(Digital) Beginner, Learner, and Advocator

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Design Portfolio, Brief Edition

NAPUTSAMOHN JUNPIBAN Bangkok-based Designer To Brisbane


narrative environment

event/ exhibition design commercial design

experience design graphic & illustration



NAPUTSAMOHN JUNPIBAN Bangkok-based Designer To Brisbane E: jnaputsa@gmail.com T: +61 0481 446 984 PhD student Design for Health and Wellbeing QUT’s Creative Industries Currently hold a position as Course Lecturer (Event & Experience Design) Department of Creative Arts Chulalongkorn University

design project


The art of lettering and lines through the freehand and computer graphic, presented the unique and stylish artworks. These designs combined with various letters and line to present as choices for wedding event. Emphasis should be on the overall beauty of a word, rather than individual letters. Most of the lettering designs are done in a “gothic style”.

Commercial design project

design project: LETTERING & LINES

UX Project:



The Age of Bronze, Rodin

The experiential project, Victoria & Albert Museum, London

From the study of visitor journey experience, the application making was implemented to reveal the insights story of The Age of Bronze by Rodin. In the making of application, it was consisted of the pre-visit experience, during the museum visit experience and post-visit experience to offer the series of interactive activities through the app. The concept was created from the project’s persona - a group of young men - who loved to play and prank around the sculpture. From the mentioned experience, the design was create to be enhance playful, fun and engaging experince during the museum visit and align with the museum marketing strategy.

design project


Onitsuka Tiger is one of the oldest shoe companies in Japan, tracing its history back to the formation of Onitsuka Co,Ltd. in 1949 when the 32-years-old former military officer, Kihashiro Onitsuka began his company with the hopes of raising post-war youth self-esteem through athletics. To date, Onitsuka Tiger offers the variety and styles of shoes for their customers. With the brand identity, the design is conceptualized from the historic background and insight story to create the phenomenon of the event.


The Tiger Ways! The experiential event desgin project, Onitsuka Tiger

Strong, Smart and Fierce! This project concentrates on creating new engaging experience for brand loyal female customers. As the brand identity highlight the symblic of smart, strong and fierce as the character of tiger, the design implemented this characteristic combined with athletics apprach to design the event as the athlectic runway. The event design stressed the customer’s brand experience and dialouge through the display, theme and lighting design.

design project


This project focuses on the application ofthe prevention, promotion and prevention of Non-Communicable Diseses (NCDs) outreach program for young people ages 12-18 years. This project offers young people the opportunity to explore and promote health education through creative, engaging, and interactive learning expeirence beyond walls. Besides, it seeks to raise awareness among young people by proposing playful and provocative activities through the concept design and the making of portable exhibition that can be brought outside the classroom. This game shown above was created with the concept of ‘Die Young’ as a provocative design to provoke end-user experience. The design included the game ‘How to play with your life?’ The winner of the game will be the person who learn about how to live longer and avoid the risk of having NCDs. Other designs includes the Dough drives me nuts!, Healthy card, and the prediction of Death.

Considering the significance of museum witout walls The experiential project, Communication Design, WSA

The museum witout walls is an open-ended concept that offer the challening and exciting opportunities for museum designers to improve project to enhance user’s experience. I expended the context of the design of this project to be beyond the museum design. This work turned the information into tangible interactive experience. By using the provocative design theory into concept design to attract young people as project users, design outcomes were created to be user-friendly, and easy to follow with or without the instructions. The concept design reconceptualized from the user experience of end-users related to the project ideas

design project

INSIDE THE MUSEUM for National History Museum of Nan, Chulalongkorn University

The National History Museum of Nan, Chulalongkorn Universtiy is a reproposed building that used to house the Center of Learning Network for the Region, Chulalongkorn University and opened in 2019. This museum covers many areas of knowledge including indegenous studies and, biodiversity of Nan city. The museum works with scieentists, and many specialists through the collaborations of the multidisciplinary approach to serve the public as non-profit organization.

Storytelling and Learning as Bridge between Education and Museum

When staging the museum experience, I remake and retell the stories through the study of museum collections. The design of this project emphasized participatory and culturally appropriate development approaches, maintaing that such approaches are interesting for promoting and balancing interest among local visitors, students and tourists. The design and curation are to represent lived experience and to establish exhibits that are more people-oriented and contextualized. The shown pictures presneted the design samples from inside the museum telling the story about the natural evolution; From the Cephalopod to squid, the secret under the turtle shell, and the land before now. It uses the technique of interactive serial planes for visitors to play and learn by their curiosity.

design project: The inside museum, National History Museum of Nan, Chulalongkorn University

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