JLS Fall 2020 NOTES

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ISSUE 1 | FALL 2020


2020-2021- Better Together!

¥ President and EVP Welcome ¥ Council Updates ¥ Sustainer Update ¥ Book Club ¥ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ¥ Congrats & Condolences ¥ 100th Anniversary Update ¥ Thank You Sponsors

Sleep in Heavenly Peace ¥ Saturday, Sept 26, 2020 • 9am - 3pm October GMM ¥ October 13, 2020 ¥ 6pm via Zoom November Bookclub ¥ Thursday, Nov 19, 2020 ¥ 6pm via Zoom Check the member’s website for full registration and event details.

Welcome to the 2020-2021 league year of the Junior League of Syracuse! Back in March the pandemic hit and the JLS went remote. At that time, we hoped that we would be getting back to “normal” operations by the end of April. Instead we are now in a new league year, still facing unchartered territory while continually adapting to the “new” normal. What has remained consistent through the crisis is the community’s need for organizations like the JLS to serve the women and children of Central New York. We have resumed operations in a manner that is consistent with state and

local guidelines, and that puts our member’s and community partner’s health and safety, first and foremost. Last year started with a bang. We completed our final cooking class with Chadwick residence in October. We had another successful Holiday Shoppes fundraiser in November. We hosted another wonderful Valentine’s Day Tea for the women of the YWCA in February. In addition, we were celebrating the first half of a major milestone year. January marked the beginning of our 100th year of promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women while simultaneously serving and improving Central New continued on page 2

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020 | 1


PRESIDENTS WELCOME CONT... York Community. We kicked off our salute to our past, present and future with a monthly project in collaboration with the Rescue Mission. Then in February we worked with Vera House. We were getting ready to partner with the Boys and Girls club in March, but that is when operations suddenly went remote. While it might look different then we initially envisioned we are thrilled to continue celebrating 100 years of service to our local community. We have a lot of monthly projects to catch up on. We have reached out to all our partner organizations and put a new schedule in place. Just recently we kicked things off with the CNY Food Bank in August 2020. We are excited to be partnering with our new community partner Sleep in Heavenly Peace in September 2020. Stay tuned for more upcoming dates. The way we have done things in the past might not work for the “new” normal, however we are adapting. We seamlessly transitioned to running GMMs, Board meetings and Committee meetings via Zoom. This Spring we welcomed a new member class that completed the new member curriculum in an almost completely virtual environment. We are coming up with adaptive fundraisers and community impact methods. Not only are we bringing you Holiday Shoppes 2.0, but we are also rolling out “Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader” and “The Magnificent Mile.” These are just a few highlights of strength and adaptability of our membership and organization. I am so proud of this organization and extremely blessed to be part of it.

Welcome to the new League year! I am excited to take on the role of Executive Vice-President this year. As a League, we are making the eventual split to a Governance/Management model. This new model will allow for our President to take on more of the strategic planning and forward thinking strategy, while the EVP is able to manage more of the day to day operations and oversee the VPs. We are excited to make this role one that will benefit the league and help us to become more streamlined in many of our processes. More information of what this split will look like for our league will come this year! In the interim, I am excited to help lead with Audra and Amanda to better our league, help us navigate through our current reality, and make important plans for our future. I know that the flexibility, understanding, and perseverance of our membership will help us to learn and grow as a league. Please reach out to me with any questions you have about this new model we are embarking on. I look forward to being a steward of this amazing group of women!

Kate Zwecker

Executive Vice President


The Membership Committee has been very busy trying to keep up with all the challenges COVID-19 has thrown at us this year. We look forward to finding out what members want out of this year at our first GMM of the year. Please remember to register for GMMs on seeing We have a lot to look forward to this year. I hope we spot, we want to be able to engage members with ice will be able to come together in June 2021 to not only breakers, breakout groups, and other activities. Having a celebrate the accomplishments of 2020-2021 but also all good idea on how many people are coming will make our we have done over the last 100 years. jobs easier!

