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MAY 2022




Before your dreams come true, you have to believe you can achieve them

nba Coach Adrian Griffin “The only way failure can actually exist is if a person is no longer willing to get up” FAITH BASED

BUSINESS RULES THAT MAKE BUSINESS CENTS 5 ways to turn your business around

Monitoring What You Monetize


CONTENTS NBA Coach Adrian Griffin, with a PhD in Organizational Leadership from Concordia University takes us on his journey to the NBA from the draft to his current coaching position! Coach Adrian Griffin coaching the Toronto Raptors during the 2019 NBA Finals

06 An Interview with Dr. Mikel Brown We sat down to uncover hidden business theories 08 A Business Affair 10 Pregnant With A Dream don't give up on your dreams 12 Monitoring What You Monetize by Talisha Bennett, MBA 15 How to Increase Business Revenue by Jason Murray 16 Business Rules that make Business Cents: 5 rules to turn your business around 18 How To Keep Business Expenses Down and Push Sales Up 20 Why Is It Important to Save For Retirement 25 Everything That Shines Isn't Gold

22 SEE IT, SPEAK IT, BE IT! 3 steps to achieving your dreams




28 The Art of The Start 32 Work Smarter Not Harder 35 Using A Staffing Agency clear your plate and meet your needs

AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. MIKEL BROWN What is your definition of business? It depends on what kind of business you are referring to; or are you asking me about business in general? Business in and of itself relates to exchange, agreements, acquisition, bartering, relationships, marriage, etc. All the components I just mentioned define a business. Business cannot truly be identified without these components because these components are business. If I were to define it in my own words, I would simply define it as the act of dealing with others in and for personal or corporate endeavors. You mentioned marriage in your list. Why is marriage included in your definition of a business? I’m glad you asked that question. I not only believe but have documented proof that marriage is nothing more than a business agreement between two people, who transact or conduct affairs for personal and company purposes. The marriage is the company and it is appropriately named after the husband's last name. In my case, that would be Brown and company. The husband and wife are co-owners, and the children are their employees. Wherever there is money involved or an exchange of some sort, it is considered a business. PAGE 06

"Wherever there is money involved or an exchange of some sort, it is considered a business." BELIEVE

What do you consider to be the top three issues facing our nation today? First, I believe the number one issue is the lack of importance the moral fiber of our society carries. We must return to the absolutes that this country was founded on, instead of erasing the line of boundary and moving it further away from morality and conformity. Secondly, the deception of, and devaluating strength of the U.S. dollar which appears to be deliberately performed from within our wealthy elite and political ranks. Lastly; the legal violation of working-class Americans through the excessive taxation of their hard-earned money. Our government illegally uses its watchdog, the IRS, to develop techniques that are forever perpetuated by a system of filibustering, so that our government can continue to ignore the cries and needs of its citizens. A handout is not necessarily a hand up. By no means am I a political activist running for office. I am an American citizen that still believes in our basic human rights, and that all men are created equal. . No person or government, under any circumstances has the right to own another human being or penalize the working class to pay for social programs, while that government takes the credit. The United States government can engage its constitutional and judicial strong arm to legislate human rights to help our underclass, but it has no place attempting to create laws to legislate righteousness and or religion.

Wow! This question is very dear to my heart because I believe in the God-given gifts and talents that enable us to be a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, which is invaluable. It is not a matter of the quantities of these gifts and talents that aids a person in succeeding in life. I believe rather, that it is the character of the person. A person can be extremely gifted and talented; however, that same person can lack integrity, structure, and discipline. Over the long haul, those character flaws can prove to cause this person to be incapable of adhering to any instructions, which would help him/her develop their talent beyond the initial gifting phase. I hope that I’m clear on this, without character, you will not succeed.

I know that you are a busy person, but I have one more question for you with respect to character. What do you see as the top three major qualities needed for someone to make it in this life? PAGE 07




A BUSINESS AFFAIR Is the customer always right? This debate has caused many to adopt business models to what they believe to be true. However, what is the real answer to this question? HEN IT COMES TO

truth. I mentioned to him that it does not

business, the one who

matter so much that you like it, it matters

has the most power is

more if your customers like it. You are not

not the owner of the

buying your product; the customer is. Your

business; it is not the

leadership status should never be leveraged

CEO (Chief Executive

to gain biased approval. Honesty above all

Officer) or CFO (Chief Financial Officer); it is

else is what will make your product the best!

not even the salesperson or the cashier who the

The only way to know how customers feel

customer. The unfortunate thing about this

about your business or your services offered

fact is that oftentimes, employees will think

is to see it from their perspective. And, the






they hold all the power. If you are in the retail, service, restaurant industry, or even church, you are dealing with the public one hundred percent of the time. I know an owner of a particular company who became

way to see your business from their viewpoint is to ask the customer questions about how your service was for them. However, let me warn you, if you have thin skin and get offended easily, don’t ask.

upset because a customer did not like one of

There are three basic responses that you will

his products. Instead of working vehemently

receive from customers your business may

to appease the customer, he told the man

have served. The agreeable customer just

that everybody likes his product and that

doesn’t have the heart to tell you the full

there was nothing wrong with it. The truth of

truth and will appease your emotions. The

the matter was that there were only a few

perfect critic customer will tell you exactly

who liked his product. Moreover, I cannot

what is missing in your product or services

with any confidence believe that those whom

and tell you exactly how to fix it from their

he said liked his product were telling the

perspective. Lastly, there's the hypercritical

customer, this person thinks

to conciliate with them, they

that the dollars they spend at

will make allowances for your



shortcomings and return with

your business' VIP service for

a friendlier attitude. YOU may



be the owner of your business,

criticize the lighting ambiance,

but the customer helps your

the nicest server, and tear apart

business to succeed. If your

every five-star rating you've


ever received for your business.


establishment This



a rate

15-20% due


disgruntled customers, your


All three customer responses

company is hemorrhaging and



slowly dying. It behooves the

information about improving

owner of every business to pay


attention to your company's









vital signs before it's too late.

However, remember that your job is to chew the meat, but spit






out the bones. After all, you

business with a consistent

would like every customer to


return and spread the good

whatever is necessary within

word about your business.

the confines of personal and



business ethics, so that your The quickest way to kill a

customer doesn’t fire you from


your own business.





customers the impression that their opinion doesn’t matter. If the customers choose to spend their dollars at company XYZ, company




whatever is in their customer's best interest. Moreover, when the customer sees your efforts

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” –Sam Walton



A person once made an odd statement to me that got me curious. She said, “I became pregnant in my dream.” “Excuse me”, I replied. “That’s why I started my business,” she said. Everyone has a dream locked away inside their heart, waiting to escape the slumber that holds it hostage, but very few have ever come to realize their dream for one reason or another.

