The 'Ville - July 2021

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July 2021 | Vol.4 | Issue 7

Northville’s News and Lifestyle Magazine

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SUPPORT THE ‘VILLE • If you enjoy getting The ‘Ville each and every month, please consider making a donation. • Your financial contribution will help us survive and grow. • Help insure local journalism is here to stay. Send us $10, $20 or any amount you can, and we will list your name in upcoming issues as being a supporter of The ‘Ville -- and local journalism.


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JULY 2021

16435 Franklin, Northville, MI 48168 • 734.716.0783 •

KURT KUBAN – Editor/Publisher

Kurt Kuban is an award-winning journalist, having served as a reporter and editor for several local newspapers and magazines, including The Northville Record, over the course of a career spanning more than two decades. Kurt lives in Northville with his wife, Cheryl, and their three children, who all attend Northville Public Schools.

CRAIG WHEELER – Creative Director

Craig has been in the creative industry for over 29 years. He has developed a diverse background in that time, but publication design has been his passion during the past 19 years. Craig enjoys chasing his young daughter and providing moral support to his lovely wife.


Michele Fecht is a longtime journalist whose first post-college reporter position was at The Northville Record before moving on to The Detroit News. A 30-plus year resident of the City of Northville and historic (old) house owner, she is an author, researcher, local history enthusiast, and community activist/advocate.


Publisher Here is a list of people who contributed to local journalism last month. We appreciate your support! Patricia A. Duwel Ed Gabrys Ceil Ginger David & Gail Zima Bill & Berti Rice

ADVERTISE IN THE VILLE Our locally-owned publication is an affordable way to reach the Northville Market. We direct mail to all 21,000 addresses in the 48167 & 48168 zip codes.

To secure space in The Ville, contact Scott at (313) 399-5231 or

Over the course of his four decades with the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, Brad established himself as one of the preeminent prep sports reporters in the state, winning many journalism awards along the way. His greatest joy is interviewing local athletes and coaches, and reporting on their efforts.


Lonnie graduated from EMU with a degree in creative writing. He is a longtime newspaper reporter, including two stints with The Northville Record. He is now a freelance reporter for a number of publications, including The Sun Times News in Dexter, where he lives with his wife and two young children. He is glad to be back covering the Northville community.

TIM SMITH - Writer

Tim brings a penchant for telling powerful and personal stories that run the gamut from news to sports. During more than 35 years in journalism, he has earned numerous state and national awards. The Wayne State grad is a published author and rec ice hockey player.


Maria is managing editor at The ACHR NEWS, a B2B publication based in Troy. She has worked as a reporter for the Northville Record, Novi News and Plymouth Observer, and once had her photo on the cover of TIME. She lives in Farmington and, as a self-avowed history nerd, routinely risks her life by standing in the road to photograph old buildings.


Wensdy graduated with a degree in journalism from Wayne State University. Her first job was working as a reporter for The Northville Record. Now, as a freelance writer and editor, she works for a variety of magazines, and is excited to get back to her roots in The ‘Ville. -Photo by Kathleen Voss

SCOTT BUIE - Advertising Director/VP of Sales

For more than 20 years Scott has worked with clients in Metro Detroit to create advertising campaigns to grow their business. After managing sales for radio station in the Detroit Market for 17 years he purchased Street Marketing where he works closely with a variety of businesses and events. Scott and his family have lived in the Plymouth and Northville Area for 23 over years.

BRYAN MITCHELL - Photographer

Bryan started working as a photographer more than 30 years ago, and was the Northville Record photographer in the 90's. He has freelanced for The Detroit News, The Guardian, Reuters, and other publications. His photography has appeared in newspapers and magazines around the globe. The Northville resident also coaches mountain biking at Northville High School.

A View From The ‘Ville

Stories That Need To Be Told T he best part of my job has always been the fact that I get to meet so many of you. Going back to my days with the Northville Record newspaper and now publishing The ‘Ville for the last four and a half years, I’ve had the good fortune to get to know so many people in the Northville community. One of the things I’ve learned over the years in the journalism business is everyone has a great story to tell. Sure, some are more interesting than others, but believe me everyone has at least one. The challenge as a reporter is how to pry that story out, and then retell it in a compelling, but accurate way. Sometimes that can be difficult, but more times than not the stories just tell themselves. One such story is our cover story this month (Page 4), which focuses on the mission of the Duhn family. You’ll remember last year 20-yearold Dominic Duhn was killed tragically while skateboarding on Sheldon Road. While that is a tragedy in itself, the story made more news because it involved a hit-and-run driver. Police, after receiving a tip,

made an arrest in the case, which is now moving its way through the courts. As a parent myself, it is difficult to fathom how devastating this has been for the family. Losing a child is a parent’s worst nightmare. Yet, from the ashes of that tragedy, the Duhns are leading a crusade to build a skatepark in Northville where locals will be able to skateboard safely. It’s not a situation where they are telling the community to do it. They are actually taking a leading role, and in fact are raising all the money – a half million dollars. I recently got to spend some time with the Duhns, and the members of the committee they’ve put together to turn this skatepark idea into a reality. It’s hard not to be inspired after speaking with them. I have no doubt they will be successful. Please give the story a read and help if you can. In my opinion, these are stories people need to know, and the kinds of stories we try to tell at The ‘Ville. When I started this magazine, I was betting on the fact all of you were thirsting for more coverage of

the Northville community like I was. Personally, I think the Northville community is worth covering. But, of course, it costs money. We have a great team of professional The Northville Skatepark Committee includes (front row from journalists left) Enzo Duhn, Gabriella Duhn, Jack Tsalis, (back row from and designers, left) Scott Frush, David Lesmeister, Mark Gasche and Dan Morris. and we also mail directly to every address in mission of bringing you compelling Northville. stories about Northville. Stories like By mailing out more than 21,000 the Duhn family’s. copies every month our advertisers If you would like to continue get the biggest bang for their buck – getting The ‘Ville, please consider and they pay for this magazine to be sending a donation to Journeyman produced and distributed. So, if you Publishing, 16435 Franklin, enjoy getting The ‘Ville each month, Northville, MI 48168. You can also please support our advertisers. send them via PayPal at kurtkuban@ We don’t charge a subscription fee, but we still welcome support from our readers. Each month we receive a Kurt Kuban is the Publisher and few donations, and we list those folks Editor of The ‘Ville. He welcomes on the opposite page. You have no your comments at kurtkuban@ idea how much it helps us with our

Northville Food & Wine Fest moving to Ford Field 8

Mind, Body & Soul Celebrating America Ready to Roll


18 30

ON THE COVER: Jack Tsalis (left) and Enzo Duhn at Millennium Park, where they hope to see a skateboarding park to honor Enzo’s brother, Dominic, who was killed while skateboarding last year in Northville. Photo by Bill Bresler

Past Tense: Historic Cabbagetown homes restored 12 Autistic authors get chance to express themselves 16 Northville first to sweep state rowing titles 22 Mustangs pick up right where they left off 24 Explorers produce tomorrow’s firefighters 28 Middle school archers hit the mark in first season 32 Community Bulletin Board 34

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Enzo D uhn (r ig Tsalis at Mille ht) and Jack nnium Park.

