Jolly Tots Issue 28

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J!y Toʦ



WARM UP this WINTER Over 25 fun and creative activities to do with your kids at home & in your local area Be healthier in 2015


Early learning tips


Sanity saving sleep routine Mum’s award-­winning story Full listings for your area



TAKE YOUR CHILD ON AN ADVENTURE WITH THIS PERSONALISED BOOK Lost My Name is a magical, personalised book, following a child who has lost their name and sets off on a marvellous adventure to track down the missing letters. Specially printed for every child, create your own book at or enter our exclusive competition. We have three Lost My Name books to giveaway. For your chance to win your child one of these sensational and beautiful books, follow us on Facebook ( and watch out for ways to win online. One lucky reader can also win by entering and emailing the answer to this simple question: What age is this book perfect for? a) 2 – 6yrs b) 1-­ 5yrs c) 0 – 8yrs Find your answer at Send your answer, name and contact details to

H RT 9 O .9 W £18

WIN! A Lost my name book

Winter 2015

Welcome to the winter issue of Jolly Tots... 2015 IS IN FULL SWING! New Year resolutions have been broken, the chaos of Christmas is over and some of us might even be thinking about spring cleaning our lives. This could be making space for all the new toys and the sale items we couldn’t resist, introducing your kids to new experiences and skills or trying to get a bit more ‘me time’ for better balance. I know I am! I want to be more adventurous and organised with family meals in 2015; I’m not a good cook – I’ve been known to burn soup – but we’ve got some tasty recipes (p12) that even I can make and a review of a new cookbook that will introduce new flavours to your family. If you’re thinking about getting healthier, too, there’s fun fitness classes like Jazzercise offering discounts to our readers and advertisers such as Herbalife and for yoga classes that you won’t want to miss. If you’re wondering how you’re going to keep your little ones occupied and active when the rainy days turn in to weeks this time of year, we’ve plenty of ideas. From crafts and activities for 0-5 year olds as well as an extensive article on things to do that will have you trying something new every week. If growing little minds is high on your agenda for the year, read our expert’s view on why playtime is important (p17 ) and why now is the ideal time to expose your child to a foreign language (p15) and swimming (p22). We hope you enjoy!


Three fun things to do this winter...

Valentines crafts Help your child to cut out a heart shape from card and let toddlers and pre-schoolers scrunch up tissue paper to stick on the heart with glue. Finish with a message on the back.

*R WR D ÀVKHU\ When it’s too cold and wet to stay outdoors at a wildlife centre, take your little ones to a pet shop or fishery for free to look at interesting creatures and colourful fish.

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Build a box fort Empty boxes left over from Christmas? Add bed sheets and sofa cushions and you’ve got the makings of an epic fort or soft play obstacle course Use it to read in, play and draw, too.

Follow us on Twitter: @JollyTotsMag JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY -­ MARCH 2015 3



HEN WOMEN BECOME mothers, it’s an experience that creates powerful emotional brand connections, a need for new products, advice and guidance on how to develop, provide and entertain their children. It’s the perfect opportunity to form brand loyalties and Jolly Tots magazine is the ideal gateway to doing just that. It’s a quarterly premium listings magazine for parents looking for ideas of what to do and where to go in and around Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. It’s distributed to parents of children under five via childcare facilities, retailers, Sure Start and medical centres, as well as baby and toddler groups, to name a few (see panel), so you can be sure your advert is getting maximum exposure. Prices start from £45, with online and print packages available as well as creative advertising solutions. Find us online at *APPLICABLE TO BUSINESSES THAT BOOK FOR A YEAR

Jolly Tots key bMVMÅ \[" 10.5k+ distribution to parents in your area Reach new and expectant parents Increase the exposure of your brand Priority editorial coverage for your service* Target parents with children under five Run by an expert team with more than ten years experience in magazine publishing Online & social media marketing opportunities Facebook:

Twitter: @JollyTotsMag

Jolly Tots FAQs When do you distribute? Autumn issue: October – December Winter issue: January – March Spring issue: March – June Summer issue: July - Sept Where do we distribute? Child-specific retailers including Kiddicare, baby & toddler groups, nurseries and pre-schools, activity centres and classes, Children’s Centres, coffee shops, hospitals and walk-in clinics, as well as child-friendly businesses. What areas to you cover? Peterborough and Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire, including Cambourne, St Ives, Papworth Everard and Sandy.

CALL TODAY! 07980 128388 Or email:



2 WIN A PERSONALISED BOOK Exclusive Lost my Name competition

7 SMILE Inspiring advice and helpful products



Activities and expert advice for day & night

J!y Toʦ Get in touch

11 HEALTH & WELLBEING Expert advice for maintaining healthy teeth 12 FAMILY FEEDING Make mealtimes tasty with these recipes 14 WIN LINGUISTICS TUITION CD

Telephone: 07980 128388 Email: Visit:

Teach your child Spanish at home

Editor Caroline Schmidt

15 EARLY LEARNING Design Luke & Joanna Marsh

Learn how you can develop a little linguist



Why playtime is serious business!

Advertising Gina Howson

18 3 THINGS TO DO WITH... Plastic bottles, who knew they can be fun?

Contributors: Sally Tilley, Tina Southwood and Joanna Westwood

21 WINTER ACTIVITIES Top ideas for ways to stay active this season

Advertising & distribution enquiries: Advert design services & queries:

22 SWIMMING How important is it to learn to swim young? 25 WHAT’S ON LISTINGS Your local classes, services and activities 32 WIN A COVER SHOOT! Enter our contest for a professional shoot


Like us on Facebook: www.facebook. com/jollytotsmagazine Follow us on Twitter: @JollyTotsMag Digital edition: Any information provided in Jolly Tots or is strictly the opinion of the author and Jolly Tots is not liable for any misinformation. The copyright on all written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by the Jolly Tots team remains with M&S Publishing Ltd. Nothing in Jolly Tots or online at may be reprinted or reproduced without written permission from the team at M&S Publishing Ltd.




Just for mums

Mumpreneur of the year JO-­ANN BEVILACQUA, MUM OF TWO AND OWNER OF SERENITY LOVES SALON IN PETERBOROUGH, TALKS TO US ABOUT HER INSPIRING JOURNEY TO WIN A MUMPRENEUR UK AWARD… Q) You’ve just won the Unique category of the prestigious Mumpreneur UK awards, how does it feel to have your efforts recognised nationally? It’s amazing! I’m still truly overwhelmed. The local support has been insane, it makes me really proud to own a business in Peterborough! Q) What makes Serenity Loves hair and beauty salon unique? Serenity Loves is the only salon in Peterborough that has an on-site crèche, supervised by fully-qualified, CRB-checked nursery nurses. We cater for men, women and children, making us family friendly as well as fashion forward and a celebrity favourite. Q) What inspired the concept? I was six months pregnant with my second child, my eldest had just turned two. I was finishing the last year of my childcare degree and one day was moaning to my hairdresser about how hard it was to have time for yourself when you had children. Pre-children I went on the sun beds, had beauty treatments and got my hair done regularly but I had rarely done any of that since becoming a mother. Looking after yourself is not a priority. That day the idea was born and within a fortnight a 40-page business plan was written. That was in June 2011 and we opened the salon in March 2012! Q) What advice can you offer business-minded mums who want to achieve after children? Stop feeling guilty about being an

ambitious working mother. I felt guilty that I was not the parent who picked up the kids everyday, that I didn’t use organic food to make their home-cooked meals, or that the house wasn’t showroom tidy, but these things are not the most important. Being a working mother has allowed me to appreciate the family time we do have together even more and I’m teaching my children that with hard work and determination they can achieve anything. I want to be a positive role model for my children. Q) Can you offer our parents tips for juggling motherhood, marriage and business that you’ve learned over the years? 1) Research, research and more research. Find out about your potential clients, suppliers, competitors and industry leaders. 2) Look for funding, there is a lot of money being awarded to small businesses; make the most of it. 3) Be organised and prepared. It will make you look and feel more confident at work and at home. 4) Believe in yourself and your ability, but utilise the people around you for help. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world, so what’s running a business, right? 5) Make quality time for yourself, your partner, your friends, things you find fun and, more obviously, your children. They love you for you and that is the most important thing of all. Read the full interview at:

Editor’s choice

Tried & tested A capable cleaning product that’s safe for little hands seemed an unlikely duo. Enter Mrs Gleam, a new range of products created by a mum for mums. I was amazed at how well the Carpet and Upholstery Spray (£5.99) removed long-ignored tea and juice stains from our carpet and grubby finger marks on our sofa. As it doesn’t contain peroxide, is kind on skin and fume free, I could also let my son help me clean, which he loved! There are 9 cleaning products available. Give them a go yourself, using the code Jolly Tots at the checkout for 10% discount:

your weight loss If you’re thinking about losing weight this year but need a bit of support, consider joining a group like Slimming World. There’s a brand new class that’s started in January in Papworth Everard, contact Vicky for details: 07935 795425 / swinpapworth. Visit www.slimmingworld. com to find a group near you!

