Winter 2019 | Issue 2

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IN THIS ISSUE • Holiday Shoppes Recap • Council Reports • Sustainer News • Webinar Wednesday • 100th Anniversary Update • Condolences and Congratulations • Book Club

Stocking Stuffer Day with The Salvation Army • December 14, 2019 • 9:30 AM-11:30 AM • The Oncenter

Happy New Year! January GMM ¥ January 14, 2020 • Meeting 6:30 PM ¥ CNY Philanthropy Center Rescue Mission-Dining Room Prep • January 7, 2020 • 1:00-7:00 PM Rescue Mission-Design & Paint • January 11, 2020 ¥ 11:00 AM-5:00 PM Check the member’s website for full registration and event details.


SHOPPES Thank you to everyone for another successful Holiday Shoppes! It’s hard to believe that we are in our 24th year of Holiday Shoppes - without our strong member commitment, we never would have made it this far. Pre-sale tickets sold through the JLS office, JLS website and Wegmans:772; General Admission Tickets: 2,982: Comp Tickets: 53; Return Entry Tickets: 13; Veteran’s Discount Tickets: 20; Total: 3,840. We slightly adjusted show hours on Friday and are happy to report that gate numbers that day were up. Overall gate numbers are slightly higher than 2018 Holiday Shoppes. We will discuss the new hours after reviewing our financial information and merchant feedback, and will decide how to proceed in 2020. Our “Socks for a Cause” fundraiser was a success again this year, thanks to our member support. It is great to see members taking ownership of this cause –not only selling socks during Holiday Shoppes but also sharing the fundraiser with family and friends. Overall, sock sales are slightly higher than last year. At the time of this printing sock sales were $3,000 (approximately $2,000 in proceeds to the league PLUS 215 pairs of warm, winter socks for us to distribute to our community partners). Overall (approximate figures)- The weekend total for gate sales: $24,000, Raffle $3,300 and merchant booth sales: $63,000. There were 112 merchants at the show, 142 booths. We did distribute and collect merchant surveys again this year. Many merchants had great shows and provided us with some valuable feedback throughout the weekend. One thing mentioned consistently was the organization, support, and general friendliness of JLS members (YOU DID THAT!). Overall we had about a 25% return rate on merchant Continued on page 2 The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 1

Holiday Shoppes cont... surveys, which gives us a good baseline of information as we go into planning Holiday Shoppes 2020. We have not compiled that data in a quantitative way yet-that will be done at the committee debriefing and we will decide if any further adjustments should be made. We are still waiting on expenses to dribble in so we won’t have net numbers to announce until the January GM- but congrats to all and Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! We are already thinking ahead to next years event-please save the date: November 6-8, 2020. Not only are we celebrating our 100th league year, but also the 25th year of Holiday Shoppes. Please keep your eyes and ears open for potential new merchants and don’t hesitate to talk to them about the opportunity or send them our way!

Melissa deJesús & Amanda Spence

Holiday Shoppes Co-Chairs


100th year T-shirts are available for pick up in the office. Please consult and sign the list with names and size As we move into our 100th Year, we look back proudly ordered. There are many who have not yet received their at our legacy and look forward with excitement. We order. are renewing our promise of Promoting voluntarism, Developing the potential of women, and Improving the The fund development committee continues its hard work community, and we want you to be part of it! As JLS in researching grants for community collaborations and members, each of us has a role to play in achieving our looks forward to planning for our spring event Night at vision. Your valuable time, talent, and donations make a the Derby. If you are interested in being part of the grant difference in the lives of our membership and the women and/or NATD committee reach out to fund development VP Marie Norkett and keep an eye on Seeing Spot for and children of our community. Please consider making a gift to the JLS. We use our upcoming meetings. All members are encouraged and Annual Fund for general League activities. The Jerri welcome to join in the planning. Wilson Fund benefits members by connecting them with We also received a $500 grant in the form of a gift card to training and educational opportunities. The Community Aldi’s for the students at this spring’s STEM event. Allocation directly funds our Community Collaboration events. Participation from our active and sustaining members is critical to our success. In support of our centennial celebration, please donate by mailing a check, Maeve Lanning calling the office, or donating online by visiting www. Fund Development Chair and click Support Us. 2 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

Thank You to our Holiday Shoppes Hospitality Room Sponsors! Cicero

Thank you to our League sponsors

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 3


NEW MEMBERS! I Support the Girls collects and distributes essential items, including bras, underwear, and menstrual hygiene products, allowing women experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with dignity. A woman shouldn’t have to choose between feeding herself and her personal health. Every woman should have the ability to maintain her dignity.

