Annual Report 2019

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Empowering journalists to cover human rights stories. For everyone in the world to be aware of their rights.



665 women




TR A I N E D Trained 17,447 R EC E IV E D 10 AWA R D S


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MAP LEGEND: current programs previous programs

Cover Photo: Doris Kade from CRN radio in South Sudan interviewing a wheelchair basketball player. Photo credit: CRN, South Sudan

VIEW FROM THE BOARD Call the poison what it is: Misinformation Disinformation, False information, or just outright lies. Let’s call it a dangerous international phenomenon that has warped science and commonsense, even as the world tries to beat COVID-19. We see it across Africa, across Asia, and close to home across America with U.S. President Donald Trump spouting the killer suggestion that a bleach injection could cure the virus. The straight, regular, and reliable delivery of facts has never been more important, as it has become harder for people to distinguish what is true and what is dangerously false. Helping people smartly sift the swirl of information has become the main mission for JHR: making cracks in the darkness to let in the light and delivering the truth really does save lives. This spring, fellow JHR board member Peter Donolo and I visited Mali where we participated in lively discussions with journalists and civil society activists, and we quietly applauded JHR’s country coordinator Moro Siaka Diallo and his team. Journalists in that West African country have been reporting during the years-long bloody jihadist attacks, and, most recently this summer, a military coup led from the capital, Bamako. Malian media has long been bullied by governments and this has, over the decades, severely eroded the quality of journalism and the availability of reliable information to the public.

And now COVID-19. Most recently, JHR has been helping Malian radio reporter Fanta Diakite beat back false news about how untested remedies will conquer COVID-19 (see above: Trump and bleach). Fanta’s work for the popular Radio Kledu in Bamako is credited with debunking the useless and sometimes dangerous fake-cure news and presenting commonsense and science in its place. Diakite is among 31 local journalists that Diallo has assembled as a COVID-19 information team. She exposed the fake information about vaccines that had resulted in many mothers avoiding potentially life-saving vaccinations for their babies. JHR’s Diallo is also leading a partnership with editor Dado Camara and her all-female team at the newspaper they founded: l’Annonceur . Dado and her team took the same practical approach to their coverage of the virus by exposing dangerous sanitary conditions at the main slaughterhouse in Bamako. This resulted in a rare clean-up. Around the world—in Africa, the Middle East, and in Canada—JHR’s work demonstrates that truth can save lives. Thank you for your continued support. Michael Cooke Board Chair

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Rachel Pulfer. Photo credit: JHR



he year 2019 started auspiciously for Journalists for Human Rights. We brought Filipino journalist, press freedom champion, and one of the 2018 TIME People of the Year, Maria Ressa, to Toronto. She came to speak about the implications for democracy of digital authoritarianism. Ressa documents the way disinformation campaigns can be used to manipulate public opinion on social media. At the time, she faced millions of dollars in fines and the possibility of years in jail because of an article her platform had published seven years before. Her crime?

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“Cyber-libel,” a crime that had not even been against the law when the article was published. Ressa laid out what she and her media company, Rappler, had found when they investigated how social media technology was used by presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte’s campaign to manipulate public opinion, distort democracy, and ultimately put an authoritarian in power. She described, in detail, with graphs and charts, how 25 Facebook accounts, sharing mis- and disinformation millions of times, helped deliver the 2016 Filipino presidential election to Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte has since presided over a “drug

war” of extra-judicial killings in which thousands of Filipinos have lost their lives at the hands of state agents.

government, and civil society on why media matters, and we ensure journalists are equipped and supported to do the best possible job.

We’re now into another election cycle. And social media platforms continue to evade full responsibility for ensuring the veracity of what is shared on their platforms.

We call it creating an “enabling environment” for journalism. The end goal is to support journalists in their work to provide an objective bedrock of facts that informs the public dialogue, holds decision-makers and politicians accountable to their constituents, and ensures no political agenda can co-opt the truth.

This means public opinion continues to be manipulated on these platforms. The average audience of the best-attended broadcast news show in Canada is 1.4 million. The average readership of a national broadsheet is 325,000. The number of Canadians on Facebook is 19 million. Recent studies show that half of Canadians now get the majority of their news from social media, where no journalist or editor ensures the objective truth is presented.

The challenge for JHR is that the majority of people now get their news not from journalists, but from social media platforms, which don’t have the same standards as journalism. As Maria Ressa put it, “a lie told a million times becomes the truth.” In the absence of regulation of social platforms, we realized we need to train as many platform users as possible to think like journalists: examine the source, question all facts, and don’t get swayed by emotion and bias.

The courage Maria Ressa shows in the face of oppression is extraordinary. Her story is a cautionary tale for democracies worldwide: that a trusted, credible, high-profile journalist can lay out the objective, reported truth of a story, only to have that truth overwhelmed by mis- and disinformation shared on social media.

Never has access to objective truth been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a pandemic, making decisions on facts, rather than misinformation, can mean the difference between life and death. But much more needs to be done in order to protect societies from the deadly misinformation that has spread around COVID-19, and to forestall the creeping digital authoritarianism that Maria Ressa describes.

Ressa’s story inspired a whole new stream of programming for JHR: training journalists and the general public on how to identify misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation on social media feeds, then track and expose it.

This 2019 report outlines the work done by Journalists for Human Rights and our incredible partners. If you’re a donor, volunteer or journalist, thank you for your support. If you’d like to get involved, please reach out. We need you more than ever.

JHR launches programs in places where press freedom is at risk. We train the media,

Rachel Pulfer Executive Director

The implications for democracy are stark.

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Front cover West End Phoenix. Photo credit: West End Phoenix

INDIGENOUS REPORTERS PROGRAM COLLABORATES WITH TORONTO NEWSPAPER JHR partnered with a Toronto-based community newspaper, the West End Phoenix , to offer bursaries for emerging Indigenous reporters Oscar Baker III, Charnel Anderson, and Alex Jacobs Blum to edit the newspaper. The December 2019 issue focused on Indigenous voices in the city, featuring art, stories, and profiles of urban Indigenous life.

