John Bonano | Graduate Architecture Portfolio 2013

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Professor: Studio Title:


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JOHN BONANO 2019A GROVE AVE RICHMOND, VA 23220 Tel : 919.218.9340 Email : john.michael.bonano@

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P o es Professor: Prof esso sor: r: Studio Stud udioo Title: Tititle le::


\ müv-mə \ˈ mənt mə n\


th he act off cha hang ngin ng ing in in n place c or po ce positi tiion on;; a particular manner of moving


Projjeecct Deesc P s riipt ptio ionn: Vissua io ual co comm comm mmun u ication, describeed ed as th he co convey ya ce of id an deeaas an andd in nfo form rmat rm atio at i n in io n for orms or m that can bee read or o loo ooke ked ke uuppon, onn, is a ubi b qu quit itou it ouss to ou ooll utiilized througghout the design real alm al m. Wit ih this th is proje ject je ctt, I so ct, soug u ht to co ug commun mm mu icat a e a sense of movvement on a two wo-d mens di nsio ns iona io naal pl plat atfo at form fo rm. I achi rm hiev hi eved ev e thiis by photographiing vario ed ous actts off motionn and n com mpi p liing the ass sssorrte tedd im images into an 8 x 16” collage tha h t wouldd leead a the viewer’s ey eye ye throouggh eaach c image succh that he orr she wooul uldd experience movement.

P ofes Professor: Prof e soor: Weiling He, Texas A&M University es SStudio St uddioo Title: Tititle le: ARC502 Visual Communications

Project Solution: All images were captured at close range to ensure sufP fici cien e t blur and obscurity of the subject, the en hheere r by enriching the sensation off mov ovem emen em men ent. Images to be used wit ithin th the collage were selected based on the preseence ncce of o hig gh co c nttra rast st and n uni n quue form that assuredd bala baala lance througghout the com mpo position pos on. Th on Thee finaal pr prod o uct entices the viiew od wer’s ’s eye ye to wan nde d r across each imag ag ge with hin the collage, allowingg him too pe perr rceive visual movement.



\məə-ˌttir \m ir-ē -ē--ˈaa-ləə-t -tē\


th he conc ncep eptt of of,, or app ppli lied ed use of, var ario ious us mat ater eria ials ls or su subs bsta tances inn th thee meediium of buil ildi ding ng

Project Desccri Proj ription: Matter e ia iali lity ty is th thee co confl nfluuen ence of ph phys ysic ical al obj bjec ects ts that provide idess a mean ns of aes esth thet etic ic cre reat atio ionn. Sto tone ne, fo forr ex exam ampl plee, is a natturaal ma na mate teri rial wit ithh uniq ique ue pro rope pert rtiiess wh w ich, by itse self lf, ha has limited use. us e However er,, wh when en stone iss co c mbin ned wit ithh ot othe herr ma mate teri rial als, s like cement nt and n waterr, th thee distinct ct str truc uctu tura rall at a tributes of th thee st ston onee be beco c me enha en hanc nced ed. Th This is pro roje ject ct too ookk th thee ph phrase “mateeri rial alit ity” y” in itts mo ost lit i eral form fo rm by co comb mbin i in ng two di diff ffer eren entt ma mate terial ialss to cre reatee a singgle l 16 square-in nch cub ube. e

P fes Professor: Prof e sor: o Jessica Johnson, NC State University Studio Stud St u io Title: Title: ARC102 Introduction to Architecture

Pr Project Solu luti tion on:: In cho h ossin ingg my pri r maaryy mat ater e ial, I sou ough ghtt an obj bject that was both tr tran ansp sparren entt an andd self-conta tain inin ng to pro rovi vide de gre reat ater er artistic frreedom with the he sec econ o dary mat ater eria ial. l. I ultimat atel elyy ch chos osee to use chicken en w re as my prima wi mary ry materiaal an and ro rock ckss ass my se seco ond ndar aryy mate teri rial al. Th Thee ch hic ickeen wi w re bec ecam amee th thee en nclosure an andd the ro rock cks be beca c me the he pat atte tern a d ma an m ss, cr crea eati ting ng a struc u tu t ra rall llyy so soun undd obje ject ct des e pi p te the mag agni nitu tudee off emptty sp em spac ace wi with t in i the enclosure re.

