4 Reasons Why Regular Boiler Service is Important

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4 Reasons Why Regular Boiler Service is Important Just like any other machine, boilers also need proper maintenance and a service schedule to keep working efficiently for a long time. Modern boilers usually have a lifespan of 10-12 years. However, to make sure that they work that long it is necessary to maintain a regular service regime. At JSJ Gas Ltd, we insist buyers maintain a good boiler service schedule. Boiler servicing Charminster is not only necessary for the health of your boiler but also for your and your family’s safety. Is it is a small procedure where a registered engineer inspects your boiler and looks for various performance checks like gas pressure, flue, any damage or faults that may have occurred over time.

Here, we bring you 4 reasons why you should always get your boiler servicing Charminster done on time: 1. Prevent Sudden Breakouts: You might put off boiler servicing in hope of saving some money however, we would not advise you to do the same. Timely boiler servicing will help you detect any damage or faults well in time to get them repaired. Like any other machine, boilers are also subject to wear and tear caused by use. This can cause problems that may not appear immediately but keep getting worse if neglected. A boiler service will cost you a lot less than the repair it will need in the future. Not to mention the inconvenience caused when you need it the most. 2. Maintain Efficiency: Modern boilers are built to be efficient and consume lesser energy than traditional outdated boilers. However, with regular use, your boiler’s efficiency may decrease. To maintain low consumption bills, it is essential that your boiler keeps working in a good condition. Boiler servicing is the only way to ensure that. It will make sure that all the components of your boiler are in top-notch condition and do not need any replacements. 3. Safety First: Not many boiler owners are aware of carbon monoxide poisoning from boilers that causes many deaths every year. Carbon Monoxide is also known as the silent killer since it does not have any smell or colour. A faulty boiler may be exposing you to carbon monoxide without you even knowing it. Boiler servicing Charminster will help you check off any such hazards well in time before any serious damage is caused to you and your family. 4. Warranty Claims: Boilers come with a warranty period during which any boiler faults are covered by the HVAC provider. However, to be able to claim that warranty you are required to maintain a regular boiler servicing schedule. Any damage caused by the lack of servicing is not covered by the service provider. Are you looking for a certified engineer for boiler servicing Charminster? At JSJ Gas Ltd, we have a team of Gas Safe registered engineers who are trained to handle any kind and size of boilers. To book an appointment call us now 01202 816 034. To know more about our services, visit https://www.jsjgas.co.uk/heating.html

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