The Portfolio

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Kuhnamatada Empanada is the food truck I designed for my thesis. It tells the story of how it came to be, showcases the packaging and goes into the ambiance of the truck.

How Sweet It Is in Morse code to honor the life of my grandfather. He served as a Naval radioman in WWII and used to spell things out using Morse code for my sister and I when were young. He would say, “How sweet it is� when he was cherishing a moment with family and friends.

I painted the Express Yourself piece inside the arts building of Raritan Valley Community College while I still attended the college. Within a few days of finishing the piece other students also added to the piece and it soon quickly engulfed the hallway looking like chaos. The students who added to the piece were forced to paint over the piece and

write, “I will not express myself.� 100 times and post it on the bulletin boards in the arts building. Long story short, I was offered a job as head painter. I was once told by a boss to do every job as if it was for your mother and that line really stuck with me. So when I was asked to paint a series of murals I made sure every line was perfect since my mother has worked at the college since I could remember.

I was a guest art director for the 2012 SVA Yearbook. The photographer was AnRong Xu.

Poster designs for the feeling of Chinatown NYC



My grandfather used to say this phrase a lot when I was young and it has been my motivation for a long time. The design originally is hand drawn in my sketchbook and was later turned into a vector. The shirts are printed using discharged inks.

The “trying to try� design was made for Visions of Hope, a non-profit group using art to revitalize a post war community with the use of art and design. The design emulated the murals in the community. They printed the design on t-shirts for the children in the community. The photographed shirts were printed using discharged ink.

The final version of my 5 Year Bucket List. I did a few other versions using existing typefaces and wasn’t feeling the design until I illustrated the piece.


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