ANALYSIS * n \ə-ˈna-lə-səs\



methodical and detailed examination of the constitution or structure of something, especially information, typically for purposes of explanation

Project Description: Without analysis of distinguished architectural works of the past, designers of the present would have no program for the future. For this project, two of my student colleagues and I were given the name of an historic piece of architecture. We were then asked to analyze photographs and drawings in plan, section and elevation to learn the meticulous process of generating architecture. Following the research phase, our group was required to make a 1/8” = 1’ scaled section model depicting the primary theme of the building, as well as to provide supplementary perspective drawings to elaborate the theme’s importance.

P Professor: Jessica Johnson, NC State University Studio Title: ARC 102 Introduction to Architecture

Project Solution: Our group was assigned La Tourette, a residence and chapel for Dominican Friars by Le Corbusier. The process of making the section model proved to be a great challenge, for there were many images of La Tourette, but very few plan or section drawings. Due to the building’s unique site conditions, particularly its location on the side of a steep hill, we wanted to ensure that we balanced the small monks’ quarters on one side of the building to the massive chapel on the other. The inherent difference in scale of public versus private space became the thematic descriptor for both the section model and the interior perspective drawings.

ADAPTATION * n \ˌa-ˌdap-ˈtā-shən, -dəp-\ {


modification, as if to make fit for a new use

Project Description: Utilizing the knowledge we gained from our analysis of La Tourette, this follow-up project placed my student colleagues and I at a site in downtown Raleigh, NC. This intriguing site was 40’ wide x 120’ deep and was enclosed on both sides by neighboring buildings. Our assignment was to adapt the layout of the building into a new YWCA for the downtown district. The language, rhythm, theme and overall understanding of our architectural precedent (La Tourette) was to be applied to this new building.

P Professor: Jessica Johnson, NC State University Studio Title: ARC102 Introduction to Architecture

Project Solution: Using undertones of La Tourette, the spaces in the new YWCA were strategically divided into “small private,” “medium-communal,” and “large recreational” vicinities. Furthermore, we designed the building’s entrance to reflect Le Corbusier’s popular technique of presenting interesting architectural views while forcing further exploration of the building. We replicated this technique by designing a long, narrow ramp suspended above a natural courtyard at the entrance of the building that was immediately seen, but not physically accessible to the guest. After passing through the medium communal space, the guest gains access to the suspended ramp via a narrow corridor. In this corridor, the guest has the choice of exploring a large recreational room beyond the ramp, or a tiny spiral staircase that leads to private spaces above. By creating a division of space within the building, we implore the guest to engage in a deeper exploration of the underlying architecture.

P Professor: Laura Battaglia, NC State University Studio Title: ARC202 Building Transformation




a marked change, as in composition or structure, usually for the better


Project Description: Before any transformation can occur, there must first be an understanding of the rudimentary structure and composition of the object which will be altered. In this project, I analyzed two objects: a structure designed by nature and a structure designed by man. Once I simplified each object into a basic diagram, I transformed the natural object (a pine cone) into the famous building, Kiasma, by Steven Holl. Project Solution: The process of reducing and categorizing complex information is a tool that designers utilize on a daily basis. With this project, I simplified my natural and man-made objects into categorical drawings that expressed each object’s unique qualities of geometry, part-to-whole, and axis. After understanding the generative nature of each structure individually, I compiled the information of both structures together to diagram the transformation of a pine cone into a building.

L O C AT I O N * n




a site or position

Project Description: Before a building enters the sky, it must be placed on the earth. The goal of this project was to study the site, location and orientation of a proposed piece of architecture in Charleston, SC. Using maps of Charleston dating back to the early 1700s, my student group created a series of diagrams depicting the historical progression of the city with regards to architectural form and density. After generating these diagrams, we designed a unique site model on a specified parcel of land. Initial research by my colleague and I on the history of Charleston’s architecture led to the discovery of intriguing legal precedents which are enforced to this day, such as a law prohibiting the construction of an edifice taller than the highest steeple in the city. This law played a considerable role in the design of our site model, as our site housed three of the oldest churches in Charleston.

