Rescue & Animal Care - June/July - Issue 186

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ISSN 2050-0572 29th June - 29th July 2023 - Issue 186 FREE TO READ Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership and Animal Welfare RESCUE and ANIMAL CARE Poor pet dental hygiene leaving pet owners at risk of costly vet bills Tips for keeping your dog kennel cool in 30 degree heat Vets issue a warning to dog owners to avoid pets being harmed from blue-green algae Create a plant pot lookalike with Cats Protection 5 reasons NOT to leave your dog alone in your car Cliverton Insurance Protect your shelters by avoiding the insurance pitfalls Cover Image Stranded cat rescued from a hot tiled roof! Are you using Pet Remedy? If not, get a FREE SAMPLE to try! email

Dear Readers,

I hope you are having a lovely summer!

It is certainly great holiday weather but not so great if you are working without air conditioning. We just have a small window to open in our office and an old fan that has seen better days! If I was likening myself to an animal today, ‘Drowned rat’ comes to mind.

Our rescue dog (Treacle) and I’m sure most of your dogs too absolutely hate this heat. With temperatures due to rise in the UK this summer to possibly as high as 30 degrees Celsius (that’s 86 degrees Fahrenheit!). We need to ensure we keep our pets safe in the heat, with the aim of avoiding heat stroke by planning gentle walks, very early or late evening when the temperature has significantly dropped and the paths aren’t hot to touch. Take water with you as well as a fold down bowl to hydrate your dogs and one bottle for the dog walker!

Thank you as always for opening the latest issue of Rescue and Animal Care. Hopefully you can find a cool place to read and enjoy!

Here’s a taste of features in this issue:

l The temperature of a dog kennel can quickly rise to dangerous levels. Dogs are generally safe in 19C weather, however, the temperature inside of a kennel can rise to nearly 40C in 21C heat. Tips For Keeping Your Dog kennel Cool in the summer.

l Bee-come a Wildlife Hero-Tips for Attracting Pollinators and how to help with saving the decline of bees.

l Nutrition experts share advice on how to help your horse beat the heat.

l One of The Donkey Sanctuary’s newest arrivals has been named after Premiership footballer and donkey champion Kai Havertz.

l 8 Ways to respect the environment on walks.

l Struggling owners citing financial issues for giving up pet cats rises by nearly 50%.

l Cat lovers are being invited to join in a nationwide charity to create a bespoke plant pot in the likeness of their favourite moggy.

Until next month!

Love Jennifer x
this issue
Say Cheese! Poor pet dental hygiene leaving pet owners at risk of costly vet bills Horse with royal approval joins Redwings Adoption Scheme 3 16 Cliverton Insurance RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE MAGAZINE: JENNIFER PROWSE MEDIA, 21 THE MALTINGS, BURES, SUFFOLK CO8 5EJ Follow us on facebook Rescue and Animal Care Contact us PHONE: 07885 305188 EMAIL: TWITTER: Troublesome Treacle 10 14 The Top 3 Dog Walks in the United Kingdom 5 reasons not to leave your dog alone in the car Struggling owners citing financial issues for giving up pet cats rises by nearly 50% 22

Horse with royal approval joins Redwings’ Adoption Scheme

Monarch was named in honour of the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee when he was born safely at the Sanctuary to mum Majesty last April. Majesty was injured whilst pregnant with him after being hit by a car at Tilbury Docks in Essex. No owner could be traced so Redwings offered her a forever home.

The arrival of Monarch, now a young horse whose personality matches his enormous size, was met with ‘good wishes’ from the palace in a treasured letter to Redwings shortly after his birth.

Lynn Cutress, Redwings’ Chief Executive, said: “We wrote to the Queen to tell her about Monarch’s birth and he and his mother’s naming in her honour, and were thrilled to receive a wonderful letter thanking us for the ‘touching gesture’ in reply.

“This special boy – who is nearly as tall as his mum already – is still only young and we don’t yet know what

impact his poor mum’s experiences may have had on him. He is currently living at one of our private sanctuary sites whilst he has his youngster training and we

ensure he doesn’t have any long-term health issues. However, we hope he will one day live in the spotlight at one of our visitor centres.

“Monarch is one of the youngest horses ever to join the Adoption Scheme, so this will be a unique opportunity to follow his growth, new experiences, training and triumphs!”

Sponsors of Monarch will receive regular printed updates, including a beautiful photo to treasure, and emails four times a year with news of his life at Redwings. Monarch’s adoption pack is still being created and will be sent out for adopters to enjoy as soon as it’s ready.

n You can adopt Monarch today by visiting ake-a-new-friend/monarch or by giving the friendly team at Redwings a call on 01508 505246.

Redwings is inviting animal lovers to sponsor the newest horse to be added to their popular Adoption Scheme, whose miracle birth was welcomed by HRH the Queen. RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 3
Majesty and Monarch

I shouldn’t dislike any insects but I have to tell you I HATE FLIES!

Hello Hot Dogs and my other furry friends

As I write my column, still wet from the garden hose, having dashed through the cold spray of water meant for the plants.

I hope my paws aren’t too damp to type!

It is much cooler today but think temperatures will again rise soon. So I am making the most of the temporary reprieve.

During the heatwave I got so bored being far too hot to go for a proper walk other than first thing in the morning.

So I ate a lot instead and sulked! When we did manage to go out Mistress kept feeling the pavements to check that I wouldn’t burn my paws which I was thankful for, having been shown some awful photos of burnt ones where irresponsible dog owners ignored the burning heat!

I haven’t been sleeping well at night, nor has Mistress.

Despite my arthritic back legs I still insist on following her upstairs to her bedroom and laying on my bed. Unable to settle Mistress eventually takes me back down to my other bed I have in the kitchen that being the coolest room.

We have had a few mosquitos and midges fly through the windows of our house having opened them to try and keep the house cooler.

They are annoying enough but I have to tell you out of all these critters I HATE FLIES! They have no fear at all! I swipe a paw at them but not quick enough to get them and Mistress is always trying to swat one but they’re so quick to move!

I googled them to know more about these critters and apparently common flies feature more advanced

cognitive abilities than previously believed! House flies are able to process what they see an react accordingly at amazing speeds.

The latter explains why Mistress and I can never catch them by surprise! Our brains process around 60 images a second, whereas a fly can process around 250 in a single second!

I’m proud of myself for negotiating the internet to find out these interesting facts. Mistress says that there are’ no flies on me’ ☺

Catch up next month. Keep cool!

Love Treacle x

4 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Follow us on facebook Rescue and Animal Care Follow us on twitter Troublesome Treacle Please contact us or visit our website for more information. Heathway, Colton, Rugeley, Staffs WS15 3LY Tel: 01889 577058 Reg Charity No1053585
Hot Dog

Does your Dog or Cat need urinary health support?

Try Cystark+ The Complete solution for urinary health

What is Coprophagia? Coprophagia is a common and unpleasant behaviour in pets where they eat their own or other animals’ faeces. We would always advise having your pet checked by a vet if they are carrying out this behaviour to rule out any underlying causes. This behaviour can also increase the risk of disease transmission and effect your pet’s digestive system

Coprostop is designed to discourage pets from consuming faeces. CoproStop contains ingredients that alter the taste of faeces, making it less appealing to pets.

By stopping your pet eating their own feaces, CoproStop helps prevent potential parasite eggs from being ingested by your pet. Also, CoproStop helps reduce bad breath and improves your pet owner bond.

CoproStop is a palatable powder and easy to give. Simply mix it with your pet’s food. CoproStop can be used in adult dogs and cats and if required in puppies from 6 weeks at the stage of weaning. Give the product to the cat or dog thats faeces is being eaten

n More information visit www.vetark

CystArk + supports lower urinary tract wellbeing in dogs and cats. It’s triple action formula, one complete solution for urinary health

And is easy to administer!

Our product - CystArk + is a complete formula for the natural protection and well-being of the lower urinary tract of dogs and cats. For dogs and cats of any age and life condition. Glucosamine action together with the anti-adhesive activity of the cranberry pulp support urinary health. Melon and green tea have an antioxidant to help maintain a healthy bladder. Palatable tablet and powder for dogs and cats

Did you know that 23% of dogs will one day eat their feaces and 18% of dogs do it on a regular basis?

Source: Hart, B. L., Hart, L. A., Thigpen, A. P., Tran, A., & Bain, M. J. (2018). The paradox of canine conspecific coprophagy. Veterinary medicine and science, 4 (2), 106–114

Coprostop – designed to discourage pets from eating their own or other animals POO! RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 5

Protect your shelters by avoiding the insurance pitfalls

Coping with the crisis

An estimated 2.7 million animals enter UK shelters each year, which once again highlights the necessity of organisations that rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome stray and abandoned cats and dogs.

According to the latest available figures from the RSPCA, this number is rising – a trend attributed, in part, to pets being bought during the Covid lockdown that can no longer be looked after by owners who have since returned to the workplace.

Another contributing factor is the financial difficulties brought about by the ‘cost of living’ crisis, leaving people unable to afford pet care costs.

Rescue shelters, too, have been impacted by the current economic

climate and are seeking ways to make savings.

Cutting corners on insurance, however, should not be an option.

In fact, stripping cover back to the bare minimum can potentially jeopardise financial futures.

Unforeseen events can and do occur, and to bank on them not happening to you and your shelter is a high-risk strategy.

Essential extras

It is the cover for important extras, such as property damage and business interruption, that makes for truly comprehensive protection.

Legal Expenses Insurance, too, which only costs around £28 a year, could be critical should you become involved in a lengthy legal dispute or legal case

which requires legal representation.

However, people usually buy it for the first year they take out a policy, and if they don’t make a claim, they don’t consider it a necessity on renewal.

Although Employers’ Liability insurance is a legal requirement for all staff, either paid or unpaid, it is not a legal requirement for relatives. Some see this as a way of making a saving, but the possibility of a relative suffering a life-changing injury while working for the business should be considered.

When insuring a business property, the consequences of undervaluing buildings should also be taken into account.

Where a property costs £50,000 to rebuild, for example, with an annual premium of £100, undervaluing it by half to halve your premium could prove

The current economic landscape presents many challenges not only for big businesses, but for the 1,000-plus animal shelters and sanctuaries across the UK. Lynne Fisher, of leading insurer for animal-related industries, Cliverton, examines some of the key considerations they should address during these difficult times.

disastrous. If the property was damaged beyond repair, the shortfall in rebuilding costs could prove business critical.

Changing expectations

Owners of animal shelters should also bear in mind that buying new insurance, or renewing existing policies, is not as straightforward as it once was.

High inflation and increased interest rates have negatively impacted the insurance sector’s financial ability to take on risk, which has led to a reduced capacity to meet demand.

This, and the fact that insurers are opting to withdraw from some areas of risk, means customers can expect higher premiums and stricter conditions.

Expectations that renewals can be easily made, that cover will be comprehensive, and that insurers will be eager to do business with you, may no longer be realistic.

Furthermore, you will be competing against other prospective clients for insurers who have become extremely cautious and selective about who and what they insure.

Under these circumstances it is important to present yourself and your shelter in the best possible light.

Would-be clients with a proven track record of high-quality risk management, and who are less likely to make claims are inevitably favoured. Given these requirements, it is advisable to begin preparations for applications or renewals, as early as possible.

Ideally, you should work with a broker who is experienced in navigating the pitfalls, is able to present you with a comprehensive range of options and can provide expert advice.

n For more information visit www.cliver RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 7

Tips For Keeping Your Dog Kennel Cool

During the summer, the temperature of a dog kennel can quickly rise to dangerous levels. Dogs are generally safe in 19C weather, however, the temperature inside of a kennel can rise to nearly 40C in 21C heat. The latest guidelines suggest that dogs should be kept at a minimum of 10C. Therefore, we suggest that the temperature of your dog's kennel should be somewhere between 10-12C.

