Brief 10 — DR ME - Final Boards Revised

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Joe Leadbeater

DR. ME Brief Length Originally 1 day, changed to 1 week.

OUGD603 OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Extended Practice

Brief 10 — DR. ME

DR.ME is a creative studio based in Manchester. They are image based, creating image collages, mostly for musical clients. DR.ME is Ryan Doyle (DR) & Mark Edwards (ME). As a class, we were set two briefs to complete in a day, both with very little information, and extremely open.

Brief 01

Create a vinyl cover from the email below: “we’re gonna be releasing a limited edition 12” of a mix evian christ made last year called duga-3...

Brief 02

Create a poster from the email below. ODONIS ODONIS + Saint Coltrane Weds 18th April, Kraak Gallery,

Set by DR. ME Studio.

Piccadilly Records


Time Scale

Both briefs were set on the day, and the turnaround and final outcome should also be produced the same day. However, I decided to push Brief 01 further.

Mandatory Requirements

- 1 x Record Sleeve Design - 1 x Poster Design

OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Brief 01 - Initial Research


Brief 10 — DR. ME

As the mix is entitled ‘Duga-3’, it was essential to look into what the mix actually about. Duga-3 was a Soviet over-the-horizon (OTH) radar system used as part of the Soviet ABM early-warning network. The system operated from July 1976 to December 1989. Two Duga-3 radars were deployed, one near Chernobyl and Chernihiv, the other in eastern Siberia. The mix features lots of lost vocals, mimicking the Duga-3’s, lost radio signal.

Initial Research

Brutalist Russian Architecture

When listening to the mix, there was a clear Soviet, and tough, communist feel to it, but with a surreal and confused sound. Visually. Brutalist Russian architecture reflects this perfectly. Theres something strange and unsettling about these alien-like monuments , that don’t feel part of a landscape, yet reflect the rigidity and bleak ideas communist Russia is know for.


Top Left: The Duga-3 in Chernobyl, Russia. Top Mid / Right: Examples of Brutalist Russian architecture.

OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Brief 01 - Previous Ideas

Idea 01

Brief 10 — DR. ME

This piece was worked on during the day brief. The concept came from the mix being dream like and hazy, with lots of layers to it.You could also hear a voice talking throughout, but lost in the distance, represented by the hand reaching out. A red mist was added, representing Soviet influence, as well as some Brutalist Russian architecture. The concept worked well, but the overall aesthetic was too confusing and not entirely appropriate to the genre of music.

Previous Ideas

Idea 02

This idea is also based on the idea of Brutalist Russian architecture, but a lot more abstract. It was inspired by ‘found tapes’, like in The Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity. The cover leaves the question of if this object is where the abstract and distant sounds are coming from. This idea was not chosen as it did not quite communicate the ‘VHS tape’ aesthetic, and looked too bold for quite a subtle mix.


OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Brief 01 - Chosen Artwork


Brief 10 — DR. ME

Like Idea 02, the final piece uses Brutalist Russian Architecture. As previously mentioned, the mix repeats strange, abstract noises that are lost in the distance. The monuments shown could represent an answer to these noises. However, the same background is on both the front and back of the vinyl, but with different monuments.

Chosen Artwork

This has been done to question reality, and create an unsttling surreal viewpoint. Looking at the landscape questions which monument originally exists in the space, or even if either of them are part of the space.


OUGD603 / Extended Practice

04 Brief 02 - Development of Artwork

Artwork 01

Brief 10 — DR. ME

This piece was worked on during the day brief. After researching into Odonis Odonis, their newest album was entitled ‘Hard Boiled Soft Boiled’. For this reason the poster was composed of scientific drawings of different types of eggs. The typeface decisions made were influenced by italic serif’s used when illustration scientific drawings. Although very polished, this poster did not reflect Odonis Odonis’ rough and ready style of music.

Development of Artwork

Artwork 02 / 03

As previously mentioned, the idea on the day was too polished. Pastel was overlayed round the imagery to give it a more hand rendered and an aesthetic that was more raw. This was experimented with using a variery of colours and typefaces.


OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Brief 02 - Chosen Artwork

Developed from Artwork 02 / 03, colour was stripped back from the background around the eggs in order to make them stand out more. Information was also made to stand out to give the poster visual hierachy.

Brief 10 — DR. ME

Chosen Artwork


OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Brief 02 - Album Artwork

To celebrate Odonis Odonis’ tour dates, a limited edition 12’ Album has been proposed, using the same illustrations seen on the posters.

Brief 10 — DR. ME

Album Artwork


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