New Hampshire Women Magazine - Feb. 2021

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February 2021



Underwater Exploration Dives Deep Into Their Souls: Meet NH Scuba Divers: Susan Sterling & Terry Martin (pg.6)

celebrating the women of New Hampshire

Plus, Get the Local Facts About COVID-19 (pg.4)

Inside: Renew MediSpa The Covid-19 Vaccine and Derma Filler Swelling

Page 14 Page 12. NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2

Pg. 14



Melissa Diorio Editor-in-Chief 603.591.4952

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Get the Local Facts About COVID-19  Written for: New Hampshire Women Magazine At NH Women Magazine, we want to provide our readers with meaningful and factual information about the coronavirus pandemic. We went to New Hampshire’s state leadership to get some of the most common answers to resident’s questions. Information was provided by the NH Joint Information Center. Question: What is the new process for people getting their second dose of the vaccine? Answer: Per Governor Sununu: Starting on Sunday, February 7th individuals will be given a time for their 2nd dose appointment along with their vaccine record card after receiving their first dose. If they are unavailable for the appointment they are assigned, they can go into the VAMS system and make an appointment for a different location or time. Question: What are the specific criteria for the state’s vaccine rollout? Can you please detail the phases and provide additional information that will help our readers understand the phases and which phase they fall under? Answer: PHASE 1 DECEMBER - MARCH PHASE 1A •High-risk health workers •First responders •Older adults living in residential care settings PHASE 1B • People 65 years of age and older •Medically vulnerable at

significantly higher risk with 2 or more conditions •Family caregivers of those medically vulnerable persons, ≤ 16 years old not eligible for vaccine •Residents and staff of residential facilities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities •Corrections officers and staff working in correctional facilities •First responders and health workers not already vaccinated PHASE 2 MARCH - MAY PHASE 2A •K-12 school and childcare staff PHASE 2B •People 50 - 64 years old PHASE 3 MAY - BEYOND PHASE 3A •Medically vulnerable <50 years old at moderately higher risk with 1 or more conditions PHASE 3B •Everyone else not already vaccinated Question: Where do people register? Answer: https://www.vaccines. Question: We understand that there is a new mask mandate put in place recently for transportation. What is the new public transportation mask requirement? Answer: The following information can be found at https:// mask-travel-guidance.html Note: NH Women Magazine gathered the following excerpt from the recommended CDC website.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued


an order on January 29, 2021 requiring the wearing of masks by travelers to prevent spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Conveyance operators must also require all persons onboard to wear masks when boarding, disembarking, and for the duration of travel. Operators of transportation hubs must require all persons to wear a mask when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub.

Where can they learn more? Answer: You can find the most updated information at https://

This Order must be followed by all passengers on public conveyances (e.g., airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, rideshares) traveling into, within, or out of the United States as well as conveyance operators (e.g., crew, drivers, conductors, and other workers involved in the operation of conveyances) and operators of transportation hubs ( e.g., airports, bus or ferry terminals, train or subway stations, seaports, ports of entry) or any other area that provides transportation in the United States.

Here’s an excerpt on Stimulus Payment Scams: The United States Congress recently passed a large COVID-19 relief and stimulus package that promises to provide financial relief to many Americans. Scammers have recently attempted to use the promise and anticipation of stimulus payments to acquire personal identifying information [PII] from unsuspecting victims.

People must wear masks that cover both the mouth and nose when awaiting, boarding, traveling on, or disembarking public conveyances. People must also wear masks when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub in the United States. *Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,, Federal Register Notice: Wearing of face masks while on conveyances and at transportation hubs, Feb. 9, 2021

Question: It seems there have been COVID-19 scams going on in NH. What are they? What should people be aware of?

Note: The website provides information about Scams Targeting Aging Adults, Employment Security Scams, Charitable Giving Scams, and Stimulus Payment Scams. Note: NH Women Magazine gathered

the following excerpt from the recommended NH Department of Justice website:

In a recent example of how scammers are trying to use the anticipation of stimulus payments to collect PII, emails that appeared to be from the United States Treasury Department were sent by scammers claiming that the recipient was selected as one of the first to receive a stimulus payment. The phony email requested that the recipient provide PII including phone number, date of birth and profession in order to receive a stimulus payment. What You Should Know •The Internal Revenue Service recently released guidance informing the public that most people do not need to take any action in order to receive stimulus payments. Continued on page 9

What makes NCH one of the best places to work? The people who work here. North Country Healthcare is a network of healthcare professionals dedicated to comprehensive health services throughout the North Country. As a Best Places to Work award recipient, NCH was recognized for its work environment and culture, role satisfaction, corporate communications, training, pay, benefits, and more.

NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2

Written for New Hampshire Women Magazine


UNDERWATER EXPLORATION DIVES DEEP INTO THE SOUL Meet Susan Sterling and Terry Martin, NH Scuba Divers of scuba diving a lot more easily. Yes, passion is where it all began for Terry Martin [PADI MSDT 311401] and Susan Sterling [Rescue Diver 20090Z7261], co-owners, along with their husPhotos by Susan Sterling, bands, of Divers Divers Den Dive Shop Den Dive Shop located in HampBelow the glistening, yet ton Falls. “I started scuba diving in sometimes fierce, surface of 2002 and fell in love with it,” says the New Hampshire Seacoast’s Martin. “You become addicted to cool blue waters is a beautiful scuba diving, you always want to and fragile world all its own. A get back in the water.” Sterling place where a kelp-covered was just 15 years old when she got sandy floor provides a playcertified in 1983. “I spent most of ground for lobsters and elusive my next 15 years diving with my blue crab, seagrass beds immediate family, until I married gently sway back and forth to my current husband, who is also their own rhythmic flow, coma Diver and Instructor at Divers plicated rock formations make Den Dive Shop.” perfectly-placed homes for seaweed and periwinkle snails, So, what does scuba diving feel and unbelievably endearing like? Flying? Floating? Just seals act like underwater pupregular swimming? Martin and py dogs happily exploring the Sterling gladly give captivating depths below. responses to this question making the idea of trying the sport a For centuries, humans have possibility. “It’s like when you’re been fascinated with what lies jumping on a trampoline and beneath the world’s waters. It’s there’s that small moment when been passionately tugging at you feel weightless,” explains explorers’ heartstrings dating Martin. “The equipment is light back to 1715 when Englishman on your shoulders and back, the John Lethbridge created an heaviness of the tank and [buoyunderwater diving machine, ancy control device] are lightened made from an oak barrel, by the water.” allowing him to be submerged for up to 30 minutes reaching Well, what about diving at night? depths of 72 feet. Thankfully, Is it scary? Confining? Impospresent day advancements sible? “It’s not scary for me, but allow many with an interest some people don’t like the dark in underwater exploration to as much,” says Sterling. “It’s much take the plunge into the sport 6 / VOL 3 ISSUE 2/ NEW HAMPSHIRE WOMEN MAGAZINE

scarier to do a night dive off the coast of New Hampshire than the Caribbean. There are a lot of different species that are more likely to be out at night - like squids.” Martin adds that night diving certification is recommended. A common thread these experts are quick to mention is the sense of peace both feel while diving even when some dives are more complicated, or darker, than others. “Oddly enough, scuba diving is very relaxing,” Sterling says. “A few kicks with your fins and you just float through the water smoothly and effortlessly.” Martin says that for her, being underwater is peaceful. “[It’s] my own type of meditation. The best part is seeing all the different creatures that live underwater and nowhere else.”

navigating skills. “Diving in New Hampshire is a bit different [because the] ocean is colder and the water is darker than the tropics. There is still beautiful scenery. I love going out to the Isle of Shoals and diving with the seals, I believe that is my favorite dive spot in New Hampshire to date.”

Perhaps the frequency with which Martin and Sterling have dived in New Hampshire’s waters has in some way propelled their levels of individual experience and certification, which are both quite impressive. “I am a certified PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT),” Martin explains. “On the road to becoming a dive instructor, I got my open water, advanced, rescue, and dive master certification. I also It’s been said that if you can scuba have a few speciality certifications: deep diver, nitrox, dry dive in New England, you can suit, and wreck diver. I have scuba dive anywhere. With New over one thousand dives total Hampshire’s particularly strong with teaching and recreationcurrents, poor visibility, and cold al, been teaching since 2012, waters, extra equipment can be and have certified around 150 cumbersome, but Martin and people.” Sterling agree it’s worth it. “The water is always cold and the visiSterling’s certifications include: bility isn’t great, but can be really Open Water, Underwater Phogood in the winters,” explains tography, Enriched Nitrox Air, Martin. “We dive at the Isle of Advanced Open Water Diver. Shoals and get to see seals, who When asked asked how many act like puppy dogs. There’s lots dives she’s made, Sterling reof lobsters, crabs, starfish, and some squid. You’ll also find hermit plies, “I honestly do not know how many dives I have done crabs, nudibranches, and different over the past 40 years, but it is kinds of fish. The kelp bottoms of well over 300 dives.” the ocean floor are particularly beautiful, but watch out for sea urchins.” Sterling adds that diving in New Hampshire also requires better

