Architecture Design Portfolio

Page 14

Water Treatment Facility terminates the processes of the canal, and acts as the gateway to a clean and vibrant water passage. In context with the master plan, the Gowanus Water Treatment Facility will emulate the process of the water treatment center below as discussed previously. In addition to the green garden emulations, the water treatment plant aims to give an unprecedented look at the water in which it is purifying. With the treatment plan located below sea level, it grants the opportunity for a visual connection into the neighboring canal water. Achieved by working with the current retaining wall of the canal, a crib bulkhead on piles system, a new canal retaining wall will allow

Second Floor Plan

for the viewing of the pretreated water while viewing the treatment process. In relationship to greater Brooklyn, the site sits adjacent to Red Hook, a neighborhood consisting of residential, mixed use and industrial zones. Sitting diagonally north of the site, Red Hook Recreation Center places parks and open ďŹ elds for sport activity and everyday park use. An additional park will connect to the Red Hook Recreation parks and allow for a waterfront green space aimed for relaxing social experience versus a recreational event. The park space will be part of a larger masterplan idea that will give the neighborhoods surrounding the canal a greater focus on green space and walkability.

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