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Columbus Circle, Manhattan campus ​are you guys doing today are Joseph Smith and coming to you what one of the most controversial topics there is in the Bible and today amongst Bible believers it's dealing with Jesus who was Jesus this was even a discussion in his time and accommodated pretty much and all came together at the nariscene cream where men were trying to figure out who Jesus was at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD they were asking a question of who was Jesus to this day it's a very sticky issue some say Jesus was God some say he was the son of God but who was Jesus that would be the question we're asking today and looking for answers of that question in the Bible we're not going off of what we think our opinions because there's been many opinions start from the pulpit but it has no scriptural bearing it is you can't prove it in the Bible so that's where you're looking today we're going to look go back until has all the way back to Genesis where he was first mention of the Messiah coming was foretold at the fall of men and we find that in Genesis 3 15 or 14 through 15 and this is after Adam heed had Aten of the fruit of the tree of the garden a lot of people say was an apple or whatever but the reality is were the knowledge of good and evil was tampered with a mess with in the aid of the fruit and God had commanded the man not to eat up that fruit in that day said he would surely die that put man on the crash course with death and death has been prominent our family ever since we are experiencing it every day and so what they did at the tree is bigger than just eating a food or taking the food because there was covenants involved yeah because she was coming she was sitting there looking at the treat first that's where you get the gazing woman flushes look at that victory Satan saying that he seems he had an injury so he checked her knowledge to see what she know just ask today as these false preachers and all these false prophet are out there in the world okay so he talked her and him was she didn't staple almost all taken and set their treaty disobeyed a peridot the worst they worship satan worship another god they Satan lied there was murder at the tree because he calls him to fall into death it calls just upon the human family oh they stole because it was there they took it covenants you know we can go on and on you look at the ticket manage to think about what happened at their treats bigger than just eating number free but we're dealing with the subject of Jesus who was Jesus so in the scripture in the scriptures here we go says the Lord said God said unto the serpent because I have done this you know because yet con EV GCV EDC need and he had even to eat up that truth of the knowledge of good and evil after God had commanded Adam that he should not do it so God was talking to now Lucifer statement or a cherub and he the Lord God said unto the survey because I had done this by are cursed you know surfing they think it's a snake but if you read revelations of chapter 12 you realize just talking about the devil Satan Lucifer that fallen angel above all cattle and above every beast of the stealing of the feeling until I belly shall I go and dust shall I eat all the days of our life and I will put in entity M&E between thee and the woman and between thy seed in her see an itchin bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel now notice Percy since when do we know if for women to have see you know man carries the sperm and that is the seed 28 the fertilized at a so the woman says her see the virgin birth was foretold in the garden it's nothing new that's why you had all these Impostors come along before Jesus which Jesus talked about and John the Gospel of John chapter tents they were many false crisis even sacrum but many of California claiming to be but the truth is I came he was the true Messiah talking in on the Gospel of John he had arrived on the scene so we find out her seat and we got his his Genesis 14 Genesis chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 and let's look at Isaiah which is Isaiah 7 and I want to deal with a lot of these controversies that they'd be talking about it seemed to have never really been cleared up to go to church people still arguing about tuesday okay even if i said that hope into the Messiah let's look at what God has said in Isaiah 7 and he was talking to a has and he was pick up in verse 14 where he was talking he says therefore okay therefore the Lord shield and then let's go to verse 13 but said he said hear ye now oh how old house of David it is a small thing for you too weary man but Willie Willie God also there for the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel butter and honey now notice this butter and honey Chile eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good for before the child should know to refuse evil noticed it the child notes to refuse evil and choose the good the land that of work shall be forsaken of both of arcane so many people say Jesus is God they they use scriptures and they're gone you different features say he's God but what does the scripture saying if you do you think God has to learn to refuse evil denoted use good to that sound my god i'm going to give you scripture so bear with me I want you to see if what you believe is true or not versus all the opinions in the controversy has been going on since he's been here let's look at this and we're going to pick up in loop and I'm going to go to the part where he his mother have came and got him after he was in a