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HUMAN RIGHTSCENTRED JOURNALISM CURRICULUM DEVELOPED IN MALI JHR contributed in the development of a human rights– JHR DRC’s team leader helps train centered journalism Malian counterparts. Photo credit: JHR curriculum, which was adapted by the only public post-secondary institution in Mali that offers a program in journalism (L’École Supérieure de Journalisme et des Sciences de la Communication de Bamako). This curriculum will contribute to the creation of a new generation of local journalists who have the capacity to effectively hold the government to account and empower communities.

JORDANIAN WOMAN CREATES RADIO SERIES ON HUMAN RIGHTS With skills gained through JHR training, in partnership with UNESCO in Amman, Sara Momani is now working full-time as radio staff and airing her own 12-episode human rights series at the station. “I seek to make people aware of social concerns and then explore what their rights are on air,” she said.”Our rights are sometimes deliberately disregarded, especially women’s.” Sara Momani asking a question at a JHR session. Photo credit: JHR

Momani’s success was covered by The Jordan Times on July 30, 2019. To read the article (in English) click here.

SECURITY SECTOR TRAINED ON MEDIA IN SOUTH SUDAN JHR organized workshops discussing the issue of journalists’ safety and press freedom with the security sector in South Sudan. Said JHR trainer Mustapha Dumbuya: “Journalists seized the opportunity to JHR media team leader Laura Bain at the security sector workshop. Photo credit: JHR express their frustration about harassment and intimidation they suffer from actions of the security sector and how this negatively impacts on their work. Security, on the other hand, learned about the importance of free press towards the development of the country.”

EBOLA STRIKES THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO AND LOCAL JOURNALISM RESPONDS In the spring of 2019, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of Ebola in eastern DRC an international public health emergency. Since then, there have been over 2500 cases recorded, with a 67% fatality Screenshot from JHR video on Ebola with Dr. Kangela Bukavu. Photo credit: JHR rate. Women and children have been disproportionately affected. JHR worked with its local partner, the École Technique de Journalisme, and local journalism networks on raising awareness on Ebola and increasing public engagement.

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Day 2 of Thunder Bay podcast training, “The Meming Of Life.” Photo credit: @RMComedy

INDIGENOUS YOUTH TRAINED TO CREATE PODCASTS WITH CANADALAND Day 2 of our podcast intensive in Thunder Bay is in the books. Today they were in the studio recording their pilot, “The Meming Of Life,” and it was fantastic. Memes, art and life all wrapped up in a fast paced, hilarious convo!” #IndigenousPodcasting #IndigenousStoriesEverywhere — Tweet by Ryan McMahon

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s part of the Indigenous Reporters Program, J H R partnered with CANADALAN D and U N I FOR to host an intensive, seven-day training on podcasts for Indigenous youth in Thunder Bay. The training was held at Confederation College in Thunder Bay, providing youth with access to professional audio and recording equipment and training on how to use it. The youth piloted their own podcast episodes, exploring topics such as harm reduction strategies, the history of Thunder Bay, and starting a youth nonprofit. Expert trainer Ryan McMahon tweeted: “The highlight of my summer is the week I’m going to spend in Thunder Bay with @jhrnews delivering a podcast intensive workshop with youth from the city.”

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Since launching in 2013, JHR’s multi-award winning Indigenous Reporters Program (IRP) has worked to increase the quality and quantity of Indigenous stories and voices in media in Canada. The program works in a few ways: • Creates a collaboration with 25 First Nations in Ontario and one in Manitoba to build the journalism and media literacy capacity of interested community members. To date, over 850 stories and news bulletins have been filed for local and national outlets, reaching an audience of over 2.2 million people. • Supports 33 internships for emerging Indigenous reporters in partnership with news outlets across the country. • Offers 27 scholarships for Indigenous students studying journalism or media. • Supports two editorial bursaries that provide emerging Indigenous reporters experience working with a monthly publication in an editorial role. • Trains non-Indigenous journalists and journalism students on best practices for reporting on Indigenous stories. To date, over 1650 individuals have been trained. • Published three landmark research studies: “Buried Voices” and “Buried Voices: Changing Tones,” which were media monitoring studies examining coverage of Indigenous stories in




REACH ED 2.7 million


trained & mentored



print and online media in Ontario (the first looked at coverage from 2010 to 2013 and the second from 2014 to 2017). “Emerging Voices” was an examination into access to post-secondary journalism education for Indigenous youth in Ontario. It also explored how and whether post-secondary journalism programs in the province are implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #86.

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Looking ahead, the Indigenous Reporters Program is exploring new opportunities to expand the reach of the program while deepening its impact. The program seeks to partner with and learn from organizations to ensure the program is both filling a needed gap in the media development landscape as well as providing opportunities for

emerging Indigenous reporters to amplify voices and stories in local communities. GOAL JHR’s Indigenous Reporters Program works to increase the quality and quantity of Indigenous stories and voices in Canadian media.

stories, and, more importantly, to recruit and train First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth to start telling our own stories. JHR gives our youth a platform, in ways no other media organization, NGO, college, or university ever has.

TESTIMONIAL FROM TANYA TALAGA Journalists for Human Rights’ program on Indigenous reporting is one of a kind in Canada. JHR has made a name for itself globally—from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Jordan and South Sudan—but it was in 2013 that JHR turned its lens inward, looking within the borders of its own country to see the human rights abuses that have taken place, right here, for more than 150 years. JHR was the VERY FIRST to begin to challenge Canadian journalists to tell better Indigenous

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JHR has given 38 scholarships to emerging Indigenous students, facilitated 40 paid internships and brought media literacy training to more than 20 fly-in First Nations communities. Canada has had a shameful history of looking away while Indigenous people continue to fight for access to clean drinking water, working sewage systems, safe housing, and equitable health and education rights for our children. JHR did not look away. They woke – earlier than the rest. And they are helping our children gain the skills required to tell our own stories, from our own communities, in our own way.