1. Place the kennel in a shady spotDirect sunlight can quickly heat up the kennel, making it uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for your dog. Instead, make sure that your dog kennel is placed in a shady area of your garden. The kennel can be situated below one or more trees or in front of your house where shade will be cast over it at some point during the day.

2. Ventilate the kennel properly - If your kennel doesn’t have enough air ventilation, create a vent by drilling holes along the top of the walls of the kennel. Also, remove heavy-duty vinyl or other insulating material from around the kennel to allow for more freeflowing air.

3. Provide plenty of water and iceEnsure that your dog has access to fresh, cold water throughout the day. Consider freezing water bottles and placing them in the kennel for your dog to lie against to cool off. As the ice melts, it will release cool water, creating a refreshing spot for your dog. Additionally, a cooling mat will regulate their body temperature during overwhelming heat.

4. Raise the dog house - If possible, raise the kennel off the ground by a couple of inches. The gap between the ground and the floor allows air to circulate, which helps to keep the kennel cool on hot days. Similarly, a raised pet bed can help keep pets cool when sleeping indoors or outside.

5. Avoid using blankets or beddingWhile giving your dog a blanket or bedding is ideal for winter, it is best to remove these from your kennel unless absolutely necessary as they can trap body heat. If your dog needs to use some type of bedding for comfort, switch from flannel to lightweight cotton.

6. Use insulation - Insulating keeps the kennel warm during the summer and helps regulate cooler temperatures. Line the floors, walls and ceiling with aluminium foil bubble insulation and install plywood to avoid your dog accidentally chewing and potentially ingesting the insulation.

7. Buy a thermal dog kennel - Thermal dog kennels are great at regulating the temperature of your dog cabin in both hot and cold weather. The thermal material will not rot or decay meaning it is very hygienic and safe for your dog. Thermal dog kennels also come with a raised or removable floor which means they can easily be placed in shadier areas and allow for better air circulation.

Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs

1. Heavy panting and difficulty breathing

2. Excessively drooling

3. The dog appears lethargic, drowsy or uncoordinated

4. Collapsed or vomiting

What Do I Do If My Dog Has Heatstroke?

Dogs suffering from heat stroke need their body temperature immediately regulated. Bring them into the home and pour cool water over them, letting them drink small amounts of water. Avoid pouring water over their head. As soon as they have cooled down, immediately take them to the nearest vet.


Photo credit of dog in kennel: RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 9

The Top 3 Dog Walks in the United Kingdom

Lynne Fisher, Associate Director at Cliverton, experts in dog walkers’ insurance, say: “Exploring with your best friend doesn’t have to be difficult. There are plenty of moderate walking opportunities across the UK that are perfect for both pet and owner.

“Getting some fresh air is not only good for you, but it can also be an enrichment tool for your pets. Whether you are exploring expansive countrysides or hill ranges, each walk offers their own opportunity for adventure.”

Here, we will explore the top three

dog walking spots according to AllTrails, a site which has over 30 million users worldwide.

Janet’s Foss, Gordale Scar and Malham Cove

This location sits in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and offers some incredibly scenic views of high cliffs and waterfalls as you hike this medium trail.

This 4.9-mile walk should last you just over two hours, although it is always best to take routes at your own speed –

you might enjoy a leisurely stroll or even a jog.

Taking this route will loop you around the scenic views, letting you start where you finished so you don’t need to worry about getting back at the end of the trail.

However, if you are looking for a shorter walk then you might want to only explore Janet’s Foss to Gordale Scar.

Parking, pubs, and toilets can be found in Malham. The full route does include a bridge so if your dog is afraid of these, or even heights, it might be

As a caring dog owner looking for your next adventure, finding the right paths for you and your dog is important. Getting out into nature and embracing what the UK has to offer in terms of trails can see you exploring some of the UK’s most beautiful locations - all with your four-legged friend.

best to cut the route short or to choose a different trail.

Ambleside to Stockghyll Force

For those in Cumbria, or avid walkers looking to travel, the Lake District National Park has one of the best short walks for you to try. This is a great route for anyone with a passion for birdwatching too as you explore wooded areas, leading to a 70 foot waterfall at the end.

This is a short walk and should only take you just under half an hour – but the beauty of the waterfall might leave you staying for longer! 1.4km of paths, roads, and woodland walkways makes this an easy journey and a slight difference to your usual dog walk. There are some steps on this route.

There are plenty of carparks within Ambleside, with some short and long stays depending on how long you would like to explore for. For those with an interest in history and historical architecture, then the old mills of this area with some being used as shops and other facilities, provide the perfect start to your journey.

This journey is perfect for calmer dogs who love to explore leafy areas. But

remember to take a car boot or seat cover for those messy pup paws after this walk as they are guaranteed to step in some muddy tracks along the route.

Loughrigg Fell Circular

Or for the Lake District lovers wanting a longer walk with wider views, the Loughrigg Fell Circular could be the best course for you and your furry friend. This route is 5.19 miles long and will take somewhere between two and three hours to complete.

However, for the best views of this location, and there are many views to take in, it is recommended that you take three to four hours to complete.

This is a great route for dogs full of energy. As the walk can be a long one, it is good for dogs with high levels of stamina who enjoy exploring the great outdoors.

For older dogs who might have mobility issues, you can take the route at a slower pace or make sure you have a dog buggy available for later stages in the walk.

Walking your dog doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead, you can find stunning

locations to take your pet where you can both enjoy the journey.

Whether you are looking for woodland spaces that open into waterfalls or cliff views staring over stunning greenery, the UK could have the perfect walk for you. Some other top-rated dog walks in the UK include the Peak District and even Seaford to Eastbourne in Southdowns National Park.

Sources: anets-foss-from-malham/ ock-ghyll-force/ 2.html 020/06/loughrigg-fell-walk-via-grasmere-windermere-rydal-water-lake-district.html

n For more information visit https://www.cliver RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 11
breaks available We are delighted to support the Animal Charities featured in this Magazine Tel: 01952 245330

Vets issue a warning to dog owners to help avoid pets being harmed by the toxic bacteria

Keep your dogs away from blue-green algae

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) is urging pet owners to take steps to keep their dogs safe when walking near freshwater bodies this summer, as the warm weather brings with it an increased risk of toxic blue-green algae growth.

Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, is a group of bacteria that can contain dangerous toxins which can be harmful and potentially fatal to pets, livestock and birds if ingested even in small quantities. The algae may appear as green or greenish-brown scum on the surface of water like lakes and ponds. Dogs can swallow it by drinking water from an affected lake, river or pond or while licking their fur after going for a swim. It’s also possible for dogs to come into contact with it even if they don’t go for a paddle, as toxic blooms may be blown to the edges of water bodies.

The warning comes after several recent news reports of algal bloom sightings in lakes, ponds of rivers around the UK, including the Lake District and Shetland islands. Sadly, at the beginning of the month, it was reported that four dogs in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, and one dog in Conwy, Wales died after possible contact with blue-green algae.

Confirmed sightings are identified by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology’s (UKCEH) Bloomin’ Algae app, which encourages people to submit details and photos if they suspect they have spotted it.

British Veterinary Association President Malcolm Morley said: “Lots of dogs love water and won’t hesitate to dive straight in when they see a lake or go for a paddle in a pond. But toxic blue-green algae is very difficult to identify and, if ingested, can make dogs seriously unwell – and can even be fatal. We’re urging pet owners to keep their dogs on leads near water bodies where blue-green algae has been confirmed or, if unsure if a water body is safe, to keep them away from it completely. It may seem a shame to spoil your dog's fun, particularly if they are used to swimming somewhere, but if you are unsure it is safe, it is not worth the risk.

“Being aware of the symptoms of exposure is also vital as there is no known antidote for the toxins and prompt treatment is critical to help give a chance of recovery. Symptoms can appear within a few minutes or hours of exposure, and commonly include vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling, disorientation, trouble breathing,

seizures, and blood in faeces. If you have any concerns or are worried your pet may have had contact with bluegreen algae, speak to your vet as soon as you can.”

Top tips for pet owners

l Look out for any warning signs near water bodies.

l Keep pets on a lead and by your side around water bodies known or suspected to have a blue-green algal bloom – don’t let pets swim in it or drink from it.

l If your dog has been swimming outside, wash its coat thoroughly with clean water afterwards.

l Seek emergency veterinary treatment if you’re concerned your pet may have ingested toxic algae.

l Report sightings of suspected bluegreen algae with a photograph via the Bloomin’ Algae app. You can also set up notifications for confirmed sightings in your area.

l There are other ways to help your dog keep cool in the warmer weather: paddling pools can give them somewhere to cool off and you should always make sure they have access to clean water and shade if outdoors.


Dogs and Cars: Don’t become another headline!

5 reasons NOT to leave your dog alone in your car

Many of us enjoy the extra freedom travelling in the car with our dogs gives us. The chance to visit new places for daily walks and to go farther afield on holidays together. Some also perceive the car to be a safe place for their dogs, even when they need to leave them in there alone. However, leaving your dog unattended could be a very bad idea indeed – even just for a minute!

A car thief crashed a stolen Range Rover at 120mph with the owner's terrified assistance dog trapped inside: The Independent

A tiny Cavachon has been left with horrific injuries after its collar got caught when a carjacker tossed him out of his owner's car: Daily Mail

Two dogs dies locked in a hot car: RSPCA

These are just a few of the headlines to hit the press in recent months regarding tragic events involving dogs in cars. The reality is, whilst we might perceive the dog is physically safe because they are locked in our car, that does not mean they are safe, or, importantly, that they feel safe!

So, here are 5 reasons to consider why we should not leave dogs in cars unattended -even just for a few minutes!

1. On hot days. This is the obvious one, yet still many dogs become very poorly, with some sadly dying, because they are left in a hot car. Even in a shady place with the windows open, the internal temperature of the car can be double that of outside. When it's 22c outside, the car could reach a blistering 47c within an hour. Also, dogs can develop heat stroke in just 6 minutes! So, it really isn’t worth the risk.

2. Scary things can happen. Whilst you are away anything can happen in the environment around the car that might scare your dog. Not only do they become fearful, their main safe protector (you!) isn’t there to support them. So, if you come back to find a scared dog (maybe they are barking, being destructive, shivering or having toileted) you won’t know what it was that frightened them, making the job of trying to repair the damage done by this trauma even harder.

3. Dog being stolen. Dog thieves are breaking into cars to capture the dog inside. Sadly, this is on the increase as the value of dogs has gone up so much. There is also an

increase in dogs being stolen that have been tied up outside shops.

4. Car being stolen. As you can see from the headlines above, this sadly happens too often. The thieves are only interested in the car, so when they find a dog in there with them, they are unlikely to care much about what happens to the dog. It really doesn’t bear thinking about.

5. Damage to the car and possible injury to the dog. A pet insurer in the UK says that there is an increase in dogs hurting themselves whilst in the car when left alone. This includes collars getting caught on seat belts, or dog getting trapped behind seats. This can also be connected to point 2 – if the dog becomes scared or frightened they are more likely to panic and either be destructive to the car or hurt themselves whilst trying to escape.

The more aware we are of the possible risks, the better informed we are to make better choices regarding our dogs’ safety. People often say ‘it wouldn’t happen to me’ or ‘I only leave them for a few minutes’. Sadly, some of those people and their dogs have now become headlines in the newspaper. Don’t let that be you.