This summer, Martin has been asked to assist with the D.R.A.G. Portsmouth (Divers Recovering All Garbage). The Continued on Page 12

NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2

NHWM | Inspiring Women

Look Good, Feel Good at Boss Blow Dry Bar

Spotlight: Adrienne McCarthy & Ellen Hussey Written by Crystal Ward Kent

Nothing boosts a person’s morale like knowing that their hair is looking good. And what better way to relax and treat yourself than with the perfect blow out? This was the thinking behind the newest business venture for sisters Adrienne McCarthy and Ellen Hussey, who are opening New Hampshire’s first blow out salon, Boss Blow Dry Bar at Flagstone Crossing in Hudson, New Hampshire. McCarthy is already a successful business owner, as she and her husband, Ken, own two Pure Barre fitness facilities; Hussey has also assisted there. However, venturing into the world of hair and beauty is a

first for both. wanted to upgrade your look for “We are not stylists, but we have a night out, a special celebraexperienced stylists working with tion or maybe a photo session. us,” explains McCarthy. “We are It just enhances your normal also experienced business people hair routine. The other benefit and we work in the fitness world, is that while it can take weeks which is similar. We are all about to months to get into a good helping people, especially women, stylist for a cut, you can usually feel good about themselves and get an appointment for a blowget some time for themselves. We out much quicker—often in just also want to create a community, a week or so. Some even offer as we have at the Pure Barre stuwalk-in service, which we will do, dios. People who come there have at least to start.” built relationships with each other The sisters plan to open Boss and with the staff. People tell us Blow Dry Bar the middle of all the time that they love working May with 12 stylists. They are out at our places because the excited to be working together atmosphere is so supportive. We and creating this new business plan to foster that same feeling from scratch. “We’ve found that with Boss Blow Dry Bar.” we have a lot of the same ideas Hussey notes that blow dry bars and visions, which is nice,” says are already Hussey. “It’s been fun choosvery popuing the location, the colors, the lar in bigger theme, even the layout for the U.S. cities shop. Seeing our dream come to and in Canlife is very satisfying and doing it ada. “I lived with my sister only makes it more in Boston special.” for a time “We want to be ready for when and everypeople are able to get out and one went about more,” adds McCarthy. to one. You “But even if you are not going out, still go to being able to treat yourself to a your regular great blow out is something we stylist for feel people will want. Maybe you a cut and want to look great for that Zoom color, but call, or maybe you are a stay-atthen you home mom and you just want to would go escape and have some ‘me’ time. to a blow Whatever the situation we think Sisters Adrienne McCarthy and Ellen Hussey dry bar for people are going to love this a blow out. It was great if you service.”


The sisters note that the bar is for men, too, although the majority of customers tend to be women. “Anyone is welcome! If you want a great hair experience, come on in!” says McCarthy. For now Boss Blow Dry Bar is focusing primarily on blow-outs, but may add a few related services later on. “We want to do one thing and do it with excellence,” says Hussey. “That’s why we are not offering any other hair services. However, we will offer makeup services, as the two kind of go hand-in-hand. If you are having the finishing touches put on your hair, why not get your makeup done? Many women wear minimal makeup day to day, but often like to go a bit more glam for special occasions or outings, and we can help them with that.” Whether customers are coming away with the perfect hair and makeup or just a blow out, the sisters hope every visitor feels that the experience was special. “Our main goal is for this to be a place that helps people feel good about themselves,” says McCarthy. “We want people, especially women, to come in and feel nurtured and empowered. We hope, that in some way, we are helping them be their best selves.” “We want to be that bright spot in your day,” adds Hussey. “Everyone needs a little boost, and at Boss Blow Dry Bar, we promise to make you feel special.”