JHR’s media training for the security sector in South Sudan, with Laura Bain. Photo credit: JHR

STRENGTHENING A FREE AND SAFE SPACE FOR JOURNALISM IN SOUTH SUDAN A free and open media is a very, very useful thing for a government - it’s a mirror that it holds up to society. It tells governments what programs are working, what’s not working, what issues need attention, how do people really feel. An accurate

media - an open, unconstrained media - tells government what the daily lives of people are like. I think it’s an invaluable tool for government in terms of gauging what they ought to be doing and what’s working and what’s not.” — Peter Donolo, JHR Board Member

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HR’s South Sudan program delivered extraordinary results. These included reducing the number of journalists being killed in the line of work in South Sudan from 7 in 2015 to 0 in 2017, 2018, and 2019. All those who have worked to achieve these results have shown extraordinary commitment, passion, and resilience in challenging circumstances. You can find some of the highlights of the South Sudan program in 2019 here. JHR AND THE ROMÉO DALLAIRE CHILD SOLDIERS INITIATIVE JHR South Sudan conducted a two-day workshop on child soldiers and the media’s role in preventing their recruitment, in collaboration with the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative. The workshop was followed by a fourday field mission to Bor to provide participants with hands-on experience. The field mission produced media stories that shone a light on the plight of child soldiers in South Sudan. Issac Kenyi, a local journalist who participated in the workshop and field mission, said “Before I received the training, I didn’t clearly understand what a child soldier is. But after the training, I gained an extensive understanding [of what] a child soldier is. They are not limited to those under eighteen carrying the guns, but even girls and boys who happen to be under eighteen, and do work like cooking for the soldiers are categorized as such. While investigating child soldiers in South Sudan, I interacted with affected individuals and their families, which painted a picture of gross human rights violations in the country. During the training, I learnt ways in which I can ethically and skillfully identify and investigate sensitive human rights violations, including corruption cases. Thanks to JHR and the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, reporting on human

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rights issues has become top of my agenda. The experience has broadened my knowledge and helped me to look at the bigger picture in my stories but also pay attention to violations that appear smaller and are under-reported.” SECURITY TRAINING JHR conducted a series of workshops in Juba and Rumbek targeting the security sector, most notably the National Security Service, South Sudan National Police Service and the Military. The workshops brought together over 300 participants from the media sector, government, and security sector. The workshops discussed the issue of journalists’ safety and press freedom.

SOUTH SUDAN Trained or Engaged



521 stories





8 million I N D IVI D UALS

Mustapha Dumbuya, JHR media trainer in South Sudan, said, “JHR’s overarching objective in working in South Sudan was to strengthen the media. This could not be achieved without professionalizing the industry. To this end, our training and mentorship targeted journalists and media managers. We provided training to journalists to show how they can use the media to promote human rights, peace, and development. This was done by training journalists to report human rights and governance stories professionally and ethically. But we realized even when journalists had acquired skills to do their jobs professionally, this wouldn’t materialize if there was no incentive from their institutions, so we also worked with media managers to provide business development training, which would help them to generate revenues to help invest in professional, independent journalism in their newsrooms. Journalists in South Sudan work under very serious hazards, mostly coming from a lack of security. This context informed the third layer of our intervention. We approached the security sector to ensure that we had a holistic intervention in supporting strengthening the media in South Sudan. The workshops brought together members of the security sector, which is notoriously known for impeding media freedom in South Sudan. The workshops provided a platform for journalists and the leadership of the security officers to get together in one room and discuss issues relating to the safety and security of journalists and press freedom.”

negatively impacts on their work. Security, on the other hand, learned about the importance of free press towards the development of the country. It’s indeed a moment of joy during the workshops to hear top commanders making vows to refrain from harassing journalists and making a commitment to promote a free press in South Sudan.”

Dumbuya continued: “Journalists seized the opportunity to express their frustration about harassment and intimidation they suffer from actions of the security sector and how this

GOAL To enhance public accountability in South Sudan on human rights issues, in particular the rights of women and girls.

TOWARDS 35% WOMEN AT THE TABLE In 2019, two roundtables to discuss the status of South Sudan’s “35% Affirmative Action Policy , which stipulates that women should make up 35% of employees and elected representatives in all public sectors, leading up to the formation of the government of national unity in South Sudan. The roundtables brought together female stakeholders from different political parties, civil society organizations, media, and grassroots organizations. The roundtables discussed the current status of the policy and considered strategies to achieve 35% women in the government of national unity.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Since February 2016, JHR has trained and mentored over 260 journalists, editors, and media managers to cover human rights issues, especially the rights of women and girls. Additionally, over 180 government representatives were trained to communicate with the media in order to build bridges between the government, civil society, and media.

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Filming of “La ruse des pollueurs Kinois.” Photo Credit: JDH-JHR

DOCUMENTING POLLUTION IN KINSHASA, DRC Access to accurate information can save lives, we need to fight misinformation about the disease.” — Prince Murhula, Director of the School of Jornalism in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo (In 2019 eastern Congo suffered an outbreak of Ebola, and one journalist was murdered when reporting on the disease.)

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a ruse des pollueurs Kinois,” a documentary produced by JDH-JHR, tells the story of DRC capital city Kinshasa’s battle against pollution. Kinshasa residents are increasingly throwing their trash into the city’s rivers, turning waterways into garbage dumps. The documentary seeks to bring awareness to the issue of river pollution and propel action from local authorities. The documentary is a part of JHR DRC’s documentary program and was produced by Hénoch Etete, journalism student at the Faculty of Sciences and Information Institute, Tantia Sangata, journalist for the newspaper La Tempête des Tropiques, and Francois Mukanda, radio journalist for Trinitas FM in Kinshasa. The production team are all members of the JDH/ DRC Clubs and recipients of the JDH 2019 grant. The documentary was broadcast on Africa TV.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Since 2007, JHR has worked with over 1600 journalists and journalism students in the DRC to produce media about human rights abuses, crime, corruption, democracy, and good governance. JHR initiatives have built a network of 10 autonomous press clubs across the country, which work to promote coverage of human rights issues. JHR’s programming in the DRC consists of training workshops for journalists and journalism students; providing mentorship for journalism students to produce stories, documentaries, and radio shows; and organizing an annual award ceremony to recognize the best stories on human rights.





1.1 million







The documentary was also previewed at the ‘’Acud Macht Neu’’ festival, an annual German film festival for African TV, held in Berlin, before the official premiere of the ‘’The Prophetess,’’ a movie on the impact of sexual violence by Sylvie Weber and Margaret Flatley in 2018, which had been supported by JHR.

GOAL Instilling principles of human rights journalism and gender-sensitive reporting in journalists and journalism students in the DRC to build a stronger media environment.