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abriella Duhn is quickly approaching the one-year anniversary of what she calls her ‘darkest hour.” Her oldest son, 20-yearold Dominic, was killed by a hit-and-run driver while skateboarding on Sheldon Road on Sept. 20 of last year. It’s an understatement to say Dominic’s death was a devastating blow to Gabriella, her husband Drew and their

Dominic Duhn. Family photo

other son, Enzo. But she said the family is turning that grief into action. Into a mission really. “We know we can’t bring Dom back, but right from the get-go we decided we had to do something positive to honor him,” Gabriella said. In an effort to make sure Dominic is never forgotten, the family first established a scholarship in his name, and then raised enough to fund it for years to come. They’ve already awarded the first scholarships to Michael Loftus and Keely Sant, two recent Northville High School graduates who Gabriella Duhn

are moving onto college. The scholarships aren’t based on grade point averages. Gabriella said her son was known for helping others, so applicants must write an essay about the last time they helped a friend. The Duhns have now turned their attention and efforts to a much bigger plan: building a skateboarding park right here in Northville. For several months now, the family has been working with the Northville Parks and Recreation Department to develop such a plan. Enzo and Jack Tsalis (Dominic’s best friend) are the ones who hatched the idea and started a petition drive to garner support. They knew they needed help and approached Gabriella, who didn’t think it was realistic at first. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Many in the community reached out to her in the wake of Dominic’s death, and told her it hit close to home because it could have just as easily been their own children killed while skateboarding. It’s

become clear to her that the community needs a safe place for skateboarders. Nobody knows it more than her. “I knew my boy skateboarded, but I had no idea that skateboarding was so big in Northville,” Gabriella said. “And yet, there is nowhere for them to go. There’s a saying: If your town doesn’t have a skate park, your town becomes the skate park.”


The Duhns are not going at this alone. They’ve put together an impressive committee made up of parks and rec folks, skateboarding experts and other supporters. And they have a very systematic plan in place to reach their goal. The first thing they did was to approach the Northville Parks and Recreation Commission, which has representatives from both the city and township. The commission voted in favor of the idea, as have the Northville City Council and Northville Township Board of Trustees. The Duhns and their

Northville Parks and Recreation Director Mark Gasche discusses the skatepark.

department just steps away, supporters are looking to build a emergency services are there 10,000 square foot skatepark, at if anyone gets hurt. And it has an estimated cost of $500,000. easy access to a number of It will be a “street style” park, neighborhoods, plus the high with stairs, ramps and rails. The school is across the street. Duhns will raise the money, and “It (Millennium Park) checks the parks and rec department all the boxes,” said Gasche, will provide the land. noting they will still look at Mark Gasche, director other locations if it makes better of the Northville Parks and sense. Recreation Department, has been impressed with the determination of the Duhns and their supporters on the The family knows that people project. When they approached will have questions and they are him with the concept, his likely to face some resistance. initial reaction was positive, But they are doing their best to as Northville doesn’t have any educate people about some of skateboarding facilities. the myths and misconceptions “We have a lot of other about skateboard parks, like athletic facilities, but not they are noisy, cost a lot to something for skaters. This maintain and attract crime. could be great, as it is a different Gabriella said all those things type of usage than we have now,” are untrue if the parks are well Gasche said. planned. Their committee has The other thing that stood already reached out to about a out right away for Gasche was half dozen communities that the family’s commitment to have skateparks, including raising the money, and doing all Sterling Heights, Milford and the due diligence necessary to Troy, to find out what works make sure it’s – and what a great fit for doesn’t. In Northville. nearly all Do you support Northville building “The best cases, they’ve a skatepark? If so, do you think part of this is received Millennium or some other park it’s a grassroots positive would be a good location? Email your opinions to Editor Kurt Kuban effort. Lots of feedback. at kurtkuban@thevillemagazine. people come to “I don’t see com. us with ideas a problem about what with having they want, but this group has a place in Northville where our come with a plan and they’ve kids can go and hang out. And shown us they are in this for it’s not just for kids. It’s a family the long-term. And I love the thing,” said Gabriella. fact that the parks and rec The reality is skateboarding commission, the township and is a growing sport – it will be the city have all supported this.” an Olympic sport this summer. While they are still trying While most people associate the to determine where to build activity with youth, not every the park, the most likely place skateboarder is young. Take is at Millennium Park on Six Jeff Scroggs, for example. At 50 Mile behind the fire station. years old, he considers himself The park already has lots of one of the oldest if not the oldest athletic facilities. With the fire skateboarder in Northville.



Yet, he has to travel to other places to do it safely. Scroggs is a member of the skatepark committee. He is using his marketing and tech skills to help with the fundraising efforts. He also used his connections to bring skateboarding legend Tony Hawk onboard. He said Hawk has agreed to do a cameo for a promotional video the group is putting together to help fundraising efforts. He said this project is a no-brainer. “I honestly feel every community could use this,” Scroggs said. Raising a half million dollars for the project does seem daunting, but it’s a hurdle Gabriella Duhn thinks they will get over. They’ve already received a $50,000 anonymous donation, and are moving fullsteam ahead. Their target for project completion is late 2022. They have a Facebook page (“The Northville Skatepark Project”) set up, and are working with the Main Street League, a local 501c3 nonprofit, so donations will be tax deductible. Northville Township Trustee Scott Frush is also a member of the skatepark committee. He requested to be part of it, in fact. Dominic once worked at Cantoro’s, the popular market owned by Frush’s family, so he wanted to do something to help. Along the way, he’s learned there are tremendous physical, emotional and mental benefits

of skateparks, something our youth need now more than ever. “I wanted to be part of something bigger, and this is a big project. It really is a meaningful effort, and I’m happy that I can help,” said Frush. Obviously Dominic is not here to give his endorsement of the skatepark, but if you talk to his best friend Jack Tsalis, you just know he would be stoked about the idea. “There’s a lot of kids who don’t fit into traditional sports. Dom and I hung out with a lot of those kids, and they need something like this,” said Tsalis. The two were friends going back to middle school and were attending MSU together. Gabriella agreed. “Dom was always known for bringing people together. He had a diverse group of friends,” she said. “That’s why this skateboard park will be great, because all walks of life will use it. I envision everyone coming and using this park. All races. All genders.” If you’d like to support the effort, visit “The Northville Skatepark Project” on Facebook, or contact Gabriella Duhn at

The ‘Ville 5

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’World Class’ & Wine Fest brin hville Food t ging r o N

eld interna i F tiona l flavors to Ford


hether you are a fan of a nice Merlot from the Bourdeaux region of France, a Cabernet from Napa Valley or even a Riesling from Michigan’s Old Mission Peninsula, the upcoming Northville Food & Wine Festival will have you covered. After a year’s absence because of COVID, the event is back after a wildly successful debut in 2019. With the streets of downtown Northville closed off for the social district, the two-day festival, scheduled for Aug. 13-14, will move just a stone’s throw away to the comfy confines and greener pastures of Ford Field. The event, which is shaping up to be the biggest wine festival in the region, will feature more than 100 different wines from all four corners of the globe, including Australia, Italy, France, Spain and Argentina, plus plenty of premium domestic brands from California, the state

