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Unit 5 Jeloou 2º de Bachillerato

José Luis Navarro Piqueras

3. Answer these questions: 1. What do you hear you don’t expect? 2. How long does the tour last? 3. What is the Sock Mob? 4. Why are the touring guides different? 5. Who is Banksy? 6. What was really moving about Vinny? 7. What happened to Vinny from time to time? 8. What is the main purpose of the Unseen Tours? 9. What do the guides share? 10. Why will the author’s view of London change? 4. Are these sentences true (T) of false (F)? COPY the literal words from the text that justify your answer 1. ______ There is a bus that takes tourists around London

2. ______ The author prefers not to say Vinny’s surname

3. _____ All the guides are homeless and untrained

4. _____ The surroundings of Berkeley Square are a poor neighbourhood

5. _____ All the guides are Sock Mob volunteers

5. Writing Have you ever seen a homeless in your town? What do you think should be done?


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