What is your dream? Do you love what you do

The graveyard is the richest place on planet

or are you doing what you love? There is a

earth because six feet under within the soil are

difference between the two. A 70s song by the

inventions never realized, money never made,

Isely Brothers says, “If you can’t be with the one

businesses never started, discoveries never

you love, then love the one you’re with.”

made, and dreams that were never allowed to

However, it must be understood that to awaken

breathe their benefits on the world. They

the dream in you, you have to be unapologetic

remained dormant, hoping their owner would

when it comes to identifying what that dream

allow them to live, and instead died with them.

is, and what is meant by the dream. If your explanation of your dream is vague, then you

In 1992, Jeff Bezos was a senior vice president

may have more of a hope or a wish instead of a

for a New York hedge fund called, D.E. Shaw.

dream. It is not what the dream is that matters,

He described his dream to his boss which was

it’s what the dream does.

to create a company that would sell books on



the internet. His boss at the time listened before offering advice to the dreamer: "That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn't already have a good job." People who are more interested in a paycheck than owning their dream will always, without question, lead you to believe that your dream is not worth more

everyone comes around to see what was once

than the paycheck you are presently receiving.

hidden inside, which is now available for all to see and experience. Don’t be afraid of the

Larry Page spoke of the night in 1996 when he

process of awakening your dream and living it

was only 23 years of age and had vividly

because, in the end, it will bring you much joy—

dreamt about downloading the entire web

just like that baby.

onto computers. He said, "I grabbed a pen and started writing," says Google co-founder and CEO Page. "I spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work." A dream is just as real as the actual. However, the actual cannot materialize without the dream. You can call it a premonition, an idea,

Dr. Martin Luther King’s, “I Have a Dream” speech became one of the most iconic speeches in the history of this nation. It pointed toward the day when Black and White people, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics would all sit down at the table of brotherhood and live together in harmony. As we know today that dream became a reality.

or even an epiphany. One way or another,

In 2017, I had a dream of starting another

whatever you call it, it is real. There is this

company, among the many companies I have

small little power element that exists within all

started, but this one would be a children’s

of us called, belief. When you strongly believe

learning and daycare facility. In my dream, I

in something, nothing can convince you

saw Noah’s Ark. Some animals and children

otherwise. When you experience a sudden

were on the Ark but, they were also playing

intuitive leap of understanding, especially

outside around the Ark. It was as plain as day

through an ordinary but striking occurrence,

when I heard the word, Bible Land. As I was

your world opens to all the possibilities that

going in and out of my sleep, I kept hearing the

exist around you. It suddenly becomes clear to

words Bible Land…Bible Land. Then it dawned

you, what your life's work is to be.

on me that I was to start a learning daycare business that would educate and nurture

Your dream is like a baby that exists in the

children. This dream gave birth to Bible Land

womb of its mother, awaiting the month,

Daycare and Learning Center, which has been

week, day, minute, and second when it is given

very successful to this day. I guess one can

the opportunity to live. And, like the infant

become pregnant in their dream!




Are you starting a business or do you want to monetize your hobby, your creative outlet, or even social media? Here are a few financial measures to consider. One of the first Financial measures I believe you must take is, to keep your personal funds separate from your business funds as you begin to bring revenue in. Most small businesses start, quite literally, out of pocket. Your best practice would be to keep an accurate account of the funds used for your business and the funds you take out. This would be classified as Owners Capital and Owners Draw. This will ensure that you aren’t losing money as your business' income begins to roll in. You will be able to accurately account for what your business is gaining or losing. Keeping funds separate is vital to seeing the overall success of your business and ensuring you are not put in a situation to pay taxes on more than what you should. The second measure you must take is to LOOK AT YOUR MONEY. If you don’t know what’s going out or what’s coming in you will not be able to accurately weigh the success of your business or see where you may be losing money or where you can gain a PAGE 12




greater increase. Looking at and tracking your finances may be assumed to be one of the most taxing parts of a business. Consider, where there is money there must be record-keeping. The best way to see your money is to get a good financial program that is easy to use. You’re not running a Fortune 500 YET, so start small, but dream big. There are many financial tracking programs available. Many of which are now available in app form. You can record your income and expenses conveniently and with confidence. I would suggest finding a routine as to when you track your finances. Expenses can become the most extensive task you find and if you wait too long they can quickly become a part of your business that you will choose to avoid. So, find a routine and stick to it. Depending on how your financial program is set up, you can, with most software, set up automatic tracking on your banking transactions. You will, however, still need to log into your program and ensure proper recording of income and expenses and SEE how your business is doing. Last, but not least, the third practice that is very important to the success of your business, often overlooked or minimized by start-up business owners is, maintaining receipts. If I can say one thing that can help you realize the importance of receipts, it

would be, that your receipts are your

If I can summarize all that has been written,

money. You cannot verify anything that

I would say at the very basic point of

you cannot prove. Oftentimes in business,

starting your business or monetizing

we make purchases large, small, online, and

something you’ve been doing, even if it is

in passing. There will be many times that

while you are in the process of setting up

you may see a transaction on your bank

the legalities of your business keep the

statement or in your financial program and

following in mind;

not know what type of purchase was made or the nature of a deposit. Therefore, you

1.) Keep your funds separate. Track

may record transactions in ways that can

your personal fund usage that has gone

affect your financial reporting simply

into the startup of your business and

because you have no idea what you may

any money that you’ve made thus far.

have purchased.

2.) Get a financial program that is easy

The keeping of receipts helps in two ways,

to use and convenient. You must

you can see how you are spending your


business income and where. Sometimes a

is a program that is widely used in the

simple comparison of receipts can save you

financial world and easy for many

money in the future by realizing a cost

Bookkeepers and CPAs to tap into to

difference in an item or product. Two, the

help with your financial tracking.

keeping of receipts can help when tracking


your expenses in your financial software. A

Maintain your receipts. You can be a

time may come when your purchasing may

great success at what you do but never

become routine, thus the classification of

see the financial growth of it because

expenditure may rarely change. However, a

you’re not taking as much time to track

time may also come when your “usual”

your financial success as you are taking

purchase practice deviates. You may not

to be a one.




recall what a particular expense was for, and having a receipt helps clarify the expense and, in many cases, justify it. Keeping receipts can help you keep your plan in order.