At the December GMM we welcomed in seven new members! A huge welcome to: Reid Bessel , Nicole Davis, Diana Elliott, Katina Karl, Camille Marcotte, Katie Lannon, Annelise Echolzer Please look for their bios in the next issue of the NOTES.

Around the globe we’re helping girls and women experiencing homelessness, victims of domestic violence, victims of sex trafficking, refugees and evacuees affected by natural disasters. The JLS will be holding a bra and product drive in January to support a very worthwhile charity. Please donate new or gently used bras. They desperately need femine products. They will accept open boxes as long as the contents are individually sealed. Also, they are looking for small purses for products.

MEMBERSHIP The Membership Council has had a busy first half of the League year! We have a new class of members join us as actives (bios coming in the next issue) and have hosted 4 GMMs that have offered training, updates, and community partners. One of the things I am most excited for is using Facebook Live for GMM broadcasts. Members can watch from home, a hotel, or elsewhere when they cannot make a meeting. We are working on how to let this count as 1 GMM attendance for the year. If you have suggestions, please send them to me at Plans are underway for the spring new member class, GMMs for the second half of the League year, sectionals, and the Annual Dinner. We are also working to increase offerings in partnership with other committees for our Centennial year. 2020 is looking to be our best year yet! 4 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

BOOK CLUB Members met at Amanda Perrine’s house in November for dinner and discussion on The Paris Wife by Paula McClain. In addition to an interesting discussion, some members brought members of the next generation of JLS and much fun was had by them as well. We will be meeting at 6pm, January 28, 2020, at Casey Duffy’s house to discuss Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. If you have finished the January book, a sequel, Children of Virtue and Vengeance, was recently released.

Amanda Perrine

Membership VP

COMMUNICATIONS Now that Holiday Shoppes advertising and PR has wrapped up, a herculean feat for the entire committee but especially for PR Chair Jenna Webb, Heather Wallace (who has stepped in as League designer), and Whitney Daniels on Holiday Shoppes social media, the Communications Council is shifting our focus to preparations for promoting the Centennial. In preparation for the Centennial we have hired professional photographer Amy Williams of That’s Life Photography to shoot at League events throughout the fall. We will also be scheduling at least one outdoor shoot with League members after the New Year. The purpose of these sessions is to capture images of the League in the community so that we have images that we can use both to promote the League during the Centennial but also to update our look on the website and print materials going forward. Heather has embarked upon a brand standardization exercise that you will hear more about in the coming months. In the short term, communications asks that members run all design work through Heather — specifically anything that will be shown to an external audience or include our logo — and that you give her the fully approved and final text for the piece in advance of asking for her help with the design work. Your cooperation with this is appreciated as we work to present a clear cohesive picture of the Junior League of Syracuse to the world. Please continue to take photos at all League related events and upload them to the photo drive. Instructions can be found on the website under “member resources” or you can email them to Julie Palmer or Jenna Webb to be uploaded. Thank you for your help in documenting our work!

SECTIONALS SNEAK PEEK! Here is a quick look at some of the sectionals that are coming in February. Please keep watching Seeing Spot and Email Blasts for details on times and locations.



Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi


Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

Julie Palmer

Communications VP

Thank you to everyone who participated in Every Member Counts! Your input was essential to the success of this initiative and we look forward to sharing the report with the League in January.


You Are A Bad Ass : how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero

Jessica Murray The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 5

The 2020 calendar year is quickly approaching! We have been busy planning our 100th League year. The Central New York Community Foundation has been selected to manage the scholarship fund in celebration of our Centennial Anniversary. The scholarship will be titled, The Junior League of Syracuse Centennial Education Fund. The event location for the Centennial Celebration has been selected. It will be held Saturday, September 26, 2020 at The Oncenter. More details will follow regarding the Celebration. All monthly projects have been selected and set. We are all very exciting to start the celebration; January is right around the corner!

100 Years of Giving: A Salute to Our Past, Present, and Future JANUARY 2020

Rescue Mission – Renovation/Decoration of New Youth Shelter


Vera House – Welcome Home Baskets

MARCH 2020

Boys and Girls Club – SMART Girls on the Go!