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Al Mahatta Camp, Jordan. Photo credit: Nidal Srour, President of Al-Mahatta Youth Club

HOUSING RIGHTS FOR AL-MAHATTA CAMP RESIDENTS I felt so delighted, when the Prime Minister decided to give the priority for refugees over landlords, especially because the 80,000 could spend that night in peace, after three years of uncertainty.” — Journalist Hadeel Al-Bes

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he residents of Al-Mahatta Refugee Camp in Jordan were about to lose their homes and would have had nowhere to live.

“Their case has been abandoned by different organizations, therefore landlords tried to exploit the refugees’ situation,” says Nidal Srour, President of Al-Mahatta Youth Club. JHR-mentored journalist Hadeel Al-Bes, a strong believer in international human rights treaties, heard about the situation from residents in the Al-Mahatta camp. Those in the camp had disputes with their landlords, and the court was about to displace over 80,000 refugees who were already suffering from poverty. Al-Bes was compelled to tell their story. Her article was published by AmmanNet in February 2019 and followed up with a live-streamed radio show. The media attention led to an intervention by the Prime Minister of Jordan, who decided to

approve the refugees’ right to land. Following the decision, the camp recognized Al-Bes for her important human rights reporting with an award. “Hadeel Al-Bes covered all the dimensions of the problem. She also participated in a media campaign through radio stations, and newspaper reports, which covered obstacles, process, and suggested solutions” says Nidal Srour.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Since 2013, JHR has worked in Jordan to enhance the capacity of the Jordanian media sector to cover human rights issues and engage key stakeholders in public conversations to contribute to building a public culture of respect for human rights in the country. In 2019, for the first time, the JHR Jordan team coordinated workshops that were held in governorates outside of Amman, engaging journalists on best practices for investigative journalism and access to information. Additional workshops were held on digital safety for journalists. Local journalists were mentored on the production of in-depth human rights stories, including longform investigations. JHR continued to engage the public in important human rights discussions through hosting live-streamed debates, producing videos on relevant legislation, and organizing public forums. This was the fifth year celebrating JHR Jordan’s Human Rights Reporting Award, which recognizes excellence in human rights reporting in the country. JHR will continue its work in Jordan with a focus on human rights, freedom of expression, access

to information, strengthening local media, and gender equality. GOAL Through training, public engagement, and story production, JHR has worked to increase freedom of expression in Jordan and create a space for more open, informed, and constructive dialogue on human rights issues affecting the country.

JORDAN Trained




254 stories



2 million


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Still from video. JHR-trained journalist Aminata Sonogo shares her experience with interns, Bamako, Mali. Photo credit: JHR

INK AND AIRTIME FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN MALI My dream is to be able to interact with other journalists JHR has trained in Africa, like those in South Sudan, so that we can learn from each other.” — Tiéman Diarra


HR’s training programs in Mali this past year gave local journalists the tools they needed to produce powerful pieces of journalism. More importantly, it also allowed them to pass on these invaluable tools to their interns, creating a long-lasting legacy. One of the program’s participants Tiéman Diarra produced a radio program exposing the use of dangerous chemicals in Mali’s gold mining sites and the effects they were having on people’s health. The story was seen by Mali’s Minister of Mining and Oil, Mme Lelenta Hawa Baba Ba, who commended Diarra’s work and JHR. She also pledged to lead the clean up of the industry’s use of harmful chemicals. As a direct result, the Chamber of Mines organized and facilitated workshops across the country, educating miners on the dangers of the chemicals. Another participant, Aminata Sonogo, shared her experience in a short video posted on JHR’s

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YouTube channel. She has covered a range of human rights issues, such as a story on female genital mutilation. The training Aminata completed with JHR allowed her to train her own interns to make news stories. She recently published a story on the exploitation of twins through street begging.

MALI Trained or Engaged

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Together with local partners, JHR will build the capacity of the media sector, targeting journalists, media managers, journalism students, and institutions. It will also help the general public better understand their rights and support the protection and promotion of these rights. GOAL To strengthen media institutions’ abilities to play their role in fostering an effective, inclusive, and transparent democracy in one of the world’s most complex democracies.



stories REACHED


The Mali program is made possible by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF).

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Syrian Journalists for Human Rights October, 2018. Photo credit: JHR

RENDERING HONOUR KILLING “UN-ISLAMIC” IN SYRIA But what we are seeing is communities broken by war starting to work together – on their own terms, using their own resources, within their own leadership circles and institutions – to find solutions. Even in Northern Syria.” — Rachel Pulfer


n 2017, JHR implemented a program with Syrian journalists across the Middle East, working with our network of Syrian journalists across the diaspora to coordinate coverage and shine a light on the regional scourge of honour killings. The project—a pilot, funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund—was set up to assess whether or not such an initiative is even feasible in an environment with limited press freedom. JHR’s team had been told that honour killing was taboo for the media in Syria. Led by Syrian broadcast journalist Tammam Hazem, JHR’s team of journalists worked with lawyers affiliated with the Independent Bar Association of Aleppo, local judges, women’s rights organizations, and a network of Muslim religious leaders who opposed the crime. The alliance shared information, resources, and sources, including access to local authorities, religious leaders, and key decision-makers. At the start of 2019, those partnerships had resulted in nine media pieces on honour killing.

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These included forums, online and on-air, which were open to the general public. The forums asked people to discuss personal and community reactions to honour killings. Areas of focus included legislation, religion, culture, the response of local authorities, the rule of law, and a discussion about who was responsible for the prevalence of this practice. Journalists trained by JHR also questioned authorities, both religious and secular, about why honour killings often go unprosecuted. Journalists also noted the effects of the ongoing conflict in northern Syria and how it had resulted in a state of lawlessness. They pushed for accountability, even during conflict. Despite a near-complete lack of press freedom in Syria itself, these stories, produced in Arabic from neighbouring Turkey, reached an audience of approximately 100,000 Syrians across the diaspora.

inside and outside of Syria. This program encourages media outlets working in different geographic territories to share resources, collaborate on major stories, and gain access to territories in which they cannot freely work. JHR is grateful for funding from the United Nations Fund for Democracy (UNDEF), the Donner Canadian Foundation and Bill Martin—in addition to individual donations from human-rights supporters. GOAL To strengthen independent Syrian media. Working with independent Syrian media outlets based in Turkey, JHR builds the capacity of journalists and media managers to mainstream human rights journalism in Syria, hold key decision-makers to account, and create dialogue channels for the public on critical issues, such as democracy and gender equality.