To keep your business running, you need to increase revenues. Increasing revenues are a sign of the good financial health of a business. The basic operational tactics below can help small business owners cut their costs and boost their business revenues. Taxes One of the most effective ways to increase business income is to look at tax strategies to see where money can be made in the coming year. This requires working diligently with your CPA to find out where the IRS moved the cheese so to speak. I believe some of the first tax areas to look at are; business structure, adding retirement planning, bonus depreciation, how you have your employment structured, business travel, and large asset purchases. These are some of the first areas to look into when improving your net income as a company. I have personally experienced as much as a 30% increase in net income by just adjusting a few tax strategies for the coming year. Business Partnerships The next area that companies should look at is what I like to refer to as the road map. I like to look at whom I believe will be the market leader in my industry for the coming year, and then I develop an affiliate marketing strategy to strategically work with them to produce business synergy. In financial advising, for example, one could go from client to client and for most advisors, this is their approach. I have found that I could simply target the 401k provider for a large employer who already serves a large group of potential clients and works with the 401k provider to add some valuable items such as a financial seminar for free. Thus becoming a preferred lender. This strategy produces synergy and builds a pipeline of clients versus having to approach each client individually.


Investing A third idea that is also equally productive or possibly even more productive depending on where the business cash flow is would be to start investing in what is referred to as income-producing assets. These assets can start in what are called convertible bonds or REIT’s trusts which pay income within a specific time frame. You want to look for investments that maintain or grow your principal while providing steady cash flow. Depending on how large your current cash position is, you can pull assets together with others to buy properties that can be rented from single to multi-unit properties. This can also create the need to hire other people that can facilitate the growth such as financial advisors, and property managers. Doing so can be a huge step up in bringing in cash flow and diversifying business risk. Educational Courses & Seminars The last strategy that I will mention is to provide business-specific education and training courses. This can range from a specific course that is generated from your business knowledge such as how to flip a home or how to invest in the stock market. The flexibility and potential in this area are very large and are something that you and your business advisors can develop to be specific for you and your target audience. By simply doing these things you can expect your business revenue to grow exponentially. All it takes is diligence, tenacity, and methods that work!


Words by Dr Mikel Brown

In this present day, money has become easier to make, but at the same time it is just as easy to lose; if you have any business sense, it better make cents or it makes no sense at all. Nobody is in business to not make money. It doesn’t matter if you have a product to sell or a service to offer; everyone is in business to do well and to make as much money as they possibly can. This is a reality! I have had the dubious honor of speaking to many business owners about the durability of their companies during today’s critical financial times. And, it is unanimous! Eighty-seven percent of them believe that despite the Feds and the U.S. government’s attempts to pull the American economy out of the dumps, they can read the handwriting on the wall, and it’s not good. Inflation is higher than it’s been in forty years. Gas prices are higher now than it’s ever been in this nation. However, these conditions have never stopped American businessmen from thinking of ways to increase their bottom line and remain in business. Owners of companies need to make sense of what will and will not work during these dreadful economic conditions or else their companies will make no cents at all. On the other hand, families all over this globe are struggling to make ends meet. New research indicates that nearly a quarter of a million people in Ireland have nothing left to live on after they have paid their bills each month. The latest national snapshot of the social PAGE 16

sector shows the number of Australians being turned away from emergency relief disability, homeless, and youth welfare services are dramatically on the rise. Figures from the Australian Council of Social Service show that demand for emergency relief, including food and shelter, almost doubled from the previous financial year said, Erin Long of the Sunshine Daily Coast. We live in a world of constant need. More people and businesses are struggling to make ends meet and the demand for support services is growing as the cost of living grows. While businesses are trying to remain or become solvent, banks are not helping the crisis by not lending. The simple answer to why banks aren’t lending is because they don’t have to. Banks, like all other businesses, are required to make profits. To answer to their regulators and their shareholders, banks must be profitable, or they cease to exist. That’s exactly what is happening today. Unfortunately, the depositors that keep their money in banks are simply giving them the money to increase their profits while using your money to do so.

The American public was told that the bulk of the stimulus money will not be spent until the end of 2020, at which point it will probably not be needed. This did not happen and unemployment is increasing at an alarming rate. To increase employment, you must stimulate small businesses and encourage banks to lend. The U.S. government today does not seem to have this as a priority. During Covid-19 we saw the world devastated and financially crushed by the force of business closures. Billions are still sitting in the U.S. treasure houses because many businesses fail to qualify for the much-needed stimulus money offered by the government. PPP assisted many failing businesses but for many, it was too little too late. Twenty-five to thirty percent of restaurants went out of business, and yet some restaurants became innovative in staying afloat. Chick-fil-a is one of those incredible stories. This fast-food chain leads the way as other restaurants follow their example. Even McDonald’s revamped, but not to the success of Chick-fil-a. Innovation, ingenuity, and creativity are paramount to weathering the storms of economic BELIEVE

changes. What must be done today is that business owners and heads of families should pay close attention to markets and strongly consider how they manage and spend their money. Businesses should be especially sensitive to the consumer’s new spending trends and be on the cutting edge of how to sell more products and offer their services without dramatically increasing their prices. Customers will become loyal when they think that businesses are considerate of their needs as well.


Know Your Business.

you either have or are. People of

There is something you may have

preference try to make something

started that you promised to

for themselves, while a person of

finish. Too many people know


what they are running from, but




something of themselves and their

not many know what they are


running to. Concentrate on finding your business purpose or

Forget the Past: The past is always

rediscovering it, and then

going to be the way it was. Stop

concentrate on fulfilling it.

trying to change the past. Stop looking at where you have been

Know your customers’ needs.

and start looking at where you can

When you have what others need,

be. Plan for future profits instead

you have customers. Needs are not

of going over past losses.

hard to discover. The condition to finding what your customers are

Don’t Procrastinate:


A procrastinator is always paying

looking for is in the questions you should be asking.

more for something they could have paid less if they would have decided yesterday. Ask yourself. “If I don’t take action now, what will PAGE 17

it cost me tomorrow?”