APRIL 2020

Samaritan Center – Basic Needs Closet Redesign

MAY 2020

Peace, Inc. – Planting Seeds of Community

JUNE 2020

Sleep in Heavenly Peace – Junior League Bed Build

JULY 2020

On Point for College – Orientation 2020


Food Bank of Central New York – Mobile Food Pantry in Onondaga


Centennial Celebration – September 26, 2020 @ The Oncenter


Nascentia Health – Haven of Hope


CNY Diaper Bank – Diaper Distribution Expansion


AccessCNY – Onondaga CASA 6 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

January 2020 PROJECT NAME: Renovation / Decoration of the New Youth Shelter Organizational Partner: Rescue Mission Date: January 7th 1:00-4:00 PM, January 9th 6:00-9:00 PM, January 11th 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Project Co-Captains: Liz Lane (a) and Janet Burman (s) Advisor: Jessica Murray (a) DESCRIPTION: In 2020, the Rescue Mission Alliance will open an emergency youth shelter to serve runaway youth and homeless from ages 12 to 17 in Syracuse and Onondaga County. The JLS will be “adopting” the dining room of the new shelter. Our project will include painting, furnishing and decorating of the dining room. Once the shelter is open (goal is Spring 2020), we hope to cook a family-style meal in the Youth Shelter with the residents. (Please see website/seeing spot for times and details)

February 2020 PROJECT NAME: Welcome Home Baskets Organizational Partner: Vera House Date: February 1st, with preparation January 31st Project Co-Captains: Lindsay LaRocque (a) and Lisa de Silva (s) Advisor: Lisa de Silva (s) DESCRIPTION: Vera House is a human service agency with over 40 years of experience delivering services to victims of domestic and sexual violence. We will be packing 48 Welcome Home Baskets for Vera House residents that are leaving the shelter. They will include items like dishes, towels, blankets, pots and pans, and cleaning supplies. This project is hoping to provide transitioning residents with necessary living items when they leave the shelter, relieving some of the stress and barriers to their living of a selfsufficient life free from abuse.

Attorney Anne Ruffer stands in her office at Mackenzie Hughes LLP law firm.

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Many of my clients set up donor-advised or legacy funds at Anne Ruffer the Community Foundation to support the causes that they care about Read more of Anne’s now and after story at they’re gone.

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The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 7


Wow, what a wonderful first quarter! Evonne and I are thrilled. Each month we have had more and more of our Sustaining members attending R&Rs, social events and just staying connected. We’ve had record numbers and are looking forward to continuing this trend well into our 100th Anniversary year and beyond. We love hearing “I haven’t seen ‘Jane Doe’ in years. So wonderful to see her.”. Here’s what has been going on:

The views in September at Brian’s Landing (hosted by Maria Miller, Wendy Carl Isome & Joanna Ferguson) were spectacular. The Golf Optional Outing and Dinner at Drumlins Pascale Italian Bistro had record attendance for dinner this year (40+). Members, both golfers and non-golfers, had a great time. Thank you, Anne Miller and Susan Cronin, for coordinating this fantastic annual event. October saw us at a new venue, The Preserve, (hosted by Addie Silvia and Pat McGrath) for an R&R and our fall Finger Lakes Wine Tour was a hit! Multiple requests for a sequel have already been made. It was a wonderful opportunity to socialize with Actives, bring a friend(s) and/or encourage women to join the League. We may have netted two new members! In addition, we have several members joining mahjong. Thank you, Joan Ferrara, for providing the opportunity to JLS members to learn and play. November saw close to thirty Sustainers at The Chop House for our 7-member hosted R&R (Mary Ellen Andrews, Mary Mathews, Mary Pat Oliker, Mary Richardson, RoseMary Lyons, Beverly Short and Cheryl Ward). Attendees got to hear about our first three of eleven 100th anniversary projects from their respective Sustainer Co-Leads. Janet Burman/Rescue Mission, Lisa de Silva/Vera House and LouAnn Christo/Boys & Girls Club spoke of their Active member Co-Leads and their upcoming projects. In early December we participated in our beloved annual Sustainer community event, Pie Baking. Sheila Corbishley along with a cadre of volunteers put this wonderful holiday event together annually. Truly appreciated and anticipated. Moving forward 2020, our 100th Anniversary year, will be exciting and filled with lots of activities and opportunities. What better time to socialize and volunteer! Look for upcoming information and opportunities to 8 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

volunteer for one or more of the twelve months of Mission based 100th anniversary celebration projects in your mail and in your weekly Email Blast. Eleven projects were selected from a pool of twenty-one proposal submissions (which you received via mail and rated by favorite). Each of these projects has paired a Sustainer and Active member to Co-lead. Thank you to the 100th committee for such diligent hard work and to our many, many Sustainers who came forward to participate. Starting in January, each month in 2020 we will have a 100th anniversary project event (except September). We will celebrate the past, the future and the present with fellow JLS members: Ten months of Co-Sustainer/ Active led projects recognizing past partners, one month of a Co-Sustainer/Active led project with a new partner and one month to celebrate the present JLS. Mark your calendar (September 26th), for the 100th Anniversary Celebration Party. So very much happening. We hope your 2018 was prosperous, healthy and joyful. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year and celebrating 100 years of service and dedication to our community!

