Grand canyon ent435 all module discussions and assignments

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DOWNLOAD Assignment The Importance of Innovation Architecture In Innovation as Usual: How to Help Your People Bring Great Ideas to Life (2013), Miller and WedellWedellsborg discuss the importance of establishing systems within organizations that promote not only the creativity that results in innovation, but also make it possible for employees to bring innovative ideas to fruition.

Discussion Question

Module 2 DQ 2 5.0 Identify three conditions that would need to be implemented (or have already been implemented) in your organization to create a culture of innovation and change.

Discussion Module 2 DQ 1 5.0 Question Why is it important to balance chaos and order as well as evolution and revolution?

Assignment CLC: Phase 1-Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation This is a CLC assignment. During Phase 1, each individual will submit their own idea for an innovation along with a model they find useful for evaluating its merits. Each team member is responsible for completing

research on various models. While there are several models in circulation for evaluating innovations, such as The Lean StartUp Plan, NOMMAR, SNIFF, and the linear and mental models of innovation, innovators should not feel constrained by any particular model. Feel free to borrow elements from multiple models to develop one that would work best to most effectively evaluate your own innovation. Teams will then review all of the submissions and choose the most promising idea to pursue. The idea should be selected by application of one of the evaluation models submitted by team members. You will then write a report of 1,500-2,500 words that describes the team’s selection process and identifies the final choice. The report must contain the following components: A one- or two-paragraph summary of each team member’s idea, a description of the model used to evaluate the idea, and the results of the evaluation. Specifically, the evaluation should identify the merits, drawbacks, and challenges associated with the idea. Identification of the selected idea for the project accompanied by a description of the model used to evaluate the idea. Include the results of the evaluation, which will serve as the justification for the team’s selection. Preliminarily forecast the most significant challenges that could impede the development of the selected idea.

Discussion Module 3 DQ 2 5.0 Question Hypothesize why it is important for leaders both to create and enable chaos as well as a clear sense of purpose in organizations.

Discussion Module 3 DQ 1 5.0 Question Explain how the account of biblical creation can be viewed as a model for innovative and creative leaders when managing chaos.

Assignment Interview and Reflection Assignment For this assignment, you will continue to reflect on what it takes to

create “innovation architecture� to support a culture of innovation within organizations. As part of the assignment, you will conduct an interview with a local business owner or leader or member of a management team to learn more about the techniques organizations utilize (or fail to utilize) to encourage and support the implementation of innovations. Select your interview candidate and contact the person to set up an appointment. Try to schedule your interview well in advance of the assignment’s due date. You may conduct your interview in person or via phone. You should present the consent letter attached in the Module materials to the person you intend to interview. Prepare a list of at least 5-7 questions for your interview. Your questions should focus on specific processes within organizations for encouraging and implementing innovations and challenges organizations face in when trying to innovate.

Discussion Question

Module 4 DQ 1 5.0 Research and describe a product ideation model or methodology. Describe the ideation approach and how you might use it in your collaboration assignment for this module. Discussion Module 4 DQ 2 5.0 Question Explain the importance of using a structured innovation process in your organization to enable innovation.

Assignment CLC: Phase 2-Developing the Implementation Plan This is a CLC assignment. In Phase 2, your team will work together to develop a detailed description and implementation plan for the innovation you selected to pursue in Module 3. Each team member must research and describe a product development or management process, methodology, or model that could be utilized to implement the innovation. The group should select and use one of these models for developing its own

implementation plan. For this assignment, write a paper of 2,000-3,000 words that addresses the following:

Discussion Module 6 DQ 1 5.0 Question How can the risks of innovation be addressed and/or managed?

Discussion Module 6 DQ 2 5.0 Question How can organizational alliances be used to support implementation?

Assignment Reflection on the Team Project 70.0 Write a 500-750-word reflection on your team project that addresses the following: Assess the overall effectiveness of your team. How did the team’s dynamics contribute to both the success and the challenges of creating an implementation plan for your innovation? Assess the overall effectiveness of the model your team selected to both choose and implement your innovation. What were its strengths and weaknesses? What would you have done differently if you were working on the project independently? What other potential strategies might be more effective for bringing this particular innovation to fruition in your opinion? Overall, do you think teams contribute to or hinder innovative thinking and processes? Why?

Discussion Module 7 DQ 2 5.0 Question Create two measures of innovation for your organization. Why would these measurements be valuable?

Discussion Module 7 DQ 1 5.0 Question Describe what an innovation measurement system would focus on in your organization. Identify how you might use it to support your innovations.

Assignment Create an Innovation (Benchmark Assignment) Evaluate the internal processes or strategies within an organization in which you are involved, such as your workplace, school, church, or community group, in order to identify a problem that provides an opportunity for innovation. Then, determine an innovative solution for addressing that problem. Examples of potential solutions are entering a new market, implementing a new practice or process, or even changing management structures. The ultimate goal of your solution should be to increase the diffusion of innovation within the organization and contribute to a culture that appreciates innovation as a key to competitive advantage and organizational success. Though your final paper will not be due until the end of the course, you should identify your problem and generate potential solutions early on. Begin drafting your implementation plan in stages as you work through the course topics. As with your CLC project, you should research and select a model for evaluating both the feasibility of your idea and the implementation plan.

Discussion Question

Module 8 DQ 1 5.0 If you were on the recruiting team to find a new CEO for a company where the board mandate was to focus on embedding innovation into the DNA of the company, what attributes would you describe as being the "must haves?" Discussion Module 8 DQ 2 5.0 Question What two things would you personally do within the next 2 years to further develop your innovation capability?

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