Photo credit of dog in car:

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Say Cheese! Poor pet dental hygiene leaving pet owners at risk of costly vet bills

· New claims data from Co-op Insurance shows untreated pet dental diseases can set owners back as much as £962* in vet bills

· Over two fifths (42%) of dog and cat owners identified dental issues within the Top 10 reasons for taking their pet to the vet and a fifth (19%) put off vet visits during rising cost of living

· Popular breeds such as Cocker Spaniels and Labradors top the list for dental claims

With new claims data from Co-op Insurance revealing some pet dental issues cost owners upwards of £962* in vet bills if left untreated, Co-op is encouraging all dog and cat owners to look after their furry friend’s pearly whites, as well as their own.

New research from Co-op Insurance shows over two fifths (42%) of dog and cat owners identified ‘dental issues’ in the top 10 reasons they would take their pet to the vet.

And with the potential of some vet visits proving very costly, it’s no surprise that the same research also found that almost afifth (19%) of owners admitted to having put off vet visits on one or more occasion due to the rising cost of living.

As a nation of animal lovers, we want nothing but the best for our furry friends, and almost a third (29%) of dog and cat owners say they would feel guilty if they couldn’t take their pet to the vet.

However, that being said, our pet’s dental hygiene can often be a secondary thought, with the process of trying to clean your dog or cat’s teeth often proving to be quite an unmanageable job for many, whilst many pets can find the process quite distressing.

As a result, poor dental hygiene can lead to bigger issues, with data from Co-op Insurance identifying dental disease, gingivitis, and abscesses as the most common oral issues claimed


for by their pet insurance customers. And it is in fact the latter – dental abscesses – that have seen some vet bill claims as high as £962*, highlighting just how costly pet dental hygiene issues can be.

What’s more, the same data from Co-op Insurance shows it’s some of the UK’s more popular dog breeds – such as Cocker Spaniels and Labradors –topping the list for dental claims.

Top 10 dog breeds by dental claims according to Co-op Insurance*


1. Crossbreeds

2. Cocker Spaniel

3. Labrador Retriever

4. English Springer Spaniel

5. Jack Russell Terrier

6. Border Terrier

7. Border Collie

8. Pug

9. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

10. Golden Retriever

To avoid costly trips to the vets, Co-op Insurance recommend the following dental advice:

l Incorporate dental chews into your dog’s daily routine – keep your dog entertained whilst supporting healthy teeth and gums

l When it comes to brushing your dog’s teeth, different breeds have different alignments, so it’s worth checking with your vet to work out the best way

l Also speak to your vet about the best type of toothbrush to use with your dog – some fit over your finger, while others have different sized brushes

l Don’t forget – human toothpaste is

not suitable for dogs! If you’re unsure, again speak to your vet

Andrew Nevitt, Head of Co-op Pet Insurance, said: “We know owning a pet brings great joy to many, however we shouldn’t underestimate the responsibility it also takes to care for them.

“As with people, dogs and cats come with their own specific health requirements and we know that if these aren’t properly looked after, it can lead to complications further down the line as well as costly vet bills.

“Insurance can provide a safety net for pet owners, however it’s important to properly understand your policy and be aware of what it does and does not cover. As our research has shown, dental issues are a key reason why pet owners would visit the vet, and whilst

comprehensive dental cover for accidents and illness is included as standard in all Co-op pet insurance policies, this might not be the case for all providers – always make sure to check the details of your policy.”

Pet insurance can give owners a sense security should they be faced with an unavoidable and costly vet bill. With Co-op pet insurance, dental cover is included as standard – subject to an annual health assessment and necessary actions carried out – and customers can choose from two types of policy – lifetime and time limited –either of which can be paid upfront, or monthly at no additional cost.

n For more information visit Co-op Insurance | Car, Home, Travel, Pet and Life Insurance from Co-op ( RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 17
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Young Collies needing Homes

JET has no experience of the world beyond where he lived!

Jet is almost 2 yrs old, he is an entire black and white short coated collie. He came into our care from a local farm.

Jet has lived on a farm since he was a puppy but was a family pet living indoors. He has no experience of the world beyond where he lived so everything is new to him. He will require an owner that understands his background and will allow him time to adjust to new experiences such as being walked in built up areas where he will see people, traffic and other dogs.

Jet has lived with four children 8yr + and has lived with 3 other dogs. He has only been in a car on two occasions and both times had to lifted in but did travel ok.

Since being in our care although shy he has been friendly towards staff and volunteers, he is good around other dogs, has now learnt to walk on a lead and has been walked into a quiet village and coped well.

When on the farm he did nip a jogger on the foot as she was jogging through the fields he was running loose in, unknown if Jet marked her as she never stopped.

Christy- His owner found him too strong on a lead! Male 3 years

Christy is a 3 year old neutered black and white short coated collie. He came into our care from another rescue as his owner found him too strong on a lead. He has lived indoors but we don't have any information on his behaviour. He is quiet and clean in kennels and has been fine meeting other dogs out on a walk. He has met a 12 year old child on site and interacted well but despite this he is a little shy around new people and does get worried easily so needs a quiet home without young children. He has come from a rural area and at the moment is a little unsure being in built up areas so will only require short walks in quiet areas to begin with until he gets used to things.

Jack – Needs to settle with an only adults home

Jack is a 2 year old neutered black and white short coated collie. He originally came to us from another rescue, he then spent 4 months in a home but was returned as he became protective over the female owner and did on odd occasions

snap at the children he lived with when they approached her. This behaviour started after he was neutered prior to this he had been fine.

Jack is friendly with adults and is good with children he meets outdoors and was also fine with visiting children to the home, but due to the above incidents we wouldn't rehome him to live with young children. He is housetrained, is good when left alone for up to 4 hours, knows basic commands, loves to play although does get overstimulated and stressed if allowed to play too much, is good with other dogs and travels well. He does chase traffic when out walking and will also chase cats.

Still ready to adopt?

Then please complete the Online Application To Adopt Form. This is the first step in the process

The Application Forms are reviewed regularly by our Adoptions Team who will contact anyone they wish to discuss further with but please understand that we can't contact everyone who completes the form. That doesn't mean we don't want you to adopt but there can only be one new owner for each dog.

Do keep an eye on the website, and if you see another dog, at any time, that you would be interested in adopting then simply email with your name, post code and the dogs name you are interested in. We will then consider you for that dog.

Unfortunately we cannot make an appointment until The Adoptions Team contact you.

n If you still have some questions do take a look at the FAQ section or feel free to contact us on 01889 577058 (Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm) or of course email us. Tel: 01889 577058 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE 2023 – 29 JULY 2023 19
Jet is almost 2 years old Christy is 3 years old Jack is 2 years old

From dog walking to van driving, from data entry to campaigning on animal welfare issues

The RSPCA offers a tremendous variety of roles for aspiring volunteers to get stuck into.

The animal charity has enjoyed a boom in volunteer numbers in recent months, helped by over 1,000 people signing up to be a Wildlife Friend as part of the Big Help Out. In all, around 1,500 people applied for volunteer roles with the society in a two-month period.

And as the RSPCA marks Volunteers’ Week (June 1-7) by celebrating the superb contribution of its existing volunteer base, it is looking for even more people who can help make a difference to the lives of animals. Experience and time does not have to

be a barrier to volunteering as there are roles that can suit all types of people and those who can only spare a couple of hours across the week, such as the charity’s microvolunteering scheme and Super Campaigners.

Richard Clark, from Buckingham, recently signed up as a volunteer dog walker and he devotes five or six hours on one day a week helping out at RSPCA Blackberry Farm Animal Centre.

He collects around five or six of the centre’s dogs and takes them out for stimulating strolls in the countryside, while he is also completing a course to

expand his canine knowledge.

“It’s the time spent with the dogs that is important as my assistance frees up the permanent staff at Blackberry Farm so they can concentrate on the animals that need special attention,” said Richard. “But it just doesn’t mean that I simply walk them and I have received additional training to compliment the work already done with each dog - I am doing a ‘Gold’ badge course which will help me to work with dogs that have more complex needs.

“I have also completed an on-line training course to assist with

Wendy Harris (pictured with her dogs, Denzil and Ginny)

Volunteer dog walker Richard Clark

maintenance at the centre when an extra pair of hands are needed.

“I retired last summer and was looking for volunteer work to expand my horizons and provide some exercise in a pleasant countryside setting. As a family, we welcomed four rehomed dogs in the past and it is nice to play a small part in preparing a dog for rehoming.

“I get a real buzz when a timid dog willingly climbs on my lap for some fuss, or I get them to simply play with a toy, or chase a ball.”

Volunteer talk coordinator Wendy Harris (pictured with her dogs, Denzil and Ginny) is the first point of contact for requests from schools who are looking to book RSPCA Inspectors for educational talks.

Cornwall-based Wendy enjoys the opportunity the role affords her to use her data-handling skills.

“I coordinate between schools and inspectors and maintain progress for each request in a spreadsheet to ensure

Volunteer receptionist Sue Boon

it is easily visible,” she said. “I originally enquired about a different role, but this suits me better and I can do it from home over a few hours a week. I enjoy gathering and manipulating data, and figuring out alternative ways of presenting the data in order to save time and improve visual presentation so that it can be followed easily.

“I feel useful and appreciated by the rest of the team and I feel like I am giving back something to the animals who give us so much.”

Sue Boon once dressed up as a dog on a fundraising carnival float during her 30 years of volunteering efforts. She volunteers as a receptionist at RSPCA Hillingdon Clinic and is currently a trustee of the RSPCA’s South Central Regional Board, which she chairs.

“My volunteering skills have also included acting in a murder mystery fundraising dinner, Christmas carolsinging and administration. In recent years I have worked with branch trustees

and I have been volunteering as a receptionist at my branch’s veterinary clinic for over twenty years.

“It helps to be a juggler as you are dealing with a number of issues at the same time, from helping the public with their queries, booking veterinary appointments and animals for rehoming, while liaising with vets and vet nurses. Just being there for those having a tough time is important and the role gives me the opportunity to work on the frontline.

“It is satisfying seeing the recovery of an animal which has been severely neglected and it’s given me the opportunity to work with a great team of veterinary staff and volunteers. I’ve made some lifelong friends along the way.”

Volunteers’ Week, run by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and its partners, aims to open up volunteering opportunities for everyone by increasing diversity. As well as celebrating the work of existing volunteers the week-long event aims to raise awareness about the benefits of volunteering and how it can help people gain new skills and at the same time boost their self-esteem.

RSPCA head of volunteering Brian Reeves said: “Volunteers' Week is an opportunity to celebrate our fantastic volunteers here at the RSPCA. The time they give willingly, along with their commitment and dedication to animals and animal welfare is phenomenal.

“Every volunteer in every role is appreciated, and should take pride in the fact that they are changing the lives of animals. On behalf of all of us at the RSPCA and the animals they volunteer for we say thank you!”

n The RSPCA is still recruiting for Wildlife Friends to help protect and nurture wildlife by carrying out a variety of simple tasks in their gardens and local communities. The charity’s volunteering hub also has a range of interesting roles. RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 21
Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 10 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT

owners citing financial issues for giving up pet cats

The number of pet cats given up for rehoming due to financial issues from January to May 2023 increased by nearly 50% compared to the same period last year, according to the charity Cats Protection.

And as the cost of living crisis continues to take hold, the charity says it is seeing a rise in people from both low-income and well-off households giving up their cats due to higher costs.

Cats Protection Head of Field Operations Peter Shergold said: “We are now regularly hearing from struggling owners who have had to make the heartbreaking decision to give up their cat because they can no longer afford the costs of their care. For many people, cats are part of the family, so it is naturally very difficult to be facing such an upsetting situation.