Holiday Pie Baking 66 pies were made and delivered to the Rescue Mission and the Samaritan Center!

Lynne Hamilton-Johnson Evonne Pacini Sustainer VPs

Remember if you have a “kudos” please let us know. Celebrating your accomplishments is an honor!

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 9

Webinar Wednesdays AJLI’s Webinar series, Webinar Wednesdays, is one of many methods to help Junior League women develop as community and civic leaders. These sessions, typically one-hour in duration, are designed to appeal to every Junior League member, regardless of age or current engagement in her community, as an easy way to increase her knowledge of and interest in community and civic leadership. Visit AJLI’s website for more information and to sign up. AJLI/Trainings&Meetings/OnlineLearning/ WebinarWednesdays



JANUARY 8, 2020 DIGITAL ADVERTISING BASICS Featuring: Michelle Gorenstein Vice President, Creative Director, AJLI Erica Lovegreen, Director of Digital Strategy, ICUC. social Abby McGilvery, Social Media Strategist, AJLI

• Passing of Sustainer Carol Cunningham Hoyt

• Passing of Sustainer Addie Silvia’s sister

Is your League looking to increase your League’s visibility and build greater brand awareness? Do you want to supercharge your recruitment? Digital advertising is a great, low-budget way to engage with your community and attract new audiences.

• Sustainer Lisa Alford being named Vice Chair of the Health Foundation for Western and Central NY

If you have considered running digital advertising but were unclear about the differences between Google Adwords and Facebook boosted posts and ads, then join us for an insightful hour.

• Passing of Sustainer Emeritus Jeane Dewitt Freidel • Passing of Sustainer and past president Gretchen Pierce Ralph • Passing of Sustainer Jeryl Reitzel’s father.


• New Member Diane Elliot for being named one of M&T Banks 40 under 40 • Member Ocesa Keaton for being named one of M & T Banks 40 Under 40 • Member Danielle Mensing being named one of M & T Banks 40 Under 40 • Linzy Frank and her husband on the birth of their daughter Mila Rose Frank • Violetta Raddell and her husband on the birth of their son Britxon Thomas Raddell 10 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

You’ll leave this webinar understanding: • The different features and strategies the multitude of digital advertising options offer • Why it’s vital for your League to consider adding digital advertising to your communications plan • How to plan your campaign and create your budget Join us to get a solid orientation to the essential elements of digital advertising.

COMMUNITY The Community Collaborations Committee has been collaborating with numerous community partners and providing engaging ways for members to connect with the local community. This past fall, there were volunteer opportunities with We Rise Above the Streets Sandwich Saturday, It’s All About Children and Family Inner Harbor 5k Event, and The Shonnard Street Boys and Girls Club Community Thanksgiving Dinner. During these events, the JLS supplied warm weather socks, hats, and gloves, sandwich-making supplies and desserts. We also will be volunteering with the Salvation Army to prepare for their Christmas Bureau Distribution, “adopt” two in-need families at Chadwick Residence for the Holidays, and assist with the purchase of new dining room furniture for Chadwick Residence. This purchase will allow the residents to have more community-style meals (something the members enjoyed from our nutritional cooking class) and will benefit all the house residents. Upcoming for the spring, and in addition to the exciting community events aligned with our 100th year, JLS members can look forward to opportunities with I Support the Girls, Danforth Middle School STEM Expo (and other National Volunteer Week Events), Girls on the Run, YWCA, Chadwick Residence, and Clary’s Closet. Community is also partnering with Fund Development to find applicable grants that would allow us to repeat successful community events with additional community partners (i.e. expand the Nutritional Cooking Classes to different sites).

Casey Duffy

Community VP

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 11

431 E Fayette St ¥ Suite 225 ¥ Syracuse, NY 13202 OFFICE: 315.423.9773 ¥ FAX: 315.471.1464 ¥

Get Social With Us!

Visit for direct links.

Jeanne Jackson and Wendy Carl- Isome Sustainer VPs

MISSION: The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. (JLS) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. VISION: The JLS will be an organization of diverse women committed to enriching the quality of life for women, children and their families in the Central New York community. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STATEMENT: The JLS welcomes all women who value our Mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities. 12 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

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