The NOTES Winter Issue 2 2019

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IN THIS ISSUE ¥ Fall ODI Recap ¥ Governance and Management ¥ Sustainer News ¥ Fund Development ¥ Welcome New Members ¥ Bylaws Changes ¥ Gifford Grant Announcement ¥ Sectionals ¥ Condolences and Congratulations ¥ Membership Renewal

Valentine’s Tea Party ¥ February 17, 2019 • 9:30 am ¥ Philanthropy Center Ballroom Sectionals: Paint & Sip Night ¥ February 21, 2019 ¥ 6:30 pm ¥ Philanthropy Center Ballroom Sectionals: Family Fun & Games ¥ February 24, 2019 • 2:00 pm ¥ Philanthropy Center Ballroom March GMM ¥ March 12, 2019 • 6:00 pm social/6:30 pm meeting ¥ Philanthropy Center Ballroom Check the member’s website for full registration and event details.

HOLIDAY SHOPPES Holiday Shoppes 2018 is a wrap! We would like to thank all our members, both Active and Sustaining, who volunteered their time and energy to help make this a successful event. The committee worked hard this year, meeting several times a month, to organize and plan Holiday Shoppes. Our merchant cochairs Courtney Jones and Jessica Pease did a great job at soliciting new merchants and managing all merchant needs and requests throughout the planning process. Many of these new merchants already plan to return for our 2019 show (a great addition to our list of veteran merchants). Amy Slivka was a tour-de-force again this year on tickets and staffing; we are so thankful she was part of the committee. Marie Norkett and the Fund Development team did a fantastic job securing sponsors and coordinating print media for the weekend, ensuring that our sponsors were well recognized. You may have noticed a different feel to our advertising this year – the committee had many new ideas and Julie Palmer spent countless hours taking them from our meetings and putting them into place. She and

Whitney Browne worked hard on press releases, billboard designs, print advertising and securing media spots. (We hope everyone saw President Elect Audra Mueller’s and Merchant Co-chair Courtney Jones’ fantastic appearance on Bridge Street. They gave an informative interview about the Junior League of Syracuse while promoting Holiday Shoppes.) Karen Fejta jumped in feet first, creating a beautiful and very well managed/ organized raffle display. Thank you to everyone who helped secure donations to our grand raffle. We received items from Stickley, Audi & Co., Syracuse Food Tours, Mirbeau Inn & Spa and Cazenovia Jewelers, just to name a few. Rachel Nelson changed up our merchant hospitality suite this year – we have received nothing but positive feedback on her hard work. She secured a sponsorship from Chick-Fil-A, which we were able to partially use for the merchant hospitality room and Marie secured daily food donations from Original Grain – both were met with excitement and enthusiasm from our merchants. Another new item this year was our “Socks for a Cause” booth. We partnered with We Help Two to sell packs of funky socks. For every pack sold We Help Two sent us a pair of warm winter socks to

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 1

Holiday Shoppes cont... distribute to our community partners and the JLS also earned 60% of the proceeds. We are thankful that our membership was supportive of this fundraiser, buying and selling socks well into December. In total, we earned 224 pairs of warm socks to distribute and $1900 for the Junior League of Syracuse! Holiday Shoppes is a huge undertaking, and without the support of our membership would never be as successful as it is. We would like to give a huge “thank you” to President Jessica Murray, and President-Elect Audra Mueller for their support throughout the planning process and for being available to the committee whenever we needed them. We are proud to announce that as of January 31, 2019, our total profit (after expenses) from Holiday Shoppes 2018 is $60,262!

Melissa deJesús & Amanda Spence 2018 Holiday Shoppes Co-Chairs

FALL ODI As I take on the role of chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce, I was able to attend the fall ODI in Little Rock, Arkansas for the diversity and inclusion track. Dr. Johnny Lake was our facilitator as we learned that diversity, inclusion, and equity work is a difficult, but rewarding process of learning, unlearning and relearning. I would recommend this track for any member. In addition to the sessions, I was able to attend the opening reception at the Junior League of Little Rock's beautiful building and Saturday dinner with members of multiple Junior Leagues at the 42 Bar & Table at the Clinton Presidential Library. The closing plenary discussed change management and how to bring what we learned back to our leagues. Thank you for this opportunity.