In today’s economy, businesses are struggling to

In order to minimize employment fatalities, each

stay afloat. Moreover, with every calculated

employee must be informed of the potential loss

decision, business owners are trying to ride the

of employment if the business continues to

wave of these uncertain times until the economy

decline in sales and production. However, if

can take a turn for the better. With stocks

employees can see themselves as investors and

plunging and food and gas prices rising, it seems

not just employees, not only will it increase the

almost impossible to stay in business. If a

morale around the company, but it will make the

company is going to remain in business during

working environment more conducive for beefing

these difficult economic times, two tips that I am

up sales. This will help create a better

going to give must be strongly considered. One,

atmosphere to make the two tips I mentioned

the company must develop ways to become and

earlier work for the company.

remain relevant. Two, the business must adopt ways to become resourceful.

Relevancy is important when it comes to staying in business. To be relevant is the quality of being

Unfortunately, when it comes to businesses, not

directly connected with and important to

every job can be saved when you are trying to

something else. Your clients must see your

stay in business. Staying in business is warfare

business as meeting their needs. People do not

and your enemy is inflation, waste, rising prices,

buy products because they want to help you; they

and your competition. In every war, it is

buy certain products because of how it helps

unfortunate that casualties are to be expected

them. Center your advertising around your





customers’ desire and not on how your product

to help manage the complexities of your financial

beats the competition. There are times when you

and business success. Surrounding yourself with

smash the competition with attacks, but this is

dedicated professional people who are fully

not one of those times. Work at improving the

aware of where you are in your company and who

quality of your product without the added

can take the time to know you and understand

expense or allow your customers to have input

your needs is critical for sustained success. I

into how to improve your product or services.

believe in being well connected for ongoing support and instruction to help me increase my

The second tip I mentioned is for businesses to

productivity and to provide new insights on how

explore ways to become resourceful. To be

to overcome the challenges that exist on every

resourceful means be full of initiative and good at

level of success. Whether you are selling a

problem-solving, especially in difficult situations.

product or service, knowing how to sell is a key

These bad economic times will help businesses to

component to whether you will be successful or

become adversity tested, which opens them up to

not. If you place little emphasis on learning the

diversity on how differently something can be

mechanics of selling, you have lost half the battle

done. Adversity can be a blessing in disguise

before you can ever get into the arena of

because it divorces one from methodologies that

business. Presenting your product or services in

no longer work and is conducive for business

writing is just as important as knowing how to

owners to become creative.

present your business audibly. The success of your sales depends on it.

Applying these two crucial tips can help your business during economic hardships. It will

I love to read periodicals with advertisements in

inevitably keep your expenses from rising and at

them because it inspires me to be creative and

the same time push your sales. Can you imagine

not predictable. Keywords, key phrases, power

your company experiencing a financial increase

words, emotional words, and other forms of

while your expenses are down? It is possible and

articulation that touch a person to respond, act,

it can be done. Rethink how you do business, and

and move on their impulses are important to

you will redo business from a completely new

learn. Words are powerful. Learning how to use


them for good and not for manipulation can help people make the right choices. To succeed, a


willingness to constantly learn and grow must be

When success arrives, you need skillful guidance

alive within you so that there is no limit.


Retirement is something that often crosses the minds of all hard-working Americans. No matter what someone’s job is, almost everyone looks forward to the day they can prop up their feet and live off their hard-earned money. If Americans lose the opportunity to start saving early for retirement, they end up working longer than they would like to, or sadly, beyond what their aging bodies can handle. Therefore, it is important to consider the future when planning a budget. When it comes to planning, the earlier the better — but starting to save today is better than no savings at all!

Retirement Planning Many Americans look forward to retirement, but they don’t realize saving some of their money today is crucial for a cushy one. According to CNBC, only 36% of adults think their retirement savings are on track. Moreover, the pandemic has affected the number of Americans that are prepared to retire as they contribute less, have stopped contributing, or have taken funds out of their 401(k) accounts. One of the best ways to save for retirement is through a 401(k) — which is usually offered by an employer. Work-sponsored Retirement Employees with work-sponsored retirement plans are 15 times more likely to save for retirement. Could it be the easy accessibility or that they feel more encouraged because colleagues are saving? One thing is for sure, work-sponsored programs have autoenrollment, essentially helping them save before getting a chance to spend it. The benefit of setting up an employer-sponsored retirement plan is that the employer automatically deducts tax-free funds. while working, employees can easily save pre-tax dollars through 401(k)


programs for a secure future. But when employees are offered 401(k) plans, they also need to be educated on how to make the most of the programs. Tips for First-Time Savers All people investing in a retirement plan need to weigh their options carefully. When employers ask employees to fill out a bunch of paperwork, employees usually blindly listen and sign on the dotted line. The same goes for those who are investing in a retirement fund outside of their employment. Instead, new retirement savers should research the various options available to them, i.e., performance, risk factors, long-term goals, etc. It is important to find 401(k) interests that match everyone. So, it is crucial for workplaces to provide education on how to maximize retirement savings, so users don’t just set and forget it. What Are Some Barriers to Saving? Many employers with five to 150 employees are unable to provide 401(k) programs. Setting up 401(k)s can sometimes be expensive and include hidden fees that employers are unaware of.




Human resources departments know that implementing retirement programs is sometimes a time-consuming endeavor. Therefore, 85% of small businesses do not offer 401(k)s as a benefit. Sometimes, hiring teams miss out on top-tier employees during recruiting because they will choose a large company that offers retirement plans over a small or mid-sized one that does not offer 401(k) plans. Small businesses that offer retirement plans recognize it's important as it supports recruitment, productivity, and lower turnover. Luckily, with technological advances and innovation in the retirement industry, some 401(k) plans are easy to set up. These companies are helping businesses of all sizes to access a crucial part of what should be all Americans’ financial priorities. New-age retirement allows for inclusivity in price and easy setup. When small or mid-sized companies offer retirement plans, this is the employee benefit new talent gets excited about. Employees working for small businesses without a retirement benefit should encourage their employers to investigate these low-cost options.

State-sponsored Retirement Plan 401(k)s As a result of most people not being prepared for retirement, there are over a dozen states that now have mandates requiring employers to offer a retirement benefit such as a 401(k) or they must opt into a state-run solution. Depending on the state, the requirements are generally for employers with 5-10 employees or more. According to research, most companies prefer a free-market solution rather than having to deal with a state program. The benefits to the employer and employee are also minimal for the state programs as it’s nothing more than a forced IRA product for employees. In a true 401(k), the employer and employee receive numerous tax benefits that far outweigh the administrative costs of many 401(k) solutions. Today, the market for retirement benefits is expanding and becoming more inclusive due to the increased emphasis on their importance. Technological advances in the industry are allowing even more inclusivity, so now there is no excuse for people not to save for their futures.




