Connect NTCG Rochester

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Connect with Rochester Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Date: 20th June 2022

Deptford District Convention 2nd - 3rd July 2022

Weekly Services Sunday 11am Family Worship 6pm Joint service with Wellington (Zoom only) Tuesday 8pm Discipleship Lessons (Zoom) 7.45pm Alpha (Zoom) Set Dates

The theme for our District Convention is ‘Better Together: Re-ignited’. Please make every effort to support over these two evenings: Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 6:30pm. We will meet as usual in Rochester on Sunday morning at 11am.

Love Offering If you are able to we would like to collect a special love offering for our District Bishop Lloyd Henry. Place your gift in an envelope and hand it to Bro Kevin. The presentation will be made in the District Convention. Thank you as always for your continued support. Membership Classes Wednesday at 8 - 8:45pm on Zoom • 29th June

• 6th July

Friday 8pm Touch and Agree Prayer (Zoom)

Other Activities • Youth

• Men • Women For more information on these activities please email

• 13th July To sign up and receive the Zoom link please contact Rev Christopher Lindo.

Water Baptism We are planning a baptismal service in Rochester in August 2022. Speak to Pastor Jancie for more information.

40th Church



I just wanted to reflect on what it has meant or done for me.

I went on the Alpha to encourage my 2 sisters who I invited to attend. I was not sure if it was for me or what to expect. I can honestly say that it has been an eye opener and a blessing for me. Every week each topic along with the video showed that I did need to be on this course and needed it as much as my sisters. It has given me the encouragement to speak on things that God has brought me through without shame or not feel that I am the only one going through it. It also showed me the importance of prayer, and reading the Word of God. Even though I knew some of this it is good to be reminded. Finally, this is definitely a course for everyone; believers and unbelievers because there is something for all to take away and ponder over. Sis Pearl Miller

Medway Foodbank Please join us in our 10p weekly challenge for the Medway Foodbank. We would like for you to contribute toward this every Sunday that you are in attendance. In addition, you can also contribute food items. For further information, please contact Sis Ladonna, Rev Angela or Rev Chris

Fellowship We all have experienced moments in our lives that have made us feel low, the loss of someone close, a failed exam, financial worries, or problems. Sometimes these low moments can make us feel anger or we can become disillusioned with God. At these fellowship is important. Spending time with other believers can often lift us, encourage us to keep our eyes on God, and encourage us to keep moving forward. Hebrews 10:24-25 "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." (NLT)

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