8 The ‘Ville

of Washington, and of course right here in Michigan, which has a burgeoning wine industry. The event is the brainchild of Northville residents Cameron MacKellar and Scott Buie. The two have plenty of business, hospitality, and event management experience, and feel this will be a “world class” festival. More than 1,500 people attended the first event in 2019, and they’re expecting a similar turnout this year. With one year under their belts, they feel this year will be bigger and better. MacKellar said they are bringing some of the best vintners in the world right here to Northville, and guests who attend

will have the opportunity to sample some of the best wines available anywhere. For those who might not exactly be wine connoisseurs, there will also be a variety of craft beers available including local brands. The event, which will also feature plenty of food and live music, will have a little different feel being located at Ford Field instead of on Main Street like two years ago. Buie, however, said the venue provides an expanded footprint and the “perfect backdrop” for enjoying food, wine and music. In fact, he thinks the festival will provide a blueprint for how to throw a successful event at the iconic park in the future. “The park setting allows us to give our patrons plenty of room to relax, enjoy an incredible selection of wines, a variety of locally produced craft beers, delicious food and live entertainment,” said Buie, who owns Street Marketing and is vice president of sales for The ‘Ville. “We are excited to be one of the first larger scale events to take place at Ford Field. We believe the venue will be the home of many great events in the future.” The Northville Food & Wine Festival will take place in two parts. The more exclusive VIP Sponsor event takes place Friday from 6-10 p.m. It will feature celebrity guest speakers, exclusive wine tastings, premium culinary delights, live entertainment, silent

benefit charitable organizations. The first auction, and a 200-plus bottle wine-pull year they donated proceeds to Tipping raffle. Point Theatre, the Northville Lions Club The main event takes place Saturday and the Wounded Warrior Foundation. from 1-10 p.m. Some of the highlights This year the event will be supporting the include live on-stage cooking displays by Northville Education Foundation (NEF), some of the state’s best known chefs, and a which provides funding to Northville Public variety of award-winning musicians playing Schools to pay for educational opportunities everything from jazz and blues to country that state funding and modern rock. doesn’t cover. Tickets range It’s all about from $50 for making a positive general admission difference in on Saturday to WHEN: 6-10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 13 and the community $149.95 for an 1-10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14 they call home, all-access pass that WHERE: Ford Field according to gets you in for both TICKETS/MORE INFO: Visit MacKellar. days, plus entry into or follow “We’re proud the Grand Tasting the event on Facebook to be supporting event Saturday and the NEF,” he everything else. said. “It’s another part of our unwavering One of the main benefits of attending the commitment to the success of local Northville Food & Wine Festival is the fact businesses, charitable organizations and the that you will also be supporting a local nonbroader community development.” profit. When Buie and MacKellar conceived To purchase tickets and for more the event a couple years ago, one of the first information, including all the available things they agreed upon was that it would


Northville Food & Wine Festival founders Scott Buie (with wife Rosemary) and Cameron MacKellar (with wife Victoria Iles).

wines and music lineup, visit www. Children under the age of 21 are permitted throughout the festival on Saturday with the accompaniment of an adult.

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Down On Rayson Street Claire Calero returns to restore two historic Cabbagetown homes By Michele Fecht


ho says you can’t go home again? For Claire Cramton Calero, coming home to Northville has meant returning to her childhood roots by way of purchasing not one, but two homes on Rayson Street, the same street she grew up on and where her parents still reside. Yes, three houses on Rayson Street. What are the chances? Claire was starting sixth grade at Hillside Middle School when her parents, Kevin and Faye Cramton, built the house at 370 Rayson, right on the mill pond. It has been the family’s home for more than two decades. After finishing college and getting married in 2012, work took Claire and her husband, Trevor, to Chicago. Careers brought them back to Michigan in 2016. They first settled in Royal Oak but a year later started looking in Northville. In May 2017, the Caleros purchased the 1900-era house at 249 Rayson — and just in time. They moved in that July when their firstborn, Cecilia, was just a week old. “I don’t recommend that,” said Claire, noting that moving with a newborn is an endurance test. While the Caleros loved their new home, the close proximity to her parents, and the familiar Cabbagetown neighborhood, the house only had two bedrooms. Looking to grow their family, Trevor and Claire called their realtor and began yet another house search.

12 The ‘Ville

Belle, their Burmese Mountain Dog. Trevor is planning a combined celebration this month to honor Claire’s 30th birthday and their home’s 150th anniversary. Considering this is Claire’s third house on Rayson, it could be a block party.


Claire and Trevor Calero with daughter, Cecilia, at their 1870 home at 321 Rayson. Photo by Kristin Gavel

They didn’t have to look far. In the fall of 2018, the house next door at 321 Rayson went on the market. Again, what are the chances? The 1870 farmhouse, located on what was once part of a large farm owned by Charles Yerkes, sits on an expansive lot. It has had considerable upgrades and

additions — including a garage — and has one of the best front porches in town (that is saying a lot in a community where a front porch is a requisite feature). The Caleros moved in February 2019. They added their own addition with the birth of son Frederick, now 1-½. Rounding out the family is

The Cramton home at 370 Rayson. Photo by Kristin Gavel

Rayson Street — formerly Yerkes Street – is named for George Rayson, an English shoemaker who set up a cobbler shop on Main Street. According to a 1909 Sanborn map, Rayson’s business was located near the site now occupied by Joseph’s Coney Island. Rayson was born in Suffolk, England in 1840. At 17, he left England and headed to Canada before moving to the United States and settling in Detroit. Following the Civil War, he moved to Northville with his

wife, Emma, and was the first settler in the area that was then known as “Northside.” He eventually purchased much of the property on Rayson as well as its adjacent streets. He also served for many years as a trustee on Northville’s village council. According to a 1920 article in The Northville Record, Rayson “had a great field of cabbage, and the section of the village was named Cabbage Town as a result.” The Northside / Cabbagetown name debate is well documented in The Northville Record going back to 1893 when then editor Frank Neal proposed that the 300-some residents of that section of town vote on a new name. Among the choices were Dubuartown, Northtown, Northside and Pleasant Valley. Though hardly a landslide, Northside received the most votes. In a letter to the editor, one writer shared that, “Even the polysyllable name of North latitude-forty-two-and-onehalf degrees, though rather long, is vastly better than that of the kitchen garden vegetable which has been unanimously rejected.” Better? Perhaps. But did it stick? To this day — more than a century after the name change — most residents still

Claire Calero at 249 Rayson, the 1900-era home she purchased in 2017, with her then-infant daughter, Cecilia.

refer to that section of the city as Cabbagetown. Rayson died in August 1923 at the age of 83. His obituary noted he was a “kindly man, a good neighbor, and exemplary citizen.” The village council voted to rename Yerkes Street for the former cobbler and councilmember. The name change likely made life easier for the local post office as there were two streets named Yerkes,

one in Cabbagetown, the other in Bealtown.


The endless retelling of the tragic death of Rayson’s wife, Emma, has become part of Northville’s lore. It was Emma who while making a “neighborly call on the sick” at the home of S.D. Meseraull, was struck on the head by a chunk of ice falling from the roof. According

to the February 26, 1909 front page story in The Northville Record, the ice fractured the base of her skull rendering her unconscious. She died that night at her home on Northside. Born in London, England, in October 1843, she came to Michigan on July 10, 1865, where on the day of her arrival she married George Rayson. Their only child, Johnnie, died in 1867 at the age of 10 months. The Raysons — George, Emma and Johnnie — are buried in Oakwood Cemetery. Though the headstones for the three have long been neglected and the overgrowth makes it difficult to decipher the individual markers, Emma’s epitaph reads: “Met death from ice falling from the roof of a neighbor’s house.” No one ever carved the date of death on George Rayson’s headstone. Despite Emma’s tragic death, the legacy of the Raysons continues on the lovely street that bears their name. For young homeowners like the Caleros, the mill pond, proximity to downtown (and grandparents!), and front porch friendliness is what makes owning a house — or two — in Cabbagetown, so desirable. There is virtue in being named after a kitchen garden vegetable.

