Issue #3 - JLS NOTES / Spring 2022

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REFLECTIONS ON 100 YEARS IN THIS ISSUE • Reflections on 100 Years of JLS • League Awards & Nominations • Membership Renewal Info • Fund Development • Community Updates • Sustainer Updates • Book Club Dates • DEI Updates

MARK YOUR CALENDARS 03/31: March Book Club 04/01 - 04/15: Women’s Clothing Drive 04/12: April GMM • 6:00pm Social • 6:30pm Meeting Starts 5/10: May GMM • 6:00pm Social • 6:30pm Meeting Starts 05/26: May Book Club Check the member’s website for full registration and event details.

I have been in the Junior League of Syracuse for 10 years. 1/10th of the time we’ve been a League. We have accomplished quite a bit in those 10 years and have also changed a lot in those 10 years. Knowing what has happened in only 10 years makes the task of reflecting on the past 100 years fairly daunting. It’s also comforting to know that even with those changes and challenges that the Junior League of Syracuse has held steady for all 100. I joined the League shortly after relocating from Albany. I didn’t know many people in Syracuse and knew this would be a great way to meet others who also cared about their community and helping others. My sisterin-law had been a member of the Princeton league so I knew a little about the Junior League and its mission. Immediately, I was immersed in this new world and learned a lot about the Syracuse community and the wonderful women stewarding the league. In those 10 years, I have participated in many different initiatives and events. Namely, the first year of our STEM event, partnerships

with Chadwick House, the former Little While House of Hope, Food Bank, our Anti- Human Trafficking campaign, Women’s Day at the Fair, and 10 years of Holiday Shoppes. We have had numerous other fundraisers and fun social events and trainings. So much has happened in those 10 years. Thinking back, we’ve accomplished so much, grown, changed, and adapted to challenges and achievements. All are wonderful reminders that there are always ebbs and flows, always changes to make, and always wonderful memories and triumphs to look back on. Since 1920 you could say that life has changed a bit. I think of our

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great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, and aunts who have come before us and paved the way for women today. Their ability to change, adapt, and advocate got us to where we are today. How different their lives were, and how different the world is now. While the world has changed so much, the purpose of the League remains the same. Women, helping others. We cannot forget that even though life is drastically different, and that the League has changed over the years, that we are still here for the same reason. A group of women, dedicated to helping others, for over 100 years. What an amazing accomplishment and history to relish in. Even if your part is 1/10th or less of that legacy, you have had a hand in making a difference maintaining and growing this purpose in our community. Here’s to 100 years and beyond! Please Save the Date for June 10th to help us celebrate those amazing 100 years!

Kate Zwecker

Executive Vice President

LEAGUE AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS Let’s Celebrate our amazing members and sustainers! League awards are a great way to honor the hard work and dedication of our amazing members. Do you know someone who embodies the spirit of one of these accolades? We will be accepting nominations for the following awards for the 2021-2022 league year. The Spirit of Mary Harriman Award, given to a Sustaining member, has an additional nomination form. Sustainers, please keep an eye out for information from VP of Sustainers, Cheryl Ward about nominating a deserving member for this award. Active members, please keep an eye out in coming communications about nominations for one of our active member awards! This is a great way to highlight and showcase the amazing work our members do each year! Spirit of Mary Harriman Award: Honors and recognizes an innovative JLS member whose volunteer work continues Mary Harriman’s efforts. This award provides a contemporary link to our founder’s sense of social responsibility and her ability to encourage others to share their talents through effective volunteer service. The League Cup Award: Given to a person who has dedicated an extraordinary amount of volunteer time and effort both in the League and the community: commitment to the JLS by involving participation in League committee work and dedicated to community by regularly spending many volunteer hours within the community. In-League Award: Given to a member(s) for outstanding contributions to committee work. New Member Award: Given to a member(s) with 1-3 years League experience for dedication and commitment to the League and to the community. Community Service Award: Given to members(s) for significant community involvement. Sustainer of the Year: Recognizes outstanding contributions by a sustaining member of the League.

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SUSTAINER NEWS We are looking for nominations for the Mary Harriman Award and Sustainer of the Year. Please contact me to submit your nomination ( • I am also still asking for Pictures for the JLS/Sustainer Directory. If you have one that you would like included in that publication, I’d love to add it. • Plans are being made for the Yearly Cocktail Party. The event will be held on May 12 at Bellevue Country Club. Watch for your invitation. The Committee (Mary Ellen Andrews, Mary Mathews, Wendy Carl Isome, Judy Winslow, Carol Sweet & Eileen Hathaway Krell) would love to see ALL of you there. • If anyone has ideas about volunteer opps, it would be great to forward them to me. • Also: watch for Dues Notices.