After the coverage, a network of local imams in the region stepped up. In on-air forums, they explained to the public that Islam considers honour killing a grave sin. Then, in March, the Syrian Islamic Council issued its religious fatwa, explicitly identifying the act of honour killing as un-Islamic—and hence forbidden. Local and regional reaction to the fatwa has been explosive. Some respondents are angry. But a vocal majority are calling for a new fatwa that goes further, laying out terms for prosecution, as well as calls for secular courts to prosecute men committing honour crimes, using the full force of Syrian law.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW JHR has worked in Syria since 2017, creating a network of 40 Syrian journalists and 20 civil society and human-rights defenders working


175 journalists










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REPORT TRIGGERS ACTION TO GET WATER TO LOCAL IDP CAMP The residents of a camp for internally displaced people (IDP) in Jarabulus, Syria, did not have access to water.“It was hard when we had no water to drink or wash with,” said one resident. JHR-trained journalist Haifa Al-arabi of Nasaem Souria Radio is always looking for human rights stories told by those who actually live them. When she found out that people in the camp had no access to water, she was outraged. Her team got to work. Haifa coordinated an on-air forum with a representative from the local city council and residents of the camp. “Nasaem Souria Radio played a crucial role connecting residents of the camp with the local

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council,” said the resident. “The council then extended water pipes to the camp.” Dr. Mohamad Jader, Director of the Technical Services Bureau, explained that the city of Jarabulus extended its water supply network using diesel pumps and generators and a ground tank. “Water pipes were extended from the main road and each four to five tents now has their own faucet,” reported another resident. Without Haifa’s story, the residents of Jarabulus camp would still be without water. Watch the video about water provision for the Jarabulus IDP camp here

Aicha Toure. Photo credit: Aicha Toure

STAFF PROFILE: AICHA TOURE My name is Aicha Toure, and I am an Associate Project Manager at JHR, supporting our programs in sub-Saharan Africa.

that JHR’s commitment to local ownership and its responsiveness to local needs is the key to longterm and sustainable change.

I spent most of my formative years in sub-Saharan Africa, from Nairobi in Kenya, to Bamako in Mali. I moved to Canada when I was 17 to pursue my higher education. I am an African-Canadian feminist who is particularly interested in dismantling systems of oppression that perpetuate and reproduce deprivation and inequality for many girls and women around the world.

The biggest highlight has been working with such a diverse team representing diverse, enriching perspectives. These people’s perspectives further reinforce JHR’s intersectional approach to program development and implementation.

Being originally from Mali, I have always been interested in human rights and post-conflict statebuilding processes. I do believe that, given the right tools and opportunities, every individual has the capacity for greatness. What motivates me to work for JHR is the organization’s human-centered and grassroots approach to promoting human rights. I truly believe

The biggest challenge is overcoming the restrictions faced by some of our implementing partners on the ground. For example, regular weekly meetings can be challenging in regions with substandard power systems, where power shortages are a regular occurrence. Nevertheless, I am impressed by the amount of work that still gets done despite the challenges. JHR is working to provide local stakeholders with more sophisticated and effective tools to help them shape, implement, and drive institutional reforms in their respective regions.

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Left to right: Dana Gibreel, Jordan (2019/2020), Rodney Sieh, Liberia (2016/2017), Joseph Lagu, South Sudan (2018/2019), Esther Mndogo, Tanzania (2017/2018). Photos sourced from (left to right): Dana Gibreel, Rodney Sieh, Joseph Lagu, Esther Mngodo.

THE GORDON N. FISHER — JHR FELLOWSHIP FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AT MASSEY COLLEGE “Massey College has hosted the Gordon N. Fisher Fellowship since nineteen ninety-three, run in tandem with the William Southam Fellowships. Since twenty ten, these fellowships have been coordinated by JHR. The goal of the JHR/Fisher Fellowship is to allow a mid-career journalist from the Middle East or sub-Saharan Africa, who may only have worked in an environment of limited press freedom, to pursue their particular interests and further improve their craft in a welcoming and safe community. Fellows take undergraduate or graduate classes at the University of Toronto, building knowledge and connections. Living at Massey gives Fellows access to all Massey has to offer: diverse graduate students, senior fellows, and a variety of programs. The open, interdisciplinary environment of the Massey community encourages a cross-pollination of ideas, often resulting in lifelong friendships. Informal seminars with invited guests and organized travel further enrich the JHR/Fisher Fellows’ experience and knowledge. The hope is

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that the JHR/Fisher Fellows return to their home countries with an invigorated sense of purpose, increased knowledge and enhanced credibility, which together empower them, as journalists, to improve the lives of their countrymen.” — Derek Fisher, selection committee member and donor “Massey College has had the pleasure of working with JHR through the Gordon N. Fisher / JHR Fellowship for Human Rights since two thousand nine. Over the course of ten years Massey College has benefited immensely from the vast connections that JHR has with international journalists, especially those working in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa with a human rights focus. Not only have these fellowships brought a steady stream of passionate journalists, keen to learn about Canada and hone their journalistic acumen, their presence at the College has enriched the Massey College community, encouraging learning for the public good.” — Emily Mockler, Massey College

JHR Donor

UNITED NATIONS DEMOCRACY FUND JHR’s Executive Director Rachel Pulfer spoke with Annika Savill, Executive Head, United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) about the need for strengthening media globally. Photo credit: UNDEF

Q. |

HAT IS THE ROLE OF UNDEF W IN THE UN SYSTEM? UNDEF is the only UN entity that exists entirely to support democracy through civil society. It is also the only UN entity that has democracy in its name. This is important, because the word democracy does not exist in the UN Charter. UNDEF funds, helps design, manages, mentors, and generates projects in more than 150 countries. The goal is to strengthen the participation of all groups in all democratic processes, by providing direct support to civil society organizations.