In my 25 years of professional sports, nine as a player and 14 as an assistant coach of the National Basketball Association, I've been fortunate to learn from some of the best teachers of the game and play alongside some of the best athletes in the world. In addition, I've had the good fortune of being NBA Co-Rookie of the Month of December 1999 and starting in the 2006 NBA Finals. The pinnacle of my career, without a doubt, was winning the 2019 NBA Championship with the Toronto Raptors. Not to mention what comes along with winning a title, the prestige, the honors, the recognition. Life looks good when you're on "top of the world." It feels great to walk into a restaurant, and everyone knows your name. Nonetheless, I wish it were that simple. Without question, I've had to endure a lot of pain, setbacks, and I've shed many

tears on my journey to get where I am today. Not being drafted in the 1996 NBA Draft (the best draft class ever, in my opinion) was the lowest point of my life. My dream of playing in the NBA was shattered. Lost and dumbfounded, I turned to the one person who had all the answers, my father. A pastor for over 25 years, my father, David A. Griffin, Sr. was superman in my eyes. He taught me to have faith, have resilience, and never give up on my dream, no matter how hard it may seem. Although he passed before seeing me win, he would have been delighted to see his son hold up an NBA trophy, able to say "I did it, I didn't give up!" As a coach in the NBA, I'm fortunate to pass along the same values that my father passed down to me. Even though the players have changed since I once laced them up, the game has remained the


same. I'm not talking about the game that's played on the court. No, I'm referring to the inner game that's played in your mind. In pursuing one's goal, many people fail to focus on how they see themselves, what comes out of their heads, and what specific action they need to do to bring their dreams to fruition. When it comes to reaching your dreams, you must see it, speak it, and be it! Let me elaborate. Success starts by seeing yourself as a success. You have to see yourself in that new role, driving that new car, living in that new house, having that beautiful spouse or family. The bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Meaning you have to see it first before it materializes. It's a simple concept but one of the most overlooked principles of the universe. Why? Because we spend our days more concerned about how others perceive us rather than how we see ourselves. I'm not exempt from this fallacy. Not being drafted always made me feel I wasn't good enough; I didn't deserve to be PAGE 23

an NBA player. I felt people would look down on me for not being good enough to be drafted. It messed my head up for years. Even after I made the NBA, I struggled with my self-image. Imagine sitting in the Dallas Mavericks locker room with all those great players surrounding you. Dirk Nowitzki, Steve Nash, and Michael Finely, to name a few. Two Future Hall of Famers, and an NBA All-Star. And then there was me, an undrafted journeyman constantly scraping to stay on a roster. The more I focused on how big they were, the smaller I felt about myself. Instead of focusing on my strengths, I was focusing on my limitations. Even though I couldn't run, jump, and shoot like some of the best NBA players, I could defend and set my teammates up with great screens and passes. Comparing ourselves to others is the ultimate dream killer. I once read you can't outperform your self-image. In other words, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is BELIEVE


he." If you see yourself as not enough, it isn't reasonable to think you will reach your full potential. But when you see yourself as more than enough, capable, strong, and adept, you unlock your infinite potential. Ask any player that I've worked with, and they will tell you that the first thing we work on is how they see themselves. Seeing yourself as a success is an important principle, but it makes up just one-third of the puzzle. You have to speak it too! I can't tell you how often our words contradict what we truly desire. A few years ago, I had the privilege of working with a very gifted NBA player. He had all the physical makings to be an elite player in the league. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him, the words coming out of his mouth kept him from reaching his full potential. Every time this player missed a shot, he began to criticize himself and put himself down. It got so bad that I had to stop him in the middle of our session and ask him, "do you hear the words coming out of your mouth?" Perplexed, he asked me what I meant. I began to share with him how powerful words are. That the world was shaped by words and how we shape our world with the words that come out of our mouths. Proverbs 18:21 says that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." To this player's credit, we began working together on saying words that would bring life into his situation. And I'm proud to say that he


he went on to have an outstanding career. Last but not least, when it comes to reaching your goals, you have to "be it." You can see it, speak it, but faith without works is dead. An athlete can visualize herself performing well and saying all the right things, but if she's not putting in the hard work that it takes, she will just be deceiving herself. More than a few players come into the league with a sense of entitlement. They want the status without putting in the work. But the worse kind of player is the one who does all the right things but doesn't see any results. They're the first ones there and the last to leave, but they are nowhere to be found when the lights come on during the game. I just described myself to a "T." I was the one working my butt off shooting 500 shots a day and then getting in the game and being scared to shoot. The truth is, I was afraid to take a chance. I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone. I tell my kids that if you want to be a success, there is a risk you will have to take. No risk, no reward. Just like Peter had to take a chance and put himself out there literally. We all have to step out of the boat no matter how hard the winds blow. Going into the 2019 NBA Finals, we had a saying within our team, "Let it rip!!". Only the fearless win championships on or off the floor. So, remember, if you see yourself becoming hesitant to take that one next step closer to your dream, remember that you have to "be it!".




Should I own physical gold? This is a relevant

Gold coins weigh about an ounce or less. Those

question. Physical gold is one of the best forms

popular among collectors and investors include

of long-term wealth protection. It is ideal for

the American Eagle made by the U.S. Mint, the

your heirs since it will outlast any currency


they may use in the future. Physical gold is not

Krugerrand. What if a person is not interested

subject to the risks that come with paper

in coins? Gold bars weighing in at one kilogram

assets. It cannot be hacked or erased.

or less are often marketed to the average






investor, but bars as large as one hundred Is it better to buy gold coins or bars? This is

ounces are also available, according to the

another great question. Gold coins are known

World Gold Council. The Gold-Buying Process

to have more sentimental value than gold bars

is easy but purchasing should be entered

both historically and culturally. Simply put, gold

inadvisedly. One common way to purchase gold

coins can be more ideal for you than gold bars if

bars is through licensed retailers online. I

you want to invest in something with a more

would not consider buying gold from an

historical and cultural value. Again, gold coins

individual because of the risk involved in

have more collectible value than gold bars.

purchasing flawed, blemished, or fake gold coins or bullions.