Continued from page 4

•Government agencies are not sending out emails asking for personal information in order to receive funds or other pandemic relief opportunities. How to Protect Yourself •Any request via a phone call, text message or email for personal identifying information, or any other information as a prerequisite for receiving a stimulus payment should be heavily scrutinized. •Do not engage with callers or emails from unrecognized sources. •Do your homework, ask questions and use the IRS website for accurate information. •New Hampshire residents who receive requests for information in exchange for a

stimulus payment should contact the Consumer Protection and Antitrust Bureau of the Attorney General’s Office. Protect yourself and your loved ones by visiting https://www.doj. to stay updated on what to watch for. New Hampshire Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, https://, COVID-19 Scam Alerts Protect yourself and others from scammers taking advantage of the COVID-19 Pandemic, February 9, 2021

Question: Where can New Hampshire residents find COVID-19 testing in their area? Answer: covid19/ - click on the “Get Tested” button on the right-hand side of the page.

Question: What is New Hampshire’s 211 program? When was it started and how does it help NH residents? Answer: Information about 211 can be found on their website: At the start of the pandemic, the State of New Hampshire recognized that citizens would need a central location to contact with questions. 211 has always partnered with the state, especially in times of emergency. The decision was reached to utilize the simplified 211 number as a central point of contact - from there, callers are directed to the appropriate resource for assistance. Over the course of this emergency, 211 call centers have adjusted the number of calls takers and resources available as needed to offer the

necessary assistance to NH residents as they seek answers about COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, etc. Question: What types of resources does the state provide for families during the pandemic? What type of resources does the state provide for mental health resources during the pandemic? Answer: A full listing of resources available to NH residents can be found here: https://www. htm.

NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2


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EDUCATION Executive Function: Why It’s Crucial In Early Childhood Education By Samantha Wingate, Director of Admissions and Advancement As adults, there are many fundamental skills we utilize each day—abilities that are so natural to us that we may not even think twice about them. We’re able to plan the days ahead of us, balance different priorities at once, recollect important information to keep our schedules running smoothly, and more. These life skills are essential, and it’s important to remember where we acquire them. As the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University writes: “Children aren’t born with these skills—they are born with the potential to develop them.” Helping children develop the skills that will be vital for their productivity every day— also known as executive function skills—is one of the most crucial responsibilities of Early Childhood Educators. What Is Executive Function? Executive function refers to a set of

crucial mental skills that allow us to move through our lives productively. It’s the development of these skills that’s ultimately responsible for helping us stay focused and achieve our goals. These skills are grouped into three core categories: •Working memory: to aid the retention and use of important information. Our working memory allows us to recollect information when we need it the most. •Flexible thinking: to help us multi-task as needed, shift our focus to accommodate multiple demands, explore the different paths available for accomplishing goals, and view situations from several perspectives. •Self-control: to teach us to focus by ignoring distractions and resisting impulsive thinking. This is our ability to prioritize what must be done before other activities we might prefer doing and to think before we act. The Crucial Role of Educators Each category of executive function has windows of opportunity for teachers and parents alike to foster these critical abilities with engaging and develop-

Samantha Wingate Director of Admissions and Advancement

mentally-appropriate activities. The key to developing skills in each category of executive function is to nurture them early in a child’s life. This is an important part of training Early Childhood Educators, and it is their responsibility to foster the development of these core life skills within their classrooms. At World Academy, we take on this responsibility with confidence and pride. Our team of Early Childhood Teachers is experienced in successfully promoting and encouraging each segment of executive function, without gaps, for our children. We are adept at creating a foundation for our students on which to build for the rest of their lives. To learn more about our programs, visit our website.

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NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2

Continued from Page 6

organization helps to rid the waters of hundreds of years of waste - and they find many treasurers along the way as well. “Portsmouth being around so long, has accumulated a lot of trash that has become treasure like bottles, plates, silverware, and pipes,” explains Martin. “During Portsmouth’s time as a major shipping area during the 18th and 19th centuries, it used the ocean for dumping trash into because it was convenient.”

