Poet Jordan Volume 25

Page 29

‘You crawled into my mind’

You crawled into my mind, And you never left, I just think, Did you get lost in there, Never finding your way out, Or did you never want to leave, Once you saw inside, To what my mind and heart thought of you, You crawled into my mind, And I didn’t know what you’d find, As I only ever think of you, In the best of light I can give to you, If what you saw made you scared, Or did you blush at the thoughts I spared, I couldn’t get ready because I had no time to prepare, You crawled into my mind at a drop of a hat, I hope you saw, What I truly thought of you, As there are no words in the world, To appreciate how much you mean, You crawled into my mind, And you never left, You’ll be there forever.



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