BEAUTY WITH EASE Q) My hair is limp and lacklustre after pregnancy. How can I improve it without being high maintenance? A) Products! By using the correct product anything is possible. Extra body products react with heat and swell the hair shaft, making hair strands twice the size. This eliminates the limp and lifelessness of the hair, giving it movement and body. Adding layers will help with volume, too. Serenity Loves, Peterborough



0 -­18 months

SANITY-­SAVING SLEEP ROUTINE IN THE SECOND PART OF OUR SLEEP SOLUTIONS SERIES, NIGHT NURSE TINA SOUTHWOOD SHARES HER ROUTINE FOR BABIES 3 TO 6 MONTHS OLD SO YOU CAN GET A FULL NIGHT’S SLEEP “There are significant changes that happen around this age. Normally by 12 weeks, a child is an efficient feeder and can be put on a routine. Although, if you’re breastfeeding you will still need to be lenient – if they’re hungry, feed them. “Aim to start your daily routine at 7am, with 90 minutes of stimulating playtime before they nap for 90 minutes. Up until 6 months old, babies should eat 3-4 hourly; never exceeding 4hrs in the daytime, even if they’re napping, as it has a knock-on affect at night. You want to try to encourage your child to get through two sleep cycles (45 minutes per cycle) for each nap so that they get quality sleep. “At 12 weeks, start the bedtime

Never too young to...


Hand them chunky, non-toxic crayons and a large sheet of paper. He may put it in his mouth once, or a dozen times, but guide his hand to the paper and let him loose. Step it up with finger painting, too, spread newspaper on the floor and using non-toxic or homemade paint dab their fingers in a colour and let them explore.

routine at 6pm with a bath and book. You may find a 6-month-old baby stays awake a little longer, but aim of a 7.30pm bedtime. At 10pm, give your baby a dreamfeed. If your child is quite windy, avoid a dreamfeed unless they wake up wanting milk, in which case give them a 2-3oz bottle or a 10-to 15-minute breastfeed. If you cannot settle them before 8pm, let them sleep as a dreamfeed will disturb the deepest part of their sleep. As long as their daytime routine gives them enough sleep and milk, with this routine there’s little reason that they should not sleep through the night.”

Real Mum’s advice

Let them know when ‘no’ means ‘no’

It’s a word best reserved for dangerous situations and behaviour you want to nip in the bud, like hurling their sippy cup, hitting a pet or playing with a plug socket. Around 10 months you’ll be compelled to say ‘no!’ but try to keep it on reserve rather than the first word you shout. It’s a new word that will take time for them to understand, so here are four ideas for letting them know you mean business… 1) Show them how to behave so they mimic you – if they whack the cat show them how to stroke softly. 2) Keep your voice calm but firm so that they don’t think they need to use a loud voice to be heard. Don’t rush in with the cuddles too early if they start to cry either as it will give them mixed messages. 3) If they giggle, try to keep a straight face; as hard as it is, if you laugh you’re encouraging mischief. 4) Redirect their attention. If you do not like what they’re doing, but it’s not dangerous, distract them with a different activity or react with a do rather than a don’t; ask them to bring your iPhone to you rather than scream ‘don’t drop it down the toilet’.

Children up to 2 years old don’t need extravagant play times set up for them; everything is something to explore. Try these simple ideas to keep them stimulated and maybe steal you some time, but never leave them unattended Unleash their inner Pop pieces of dried Discovery bags are 1 drummer boy but 2 pasta in a bottle 3 great. Let them pull turning over plastic bowls and screw on the lid. out different items, like an and metal pans, handing Watch them shake the orange, model animals, them a wooden spoon, bottle, pour out the pasta coloured blocks and and letting them explore and put it back in, screw shapes, without peeking. the different sounds they and unscrew the lid for Describe and count the can make bashing on hours of fun. Be careful as items. They’ll get so different materials. it is a choking hazard. excited for what’s next.


Hatha Yoga Classes HEALING FOR MIND, BODY, EMOTIONS & SPIRIT ALL AGES AND ABILITIES WELCOME Brampton Community Centre: Thursday, 10-11.30am Godmanchester: Monday, 10-11.30am St Neots: Monday, 7.00-8.30pm Longsands Academy: Wednesday, 6-7pm Yoga for Pregnancy 7-8pm Yoga Mixed Ability Great Staughton: Thursday, 6.30-8pm

For more information call Linda yoga teacher & therapist on 01480 350345



With so many foods on the market classed as ‘healthy’, making the best choices for your young family can be confusing. Dental expert, Joanna Westwood BSC, offers advice on hidden VXJDUV EUXVKLQJ DQG Ă€ OOV LQ the holes of your knowledge Thanks to Joanna Westwood BSC Dental hygienist/therapist for her expertise in this article

Snacking is a common cause of tooth cavities in children. It’s not just the sugar in foods and drinks that’s detrimental to children’s teeth, it’s the frequency that they consume them. If you do allow your child to have sweets or chocolate, it’s better to let them eat the whole bar/packet as opposed to having part of it and part later. Each time sugary products are consumed the bacteria in the mouth use the sugar to produce acid, this then eats away at the tooth’s surface enamel. If the surface undergoes attack repeatedly, a cavity or hole in the tooth develops as the enamel decays. This is why, if you are going to give your child a treat, try to limit it to meal times only.

Five brushing tips DO establish a routine as soon as milk teeth erupt to establish good habits. DO buy a toothbrush and toothpaste that’s age appropriate, with soft bristles and a flexible head for maximum benefit. DO buy low fluoride toothpaste for under 5 year olds as most of it will be swallowed. Only use a pea-sized amount as consuming excessive amounts of toothpaste can lead to fluorosis: discolouration of the enamel. DO brush twice a day for two minutes (see our tips for making it fun!) DO buy toothpaste with the correct fluoride content once your child has all of their milk teeth (around 3 years old).

∞ Use sticker charts to reward

children after brushing ∞ Give lots of encouragement to make the experience positive ∞ Use an egg timer or brush to a song to make it fun ∞ Download ‘the nurdles’ app by aquafresh for a helping hand


Did you know?

HERO or VILLAIN? The villains: Contain high amounts of hidden sugar Yogurts (even some kids brands) Flavoured crisps Jams and dried fruits, like raisins Certain breads, like fruit loaves Sauces (pasta sauce/ketchup) Breakfast bars and cereals Packet fruit smoothies Squashes & fizzy drinks The heros: Replace sugary snacks with healthy treats Carrot sticks Natural yogurt Breadsticks Cheese Whole milk Water Sugar-free squash

How sweet am I? Can you guess how many teaspoons of sugar are in each of these food items? Prepare for a surprise from answers below... A) Heinz tomato soup B) Fruit Shoot C) Frosties cereal (bowl/mini packet) D) Yoghurt (150g) E) Can of Coca-Cola JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY-­MARCH 2015 11

Healthy living


Good to freeze for up to 3 months Perfect for packed lunches & out-and-about snacks Best served warm, if possible

What you need... 2 carrots 1 peeled apple 1 banana 1 bak choy ½ red pepper Half-head of broccoli Dollop of plain yogurt 2 eggs 3tbsp of salt-free butter 200g of flour (we used self-raising gluten-free but whole wheat will do) ¾tsp baking powder 1/2tsp cinnamon

2tbsp of sugar 1tsp vanilla extract Milled seeds (optional, but it’s a great way to add omegas and fibre)

What to do...

5) Blend your steamed

1) Preheat the oven to

veggies and fruit in a food processor along with the yogurt. 6) Mix all the ingredients together. The mixture should be well combined and moist. If it looks too dry, which is

often the case with gluten-free flours, add a dash of whole milk. 7) Bake for 20 – 30minutes and check they’re cooked through using a skewer; if it comes out clean, it’s cooked.

to a floured surface and score in to squares. 5) Place a dollop of the mixture in the middle of each square and fold over, using a little beaten

egg to secure and scrunch up the edges. 6) Cook for 20 minutes or until golden. Serve immediately or refrigerate for 24 hours.

Gas Mark 4/ 180°C. 2) Steam your veggies. 3) Mix your dry

ingredients into a bowl. 4) Whisk together the

sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla extract.