“Families remain the largest group citing financial reasons for giving up their cats, but we are also seeing an increase in older people and pensioners finding themselves in this position. Our research has been showing us that it is both low-income households and those who would have previously been

described as well-off who are struggling financially to keep their cats.

“We’ve been working hard to support owners during the cost of living crisis and have set up an online hub where owners can find lots of information and support. We are doing everything we can to help more owners keep their cats, and we are grateful for the many animal lovers who have been supporting this work by making a donation.”

As well as including hints and tips on keeping cat care costs down, Cats Protection’s online hub also includes details of the charity’s Community Kitty scheme. The scheme works with food banks and community partners to provide cat food to owners struggling with costs. Cats Protection is also part of the National Pet Food Partnership, a coalition of charities working with Fareshare and Petplan to redistribute pet food to those most in need.

There are also details of other

agencies and organisations which can offer to support to cat owners, as well as details of Cats Protection’s free and low-cost neutering schemes.

Peter added: “As well as offering help and advice, the hub also includes details of how the public can help by donating cat food to our Community Kitty scheme, if they’re in a position to do so.”

Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity and has helped an average of 157,000 cats and kittens a year over the last five years through its national network which includes around 210 volunteer-run branches and 34 centres.

n For more information on looking after cats during the cost of living crisis, please visit

rises by nearly 50%

Cat on a hot tiled roof! Stranded feline rescued by RSPCA and firefighters

The panting feline was being attacked by crows in the heatwave

The RSPCA and firefighters rescued a cat who was stuck precariously on the roof of a property in Thornaby.

Cotton landed in trouble after climbing out of a skylight window at her home in Thornaby Road in the North Yorkshire town in the early hours of June 14. The white cat wandered across neighbouring terrace roof tops and, after her owner tried unsuccessfully to lure her back in by placing treats near to the window, the RSPCA was contacted.

The distressed feline was panting in the soaring heat and cowering in the shade of a chimney stack, while her owner said she was also having to dodge the unwanted attention of crows flying around the roof space.

RSPCA inspector Christine Nisbet, who attended the incident later that morning, enlisted the support of Cleveland Fire Brigade to help the cat.

An aerial platform was deployed by fire officers so they could get near to the chimney stack, but it was only when Cotton moved down to a lower-level roof that one of the firefighters was able to grab hold of her from the top of a ladder, place her in a bag and bring her down to safety.

Inspector Nisbet said: “Cotton was too frightened to come down, despite lots of coaxing from her owners, and it was boiling hot which is why we were so concerned for her. She was trying to take some shade next to the chimney and was panting, and being a white cat she would have been prone to having her ears burnt by the sun. At first the firefighters couldn’t reach her with their ladders, so they had to request specialist equipment. They got quite close to her, but there was a gap and she shot down the other side of the roof.

“Ladders were put up at the back of the property and thankfully she was brought down. We can’t thank the fire

officers enough for their help. Their help is invaluable in rescuing cats stuck at these sorts of heights, given the specialist equipment and expertise they have. It’s a great reminder of what we can achieve together for animal welfare.”

Cotton emerged unscathed from her ordeal and was reunited with her grateful owner.

The RSPCA works closely with the emergency services and is incredibly grateful for any help it receives. The charity can request the help of the fire and rescue service and some crews use animal rescues for training, but emergencies involving people always take priority.

n The RSPCA's new Kindness Index reveals that while we are a nation of animal lovers - animal welfare is threatened by a behaviour gap between people’s desire to be kind to animals and the impact of their everyday choices. The RSPCA wants to re-energise the nation's love and activism for animalsand has launched a new 'Kindness Quiz' to help people understand what more they can do to create a country, and world, that is kinder to animals of all shapes and sizes. Members of the public can take the RSPCA’s Animal Kindness Quiz online


Make your cat the star of the home by creating a plant pot lookalike with Cats Protection

Cat lovers are being invited to join in a nationwide charity craftalong to create a bespoke plant pot in the likeness of their favourite moggy.

Cats Protection has teamed up with Jasmine Pottery Studio to come up with the Craft for Cats kits, which can be customised to create a clay lookalike of a much-loved pet cat.

Cats Protection’s Craft for Cats organiser Zoe Thompson said:

“Everyone thinks their cat is the best –and quite rightly so! So we wanted to come up with a way where people could create something really special in honour of their own cat, whilst at the same time learning a new skill and raising money for Cats Protection.

“Each pot will be made with love and will be completely different. We supply all the materials by post, including the air dry clay and paints, and participants will also receive a video link to the craftalong to follow the instructions.

“The kits are great for cat owners or anyone that loves cats. They also make a truly lovely gift for someone as the finished piece will be a total one-off and a great way to honour a muchloved pet.”

The kits are available now for £30, with at least £10 from each sale going towards Cats Protection’s work in helping cats in need. A link to the video craftalong will be provided with each kit, which will take participants through each step of creating their pot.

In 2022, over 9,000 cat-loving crafters took part in Craft for Cats

events, raising almost £220,000 for Cats Protection.

Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity and has helped an average of 157,000 cats and kittens a year over the last five years through its national network which includes

around 210 volunteer-run branches and 34 centres.

n To find out more about Craft for Cats, please visit t

26 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 10 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT

From Zoom Crashing to ‘Catifying’ The Tea Break, The UK’s Cat Working From Home Workforce and Their Purr-sonas Revealed!

Dogs might try to get all the attention with the annual Bring Your Dog to Work Day, but cat care company Tippaws can reveal that the UK’s 11-million strong cat population plays a vital role in their owner’s regular working from home days. In fact, they even have their own work purr-sonas.

In a survey of UK cat owners, more than half (55%) revealed that during the working day, their cat can be found close to their designated home working area – whether it’s laying across their laptop, seated on their lap or next to them.

Cats gracing a Zoom meeting was also not uncommon, with three in ten pet parents revealing that their feline had appeared on screen, and 82% adding that their colleagues even knew their cat’s name. However, not all their Zoom-ing has been positive; more than 20% of owners admitted that their cat has tried to obstruct meetings with unreasonable demands for attention and loud cat noises, leading to their parent having to mute, pause or even leave Zoom meeting.

When working from home with cat, standard work-day pitstop practices of tea breaks and the like have also been ‘catified’, with eight in ten cat owners admitting that they ‘paws’ their day for a quick chat or play with their cat to recharge. Kitties continue their therapy role to listen to 87% of pet parents offloading their work stresses on their nonjudgmental furry ear, and nearly all (96%) of the respondents acknowledged the important role their cat plays in improving their overall mental health.

Instead of hitting the dog-friendly pub, feline co-workers also help their WFH owners draw a line under their hard day with sofa snuggles (25%) or trying to instigate fun, with 16% of cats following their owner around the house wanting to play. Some cats were more demanding, with 37% putting their paw down to make demands to be fed, as soon as their owner shut their laptop!

Tippaws Founder Rachel Andre says: “Cats may be independent creatures, but they strike the perfect balance of affection, support and distraction, which is very much in contrast to their canine counterparts, who can be very demanding for play and attention. We believe this makes cats excellent WFH colleagues, enhancing the wellbeing of their owner and making their workday more enjoyable.”

Research suggests that working from home can also be beneficial to your cat’s mental health with Rachel adding: “A lot more research still needs to be done when it comes to separationrelated problems in domestic cats, however, early studies suggest that there may be a link between the number of hours a cat is left alone in the house per day and negative behaviour. Conversely, spending more time with your cat during the day may

help reduce the risk of behavioural issues.”

While a cat’s approach to co-working at home may be autonomous, Tippaws can reveal five common WFH purrsonas being adopted by our feline friends. Rachel Andre says: “While we all know our cats rule the roost, we wanted to find out what work purr-sonas our cats take on as WFH colleagues, so we created a quiz to find out.”

The quiz can reveal five work purrsonas our furry friends are taking on when they ‘work’ from home. They include CEO aka Boss Cat, HR Manager aka Head of Purr-sonnel, Marketing Manager aka Meowk-eting Genius, IT Manager aka Digital Whizcat and Quality Control Manager Aka The Purrfectionist.

n Uncover your cat’s work purr-sona in the Tippaws quiz at this link and receive a free 300g bag of Delicious Dry Food Tippaws order (only £2.99 shipping) at the end too! On you will also discover their range of healthy and nutritious dry cat food and Long-Lasting Clumping Litter, which is made from plant fibres that are by-products, compostable, biodegradable and FSC® certified.


Walk-in Chalet

The standard unit you will need for your licenced cattery, also used and approved by leading rescue groups throughout the UK.

The fully lined and insulated walk-in sleeping quarter measures 4ft wide x 4ft deep x 6ft high and has a vinyl floor for easy cleaning. Two removable UPVC shelves, a fully adjustable air vent, lockable cat flap and a fully opening window leading to a sunning shelf and ladder, make this a firm favourite with customers and cats alike!

A 6ft long exercise area gives your cats plenty of space to explore and relax. A second sunning shelf provides another area to watch the world go by as it is near the front of the pen.


Champion Penthouse

With a fully lined and insulated raised sleeping area, our Penthouses have extra run space underneath. There is a large viewing window in the front door of the sleeping compartment, a white, removable uPVC internal shelf and a fully adjustable air vent. A cat flap leads to sunning shelf one which has a detachable ladder leading down to the exercise run and a second sunning shelf is at the safety porch end.

Lift out shutters are fitted to the top half of all exterior walls which, when removed leave just the galvanised mesh allowing your cats to enjoy a truly outdoor experience.

If you are having more than one pen, full height sneeze barriers will be fitted between each pen and you will have the choice of solid white or clear acrylic for these. Our Champion range of cat pens come in standard 3ft and 4ft widths

Premier Champion Penthouse

Our Premier Champion range of cat pens come in a 3ft or 4ft width and, to the naked eye, look exactly like our standard Champion range. These though, are fitted with a seamless fibreglass module, exclusive to Lindee Lu, in the sleeping compartment offering ultimate hygiene and durability.

These pens are perfect for breeders, private cat owners and charity fostering pens, being an absolute necessity if you have elderly or unwell cats or kittens who cannot manage a ladder.

The Premier range is also available with an additional downstairs module, so each pen has two sleeping areas, both of which are able to accommodate a panel heater.


Our hand made Catteries are manufactured in the UK

4ft Classic House

Our Classic House has a full-height walk in sleeping quarter – much the same as our standard 4ft Chalets but these are manufactured for those wanting a single pen which will be installed up against a fence, hedge or boundary wall.

The Classic benefits from a full, solid insulated roof and a solid timber back wall providing ultimate protection and ‘classic’ good looks!

The sleeping area of the Classic House has an additional opening window to the 4ft Chalet, for added ventilation, which is secured using galvanised mesh when open. Two sunning shelves in the exercise area and two, removable uPVC shelves in the sleeping area give your cat plenty of choice on where to hang out.

Our Classic House also benefits from a raised floor throughout, fully covered with vinyl which not only looks very smart but it’s warm underfoot and very easy to clean.
01275 853800

Smashing car windows: Pet store chain’s bold move to save lives this summer

To remind Swedes that no pets should be left in hot cars, the country’s largest pet store chain launches the Heatstriker – a new innovation that assists in breaking a car window to rescue a pet.

STOCKHOLM, 28 JUNE 2023 - Every summer, pets are injured or killed when left alone in hot cars. For an animal trapped in a parked car, high temperatures can quickly lead to overheating, and in the worst case, lifethreatening instances of heatstroke or even death. With record high temperatures expected in Sweden this summer, owners need to be extra cautious when travelling with their pets.