Amanda Perrine

Membership Development VP 2 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

PUBLIC POLICY UPDATE NYSPAC will be focusing on two key issues this upcoming year: • Homeless Children & Youth Act - Thanks to the Junior League of Rochester we have a new challenge - Homeless Children and Youth Act is a federal bill so now we have the opportunity to organize and speak to our congresspeople. • Child Victims Act (Madison/NYJL) - Gives additional time for people to bring forth old abuse case - private and public institutions- Catholic Church for example. Likely it will pass pretty quickly. The JLS will have representation at both NYSPAC Winter Conference and April Advocacy Days. Attendees will also train the wider JLS membership on local advocacy and the NYSPAC issues. Our NYSPAC Board President recently received word that the Child Victims Act would pass soon and quickly. The group will also prepare to for an additional issue focused on Unaccompanied Migrant Children.

Casey Duffy Community VP

GOVERNANCE and MANAGEMENT The Governance and Management Model’s goal is “is to strengthen the ability of the League to be a powerful force empowering the leadership of women for community impact” by creating a Governing Board and a Management Team. Currently the Board focuses on both strategic direction and general management, which frequently means the strategic direction is not focused on as League management issues are more pressing. In order to better move forward, an ad hoc committee has been formed that will guide the League toward the Governance and Management Model over the next two years. Beginning with the 2020-2021 League year, we should have successfully rolled this out. Currently we are attending webinars to learn more about the model and how to implement it. We will continue to update all members as this implementation occurs.

Audra Mueller President-Elect

SUSTAINER NEWS It’s hard to believe that we are in the second half of our Junior League Sustaining year. To date we have had 13 events, including Book Club. A total of 67 Sustainers have participated. We would love to offer events that interest all of our Sustainers. If there is a topic or a place to visit that would interest you and others, please contact either Jeanne or Wendy.

out for the rescheduled date when George Chapmen, a consultant to health care centers and hospitals, will give us insights into the Syracuse Health System. George consults with medical groups, health care centers and hospitals in the Central New York Area. Heads up – May is our annual cocktail party. Is anyone interested in hosting?

With regards to Book Club, we generally meet the second Monday of each month. On February 11, we will gather at Judy Winslow’s and are reading “Still Life” by Louise Penny. Louise Penny is the March 4th speaker at the Central Library’s Lecture Series. All Sustainers are welcome to join our Book Club. We are looking forward to February 6th at 6:30PM for our Sustainer Sponsored Sectional hosted by Karen Uplinger. Judge Ted Limpert will update us on Human Trafficking in our area. Please look for information regarding our monthly R & Rs. November’s R & R was hosted by Linda Webb and Julie Trop at the Scotch ‘n Sirloin; eight of us filled one table and it was nice to be able to chat with everyone. January brought 12 sustainers to the Genesee Grande and we were a little more spread out. Mary Richardson and Barb Stratton introduced us to the hotel’s new manager and their new chef. Sheila Corbishley again arranged for our Annual Apple Pie Baking for the Rescue Mission. Twenty Sustainers were joined by new members. Abbott Farms generously donated the apples that we used to make a record 73 pies. Let’s face it, we are not getting any younger. Watch

Sustainer activities are listed on the Sustainer e-blasts that should be coming to your e-mail at the end of every week. If you are not getting these e-mails, please check your junk folder. If you are truly not receiving the e-mails, please call Kris at the JLS office. In addition, if you have a friend, or a former JLS member, who would like to attend one of our events, please bring them along.

Jeanne Jackson Wendy Carl Isome Sustainer VPs

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 3




Your Fund Development team has been working very hard at continuing to develop community partners who share in our vision and support for the local community. We have had outstanding successes recently with bringing on new corporate sponsors for 2018 and 2019 events, including Corks, Forks, Brews & Chews, the Salt City Summit, and most recently Holiday Shoppes. We are continually refining our sponsorship packets to provide consistency between event and league sponsors and the benefits derived from each. Through their many monetary and in-kind donations our sponsors have added much to the quality of JLS events and ultimately to the benefit of our members and community partners. We are very fortunate to have the support of sponsors but it wouldn’t happen without the dedication of our members and their outreach and communications with friends, business associates, and community contacts. If you have questions or ties to potential JLS sponsors, please reach out to our Fund Development committee at any time! You can find contact information for members of the committee on Digital Cheetah or through the JLS website member information page, or contact any of your Board members and they will assist in making connections. These sponsorships create an immeasurable impact in efforts to build a better community. Thank you all!