Contains iron, protein, calcium, fibre, ‘good’ fats, vitamins and antioxidants – an all-round winner! Perfect for packed lunches & out-and-about snacks

What you need

What to do

250g ready-made puff pastry, or homemade 50g ricotta cheese 50g of cheddar, grated (reduced fat cheese can be used with children over 2 years old) 20g grated Parmesan 100g fresh spinach 30g sweetcorn 1 beaten egg to glaze

1) Preheat your oven to

Gas Mark 5/200°C. 2) Remove the spinach

stalks and steam the spinach for 3 minutes, or until it wilts. Roughly chop to make it easier for little people to eat. 3) Mix the three cheeses, sweetcorn and spinach. 4) Roll out the pastry on



Family recipes





Book Review

Easy Indian Super Meals

for babies, toddlers and the family by ZAINAB JAGOT AHMED

A new recipe book from first-time mum and Leicesterbased Zainab Jagot Ahmed is fast becoming a huge success story after receiving fantastic reviews from national press. After meeting at the East of England Baby and Toddler show and after first-hand experience of her recipes, we can understand what all the fuss is about. Based around ‘SuperMeals’ (scrumptious meals chock-full of nutritional value and flavour), this book has dozens of delicious recipes that will get the taste buds tingling. Forget bland baby foods, try your children on Banana and Cinnamon Roti Wraps or Paprika Salmon Linguine – huge hits in our house! The recipes vary in difficulty and some are a little complicated if cooking isn’t your strong suit, but the directions are clear enough to follow. Most of the recipes have an Indian influence, if only mildly, but there are several recipes that cater to a western palette too like scrambled eggs, tuna-loaded potato skins or spaghetti bolognaise. The premise is to introduce children to aromatic foods and a variety of flavours, which this book has in spades. It’s educational too: featuring charts to help you understand the health benefits of ‘super’ spices and foods, so if you’re looking to add zest to your family meals, this book is definitely one to buy.


£25 off when you quote Jolly Tots Get more money off your order with my referral scheme Based in Ellington, Huntingdon, I work with families where it’s convenient for them. I travel throughout Peterborough, Stamford, St Neots, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, Sandy and Biggleswade. Outside of these areas may incur a small travel cost.

Contact Caroline on: 07703274439 To view my portfolio visit:

Member of the British Association of Newborn Photographers

WIN! Two complete Spanish discovery sets, worth £40 Teach your child Spanish at home with a minilinguals CD and activity book. They can be used for independent teaching and to reinforce language learned during a class. The CD plays children’s songs in Spanish so you can enjoy learning together, while the activity book contains lyrics, games and pronunciation tips. Contact Vicky to arrange a taster session to try Spanish classes for yourself. Send your name and address to: competitions@ Terms and conditions: By entering the competition, you’re agreeing for your name and contact details to be shared with minilinguals.

Bilingual babes

Teach your child a second language THE BEST TIME TO TEACH YOUR CHILD A SECOND LANGUAGE IS WHEN THEY’RE LEARNING THEIR FIRST, SO JOIN THE BILINGUAL BANDWAGON What’s the most spoken language in the world? Despite many of us expecting everyone to speak it, it’s not English; it’s Mandarin, with Spanish and Hindu hot on our heels. It’s more realistic than ever to think our children will benefit from being bilingual and, while for adults learning a foreign language can be difficult, for children it’s as easy as learning A B C. “Language skills in children under 7 years old are learnt passively Your through rhythm, even television local classes movement and shows like Dora minilinguals, St Neots & Lincoln mimicking sounds,” the Explorer and ( explains Vicky Sesame Street. Café Lingo, Peterborough Payne, teacher of While you can ( minilinguals Spanish supplement this classes. “Children are elementary hard-wired to learn any knowledge with bilingual language and the earlier books, toys and CDs, one of they’re exposed to multiple the best ways is through languages, the easier it is for them interactive classes so parents and to learn. Research also suggests children can learn together in a exposure to different languages fun environment. You get expert can quicken their development, tuition and your child learns via make their mind more agile and rhymes, signs and music, which teach them good communication. helps articulate the language and It exposes them to rhythms and embed it in the child. patterns, which also taps into the “We’ve had children as young as mathematical part of their brain, 12 weeks old come along to our training it for later in life.” classes to enjoy the music, peer Children are learning their interaction and stimulation,” says mother tongue even before birth, Vicky. “While it might seem to which is why it’s a great idea if you parents that their 1 year olds are do speak different languages to do not engaging as much as the so. But if you stand with the 3 year olds, with time and majority as a monolingual parent, consistency all children start it doesn’t mean you cannot saying new words. While the rate develop a little linguist. There are of learning is subjective, it lots of resources available, albeit normally takes about 6 weeks mainly screen-based, to help you before you can begin to see your expose your child to different child respond to what they’ve languages: YouTube videos, learnt. Most parents are really computer programs or iPad apps, surprised when their child first

speaks Spanish as some say ‘hola’, before they say ‘hello’.” If you’re interested in trying a class, contact you local provider to attend a taster session. Foreign language classes such as French and Spanish are also being increasingly incorporated in to nurseries and pre-schools, so if you want your child to be exposed to multiple languages, find a local childcare provider that can as there are many. Here are a handful in your area: Manor Farm Day Nursery, Buckden Day Nursery, Treetops Nursery, Kiddi Caru Day Nursery and Lindum Day Nursery.

AT-­HOME LEARNING Little Pims ( Buy Leapfrog language programs and download instructional videos to teach languages such as Russian, German and Japanese. Learn Spanish using this fun online program. Books and audio books for children. minilinguals CD and book


WHITEHALL SCHOOL NURSERY ‘OUTSTANDING Nursery & Pre-­school’ ISI inspection 2014

Come and see us in action, any day of the week! T: 01487 840966 ( RIÀ FH#ZKLWHKDOOVFKRRO FRP QXUVHU\#ZKLWHKDOOVFKRRO FRP Contact: Susannah Rippingale, Nursery Manager

Mothers’ meeting


NOT JUST CHILD’S PLAY It might be fun but it’s far from trivial: playtime is crucial to your child’s development. NHS Cambridgeshire health visitor, Sally Tilley, offers advice every parent should know…


o you ever feel you should be doing more with your child? Do you feel guilty for staying home or encouraging them to play alone so you have a moment’s peace? While you might feel like you’re doing them a disservice, you’re actually building their confidence, cultivating their imagination and teaching key skills. Play cultivates learning, develops speech and language skills, helps to manage behaviour and enables you to communicate with each other better. Here are the three main benefits to social and independent play, and also ways you can maximise on these benefits:

Improves understanding For a young baby you can use play to teach, for example: by hiding a toy and revealing it, you’re helping them learn that although they cannot see something it might still be there. This can ease separation anxiety. In older children, role play is a way of exploring daily activities and actions that children have learned from the adult world, such as cooking, driving or caring for a baby. It enables your child to express feelings, make mistakes and solve problems. Role play can help your child to understand situations, like why you have to go to work or why they need to go to the doctors, by acting out scenarios with dolls or teddies. Research suggests that children have fewer behavioural problems if they engage in make-believe play when they are young.

Helps manage behaviour When children play quietly most of us, myself included, use the opportunity to get jobs done. While independent play is a skill worth encouraging, leaving them to it most of the time can send the message that they don’t get attention for playing quietly, only when they are noisy or deliberately trying to attract attention. If you are able to give some quality time to play initially, even for only half an hour, they may be less likely to develop these responses and it may enable you to have some time to yourself after your play session.

*]QTL[ KWVÅLMVKM Give your child positive attention during playtime to develop their social, emotional and cognitive skills. By being an applauding spectator, it gives your child control over their environment, builds their confidence and eases their frustration. Watch, listen and add commentary. You might be surprised at how focused they become on an activity. While joining in can teach them to take turns, children learn better when they are allowed to take the lead so let them choose the activity that you both can engage with.

More information Recommended read

The Incredible Years – A Trouble-Shooting Guide for Parents of Children aged 2-8 Years. by Carolyn Webster Stratton Websites for more about children’s communication, speech and language. pregnancy-and-baby/pages/why -play-is-important.aspx to discover the importance of play. Support groups

Visit your local Children’s Centres to see the baby essentials courses or behaviour management groups they run, as play and development is often explored. Look at play from your child’s point of view, too. You may get annoyed that they’ve snapped all the crayons, but your child is amazed at how many they now have, while knocking down your building blocks could be them exploring cause and effect. While bonding and having fun is the primary aim, don’t doubt that playtime can be serious business. JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY -­ MARCH 2015 17


3 fun things you can do with…



Shake, rattle & roll For babies and up

Cut two bottles in half and have your child help fill one half with a filling of their choice – pebbles, rice, beans, coins etc. Slot the second bottle inside the first and tape the join securely, making sure none of the contents can escape to become a choking hazard. Let your child decorate with stickers and shake to their heart’s content.