In response to this, Arken Zoo –Sweden’s largest pet store chain – has created the Heatstriker. The first innovation of its kind to combine an emergency hammer with a water container, the dual-purpose tool allows quick rescue of a trapped pet as well as direct access to drinking water, which is essential if an animal is overheated or suffering from heatstroke. Supported by Swedish law, the Heatstriker can be used to smash the car window if an animal’s health or life is in danger. The relevant legal clause and educational information about dangerous temperatures are printed on the bottle itself, while the packaging displays the steps users need to take

before using the Heatstriker.

This summer, Heatstrikers are displayed on parking lots around Sweden, available for the public to use in an emergency. The Heatstriker will also be sold in Arken Zoo stores nationwide.

The main purpose of the Heatstriker is to serve as a powerful reminder to never leave pets in a hot car.

Sarah Frelin Ekvall, Head of Marketing at Arken Zoo says: “As we are expecting a record hot summer, it is of utmost importance that no pets are left in hot cars. The Heatstriker provides an opportunity to act in an emergency by smashing the car window safely in order to save a life, as supported by law."

“Essentially, we hope that the Heatstriker will never be required, and instead serve as an important reminder that cars are for transportation only, never to leave a pet in a locked, hot car, not even for a ‘quick, few minutes’”, Sarah Frelin Ekvall continues.

How hot does it get in a parked car?

On a typical Swedish summer day, a

parked car can very quickly approach 30°C inside, posing a high risk of dehydration and heatstroke for trapped pets.

If you see a pet in a hot car

• Check if the car door is open

• Look for ventilation and air supply.

• Note the time and license plate number.

• Call 112 (911) in an emergency. Otherwise, call local police authority.

• Break a window if necessary (be careful of broken glass)

• Turn and detach the Heatstriker’s head

• Get the animal out of the vehicle and offer water.


8 Ways to respect the Environment on walks

With the hustle and bustle of 21st-century living, disconnecting from your phone, emails, and a neverending to-do list can feel like a literal and figurative breath of fresh air

However, according to the WWF, the UK is: “One of the most nature depleted countries in the world and despite nature struggling against all odds to survive, more than 1 in 7 native species face extinction and more than 40% are in decline.”

We don’t want to be the harbingers of doom and gloom, but these shocking statistics do highlight the urgent need for all of us who enjoy the countryside to treat it with care. Respecting the environment is more important than ever and a topic that should be on everyone’s agenda.

To reduce unintentional environmental damage and ensure a continued countryside legacy for future

generations, let’s take a look at how you can do your bit as an individual.

Stick to The Countryside Code to Protect Nature

We regard the Country Code as a core around which will grow a body of information about the countryside. As knowledge spreads, there should be much less damage often done by sheer thoughtlessness in well intentioned people. The National Parks Commission, 1951

There may be some unspoken do’s and don’ts when it comes to proper dog walking etiquette, but when it comes to rural ramblings, it’s worth bearing in mind that there are some actual written rules!

Yes, 2021 marked the 70th year of The Countryside Code. First published in 1951 following The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act in

1949, promotional material was circulated to support The Countryside Code in the form of booklets, posters, poems, and TV commercials. It contained 10 simple messages for visitors to the countryside that haven’t really changed all that much over the years (and largely echo the advice we’ll be giving further down below!).

All in all, the core guidance remains the same – that visitors to rural areas should take necessary steps and precautions to protect, respect, and enjoy the natural environment. Whether walking on your own or with your favourite four-legged companion, it’s good to get reacquainted with the fundamentals of responsible countryside rambles.

How to Enjoy the Countryside Responsibly

A lot of this guidance may sound like

Whether you’re blessed with rolling countryside on your doorstep or you’re planning a holiday to one of the UK’s stunning National Parks, there’s really nothing that beats a long day’s walk in the countryside. We’re sure your enthusiastic tail wagger couldn’t agree more, either!

plain common sense or have been drilled into you as a child, but it’s always worth a refresher. And besides, can you honestly say that you stick to this guidance 100% of the time? Remember that these rules aren’t meant to be harsh or restrictive when it comes to enjoying Britain’s waterways, coast, and countryside. They’re simply there to help preserve our wild spaces and ensure enjoyment for those who come after you.

1. Use gates & stiles

Where possible, use the appropriate gates, stiles, and gaps when crossing field boundaries. Climbing over dry stone walls or navigating wire fences isn’t only a hazard to yourself, but can cause damage and put farmers’ livestock at risk.

Also, when using gates, it’s good practice to leave them as you find them. If a gate was closed, then make sure the last member of your party knows to securely shut the gate behind them. Similarly, if a gate was open, take care that it stays that way. Farmers open and close gates to keep animals in, but they may also open them to ensure that grazing livestock has access to food and drinking water.

2. Keep to footpaths

It’s best where possible to stick to clearly marked paths (even if they’re a

bit muddy), and it’s especially important to do so when walking on footpaths surrounded by private property or farmland. This helps to protect wildlife and crops.

Whilst your off-leash pup may enjoy nothing more than racing off through the local farmer’s fields and springing up occasionally like a Thomson gazelle, the crops certainly won’t appreciate it! And in a lot of ways, it’s just poor manners. So make sure that you keep your dog under control, either with a strong recall or a tight leash. Your pooch should always stick to the path where appropriate, too.

Open access land means that you can technically walk anywhere you want and follow your own self-made path. However, footpath erosion is a lesserknown but real problem, particularly on peat moorland. Throughout the Peak District, for example, path erosion becomes a problem when walkers skirt round edges of eroded and boggy areas, which destroys wildlife and disturbs native animals.

3. Take your litter home

We’re sorry to have to state the obvious, but proper litter disposal is a must when responsibly enjoying the countryside. As much as possible, you should aim to leave no trace of where you have been. This needs to be particularly stated because there aren’t as many public

bins in rural areas (compared to your local park), so you’ll typically need to be prepared to take your litter home with you. And remember, this includes natural food waste like fruit peel, etc! To be fully prepared, take a dedicated rubbish bag in your backpack so that you can keep any litter separated from your other possessions.

Also, you may not even intend to litter or cause harm, but be mindful on gusty days as the wind can easily blow away wrappers or paper bags before you have a chance to catch them.

4. Dispose of dog poo

What spoils a lovely stroll in the country unlike anything else? Yep, you guessed it, abandoned dog poop!

Whether left in the middle of a path or bagged and hung from a branch, there is no countryside cleaning fairy. Not only is it an eye-sore and disrespectful to others wanting to enjoy a countryside trail after you, but even biodegradable bags can take years to properly decompose (so to make matters worse, it then becomes a sustainability issue, too). Dog poop itself can also attract nasty parasites and cause a health hazard when left on public footpaths, where other people and dogs may unwittingly come into contact with it.

We’re determined to do something about this dirty habit, so if you’d like to join the good fight with proper dog poop disposal, then give us a hand this May by taking part in our big countryside cleanup! To learn all about the #flickapoo movement and how to get involved, you can check out what all the fuss is about here

5. Avoid lighting fires

You may be picturing idyllic scenes huddled around a campfire and roasting marshmallows, but we’re going to have to burst your bubble. Unless you have an exceptionally good reason to do so, you shouldn’t light fires in the countryside.

In certain areas, it’s actually forbidden to do so. But even when there don’t appear to be any regulations in force either way, it’s unwise. Prolonged dry periods in the UK mean that moorland can be particularly susceptible to wildfires, which can cause habitat devastation and undue strain on emergency services. Not good. RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 33
cont. on p34

6. Don’t make a racket

Shh! We don’t mean you can’t make any noise at all, but please do be respectful of the enjoyment of other walkers and keep noise levels to a minimum in rural areas.

Not only is it common courtesy, but you should be mindful that you are trampling through the homes of many animals – some small and some big. Wild prey animals will be startled by loud noises they’re not used to, which may cause them to disrupt their behaviour, move territory, and even put their lives at risk.

It’s also more respectful to farm animals to give them a wide berth and not make any sudden noises or movements. Especially when looking after their babies, they may react unexpectedly or even violently, which only puts yourself and them at risk.


Leave wildflowers be

It may be tempting when surrounded by a sea of bluebells or a bank of cowslips to pick a posy of wildflowers. However, some flowers are rare, and in certain cases, maybe even a protected species. It’s therefore destructive towards native habitats, but could even result in a reprimand or fines.

Remember that some plants and flowers could even be toxic – best to enjoy these beautiful blooms from a distance.


Take public transport

Responsible walkers should consider their chosen mode of transport. Rather than driving a single car to your countryside destination and contributing to further carbon emissions and pollution, why not see what public transport options there are? For example, there are many local buses in National Park

areas that will drop you off exactly where you need to go. It also means that you can do linear walks (i.e. walk in a straight line back to the car), which allows you to cover more varied ground on your hikes.

Alternatively, there may be a nearby park-and-ride scheme for more popular natural tourist destinations and points of interest. You could also consider car sharing if you’re part of a rambling group.

Respect, Protect & Enjoy Our Beautiful Countryside

When enjoying a rural setting, keep this mantra from The Countryside Code in mind: “Respect, Protect and Enjoy.” Oh, and as well as respecting the environment, remember to also respect your fellow walkers! Don’t be afraid to say hello, be considerate towards

others, and share the space in a way in which you would want also want to be treated.

If we want areas of natural beauty to remain unspoiled, then it’s up to us to play our own individual part in making this a priority. So make sure to follow these straightforward tips when you’re out and about on your favourite dogwalking trails, and you can’t go far wrong!

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Joy Wins ‘Paw-blic’ Vote at Holyrood Dog of the Year Competition

There was a worthy winner at Holyrood today as, Joy, a four-year-old ex-racing greyhound was crowned the ‘paw-blic’ vote winner at Holyrood Dog of the Year 2023.

Joy, who was competing with Mark Ruskell, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, clearly impressed the public with their charming nature, as they voted in their droves to see her scoop the title.

This annual competition, organised by Dogs Trust and The Kennel Club, took place on Monday 26th June outside the Scottish Parliament in Parliament Gardens, where the winner of the ‘paw-blic’ vote was crowned alongside the overall competition winner, Buster, owned by David Torrance MSP.

Prior to today’s main event, the public were asked to vote for the political pooch they deemed to be the most deserving based on their top dog credentials by viewing their canine CVs which were posted on The Kennel Club’s website.

The MSPs campaigned hard via social media, to canvas support for the public vote. Following a well-fought battle, Joy emerged victorious, showing she really is the people’s pooch beating 12 paw-litical opponents paws down to win the prestigious title of ‘paw-blic’ vote winner.

The overall victor in the Holyrood Dog of the Year competition was Buster, a six-year-old Golden Retriever owned by David Torrance, MSP for Kircaldy. Leading the opposition in second place was Kura, an eight-year-old Flat Coated Retriever owned by Tess White, MSP for North East Scotland Region, and with a place in the (trophy) cabinet awarded to Dogs Trust rescue dog Oakley, presented by Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, in third.

Mark Ruskell, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, said: “It’s lovely to be here again with another greyhound. Joy winning the ‘paw-blic’ vote shows how much people love greyhounds and how the public’s concern about greyhound racing is growing. One of the implications of phasing out greyhound

racing is there will be more greyhounds requiring homes. They make fantastic pets and Joy is evidence of that.”

Owen Sharp, Dogs Trust Chief Executive said: “Our thanks to all MSPs and parliamentary pooches for taking part in Holyrood Dog of the Year, an event open to politicians and dogs of any pawlitical persuasion. It’s always exciting to see who the public chose as their ‘paw-blic’ vote winner. Huge congratulations to Mark Ruskell MSP who has won this title two years running with a greyhound, this year with fouryear-old Joy. What a fantastic achievement.”

