Teaching English in South America

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I settled in with a group of ex-pats who had also left their American lives for the simple life in Peru and we worked together as a commune. I learned better Spanish from them and they started letting me work with students in Peru. That was where things really changed. I had never felt in my life that I could make an impact on the future generation. Being a nurturing father figure was something I always aspired to be, but I had never really felt the opportunity before in America, despite several attempts. These children were so grateful. They called me Senor Derek, which made me feel like one of the guys. My name is actually Kyle, but they said that my face reminded them of Derek Zoolander, which was one of my favorite movies. I loved that we could connect so well.

Teaching English to the kids made me so happy. We watched Zoolander together and they loved saying, “What is this, a center for ants?� I think that by the third week, they understood what the joke meant. By the end of my five year stay in Peru, I was a much better person than when I began there. I came home with experiences that I will never forget and I have absolutely no regrets. As much as I changed the lives of the students and turned them into English-speaking superstars, they also changed me and made me a better man.

source : https://dailygram.com/index.php/blog/536335/teachingenglish-in-south-america/

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