While there are many legitimate ways to invest in

When markets hit turbulence, investors often turn

gold, there are also several gold-related investment

to gold and gold-related investments—such as gold

frauds. These frauds might center on inflated claims

mining stocks and mutual funds or exchange-

regarding stocks of gold mining companies, claiming

traded funds made up of gold-related businesses,

the stock’s price is linked directly to gold prices. They

or gold exchange-traded funds. This assumes that

may claim you can make a lot of money with

gold's price will hold steady or climb even as the

negligible risk through a “financing agreement,” or

value of other investments drops.

even that a company will store your gold for you. You should always be cautious of those red flags, but for

The price of gold "reflects global uncertainties,"

more information on gold fraud, be sure to read this

former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

CFTC advisory:

said in 2011. "The reason people hold gold is as a protection against what we call tail risk, really,

Browse gold bar products on reputable retail

really bad outcomes. And to the extent that the

websites such as the American Precious Metals

last few years have made people more worried

Exchange (APMEX), JM Bullion, and Wholesale Coins

about the potential of a major crisis, then they

Direct. Select the gold bars you wish to buy

have gold as a protection."

according to weight, quantity, and price. Another concern for people interested in investing There are five things to check before you buy.

in gold is, How much do I need to invest in gold?

Cost per gram. The first thing you need to do

Because gold is volatile in the short term and will

before you buy gold is to find out its current price

not appreciate in the long term like a stock or a

per gram.

bond, financial advisers typically recommend

Level of purity. Gold is available at various purity

investing no more than 10% of your savings in

levels, which can affect the gold price.


Genuine certification. Other charges.

What does it mean to Pay a Premium? The price

Buy Back Terms.

you see gold trading at on commodities exchanges (called its “spot price”) is not the price you will pay.

Is it wise to buy gold now, especially in these

Individual investors typically buy gold from dealers

inflationary times? Gold and silver, but especially

—as opposed to buying it on the wholesale market.

gold is often considered A "Safe Haven" Investment.

Dealers charge a premium above the spot price,

Gold's advocates have historically seen it as a safe-

which often includes a dealer fee, as well as

harbor asset that protects purchasing power against

charges for the manufacture and distribution of

inflation during challenging economic times since it

the yellow metal. Similarly, if you would like to sell

tends to hold its value long term despite any

your gold, you'd be selling to a dealer who will pay


you a certain percentage below gold's spot price.



When you buy gold, you will need a place to

companies outside the banking system. How

store it for safekeeping. It is important to keep

quickly do you wish to access your gold—would

your gold safe and out of reach of children that

you want to be able to grab it right away during

are unaware of its value. A five-year boy found

an emergency? —may determine how you decide

some gold coins from his parents and started

to store it. Let these concerns be strongly

playing with them. When the father saw what

considered when you think about storing your

his son was playing with, he snatched them from


the son and was trying to get his son to remember where he put the other coins that

You can purchase gold bullion in several ways:

were missing. Fortunately for him, he was able

through an online dealer such as APMEX or JM

to find them after a full day of searching for

Bullion, or even a local dealer or collector. A pawn


shop may also sell gold. Note gold's spot price – the price per ounce right now in the market – as

Where will you keep your gold? Some might

you are buying, so that you can make a fair deal.

prefer using safes in their homes, renting safety deposit boxes at banks, or using precious metals

Like I always say, “You have to do your due

storage services offered by banks as well as

diligence." When it comes to any investment, doing your homework is worth its weight in gold.



What is a customer worth? Many



lifetime value to your customer can't





answer that question. Can you? If

comparison to help you plan

you sell just one product at $20,


and customers never come back

expenditures for the rest of the

to buy the product after their

year. This only looks at and

initial purchase, the value of each

calculates direct sales so be sure

customer is only $20. If you sell

to keep that in mind as you add in


other variables









purchases, the value of your

Don't sacrifice sales for creativity

typical customer is going to be the

A brightly colored mailer with a

total value of their purchase over

clever headline may catch the eye,

the number of weeks or years

but if it does not make your

they buy from you.

message clear, you may not get the




The lifetime value of a customer is

According to a story in Direct, a

critical to understand because it

magazine for the direct mail

lets you determine how much you

industry, Network General mailed

can afford to spend to acquire

a four-color direct mail offer to

new customers. If each customer


is only worth $20, the money you

prospects. The mailer offered a

can spend marketing to gain new

free booklet, but the headline

customers is going to be next to

talked about putting out fires

nothing. However, if a typical




focusing on the free offer. The ad

repeatedly and spends more than

drew a 3.8 percent response. In

$1000 you may find it profitable to

several subsequent mailings to

spend more. If you’ve never

lists of the same size, the company

figured out the lifetime value of


your customers, take the time to

percent and got a 6 percent

do so today. Then, compare the

response rate by using two-color














brochures with headlines that

borrow from relatives or even what

of company. According to the findings

made their offer clear.

you can borrow on credit cards. If

of a US Census Bureau study of small

you have a proven concept, and/or


Don't let web designers make the


businesses in the US are home-based

same kind of mistake with your

money to invest, angel capital may









option. of


Nevertheless, thousands





3 - Guaranteed commitments

designers are more interested in



Line up one or two sources of

showing off their creativity than

individuals start businesses each

business before you take the plunge.

focusing on their clients' needs for

year. How do they do it? Where do

Former employers, if you left on good

websites that elicit a specific

they get the money to get started?

terms, are often a source of start-up

response. You need to be sure the images




work, or sometimes funding. Big


Here are ten solutions for startup

companies that can send you their

something to YOUR clients and

funding for a micro-sized business.

overflow work or small jobs that they

that there are enough response

Some are nearly risk-free. Others

don't want to do can also provide the

mechanisms built into the site to

involve significant financial risk and

initial stream of work and income.

make it easy for customers to find

should be used with caution.

out how to call you.

4 - Get a part-time job. 1 - Start part-time.

Work part-time and save up your

Money Sources for Business

If you need a steady source of

earnings until you have enough

Where can you find the money for

income to meet your financial

money to start the business. Or, as an

your business? What kind of

obligations (and keep your family

alternative, work part- or full-time in

financing should you look for?

covered by health insurance) start

your own business and take a part-

Depending on the stage of your


time job to supplement the income

company's life cycle, the type of

venture. Don't quit the day job until

financing available to you will

the part-time business has a steady

differ. If you are just starting and

flow of customers and profits.





have no track record and no

from your new business. 5 - Live frugally - and invest the savings in your business.

established product or service, you

2 - Start the business from home.

