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CUNY Graduate Center, Fifth Avenue at 34th Street ​hello well this is dr. Dave Maass like talking to you about reciprocity calm the he is written with the three and in this particular video I really wanted to talk to you about how how to actually get a PhD in strategy in innovation and why you actually might find getting a doctorate and strategy and innovation really interesting so I myself I'm a professor of innovation strategy in entrepreneurship and this was something that I was going through Oh probably about I don't know 15 years ago now when I was thinking about getting my own PhD or even just kind of being curious about getting a PhD because I actually had my own thoughts of whether I wanted to do engineering for example so I'm an engineer but that's my background or go into a business school and learn about stuff that we had learned about in the business school and I wasn't quite sure what to do and there's there was nobody doing this kind of stuff at the time no sort of advice I want to help you out with getting this kind of advice so what I'm gonna do in this video is actually get into what you might actually study and think about when you do a PhD in strategy and innovation why you might actually think it's kind of really interesting and then get into you know maybe some possible careers that you could do with a PhD in strategy and innovation and then finally you know go into where you might actually find world-class institutions where you can study you know strategy and innovation in to some sort of degree so why might you actually study strategy and innovation so what exactly do we do and this doesn't cover sort of the broad like everything right people did study if you one thing you'll learn when you do a PhD is you'll learn that people study everything and anything like just the the weirdest stuff out there I mean it's interesting but you know if you're not used to it you're gonna think like why are they studying that well it turns out that it's really important to study that thing so but you know in general people study strategy and innovation to sort of figure out how companies can produce technologies and products and how this production of technologies and products can and produce value both for the consumer but both for society and for the firm and then how they can the firm can appropriate some of that value and distribute it amongst the different people that are serve represented what's what are called the stakeholders of the firm's you know who the firm actually represents to some sort of degree and another component that we study so that that's a sort of you know pushing the product out from the firm's perspective but we also study how technologies and innovations actually impact how companies change over time right so we study the technological trajectory and we sort of try to figure out what is going on with the technological trajectory it's a hard word to say so we're looking to see how it sort of changes over time what impacts there's a hat on Society on companies and things like that so in general that's what we're sort of focused on very broadly right but again people study all sorts of crazy things and putting your finger on what exactly innovation is that and that's a little bit tricky in what strategy is a little bit tricky and everybody has all these crazy determine what might you actually find a PhD in strategy in innovation really interesting so if you are interested at technology in general if you are interested in innovation if you're interested in how companies actually work if you're interested in in sort of thinking about companies as a whole and organizations as a whole and a lot of sort of big broad concepts and you have a curious mind and you sort of think about you know technologies at a thousand foot level or a 10,000 foot level then this is a particularly interesting research area to study so this was my big thing and when I quickly discovered is that when you study in the Natural Sciences so again you know telling you I was thinking about going into actually it was polymer science at the time in in engineering and doing eh Dean Palmer science and statistics versus doing this I would have been really focused on that one particular kind of technology which was really narrowly defined really interesting stuff how to turn a tremendous amount of promise but that's gonna be really focused on just one kind of technology but when you when you look at when you do a doctorate in innovation in Stratis strategy in general you're looking at all sorts of technologies and how they sort of change over time and you don't sort of dig in real deep about one specific kind you might but it's unlikely you're gonna cover things pretty broadly and you're gonna get served a smattering of how these things sort of put together and it's it's incredibly interesting it is like you know if you can imagine the difference between studying the Natural Sciences is like actually reading a really intense mathematical textbook and knowing that off by heart and then you know that there's popular press which is like maybe reading the Financial Times or Harvard Business Review and just kind of having like oh okay that's that's interesting we're kind of in the middle when you do this right you're not gonna get really deep in one particular thing in the sense of one particular technology but you're going to sort of be able to cross that those boundaries of being able to talk to managers and actually communicate what you're trying to do but then also generalize across different technologies and companies