There must be something pretty magical about diving in Southeast Asia because Martin considers it a favorite spot as well. “I just love being in the water, but my favorite place overall was diving in the Philippines,” explains Martin. “The sea life there is spectacular and abundant, my favorite creature is the nudibranch. The water was warm and there was tons of visibility. We dove by boat at dive sites far from inhabited areas.” When asked what the best scuba diving experience has been, Martin’s answer is concise. “The first night dive with my daughter was my best scuba diving experience,” she explains. “She saw a barracuda and [swam] right to my side for protection. Diving with my husband and daughter is great family bonding and meeting new friends is one of the best part of scuba diving.”

One of the most unique benefits of scuba diving is the worldwide exploration available to anyone with the ability to travel to far off destinations. “My favorite place to dive...there are a few...but off the top of my head, I would say the Philippines,” says Sterling. “I love to take pictures - especially of coral and fish. In the Sterling also considers shared tropics, you find colors that diving experiences a top memory. you will never find, unfortu“They are all enjoyable, but I have nately, in New England. I like always wanted to see a manta ray, to stay between 30 and 60 which I did in the Philippines and feet where coral and sea life Fiji...that was memorable,” she says. are abundant. The deeper in “And, I do have to say we have depth you go, the more you group trips we do every year with lose color. My favorite time of the dive shop to different places day to dive is first thing in the [and] those are probably right up morning. [There’s] nothing there with my most memorable like waking up, cup of coffee moments as well. Sharing diving in your hand, just as the sun experiences with fellow divers, is rising and the ocean is just doing something you love doesn’t waking up and the fish are get much better than that.” just starting to stir.”


As co-owners of Diver’s Den Dive Shop in Hampton Falls, Martin and Sterling are able to provide experiences only a small fraction will see. Martin has worked at the business for most of her career and wanted to see the over-fourdecade-year-old business carry on, which is one of the reasons these divers and their husbands took over ownership this past June - in the middle of a global pandemic. “Now it lives on with a new generation of divers,” Martin explains. “It’s really rewarding to see people who are really nervous end up loving to dive. I teach at my dive shop and at the pool nearby. Students need to complete knowledge, then pool work, and finally four open water dives. I teach age groups from as young as 10 to 75 years old.” When asked if they have seen an increase in women taking scuba diving lessons, they agree there are more women participating. “Yes, it seems like the younger professional generation of women have more interest in scuba diving within the past two years,” explains Sterling. “I think the younger generation is looking for more adventure and have put off settling down right away after finishing their schooling as traditionally women used to do.”

[as], if not better than, men in the sport.” With the outside world not nearly the same as it was a year ago, there is an escape from it all in the waters below. And, Martin and Sterling conclude that there is an underwater world waiting to be explored. “No matter the reason you choose to scuba dive, whether it be for recreation, travel, career have the ability to see a world that few others will ever see. The ocean is a gift that we should treasure, for its beauty, its ocean inhabitants, and its never-ending changing tides.” You can find out more about scuba diving by visiting Divers Den Dive Shop at 97 Lafayette Road in Hampton Falls, or online at www.diversdendiveshop. com.

Martin continues, “I would say it’s pretty consistent for women getting certified, but I’ve seen a lot more women recently become instructors. There are more female mentors for young divers to look up to and follow in their footsteps. I think more women have realized they can do it just as well Photos by Susan Sterling, Divers Den Dive Shop

Photo By Sam Robinson

Photos by Susan Sterling, Divers Den Dive Shop

NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2

Written by Dr. Lisa Vuich, Owner of Renew Medi Spa



Incident Report: In December 2020, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization for two coronavirus vaccines — one from Pfizer and one from Moderna. While most vaccine recipients experienced very mild side effects such as headache, fatigue, and injection-site pain, several of the participants who received the Moderna vaccine reported localized facial swelling in regions where they had previously undergone dermal filler injection. FDA medical officer Rachel Zhang, MD later confirmed that three subjects who had received hyaluronic acid (HA)-based filler (the most common form of dermal filler) subsequently developed facial or lip swelling after receiving the Moderna vaccine during its Phase 3 trial. In two of the cases, the patients had had cheek filler injections six months prior to the vaccination, while in the third case the patient underwent lip filler injection two days after her vaccine administration. For all three, the reactions resolved without intervention or with simple symptomatic treatment. Of note, the patient with the lip swelling had had a similar reaction in the past when she received an influenza vaccine.