You don't have to live like a pauper or


You can start your business for

waste hours searching for 50-cent-off

much less money if you don't have

coupons to live frugally. A few simple

to foot the bill for office space and

changes may save you $200 a month

You may have to use your savings,

utilities for an out-of-the-home

or more. Depending on how much

income from a full-time job,

office. While you may not want to

coffee you drink, for instance, making

personal loans, a second mortgage

advertise the fact that you work

it at home or in the office instead of

on your home, the money you can

from home, you will have plenty

buying it at Starbucks or Dunkin





business using your resources.

. PAGE 29



Donuts could save you $10 or $15 a

careful you can quickly run up a huge

week. Bringing your lunch to work

credit card bill - a bill you'll be

instead of ordering it out could

responsible for paying, whether your

save you another $15 or more a

business is successful or not.

week. Eating a home-cooked meal instead of bringing home fast foods

7 - Apply for a home equity line of credit.

or eating out on weeknights could

Some banks offer home equity lines of

save you another $20 or $30 a

credit that let you borrow up to as

week. Turning your thermostat

much as 85% of the appraised value of

down a degree or two during the

your home. Depending on the value of

heating season, and turning it up a

your home and what you still owe in

degree or two when you have the

other mortgages, that can put a

air conditioning cranking away will

significant chunk of money at your

save you significant amounts of

disposal for starting your business.

money during the year. If you're

The downside: you're putting your

determined to save money, you

home at risk. If the business fails and

can probably find a lot of other

you can't repay the loan, you could

ways to cut back on your spending.

lose your home.

6 - Use a credit card.

8 - Apply for a business loan instead

Using a credit card - if you have

of a home equity loan.

good credit - is the easiest way to

Information you'll need to give the

get money to start a business.

bank includes: the purpose of the loan,

Equipment, suppliers, advertising,

projected opening-day balance sheet

and postage (for mailings) can all


be purchased with a credit card.

amount of investment in the business

And if your credit card gives you a


line of credit, you can give yourself

income, expenses, and cash flow,

an instant loan (up to your credit

signed personal financial statements

limit). But using a credit card to

and your resume. You may also need a

start your business bears some

formal business plan. If you're trying

significant risks, too. If you're not

to get funding to grow a business









you've already started, you'll also need business financial statements for the last three years, and information on receivables, payables, and outstanding debt.) Don't be surprised if the bank turns you down, though. Banks are often leery of lending money to startups. 9 - Ask Your Bank About an SBAguaranteed loan. If the bank turns you down for a business loan, ask them if they'll consider your loan through the SBA guaranteed loan program. If they agree to do so, they'll forward your loan application and credit information to the nearest SBA district office, for a decision. 10 - Borrow from family and friends. Family and friends are frequent sources of funding for small businesses. But remember, you must live with your family for a long time and you probably want to stay friends with your friends. So do not borrow unless you have a business plan and have done enough research to know there is a market for what you want to sell. Be sure your plans provide a way to also pay interest on the money borrowed from family and friends.




as anyone ever said to you, "If

want and need. There are many ways your

there's anything I can do to help

sources can help you promote yourself and

you with your business, let me

your business, as well as generate leads and

know." Did you respond, "Thank

referrals. Some are simple, cheap, and

you, now that you mention it, there are a few

quick; others are complex, costly, and

things I need"? Or did you say, "Well, thanks,

time-consuming. The following 15 ways,

I'll let you know"? If you're like most of us, you

will allow you to get the results you need,

aren't prepared to accept help at the moment

without having to work twice as hard.

it's offered. You let the opportunity slip by because you haven't given enough thought to

1. Free Promotion.

the kind of help you need. You haven't made

Your sources can exhibit your marketing

the connection between specific items or

materials and products in their offices or

services you need and the people who can

homes. If these items are displayed well,

supply them. When help is offered, it's to your

such as on a counter or a bulletin board,

advantage to be prepared and to respond by

visitors will ask questions about them or

stating a specific need. Systematic referral

read the information. Some may take your

marketing requires that you determine, as

promotional materials and display them in

precisely as possible, the types of help you

other places, increasing your visibility.



- BELIEVE BUSINESS MAGAZINE 2. Advertisement Strategies.

6. Community Awards and Recognition.

Your sources can help you generate a buzz


by distributing your marketing materials. For


example, they can include a flyer in their

outstanding service to their profession or

mailings or hand out flyers at meetings they

community. If you've donated time or

attend. A dry cleaner attaches a coupon from

materials to a worthy cause, your sources can

the hair salon next door to each plastic bag

nominate you for service awards. You

he uses to cover his customers' clothing; a

increase your visibility both by serving and by

grocery store includes other businesses'

receiving the award as a public expression of

marketing literature in or on its grocery bags

thanks. Your sources can pass the word of

or on the back of the printed receipt.

your recognition by word of mouth or in

professionals often






writing. They can even create an award, such 3. Business Plugs.

as Vendor of the Month, to honor your

When attending meetings or speaking to


groups, your sources can increase your visibility by announcing an event you are

7. Lead Generation.

involved in, a sale your business is

A source can help you by passing along

conducting, or by setting up exhibits of your

information they hear about someone who

products or services. They can also invite you

needs the kind of product or service you

to make an announcement yourself.

provide. Following through on such leads-for example, a rumor about a new company

4. Public Speaking Opportunities.

moving into the area or a news item about

Workshops and seminars are opportunities

the troubles another business is having--

to increase your skills, knowledge, visibility,

could result in new business opportunities.

and contacts. Members of personal or business groups that you don't belong to can

8. Refferals.

invite you to their events and programs. This

The kind of support you'd most likely want to

allows you to meet prospective sources and

get from your sources is referrals. The names

clients broadening your overall market.






individuals who need your products and 5. Personal Endorsements.

services. Sources can also help by giving

By telling others what they've gained from

prospects your name and number. As the

using your products or services or by

number of referrals you receive increases, so

endorsing you in presentations or informal

does your potential for increasing the

conversations, your network sources can

percentage of your business generated

encourage others to use your products or


services. If they sing your praises on




audiotape or videotape, so much the better. Continued on next page


- BELIEVE BUSINESS MAGAZINE 9. Bridge the Communication Gap.