Cheryl Ward Sustainer VP

CHERYL’S MARY HARRIMAN ACCEPTANCE SPEECH FROM 2021 First of all: Wow! This is a BIG DEAL - I received a call from my good friend Eileen Hathaway and that’s exactly what she said to me…Cheryl, this is a BIG DEAL. I began to think of all the things I could say – how did I get here, how did I get into community service & voluntarism. It seems it’s all about opportunities…It all started with my kids, Jennifer, Michael and Catherine – let’s see, room mother, PTA Member, brownie leader, girl scout leader, cub scout leader, Swim team board member, etc, etc, etc….. But the biggest road to being able to do all those things leads to my husband, Peter, who was always there to encourage, enable and support my activities. That same Eileen that I spoke about told me about another opportunity: the Junior League of Syracuse – this was an opportunity to be a TRAINED volunteer. Joining the League opened up a whole new universe full of ways to be involved. There were In-League projects that took me to the Consortium for Children’s Services filming a parenting series on public TV - me behind a television camera! Also to CONTACT Community Services where communication and problem solving workshops took me to interact with middle and high school kids. That volunteer activity ultimately led to a real job! There were so many more community volunteer opportunities within the League as an active. By the time I became a sustainer volunteering was embedded in my dna. Being part of different organizations and sitting on Community boards gave me so many opportunities to learn new things, meet great people and be involved with exciting projects. And by the way, I’ve never sat on a board that wasn’t billed as an active board – that means as you all know – you don’t go to meetings and just sit and listen to people report and nod your head sagely. It means that you have the opportunity to really learn about the organization, make sure missions are upheld, and strategic plans are developed, ……..but most of all for me that every fundraiser that had ever been thought of somehow landed in my lap. I really LIKE being involved in the community – I’ve met so many dedicated, capable, wonderful people, I have had the opportunity to have been a part of many adventures that warmed my heart, strengthened my soul and made me crazy and I have to thank you, the Junior League of Syracuse for being the major roadway to most of the opportunities to be a part of this terrific community. One last thing I can’t tell you what the support of all of you here tonight means to me. I look around the room and see women that I‘ve worked with, played with, traveled with and those of you whom I have cajoled into working those fundraisers I talked about.I’m very grateful to receive this wonderful honor – thank you. The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2021 | 3

IT’S TIME FOR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL! Please take note of the following Policies and deadlines to ensure that you secure your membership for the 20222023 League Year! Dues mailings will be sent in early March, so please keep an eye out in the mail. Dues are also accepted online using your membership login. If you have questions about Active Membership Renewal please contact Susan Shubmehl, Nominating Director. If you have questions about Sustainer Membership Renewal, please contact Cheryl Ward, VP of Sustainers. According to the Policies of the Junior League of Syracuse, all Actives, Associate Actives, and Sustainers must adhere to the following Membership Renewal Process: Active and Sustaining members will be sent a notice of Membership Renewal on or before March 15th. Active and Sustaining members will be liable for payment of all Dues detailed in the Membership Renewal unless written notice of intent to resign is received by their Nominating Advisor or the Sustainer VP in writing by April 15th. • Active and Sustaining members whose dues are not received by April 15th will be sent a final notice on the amount of the dues outstanding, and will include a $15.00 late fee. • Active and Sustaining members whose dues (and late fee if applicable) are not received by May 15th shall be automatically dropped from Membership in poor standing. • Any member finding payment of dues to be a financial hardship may contact their Nominating Advisor or Sustainer VP in writing to ask for alternate payment options on or before April 15th. NOTE: A member may request a Payment Plan with payments due April / May / June / July. • •

Cheryl Ward

Sue Shubmehl

Sustainer VP

Nominating Director

MEMBERSHIP UPDATES New Member Recruitment: Membership has a Spring 2022 class under way! Be sure to check back in the summer issue for an introduction to our new members. Our members are our best recruitment tool! As always, please give your friends, family, or colleagues our email ( if they want more information about membership or joining the League! Fall 2022 classes will begin in September. Education and Engagement: Looking back in January we revisited the fundamentals of what each JLS role does, doing a little speed dating of leadership roles via zoom. February is heart health month! Members were trained in the basics of CPR and had guest speaker Lisa Best Wiles tell her story for performing CPR twice and we signed members up for the Check It! Challenge to monitor our blood pressure over the next 4 months! In March E&E is partnering with DEI&B to train the league on identifying and preventing microaggressions in our day to day lives. We had an incredible galentine’s day shopping and brunch event on Sunday, February 5, 2022 and are looking forward to a family and friends friendly event, Friday, April 22, 2022! Meet the JLS at the Syracuse Mets for a night of baseball and fireworks! A link will be provided as we get closer for you to buy tickets through and from every ticket sold the JLS will receive $4.00 back!