The Membership Development and Recruitment Committee is pleased to welcome the Fall 2018 New Member class to active status. These ladies were the first to go through our revamped New Member curriculum and were able to help us tweak it and successfully be the first to complete it. Our new members are excited to get started on their new committees and to learn all about what it’s like to be an active member. If you see a New Member on your committee or at a function, please be sure to welcome her! Thank you to the amazing Membership committee who served as mentors to our new actives throughout the entire process! Congratulations to Jan Daum, Caroline Long, Julia Kane, Karen Alweis, Stacy Roche, Violetta Raddell, Jen Pysnack, Michelle McGIllivray, Amanda Thornton, Alese Burnett, Victoria Wejko, and Lisa Wiles on being the newest Junior League of Syracuse members! NEW MEMBER EVENTS PREVIEW

The Junior League of Syracuse presents Night at the Derby! Mark your calendars now for our spring fundraising event, formerly known as Corks, Forks, Brews & Chews. This year’s event will be held from Saturday, May 4 from 5 – 9pm at SKY Armory and will be better than ever. Your JLS event committee is already hard at work making sure the night is filled with great entertainment, fun Derbythemed games, amazing food and beverages, and exciting silent auction items. And as an additional benefit, if you choose to continue the party the Jefferson Clinton Hotel has blocked a group of specially-priced rooms for our members! Last year’s event was a sell out, so don’t hesitate to get your tickets as soon as possible! More information will be coming soon; keep an eye out for email blasts and website updates.

The Membership Development and Recruitment committee successfully held two Open Houses in the month of January. We welcomed 20 ladies interested in learning more about becoming a member. We were also fortunate to have a visit from Spectrum News, who covered our new member program and spread the message about our recruitment efforts. The Winter/ Spring New Member Class will begin on February 11th. The comprehensive program will highlight three classes, a volunteer opportunity with the CNY Food Bank and participation in our Spring fundraiser. We are looking forward to welcoming another great group of ladies to becoming active members in May. If you know of any ladies interested in joining, please let them know our next round of New Member classes will begin again in the Fall, in the meantime, feel free to invite them to events with you to give them a introduction to the League!

Fund Development VP

Membership Development & Recruitment Chair

Coming May 4, 2019

Marie Norkett

4 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

Kate Zwecker

CONGRATULATIONS! The Fund Development committee is making a concerted effort to apply for grants throughout 2019. We finished 2018 by applying for a grant through National Grid to benefit our STEM event. We hope to have an update to our application status by February 2019. Our next grant application will be geared towards educational opportunities for our members through training and speakers. The Fund Development Committee is seeking any ideas for future grants. Do you know of a granting agency that we should possibly apply to? Do you have an idea for a project that we can try to fund through grant opportunities? Do you want to write or learn to write grants? If any of these questions piqued your interest, contact the Fund Development VP Marie Norkett ( or Fund Development Chair Maeve Lanning ( with any thoughts, ideas, or information about joining the Fund Development team!

★ Helping You Find the Perfect Franchise ★

• Caroline Bhakta and husband Satyen welcomed son Bennett on January 8.

BOOK CLUB “Every year that passed, it seemed a little more of her had slipped away; and I began to fear that one day I would come to forget her altogether. But the truth is: No matter how much time passes, those we have loved never slip away from us entirely.” For the November book club we read the historical fiction novel “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles. Members agreed that it was a wonderfully written book with an interesting story. Member Julie Palmer had recently returned from Moscow and brought Russian candy and photos of the Metropol hotel and views from the hotel so that we could see what the main character was viewing. “She had tried to make sure they knew that there were a hundred, a thousand, a million different ways to be a girl, and that all of them were valid.”

✔ Are you looking for passive or semi-absentee income? ✔ Are you ready for retirement but still need an income? ✔ Are you considering owning your own business or franchise not WANT sure where start? THE NOTES? HOW DOand YOU TOto READ ✔ Do you want to work with someone whose primary goal is to help you navigate through the entire process and Update your profile in the members’ build a business for your family and you? website set your preference! ✔ I am a Certifiedto Franchise Consultant here in CNY - let's talk! (My fees are paid by franchises, so are free to you!)