Make a bird feeder For toddlers and up


Cup & cap game For pre-­schoolers

This time of year winter garden birds are aplenty so making a bird feeder can be so much fun. Cut a hole in the bottle cap and secure a piece of string. Carefully cut two opposite holes across the top of the bottle and two at the bottom, then thread a wooden spoon through as a perch. Make one of the holes slightly bigger than the other to allow food to flow on to the spoon. Fill the bottle with bird feed and hang in the garden.

Cut the bottom two-thirds off of a plastic bottle, making sure there are no sharp edges. Thread a piece of 15-inch yarn through the bottle top and secure with a knot, then screw the bottle cap back in place. Stick the other end of the yarn to a ping pong ball or thread and secure through another bottle cap. Now encourage your child to flip it in to the cup, counting the times they get it in. Some younger toddlers might not get the flipping action but they’ll enjoy trying or dropping the cap/ball in and out of the cup.


Loads more ideas to try... Visit our Pinterest page @jtots for more crafty ideas and for fun tutorials



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Flutterbyz FunBarn



3$57< % 22.,1*6 /2&$//< 6833/,(' HOMEMADE CAKES FUN HOTLINE 01480 493394 Located at: Fenstanton, Low Road PE28 9HU Open: Mon -­ Sat 10am -­ 5pm and Sun10am -­ 4pm )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ YLVLW ZZZ Á XWWHUE\] FR XN /LNH XV )OXWWHUE\])XQ%DUQ #)OXWWHU%\])XQ

Winter activities

KEEPING KIDS ACTIVE When the weather’s chilly and dismal, it’s tempting to stay at home where it’s warm and cosy. Staying active and getting fresh air is incredibly important, not just for your children but for your wellbeing, too. Here are some suggestions to try this winter…

Music & movement

Yoga, dance & martial arts

Wiggle Waggle (see p20) Huntingdon, Godmanchester, St Neots & Peterborough Brilliantly bonkers musical classes get 0-5 year olds wiggling and giggling. ( Music for Little People (see p14), Peterborough, Buckden & Cambridge There’s no sitting still at these classes as children bang drums and shake maracas.( Play Music Play, Great Cambourne Group music classes for 0-3 year olds. (

Baby & toddler yoga Classes often include fun moves and stretches, storytelling, singing, dancing and play. Mamababybliss (see p8) run courses at SJ Dance Studio, St Neots, also in Biggleswade & Sandy ( Babybliss ( also do sessions in St Ives, Huntingdon and Peterborough. Dance Introduce your child to the joy of dance in 2015. Read our listings section (p25-31) for your local dance schools. Martial arts Not only do martial arts teach discipline, it’s great exercise for 4 year olds+. See our listings.

Sports & gymnastics Little Kickers (see p20) Peterborough & Great Cambourne Indoor football sessions for 18 months to 5 year olds. ( Little Scrummers Rugby, Peterborough & Cambridge Tag rugby for 2 - 6 year olds. ( Tumble Tots and Gymbabes (see p16) Huntingdon, Peterborough & St Ives Age-appropriate classes that develop key skills through physical activity. ( Gymnastics, Huntingdon Olympic Gym Drop-in sessions for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. ( * Contact classes for taster sessions.

Indoor soft play Flutterbyz Funbarn (see p20), Fenstanton, Sacrewell’s Play Barn (see p19), Peterborough, www.sacrewell. Jungle Jims (see p10), Sandy, Leo’s Funzone, One Leisure Huntingdon and St Neots, Eat n’ Play, St Neots Big Sky, Peterborough, Activity World, Peterborough

Outdoor adventures Ferry Meadows Country Park, Peterborough Take the buggy for a relaxing walk or go puddle jumping around the lakes. There’s also a variety of activities for children from making bird boxes, guided Ranger walks and the Nature Tots group on a

Five ideas to try… 1) Take them swimming – it’s great fun and exercise (see pg 22). 2) Contact your local Children’s Centre to find out what free classes are available for your child’s age. 3) Take them to Peterborough Museum to enjoy the Chatter Trail where they can spy objects that inspire nursery rhymes. 4) Take them to storytimes or rhymetimes at your local library (see our listings). 5) Introduce them to ice skating at Planet Ice, Peterborough, or bowling for under 5s at Little Pins at One Leisure St Ives (see p23).

Monday, which includes crafts, time outdoors and story time. ferry-meadows The Raptor Foundation, Woodhurst Free for under 4s, the Raptor Foundation holds bird of prey flying displays all year round and has an outdoor play area. Hamerton Zoo Park, Huntingdon Free for under 3s. Walk around the 15-acre zoo, which is mostly undercover, looking at the variety of animals and enjoy their extensive play area. Visit our What’s On section at www. for a weekly itinerary of classes and events to help occupy your under 5s. JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY-­ MARCH 2015


Staying active

TAKE THE PLUNGE AFTER A NEW REPORT SHOWS 45% OF 7-­11 YEAR OLDS ARE UNABLE TO SWIM 25M, WE FIND OUT THE BENEFITS OF LEARNING TO SWIM BEFORE SCHOOL Some babies can swim before they can walk, but how important is it for children to learn to swim young and do you really need to spend money on classes? Despite school swimming being on the national curriculum, many primary schools still lack lessons leaving the swimming properly by the age of responsibility to teach children to three. Besides life-saving skills, their parents. And for those primary swimming is fun and also great schools that do provide classes, exercise; it’s one of few sports very often the abilities of students that’s low-impact and offers are so varied progress is slow. all-round fitness, so it’s fantastic “Water confidence is the key to for developing bodies with little teaching a child to swim and the chance of injury. older they are, the more But what if you cannot afford timid they are likely to lessons? “Parents can help be,” says Heidi France, their child be water swimming coordinator confident by playing for One Leisure. with them in the Five reasons “The younger they bath, splashing and to swim are, the easier it is pouring water over for them to get used their face, Muscle development to the environment blowing bubbles Coordination and the more and taking Water confidence relaxed and showers. Take Listening skills confident they them swimming Balance become in the water. as often as you Sessions for children can afford to as it is under 5 are play-based; consistency that is we use toys, floats and key. Some weekly nursery rhymes, so the lessons, however, can children don’t realise that cost as little as £20 per they are even learning a skill.” month – much less than taking It’s not unheard of for children as the whole family swimming once young as 12 months, with the right a week,” adds Heidi. Classes also tuition, to learn skills that could give you the support of an save their life, such as swimming to instructor, teaches you the skills to the edge after having jumped in or teach your child, not to mention being comfortable swimming it’s a fantastic bonding experience. underwater unaided. It’s not Tell us what you think about uncommon either for children swimming via Twitter who have been exposed to water @JollyTotsMag or email us your with their parents as a baby to be feedback for the next issue.


Expert view

One-to-one Vs group classes “A 1:1 lesson is always better for meeting the needs of the individual, which is difficult to do in a group. While some children thrive with this type of teaching, others find it intimidating and less enjoyable. Learning with peers has its own benefits, is cheaper and often more enjoyable for most children.” Pauline Chandler, qualified swim teacher at One Leisure, Ramsey.