So, here is to 2020-2021. We are Better Together! Audra Mueller

President 2019-2021

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COVID-19 isn’t going to stop us from giving back to the community and recruiting new volunteers. We will be having a both a Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 provisional class. We had two recruitment events on 8/29 and 9/4. Our first class will be held on Wednesday 9/16. If you know anyone interested in joining the junior league. Please ask them to email: membership@jlsyracuse.org.

Julia Kane

Membership VP

• • • Barb Genton relaxes at SAGE Upstate where she volunteers.

While working on my financial plan with my advisor, I decided to transfer the ownership of a life insurance policy to the Community Foundation. The policy will fund the BWG Rainbow Fund, which provides support to Read more at Genton.5forCNY.org the charitable causes that are dear to my heart.

315. 4 22.9538 | CNYCF.O R G

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With Sympathy

Passing of Sustainer Emeritus Georgene Klim on March 30, 2020 at age 94. Passing of sustainer Lisa Byrne’s Mother, Eleanor H. VanDerverr on July 8, 2020. Former Sustainer Marilyn Smith Iles passed away on June 21, 2020


Betsy McLane of her recent engagement and upcoming wedding in September. Anna O’Neil recently joined the Friends of Central Library Board. Danielle Mensing recently launched a podcast, Voices for Impact. Jalyn Clifford sits on the Leadership Council of the Women’s Fund of Central New York.

DIVERSTIY, EQUITY & INCLUSION UPDATE The Diversity & Inclusion Committee has been hard at work this summer! We are currently working on a D & I Resource Kit for our members. The resources within the kit will provide suggestions for members on topics such as how to talk about race, discrimination, and privilege. The resource kit is intended to be evergreen, and to be built upon. Defining terms is a good place to start, and language is so important. The glossary contained in the link referenced below provides basic definitions for many of the terms you’ll come across in your education and work as an ally. To start, make sure you know what it means to be an ally in the first place: “Someone who makes the commitment and effort to recognize their privilege (based on gender, class, race, sexual identity, etc.) and work in solidarity with oppressed groups in the struggle for justice. Allies understand that it is in their own interest to end all forms of oppression, even those from which they may benefit in concrete ways. Allies commit to reducing their own complicity or collusion in oppression of those groups and invest in strengthening their own knowledge and awareness of oppression.” Link: https://www.racialequitytools.org/glossary

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miles in days M

MILE 1 Today’s mile highlights the first woman to graduate medical school was Elizabeth Blackwell in 1849. She graduated from Geneva Medical School and used her talents to found the NY Infirmary for Women and Children.

MILE 2 Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. She was so talented, she actually won it twice! Her work was in radiation, in which she worked closely with her husband.

MILE 3 Women first gained the right to vote when the 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution on August 18, 1920. The movement originally began in 1848 on a national level with the Seneca Falls Convention

MILE 4 Today’s mile highlights Amelia Earhart who always had a passion for flying. Not only was she the first female passenger to cross the Atlantic, she went on to be the first woman to also pilot a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932. She later disappeared in an attempt to fly around the world.

Here are a few of the social media posts supporting the achievements of women throughout history. Please see our social media accounts for all the postings for the 20 MILES IN 20 DAYS.

MILE 5 In 1963, 43 years after women earned the right to vote, the Equal Pay Act was passed which prohibits employers from gender-based wages. this was in an effort to decrease the wage gap between men and women.

MILE 6 Today’s mile highlights an organization that was founded in 1971. The National Women’s Political Caucus is the only national organization dedicated exclusively to increasing women’s participation in all areas of political and public life-as elected and appointed officials, as delegates to national party conventions, as judges in the state and federal courts, and as lobbyist, voters and campaign organizers.

MILE 7 Today’s mile highlights Sandra Day O’Connor who was the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court in 1981. She served until 2006. Later, President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.