13. Publish Information.

Rather than just giving you the telephone

Your networking circle may be able to get

number and address of an important prospect,

information about you and your business

a network member can call or meet the

printed in publications they subscribe to and

prospect first and tell them about you. When

in which they have some input or influence.

you make contact with the prospect, they will

For example, a source who belongs to an

be expecting to hear from you and will already

association that publishes a newsletter might

know about you.

help you get an article published or persuade the editor to run a story about you.

10. Leverage Influence to Make Important Introductions.

14. Become a Sponsor.

Your source can help you build new

Some of your sources may be willing to fund

relationships faster by introducing you in

or sponsor a program or event you are

person. They can provide you with key

hosting. They might let you use a meeting

information about the prospect. She can also

room, lend you equipment, authorize you to

tell the prospect a few things about you, your

use their organization's name, or donate

business, how the two of you met, some of the

money or other resources.

things you and the prospect have in common, and the value of your products and services.

15. Become a Vendor. Of all the kinds of support that a source can

11. Arrange

Meetings and Appointments

offer, the one that has the greatest immediate

When one of your sources tells you about a

impact on your bottom line is selling your

person you should meet, someone you

product or service for you. Your network

consider a key contact, they can help you

member could persuade a prospect to write a

immensely by coordinating a meeting. Ideally,

check for your product, then have you mail

they will not only call the contact and set a

or deliver the product to your new customer.

specific date, time, and location for the

If you do so swiftly and cordially, you may

meeting, but they will also attend the meeting

gain a new lifelong customer. Suppose a

with you.

customer your source knows well tells them a friend of theirs wants to buy your product.

12. Obtain Feedback Via Referrals

How should they respond? While their

Your sources can contact prospects they

interest is still hot, they should sell it to the

referred to you to see how things went after

interested customer cutting out the in-

your first meeting, answer their questions or

between process and potentially securing a

concerns, and reassure them that you can be

life-long customer.

trusted. They can also give you valuable feedback about yourself, your products or

These 15 ways may seem simple, but

service, and information that you might not

implementing them can grow your business

have been able to get on your own.


USING A STAFFING AGENCY TO CLEAR YOUR PLATE AND MEET YOUR NEEDS If you’ve never worked with a staffing agency, you may not know the tremendous benefit of having an expert working on your behalf to fill your job openings. Staffing agencies are an excellent choice to save your business time and money and find well-qualified candidates whether you need someone to work in the office or to work remotely.

Orange Impact Staffing co-owner, Tish Times shares the advantages and the most efficient ways to utilize a staffing agency. “A good staffing company will help you find highly skilled, highly professional workers for your organization. Finding qualified talent is challenging for many small companies. Sourcing candidates, interviewing, and negotiating salaries take the focus off building your business. In fact, all that time spent can create more problems if you hire the wrong person. That’s why some employers partner with staffing agencies, to take recruiting and hiring off their plate.” The process of working with an agency is what makes the partnership so rewarding. The first thing you'll need to do is contact


the staffing agency. Clarity when relaying your needs to the staffing specialist is what’s most important at this point. You’ll need to provide information like the job responsibilities, the number of employees needed, the timeline to hire new workers, and the wage or salary rate. The staffing company does the work. Candidates submit resumes to the staffing agency, and the staffing specialist assesses their experience, qualifications, schedules, and conducts interviews. Next, the most qualified individuals are presented to the hiring manager at your business. You, the business owner or hiring manager reviews the staffing agency’s choices and makes the final decision.


This saves you valuable time that you would otherwise spend trying to figure this out on your own instead of focusing on the core responsibilities of your business. The agency does the heavy lifting. Most agencies handle all the hiring paperwork associated with new hires, like contracts, taxes, and other payroll tasks. There are many legal responsibilities involved with being an employer, such as employment taxes, insurance coverage, and following labor laws. Hiring employees can create large financial risks and this is amplified if someone must be fired or quits unexpectedly. Using a staffing agency not only helps to lessen the liability for the business owner but is also poised to help find a quick replacement when an unforeseen opening arises in the business. Hiring has changed considerably over the past several years. The impact of Covid 19 created an even more difficult hiring process, making it longer and more difficult than ever. Companies like Orange Impact Staffing are experts at recruiting and placing candidates who can work remotely. Orange Impact Staffing specializes in helping companies find virtual assistants, executive assistants, and sales professionals, (to name a few) and can help companies nationwide locate their ideal employees. In an effort to help shorten the learning


curve for clients, the team at Orange Impact Staffing is building a pool of skilled professionals in the areas of administration, customer service, and sales. Understanding the need to fill the growing client needs, OIS created an administrative skills academy with a team of trainers boasting over 40 years of experience teaching soft skills, software platforms, email marketing, social media skills, and much more. The intention is to locate or develop the most valuable team members to help clients reach goals. Common misconceptions about staffing agencies One of the most widespread misconceptions about hiring a staffing agency is that it’s too expensive to be worth it. Business owners sometimes think it’s easier to hire on their own as opposed to paying recruiting fees. While you might think you’re saving money, however, in the long run using a staffing agency might be the best decision for your company. A good staffing agency should partner with you as you build your team. The agency you select should be as committed to building relationships with the candidates they recruit for your company, as they are to earning and nurturing your business. Staffing companies who are willing to act as the bridge between workplaces and team members who add value to the organization will make the most


effective placements with the least amount of turnover. According to a recent article in Forbes magazine, it’s a candidate’s market. Job seekers have more options–and more power–than ever before. Candidates now think of the interview process as a chance to interview the company to determine if they want the job as opposed to the previous job market when companies maintained the power position. Those looking for employment are no longer afraid to ask hard questions about the company’s approach to things, like diversity, what resources they offer in support of employee mental health, what they think about work/life balance, and more.

Tish Times is the CEO of Orange Impact Staffing. For more than 20 years, Times has been connecting business owners to the solutions they seek and has helped hundreds of companies to evolve into productive and harmonious workplaces. The team at Orange Impact Staffing is dedicated to ensuring that the clients they serve don’t just receive a body to fill a seat, but a valuable addition to their team. For more information on how a staffing agency can help meet your needs visit

The team at Orange Impact Staffing is not a traditional staffing company. Yes, there are more than 50 years of experience in the organization. Yes, there are well-qualified staffing specialists and recruiters. However, what clients most benefit from is the level of commitment and care given to each client, each job order, and each resume submitted. In 2022 companies are struggling to staff their offices with excellent team members. Candidates are frustrated with what they’ve had to accept in years past. Now is the best time to recruit differently, train differently, be more creative with the way we hire and nurture the relationships that are being built in the process.





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