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Unity Baptist Church 2625 Broad Street — Baytown, Texas 77521 PASTOR FRANK DAVIS, OFFICIANT

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones. PSALMS 116:15

Life Reflections of Walter Jackson


alter Jackson, 48 was born February 4, 1970, in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Gwendolyn White and Walter Morehead.

On February 17, 2018, Walter

earned his wings and went to Heaven to be with the Lord. Walter was raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

He enjoyed playing dominoes, cooking and going to drink coffee with his cousin, Tenille Davis, who he called (Super Star) and his auntie Joyce, and he loved watching his Saints win or lose. Walter was always the “life of the party.” He never failed to make everyone laugh and keep a smile on people’s face with his personality and humorous character. Many knew him by Walt-Dog who was with him and for being such a great and loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle, cousin and friend. He was definitely a family man. He will be greatly missed. Walter was preceded in death by his brother, Garland, his sister Phyllis, and grandparents.

Walter leaves to cherish his memories, his wife Mrs. Vantrice Jackson; son, Yanni Jackson; his mother, Gwendolyn White; father, Walter Morehead, four brothers, Stanley Jackson, Jr., Cory White, Walter Morehead III; four sisters, Patrice Jackson, Erica Bagsby, Romalace Reed, Melainie Smith; mother−in−law, Demetris Sylvester; father−in−law, Donell Johnson (Lewis Sylvester), two brother−in−laws, Floyd Bagsby, Raymond Atkins; four sister−in−laws, Shataun Rogers, Joan Atkins, Jewel Davis, Pamela Jackson, and a host of nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, cousins and close friends.

THE CELEBRATION OF LIFE Saturday, March 3, 2018 | 11:00 a.m.

Unity Baptist Church

2625 Broad Street| Baytown, Texas 77521

PASTOR FRANK DAVIS, OFFICIATING Prelude ................................................................................................................................... Soft Music Processional ........................................................................................................... Clergy and Family Selection ......................................................................................................................................... Choir Scripture Readings Old Testament ................................................................................................................ Appointee New Testament .............................................................................................................. Appointee

Prayer of Consolation ........................................................................................................ Appointee Selection ......................................................................................................................................... Choir Acknowledgments/Resolutions ...................................................................................... Appointee Expressions of Love ........................................................................................... Two Minutes Please Solo ................................................................................................................................ Sis. Jewel Davis The Word Proclaimed ......................................................................................... Pastor Frank Davis Final Viewing Recessional ........................................................................ Clergy, Pallbearers, Family & Friends

To My Beloved Husband Two hearts we were as one on Earth. Two hearts that were entwined. My love for you was strong, Now you live inside my mind. Your lovely life just slipped away. That life so full of zest! Your twinkling eyes got weary, your beating heart took rest. I know you’ve gone to Heaven,

from Earth you slipped away. But faith in you my Dearest Lord Keeps me strong each day. Two hearts once best together, Now one beats all alone. I know one day we’ll meet Dear Lord, The day you call me home. Your Loving Wife, Vantrice


TRIBUTES FROM YOUR CHILDREN & GRANDCHILDREN A Love Like No Other From the time I was born you would know ten perfect fingers, ten little toes. When you first put your finger in my tiny hand that’s when I first knew you were my dad. No one else would do. As I grew older and reached for the sky, My dad is still there to keep that twinkle in my eye. I’m going to miss you dad, but I know you will always be in my heart. Love You Daddy, Your Son, Yanni

As We Look Back As we look back over time, We find ourselves wondering , did we remember to thank you enough for all you have done for us? For all the times you were by our sides to help and support us. To celebrate our successes, and to understand our problems. and accept our defeats? Or, for teaching us by your example, the value of hard work, good judgment, courage and integrity? We wonder if we ever thanked you for the sacrifices you made to let us have the very best? And for the simple things like laughter, smiles and times we shared? If we have forgotten to show our gratitude enough for all the things you did, we’re thanking you now. And we are hoping you knew all along, how much you meant to us. Love Always, Christopher McFadden

Dad I’ll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that warm embrace, you always gave me. You being there for Mom and us, through good and bad times, no matter what. We’ll always remember you Dad because they’ll never be another one to replace you in our hearts, and the love we will always have for you. Love Your Daughter, Krisha Riley

A Grandfather Just Like You! We just want to let you know you mean the world to us. Only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly. The many things you’ve done. All the times that you were there., helped me know deep down inside how much you really cared. Even though we might not say we appreciate all you’ve done. Richly blessed is how we feel, Having a Grandfather just like you. Love You PaPa


FROM HIS MOTHER MY SON, As a little boy you were so easy going, didn’t make much noise. As a teenager you changed you got so loud, joke a lot, and played tricks on everyone. You laughed so much which then an outgoing personality developed along with friendships. I was so in love when you were conceived, I have always called you my love child. You were a loving person, but most of all I saw the real you as a man. The changes you went through, as a father you were great with your son, and the way you tried to better yourself you did not mind working never a lazy person. You had the mind set to fix things. You always give your mother a hug and kiss. I knew your heart. Everywhere you went people loved you, you touched so many people lives with your testimonies in a very special way. The love God has for you is the reason you are no longer here. I felt you leaving, but I did not know it was you God let me feel it happening on February 15, & 16th as I tried to go to sleep, but sleep didn’t come as the 17th came you were gone. I missed it all my heart is broken, the pain is so intense, because I worried that you had no family around you while you transitioned. I didn’t get a chance to hold you, to tell you how much I love you, and thought you were all alone while leaving us. A thought in my mind helped me remember you have a savior, a comforter, and that’s giving me peace. When I went to see your body in your face I seen a sense of peace, although I did cry but you looked as if you were sleep. I thought to myself this is where my child used to be, but he’s gone now he is no longer here. I want to believe your sister Phyllis, along with your loved ones met you and welcomed you. However, it is okay I know at least absent from the body present with the Lord. You accepted Christ. You said yes to Jesus and that’s my peace, my love, and forever my son. Gone Too Soon Your Mom