Mark Beazley, Chief Executive of The

Kennel Club said: “Congratulations to Joy for winning the hearts of the public in today’s Holyrood Dog of the Year, and well done to Mark Ruskell MSP for being awarded the title for the second year in a row. All the MSPs and their dogs were worthy winners, and we’d like to thank all those who took part. Holyrood Dog of the Year is a fantastic way to raise awareness of the issues currently affecting the nation’s dogs.”

n You can find out more about all of the dogs available for rehoming at Dogs Trust but clicking here:


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Donkey foal named after star striker Kai Havertz

One of The Donkey Sanctuary’s newest arrivals has been named after Premiership footballer and donkey champion Kai Havertz

Kai the foal was born to rescued donkey Rosie at the international animal welfare charity’s headquarters in Devon in early spring.

The decision to name him Kai was prompted by a newspaper article in which the sought after football star talked about his long-held regard for these sensitive and intelligent animals. In the article Kai revealed that his teammates call him ‘donkey’- but not for the reasons the term has historically been used in football! Aware of his affection for the animals, the star striker was given the nickname because he too is a deep thinker and a calming presence on the field.

Animal-lover Kai, who grew up spending time with rescued donkeys at a sanctuary near his hometown of Aachen, said: “I have followed the work of The Donkey Sanctuary for some time so when they got in touch to say they’d like to name a foal after me, I was delighted.

“Donkeys are such incredible animals, and I am very happy to give my name so this little donkey can help raise awareness of the importance of good donkey welfare, here and all around the world.”

The staff at the sanctuary wanted to recognise Kai’s appreciation of these often-misunderstood animals and their emotional intelligence, and the effort he is making through his new foundation to improve the lives of donkeys in his home country of Germany. Kai Havertz Stiftung is a not-for-profit organisation supporting animal protection and welfare, youth and elderly care, and sporting youth development.

It appears the gorgeous fluffy grey and white donkey foal, who has already captured the hearts of his grooms at the sanctuary in Sidmouth, seems to be a fan of the beautiful game too.

As our images show, Kai the foal can be seen enjoying some enrichment in his field at the sanctuary with his football, closely accompanied by his mum Rosie. Enrichment provides the resident

donkeys more opportunities to interact with their environment, make choices and to be more mentally and physically active.

Marianne Steele, CEO of The Donkey Sanctuary, added: “Kai has proved to be a real champion of donkeys in every sense of the word.

“We are so pleased to have the opportunity to name our new foal after him and hope he will continue to inspire people to think about donkeys differently.”

Kai, who scored the winning goal for Chelsea in the Champions League final against Manchester City in 2021, is highly regarded both on and off the field. His football skills and generous heart will no doubt earn him more and more fans across the world, giving him the opportunity to promote animal welfare while encouraging people to see donkeys as the sensitive and intelligent creatures they really are. n

Kai (right) with his mum Rosie at The Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth

Protect your Horses from Midges and Flying insects!

make the horse drowsy and, therefore, are not ideal for longterm use.

A highly successful form of prevention is the Boett Blanket (available from The National Sweet Itch Centre, offers maximum body coverage. Recommended by many Vets and even covered by many insurance companies on the alternative therapy part of their policy.

n BioPlus capsules have been available for several years based on bacterial protein that are designed to re-educate the immune response (immunotherapy), good results are being reported. (available from The National Sweet Itch Centre,

Approximately five per cent of equines in the UK suffer from sweet itch. It results from hypersensitivity against salivary antigens from biting midges (Culicoides) and, to a lesser extent, the larger Simulium equinum, a member of the black fly family.

It is a common and well-described seasonal allergic dermatitis between March and October, reflecting the presence of insects and may affect all equine species. Intervention should begin as early as possible in the season – the climate appears to be playing havoc with our seasons, and our milder and damper winters are allowing the midge breeding season to start earlier (midges were seen in January this year).


Typically, sufferers can be observed excessively rubbing and scratching the mane, tail, withers, head, back and belly, or, in severe cases, the whole body. This persistent, selfinflicted trauma can cause damage, such as scaling, excoriation, hair breakage, alopecia, hives and ulcerations. The skin will become thickened and ridged if this pattern is repeated yearly and the risk of secondary infection is high. Other signs include lethargy or agitation, lack of concentration and head shaking. Weight loss is another possible clinical sign in severe cases. It is thought signs will worsen with age


It is widely documented there is no cure for sweet itch; the only true prevention is to completely eliminate the insects’ contact with the horse. Culicoides have a short flying distance of 100 metres and their breeding sites are wet soil, moist, decaying vegetation, clay soil and marsh land, so where possible, sufferers should be kept away from muck heaps, old hay, rotting leaves, streams and wet ground. Windy hillsides, chalk-based grassland or coastal areas are unsuitable environments for Culicoides, making them useful turnout environments for sweet itch cases.

Stabling at dawn and dusk is often advised but horses can do themselves more damage whilst stabled, as the environment lends itself to areas they can rub on. A good sweet- itch rug (Boett) with good protection and leaving the horse out in a suitable environment is preferable.

Antihistamines may bring some relief, but increasing high doses are required and the effects are variable. They can

The development and science behind this product and the work of Professor Stanford (BioEos) can be seen on this link:

Bio-Plus capsules for horses

These improve general health, reduced stress, stronger immune systems and resistance to disease. Visit


Boett Blanket
Tel: 07825 152490 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 39

Nutrition experts share advice on how to help your horse beat the heat

With another sizzling summer on the cards, the nutrition advisor s for the SPILLERS™ brand are sharing their guidance on keeping equine digestive systems healthy in hot weather, with appropriate hydration and forage intake.

“The average 500kg horse on an all-hay diet may drink 40 litres of water per day and a horse exercising in hot weather, can lose as much as 10-15 litres of fluid per hour through sweating,” said Sarah Nelson, Product Manager at Mars Horsecare, home of the SPILLERS™ brand. “Dehydration can impair performance, poses several health risks and in severe cases it can be fatal. Hot, dry weather may also heighten the water soluble carbohydrate content in grass and increase the risk of laminitis, while sparse pastures may increase the risk of sand colic.”

Follow Sarah Nelson’s 11 practical tips to help your horse beat the heat safely this summer.

Keep water supplies fresh, clean and plentiful

Fresh grass contains around 80% water. Under normal circumstances it may go a long way in meeting requirements but when soaring temperatures have scorched the grass, intake from buckets and troughs could more than double so make sure clean fresh water is always available. Check automatic troughs are working and keep an eye on herd dynamics – older or less dominant horses may be prevented from accessing water.

Monitor fluid intake

If you are concerned about fluid intake, try using manually filled buckets and troughs in hot weather so that you can monitor drinking easily.

Tempt reluctant drinkers

Horses may be reluctant to drink when they are away. They may prefer to drink familiar water from home so where possible try taking water with you to shows. It may also help to train your horse to drink flavoured water, perhaps by adding apple juice or molasses but if you are competing always consider the risk of prohibited substances before choosing a flavour. If offering flavoured water always offer plain water as an alternative.

Count droppings to assess forage intake

Although your field may look bare, if your horse or pony is overweight and you are picking up a similar number of droppings feeding additional forage may not be


necessary. Yellow grass may not look particularly appetising but if there is enough available it will have a similar energy level to hay which is more than enough to sustain many horses.

Support hydration by using a soaked feed

Using soaked feeds is a great way of getting extra fluid on board via the feed but an added benefit is that horses fed mashes may drink more too. Soaked feeds may be especially useful for those who are fussy drinkers.

Don’t prepare soaked feeds in advance

Soaking feeds in advance in hot weather can cause them to ferment quickly which is not desirable. Instead choose a fastsoaking mash – some take less than 5 minutes to prepare.

Avoid soaking hay for more than 3 hours

Soaking causes a rise in microbial contamination that may be exacerbated in hot weather. If soaking to reduce the ‘sugar’ content, we recommend 1-3 hours in warm weather and 6-12 hours

in cold weather. If soaking to reduce ‘dust’ just 10 minutes may be sufficient.

Beware scorched grass may be high in WSC

Whilst drought and overgrazing inhibit growth, grass continues to produce sugar in sunny conditions. When it can’t be used for growth, this sugar is stored in the stem as fructan which means scorched grass may still be high in water soluble carbohydrates (WSC: includes simple sugars and fructan), presenting a hidden danger for laminitics.

Avoid sand colic

The risk of colic from eating sand or soil is much higher if grass coverage is very sparse. Consider feeding hay or a low calorie hay replacer, ideally in a net, feeder or bucket rather than from the ground.

Provide a salt lick

The recommend amount of compound feed or balancer, suitable forage and access to an equine salt lick will generally meet electrolyte requirements for maintenance. For those sweating on a regular basis, table salt (the salt you put on your chips!) is often an effective

way of providing additional sodium and chloride.

Take care when the rain arrives! When the rain inevitably arrives there will be a rapid increase in grass growth and consequently intake, increasing the risk of laminitis, weight gain and colic. Access to grazing may need to be restricted for good doers or removed completely for those at very high risk of laminitis.

SPILLERS™ Perform & Restore Mash

Feeding SPILLERS™ Perform & Restore Mash supports hydration and helps to replace some of the electrolytes lost through sweating. It is high in fibre and low in starch and sugar to support digestive health and reduce the risk of excitability.

n For more advice on feeding your horse in hot weather contact the SPILLERS™ Care-Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 or visit

Can you give any of these lovely pets a place in your home and your heart?

Wallace & Gromit

These 2 shy kittens will need a quiet home to gain their confidence.

Available to rehome from RSPCA Danaher Animal Home



A fun loving puppy that will need more basic training. He loves travelling in a car.

Available to rehome from RSPCA Danaher Animal Home

Wallace & Gromit


Max M1

Mighty Max is on the lookout for an active fun-filled home that has the energy and experience to help him overcome his fear of losing out!

Available to rehome from RSPCA Danaher Animal Home

Cattery units

Chicubes has just brought out a standard range of cattery units to run alongside their standard and bespoke dog kennel range, with both full height walk in units as well as raised sleeping areas with walk in runs. With numerous options and configurations possible, laying out your new cattery design couldn’t be easier with internal shelving, flaps, windows, ramps and much more. Chicubes also deliver and fit all of their products nationwide or can be sent out to you for self assembly. So, if your existing cattery needs to be updated or replaced or you are looking for a completely new setup then Chris and his team at Chicubes can help, get in touch to see what they can do for you. Tel: 01782 499915

Sherpa Original Deluxe carrier

The Sherpa Original Deluxe carrier is perfect for transporting small dogs, cats and other animals. Ideal for use in the car or for trips to the vets, but also in the cabin of planes. Includes a patented sprung wire frame, which adjusts to fit in different spaces, e.g. under the seat in an airplane. As well as being practical, it offers lots of comfort for your pet; mesh panels give good ventilation, and the soft and cozy liner is removable and washable. Available in 2 sizes. For more details, please visit rsdmb

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out these products for your pets!

