Portfolio Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte 2024

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JAGOBA MALUMBRES-OLARTE Researcher & Science Illustrator


jmalumbresolarte jmalumbresolarte

Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte, Ph.D.

As a scientific researcher, educator and artist, my professional goal is to advance our understanding of the formation of biodiversity, to contribute to its conservation and to promote it through my illustrations.

Researcher & Science Illustrator February 6, 2024

Contact B jagoba.malumbres.olarte@gmail.com Æ +33 (0) 648072474 Social Media jago MO jmalumbresolarte Online Portfolio jmalumbresolarte Scientific Research Scopus. Orcid. Google Scholar

Most of my artistic work aims to visualise and explain scientific discoveries and questions, based on the latest ecological, evolutionary and environmental knowledge. However, I always seek new challenges, subjects, fields of knowledge and artistic techniques. My business is truly a labor of love. I work in a wide variety of media types and styles which I select depending on the subject, purpose and audience of the image. I create highly realistic portraits for taxonomic publications, schematic diagrams or infographics for explaining processes, creative illustrations to promote and summarise research for non-experts or educational images for readers of all ages. Here I show examples of my work for: 1) Scientific publications; 2) Scientific communication; and 3) Editorial illustrations (for thesis covers and dissemination of publications and seminars).


Scientific Career Education 2011 Ph.D. in Ecology, Lincoln University (LU) 2006 Postgrad. Certificate in Res. Studies, LU 2003 Hons. in Environmental Science, Hons. in Ecology and Plant Biology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Professional Research (2012-2022) 2019-pres. Researcher and Science Illustrator, Toulouse 2020-pres. Assoc. Researcher, cE3c, Univ. Azores & Helsinki 2017-2020 Lecturer/Researcher Manchester Metrop. Univ. 2018-2019 Postdoc Researcher, Univ. Azores & Helsinki 2017-2018 Researcher, Mus.Nat.Sci. Barcelona & Univ. Oulu 2017-2018 Visiting researcher, IRBio, Univ. Barcelona 2016–2017 Collection assistant, Nat. Hist. Mus. Denmark 2013–2016 Postdoc researcher, CMEC, Univ. Copenhagen 2012–2013 Visiting researcher, Univ. Basque Country 2012 Research assistant, BPRC, Netherlands Inst. Ecol. 2011–2012 Lecturing assistant, Imperial College London

Education & Outreach

BioBlitz Yerevan, Tbilisi & Toulouse (2022), Liège (2021), Terceira (2019,2023), Barcelona (2016-2018), Montserrat & Sitges (2018), Nottingham (2017,2018), Copenhagen (2014)

Science Night Natural History Museum of Denmark (2015)

Science Outreach Lincoln University (2008–2010)

Selected Publications Mammola, S., Malumbres-Olarte, J. et al (2022). The global spread of misinformation on spiders. Current Biology, 32, 16. Malumbres-Olarte, J. et al. (2021). Habitat filtering and inferred dispersal ability condition acrossscale species turnover and rarity in Macaronesian island spider assemblages. J. Biogeography, 48(12) Sullivan, M.,...Malumbres-Olarte, J.,...et al. (2020). Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests. Science 368(80):869–874 Malumbres-Olarte, J. et al. (2020). How Iberian are we? Mediterranean climate determines structure and endemicity of spider communities in Iberian oak forests Biodiv. & Conserv. 29(14):3973–3996 Malumbres-Olarte, J. et al. (2017). Gauging megadiversity with optimized and standardized sampling protocols: A case for tropical forest spiders. Ecol. & Evol., 7




I create infographics to explain (social or biological) interactions or processes, BLA or realistic depictions for taxonomic BLA descriptions in scientific publications.

Monograph generation 2021. Digital. Figures for publications on monographs (Mabry et al. 2022 , Gorneau et al. 2022 ).


AMOC and Climate change 2020. Digital (vector [program Inkscape]). Figure for publication on climate change (in review).

Ecological effects of North Atlantic Oscillation 2020. Digital (vector [program Inkscape]). Figure created for peer-reviewed scientific publication on Foraminifera communities in Western Mediterranean (Pallacks et al. 2021 ).



Melocactus & Armatocereus (Cactaceae), areolas, spines and seed 2020. Digital (raster [Krita]). For taxonomic publication by Christian Loaiza (in prep.).