Q. |

OW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE H UNDEF’S PARTNERSHIP WITH JHR? Strengthening independent media and fighting for the facts is one of UNDEF’s most important missions. JHR was one of our first partners in this endeavour, starting with our first round of funding in 2006. We have since gone on to do five dynamic and impactful projects together, all of them in highly challenging and strategically important environments: Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Jordan, with Syrian journalists in Turkey, and now Mali.

Q. |

NY PARTICULAR ASPECTS OF A THE WORK TO HIGHLIGHT? Two in particular stand out: the work JHR did with UNDEF in 2018 to highlight what was happening in a refugee camp besieged by government forces in Syria. This work helped ensure the Syrian government opened a humanitarian corridor to the camp; and the work JHR has been doing with UNDEF in Mali during 2020 to strengthen independent reporting to fight disinformation about COVID-19.

Q. |

HY IS THIS WORK W IMPORTANT AT THIS MOMENT IN GLOBAL AFFAIRS? In the changing reality around the world, accurate reporting and combating misinformation are going through a baptism of fire. Standing up for fact-based journalism and analysis that holds power to account has never been more challenging, nor more important. Partners with JHR’s experience, expertise, and passion are critical to this endeavour.

Q. |

HAT’S NEXT FOR JHR W AND UNDEF? JHR and UNDEF are working together in the Arab region to build a regional cooperative network of project partners to address a range of challenges for media and media literacy, and to do so from a holistic range of perspectives.

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JHR Donor

CTV NEWS JHR’s Executive Director Rachel Pulfer spoke with Wendy Freeman, President of CTV News about CTV journalists traveling to developing countries and bringing stories back to Canada. Photo credit: CTV News/Bell Media

Q. |

WHAT IS THE SCOPE OF CTV NEWS’ PARTNERSHIP WITH JHR? For over ten years, CTV News has had a successful partnership with JHR. Through that partnership, CTV News correspondents have travelled to some of the world’s most challenging places, like South Sudan, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. There they have helped train journalists to report on local issues, improve lives and help shine a light on the human rights crises these countries are facing. Working with these brave local reporters, who work under daily threat of violence, is an opportunity for Canadian journalists to support them as they expose widespread human rights abuses, corruption, and suppression in their countries. JHR-trained journalists can go on to expose stories that might otherwise never be told, causing change to come about and helping strengthen democracy. When the media puts a spotlight on human rights, people start talking about the issues and demanding change. This partnership has allowed us to help uncover truths and make real change come about in developing countries.

Q. |

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR JOURNALISTIC VALUES? Fact-based, credible journalism which holds governments to account has never been more important than it is today. Journalists are under attack more than ever. The firehose of disinformation is on full-force, and to combat it, the world must be provided with information that is accurate, fair, and balanced, from credible news sources. Accountability reporting has always been and always will be of vital importance to thriving democracies. If we can

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help better equip journalists to hold those in power to account, then we will have succeeded. Healthy local democracy requires healthy local journalism, and a robust independent press is an essential part of any functioning democracy. We need to stop the half truths and propaganda that are rife in fake news today. This partnership allows us to help ensure this happens.

Q. |

OW DO YOU SEE THOSE H VALUES EXPRESSED IN THE PARTNERSHIP WITH JHR? Being able to have our CTV correspondents help train reporters in developing countries to report on human rights and hold their governments to account is of the utmost importance right now, and bringing these stories back to Canada informs our local audience of the plight of these people. Through this partnership, CTV can make a measurable difference in the world. The fallout from the pandemic felt by these countries will be crucial to cover, and the opportunity to support journalists in these countries to tell their stories will help their communities stay informed, connected, and even save lives.

Q. |

WHY DOES THIS KIND OF MEDIA-DEVELOPMENT WORK MATTER IN TERMS OF CANADA’S PLACE IN THE WORLD? As journalists in Canada, we are privileged and we must never take that for granted. The opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise with other journalists in more challenged countries is crucial. If we, as Canadian journalists, can help in any way to get their stories told, we will help the world become a better place and aid democracy to better function. It’s my belief that we have an obligation to support accountability reporting in the world and this partnership allows us to do so. Canadians need to be aware of and continue to be informed about what’s happening in these countries so that change can happen.

JHR Supporter

RODNEY SIEH JHR spoke with Rodney Sieh, publisher and editor of FrontPageAfrica, Liberia, and 2016-2017 Gordon N. Fisher/JHR Fellow at Massey College about how media is needed to change lives. Photo credit: JHR.

Q. |

WHY IS FREE AND INDEPENDENT MEDIA IMPORTANT IN LIBERIA? After more than a decade of civil war, which saw thousands lose their lives to chaos, violence, and bloodshed, a free and independent media is key to ensuring Liberia does not return to one of the most brutal conflicts in modern history. The media’s role is crucial in exposing corruption, human rights abuses, bad governance, greed, and nepotism. Good journalism can be a guard against the dictatorial tendencies that led past rulers and leaders to govern with iron fists, undermining the country’s stability.

Q. |

HOW HAS JHR HELPED YOU IN THE PAST? WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT JHR’S MODEL COMPARED TO OTHER MEDIA DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS? WHAT MORE COULD JHR AND YOU DO TOGETHER IN THE FUTURE? I had spent more than a decade in exile. When I returned to Liberia from the U.S. to launch the print edition of FrontPageAfrica , I had no idea what to expect. The climate was unwelcoming to a vibrant independent media outlet like FrontPageAfrica , which was already known to expose corruption. During the civil war, the country had lost a lot of its finest citizens, creating a brain drain. During those early years, JHR worked with our reporters and editors as mentors and trainers, travelling with our reporters to some of the most remote parts of Liberia. They brought to life stories

that mattered, stories that highlighted rights abuses in all forms, especially poverty, lack of nutrition, and healthcare in areas outside the city. They also exposed the conditions of those languishing at the bottom of the economic order. JHR’s work was innovative, and it was rewarding not just for the reporters and editors but for our newspaper. Having mentors show our reporters the ropes and teach them how to write about human rights issues contributed a lot to our early work.

Q. |

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE CHALLENGES YOU CURRENTLY FACE AS EDITOR OF FRONTPAGEAFRICA ? Human capital has always been and will always be a challenge. Finding resources to keep the print edition afloat has been daunting, especially in the wake of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we remain resilient and we are persevering against insurmountable odds. How much longer can we continue? We’re really not so sure at this point. We have been struggling to maintain all of our staff during this pandemic. We are grateful to still be standing.

