursday 24th September until 5.30pm On Friday 25th September until 3.30pm On Sunday 27th September Erev Yom Kippur at 3.00pm THE CEMETERIES ARE CLOSED ON YOM KIPPUR - Monday 28th September From Tuesday 29th September to Thursday 1st October until 5.00pm On Friday 2nd October Erev Succos until 3.00pm THE CEMETERIES ARE CLOSED ON THE FIRST DAYS OF SUCCOS 3rd & 4th October Choi Hamoed Succos the gates will remain open until 3.00pm THE CEMETERIES ARE CLOSED ON SHMINI ATZERES & SIMCHAS TORAH - 10th & 11th OCTOBER

Rainham 01708 552 825

Edmonton 020 8807 2268


Constituent Synagogues

Affiliated Synagogues



(Sha'are Shomayim). (Incorporating Yavneh Synagogue) (in association with Springfield Synagogue) 202 Upper Clapton Road, London E5 9DH. Secretary: W. Jacobs. Tel: 020 8989 5211.

379 Hendon Way, NW4 3LP. Tel: 020 8457 4444. Rav: Rabbi J. Roodyn.



351/355 Commercial Road, London E1 2PS. Contact: Mr David Behr. Tel: 020 7790 2874. Website;

The Almonds, 5 Shiriey Oaks Road, Croydon, Surrey CRO 8YX. Tel: 020 8662 0011. Minister: Rev. David Gilinsky. All correspondence to The Secretaries: Mrs V Harris. Tel: 01883 348939. Mrs B Harris. Tel: 020 8726 0179.

41 Fieldgate Street, E1 1JU . Tel: 020 7247 2644. Secretaries: Mrs F. Treep & Mrs F. Singer.



30/40 Nelson Street, E1 2DE. Tel: 020 7790 9809, Secretary: Mr J. Beninson. Tel: 020 8529 8146. Rav: Rabbi Y. Austin

(Sassover), 4 Helenslea Avenue, NW11.


Contact: Mr S. Halpern. Tel: 020 8455 1814 Rav: Rabbi S, Freshwater'

FINCHLEY CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE. 2 Redboume Avenue, N3 2BS. Tel: 020 8346 1892. Rav: Rabbi Y. Hamer. Tel: 020 8346 1787

LEYTONSTONE & WANSTEAD SYNAGOGUE. 2 Fillebrook Road, E11. Secretary: Cllr. L. Braham Tel: 020 8539 0088.


65 Watford Way, Hendon NW4 3AQ. Tel: 020 8202 2263. Rav: Dayan Y.Y. Lichtenstein. Contact: Perry Burns. Tel: 020 8203 7757.

Borders Lane, Loughton, Essex, IG10 1TE. Tel: 020 8508 0303. Min: Rabbi. Y. Aronovitz. Secretary: Mrs M. Lewis.



14/16 Coventry Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4QR. Tel: 020 8554 5289. Rav: Rabbi A. Chapper. Administrator: Mrs L. Klein Website:

202 Upper Clapton Road, E5 9DH. Contact Tel: 020 8806 3167 Rav. Dayan I. Gukovitski. Chairman: L. Blackman.


MACHZIKEI HADATH SYNAGOGUE. 1-4 Highfield Road, NW11 9LU. Rav: Rabbi C. Pearlman. Hon. Secretary: R. Shaw. Tel: 020 8958 0499.

50 Clapton Common, E5 9AL. Rav: Dayan D. Grynhaus. Secretary: M. Chontow. Tel: 020 8800 7369.


NETZACH ISRAEL COMMUNITY CENTRE. 281 Golders Green Road, NW11 9JJ Rav: Rabbi Doran Ahiel. Tel: 020 8455 4312

(Queens Road) 140 Boundary Road, E17 Tel: 020 8509 0775. Minister: Rev. S . Myers. Secretary: Mrs B. Rose.


OHR YISRAEL SYNAGOGUE. 31/33 Theobald Street, Borehamwood, Herts WD6 4RN Rav: Rabbi R. Garson. Tel: 020 8953 8385 Website: Email:

SHOMREI HADATH SYNAGOGUE. 64 Burrard Road, Hampstead, London NW6 1DD. Rav: Rabbi Mordechai Fachler. Secretary: Mrs P. Schotten. Tel: 020 7435 6906.

(Beth Hasepher & Soho), 32 Great Cumberland Place, W1H 7TN. Tel: 020 7724 8121. Fax: 020 7723 4413 Minister: Rev. Ari Cohen. Secretary: Mrs R. Koten.



54 Woodstock Avenue, NW11 9RJ. Tel: 020 8455 6876. Rav: Rabbi B. Knopfler. Secretary: Mr E. Cohen.

Secretary: Mr H. Lamb. Tel: 020 8952 4354.



Fernhurst Gardens, Stonegrove, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 7PH. Emeritus Rav: Dayan G. Lopian. Rav: Rabbi A. Lewis Secretary: Mrs E. Stellman. Tel: 020 8952 5167. Website: www.veshurun.orn

Secretary: Mrs R. Pressman. Tel: 020 8550 4596.

TOTTENHAM HEBREW CONGREGATION. Secretary: Dr S. S. Cohen. Tel: 020 8482 3428.



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