Are antibodies attacking the dermal filler? The simple answer is no. Antibodies formed by the immune system in response to infection or to the COVID-19 vaccine, do not attack dermal filler molecules. However, the vaccine can potentially trigger what is called a Type IV hypersensitivity reaction to the filler. Type IV hypersensitivity reaction is an immune system phenomenon in which there is a delayed allergic reaction to a “foreign substance” in the body. There are many triggers, which can induce this type of immune response, including other vaccines, other viral or bacterial illnesses, and certain medications. In addition to swelling, the allergic reaction can partially degrade the HA filler, producing lumps, or cause the formation of late onset nodules or granulomas. HA dermal fillers are not identical The somewhat burning question at the moment is whether there is a higher incidence of foreign body reaction to one brand or formulation of HA filler more than another. HA dermal fillers are not identical substances with different labels slapped onto the boxes. They vary in the number and size of the HA particles, the manufacturing process, and the amount and type of crosslinking- which we refer to as “chemical modification.” In the December 2017 edition of Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryGlobal Open, a published study indicated that in cases where two different brands were injected during the same session, sometimes only one of them triggered a hypersensitivity reaction. They concluded that the


manufacturing process itself may have an influence on potential future immunologic reaction to different filler brands. Over the past few years there has been some consensus that the Juvederm Vycross collection of HA fillers – Voluma, Vollure and Volbella- were more frequently associated with delayed onset reactions, perhaps due to their type and amount of cross linking. For example. In one retrospective study published by Artzi et al in Dermatologic Surgery in December 2015, the medical records of 400 patients were examined. Juvederm Volbella was injected only into tear troughs or lips, and other HA brands were used in other areas of the face. “Seventeen patients (4.25%) developed prolonged (up to 11 months) and recurrent (average: 3.17 episodes) late (average onset: 8.41 weeks after the injection) inflammatory cutaneous reactions to the Volbella.” By comparison, the incidence rate of hypersensitivity reaction to many other filler brands has been reported at around 0.8%, with a delayed reaction rate of only 0.3%. I do not personally inject Juvederm brand fillers, but I have had a single patient with prolonged intermittent swelling after Revanesse Versa filler in the peri-oral region (an entirely different brand) which we have reported to the manufacturer. Recently a new family of HA dermal fillers launched to market the US. The RHA Collection, also referred to as “The Designer Filler,” is made differently- without high heat, and with a very low degree of chemical modification. It is “designed” to more closely resemble the naturally occurring HA in your body. It

is currently available at select medical aesthetic practices, including Renew MediSpa, and has studies showing results lasting 15 months or more. In My Opinion: Your decision to get vaccinated should not be unduly influenced by whether or not you have had dermal filler or plan to get dermal filler, and vice versa. A viral infection or a vaccine administration has been and will continue to be a known potential trigger for delayed onset immune reaction to dermal filler, but the overall incidence is low. Most of the affected patients respond well to oral corticosteroids, though some require intralesional injection of medication to resolve the reaction and dissolve the dermal filler. It is fortunate that we now have available the RHA Collection of HA dermal fillers. Although new in the US, it has been available in Canada for five years and there have been over 14 million syringes injected worldwide. There have been no reported incidences of nodule formation that I am aware of. We are hopeful that this latest innovation in dermal filler technology will be the least likely to incite unwanted immune system reactions of any type, as it most closely mimics the HA that is naturally occuring in the body. More information on this product can be found at www.rhacollection. com. We currently consider this our “prefered brand” of HA filler at Renew, and are happy to answer further questions you may have in a consultation. Dr. Lisa Vuich is a graduate of Tufts University (1988) and Tufts University School of Medicine (1992). She opened Renew MediSpa in 2006 and has worked steadily since then to ensure that Renew MediSpa remains at the cutting edge of the latest advancements in nonsurgical aesthetics. She is a nationally recognized injector, a member of numerous aesthetic organizations, a Key Opinion Leader for several aesthetic companies, and a Master Clinical instructor for Specialty Med Training. She is board certified by the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and regularly instructs physicians and other providers on injection technique, platelet-rich plasma therapies and other aesthetic procedures through the Renew MediSpa Training Institute.

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NH Women Magazine / VOL 3 ISSUE 2

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