Julia Kane

VP of Membership 4 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2021

DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION Maximize the benefits of your Junior League membership with learning opportunities and resources related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). AJLI recently announced the debut of Candid Conversations, a new series focused on facilitating understanding of complex DEIB issues through a discussion among a select group of experts, advocates and stakeholders. Learn more at Collaboration has been the word of the month(s), as the DEI Task Force has been excited to partner with the Member Education and Engagement Committee to plan the March GMM’s member training– a tangible and relevant example of embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion into the JLS. With the completion of several more “training moments” completed through GMM DEI reflections, the team has added to the collection of resource guides available on the JLS members’ website. Visit to access resources on privilege, belonging, and equal pay days, in addition to links to AJLI opportunities including the new Candid Conversation series (more details below).

BOOK CLUB The book club will be meeting remotely for the remainder of the year. We have created a recurring zoom link so you should be able to use the same link for March and May. The March book comes highly recommended by our very well read president so please take some time to savor this book before our meeting at the end of the month! Register on Seeing Spot and contact Julie Palmer with any questions.

Julie Palmer Book Club Chair


In addition to work internal to our League, the DEI Task Force has been working to develop a new externally-focused initiative, the JLS DEI Listening Tour. In this effort, the JLS will connect with Syracuse community leaders and organizations to learn about initiatives, needs, and potential collaborations involving diversity, equity, and inclusion. Stay tuned for updates on this effort!

Jessica Murray DEI Task Force Chair

March 31, 2022 My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrick Backman

May 26, 2022 Excerpted from January 2022 GMM mini-training on belonging; image from Twitter user @AllanGCProf

Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge

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CONGRATULATIONS CORNER Congratulations to Jenna Webb on the birth of her son, Kieran Thomas. Congratulations to Julia Kane on her recent engagement to Austin! Good Luck to Victoria Wejko and Amanda Richie Terzian as they compete in Mrs. NY America, Mrs. NY American, and Mrs. NY for America Strong pageants!

Thank you to a recent sponsor of $5000 G&C FOODS

FUND DEVELOPMENT UPDATES Valentine’s Day Raffle Our second annual Valentine’s Raffle was another success! Taking home first place with $1000 was Amy Sumida. The second place winner of $500 was Heather Wallace. The added third place of $250 goes to Julia Kane’s best friend all the way from Chicago: Jasleen Singh. We are very grateful to everyone who bought tickets this year. Proceeds continue to support our mission and vision as we work to positively impact the greater Syracuse community. Night at the Derby Night at the Derby, a proud May event, has been postponed for 2022. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Centennial Celebration on June 10th at the OnCenter! 100 Year Annual Scholarship The 100 Year Annual Scholarship was established to empower a woman in the Syracuse community by awarding a yearly $2000 Scholarship. The application is now active on our website and has been promoted to our community partners as well as local school districts. Please help us spread the word about this unique and helpful opportunity! Application Criteria: • Must be a woman and/or an individual that identifies as a woman • All ages 16+ are welcome to apply (no maximum age). • Must reside in one of the following counties (Onondaga, Madison, Cortland, Cayuga, and Oswego) • Applicants must be looking for further education/training/skill development. Some examples (but not limited to) are: • College applicants • Continuing education/ certification programs • Trade training: i.e. electrician, cosmetology, web developer, dental hygienist, x-ray technician, etc. • Skill development: art, fitness instruction, driving programs, etc. • The application must be submitted by April 15, 2022.

Jen Lowe Baker Fund Development VP

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COMMUNITY UPDATES Northside CYO Literacy and Nutrition Courses We’ve had a great start to our Literacy and Nutrition Courses at Northside CYO! We’ve been working with 16 kids to create their book of Favorite Things based on the letters in their first name and cooking awesome recipes like Rice and Bean Bowls and Pan Sheet Nachos. The kids love the activities! There's still time to sign up to volunteer, too. See dates below. Dates: Feb. 28, March 7, March 14, March 21 and March 28

Clothing Drive! Our clothing drive begins April 1st and ends April 15th (we will be collecting during the April GMM, so feel free to bring items to the meeting). We are collecting gently used women’s clothing and accessories. If you cannot make it to the April GMM and do not have building access, reach out to Camille Marcotte at ctmarcot@ or (845) 559-9249 to coordinate a drop-off (or with any questions). Please make sure clothing/items are free of stains, rips, mold, etc. These items will be donated to the YWCA - we are hoping to plan an event similar to the Valentine’s Day tea party, but more of a picnic style lunch. Stay tuned for details! Other events coming up for Community, include: • National Volunteer Week (April 17 - April 23) • Nutrition and Literacy Course with RISE • PEACE, Inc. 100th Year Event • Women’s Cooking Classes CURRENT HOME SHORTAGE

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431 E Fayette St ¥ Suite 225 ¥ Syracuse, NY 13202 OFFICE: 315.423.9773 ¥ FAX: 315.471.1464 ¥

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MISSION: The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. (JLS) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. VISION: The JLS will be an organization of diverse women committed to enriching the quality of life for women, children and their families in the Central New York community. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STATEMENT: The JLS welcomes all women who value our Mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities. 8 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Winter 2021

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