Professor: P Professor: Fei Wong, NC State University Studio Title: Studio Title: ARC201 Site Planning

Project Solution: After experiencing our site on foot, my colleague and I concurred on the overwhelming presence of the three churches on our site. This sentiment led us to the creation of a model which portrayed the churches as an omnipresent entity in the pedestrian experience of Charleston. Our model focused on three key components of design: the landform, the man-made, and time. Time is a difficult medium to represent in a static model, so we used light, distance and a “ripple effect” to signify a visual “fall-off.” When viewing our site model aerially, the light was brightest within the walls of the churches. As light extended from each of the churches to their neighboring buildings, its intensity diminished until the presence of another church was felt.





the condition or degree of being stretched to stiffness

Project Description: In Spring 2009, NC State’s College of Design celebrated its 60th anniversary. A temporary canopy structure was needed to provide shade and shelter for several of the celebration’s events, thus a design competition for the tensile structure ensued. The canopy would need to provide coverage for at least 80 seated guests and fit within one of the courtyards surrounding the College of Design. Additional guidelines required that the canopy be self-supporting in nature and not have any major connections to existing structures. If the proposed structure was well received by the public, then it would be left up indefinitely.

P Professor: Wayne Place, NC State University Studio Title: ARC302 Building Structures

Project Solution: I, along with two of my student colleagues, designed a self-supporting canopy structure which drew inspiration from the Denver International Airport, designed by an NC State College of Design alumnus. Steel was used as the structural backbone, while white tensile fabric comprised the majority of the canopy. Following review by alumni of the College of Design, our project was selected as a finalist, but due to limited funding was unable to be constructed for the event.

TECTONICS * adj \tek-ˈtä-niks\


of or pertaining to building or construction


Project Description: Every year in the Fundamentals of Structures course in the NC State School of Architecture students collaborate to create a steel-reinforced, concrete beam to be tested under a static point load. Each group is provided with a 10 foot piece of 3/4” rebar and a bag of concrete, and is allowed two weeks for fabrication. The beam must be 8 feet wide and have no more than 5 inches of supportive surface on either end.

P Professor: Wayne Place, NC State University Studio Title: ARC232 Building Systems

Project Solution: Considering the structural allowances of the beam, our group used the concept of a pre-tensioned beam similar to that used in the construction of bridges to create an active, bow and arrow-like beam. An aluminum encased piston was cast at the center of the beam which, when compressed, caused the concrete beam to camber. Once the piston had fully receded into the beam, the pre-tensioned concrete could support over 4,000 lbs of force. Our beam set a new record for force load that has yet to be surpassed.

VERNACULAR * adj \və(r)-ˈna-kyə-lər\



of, relating to, or characteristic of a period, place, or group;especially : of, relating to, or being the common building style of a period or place Project Description: As an exchange student at Texas A&M University, I had the privilege of studying under Pliny Fisk in a semester-long studio. Pliny is a highly respected designer in the world of regional and sustainable design. The goal of this studio was to design place-sensitive structures which adhered to the materiality and engineering principles used within its region, formally known as vernacular design.

P Professor: Pliny Fisk, Texas A&M University Studio Title: ARC401 Architectural Vernacular

Project Solution: We educated ourselves on abundant and scarce resources specific to our Texas region, and then designed a structure that would maximize the efficient use of both of these resources. We determined that in the arid regions of Texas there was an abundance of low-growing ashe trees, but a limited supply of water. We sought to utilize the abundant products to create a system that would harness the scarce resources. Therefore, we used “concrete” blocks which used ashe instead of stone as the aggregate material to construct our system. These pseudo-concrete blocks allowed for rapid construction using local, organic materials. We then manipulated our designed structure to have a curved roof which allowed for water collection and distribution to the surrounding community.