temple talking to those of doctors involved with that stuff there it says and they came to pass this is luke chapter 2 and it came to pass that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of doctors and hearing them and asking them questions on my doctors and theology and stuff like that not the physical doctor you know and all that hurting were astonished at his understanding in answer okay if you go back up to verse 40 SI in the child grew and waxed wrong in the spirit and filled with wisdom and grace and God would God was a body the grace of God was upon him so you find out he was talking a name was so shocking and they see them in oh he said then when they saw verse 48 jumping back then 48 in verse chapter chapter 2 verse 48 it says when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto his to her son why has thou thou thus dealt with us behold thy father and I have sought thieves sorry now notice we said he said unto them how is it that he sought me which he not that I must be about my father's business and they understood not a saying which he had spoken to them and he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject to it both his mother but his mother kept all this sayings in her heart in her mind and Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God in man so we have a great controversy going on out there people say this was God I'm looking at two scriptures right now in Isaiah seven and i'm looking at all so Luke Luke chapter 2 and verse 22 will say increased with wizard statute and in favor with God and man so you tell me this man was died how was God but a growing Lisbeth for himself how is God gonna grow in favor with himself how's Ethan why do we have to learn the process know what is good and evil but you guys say he was gone where do you get this right now yeah I've had people say that what I'm talking about is heresy know what you're talking about is heresy if you believe that this is not the Son of God not that he is God in this laws to some other scriptures are i'm going to show you how this is all business trips crude and our people have just simply twist the scriptures let's go to John 14 one of the most famous Patrick's passions and i'll even go back to John John one where said in the beginning was the word and give you a rifle understanding of that legend says the second Timothy to rightly divide the word of truth and that is one of the problem many people go out and they don't have the Spirit of Christ or your Holy Ghost and then they begin to try to preach like you said any man to climb it up in other way into him as a thief in the robber and what you guys are looking out there and bent art by line these thieves and robbers who have skipped over to various operation plan but yet they're out there trying to teach the Word of God how can you be an effective witness of God if you don't have a clear understanding of God's Word don't look at this scripture where there till you this is gone this is god let's look at what it says and it says and where I go you know not you know the way I'm sorry says where where I know you know and the way you know Thomas said unto Him Lord we know not where they go it and how can we this is John chapter 14 first war and five at this point said it says and how can we know the way jesus said unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me you have to have Jesus if you have you have known me you should have known my father also here's where they get the same he's God he's telling you he's God okay and from his fort you know him and have seen him he'd see said he's done Philip said unto Him Lord show us the father if it suffice was jesus said it to him how have I been so long with you and yet that has not known me Philip oh my god don't you get it he's saying he's God let's see if this with the scriptures what he say Annie that has seen him seen me has seen and seen the father and I'll say it out show us the father it says believe thou not that I am in the father and the father in me and the word that i speak unto you I speak not of myself what the father that well again me he do it the works ok not them take you to know long drawn-out time I'm going to show you how quick this is and to rightly divide the word of god before your eyes now notice what he just said he said his father was speaking through here so many of your authors said many why don't you understand he's gone how do you figure x2 in 22 makes a clarification of what Jesus was saying it even fits that scripture so ye men of Israel this is ax to chapter 2 and verse 20 t you man of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man hello a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves also know he did this in the midst of it he was the one that told you himself that God was working through him x220 to clarify that for you so they should not be no mix-up on who he is he is the son of God he is not God because the scriptures does not teach that that is a lie that is the tart by Satan in hand you to this day fighting for that lights are my all your crazy you've been deceived you are in a strong delusion if you reject this because mr. to the e men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God God did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves also load that's x222 back to where you the one scripture guys love to use and say it was God says believe this is verse 10 to believe not that I in the father in the farmer in me the words that i speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he do it the works so as you can very well see chapter 14 has been twisting when they take that scripture say it's God we put that 2 x 2 + 22 you come up with the son of that not God one more scripture and I'm going to be done let's go to Jesus baptism and that's going to be chapter three notice this then with all the people this is chapter 3 of Luke chapter 3 of you so now when all the people were

baptized it came to pass dash jesus also being baptized and pray the heavens were opened in the Holy Ghost is sitting in the body shaped like a double for them and it was came from heaven would sit thou are my beloved son in be I am well pleased God is giving a witness he just told you this is might be love son it is not me I'm not playing tricks jumping in and out of heaven one minute I'm Jesus next meeting a lot one minute I'm Jesus make you look up no this is my beloved son and I'm going to include you know North right I'm gonna go ahead and push forward because I want to give you no I'm going to come back so he said I instance my beloved son this is the witness God gave him this is 1st John chapter 5 is going to start at verse 9 once again this is first John chapter 5 verse 9 it says if we receive the witness of God the witness I mean we received and we receive the witness of man the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of life which he has testified of his son this is my beloved son not this is God he that believeth on the son of God has the witness in himself and he didn't believe it not has made God that has made him a liar sorry Miri desk okay if we received the witness of man the witness of God is greater for it this is the witness of God which he has testified of a sudden that's when he said this is my beloved son not that it was him but his mind he loves her he that believeth on the son of God has a witness in himself and he that believeth not as met him a liar so you say Jesus is God you're calling God a liar that means you're too strong to lose you you're not a part of this you say you're saved and all they know you can't he say you don't recognize the difference between the two because he has believed not the record that God gave of his son and that's first 10 because you didn't believe what he said so these men come along and they tell you all these different stories and tell you that this is God when the bible does not teach that did I use in the beginning was the word and i'm going to get that in my second half and i just want to make it short and i don't want to drag it out as one sudden you guys could see sudden poof apart and really that's all I have to send you guys love I have two books out there if you ever want to read something that is anointed in blessed by God I have a book called the revival of the Roman Empire the rise of the Antichrist in the return of Christ and other book is called the devil workshop and that's the history to church and arrived in the cold and you can find both of those books at amazon com barnes and nobles in books-a-million and i have a second part to this and i'm going to be dealing with in the beginning was the word for you can have a the scriptures rightfully divide it for you not that I'm telling you something that's in my mind but something I can script scripturally prove thank you guys stay tuned for part 2 you Dutchess Community College.


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