Posters-at-the-Capitol 2011

Page 81

112. Sarah Ward Western Kentucky University Mentor: Jeremy Maddox Predicting Heterogeneously Broadened Line-Shapes for Conjugated Oligomers This research explored the relationship between the optical properties of conjugated chromophores and their molecular configuration. We used electronic structure calculations to determine the ground and excited state energies of a family of conjugated chromophores as a function of their nuclear geometries. Monte Carlo sampling techniques were used to model the heterogeneous distribution of electronic transition frequencies and oscillator strengths that determine the line-shape of the UV/vis absorption spectra of these chromophores. One goal of this research was to develop a well-defined set of computational procedures for predicting how the optical properties of a conjugated chromophore can be controlled by he incorporation of different chemical substituents; we envisioned that this information could be useful to synthetic chemists in the design of novel chromophores with specific optical properties.

113. Amie Weckenbrock Morehead State University Mentor: Kimberlee Sharp Personnel Policies Regarding the Teaching of Controversial Issues: A Central Appalachian Perspective The purpose of this study was to examine a sample of Central Appalachian (Appal. KY, Appal. OH, Appal. TN, Appal. VA, and WV, school districts' personnel policies regarding controversial issues instruction and the protocols teachers must follow when teaching them. Specifically, the study examined the language used in the policies in order to: (a) illumine school districts' expectations of teachers as controversial issues arise during their teaching; (b) illumine the degree to which school districts may limit, restrict, prohibit, or give free reign to teachers to discuss controversial issues; and (c) illumine the kinds and/ or nature of controversial issues that school districts may limit, restrict, and/or prohibit. A corollary purpose of this study was to discuss implications of these policies on classroom practice and Central Appalachian students' access to this dimension of citizenship education.


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