\ˌȯr-ē-ən-ˈtā-shən, -ˌen-\



a usually general or lasting direction of thought, inclination, or interest

Project Description: Much of “the sacred” in today’s world focuses on reconnecting with nature and approaching a sense of individual identity. The ACSA Steel Design Competition challenged architecture students to design a public, urban center dedicated to reconnecting people with themselves, others, and nature. This new institution intends to stop the perpetual cycles of production and consumption that dictate our lives by orienting our attention to the beauty of simply “being.” In order to create a space infused with the “Re-Ligare” mantra of mindfulness and introspection, this institute would need to be a mental and spiritual retreat that facilitates mind-body connection.

P Professor: Tom Barrie, NC State University Studio Title: ARC402 Spiritual Design

Project Solution: Fundamentally, the institute is divided into active, social, and private spaces that are oriented around a double wall that mediates between the secular and sacred realms. Understanding the transition one makes through the objective, intersubjective, and subjective states of mind, we developed a system of hierarchy that parallels the transition of public to secluded spaces. By participating in this transition of space, one can orient himself within the environment as well as to his sense of being. At the pedestrian level, the double wall of the institute serves as a threshold marking entry into the sacred interior where social gardens are present. These social spaces act as intermediary zones for specific activities (yoga, meditation, cycling, etc). and allow for spiritual reconnection within the intersubjective.


First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor


FFirm: 3north Architects Project: Grove Park Inn Description: Design and render a 3D model depicting a custom lighting fixture.



\ˌvvi-zh i-zh izhəə-w wə-llə-ˈzzāā-ssh shən\


th he pr p ocess of for ormi ming mi ng a mentaal picturre or mak king in n vi visi sibl blee

Professor: Studio Title:

Viisuual aliz izat iz atio ionn is a pro rocess sss thatt I haave grown wn to lo love v andd apppreeciate durr ing my tim in me in n the he professsio onal woorl rldd off desig ign. ig n. For me,, the proce cess ss of crea cr eati ea tin ti ing ng arc rchi h teectur uree is is mos ost gratifyiing n oncce a tw twoo dimeensi nsiona iona nall draw drraw aw-ing es esca cape p s itts cons nsttrai traineed,, flat plane and step ep ps in nto a com mpl plex ex,, thre ex th hre reeedimensional world. d Witth th thee ad adve vent ve ntt of co com mputer mput mp utter e -aid ded des e ig ignn an andd 33D modeling, the visualizzat atio ionn pr io proc occes esss ca can be can be att ttai aine ai ined need in a few shoort r dayss rather than in month hs or yea earss. Th Thee fo folllow llowin in ng pr proojec ojects were ere deesi sign g ed, modeled and rendereed by my yse self sel lf in co oll llabor llab ab bor orat atio at ionn wi io w th h 3 North orrth Arcchitects in Richmond, VA aan nd Er Eric i k Va ic V n Eg geerraa aat As A so soci ciat ci ated at ed Archi hitectts in n Budapest, Hungary.

F Firm: 3north Architects Project: Royall and Company Description: Design and render a 3D model showcasing the entry and grande stair. Right: Entry Canopy

P Professor: Studio Title:

Professor: Studio Title:

FFirm: 3north Architects Project: Steward School Description: Create and render a 3D model exploring interior views of the design proposal. Left: Exterior rendering from the street.

FFirm: 3north Architects Firm: 3north Architects Project: Redskins Training Facility Project: Redskins Training Facility Description: Replicate site conditions Description: Replicate existing site in 3D andconditions render a conceptual building proposal. and begin concept model

Professor: Weiling He Program: 1. Take 50 composed photographs portraying point line and plane. 2. Crop and compile photographs to create form.

for building design.

P Professor: Studio Title:

F Firm: Erick Van Egeraat Project: Chess and Billiard Hall, Khanty, Russia Description: Design a 3D model of an exterior bench Right: Exterior rendering post processed in Photoshop.

P Professor: Studio Title:

Professor: Studio Title:

FFirm: Erick Van Egeraat Project: Fashion Theatre, Khanty, Russia Description: Interior rendering post processed in Photoshop. Left: Exterior rendering post processed in Photoshop.

Professor: Studio Title:

FFirm: Erick Van Egeraat Project: Budapest City Hall, Budapest Hungary Description: Exterior rendering post processed in Photoshop.

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