SWIMMING LESSONS One Leisure: St Neots, Huntingdon, St Ives, Sawtry, Ramsey ( First Strokes, Godmanchester Little Aqua, various locations ( Vivacity Swim Academy ( WaterBabies ( My Babybliss ( Calmababy, Peterborough (

WHAT’S ON IN YOUR AREA FROM BABY AND TODDLER CLASSES TO WILDLIFE AND SOFT PLAY CENTRES, WE HAVE IT ALL... Pregnancy & babies NCT Breastfeeding counsellor visits every week. Please telephone before arriving. Call 01733 452610. The Baby Café Breastfeeding drop-in groups in Peterborough. Visit to find your local centre. NCT Bumps and Babies For pregnant parents and babies up to one year. Come along for coffee, tea, chat, play, postnatal and breastfeeding support. - Peterborough: Mons 1pm-2.30pm. Tesco community room at Serpentine Green Shopping Centre. - St Neots: Thurs 10am-12pm, Eatons Children’s Centre. MamaBabyBliss & Toddler Yoga Pregnancy & baby yoga, relaxation and baby massage. Toddler Yoga classes to stimulate and entertain 1-3 year olds, includes movement, singing, stories and treasure baskets. Thurs 10am -11am in St Neots. Call Joanna: 07904 374212 for more details and other classes. Relax & Breathe Antenatal sessions for for expectant mums to learn practical skills for use in labour. A three-week course, based in St Neots, costing £30. Email: jenny@ or read more details at Pregnancy yoga Hatha Yoga classes for mums to be. Wed 6-7pm at Longsands Academy, St Neots. Contact Linda: 01480 350345/ Mantenatal Dads-only antenatal workshops. A chance to explore pregnancy, birth and early parenting from their point of view. Email or visit BabyBliss Courses for infant massage, baby/toddler yoga, baby &

child swimming and First Aid within the Huntingdon /Peterborough area. Call Kate Stewart: 07857 683291 Daisy Birthing A course for pregnant women. Keeps the body healthy and strong through yoga, breathe work and self hypnosis. For course dates contact One Leisure St Ives 01480 388500, One Leisure Huntingdon 01480 388600. Visit: Yoga 4 Pregnancy Wed 7pm – 8.30pm. Oak Tree Centre, Huntingdon PE29 7HN. Call: Barbara Moorby 01480 380307. Beautiful Birth Hypnobirthing classes for mums to be. Learn key relaxation skills to help you manage and enjoy your birth. Contact Debbie: 07502 375459. Canuck Castings Beautiful treasured keepsakes. Expert hand and foot imprints & 3D sculptures for newborns and toddlers, done in homes across East Anglia. Discounts available when booked with a photo shoot with Caroline Ann Photography (www. Call Mark 07933 824763/www.

Nearly New Sales Baby and Children’s Market Sat 7th Feb, Cambridge Regional College; Sat 28th Feb, St Neots Priory Centre; Sat 21st March, One Leisure Huntingdon. Stalls are also available to hire from £12. Mum2Mum Market Peterborough and Stamford. Visit: for confirmed dates. NCT Nearly New Sales Visit for all 2015

dates for Huntingdon and Cambridge. Peterborough: Sat 28th March and 3 Oct; Visit for detailed events listings.

Baby & Toddler Groups Westwood & Ravensthorpe Children’s Centre Offers support to local families and fun activities. Based at Highlees and Ravensthorpe Primary School, Peterborough. Call 01733 266425. Brightfields Children’s Centre Offers support and free classes for expectant mums & 0-5yrs. Saint Mary’s Street, Farcet, Peterborough. Call 01733243223 Funky Monkeys Farcet Salvation Army Church, Peterborough. For age 0-5yrs. Tues/Thurs 9.30am - 11.30am (term times). Cost: £1 per family. Call Beverley: 01733 240130. Mini Movers. Art, craft, singing and trips for 0-5yrs. Weds 10-11.30am at Kingsgate Community Church, 2 Staplee Way, Peterborough PE1 4YT. £1.50 per family, includes drink/ snack. Call Kim Connor: 01733 311156 via church office. Young Explorers Peterborough Museum. First Thursday of the month offers special story and rhymetime for 18m - 5yrs £3 per child (babies free). Call 01733 864 700 / www.vivacity-peterborough. com/museums Nature Tots Ferry Meadows, Peterborough. Outdoor toddler group with crafts and songs. Second Monday of the month, 10-11.30am. Booking essential. 01733234193/ Tot Stop Stanground Baptist Church, Chapel Street, Peterborough PE2 8JG. Fri 9:45am-11:45am. Toys for babies, JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY -­ MARCH 2015


toddlers and pre-school children, craft activity and singing. A friendly and welcoming group. Call Jane on 01733 310411. Mummas & Bubbas Meet Up British Legion, 210 Broadway, Yaxley, PE7 3NR. Mondays in term time: 10.30 - 11.30. Cost £1. Contact Lou: 07710 465711. Email: mummasand Orton Wistow Toddlers Orton Wistow Community Centre, Napier Place Peterborough PE2 6XN. Newborn - pre-school. Indoor and outdoor play. Tues 1.15pm - 3pm (term time). Cost: £2 per family (includes drink/biscuit). Call Natasha: 07547 907303. Folksworth Toddler Group All welcome from babies to pre-school age at Folksworth Village Hall, Elm Road, Nr Peterborough, PE7 3SX. Thursday 10am - 11.30am. £2 per adult and child, 50p each additional child. £1 per adult with baby under 6 months. Contact Lisa Finch 07961 422156. Jigsaw Juniors For pre-school age. Toys, books, activities and messy play. Wed 1.30pm-2.45pm. Orton Children’s Centre, The Jigsaw Centre, Orton Malborne, Peterborough PE2 5PW Call: 01733 452690. Ramsey Children’s Centre 25 Great Whyte Ramsey PE26 1HG. Open Mon, Tues & Thurs 9am-5pm, Wed 9am-12.30pm and Fri 9. am-4.30pm. Call (01480 379420) or Ramsey Toddler Groups Scout Hut, Ramsey, Free. Unstructured play for under 5’s to develop their creative side. Soft play: Thurs 9.30am – 11.30am, Messy Play Wed 1pm-2.30pm. General Play: Fri 9.30am – 11.30am term-time only. Call Sarah Abraham:01487 813279. Little Lambs Toddler Group Salem Baptist Church, High Street, Ramsey PE26 1AB. Toddlers: Every Thurs 9.30am-11am (term time). Call Jo Smith: 01487 711109. Chatterbox Toddler Group Memorial Hall, School Lane,


Alconbury. Fri 9am - 11am. Juice/hot drinks and biscuits provided. Call Vicky Brown: 07775 777091. Poppies Children’s Centre Brampton Primary School, The Green, Brampton, PE28 4RF. MonThurs 9am-12pm (01480 376191) Brampton Baby & Toddler Group Commemoration Hall, Brampton. For 0-5 yrs, every Mon 9.30am -11.30am (term time). Arts & crafts, role play, singing, floor toys for all ages. Healthy snacks and drinks. Follow us on Facebook. Only £2. MOMS Club of Huntingdon Weekly playgroups, park days, outings, crafts, meal swap and a monthly moms night out. For details: www.momsclubofrafalconbury Rainbow Toddler Group 83A High Street, Huntingdon Community Church Centre PE29 3DP. Newborn – 4 yrs. Tues 9.30am – 11am. Cost: 50p per family, refreshments provided (01480 411665) Busybees Great Staughton Village Hall, PE19 5DG Cost: For 0 - 5 yrs. Weds (term-time only) 10.00am - 11.30am. Fruit and drink for the children, arts & crafts and floor toys. Free. Call Tracey: 01480 357540 Daffodil Children’s Centre Godmanchester Primary School, Park Lane, Godmanchester, PE29 2AG Open Mon-Fri 9am-3.30pm. Call 01480 375116 Multiple Births Group Mon 10am - 11.30am (term time) Daffodil Children’s Centre, Godmanchester Community Primary School (01480 375116). St Mary’s 0-5 Playgroup Comrades Club, 58 Cambridge Street, Godmanchester. PE29 2AY For 0-5 Yrs. Every Thursday 9:30-11:30 (term time) £2.00 per family. Craft, free play and singing. Toys for all ages. Drink and biscuits included. Call Stacey (07876191982). Email: Fenstanton Baby & Toddler Group

Church Centre, Fenstanton. Meets every Wed (inc. school hols), 10am - 11.30am.Sessions cost £2. First is free. Come along or call Becky on 01480 493067. Colne Toddler Group Colne Community Hall, East Street. 9.30-11.30am Friday during term time. Birth up-to school age. £2.00 per family. Includes refreshments. Contact Charlotte: 01487 843925. Smiley Tots Parent & Toddler Group Yelden Village Hall, Spring Lane, Yelden MK44 1BA. Every Wed 10am-12pm (term time). Come and play! £2 per family inc. drink & snack. Call Vicky: 01933 317220. Roxton Tots Climbing and ride-on toys, craft table, baby area and song time. Roxton Village Hall. Fri 9.30am11.30am. £2.50 (one adult, one child). 50p per extra adult or child over one. Refreshments included. Call Andy: 07795431766 or join our closed group on Facebook. The Eatons Children’s Centre Various sessions, courses and support available for parents/carers and children aged 0-5 years. Mon Thurs 9am - 4pm and Fri 9am - 1pm. Bushmead Primary School, Eaton Socon, St. Neots PE19 8BT. For more details 01480 358340. Visit: Who Let the Dads Out St Mary’s Church Eaton Socon. A chance to have some fun with your preschooler, eat some bacon, meet other dads, even read a newspaper! 3rd Saturday of the month at 9am. Term-time only. Cost £1 per child. Contact: Tiddlers and Toddlers Jubilee Hall, Eaton Socon, St. Neots. Est. 30 yrs. Friday 9.30am – 11.30am (term time). Call Margaret 01480 215695; Benny 07980 810313. St Neots Rural Children’s Centre Little Paxton Primary School, Gordon Road, PE19 6NG. Various session, courses and support available for parents/carers and children aged 0-5 years. Open term time Wednesday and Fridays 9am - 1pm. Tots Praise St. Neots Parish Church, PE19 2BU. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 10.3011.30. Free. Bring your little one to play and take part in a children’s Christian mini service. Term time only. Call Jane on 01480 350137

Thurs 9am - 4pm, Fri 9am - 12pm. Call: Fran (07776 494 100). Baby Lounge Time for Health, St Ives, hosts group play sessions for babies up to 15mths: Fri 10.45am – 12.00pm; and Baby Lounge Extra for 0 - 2yrs: Fri 3- 4.45 pm. Call: 01480 461411.