PCW Training Leads

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This stylish and elegant squirrel proof seed feeder is the latest edition to our squirrel proof range. A large, strong and stylish feeder from ‘Peckish’. Visit

600mm Diameter Heavy Weight Agility Tunnel –Single Colour

Heavy weight tunnels for use at clubs with a lot of traffic or large dogs where you need more stability. Our tunnels come in various sizes, weights and colours please see our website for more details

Our kids play tunnels are lightweight and flexible

Weatherproof and waterproof the tunnels are suitable for indoor play and durable enough for all year outdoor play too. The PVC material makes them easy to clean. They concertina down for easy storage. Visit

Catit Groovy Fish

This toy will keep your cat entertained for hours! Visit

Zoo Scratcher

Animal shaped gorilla corrugated cardboard scratcher. Perfect for your cat to claw at and lounge on. £30.00. Visit

A delightful soft hideaway with 2 levels for your feline royal highness to explore, featuring a movable drawbridge. £49.00. Visit

Nesting Season

Nesting Season is Here: Don’t go Encroaching

Nesting season in the UK is an exciting time of year! Watching birds build their homes and take care of their young is a great way to connect with nature. The season usually runs from March to august but there is no legally defined nesting season. During “nesting season”, it’s important to be aware of the needs of all types of birds and observe their behaviour from a distance. This includes avoiding disturbing their nests and keeping away pets or other animals that could harm them. By understanding the nesting habits of birds, we can ensure they have a safe place to call home during this special time of year. So go out and enjoy watching your feathered friends as they prepare for another beautiful nesting season!

It is illegal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to intentionally damage, destroy or obstruct any nest while it is in use or being built. This includes cutting down trees or hedges during nesting season. Disturbing a bird’s nest also carries a hefty fine of up to £5,000 and even six months in prison!

How to spot an active bird nest

To determine if a bird’s nest is active or not, you will need to look for some key signs. The best way to do this is to observe the nest from a distance and use binoculars or a spotting scope if available. Here are the primary things to look out for:

1. Look for birds coming in and out of the nest; it indicates that there are eggs or chicks inside that need care. If parents come and go frequently with food, it could be an active nest.

2. Check for any activity at night; many birds tend to be more active during twilight hours and can give away whether they are busy taking care of their young ones in the nest.

3. Small feathers around the nest could

mean that the chicks have grown big enough to leave.

4. Listen for noises coming from the nest; chirps or cheeps of baby birds are a sure indication that it is an active nest.

If you can’t observe any signs of activity and the nest appears abandoned, then it’s most likely not an active nest and can be removed without harming wildlife.

Use or birdspotter app to log all your sightings.

How to create safe space for birds

Creating a safe and healthy nesting environment for birds can be fun and rewarding. Not to mention, it’s important for the health of our bird population! Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Provide shelter: Provide trees, shrubs or hedges that offer cover from sun and wind, as well as areas with dense foliage that can block out predators. You can also include nest boxes in your garden — they provide a safe and secure area for birds to make

their nests.

2. Eliminate predators: Keeping cats indoors is one of the simplest ways to reduce avian mortality due to predation. Additionally, you should remove any other sources of danger such as window collisions and pesticide exposure.

3. Offer food and water: In addition to setting up bird feeders, you can also offer other sources of food, such as native plants with berries or insects that birds eat. Offering a shallow dish of water for birds to bathe and drink from is another way to attract them to your garden.

4. Respect their space: When nesting season comes around, give birds the space they need by keeping kids and pets away from the area. You should also avoid using loud noises or bright lights near nesting areas as this can disturb the birds and potentially cause them to abandon their nests. Creating a safe environment for nesting birds will ensure that our feathered friends have a place to call home each spring!

n Alternatively, call us on 01778 342 665 if you have any questions for us.

Kennedy Wild Bird Food Ltd 44 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE

Supplying the UK with high-quality wild bird food and bird seed

We are a family run wild bird food and wild bird seed supplier based in rural Lincolnshire. We supply only the finest quality products.




Ground feed mix

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Split Peanuts Economy wild bird mix Superior high energy mix

Small blanched, split peanuts (skins removed). Extra rich in both protein and oils, thus making an excellent and essential food for all year feeding. Peanuts are suitable and liked by most species of birds, and have long been the most popular of wild bird feeds. All our peanuts are certified as nil detectable signs of aflatoxin. £51.45/25kg


With our specialised blending of a number of nutritional seeds, this mix is suitable for a large variety of birds. High in black sunflower thus providing oil and protein and meeting all essential feeding requirements. Suitable for all year round feeding. £29.50/25kg

Small fatballs

The best, fattiest fat balls on the internet. Small Fat balls (no nets) offer a wide range of wild birds a nutritious and important source of energy specifically during winter and nesting season. Each fatball at approx 95g available in a box of 100. £27.75

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Suet special blend mix

This blended suet mixture is packed full of highIy calorific ingredients, it is ideal for all year round feeding and will attract a great variety of both small and medium sized birds to your garden. No re-growth under feeding station. Contains no wheat. £52.70/25kg


An extremely high energy mixture blended with the highest quality seeds. Suitable for all small birds and ideal for all year round feeding. Best fed from a seedfeeder or scattered on a bird table. Contains nowheat. £42.25/25kg

Dried mealworms

Dried mealworms are a tasty treat for garden birds with all the nutrition of live mealworms without the 'worm factor'. Attractive to robins, blackbirds, thrushes and all other insect eating birds. Available in sizes ranging from 250g to 10kg. £36.00/3kg


Sunflower hearts

Bakery grade premium sunflower hearts. No unsightly husk. A food that is loved by most species of birds being high in both protein and oils. Makes a most desirable all year round food. £49.75/25kg

Won’t grow mix

Blended with 60% bakery grade sunflowerhearts, this energy rich mixture has been blended to ensure no re-growth under your feeding station. Suitable for all year round feeding. Best fed from seed feeder, scattered on bird table or from ground feeder. Contains no wheat. £46.75/25kg

Superior finch mix

This classic mixture was blended specifically with finches in mind. Contains a wonderful selection of the finest seeds and is suitable for all year round feeding. Best fed from seedfeeder or scattered on a bird table. Contains no wheat. £39.95/25kg

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The 4pets Caree

A state-of-the-art travel system for small pets, to 15kg. It securely fits to the car seat, either using the standard seatbelt or via ISOFIX latching points. It's designed for safety and has passed TÜV's crash- testing regime. It's also designed for ease of use, with a door on each side (one-handed opening and closing), and a very cosy bed that's easily removed for hand washing. Price from £224.95.

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Dozer Donut pet bed

The Dozer Donut wrap around style pet bed offers supreme comfort and premium support for your dog, cat or small pet.

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Nature's Greatest Secret has the widest range of Colloidal Silver Petcare products and is one of the UK's longest established Colloidal Silver Brands. All new products are developed in partnership with a leading holistic veterinarian.

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Dog Bag ‘pop up’ kennel that can be used in the home, office, car, or when out and about as a shelter against the sun.

ClimaCOOL Self Cooling Dog Mat

To reactivate the dog mat simply leave unused for 1 hour at room temperature. Available Medium to Large. £19.99


Dog Bag

Dog Bag is an award-winning ‘pop up’ kennel that can be used in the home, office, car, or when out and about as a shelter against the sun. Made of immensely hard-wearing and fully water-proof material, it’s held upright with an integral sprung steel frame. Bands of special mesh provide sufficient UV protection as well as plenty of ventilation. It comes with a handy rucksack that can be used for all your dog’s holiday essentials, or for storing the Dog Bag when not in use. Available in 4 sizes. For more details, please visit

Dirty Dog Shampoo Bar

The Dirty Dog bar contains tomato extract which makes this bar ideal for neutralising odours and helping clean stinky pets. Great for dogs who like to roll in fox or badger poop! £8.95



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Dino/Ice Cream Soft Toy Bone

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Collapsible Dog Bowl

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Animal welfare charities express concern over

planned greyhound racing at Towcester despite extreme temperatures

The leading animal welfare organisations behind the “Cut the Chase” coalition are disappointed and concerned that this weekend’s planned greyhound racing at Towcester Racecourse is still going ahead, despite temperatures set to rise above 25°C.

Dogs Trust, RSPCA, Blue Cross, Hope Rescue and Greyhound Rescue Wales have all expressed concerns for the welfare of the dogs involved in this weekend’s racing, as experts advise that exercising dogs in warm weather can be fatal.

Dogs can’t regulate their body heat in the same way as humans, so extra care needs to be taken in hot weather, and if dogs are too hot and can’t sufficiently manage their body temperature, they may develop heatstroke which can be fatal. While most of us know that leaving dogs in hot cars is incredibly dangerous, one study found that almost three quarters of heat related illnesses in dogs were actually exercise related.

Symptoms of heatstroke in dogs include panting heavily, drooling excessively, appearing lethargic, drowsy or uncoordinated, vomiting and / or diarrhoea and collapsing.

This week, stats released by GBGB, the organisation responsible for licencing greyhound tracks in the UK, show that 244 dogs died or were put to sleep due to their participation in greyhound racing over the last year, and there were 4,354 injuries. This is on top of the almost 2,000 dogs that have died or have been put to sleep over the previous four years.

Dogs Trust, RSPCA, Blue Cross, Hope Rescue and Greyhound Rescue Wales have issued the following joint comment:

“Heat stroke in dogs can be fatal which is why every year we remind owners around the county not to exercise their dogs in warm weather. As the temperatures continue to rise in parts of the country, the mercury is expected to reach at least 25°C around Towcester Racecourse this weekend; this is far too hot for dogs to be running at speed around tracks.

“This week, GBGB, the organisation

responsible for licencing tracks in Great Britian, claims to have made significant improvements to the welfare of greyhounds and yet it continues to ignore the advice of experienced veterinary professionals when it comes to racing in these extreme weather conditions.

“We call on all dog owners and dog lovers to keep their dogs out of the heat this weekend, and to avoid exercising them until the temperatures drop down to below 21°C. Skipping a walk or a run won’t do them any harm; exercising them in extreme temperatures will.”

Last year, Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross announced their joint call for greyhound racing to come to an end as soon as possible to put a stop to the unnecessary and completely preventable

deaths greyhounds. This echoes the calls of other welfare organisations, including Hope Rescue and Greyhound Rescue Wales.

Working together as the Cut the Chase Coalition, Dogs Trust, the RSPCA, Blue Cross, Hope Rescue and Greyhound Rescue Wales have worked with the greyhound racing industry for many years to try to improve conditions for the dogs involved in the industry. While this has led to some improvements, there are still significant welfare issues for racing greyhounds which have not been resolved and cannot be resolved.

The racing taking place at Towcester Racecourse this weekend are the semi-final heats of the Greyhound Derby, with the final set to take place on 1st July.


Charity launch emergency appeal after rescuing 5 emaciated ponies

Five extremely frightened and malnourished ponies are currently being treated and nursed back to health at a horse rescue charity on the outskirts of Bristol.

Equine welfare charity, HorseWorld received an urgent call to ask if they could help with a major rescue operation involving multiple rescue charities.

The economic crisis has had a huge impact on the number of horses in need and HorseWorld, like many other charities, were already at capacity. Despite the pressure this placed on finances and resources, the charity couldn’t turn away from horses who were in desperate need of help.

After a long journey to the rescue site, they were greeted with the pitiful sight of animals that had clearly been dealt a very cruel hand in life.

“They wouldn’t have survived much longer without help” said HorseWorld’s Head of Equine Welfare, Sarah Hollister. “They had been abandoned and were completely unhandled and terrified of humans. In a situation like this the equine skills of our team are really tested but with plenty of patience and kindness they were able to coax the frightened, bewildered ponies into the

lorry and transport them to the safety of HorseWorld.

“These ponies are likely to be the subject of a prosecution case meaning we are unable to go into details about their identity, location of the rescue and the circumstances that led to them being in such an appalling condition until court proceedings are over.”

Sarah continued “Our veterinary team have begun treating these rescued ponies which will be continued over the summer and it will take years of rehabilitation in the safe surroundings of HorseWorld to reach a stage where they might be suitable to find a loving home on our rehoming scheme. All this will place a financial pressure on HorseWorld so we’ve launched an appeal in the hope that our kind supporters may be able to help. The number of horses and ponies finding themselves in desperate need seem to be increasing faster than we can rescue them!”