Clubiona blesti Forster, 1979 (Araneae: Clubionidae) 2012. Graphite pencil. Taxonomic publication. Malumbres-Olarte, J. & Vink, C.J. 2012, Zootaxa.

Life cycle of Coccotrypes rhizophrae 2020. Digital (raster [Krita] and vector [Inkscape]). Ecological publication by N. Molina (in prep.).




Many of my illustrations are being used to promote or explain science and research BLA to non-experts, and to educate young BLA audiences about biodiversity.

Hydrobates monteiroi, Hipparchia azorina, Juniperus brevifolia and Myosotis azorica 2022. Images created for the Traços a Cores project, which aims to explain, promote and educate graphically about the Azorean biodiversity and the research conducted on it. Digital (raster [Krita]).





Biota of Toulouse 2021. Watercolour, 14x21cm (per species). Educational poster (Nat. Hist. Mus. of Toulouse).



Galemys pyrenaicus (Pyrenean desman) 2021, Biota of the Pyrenees series. Digital (raster Krita), A4.




I also create images and logos that give research groups and projects, conferences BLA and universities unique identities with BLA their own visual style.

Research project and conference identities TEB lab (CREAF/Auton. Univ. Barcelona), Time-Lines project (2023-2028), Evolutionary Demography Society Meeting (2023) and the International Biogeography Society Meeting (2024).


DigiTiB 2021. Digital (vector [Inkscape]). Icons of animal taxa for the website DigiTiB for species identification tests, the Univ. of Greifswald

Navigation Science 2022, Illustration for the navigation courses (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, ENAC) led by Maser Engineering. Digital (Krita, Inkscape)

Promoting science among the general public 2020, Images for the promotion of projects Untold Biodiversity and Ghost species. Digital (Krita).




I summarise the scientific messages of theses (on covers), research publications and projects, and seminars, to BLA explain and promote them on the news BLA and social media.

Madeiran Biogeography 2021. Digital (raster [Krita]). Cover of PhD thesis by L. Crespo (Univ. Barcelona).



Fish Eco-evolution 2021. Digital (Krita). Cover of PhD thesis by P. Ahti (Univ. Jyväskylä).

Biogeography and evolution of Dysdera in the Canary Islands 2023. Digital (Procreate). Cover of Ph.D thesis by Adrià Bellvert (Univ. Barcelona)

Colonisation and adaptation of Styela plicata 2023. Digital (Procreate). Cover of Ph.D thesis by Carles Galià-Camps (Univ. Barcelona)



Building up knowledge for taxonomy 2022. Digital (Procreate). Publication by K. Lucas Silva-Brandão in review.

How much biodiversity is concealed in the word ’biodiversity’ ? 2022. Digital (Procreate). Image for promoting publication by Mammola et al. 2022, Current Biol.

Human effects on islands 2020. Digital (raster [Krita]). Dissemination image for The human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands. Nogué, S. et al 2021, Science


Convergence 2021. Digital (raster [Krita]). Dissemination illustration for paper on island biology (Triantis et al., 2022)

Subterranean ecosystems 2023. Digital (raster [Procreate]). For paper on the effects of climate change (Vaccarelli et al., 2023)

Sensationalism, expert consultation and the spread scientific misinformation. 2022. Digital (Krita), Illustration for publication by S. Mammola et al. (2022, Current Biology).




DNA barcoding 2021. Digital (raster [Krita]). Webinar on DNA barcoding by J. Malumbres-Olarte for the Mus. Nat. Sc. Barcelona.

RealMed Project 2020. Inkpen and watercolour on paper, 14 x 21 cm. Webinar on the use of isotope maps and (DNA) SNPs with regional argan oil, pigs, truffles and lamb by C. Máguas (cE3c, Portugal).

International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium 2021 2021. Krita. Infographic summarising the main conclusions of the Symposium.


How do conference illustrations work? 2024. Procreate. Infographic summarising the creation process of conference illustrations. More examples here.

Water Adaptation Community (Global Center on Adaptation) 2023. Webinars on Water Adaptation Community: A series of webinars through collaborative online platforms, active communities of practice and other communication and knowledge products (Procreate).



@ 2024

Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte ————— jagoba.malumbres.olarte@gmail.com

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