Q. |

HOW CAN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY HELP? We are doing our best to survive in the midst of enormous difficulties, with very few opportunities for media development aid during this health pandemic. It is more than likely that we may never get the kind of mentorship and training JHR provided us right after the civil war. Access to the tools for our journalists to grow and hone their skills could go a long way in addressing some of the rapidly growing challenges standing in the way of staying afloat in these trying and difficult times.

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Photo credit: JHR

RODNEY SIEH’S BOOK LAUNCH: MARCH Rodney Sieh, (2016-2017 Gordon N. Fisher/JHR Fellow at Massey College) launched his book Journalist on Trial, highlighting the crucial role journalists play in countering corruption in developing countries. Sieh is the founder and editor of FrontPageAfrica, Liberia’s leading newspaper.

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Photo credit: JHR

CARLETON LERRN EVENT: MARCH On International Women’s Day Journalists for Human Rights and LERRN (The Local Engagement Refugee Research Network) at Carleton University organized “Putting Refugee Women and Girls’ Rights into Headlines in Conflict Zones,” a panel discussion on why media matters for refugee women and girls.

Rachel Pulfer and Minister Monsef at Corus News at the launch of Canada World. Photo credit: JHR

CANADA WORLD LAUNCH: MAY On International Press Freedom Day, The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality, announced JHR’s biggest project to date: Canada World, a $11.7 million CAD, four-year initiative supported by Global Affairs Canada to advance the rights of women and girls and improve press freedom in Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Middle East. Rachel Pulfer and Maria Ressa. Photo credit: JHR

MARIA RESSA: JUNE JHR, the British Consul-General, the Government of Canada, and Thomson Reuters co-organized an evening with Maria Ressa. Ressa, founding editor of Rappler and one of TIME Magazine’s people of the year, urged us to “stand up for your rights, build your community. Supporting media freedom locally matters globally.”

Panel at Women Deliver Conference. Photo credit: Rachel Pulfer

WOMEN DELIVER CONFERENCE: JUNE JHR attended the Women Deliver Conference, in Vancouver. In the Globe and Mail, JHR Executive Director Rachel Pulfer wrote: “Better integrating women and girls into public life can build support for initiatives that benefit everyone, from quality, 24/7 healthcare to improved education.”

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CTV’s National News’ Melany Nagy talks to South Sudanese journalists. Photo credit: CTV National news

MEDIA FREEDOM CONFERENCE, UK: JULY “Without free media, there is no real government oversight. Without oversight, it’s a slippery slope from democracy to demagoguery.” JHR’s Executive Director Rachel Pulfer joined the Canadian-UK organized conference in London, showcasing how South Sudanese journalists are working with government authorities to create an enabling environment for journalists to help build a foundation for free media. [[Read “Increasingly we understand” Press Freedom matters: Now what?’ in the Globe and Mail here. Watch the CTV National News video here.]] online only

TRIVIA EVENING: SEPTEMBER JHR supporter Mackay Taggart organized an epic pub quiz designed to determine which Toronto newsroom is best at retaining useless knowledge. The evening raised $1600 for JHR. Thanks to Mackay Taggart for organizing the evening and for the widespread support from across media.

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Photo credit: CP

NIGHT FOR RIGHTS 2019: NOVEMBER JHR celebrated its most successful ever annual gala evening ‘Night for Rights’ on November 25. “You win when you help others.” — Masai Ujiri, Night for Rights co-chair, JHR Ambassador and President of the Toronto Raptors

MEDIA FREEDOM ROUNDTABLE: DECEMBER The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Her Honour Elizabeth Dowdeswell, hosted a panel with JHR about the importance of strengthening media at home and abroad. The panel consisted of Siyabulela Mandela, a youth activist, Catherine Godin, Executive Director of Human Rights, Global Affairs Canada, David Skok, founder of The Logic, Craig Silverman, award-winning journalist, and expert on misinformation, and Mohamad Fakih, Canadian philanthropist and businessman. Tweet from the Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, during Night for Rights 2019. Photo credit: CP

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DONORS AND SUPPORTERS CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE ($50,000+) Ian and Catherine Delaney The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Unifor PUBLISHER’S CIRCLE ($10,000 - $49,000) Alison Fisher CTV National News - Bell Media Inc Hamilton Community Foundation - Bill Young CBC Ian Pearce Accenture Canadian Press Global News Mohamad Fakih / Paramount Fine Foods National Post Toronto Life The Logic Proof MASTHEAD SUPPORT ($1,000 - $9,999) Aidan Flatley Alethea Au APTN Aurora Cannabis Bay Tree Foundation BMO Bank of Montreal Blakes Bruce and Edith Chambers Canada Council for the Arts Canadian National Railway Company Catherine Delaney

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Cathy Perry Chad Rogers* Centre for International Governance Innovation Clair Balfour and Marci McDonald Dave Weih Derek Fisher and Adrienne Fisher Don Tapscott and Ana Lopes Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario Farzad Alvi Gabriel Gonda Generation Capital Globe and Mail Ian Myles Ian Pearce Iris Paguyo Janice Neil* Joanne McPherson John Honderich John Perry Karim Bardeesy Lisa Marie LaFlamme Little Mountain Holdings Mackay Taggart Massey College New Gold Paypal Giving Fund Peter Donolo and Mary Cruden Power Corporation Rachel Pulfer* RBC Robin Sears Robert G Lowe Ryerson University Shannon Flatley Stewart Borden TD The Balsillie Family Foundation Tides Canada Timothy MacDonald

Torys LLP Troy Reeb Wojciech Gryc MEDIA MOVERS ($1 - $999) Aaron J. Keefe Abdulqani Ahmed Adrienne Fisher Aileen Doyle Alex Mlynek Alexander Miller Ali Richmond* Alison Broddle Allison Smith Amanda James Amara Bangura Ana Palmer Ana Paula Lopes Andrew Bevan Andrew Jones Angela El-Bardeesy* Angela McLean Angela Murphy Angelo F. Altomare Anita Mannur Anna Palmer Anne Sheshadri Annie Berube Anoushka Rassau Asif Nawaz Asma Chaudhry Auriol Miller Avery Haines Avis Favaro Ayon Shahed B Codd-Downey Barbara William Barry Colbert Barry Novak Ben Rowswell Benjamin Mayer-Goodman Bethany Borody* Bob Ramsay Boris Martin