MILE 8 Today’s mile is in honor of the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, who achieved this in 1983. With a total of 48 orbits and 71 hours in space before returning to Earth, she actually spent more time in space than all US astronauts combined at that time.

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MILE 9 Today’s mile is all about Halle Barry. She was the first African American to win an Oscar for Best Actress in 2002 for her performance in Monster’s Ball.

MILE 10 Today’s mile highlights Sarah Thomas who was the first woman NFL referee in 2017. She set many milestones actually: the first woman to referee a major college football game, the first woman to officiate a bowl game, and the first woman to officiate in a Big 10 Stadium. She was the first woman hired full time by the NFL in 2015.

MILE 11 Today’s mile highlights the founding of the Junior League of Syracuse in 1920. The JLS has been creating significant change in the Central New York community.

MILE 12 Today’s mile recognizes the first prenatal clinic in Syracuse found in 1922. The JLS sponsored its creation and established a loan closet for use by expectant mothers. Prenatal care is now taken for granted, but a few decades ago, many women considered it a luxury they couldn’t affoard.

COMMUNICATIONS The Communications Council is fully staffed this year with an amazing group of chairs and we are excited for the year to get underway! Our goal is to both promote the League externally and to share news about events etc internally. This balancing act is tricky but we hope that we are serving the League well, especially in this time when members are craving connection. Social Media Chair, Whitney Daniels has introduced a number of new weekly posts on Facebook. Be sure to watch for Who’s Who Wednesdays to get to know your fellow League members, Throwback Thursday to learn about the history of the League, and Feel Good Friday where she posts about local organizations (many of who are League partners) doing great things in CNY. Of course there is lots of great info about upcoming League activities and so much more in our member Facebook group so make sure you are a “member” to see all the great content! Public Relations Chair, Katina Karl has jumped right in with lots of ideas for keeping members connected and also for promoting the League. With her background in marketing she is going to be a huge asset as we seek to promote a completely digital Holiday Shoppes for the first time. You all may be hearing from her via text as we roll out a new texting platform to better communicate with members this fall. Of course, you are currently reading the NOTES - one of our best methods of communicating with members! Heather Wallace has again taken on the role of NOTES editor. We will have four issues this year and a special impact report at the end of the League year about our 100th Anniversary. If you know of anyone who would like to advertise in the NOTES please either contact Heather or have them fill out the form online. Sponsors help to underwrite the cost of mailing the NOTES and enable us to mail them to all members (both active and sustainers) more often.

Julie Palmer

Communications VP

Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month Begins September 15! September 15 marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) in the United States, which celebrates the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. According to the United States Census Bureau, the Hispanic population of the United States is the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority, constituting a total of 18.5% of the population as of July 2019. #hispanicheritagemonth ¡El Mes de la Herencia Hispana comienza el 15 de septiembre! El 15 de septiembre marca el comienzo del Mes de la Herencia Hispana en los Estados Unidos (15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre), en el cual celebramos la historia, culturas y contribuciones de los ciudadanos estadounidenses con raíces en España, México, el Caribe, Sur América y América Central. Según la Oficina del Censo de los EEUU, la población hispana en los Estados Unidos es la mayor minoría étnica del país, constituyendo el 18.5% de la población (a partir de julio 2019). #mesdelaherenciahispana

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FUND DEVELOPMENT Our newly appointed JLS FD committee is hard at work brainstorming ideas for engagement and alternative fundraising ideas heading into this 2020-2021 league year. With the wonderful assistance and foresight of the Nominating Committee, FD is stocked with smart, able, and motivated members ready to take on whatever this year presents us with!

even further through weekly $2,000 grants. CNY Tuesdays is intended to be a grant program driven by the community voice. Do your part and Nominate or Vote today and every day! Go to https://cnytuesdays.com to learn more.

CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS – this subcommittee is refining WOB and general listings for our fall appeal. STARTING WITH AN UPDATE ON THIS If your business or another business you know of is YEAR’S NEW FUNDRAISING EVENTS: interested in becoming a JLS sponsor, please reach out Thank You to all who participated in the summer’s to FD Chair Jen Baker for more details and sponsorship Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader book sponsorship! levels. It was a last minute idea that was generously supported NIGHT AT THE DERBY – SAVE THE DATE! As and provided a net income of ~$1,000 to the league. you are aware, this event did not take place as scheduled Our current event is The Magnificent Mile, a virtual on May 2, 2020. SKY Armory was graciously willing to race through history – 20 miles in 20 days (or a 5k) to extend our deposits to next year’s event and will hold celebrate the JLS’ 100 years along with the magnificent the date of May 1st for us. We thank SKY Armory for accomplishments women have made through history. We working with us and look forward to a great event in 2021! currently have 81 participants that will run, walk or bike ANNUAL APPEAL/DONATIONS as of 8/30/2020 their way to supporting the JLS through the month of – 103 donors @ $4,516.50. A HUGE THANK YOU to September. Hopefully our weather will be just as grand all our members who have so generously gone above and as the summer weather was, and allow participants to beyond to support the JLS. A listing of supporters will continue to get outdoors and get their miles completed follow in the December issue of The NOTES. (indoors is also an option but an outdoor experience beats the treadmill in my mind). Our goal is to recruit As we enter this new decade in 2020 and celebrate our 100 participants and raise $2,500 to benefit our mission 100th year, the local community continues to need JLS and vision. We also have two corporate sponsors for this trained volunteers and leaders who are committed to event: Thank you to Chocolate Pizza Company and The improving our community and cultivating lasting change. Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Your investment, membership and commitment to the JLS truly sustains our mission and ability to continue for your generous support. our legacy of developing civic leaders who are catalysts AS FOR OUR TRADITIONAL FUNDRAISING sparking positive change in the Syracuse community. EVENTS: The JLS is so fortunate to have such a strong and HOLIDAY SHOPPES 2020 will be a virtual experience committed membership! The Board is thankful for how this year and our HS co-chairs and committee are actively our members have responded during this difficult time. and excitedly working on the format. The event will run We understand that this is an uncertain time in our lives November 8, 9 and 10th so keep an eye out for additional and many members are in turmoil. That being said, many information and details on how you can be involved. have also inquired about how we can help each other. GRANTS – this subcommittee is pursuing many The Board discussed and decided that in an effort to help avenues and options in the grant space. Currently we are our members in need, the JLS will be accepting donations participating in CNY Tuesdays which is a weekly campaign towards a “scholarship” fund for member dues. Although recognizing stories of giving, receiving, challenges and there isn’t specifically a fund for this, please direct your overcoming, stories of impact and making a difference. donation to Annual Fund/Mission Support and indicate It is a vehicle to give a voice to the amazing non-profits in the memo section that it is to be applied to scholarship making a difference in Central New York communities for member dues. and for CNY citizens through a partnership with NBC3 SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: News. In addition, Upstate Shredding is empowering the To encourage more charitable giving in 2020 and featured organizations to transform their communities to help charitable organizations recover from the 6 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020

Fund Development cont...

pandemic, the CARES Act provides additional tax relief for donors on their 2020 tax return. ABOVE THE LINE TAX DEDUCTION FOR CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS – As a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), fewer taxpayers were able to itemize and receive a tax benefit from their charitable contributions because of the increased standard deduction. In turn, some donors lowered the amount of their contributions. The CARES Act reincentivizes charitable giving by creating a $300 above the line deduction for qualified charitable contributions. This deduction is available to all taxpayers that take the standard deduction on their 2020 return. This deduction is currently only available for 2020 contributions but could be changed by future legislation. To qualify, the donations must be in cash, not stock or donations of clothing or other property, and must be made directly to a qualifying charity, not certain private foundations or donor-advised funds. ** This is not tax advice, please consult with your accountant or tax preparer on this matter.