Butterfly Children’s Centre Various sessions, courses and support for parents/carers and children aged 0-5. Open Tues Thurs 9am -4pm. Winhills School, off Duck Lane, St. Neots PE19 2DX.

Houghton & Wyton Toddler Group Houghton & Wyton Memorial Hall, St. Ives Road, Houghton, PE28 2BJ. Arts & Crafts on Tues 10am - 11.45am (inc. holidays). Craft, free play and singing. Refreshments available. £2 per family.

Busy Bears Fun Time Newborn - 5 yrs. Wed & Fri 10am-11.30am (term time). The Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St. Neots PE19 2BH. Cost: £2.50 per child, £4 family ticket. 01480 388922.

St. Ives Christian Fellowship Parents and Toddlers Burleigh Hill Community Centre, Constable Road PE27 3ER. Newborn – 4 yrs. Thurs 9.15am – 11am (term time). Call Jason: 01480 463161.

Mornings One Leisure St Neots. Relaxed and sociable sessions that include use of Leo’s Funzone plus other fun activities. Term-time only. For reduced prices, times and dates visit

Needingworth Little Tigers Baby & Toddler Group Needingworth Village Hall, St Ives. For 0-5 yrs. Mon 10am -11:30am (term time). Call 01480 469294..

Little Angels For 0 - 4 yrs. Wed 1pm - 2.45pm (term -time only). Free play and refreshments. Berkley Street Methodist Church, Eynesbury, St. Neots PE19 2NB. Call: 01480 474062 email: Puddleducks Mums n Tots Overhills Primary School, Kimbolton, PE28 0HY. Tues 9am - 11am. £3 per family, includes drink and biscuits. Contact Mandy 01480 869370. The Daisy Children’s Centre Papworth Everard & surrounding villages. For more information about their current programme, call: 01480 831423. Baby & Me Friday 10am-11.30am. The Hub, Great Cambourne. Playtime for 0-2 year olds (older siblings up to school age welcome) £1.50 per family. www.facebook. com/BabyAndMe.cambourne St Ives Children’s Centre Wheatfields Primary School, Nene Way PE27 3WF. For 0 – 5 yrs. Mon 9am - 3pm. Tues - Wed 9am - 5pm,

Warboys Under 5’s Toddler Group High street, Warboys, PE28 2TA. Newborn – 5 yrs. Fri 1pm – 3pm. Cost: £1.50 for first child, 50p each additional child. Toys, games and refreshments. Call: (01487 823190)

Childcare AJJ Recruitment Nannies, maternity nannies, event childcare and babysitters.Call 01767 688713 Nice Nannies Now Childcare for all ages throughout East Anglia. Call 01487 823516. Cracker Jacks Nursery and out-of- school club. 3 Foundry Way, Eaton Socon, St. Neots. Call 01480 477515 Families and Childcare Information Services Local childcare information Peterborough (0800 29 89 121) Cambridgeshire (0345 04 54 014) Useful resources: www.sitters. and

Photographers Caroline Ann Photography Newborn, baby and family photography created in your home. First-year, cake smashes and mum & me packages. Call 07703274439 or visit:

Soft Play/Adventure Flutterbyz Funbarn A short drive from Huntingdon, in Fenstanton is this brilliant softplay facility with baby and toddler areas. The centre is suitable for children up to 11 years old. Specialises in parties for ages 1 to 8. Tues - Sat 10am 5pm and Sun 10am - 4pm. Costs £2.50 - £4.50. Call 01480 493394 Jungle Jims Playland 5 Tyne Road, Sandy, Beds, SG19 1SA. Indoor adventure play, separate area for under 3’s. Open Tue – Sunday. Fantastic Jungle Parties starting from £7.95. (01767 682808) Leo’s Funzone Indoor adventure play centre for babies, toddlers and children. A great venue for children’s parties.Free entry for adults and discounted entry for children under 1. Open 7 days a week. Call: 01480 388600/ visit: - One Leisure Huntingdon: St Peter’s Road, Huntingdon - One Leisure St Neots: Barford Road, St. Neots Sacrewell Play Barn Sacrewell, Peterborough PE8 6HJ. New giant softplay area for 0-12yrs. Open 7 days a week, 10am - 4pm. Call 01780 782254/www.sacrewell. Activity World Padholme Road East, Peterborough, PE1 5XH. Indoor play with separate Toddler World. Open 9.30am – 5.30pm. Closed Tues. Cost: from £4.95. Birthday parties. Call 01733 314446/www. Big Sky Adventure Play 24, Wainman Road, Shrewsbury Avenue, Woodston, Peterborough JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY -­ MARCH 2015


PE2 7BU. Soft Play area for 3 months to 11 yrs old or max height of 4 ft 11 inches. Open 9.30am – 6pm (term time), Sat 10am - 6pm, Sun 10am – 5pm. Birthday parties. Call 01733 390810/ Dave the Clown’s Fun House The Cresset, Bretton Centre, Peterborough PE3 8DX. For 0 – 8 yrs. Soft play centre. Tues - Sat 10am – 1pm. Call 01733 265705. Eat ‘n’ Play Huntingdon Road, St. Neots PE19 1XG. Large play area (max height 1.45m/4’9”) with separate toddler area. Open 11am daily. Cost: £3.75. Weekends/hols £4.25. Call 01480 471611 / Houghton Mill Houghton, Huntingdon PE28 2AZ. See a working mill in action, with lots of hands on fun. Beautiful grounds and boat rides. Ideal for a family day out. Whale of a Time Childrens indoor softplay centre. 8 Viking Way, Bar Hill, Cambridge CB23 8ELMon-Fri 10am - 5.30pm Sat & Sun 10am - 6pm (01954 781018)

Theatres Burgess Hall Westwood Road, St Ives PE27 6WU . Productions, events and discos for children throughout the year. Box Office: 01480 388500 or visit: Key Theatre Embankment Road, Peterborough. PE1 1EF. Productions aimed at children throughout the year. Box office: 01733 207239. The Cresset Theatre Rightwell, Bretton Centre, Peterborough PE3 8DX Seasonal shows for children. (01733 265705)

Developmental Play Dance and Movement Brewster Avenue Children’s Centre, 10, Brewster Avenue, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9PN. For 12mths


- 5yrs. Thurs 1.15pm - 2.15pm. Just drop in (term time). Call 01733 452600. Happy Faces 16 Lincoln Road, Glinton, Peterborough. Monthly fee. Organised educational play sessions for 8mths - 5yrs for 1hr 15mins Monday to Friday. Call Claire 01733 324851 / 07714276901.

Languages La Jolie Ronde French Open Centre 58 Burleigh Road, St. Ives PE27 3DF. Introduction to French with songs, rhymes and games. Age 5+ Call Anna Ireland: 01480 382036. Minilinguals Learn Spanish with your toddler through music, movement and rhyme. For 0 -5yrs in St Neots. Contact Vicky: 07979 503269 /

Music/Singing/Clap & Sing Warboys Community Primary School Community Hall. All pre-schoolers welcome. Thurs 1.45pm - 2.45pm (term time). Cost: £1 donation. Call: Kate Smith (01487 824390). Clap & Sing / Parachute Play The Rainbow Children’s Centre Sure Start Parkhall Road, Somersham. For newborn – 5yrs. Song and movement to stimulate babies. Wed 9.30am – 10.30am, 10.30am – 11.30am (term-time only). Pre-enrolment. Voluntary donation. Call: Trisha (01487 741456). Encore Concerts St. Mary’s Church, Eaton Socon. Every third Thursday of the month. These classical concerts are perfect or all ages but are aimed at babies to pre-school. Adults £5, children free. Refreshments included. Contact / Music for Little People Fun and educational music classes for 0 - 5 years. All taught by qualified musicians and teachers.

