2016 portfolio

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I was asked by Lesportsac to create a piece for a NYC specific tote bag as a guest designer. The 300 bags are only sold in the SoHo Lesportsac store.

I have been painting the word YO for a few years. I enjoy the word YO because it is a word designed to catch someone’s attention quickly and I enjoy working with the letterforms.

The “trying to try� design was made for Visions of Hope, a non-profit group using art to revitalize a post war community with the use of art and design. The design emulated the murals in the community. They printed the design on t-shirts for the children in the community.

I painted the Express Yourself piece inside the arts building of Raritan Valley Community College while I still attended the college. Within a few days of finishing the piece other students also added to the piece and it soon quickly engulfed the hallway looking like chaos. The students who added to the piece were forced to paint over the piece and write, “I will not express myself.� 100 times and post it on the bulletin boards in the arts building. Long story short, I was offered a job as head painter. After working there a couple summers I was allowed to paint multiple murals around the campus.

Kuhnamatada Empanada is the food truck I designed for my thesis. It tells the story of how it came to be, showcases the packaging and goes into the ambiance of the truck.

My grandfather used to say this phrase a lot when I was young and it has been my motivation for a long time. The design originally is hand drawn in my sketchbook and was later turned into a vector. The shirts are printed using discharged inks.

In the past couple years I have been helping a few BMX companies with their various design needs. I have helped with T-shirt designs for Trip Apparel and Deadline BMX. I also helped with the frame graphics for Fiend BMX and motion graphics used for Deadline BMX web videos.



On the left is the F1 inspired Spring 16 line I designed while working at Asphalt Yacht Club. Above is a graphic for another future line from AYC.

I have been painting my Feeesh characters for many years and recently have had many opportunities to paint them legally. I really enjoy the process of painting the Feeesh since I get to play without worrying about rules like when painting typography. I generally don’t sketch out the whole Feeesh before I begin painting because I enjoy just going with the flow while I paint.

The first limited edition Feeesh shirt. The shirt also comes in sage.

While I was In Encinitas California I had an opportunity to paint some freshly shaped surfboards. After I finished painting the boards I was asked to design a graphic for a shirt that is coming out soon.

These are the two shoes I designed for BucketFeet. Above is titled Fishy Buisness and the other is Sprayed.

Above is the chalk mural I was asked to do for BucketFeet inside of their SoHo NYC pop up store.


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