Karen Fejta, CFC 615.375.6135

In January we discussed “Down Among the Sticks and Bones” by Seanan McGuire. Part of the Wayward Children series, the book discusses parenting, gender roles, gender stereotyping, personality vs. genetics vs. environment, first love, what being family means, and choice. Members enjoyed the book and are planning to read the first book in the series to learn what happens to the characters (this book is a prequel). Our next meeting takes place Tuesday, March 26th at 6pm on the 3rd floor of the Philanthropy Center. We will discuss the memoir “Educated” by Tara Westover. The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 5

GMM summaries!


November GMM Our November GMM was filled with so many details of what we’ve already done with the year and a clear preview of what is coming up for the rest of the year. We heard from a a few members about their experience at the Sandwich Saturday with We Rise above the Streets and what that impact that has had on them and in our community. We also enjoyed our guest speaker Karen Krogman Daum who gave us some insight into her experience with the league, her involvement with the local Food Bank, involving the junior League with the Food Bank, and then some fantastic details on how to become involved with a board as a member. There was a lot of positive feedback and Karen answered various questions in all areas. We also introduced the League the Strategic Governance Planning in detail and addressed any questions that came up here. We also heard thoughts from those who attended the Fall Leadership conference and Salt City Summit before wrapping up with announcements regarding Holiday Shoppes, Community, Book Club and the Plans for the Holiday Party. A full and fantastic agenda!

Two Bylaws changes were brought to the general membership to be voted upon on Tuesday, January 8th 2019 at the January GMM. Both of the bylaws dealt with the term of office for either the Board of Directors and/ or Officers. The first was Article 6: Board of Directors, Section 3: Term. The new language specified that the term of office for all members of the Board, except for the Sustainer Vice Presidents, shall be two years. The second was Article 9: Officers, Section 3: Term. The new language specified that all Officers, except for the President-Elect shall serve two year terms.

December GMM Our December GMM was equal in both impact and fun. We voted in our new members welcoming them, heard the remaining details on the Holiday Shoppes success, and clarified the Strategic Governance Planning adjustments before our celebration. Our holiday party kicked off with various table games, a gift exchange, and more food than we knew what to do with. It was a wonderful opportunity to socialize with guests our members brought and get to know our new members.

Audra Mueller

January GMM Our January GMM brought with it voting for our Bylaws changes and voting for the following years Nominating Slate. Our guest speaker was Katelyn Galbraith, President of the New York State Public Affairs Committee (NYSPAC). She brought much enthusiasm to the meeting and many members shared excitement to co-ordinate more closely with NYSPAC in the future. Community, Book Club and and Sectional Details were announced as well.

Malissa Nicolini

Education & Training Chair 6 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • December 2018

These changes were presented to the general membership because AJLI is encouraging leagues to explore ways to lengthen the term of Officers and Directors. The belief is that longer terms help improve the ability of the Officers/Directors to be more Strategic. One year is not enough time to train, gain momentum and advance a strategic vision of the League. The general membership of the Junior League of Syracuse voted to change the Bylaws to the proposed two year terms. The new two year terms will take effect in the 2019-2020 term. President-Elect

January GMM NYSPAC Presentation

GIFFORD GRANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We are happy to announce that The Junior League of Syracuse has been awarded a “What If…” mini-grant from The Gifford Foundation in the amount of $3,798. The grant is titled, “The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc.’s Nutrition and Literacy Program with Chadwick Residence.” The grant will support quarterly nutrition-based cooking classes for the residents of our community partner, Chadwick Residence, throughout 2019. During each class, the children of the residents will be in the Junior League created Book Nook for story time. These cooking classes will demonstrate healthy and balanced alternatives and encourage the residents to pay attention to their and their children’s nutrition. Each participant will leave the cooking classes with kitchen necessities for them to sustain a healthy lifestyle when they transition to independent living. Check Seeing Spot for our first cooking class opportunity in March; no cooking skills required! The Gifford Foundation was established in 1954 as a private foundation serving Syracuse and the surrounding Central New York community. The Foundation supports individuals and organizations through grants and initiatives that build on community assets and promote positive change in the community. For further information visit the website at