Call Karen: 01480 812469 / Musical Minis Heritage Park Primary School, Park Farm, Stanground and Alwalton. From 0 - 5yrs. Music sessions for babies and toddlers. Call: Janie (01778 570340) Sing and Sign Samuel Pepys School, St. Neots. For 6 - 18mths. Thursdays. Learn to communicate with your baby or toddler pre-speech. Call Julie Warriner for details 01767 691488. Tiny Talk Whaddon, Cambourne, Histon & Brampton. Baby signing classes for all babies and young toddlers. Class is 1 hr - ½ hr singing and signing followed by ½ hr social time. Call: Carol (0795 1601107) Email: Tuneful Tots Brewster Avenue Children’s Centre, 10, Brewster Avenue, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9PN. For 0 - 5yrs. First session 9.30am -10.25am. Second session 10.50am to 11.45am. To book call: (01733 452600). Warboys Clap and Sing (including Toy Library) Warboys Community Primary School Community Hall. All pre-schoolers welcome. Thurs 1.45pm - 2.45pm (term time). Cost: £1 donation. Call: Kate Smith (01487 824390). Wiggle Waggle Lively, fun and educational music, dance and fitness programme for ages 0-5. Build confidence, self-esteem and fitness. Mon 9.30am in Huntingdon; Tues 9.30am Godmanchester; Thurs 10.15am and 1pm in Hamptons area of Peterborough; Fri 10am St Neots. Call Sharon for details: 01480 382103 / shaz_simmons@yahoo. / Just Drama Huntingdon, St Neots and St Ives. For 3 - 18 year olds, £8 per hour. Call Natalie: 07870249129 On Stage Youth Theatre School

71, Shakespeare Road, St. Ives PE27. For age 4+. Train in the performing arts in a fun and friendly environment. Call: 01480 461959 / visit: Stagecoach Theatre Arts School For age 4 +. Learn to act, sing and dance and build confidence. For Huntingdon classes contact: Jo (01353 667442) and Peterborough call: Ashleigh (01778 440077) Stage Stars Theatre Academy Alconbury, Brampton, Papworth & Sawtry. Classes in drama, singing and dance for ages 2+. Contact Gemma: 07807193182. Stars on Stage UK Alconbury, Woodston & Orton Waterville. Dance and drama classes from 18m - school age. Courses run over half term and summer holidays. For full details Contact: Sam & Hannah stars-on-stage@hotmail.

Entertainers/Parties Colin Daines MMC Magic and balloon modelling. Member of the magic circle. Family occasions a speciality (01480 212571) Crafty Monkey Moores Walk, St Neots or Mobile. Offers Pottery Painting, Build a Bear, decopatch & Jewellery making parties for all ages. Call 01480 219222/ Kreepie Krawlies Soft Play A soft play party hire in the Cambs area. Call 07447 582457 / 01763 209 174 / Little Beans Parties Themed parties for children aged 1 +. Call Natalie: 07870 249129. Party at One Leisure One Leisure Huntingdon, Ramsey, Sawtry, St. Ives and St. Neots. All One Leisure sites provide a wide range of fun pool, soft play and sports birthday parties for under 5’s and juniors. Contact your local One Leisure site for details: Huntingdon: 01480 388600, Ramsey: 01480 387900, Sawtry: 01480 387800, St.

Ives: 01480 388500, St. Neots: 01480 388700 or visit Party Time! Fun entertainment for Babies ,Tots through to Pre Teens. Choose from: Knights & Princesses, Grease, Tearless & Fearless, Ugly Bug & Beautiful Butterfly ball or Pirates & Fairies. Call: Trisha (01487 741456) The Birthday Football Club TBFC deliver completefootball birthday parties. Personalised Invitations, Party Bags & Personalised Homemade Cake, all included! Call Gareth: (07901 022874).

Storytime/Rhymetimes Bretton District Library The Cresset, Rightwell, Bretton, Peterborough PE3 8DS.Storytime: Thurs 11am -11.30am. Rhymetime: Tues 11 - 11.30am. Story and Rhyme time: Sat 10.30am - 11am. Cambourne Library Rhymetime and Storytime alternate Fridays from 9.30am -10.00am. Chatteris Library 2 Furrowfields Road, Chatteris PE16 6DY Storytime, Tues 2:15pm2:45pm (term-time only), Rhymetime (0-3 yrs), Thurs 10am-11am (term-time only) Dogsthorpe Community Library Central Avenue, Dogsthorpe, Peterborough PE1 4LH. Stories and rhymes: Tues 2.30 3pm; Thurs 2.30-3pm and Sat 11-11.30am. Eye Library Crowland Road, Eye, Peterborough

PE6 7TN. Under 5’ s storytime: Mon 10.30am - 11am. Rhyme Time: Mon 11am - 11.30am. Children’s craft club, Sat 11am - 12pm. Call: 01733 864142. Hampton Library 6B Serpentine Green Shopping Centre, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8DR. Rhymetime: Tuesday, 10.15 – 10.45am. Storytime: Thurs 3.30-4pm & Sat 11.30-12pm. Huntingdon Library Princes Street, Huntingdon PE29 3PH. Storytime: 18mths – 5 yrs, Weds 10.30am –11am. Rhymetime: 0-18m Fri 10 - 10.30am; 18m - 3yrs Fri 11am - 11.30am. Orton District Library Orton Centre, Peterborough PE2 5RQ. Storytime: Orton Library Storytime is every Thursday, 10 – 10.30am (all year round) and every Saturday 11 – 11.30am. Rhymetime: Mon 11am -11.30am. Peterborough Central Library Broadway, Peterborough PE1 1RX Storytime: Fri 2.15pm - 2.45pm, Sat 10.30am -11am & 2.15pm - 2.45pm. Rhyme Time: Thurs 1.30pm-2pm. Ramsey Library School Lane, Ramsey PE26 1AF. Rhymetime: 0-3yrs. Fri 10.30 - 11am. Sawtry Library Fen Lane, Sawtry PE28 5TQ. Rhymetime for 0-18m: Weds 10am -10.30am weekly. Somersham Community Information Centre Church Street Somersham PE28 3EG.For pre-school children. Tues 10.30am11am - stories & rhyme ending with a craft activity every week. JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY -­ MARCH 2015


Stanground Community Library Southfields Avenue, Peterborough PE2 8RZ. Storytime: Fri 3.30pm 4pm. Rhymetime Tues 10 -10.30am. St. Ives Library Station Rd, St. Ives PE27 5BW. Rhymetime for pre-schoolers Weds 10.00am – 10.30am and 11.15-11.45am. St. Neots Library Priory Lane, St. Neots PE19 2BH. Rhymetime for 18m - pre-schoolers: Mon 2pm–2.30pm; For 0 - 18mths Fri 10am-10.30 & 11.15- 11.45am. Thorney Library Church Street, Thorney, Peterborough, PE6 0QB. Story and Rhymetime Mon 2.30pm - 3pm. Warboys Library High Street, Warboys PE28 2TA. Rhymetime for 18mths - 5yrs Tues 11-11.30am. Storytime:Thurs 10.30am – 11am. Werrington District Library Staniland Way, PE4 6JT.Storytime: Tues 2pm – 2.30pm. Sat 10.45am 11.15am. Rhyme Time: Fri 2.15pm – 2.45pm. Call: 01733 864282. Woodston Library Orchard Street, Peterborough PE2 9AL.Storytime: Thurs 10.30am 11am. Rhyme Time: Wed 2.15pm – 2.45pm. Yaxley Library Lansdowne Rd, Yaxley. Storytime: Tues 10.30am– 11am (term time). Rhymetime for 0-18m: Fri 10.30am–11am.

5]UŸ[ Å\VM[[ Buggyfit Postnatal outdoor workout. www. for local classes Jazzercise Pulse-pounding, beat-pumping fitness program. Find your local class at Quote Jolly Tots to get a discount Realfit Conditioning & Education Postnatal and customised women’s workouts available in St Neots. 01480 219272/info@

,IVKM Dance Studio The Cresset, Rightwell, Bretton,


Peterborough PE3 8DX.Classes for age 2+. Babies Ballet age 3+ Fri 3.15pm - 3.45pm. Modern and tap age 4+ Sat 2pm - 2.30pm. Term-time only. Call: 01733 842516.