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Michelle Taverner, who leads the creative writing group, Jared Brda, one of the authors, and Amy Bonser, who manages Mod Market. Photo by Laura Fawaz


parallels to our interests as well as personal styles of writing. We all meshed very well as a group and wanted our collective styles to be seen,” said Tao, whose favorite part of the book was Malcolm Wang’s work. “It’s very visual and also sound based. I can really see myself there,” added Tao. As a kick off for their first publication, Mod Market held a special book signing event, that included a meet and greet with the Living and Learning authors. “I thought it was wonderful that Northville had a place for creatives to go, and I wanted to be part of it,” added Taverner. With the global pandemic raging, this past year has been difficult on everyone, but it has been especially tough on the autism community, who are already underserved. The “Mod

authors” were able to express some of that frustration in their poems. “I’m proud that ‘Haikus from a Performance of Handel’s Messiah’ was fit into the book. These haikus represent one of my usual past-time pleasures before COVID-19 changed everything,” added Stenzel. Brda said he’s been enjoying sharing his work, as well as hearing his friends in the group share their work. It helps that Taverner and all the members of the group are always there for encouragement. “I found that, no matter what, more people relate to you than you realize. Poetry is kind of like song writing, and usually the songs that get the most attention are ones that many people can relate to,” said Brda. Wang added similar sentiments, saying how being

Writing program allows autistic authors to express themselves By Laura Fawaz


orthville’s Living & Learning Enrichment Center has provided a progressive space for anyone on the autism spectrum – a place where they are able to strive and work towards a more independent life. Living and Learning founder Rachelle Vartanian has created various innovative groups so each person can use their own strengths and find their passions. One of the groups started a couple years ago focuses on creative writing. Led by Michelle Taverner, an author herself who goes by the name M.D. Taverner, the group meets weekly at Mod Market in downtown Northville. Taverner said she and Vartanian instantly clicked the

16 The ‘Ville

first time they met. It didn’t hurt that Taverner was both an author and had experience working with the population that the center supports. “It made sense that I could lead a group of creative writers, and I fell in love with it from the first meeting,” said Taverner. The writing group includes poets, short story writers, and novelists. Four of those poets -- Katie Stenzel, Jared Brda, Angelica Tao and Malcolm Wang -- decided to join together to write a book called 20/20: A Poetry Collection. They all compliment each other well, and are genuinely rooting for one another, with what Stenzel describes as an “introspective point of view.” “We felt there were many

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published in a book has been a dream of his, and has now come true. His favorite part of the book is his “Springhill Suites” poem. “It is my favorite because Springhill is my favorite name, and also because Springhill Suites is my favorite hotel to stay at. I love to travel. I like the name Springhill because it reminds me of road trips,” Wang said. Wang’s mother, Karen Wang, was more than happy to voice her appreciation for all that Living & Learning has done for her son, describing the place as a lifeline especially through the pandemic. She feels her son is a “prolific creator” for his various talents of writing stories and poems; drawing cartoons; going on nature hikes and editing his nature photographs, which are on display at the Northville

Art House; not to mention his passion for dancing. “Malcolm’s health has been declining (in addition to autism, he also has epilepsy with related neurological issues), and he is unable to continue with the writing group at this time. But he’s still creating,” said Karen Wang. She says that The Living & Learning Enrichment Center has been supportive of Malcolm’s personal growth for years, and now his younger brother is a volunteer there. She describes the center as the “centerpiece” for their lives. “I want people to know about the joy in autism. These writers face significant challenges, and their joy is contagious. I think we can all learn something from their talent and perseverance,” said Karen Wang. Tao described being a part


of this group as a way for her to open up with her struggles. She hopes by doing so, it will make it possible for others, who may be going through similar struggles, to also be able to open up and find their own safe space to heal and grow. “In addition to Asperger’s syndrome- I have bipolar disorder,” she said. “The hardest part of the bipolar diagnosis, in particular, was having to hide myself and feel ashamed. I was hospitalized with severe mania and psychosis two years ago. I had to resign from my job. It was hard to accept that I may never be fully independent, but I am doing what I can,” said Tao. She also added that she wants people to know that those with disabilities are real people with real interests and struggles. She chose to share her personal experiences in hope of

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increasing acceptance for both the autism and mental illness. “When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, my ability to think and communicate clearly became even more impaired. I want people to understand that bipolar disorder is a lot more than mood swings. It can impact your perception of reality. You don’t trust yourself. You worry others won’t trust you,” said Tao. “Perhaps the most important advice I would give to any writer, or any artist, is not to be afraid of sharing his or her perspective. Different perspectives offer us new insight,” concluded Stenzel. For more information about the creative writing group at Mod Market, visit www. or call (248) 308-3592.

The ‘Ville In Focus - with Bryan Mitchell

Northville, The Beautiful Town comes out to celebrate America’s birthday as parade returns


atriotism was back in style this Independence Day, and so was Northville’s annual parade to celebrate the occasion. After taking a year off because of the pandemic, the parade took place on July 5th (the official holiday this year) and was met by a sea of red, white and blue that took over downtown Northville. It was so nice to see the crowds out again, cheering on the many groups that marched in the parade. There was a little different route this year due to the fact much of downtown has been transformed into the social district. The parade kicked off from Northville Downs, traveled west on Cady up Rogers and finally ending at Our Lady of Victory Parish on Main. Organized by the Northville Chamber of Commerce, the parade featured organizations including Rotary, business leaders, little leaguers, scouts, local politicians and first responders, not to mention plenty of music and some veterans, too. Sunny skies reigned and there were plenty of smiles and lot of cheering. Everything you’d hope for an event to celebrate America and our founding as a nation. The ‘Ville photographer and Northville resident Bryan Mitchell was there to catch all the action. Here are his images of Northville’s grand celebration.

The Northville Township Police Honor Guard walks in the parade.

Naomi Koller, 6, right, and Morgan Staszel, 4, were all dressed up for the parade.

18 The ‘Ville

The ‘Ville 19

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‘It All Came Together’ Northville Rowing Club first to sweep all three state titles By Brad Emons


coach Nick Bickes, who joined the program in 2017. “It wasn’t exactly as we had planned, but we got in all the competition we needed to see. We hosted six events at Kensington (Metropark) to see all the teams we wanted to see. Instead of racing in bigger regattas where we’d see 10-to-12 teams, we had smaller regattas of maybe three or four teams, so the kids raced three weeks in a row, both Saturday and Sunday. So, they put in a lot of work, a lot of time. It was a lot of racing but it prepared us for the state championship.” Due to the pandemic, the Mustangs never got onto the water in 2020, but continued training. “A lot of kids borrowed rowing machines and kept them at home,” Bickes said. “We did virtual practices. We did a virtual competition amongst the boys, the girls and The NRC came away with the Women’s Division 1 team points title. families just for espite the 2020 season being shelved by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Northville Rowing Club always had its eye on the ultimate prize. And when the NRC finally got its opportunity in the Scholastic Rowing Association of Michigan 2021 Championship Regatta on May 22 at Riverside Park in Grand Rapids, the Mustangs came through with their firstever Division 1 title. “The kids put in a ton of work, but it was still a broken-up season,” said NRC head

22 The ‘Ville

staying in shape and fitness in the spring of 2020 and took it into part of the summer of 2020. And then we were able to get back in the water in singles in the summer.” And for the first time in state history, NRC became the first team to win the overall men’s, women’s and combined points titles to seize all three state trophies. Northville exceeded expectations as 17 boats advanced to the finals late Saturday afternoon, capturing three gold, six silver and a pair of bronze medals. The Men’s Second Varsity/JV 8+ finished first in 4 minutes and 19 seconds led by Drew DiFrancesco, Aaron Kemnitz (seniors), Shivang Kapoor, Will Mack, ( juniors), Leyton DeMeo, Ben Kemnitz (sophomores), Kareem Abbassi, Daniel DeAlmeida (freshmen). The coxswain was sophomore Radhika Ajmera. Meanwhile, the Women’s Junior 4+ of Hannah Sondreal (senior coxswain), Riley Finn ( junior), Elizabeth Hartigan, Natasha Kobelsky, Brigita Sumskas (sophomores) also earned gold in 5:27. Standout freshmen Avery DiFrancesco, DeAlmeida, Abbassi and Joe Siddall, along with with junior coxswain Lillie Gregory, added another gold in the Men’s Freshman 4+ in 4:57.