One of the mares in the group appears to be heavily pregnant but is extremely

fearful of humans making it difficult at this stage to give her a proper veterinary examination. This would mean that the extra five ponies the charity have made space for, could soon become six!

HorseWorld’s Fundraising and Engagement Coordinator, Amy Williams explained “It's incredibly difficult to raise the sizeable funds needed for a rescue like this when we are prevented from telling you all the details while the court case is incomplete but as soon as we can, we will publish updates on their progress.

“Any amount you can give to help us meet these unexpected and substantial costs would make a real difference and help to give these ponies a chance of a much brighter future.”

n The appeal can be found on HorseWorld’s website at RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 49

pet insurance expert: here is why you shouldn’t rely on fundraisers to take care of your pets

When your pet gets ill or is injured, it's a big concern, especially since it can be very expensive and difficult to afford. Here are 5 things to consider when it comes to covering your animal's health, according to an expert from Petplan.

1. Why is it important to have pet insurance?

There are many reasons that it’s important to insure your pet. First and foremost, pet insurance can help you cover the cost of veterinary bills. If your pet gets ill or is injured, the right pet insurance policy will give you peace of mind that you’ll be able to cover the cost of their care, and reduce the financial stresses that come with unexpected bills. What’s more, lifetime pet insurance policies will ensure that your pet is covered for any lifelong conditions they are diagnosed with after the cover started. This means that you can continue to access veterinary care for that condition throughout your pet’s life.

Just like us, pets can get ill or injured at any time so it’s important to make sure you have the right cover in place to

be able to get them the best care you can. Not all pet insurance policies are the same, and finding the right cover from day one is really important.

Asking these questions can help you decide what cover is just

l Will my pet’s symptoms or condition be covered for life?

l Are there any limits per condition within the vet fee cover?

l Does the policy cover dental illness and injury?

l Will my premiums go up as a result of claiming against the policy?

Alongside vet fees and dental care, Petplan policies also provide cover for missing pets, diagnostic tests and scans, complementary treatments and behavioural conditions, as standard.

2. Why shouldn’t pet owners rely on fundraisers to foot the bill for veterinary costs for

their pets?

Veterinary costs are often sudden and unforeseen, or ongoing. If your pet needs immediate care, you won’t want to wait before you are able to take them to the vet and, whilst it might seem like a good idea, fundraising for your pet’s care could take a very long time. Your pet’s condition could get worse during this period, which risks prolonging your pet’s distress, as well as increasing the costs of veterinary care.

What’s more, you cannot rely on people to donate to your pet’s care fund and you may quickly find yourself out of options if you don’t receive the donations you need.

Furthermore, some treatments are required over the longer term. Whilst fundraising may work over the short

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term, perhaps to cover the cost of an initial operation, it is rarely viable over the longer term for ongoing care and medications.

If you would struggle to pay an unexpected vet bill, it’s always best to take out a pet insurance policy to alleviate some financial concerns.

3. What should you do if your current pet insurance plan doesn’t cover the extent of your pet’s treatment? Is fundraising a viable option then?

All pet insurance policies have a vet fee limit in place. Some also have additional limits hidden within the small print of your policy documents. Make sure you understand what medical conditions your policy covers, and for how much and how long before committing to a policy.

Unfortunately, if your existing policy does not cover your current vet bills, switching providers for a different policy won't help and the new policy will not be able to cover the current costs. This is because the current symptoms (as well as any previous ones) will be labelled as pre-existing – even if your pet has recovered from the illness that caused them.

Again, whilst there’s nothing to stop you fundraising for your pet, it’s important to remember that this can take time and is not a failsafe method. You could be prolonging your pet’s distress or even putting them in danger by not seeking veterinary help sooner.

4. Are there any medical conditions that aren’t covered by pet insurance?

There are various different types of pet insurance cover. The four main types are:

1. Accident-only

2. Time-limited

3. Maximum benefit

4. Lifetime

As the name suggests, accident-only cover applies to conditions caused by an accident, such as a road-traffic accident or ingesting something they shouldn’t. These types of policy will not cover you for illnesses or diseases.

Whether you purchase a time-limited, maximum-benefit or lifetime cover policy, you’ll need to understand the exclusions that may be placed on your particular policy – these are costs that your pet insurer will not cover. When you take out a policy on a perfectly healthy puppy, kitten or baby rabbit, there are unlikely to be any exclusions on your policy.

However, if your pet has shown symptoms of a condition and/or has been treated for an illness or injury, these conditions may not be covered on a new policy as they are now referred to as a pre-existing condition. A pre-existing condition could be placed on your existing policy on renewal, or on a new policy if you switch providers. Note that a pre-existing condition doesn’t mean that the cause of the symptoms has been diagnosed. If your pet has received treatment for a limp for example, even though the exact cause of that limp was never diagnosed, your new insurer is unlikely to cover any costs related to limping on your policy. If your pet is already insured before the limp started then your insurer should cover costs related to diagnosing or treating it, provided they fall within your vet fee limits and have not already been excluded.

Pre-existing symptoms and conditions are a common cause of declined claims, so it's important to read your insurance documents carefully when switching or renewing your policy.

Depending on your insurance provider, a time-limited policy may offer cover for 12 months from when your pet first exhibited that symptom or condition. On other policies, such as Petplan's Essential policy, your pet is covered for 12 months after starting treatment, covering vet bills up to £3,000. Many pet owners who have insured their pet using

a time-limited policy assume that they have one year of cover from when they start claiming. This means that they sometimes consent to costly investigations and treatments assuming they are covered because they haven’t claimed yet.

Sometimes a pet owner will only realise a symptom or condition is excluded when their claim is declined by the insurer, because they check a pet’s medical records to see whether they’ve previously suffered from these symptoms. If this has happened more than a year ago, this claim will be declined.

This does not happen, however, when a pet has been insured continuously via a lifetime policy. This is by far the major advantage of taking out one of these policies when your pet is young and perfectly healthy. Most pet insurers also don’t cover routine vaccinations, parasite control, microchipping and neutering. These are all essential parts of responsible pet ownership so you’ll need to budget for these separately.

5. If you can’t afford pet insurance, where should you turn?

Whilst it does add an additional cost to your monthly outgoings, a good quality pet insurance policy is the best way to ensure you’re financially supported if something does happen to your pet, as vet fees can be surprisingly expensive.

However, if you are really struggling to foot the bill, there are some charities you can turn to for help. PDSA offers meanstested veterinary support to some pet owners; to qualify for their support you need to be receiving certain benefits, such as housing or council tax support, and live within the catchment area of a PDSA centre. The Blue Cross operates a similar scheme and the RSPCA offers reduced-cost vet care to pet owners who meet their criteria.


Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 10 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 51

Food Crisis Causing the Loss of Equine Lives

The combined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate shocks and conflicts such as the war in Ukraine are causing huge food shortages across West Africa which is having a devastating effect on both people and animals. The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust (GHDT) are a UK registered charity who have been working to improve equine welfare in The Gambia for the past 20 years and they are seeing first-hand the horrific impacts of the food shortages.

Heather Armstrong, Director of the charity said “It is becoming increasingly difficult to source enough food for the animals in our care. We are seeing an increase in the number of completely emaciated animals being brought to us for care, simply because their owners have been unable to source enough food for their animals. Often they are too far gone for us to be able to save which is heartbreaking for all involved.” She went on to say “In the past couple of years, animal feed prices have increased three-fold or more in some cases. This is extremely difficult for us as a charity as it means our costs have risen dramatically, but it is even worse for Gambian equine owners who simply don’t have enough money to pay for these continually increasing costs.”

Many Gambian families rely on their working equines for their own livelihood, using them for farming or transport purposes. If their animal becomes

malnourished and unable to work, then the family lose their ability to earn an income and a vicious cycle of poverty is created. The GHDT is now having to look further and further afield to source enough food to support the equines in their care, which currently include 62 donkeys and 12 horses, not to mention the 3 camels, 2 cows, 14 goats and 7 sheep who also require access to forage. In addition to the equines, the GHDT also care for more than 85 dogs and 40 cats in desperate need of help.

“It may become necessary for us to source additional feeds, such as sugar beet, from outside of The Gambia to enable us to keep the animals in our care alive and enable them to continue their healing journeys. We are fully aware that this is not sustainable and it is also extremely costly, which puts a huge amount of strain on a small charity like ourselves, but we have to take whatever steps we can to ensure the health and welfare of the animals we are

responsible for” said Heather.

When forage is so limited, the charity also see an increase in the number of sand colic cases due to the sandy ground conditions and the equines searching for tiny scraps of forage on the floor. This brings additional welfare concerns as well as increased costs for treatments and nursing care at the charity.

n The GHDT are appealing to anyone who may be able to help during this crisis for donations towards their feed costs, to enable them to continue saving the lives of equines desperately in need. If you are able to help, online donations can be given via Justgiving at or can be sent by post to Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust, Brewery Arms Cottage, Stane Street, Ockley, Surrey. RH5 5TH

Some of our recent emaciated patients. The ones with ‘donut’ rings on them –these are sutured to their skin to protect them from injury when they lay down because they are so thin that they quickly develop pressure sores over boney prominence’s without additional protection.

Keeping cool at The Donkey Sanctuary

Not only do the frozen treats help cool them down, but they also provide a valuable form of enrichment. Donkeys love exploring, and this activity allows them to exhibit their natural foraging behaviours – a key factor in improving donkey welfare.

The ‘lollipops’ are made using a variety of ingredients with different

smells to make it more interesting for the donkeys, including grated carrots in frozen water and flavoured tea or cordial, with added hazel leaves and apples.

It is also very important that the donkeys have clean drinking water and access to shelter so they can get out of the hot sun.



Image credit: The Donkey Sanctuar y

of hot weather. Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 10 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023 53
The four-legged residents of The Donkey Sanctuary are being treated to ice enrichment treats to help keep them cool during the current spell

Bee-come a Wildlife Hero: Tips for Attracting Pollinators

Tips and tricks to boost your garden's wildlife

Plant a diverse selection of flowers

Bees are attracted to a variety of flowers, so choose plants that bloom at different times throughout the season. Some great options include lavender, bee balm, and coneflowers. Not only will you have a beautiful garden, but you'll also help to support the bee population.

Avoid using pesticides

Pesticides can be harmful to pollinators. They can disrupt their navigation abilities, foraging behaviour and overall health. This can lead to a decline in pollinator populations. Instead, you can opt for natural alternatives, such as neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Provide a water source

Bees need water to survive, so make sure to provide a shallow water source in your garden. A bird bath or shallow dish with pebbles for them to stand on works well. Remember to regularly clean and refill the water sources to prevent the growth of algae or bacteria.

Create nesting sites

You can create nesting sites by leaving dead wood or hollow stems in your garden or even by installing a bee hotel. You can make your own or buy them premade. Place bee hotels in sunny and sheltered location, providing a variety of hole sizes to accommodate different bee species.

Think beyond bees

While bees are important pollinators, other insects like butterflies and moths also play a vital role in pollination. Opt for planting native plant species whenever possible, as they are well-adapted to the local ecosystem and can provide the most suitable resources.

We hope you'll join us in becoming a wildlife hero!

This month, we’re focusing on the ‘small’! With the decline of bees and other pollinators around the world, it's more important than ever that we take steps to help preserve these tiny creatures. You at home can help by creating a garden that attracts these important creatures.
By following these tips, you can help support local ecosystems and create a beautiful garden that's buzzing with life.


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