BOARD BRIEFS • Everyone is welcome to attend board meetings held 5:30PM the first Tuesday of each month (3/5, 4/2, 5/7) @ the JLS Office • Reviewing possibility of using Jerri Wilson Fund to finance future ODI conference / travel expenses. All members are encouraged to apply via their advisor! • Left over socks from the Holiday Shoppes fundraiser were exchanged for warmer socks & will be donated to community partners. The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 7

WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP TO? ST. LUCY’S THANKSGIVING DINNER The Community Collaborations committee has had an active and effective November and December. Our committee and volunteers inclusive of our New Members served Thanksgiving dinner to more than 100 people at the St. Lucy’s Church on Syracuse’s Near West Side. JLS members donated desserts for the dinner that were enjoyed by all. We look forward to continuing this annual Thanksgiving tradition and working with the Near Westside Initiative.

GINGERBREAD HOUSES AT CHADWICK We celebrated the holiday season with our community partner, Chadwick Residence, in early December. Members came out to join and assist residents in decorating, some of whom have never decorated a gingerbread house before. We sipped hot chocolate, had sugar cookies, and enjoyed candy canes. Additional gingerbread house kits were left for children that could not attend the event. The JLS donated new housekeeping items such as vacuums, mops, and brooms to the residents during the event. It was a great kick off to the holiday season. 8 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

CHADWICK GIFT WRAPPING AND DELIVERY The month of December presented an opportunity for JLS members to embrace the true meaning of the holiday spirit through generous donations to two families served by the Chadwick Residence. JLS members contributed monetary donations and donated items and were able to make the holiday season very special for the families. We were able to meet the needs of the families inclusive of requested items such as a car seat, a breast pump, clothing, baby blankets, toys, and SU gear. JLS members further donated their time in wrapping all of the gifts, and delivering them to Chadwick Residence. As a committee and as a League we are continuing to work with Chadwick Residence and look forward to the new opportunities for impact we will have with the women served by Chadwick. As with all of our Community Collaborations, one cannot understate the lasting impression that volunteer events have on our membership as well. On behalf of the Community Collaborations committee, we would like to thank all of our members for your donations thus far this League year. Stayed tuned for additional wonderful opportunities in 2019!

Thank you!

Thank you to our sponsors who continue to support our mission, allowing us to focus on training our volunteer members, investing in the community, and planning for the future. The JLS counts on these relationships and our members will continue to frequent these Thank You To Our 2018 Holiday Shoppes Sponsors generous businesses. Thank You To Our 2017 Holiday Shoppes Sponsors


Diamond Sponsor Price Chopper



Thank Holiday S



Pla�num Sponsor Y94 Gold Sponsor 93Q Sunny 102



Silver Sponsor Feldmeier Equipment Inc JGB Enterprises Inc Prin�ng & Promo�onal Solu�ons LLC (PPS)

Feldm JG Prin�ng & Pro

Bronze Sponsor NBT Bank B&C Storage Syracuse Woman Magazine Lamar The Dinosaur Avalon Document Services




Friends of the League Wegmans Syracuse Media Group WSYR-TV Spectrum Laura Hand Simple Roast Coffee Company


In January 2018, the JLS received a generous $5,000 grant from the Central New York Community Foundation. During the past year, we used these funds to upgrade the office desktop computer and printer, purchase an iPad, projector, and projector screen for offsite presentations that were first used at 2018 Holiday Shoppes, a Square mobile payment package, and additional technology tools and upgrades. We are thankful to have increased the effectiveness of our operations through this grant. Holiday Shoppes Grand Raffle Sponsors Feldmeier Equipment Inc Chris Murray Photography S�ckley Audi & Co Syracuse Ballet Anheuser Busch Brewery Detail Johnny O-Yoga Barre 3 Cazenovia Jewelers Car Freshener

Richard Levy stands in the living room of his home in Syracuse.