The Women’s Freshmen 4+ with Adriana Rudolfi (coxswain), Mahita Parulekar, Allison Phillips, Olivia Spradlin, Claire Collyer took silver in 6:04. The Women’s 2V/Jr 8+ of Emily Guan (senior coxswain), Nora Bhandari, Paige Bobak, Abby O’Connell, Taylor Zeimen, Kaylie Zeimen ( juniors), Olivia Spradlin, Allison Phillips, Mahita Parulekar (freshmen) placed second in 5:12. Led by senior coxswain Emily Walker the Men’s Varsity 8+ of Adam Bis (senior), Michael Jeromsky ( junior), Russell Kobelsky (senior), Thaddeus Felosak (senior) Nate Bennett (senior), Charlie Huddy (sophomore), Seth Sharples (senior), Kyle Walter (senior) garnered silver in 4:19. That same Men’s Varsity 8+ boat also represented NRC, May 28-29, at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America National Championships in Philadelphia. In Women’s Varsity 2x sculls, the duo of Kiana May and Makala Hande won (5:48), while senior Ava Kehoe, who will row for Michigan State, posted a time of 6:16 to take her silver in the Women’s Varsity 1x. Another silver went to the Women’s Varsity 4x with Kehoe, Hande, May, and Annika Zaar clocking a 5:28. Meanwhile, Jacob Mallabo (Varsity 1x) and the Men’s 4x of Huddy, Walter, Sharples, and Bennett also collected bronze. All told, NRC posted a record-breaking season earning 11 medals in 18 races to go along with additional fourths, fifths and sixth places. “I don’t think we necessarily surprised

I don’t think we necessarily surprised ourselves, but we knew we’d be in the hunt. It was a matter if we’d bring our best races and the kids did what we needed to do in the heats and we qualified for every final that we entered, which is the first step to earning points toward the team championship. Nick Bickes Northville Rowing Coach

ourselves, but we knew we’d be in the hunt,” said Bickes, who came to the NRC after coaching stints at Orchard Lake St. Mary’s (2005-06) and the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation (2006-08). “It was a matter if we’d bring our best races and the kids did what we needed to do in the heats and we qualified for every final that we entered, which is the first step to earning points toward the team championship,” he continued. “As the day kind of went on we took some of the races and actually did a little bit better in some of the races that we thought we might do. It kind of all came together. They did what they had to do to give themselves a chance early towards qualifying for the finals.” The NRC has come a long way from a team that featured just two rowers in 2009 to 72 members strong this season, not to mention an additional 25 middle schoolers. (The NRC will also host a learn to row and middle school camp starting Aug. 2 before embarking on a fall schedule in 2021.) The future definitely appears bright. “Can we repeat? I think it’s possible,” Bickes said. “It’s really going to depend on the freshman class coming in because those are two events where if you can win those it really gives you a chance. Our depth is really good. We return our entire women’s varsity eight and return seven of the nine seats in our second varsity eight. We have a lot of depth going in. If they continue to grow at the pace they’ve been kind of growing in as athletes, and as rowers, we definitely have a good chance.”

The ‘Ville 23


(4:03.15), while the foursome of Mansi, Gordon, Christensen and Couyoumjian won the 4 x 800 (9:47.30). Other individual regional champs included senior Delaney Hopkins in the discus (111 feet, 11 inches) and Line (3,200, 11:08.59). Mansi, who represented Northville in the Midwest Meet of Champions June 12 at Olivet College, was the KLAA champ in the 800 (2:17.58) and teamed up with Gordon, Christensen, and Couyoumjian to win the 3,200 relay (9:36.27).

By Brad Emons




he COVID-19 pandemic created a huge void for 2020 spring sports athletes, coaches and followers of Northville High athletics. But when the Michigan High School Athletic Association got the go-ahead to start the 2021 season in early April with required weekly rapid COVID testing, the Mustangs picked up right where they left off after a year’s absence. Here’s a recap at the 2021 spring sports through the lens of several outstanding performances during the MHSAA season.


Coach Tim Dalton’s squad completed a hat trick capturing the MHSAA Division 1-Region 5 championship on May 21 at River Rouge (164 points), along with the Kensington Lakes Activities Association meet (135 points) and a KLAA West Division (5-0 dual record) crown. At the Division 1 finals June 5 at Rockford, Northville scored nine points (24th place) while boasting three All-State (top

24 The ‘Ville

eight) finishes led by junior Jennie Line’s sixth in the 3,200-meter run (10:56.47). Northville’s 4 x 400 relay team of seniors Emily Gordon, Elle Slater, Yasmine Mansi and Angelique McCray took sixth (4:02.06), while the 4 x 800 quartet of Gordon, freshman Elle Christensen, junior Gina Couyoumjian and Mansi also placed sixth (9:29.19). Mansi was a double winner at the regional sweeping the 800and 1,600 events in 2:16.29 and 5:11.17, respectively. She also teamed up with Gordon, Slater and McCray for a first in the 4 x 400 relay

For only the second time in school history, Northville won the Region 5 title at River Rouge as junior Ty Schembri led the way with firsts in the 200- and 400 events with times of 23.04 and 50.71, respectively. The 4 x 800 relay team of sophomore Brandon Latta, along with seniors Jake Bulat, Nathan Hayes and Jacob Meek placed fifth in the Division 1 finals (8:02.38) after winning the regional (8:05.04). The 4 x 400 foursome of juniors Emmanuel Tchonang and Brian McCallum, along with senior Matthew Krahe and Latta, also added a regional title (3:29.76). Northville tallied 76.5 points

and finished runner-up to rival Novi (125) in the KLAA meet on May 22 at Livonia Stevenson. The Mustangs placed fourth in the KLAA West with 3-2 dual meet record.


Coach Tracy Bardallis guided the Mustangs to an eighthplace finish (13 points) in the

Division 1 finals held June 4-5 at Mason-Okemos after tying host Novi for the Regional 2 title (26 points each). The Mustangs also tied Novi for the KLAA tourney crown and finished second in the West Division (5-1 dual record). Reaching the quarterfinals at the D1 finals in singles included juniors Audrey Zhang (No. 1) and Lauren Agosta (No. 3). Other singles players included sophomore Evelyn Deren (No. 2) and junior Erica Goins (No. 4). All four doubles teams reached the quarters paced by seniors Sarah Gallagher and Michelle Tong (No. 1); seniors Sneha Ganan and Piper Young (No. 2); sophomore MacKenzie Young and junior Tala Shatara (No. 3); junior Megan Herdoiza and senior Lea Tasalis (No. 4).