I want to give a special thanks to Walter’s friend, Byron Davis who was there when he took his last breath. Thank you for being right by his side. You fought all you could to keep him with us, but God wanted him more. Thanks You Bee. Love, Mrs. Jackson & Family


Walter you were the silliest and craziest brother of them all! You picked on me all of the time. You were the one that told me that the band “Kiss” were coming to kidnap me when they came to New Orleans for their concert. So, I stayed inside the whole week, not playing with my friends. You were the one who taught me how to swim. By throwing me in the deep end (13 foot) pool at Audubon park where I thought I was going to drown! You were the one that played “bucking bull” with me until I was strong enough to buck you across the room! Hey, mark and Shawn Edward you remember that? You were the one that put ketchup on my bedroom window yelling red-rum, red-rum from the movie “The Shining!” You and Cory were the ones that set me up everything. For mom to come and whip me with those darn jelly beans shoes! (I can’t stand them today.) So, I said all that to say this! Thank You! Thank You! You prepared me for life in this cold world. It is because of you that I am the strong, courageous, black, independent woman that I am today who is not afraid to stand up for herself, nor anyone else. To be a leader and not a follower. Never afraid to take on a challenge and to never let my enemies see me sweat. If I make a mistake to learn from it and to move on. Never too big or too proud to say I’m Sorry! Never to big to say “I Love You! So I say to you big brother numsie (The Golden Child) you have ran your race. You have finished your course. You have fought the good fight. So rest on in love, until we meet again! “My Dennis the Menace.” Love Lil Sis.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. “It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Cor. 13:4-7 There’s no amount of words to express what you have meant to me. You have touched so many lives, and created so many wonderful memories to last us all for a lifetime. The thought of you being gone is so unbelievable, and seems to unreal. Receiving the news was like taking my heart, and shredding it into a million pieces, but I know that you would want me to be strong, and live life to the fullest. You brought so much joy, and laughter to all our lives, and for that I will forever grateful. Family love, and togetherness was so important to you, as you would tell me so during our many coffee dates. Oh how I will miss them ..you!! I am so thankful to my Auntie for raising a man with such a big heart, and thankful to your wife for always having your back. You were always so kind, loving and protective of each, and everyone of us. You never held grudges, or stayed angry. You never met a stranger, and was always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone. You gave me my nickname “SupaStar,” and always made sure I felt like one. You were the comedian of the family, and the life of every party. The bond was shared can never be replaced. I have watched the video of you coming to my house on February 9 for what would be our last coffee date over and over again, wishing I could open the door, and see you standing there with a warm hug, and smile that could light up any room. I will always treasure the love you had for me. I will keep your memory alive, and you will live on in our hearts. WHO YA WITH WALT DOGG! Love your cousin, Your Supa Star, Tennille Davis

Erica B.


My memories are what I have left, and a lesson I will not forget. The time has come when time is no more and all that's left was once before. The memories so dear and true, those memories of me and you. Although we fell and stumbled at times, all those hills were necessary climbs. All the times when your heart shined through, are the greatest memories I have of you. I will always remember you, brother of mine in my heart I will keep you, so I will be fine. I will go forward with my head up high, it might be hard, I cannot lie. But in my heart you will be, moving forward, you with me. Your brother, Stanley Jackson Never thought I would be saying goodbye to my son−in−law. Whenever you were around it was never a dull moment, even when you were cheering for the Saints. I would be cheering for the Texans and would say “Baby, you need to get on board with the Saints.” (lol) And yes, they would say I always defended you and yes I did baby, because he is my son-in-law. You will forever be in my heart. Love Always Your Mother−In−Law

Those we love can never be more than a thought away… for as long as there’s a memory they live in our hearts to stay. Best Friend, Gantry Sevalia

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief…and unspeakable love.” Patrice Jackson






Active Pallbearers Raymond Atkins, Jr. Ryan Fairley Emory Davis Michael Sweazie

Christopher McFadden Byron Davis Gantry Sevolia Chris Lewis

Honorary Pallbearers Kenny Jackson Yanni Jackson Arquise Baker, Jr.

Cory White Zaeliyn Baker Clint Toussaint

Family Appreciation We, the Family of Walter Jackson is profoundly grateful for the outpouring of love extended to our family during the loss of our loved one. The kindness shown to us during the illness and home going of our dear brother. Your prayers, kind words, flowers, cards, visits, phone calls and expressions of sympathy will forever be embedded in our hearts. May God Bless You. The Family.

Professional Services Entrusted To

Final Resting Place

Alexander’s Mortuary | 410 Battlebell Road Highlands, Texas 77562 (281) 642-0401 Email embalmingman@yahoo.com

Houston Memorial Gardens 2426 Cullen Blvd. Pearland, TX 77581

Rev. Dr. Melvin Alexander, Jr. Proprietor

Programs Design & Printing by Dr. J. Talbert Fuller, Jr. New Mt. Carmel Baptist Church | 4301 Weaver Road | Houston TX 77016 Harrell R. Berry, Pastor 832-741-9625 | 713-631-0305 Email: johnfuller@newmountcarmel.org

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