and things like that so it's it's incredibly interesting the other thing that you sort of have to realize and especially if you're coming from the harder science is right mathematics and things like that and you're interested in going into a business school you are going to be thinking like a social scientist now that doesn't mean thinking like a social scientist scientist that you have to abandon all the mathematics and things like that that you learn in sort of physical science stuff that you learn in fact there's really promising research that happens when you combine those things right in its really pretty interesting stuff but at the same time you're thinking about how sort of people and organizations interact over time and that's kind of I mean this is broadly what I'm trying to to get it so where or what careers are actually are you gonna get if you study a PhD in strategy and innovation generally if you do a PhD of any sort we are training you as faculty and professors and all that kind of stuff we're training you to to actually work in a university or something that's equivalent and doing your own sort of research and in digging deep into your own kind of research topic so it's not necessarily a university but it could be some sort of institution maybe you work for the you know you do research for the FDA or something like that I don't know but then the the general goal is that you're publishing in reading and writing and moving forward that way rather than you're actually going to be a practitioner and being a manager if you want to be a practitioner and a manager what you should probably do and a good career path for that is is going in and getting an MBA and then you're gonna be a practitioner on the ground boots on the ground kind of stuff you can also do an Executive MBA which is sort of advanced kind of thing much more advanced if you're more advanced in your career or you could do a doctors of a Business Administration and lots of programs have that kind of stuff not lots of institutions have that which is a much more in-depth kind of program it's closer to a PhD in fact I think Harvard's there they don't have a PhD they have a doctors a business Business Administration and so this brings me to the next part is where can you actually find institutions that where you can study a PhD it strategy and innovation again my institution don't worry about that right like you can if you're interested you can look at the institution but you can what I want you to think about is very broadly because this is your choice is your life so don't sort of listen to anything that I say so this advice is going to be as broad as possible what you should do is actually ask your the the Faculty of where you did your undergraduate degree or your master's degree so a lot of you will have to have an MBA to get into a PhD strategy and innovation I didn't have one I had a master's of a applied science but it was in management science so you can do that you just have to find out you just ask the faculty of you know we're really good institutions who are people that you know of that are doing really interesting things and get their advice from that that is going to give you some really good advice the other thing that you should be also thinking about is is looking at rankings of the college of business's rankings and I'm gonna put a really big caveat on that though extremely big caveat on that because these rankings they can be they're flexible to a lot of degrees right that schools institutions jump up they jump down on these rankings pretty quickly on any given time the other thing that ends up happening is that there are amazing people in institutions around the world that you that wouldn't be in that sort of ranking system and there's reasons for that because maybe their program is not called a college of business that they're in but they're in some sort of other institution or that they are working kind of independently or they're part of a university that is not ranked but they are a superstar you have to find those particular people those are those really interesting people they can help you out and really it's an apprentice model what we're what we do and so you work with the faculty pretty closely right so you're not working with the university per se you're working with the faculty so the faculty are gonna they're gonna really help you out and that's probably gonna be the thing that you should prioritize the most is who is gonna be your thesis advisor and think about that the other thing that you should also think about is you know you have to think strategically and what you are doing and what you're choosing so that means you know ranking based on your life and who you are also thinking about when you make this this choice is thinking about where can you find institutions that best fit what you are about and where you want to go and it which sometimes doesn't necessarily mean like the highest ranking institutions around the world right so sometimes it's actually a lower ranking institution but they you get a foot in the door with some group of individuals that are doing really interesting research right so that's as sort of that's all I'm gonna suggest with that so you that's what I would do in terms of where to actually find and this is what you know I probably relied a little bit more on the rankings rather than talking to people but the talking to people finding people that are research active and asking them where to go that's gonna be a really important thing in terms of helping you out with finding a great institution that fits what you are doing right so finding research active is important and how you can find people that research active look to see if they're publishing in our top journals I'm not gonna list them you can find them out in terms there's lots of websites that will tell you the top journals and they're producing pretty under a consistent basis and you look to see at you know what they're doing and ask them where they would go if they were to do a PhD again and they will often get you give you a really good answer one way or the other people are usually really upfront and they're really amazing when they give this advice so again you know I I talked

about in this video where why you should do a PhD in strategy and innovation where you might actually find them in a game you they might not be necessarily call the PhD in strategy and innovation oh that's the other thing I want to point out yeah a PhD in strategy and innovation there's very few programs that are actually called that what you're looking for our programs that are called like business and ministry they are called sometimes called strategy sometimes they are called general management sometimes they are called technology but you're looking at programs like that and you can shortlist them you can probably shortlist 40 of them there's probably to be honest there's probably Oh probably a hundred and fifty around the world maybe 200 around the world that are pretty decent in that there are people that are actually really research active doing stuff in that particular area and so you could find them and I'm not going to name who they are you can you can find them yourself and go because I don't want to sort of bias you into any sort of way so go check that out and by the way if you like this recipe project that I'm trying to do it's it's really gamed you're focused on helping out PhD students and trying to provide some sort of system that can help them write better in in a lot of different ways so that's why I'm putting out these different videos trying to help be as helpful as I possibly can to you folks so give me a thumbs up if you like this and as well do subscribe to the YouTube channel alright take care bye St. Bonaventure University.


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