After finishing 5-2 in the West, coach Chris Cronin’s

led by second-team Division 1 All-State selection Emma Bowman, a senior midfielder. Bowman was named to the All-KLAA squad along with junior defender Reese Heaton, freshman midfielder Natalia Leavens, junior forward Sylvia Bohlen and senior goalkeeper Sam Pendleton. Michael Gallagher and Griffin Blackman show off the hardware.

squad took runner-up honors to Brighton, 293-297, in the KLAA postseason tourney held May 22 at Kensington Metropark. Earning top 10 finishes for the Mustangs included sophomore Greg Braun (third, 77), senior Michael Gallagher (tied for fourth, 73) and sophomore Cameron Charles (tied for eighth, 75). Junior Jack Thallman (tied for 14th, 77) and sophomore Mason Sokolowski (tied for 17th, 78) also placed in the top 20. At the Region 3 tourney June 2 at Dunham Hills, Northville finished fourth with a fourplayer total of 320, just one place away from qualifying for the D1 finals. Top individual regional finishers at the regional included Braun (eighth, 77) and Sokolowski (17th, 79).


It was another successful season for the 15-3 Lady Mustangs as they reached the Division 1-Regional 2 finals before falling to Brighton, 17-11. Under coach Dan Madigan, Northville placed third in the West Division at 4-2 and was 6-2 overall in the KLAA. Senior midfielder Katie Coomes earned first-team All-State honors, while junior midfielder Charlotte Green and sophomore attacker Mina McCorry both made honorable mention.


Coach Shaun Dicken’s team finished 10-5 overall, won the regional title before losing the Division 1 quarterfinal to eventual state champion Birmingham Brother Rice, 20-5. During the KLAA season,

The Lady Mustangs finished 15-3 and reached the Division 1-Regional 2 finals.

Northville finished 3-2 in the East Division and 5-2 overall. Senior face-off specialist Nick Lauderback and senior long stick midfielder Luke Wierengo both earned first-team All-State accolades. Senior Nick Salamone and junior Luke Tardich, both attackers, were named honorable mention All-State.


Under the guidance of coach Scott DeBoer, the Mustangs finished 24-14-1 overall, including a 6-8 record in the West Division (sixth place) and 8-8 in the conference. Northville fell to host Plymouth in the opening round of the D1 district, 5-4. Senior first basemanoutfielder Kelsey Komorous, who earned All-State honorable mention and All-KLAA honors, batted .487 overall, including


Coach Eric Brucker’s squad finished 12-9 overall reaching the Division 1 district final before falling to rival Novi, 1-0. That came on the heels of the Mustangs upsetting KLAA East Division champ Livonia Stevenson in the district semifinals, 2-1. Northville placed fourth in the West Division at 7-7 and finished 9-8 overall in the KLAA

The boys lacrosse team finished 10-5 overall and won the regional title.

a .500 average in the KLAA. The All-District and All-Region selection led the team in walks, along with 19 doubles to enter the MHSAA record list. Junior infielder Caroline Behm, who batted .410, made both All-KLAA and All-District after setting single season school records for homers (13), including three in one game, to go along with 57 RBIs. Behm’s 13 homers also put her on the MHSAA record list. Senior catcher Abby Weber, another All-KLAA choice, threw out a school record 15 base runners. She hit .398 and led the team with 37 singles.


Coach John Kostrzewa, in his 17th season, guided the Mustangs to an 18-16 record, including a 6-7 mark in the KLAA West (fourth place). Northville’s season ended with a 3-2 first-round district setback to Novi. Senior pitcher-infielder Jake Willerer earned All-KLAA, AllDistrict and All-Region honors. Freshman outfielder Dante’ Nori, an Arizona State commit, was named All-KLAA and AllDistrict. Other All-KLAA picks included pitchers-first basemen Josh Planko and Matt Gorski. Planko was also named Academic All-State by the Michigan High School Baseball Coaches Association.

The ‘Ville 25

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The Next Generation

By Lonnie Huhman

Northville Explorers provide essential training to tomorrow’s firefighters


f you’re going to do handson training the proper way, you really need the right equipment, especially if you’re just learning a job that might eventually save a person’s life. Northville firefighters and emergency personnel certainly know this to be true, which is why they are advocating that the City of Northville’s Explorer program has the right equipment. They realize the program helps train the next generation. Shari Allen, the founder and lead advisor of the Northville Explorers, said the program helps the members “by teaching them all the aspects of the job and allowing them to work and train with people who are doing the job so they can make good choices in their future careers.” “The program is important to both the participants and

28 The ‘Ville

the department,” Allen said. “It provides opportunity for hands on training and exposure to a career they are interested in. It is important to the department who has the opportunity to train and build camaraderie with possible future members.” The Northville & Plymouth Fire Department has been

hosting this in-house youth Explorer Program for more than 25 years. The program provides a safe environment for regional youth, 14-20 years old, and provides them with the skills and training to begin their careers in the Fire and EMS service.

Members of the City of Northville's Explorer program include (from left) Will Wilks, Dorian Powell, Matt Ketvirtis, Nathan Obrigkeit and Logan Purkiss.

However, the program advisors say the Explorers need a little help to be able to continue the mission. The group is seeking donations from the public. They have set up a GoFundMe account and are asking for donations of any amount. The donated money will be used to purchase new firefighting safety gear and other equipment needed for the training. For years, the program has been utilizing secondhand and out-of-date protective “turn out” gear donated by various fire departments. However, all protective equipment has a limited number of years where it can be used safely and effectively. Having gear that is usable and safe allows them to provide live fire training to the Explorers.

comfortable with the protective While the program is gear that firefighters wear. This sponsored by the Northville & gear has a set life span and after Plymouth Fire Department, that amount of time has elapsed it is strictly funded by private the equipment donations is no longer and post THEY NEED YOUR HELP safe to use fundraising. The Northville Explorers (Post in “live fire” Program 1717) is looking to the public to evolutions. advisors said help them purchase the proper If you’re each year equipment to train the next looking for the program generation of firefighters. evidence how spends Donations of any amount can important this multiple be sent to program is to days working a1a8f7db. those being throughout the trained, just talk to the cadets community to raise money for themselves. new gear/equipment and for “What I appreciate about travel expenses. being an Explorer was the Due to the pandemic, they experiences it gave me and had to stop all in-person how it prepared me early on fundraising in order to keep the for my future career,” said public and youth safe. Explorer Kaden Barnes, noting According to Allen, part the program is both fun and of learning the firefighting educational. profession is becoming

Fellow Explorer Matt Ketvirtis had a similar sentiment. “I like this program because I’m learning a lot about firefighting and what the job is really like,” Ketvirtis said. “I joined this program because I wanted to learn about firefighting as a career.” The Explorers said words cannot begin to describe how appreciative Post 1717 is for any and all assistance. “With your help, we can continue to train the next generation of Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians,” says the group’s

GoFundMe page. More information regarding this fundraiser or the Explorer Program can be found on the Northville & Plymouth Fire Department’s Facebook/ Instagram pages, on the City of Northville website (www., or by calling (248) 449-9902. Here is the GoFundMe link: a1a8f7db.