Bridget Child Brodie Fenlon Bryce Turner Caryn Lieberman Catherine Legge Catherine Osborne Catherine Sobocan Charles Beer Charles Messina Cheryl Kim Chris Sterry Chrystal Vanderlinde Claire Sieffert Clare O’Hara Colin Freeze Corin Toporas Cristina Tamburini Dani Saad Daniel Brooke Daniel Coutts Daniel Sieberg Danny Glenwright David Dewitt David Maass David Milstead David Morrison David Roskies David Skok David Walsh Dawn Calleja Denise M Ramsden Diane Gies Diane Yu Don Pulfer Doug Sarro Douglas A Kerr Duncan McCue Elena Major Elisabeth Travers Elizabeth Bowie Elizabeth Mendes Elizabeth St Philip Erin Millar Fadi Yaacoub Fiona Conway Franchesca Weeks

Francis N. D’Souza Francois Bedford Gabriela Motyckova Gabrielle Gallant Gallant Law Genevieve Tomney Geoffrey Zeiss George Achi Gregory R McArthur Hassan Al-Ghareib Heather EG Wright Heather MacDonald* Heather Reinsborough Helen Fotinos Henria Stephens Howard A Law Howard Green Howard Law Ian Koenigsfest Inayat Singh Irene Flatley Iris Fischer Jacky Habib James Armstrong James Janeiro Jamie Mauracher Jane Gerster Jane Rounthwaite Janet Linnell Janice Neil Janine De Vries Janis Eaglesham Jeff McWilliams Jeffrey Carson Jennifer Burke Jennifer V. Harrison Jeremy Lawrence Jim R. Hardy Joe Friesen Joe MacInnis Johan Halle John Reilly Jon Shell Jordana Springgay Joseph G Hood Josh Cobden Julie Conley Julie Smithers Julie Taylor Justin Faisla Kaleigh Ambrose Karen Benner

Karim Bardeesy* Karolyn White Kate Harris Katharine M Damman Kathleen Wynne Kathryn Sheppard* Kathy Beckley Kathy English-Serles Kavita Dogra Kayla Bradley Kees Van Den End Kelsey A. Rolfe Ken Zolotar* Kevin Donovan Kristen Kitsopoulos Kristy Woudstra Laura Butcher Laura Linnell Lauren Ryan Laurie Monseloraaten Leora Schaefer Lindsey Scully Lisa Bailey Lisa Mallia Lynn Bessoudo Mackay Taggart Marci McDonald and Clair Balfour Margaret Pulfer Mark Blanchard Mark Khouzam Mark Starowicz Martha Caddell Martha Troian Martin Roland Mavis Himes Meg Kehoe Megan Ainscow Megan Hazell Melanie MacDonald Melissa Shin Michael De Souza Michael Kobzar Michelle Ferguson Mike MacDonald Moritz Karg Nadia Formizon Naseem Khuri Nathan Messer Nathan Rotman Neil Desa Niall McGee

Nichola Saminather Nicholas Brown Nick Brooke Nicole Inglis Nil Koksal Norma Pulfer Olivier Williams* Paisley Woodward Pär Petterson Patricia Reed Patrick Mellody Paul Flynn Paypal Giving Fund R.O. Matthews Rachael Borlase Raj Ahkwalie Rebecca Gilbertson Rich Missaghie Richard Linley Robert Benzie Robert Craig Gilchrist Robert E. Johnson Robert Justin Ratcliffe Robert Vokes Robert Walman Robyn Smith Ron Wadden Rosanna Iaboni Sally Atalla Sam Numsen Sarah L McNeil Sarah Rogers Scott Ferguson Scott L. F. Reid Shawn Micallef Shelly D. Meadows Shuah Roskies Siddhartha Lokanandi* Simon Ostler Stephanie E. Irvine Stephanie James Stephen Hewitt Stephen Tattle Stephen Trumper Stewart Borden Sujanthi Manivannan Susan Reisler Tamar Satov Tasleem Thawar Tim Borlase Tim Meakins United Way Centraide

Valerie Rose Laillet Vasiliki Bednar Vian Ewart Victor Nerenberg Vince Mazza Virginia C. Smart Wahl Andrew William Clare Roberts William Scott Steele Yasmine Da Silva PROGRAM SUPPORT CC UNESCO/ UNESCO Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amman, Jordan Flatley Family Foundation Global Affairs Canada Hamilton Community Foundation Ontario Trillium Foundation RBC Foundation United Nations Democracy Foundation JHR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Alethea Au Chad Rogers Derek Fisher Farzad Alvi Karen Restoule Michael Cooke Peter Donolo Shelly Meadows Theresa Ebden IN-KIND Airbnb Ontario Craft Wineries Steamwhistle The Auctionista Westbury National

* monthly donors

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Government remittances receivable



Advances and prepaid expenses























As at December 31

ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and bank Accounts receivable

Capital Assets

LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue

Deferred Capital Contribution

Net Assets: Unrestricted

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Foundation donations



Donations and contributions

























Net assets, beginning of year 69% | Government Grants



Net assets, end of year



For the year ended December 31

REVENUES Government grants

EXPENSES International projects Project support Fundraising Professional fees National programs Exchange losses (gains)

12% | Foundation Donations Operating Income

Loss on capital asset disposal

19% | Donations and Contributions

Excess of revenues over expenses

EXPENSE ALLOCATION 2019 5% | Admin 6% | Fundraising

89% | Charitable Projects

REVENUE ALLOCATION 2019 12% | Foundation Donations 19% | Donations and Contributions

69% | Government Grants

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Photo credit: Lisa LaFlamme, Chief Anchor and Senior Editor of CTV National News

WWW.JHR.CA | INFORMATION@JHR.CA | @JHRNEWS phone: 416 . 413 . 0240 | fax: 416 . 413 . 1832 147 Spadina Avenue, Suite 206, Toronto ON M5V 2L7

Journalists for Human Rights is a registered Canadian Charity #860372853RR0001

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