I decided to open a fund at the Community Foundation to provide for the causes that resonate with my own life experiences. My fund makes it easy to facilitate my annual giving now. Leaving a portion of the proceeds of my estate to the fund allows this giving to continue even after I’m gone. Read more at

Inspired Giving:

Richard Levy

since 1927 (315) 422-9538

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • December 2018 | 9


Simple R

Holiday Shop Feldm Chris M S� S Anhe




Human Trafficking Chat with Judge Limpert

We are having a great year so far; we had a successful Holiday Shoppes and have had new grant money come in, thanks to the Fund Development committee. We just completed a budget review and details on spending and expenses through December are shown below. Much of our remaining spending will go toward community impact and for member development at conference and other training opportunities. We are also looking forward to a successful spring fundraiser with the JLS Night at the Derby to contribute to additional operating revenue. We are on track to be ahead of budget this year! Please contact Rachel Ford Ciotti with any questions.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 7:00-9:00 P.M. Judge Ted Limpert was our exciting guest speaker for this year’s sectional. Judge Limpert is the presiding judge in Syracuse’s Human Trafficking Court. He discussed the history of the court, identification of trafficking victims eligible for participation, the court’s approach to intervention, and collaboration with community stakeholders to advance safe outcomes for survivors of trafficking

Barre3 SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 10:45 A.M. We heard how much you all loved last year’s Barre3 sectional so we have decided to do that one more time for your physical benefit. There is only room for 27 of you so get in on it quickly! This is a NO COST event so let’s show our appreciation for JLS member Jennifer Rubin of Barre3 by participating and sharing our experiences with others. Located at the Marshalls Plaza in Dewitt, 3401 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. We look forward to seeing you there.

Rachel Ford Ciotti Treasurer

Members Out and About!

Paint & Sip Night

Jessica Murray, Caeresa Richardson (JLS member and YWCA board member), Casey Duffy

THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 6:30 P.M. This event will bring JLS members together to share an evening of creating art and sipping the beverage of your choice in a relaxed setting. With step-bystep guidance, you will create your own individual masterpieces. It will be a relaxed atmosphere that focuses on self-expression and relationship building. No artist ability is needed. We will provide all the painting supplies, you BYOB. About a week before the event, registered participants will vote on which image to paint.

Family Fun & Games SUNDAY, FEB. 24, 2:00-6:00 P.M. Bring the whole family out for an afternoon of fun and games for all ages. There will be games, activities and snacks to enjoy with your Junior League friends. Join us in the 2nd Floor Ballroom! 10 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019

Jessica Murray, Jenni Gratien (Executive Director of Chadwick Residence), Marie Norkett

WINTER LEADERSHIP I had the honor of representing the Junior League of Syracuse at AJLI Winter Leadership, held in New Orleans January 24-27, 2019. It was a whirlwind of a weekend. The first day was check-in, a Digital Cheetah training and an opening reception. There are some exciting Digital Cheetah enhancements that are coming. Some of these exciting enhancements include YouTube integration and texting capabilities. Also coming will be a matching tool that helps with members with committee placement. I was excited to learn about the resources AJLI provides incoming Presidents regarding Governance and Management. I learned about the importance of a Board Retreat and what should and should not be covered. I learned about the importance of getting policies and procedures in place and was introduced to the resources that AJLI has to offer so leagues do not need to recreate the wheel. I learned about the importance of having both strategic (long term) and annual (short term) plans. In the next month I am looking forward to diving deeper into the templates and resources that AJLI has to offer in regards to Governance and Management. A lot was covered at Winter Leadership. I am in the process of reviewing my notes, digesting the information presented, and following up with those ideas that I thought were interesting. I am looking forward to applying some of the things that I learned during my Presidency and I look forward to integrating the ideas people bring back from future trainings.

Audra Mueller


Members at Chadwick Residence building gingerbread houses


Our sympathies to: Kelly Gillespie on the loss of her father-in-law, Stephen James Gillespie.

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL AND ANNUAL APPEAL Next month members will receive the JLS’ spring membership renewal and appeal mailing. As we look forward to marking 100 years of building a better Syracuse community, support from our active and sustaining members through membership dues and donations helps to sustain the JLS and our impact in Central New York.Thank you for your continued commitment to the success of the JLS’ mission and vision!

JLS Bord of Directors

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2019 | 11

431 E Fayette St ¥ Suite 225 ¥ Syracuse, NY 13202 OFFICE: 315.423.9773 ¥ FAX: 315.471.1464 ¥

Get Social With Us!

Visit for direct links.

Jeanne Jackson and Wendy Carl- Isome Sustainer VPs

MISSION: The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. (JLS) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. VISION: The JLS will be an organization of diverse women committed to enriching the quality of life for women, children and their families in the Central New York community. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STATEMENT: The JLS welcomes all women who value our Mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities. 12 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • December 2018

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