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It’s Your Business iBalance

iBalance owner Alexis Sobeski (fourth from left) with her team of experienced yoga and barre instructors. Photo by Bill Bresler

Mind, Body & Soul

iBalance offers yoga, barre and an organic juice bar


f you’re looking to find a little balance in your life, there’s a new business in downtown Northville that wants to help you find it. The brainchild of Northville resident Alexis Sobeski, iBalance is a yoga and barre studio located at 122 S. Center Street just a block south of Main. Her mission is to help create a healthy community that inspires people to move, meditate, and nourish their bodies through a variety of yoga and barre offerings. And they have an organic juice bar, too, which will provide the fuel. The concept revolves around creating a better lifestyle that will result in improved physical and mental health. Sobeski and her staff of nearly 20 yoga and barre instructors will not only put members through the paces, but also educate and help them achieve a healthier, more peaceful existence. “It really is about mind, body and soul,” said Sobeski. Sobeski opened iSauna -- what she calls the “ultimate body bar” -- two years ago in the Northville Village Center plaza at Six Mile and Haggerty. She had been wanting

30 The ‘Ville

to expand on the concept when she noticed the space on Center Street was available. The former yoga club was perfect for what she had in mind. It has both the space she needed and the increased visibility she is confident will attract more people to what she has to offer – healthy living. Sobeski hired local contractor Mario Gargaro to completely renovate the building, including the locker room and shower facilities. The place feels fresh and new. At 3,500 square feet, it is a large space, larger in fact than your average yoga studio. But that allows iBalance to offer a variety of yoga, barre and meditation classes. It is a safe and friendly space, according to Karen Howe, one of the many experienced instructors at iBalance. “It has good yoga energy. The space, from a teaching standpoint, is desirable. It’s positive and welcoming,” said Howe, a Northville resident who has been teaching yoga for more than 20 years including at several Northville studios. “This is not a cookie-cutter studio. The space allows us to offer a lot of variety, and we offer classes for everyone. Plus, not

many places have both yoga space and barre space,” Howe continued. iBalance offers 12 different styles of yoga, including trademark classes Movement Flow Yoga and Yin-Yang. They also offer kids yoga, which she said is a growing trend. Sobeski is just as excited to offer Barre, which she calls an energizing, whole-body workout that’s great for everyone, from beginners to pros. Each class works to build alignment, strengthen the core, and tone and elongate muscles. Meditation classes and Zumba round out the lineup of services. The juice bar, which is located in the lobby when you walk in and is open to the public, isn’t just an afterthought. It’s a big part of the whole picture. Sobeski calls it “juice with a purpose.” Everything they offer is all-natural and healthy. She says the fruitand vegetable-based juices reduce stress, increase energy and even improve mood. She notes that drinking fresh juice results in better digestion, fewer allergies, balanced hormones, and less disease and chronic illness. “We’ve broken down all of our beverages, so you’ll know what you’re getting and know

iBALANCE OWNERS: Alexis Sobeski ADDRESS: 122 S. Center Street, Northville PHONE: (248) 795-0006 EMAIL: WEBSITE: exactly what types of benefits you’ll be receiving,” said Sobeski. Sobeski knows some people might find the whole concept of iBalance a little overwhelming. But she said the results are undeniable. And her passion and knowledge are contagious. “This is scary to some people, especially when it’s all new for them. That’s why I’m educating people. I’m here to change people’s lives,” Sobeski said. iBalance is hosting a two-week grand opening beginning July 22 and running through Aug. 6. They will be offering giveaways, free classes, juice bar samples and discounted prices on membership packages.





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Meads Mill archer Brody Holm takes aim.

ason rst seura fi in Fawaz e y e s ll by La u s to b o h k nd P Story a hers stic c r a l o o sch districts were represented in safety protocols in place, they Middle


were able to come together for the first time just this past April, with the first practice taking place on April 15th. Despite the abbreviated practice schedule, the team, comprised of students from

n 2020, Coach Orsan Wang offered his time and talents to create the first archery team for Northville Schools. As it was March of that year, COVID had other plans and the team didn’t even make it to their announcement stage. And the arrows never even left the quiver. “COVID forced everyone to adapt, and we were no exception,” The newly formed Northville Archery team, led by parent Coach Wang volunteer coaches Orson Wang (back left) and Joseph Hutton (back right). said. A parent in the district, Wang both Meads Mill and Hillside is a volunteer coach, along with middle schools, hit the Joseph Hutton, who has been mark when it came time for teaching archery through the competition. In their very Northville Parks and Recreation first tournament the team had program for about three years. nothing but first and second The two approached Northville place efforts. Schools and were given Their first season ended approval to create a schoolon May 22, with an indoor based team at the middle school championship with the MHSAA level. (Michigan High School Archery The new team had many Association) at The Hawk in adjustments to make just to Farmington Hills. A total of 22 have in-person practices. With middle schools from 13 school

32 The ‘Ville

the middle school divisions. Northville was able to bring home five individual medals and a school team trophy. “We are fortunate to have a team of volunteer coaches who matured the archery program over the past year and helped the athletes realize their full potential,” Wang said. His son Jasper Wang was a member of the team. Although Northville only had a middle school team this year, the Michigan High School Archery Association competition includes both middle school and high school divisions. The team is looking to expand into Northville High School for the 2021-22 school year, according to Wang. “For most of the archers, this

was their first taste of athletic competition. It has been a delight to see so many of them light up and flourish under these competitive conditions and to see these students find a sport that they can thrive in,” Wang said. The following is a list of the awards the team earned at the indoor championships: • 2nd place Middle School Division Male School Team: Northville team of Austin Bermingham (Hillside), Archer Callaway (Meads), Noah Coleman (Meads), Brody Holm (Meads), William Hutton (Meads), Lochlan McInally (Hillside), and Jasper Wang (Hillside) • 1st place Middle School Female Barebow Recurve: Emma Saad (Hillside) • 1st place Middle School Female Recurve Open: Ellison Shewell (Meads Mill) • 2nd place Middle School Male Barebow Compound: Brody Holm (Meads Mill) • 1st place Middle School Male Barebow Recurve: William Hutton (Meads Mill) • 1st place Middle School Male Recurve Open: defending champion Jasper Wang (Hillside) “These results are remarkable for a team that didn’t exist two months ago,” said Wang.

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Playing In The Rain

50 Year Reunion

The Northville High School Class of 1971 will be hosting a 50th reunion weekend Aug. 13-14. On Friday, class members and their guests will meet at Genitti’s, and then on Saturday there will be 9-hole scramble at the Downing Farms Golf Course (clubs and balls supplied) at 9:15 a.m. followed by an event at Deb Cook Dey’s farm, where there will be dancing, bonfire, catered dinner and more. For more information about the golf on Saturday, which costs $18 and includes a cart, contact Mark Hlohinec at (248) 378-4880. For more information about the event Saturday evening beginning at 4 p.m., which costs $75 per person, contact Leah Olson at leaho65@gmail. com. To RSVP, send an email to

Kelly Named WLA President Northville attorney Ryan Kelly was sworn in as president of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan on May 23. Kelly is with the firm Kelly & Kelly on Main Street in downtown Northville. Michigan Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Clement swore in Kelly on the steps of the Supreme Court building in Lansing. Founded in 1919, the WLA membership includes attorneys, judges and law students. The statewide organization, which has eight regional chapters, provides networking and professional development opportunities for women lawyers. Congrats Madam President! 34 The ‘Ville

The Northville Educational Foundation (NEF) held its 7th Annual Play Fore Education Golf Classic on Monday, June 21 at Meadowbrook Country Club. Even the rain couldn’t deter 160 golfers and volunteers from making the event a success. The NEF raised $25,000 to benefit Northville students and teachers. The funds NEF President George Fekaris will go to support initiatives around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics) education, student mental wellness, teacher and student grants, and more. To learn more about the Northville Educational Foundation and how they support Northville schools, visit Pictured is NEF President George Fekaris.