Hartford, Huntingdon and Sawtry. Ballet classes. For age 3yrs +. Contact: Wendy 01487 822002 /

Dance Supplies 20, Bridge Street, St. Ives PE27 5EG. Authorised retailer (01480 498174)

Dribblers Football School - One Leisure St Ives, Westwood Road. For ages 2+ years. 01480 388500. - One Leisure Sawtry, Green End Road, Sawtry PE28 5UY. For ages 3 - 5 yrs. 01480 387800. - One Leisure St Neots, Barford Road, Eynesbury, St Neots. For ages 3 – 4 yrs. 01480 388700.

Kelly Marie’s Dance Supplies Unit 2, Fishers Yard, Market Square, St. Neots PE19 2AF. Outfit sizes fromage 2. Call: (01480 477212). Linda Allen School of Dance Alconbury, Kimbolton & Spaldwick Ballet, Tap & jazz classes from 3½ yrs. Email: balletclass@btinternet. com / New Road Studios New Road, St. Ives, PE27 5BG.Dance, singing and drama. Dance parties Call : Lucie (01480 493111). Peterborough Academy of Dance 19, Abbotsbury, Orton Malborne, Peterborough PE2 5PS. Various classes for under fives. Call: Jill Dawson (01733 234 555). Saldance Theatre Arts 27, Fenlake Business Centre, Peterborough PE1 5BQ.Mums & Tots (from age 2): Thurs 1.15pm. Pre-school age: Thurs 2pm. Cost: ÂŁ4 per session. Call Nicola Storton on 01733 340003 or email: Stage Door School of Dance St. B’s Hall, Yaxley., PE7 3LZ. Pre-School Ballet on Tues, Weds, Thurs. Call Lesley: 01733 244779 Stageworks Studios The Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots PE19 5TA.Toddler Dance: Tues 10am - 10.45am. Call Pauline: 01480 812626 Tu Danse Studios Newark Road, Peterborough, PE1 5YD. Dance & movement classes for age 2 yrs+. Contact: Anita (01733 553830) E-mail: Wendy Burke School of Dance


Little Kickers Football coaching in Peterborough (Sunday) and Cambourne (Thursday) for 18mths – 5yrs. Children learn football skills with a positive introduction to sport. For free taster session at Peterborough For class details visit: Tiny Tykes Peterborough. 6-week football coaching courses for 18m – 5yrs. Call 07944889321 / Little Scrummers Peterborough & Cambridge. Various Saturday morning rugby sessions for 2yrs – 6yrs. Call 07738591232 Balanceability Introduction to cycling in a safe environment. Develop cycling skills, balance, co-ordination, agility and flexibility. 6-week accredited programme for 2½ to 4yrs Runs at One Leisure St Ives (01480 388500) and Cambourne Fitness and Sports Centre, CB23 6FY (01954 714070).

/aUVI[\QK[ Tumble Tots & Gymbabes For 6mths - 7 yrs. For St Neots & Huntingdon, contact Cheryl 07871 946695; Peterborough: Amanda (01832 272127);St. Ives Karen (01353 661255) Baby Gym Huntingdon Gymnastics Club, Claytons Way PE29 1UT. Class for 8wks old - walking, 10.50am 11.35am; baby walking – 2yrs, Fri

10am -10.45am; £3, term-time only. Structured toddler sessions call to pre-book. 01480 523 43.

Hicks (01733 810043 / 07974 196256).

Tumble Tots For classes in Peterborough call: Amanda (01832 272127) and St. Ives Karen (01353 661255) www.

First Strokes Godmanchester Community Pool, Park Lane, Huntingdon PE29 2AG. Swimming lessons for all. (01480 375145)

Skating/Bowling Tots Planet Ice 1 Mallard Road, Peterborough, PE3 8YN. Supervised skating sessions for 18mths - 5yrs with qualified coach. Pay £4.50 for first child, second child £1.50. Sun 10am-11am. Call 01733 260222 / www. Roller Skating @ One Leisure Get your skates on to One Leisure. Fun roller skating sessions for all the family every Sunday and also during the school holidays. Available at One Leisure St Ives (01480 388500) and One Leisure St Neots (01480 388700). Little Pins @ Basement Lanes Social 1½-hour tenpin bowling for parents and under 5’s on Wednesdays and Fridays. One Leisure St Ives, Westwood Road, St Ives PE27 6WU. Call 01480 388500 to book.

Martial Arts Black Belt Attitude Tora Kai Karate classes at various locations, For age 4+. Call: 01733 246471 / 07800 985724 / Evolution Taekwondo Martial Arts Academy, Unit 4, Wainman Road, Peterborough PE2 7BU. Classes from age 4. Call for more info (01733 235230) or email: Little Ninja’s (Hicks Karate) Loxley Community Centre, Loxley, Peterborough, PE4 5BW and Dogsthorpe Community Centre, Poplar Avenue, PE1 4QF. Martial Arts Classes for age 3+. Call Andrew


Baby & Junior Swimming Lessons One Leisure Huntingdon, Ramsey, Sawtry, St. Ives and St. Neots. Qualified teaching staff help your child gain confidence, develop technique and enjoy swimming. Call local site for details: Huntingdon: (01480 388600) Ramsey: (01480 387900) Sawtry: (01480 387800) St Ives: (01480 388500) St Neots: (01480 388700) or visit: Kimbolton School Swimming Pool Kimbolton, PE28 0EA. The pool is open to the public all year for general swimming for children under 8yrs with parents. Lessons for over 5’s. Call 01480 862276/ Water Babies Teach your baby to swim at classes in Buckden, Colne, Cambridge and Wellingborough. From Newborn. Call Debi Hogston 01933 651790/ Oasis Beach Pool Aquapark in Bedford, MK42 OBZ. Features flumes, rapid river and an area for babies and toddlers. Under 3s free, kids and adults £4.50 - £7.

Toy libraries Huntingdon Toy Library Huntingdon Nursery School, Ambury Rd, Huntingdon PE29 1AD. Newborn – 5 years. Thurs 9am 11.15am, 12.45pm – 3pm. £1 per year subs then 25p per toy. Term-time only. Call: Mary Mansfield (01480 375216).St. Neots Butterfly Children’s Centre Winhills School, off Duck Lane 01480 358350 , open Tues – Thurs 9am – 4pm; The Eatons Children’s Centre, Bushmead School, Eaton

Socon 01480 358350 Mon -Thurs 9am - 4pm and Fri 9am - 1.00pm; St Neots Rural Children’s Centre Little Paxton School, open term-time Mon-Fri 9am – 1pm Call: 01480 358350. Highlees Children’s Centre, PE3 7ER. Pop in any time. Baby Explorers - Fri 12.45am - 2pm. No charge and no booking needed. Call: Steph for more details (01733 260833).

Wildlife Centres Hamerton Zoo Park Nr Sawtry, Huntingdon PE28 5REWildlife park and adventure playground. Open daily. www. Sacrewell Peterborough, PE8 6HJ. From £5.50 Activity barns, tractor rides and shire horses, Sacrewell has lots to entertain and inform your little ones all year round. Pigeons Farm Wisbech Road, Peterborough, PE6 0TD. Many breeds of farm animals and birds, large play area, restaurant and shop. Open all year. For more details call 01733 271020 or 01733 271414, email: info@pigeonsfarm. or visit: Shepreth Wildlife Park Station Road, Shepreth, SG8 6PZ. Adventure playground and soft playroom for under 5yrs. Open 10am - 5pm. Call 01763 262226 / The Raptor Foundation The Heath, St. Ives Road, Woodhurst, Huntingdon PE28 3BT. Open daily, flying displays. Cost: Under 3’s free. Age 4+ £3. Adults: £5. Call 01487 741140/ Wood Green The Animal Charity King’s Bush Farm, Godmanchester PE29 2NH. Animal re-homing centre. Children’s play area, pet supplies and shop. Open 10am – 4pm daily. 0844 248 8181/ JOLLY TOTS / JANUARY -­ MARCH 2015 31




NTER JOLLY TOTS magazine’s 2015 cover contest to win a lifestyle photo shoot and the chance to feature your child in Jolly Tots magazine! In partnership with Huntingdon-based Caroline Ann Photography (, the contest entitles your child to a one-hour session, five digital images and the cover image as a luxury 5x7in print. You can show us how cute your kid is by uploading a photo of your child (newborn to five years old) via our Facebook page,Twitter or at: You can also learn more about Caroline Ann Photography at Carolineannphotographyuk

For terms and conditions visit: Upload to Facebook:

How to enter Upload a recent picture of your child (newborn to 5 years) via Facebook, Twitter or Each person can enter one image between 7 January to 30 April 2015. Tweet us your picture to @JollyTotsMag using the #MyKidsCutest Upload your image to our Facebook contest page: www.

Upload to Twitter: @JollyTotsMag

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