Moraine Gets New Principal

Joseph Reimann has been named the new principal at Moraine Elementary. In June, the Northville Board of Education unanimously approved a one year contract for Reimann, who succeeds the retiring Denise Bryan. Reimann comes from Grosse Ile Township Schools where he taught music education, including band, across the preK-12 grades (primarily at middle school) for 10 years before moving into elementary administration in 2016. He has served as principal at Meridian Elementary and Parke Lane Elementary. During his time as principal, Reimann focused on three areas of improvement -- student-focused advocacy, instructional leadership and community connection. In each of these areas of focus he established a character development program, supported teacher-led learning and led a Parent Book Club. According to Northville Schools, Reimann’s background aligns with and will continue to foster the growth-mindset culture at Moraine that is a pillar of the legacy of Dr. Bryan during her 14 years as Moraine Elementary School’s principal. He is thrilled to get started in Northville and honored to get the job. “After talking with staff and some Northville families, it is clear that our community is committed to character education, world-class opportunities, and high expectations. What has been most impressive as I’ve learned more about Moraine and Northville is that students have a voice in their school community,” Rimann said. “They are active in making their environment a better place for learning and leading.”










Another State Championship For the sixth year in a row, Northville High School’s Science Olympiad team won the state tournament at MSU. The season was a far cry from those of previous years, with students meeting and taking tests from their homes instead of in classrooms and university buildings. Despite the dramatic change, the Mustangs persevered, setting a new state record score of 52 points and securing a spot in this year’s National Tournament. The team placed top nine in all events at States, with three firstplace finishes in Dynamic Planet (Ashna Khetan and Aarav Shah), Fossils (Arthur Zhao and Aaron Boyd), and Gravity Vehicle (Matthew Wang and Mason Niu). Northville also brought home second-place medals in Anatomy and Physiology (Ankith Alluri and Akshaya Kannikeswaran), Astronomy (Keerthana Danasekaran and Arthur Zhao), Chemistry Lab (Michael Loftus and Arthur Zhao), Codebusters (Arthur Zhao, Jeffrey Zhang, Hillary Luan), Detector Building (Ashna Khetan and Jason Brown), Disease Detectives (Ankith Alluri and Akshaya Kannikeswaran), Water Quality (Aarav Shah and Andrew He), and Helicopters (Mason Niu and Rohan Dhulipalla). Third place winners included Jason Brown and Andrew He in Circuit Lab; Jeffrey Zhang, Akshaya Kannikeswaran, and Rohan Dhulipalla in

Experimental Design; and Keerthana Danasekaran and Aaron Boyd in Ornithology. At the National tournament, the team, which competed virtually with more than 120 other teams from across the nation, finished in 11th place overall. Mason Niu earned a first place medal in Wright Stuff. The team also took home one second place medal in Disease Detectives (Akshaya Kannikeswaran and Ankith Alluri), one third place medal in Write It Do It (Rohan Dhulipalla and Aarav Shah), one fourth place medal in Detector Building (Ashna Khetan and Jason Brown), and one sixth place medal in Gravity Vehicle (Matthew Wang and Mason Niu).



Northville Public Schools Northville Public Schools consists of six elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school and an early childhood education and extended day program. The district also operates Cooke School, a special education center financed by the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency and staffed by Northville educators. Northville Schools takes pride in providing a world class education for students and maintains expectations for high achievement with multiple accreditations. Each of our 6 elementary schools are recognized as Leader in Me™ Lighthouse Schools, a significant benchmark that recognizes outstanding results in school and student outcomes.

Complete Online Enrollment Forms Visit and begin the enrollment process by filling out the pre-enrollment forms for your student.

MA N AM ERnta ry Eleme

Schedule Enrollment Appointment Visit and schedule a virtual appointment with the Northville Public Schools Student Data department. Visit to register for the 2021-2022 school year for all grades. Subsribe to the Listserv Subscribe to the Northville Public Schools and your school’s listserv to stay in the know at Advancing our Tradition of Excellence by Opening a World Possibilities

405 West Main, Northville, MI 48167 |

Dishin’ With Denise

Denise Jenkins is a member of the Northville Chamber of Commerce and Tipping Point Theatre. An avid writer and proponent of the arts, she is also plugged into what’s happening in Northville. Contact her at

A Little Christmas in July H

aul out the holly! And I don’t mean the holly bushes in your backyard. They should be growing quite nicely about now. I’m talking about the holly garland that usually trims banisters in December. Well, it seems Christmas in July is a true unofficial holiday. If you’re thinking Hallmark, or other marketing types invented it, you’re wrong. The idea originated in Brevard, North Carolina in 1933 when Keystone Camp, an all-girls summer camp decided to dedicate two days to the holiday – complete with fake snow, a gift exchange and a decked out tree.

If you enjoy decking your halls and would like to share some joy with your community the Northville Community Foundation (NCF) would like to hear from you. They are planning the ever-popular Holiday Home Tour to take place Nov. 19-20. Diana Wallace, NCF executive director, is excited to be bringing the event back after a year’s absence. “We hope the tour will bring great memories of years passed, and we hope we can move forward with a warm and wonderful selection of homes decorated for happy holidays.” NCF will be following

36 The ‘Ville

whatever COVID guidelines are in place at the time of the tour and they already have a plan for crowd control. Interested parties can call Carol at (248) 374-0200. I’ve had the privilege of being involved with at least one house on the tour a few years ago. It was a wonderful experience.

While the former Poole’s tavern underwent a name change, there is a new Poole coming to town. Jessica Poole is opening a panini and wine shop on Main Street in the heart of downtown Northville. According to proud mom, Mary Poole (former owner of Poole’s), renovations are underway. Family and friends can’t wait to get a taste of Little Salumi, located directly across from the town center. I promise to keep an eye out for some dish! The Northville Art House is launching a new Hometown Artist Series. First up is “Emotionally Yours, The Photographs of Dr. William S. Demray”. The exhibit takes place July 9 – 24. There was an opening night event Live @ 5 that featured an Artist Talk, food from Northville Sports Den, drinks and live music by Vincent York from Jazzistry. Check out the next hometown artist and Live @ 5 reception

on the Northville Art House website (northvillearthouse. org). They promise to be great date nights.

Elizabeth’s Bridal Manor was voted one on the top bridal salons in the Metro Detroit area. Hour Detroit Magazine publishes the 2021 Best of List. Owner Elizabeth Clancy has been dressing brides for the past 30 years. She is grateful to all of the wonderful brides who voted for her. “I am honored and humbled,” she said. I think readers of The ‘Ville would likely vote Elizabeth’s the best of the best. One of my “bucket list” items was to go to the Miss America pageant – not as a contestant but as a member of the audience. A young lady I watched grow up, Angela Corsi (now Leon) was named Miss Michigan 2006 and I had the chance to go to Las Vegas to cheer her on. It was wonderful. I’m proud to say Angela is still in my life. She and her husband and their three children live here in Northville. I know she’s cheering on the new Miss Michigan. Northville’s Vivian Zhong was crowned in June. The audience was moved by her classical piano solo, Chopin’s

“Fantaisie Impromptu Opus 66”. It was her ambition toward pediatric care that impressed the judges. Vivian’s social impact initiative, “Golden Warriors: Fight Like a Kid.” was inspired by a childhood friends battle with cancer. The University of Michigan student entered the competition with an open mind, left with a $10,000 scholarship and will go on to the Miss America competition in December, just before Christmas in Connecticut. Every year in December I buy all the stuff to make this delicious cinnamon bread – a recipe from a woman in my pre-COVID book group. Other members attempted to make it and warned that you need a REALLY big bowl because it makes a lot. My friend, JoAnn, one of the smartest women I know (and one of the bravest), said she started with one bowl, and had to go bigger, and had to go bigger again. I trusted what she said and started with the biggest mixing bowl I had. Thank goodness I did. Oh, by the way, I could never get to it during the holidays. So I always end up making it in July.

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