Thank You to our Sponsors!

We will continue to review options and come up with solutions that will sustain our efforts at providing leadership training opportunities to our members and bring impactful change to our community. Please bring your ideas and experiences to the committee for consideration! We would love to hear from you.

Marie Norkett

Fund Development VP

You can always tell who the strong women are. They are the ones you see building one another up, instead of tearing each other down. The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020 | 7

SUSTAINER UPDATE After quarantining for nearly five months due to COVID, our Sustainers were ready to “phase-in” R&Rs when July came around. The July R&R was hosted by Barbara Stratton and Mary Richardson, and the August R&R was hosted by Margaret Karim and Maureen Wopperer. Both were held at The Chop House on Waring where we enjoyed the back patio all to ourselves. Save the date for the Golf & Dinner Outing – September 23rd at Drumlins Country Club. Golfing is optional. Dinner and cocktails will be on the deck. Thank you to Anne Miller and Susan Cronin for coordinating this. Check your mailbox for details in the near future. If you can’t make the golf outing, the September R&R will be on September 30th, again at The Chop House on Waring, hosted by Karen Uplinger and Jane Roller. Finally, the October R&R will be on October 14th at The Preserve at 405, hosted by Lisa de Silva, Addie Silvia, and Betsy Sedgwick. We have an immediate need for a hostess(es) for the November and December R&Rs. Anyone interested please contact either of us. For all Junior League events, including these, masks are required unless eating and drinking, and social distancing guidelines are to be followed. We ask that members do not attend if they are not feeling well; have been in contact with someone with COVID-19; has traveled to any of the states on the NYS Quarantine list in the last 14 days prior to the event; or has a temperature of 100.5 degrees or greater or any COVID-19 symptoms. Everyone is required to sign in with their name and phone number for contact tracing, and hand sanitizer is available. As fall approaches and the weather gets cooler, we understand that everyone has a certain comfort level of whether to attend or not attend events indoors because of the coronavirus. We want to assure you that all precautions are taken and rules are followed when planning these gatherings. We hope that we will see you at one of our upcoming activities. Please let us know what you would like to do, see, or share for this League year. We are open to ideas and suggestions.

Donna Hamilton & Janet Burman Sustainer VPs

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more pictures from the July R&R...

BOOK CLUB Our July book club meeting took place in Jess Murray’s backyard where we discussed “Beach Read” by Emily Henry. We all agreed it was a nice, light read, which was just what we needed, but also talked about tropes in books, the idea of contemporary women’s fiction and “chicklit” in the patriarchy, and what we wanted to read the rest of the year. On August 27th we met at Julie Palmer’s to discuss “The Vanishing Half ” by Brit Bennett. In September we will join the Sustainers and meet at the Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation to discuss “The Women’s Suffrage Movement” with author Sally Roesch Wagner. Please register online as space is limited due to social distancing guidelines. In October we will join the Sustainers and the D&I committee to discuss “How to Be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi. To finish out this calendar year, our November meeting will discuss “The Great Believers” by Rebecca Makkai. For dates, times, and locations, please check Seeing Spot.

Amanda Perrine


The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020 | 9

This is a 100th year that we will not soon forget! COVID-19 may have put a wrench in the plans, but the JLS is making the best of it! We have begun to do the monthly projects again and when we picked up in August, our members acted as though we never stopped! At the Food Bank of Central New York, we had 11 representatives of the JLS present for the food packing event on Tuesday August 25, 2020. In total, 200 boxes of fresh produce were packed to be delivered the next day. 120 of the boxes were to benefit families (essentially reaching over 300 people) and 80 boxes were being delivered to the elderly. On Thursday August 27, 2020, four more members of the league (2 sustainers and 2 actives) met to hand out boxes of food at the Bellegrove Church in Syracuse. The co-captains of the event, Jeanne Jackson (Sustainer) and Amara Kattrein (Active), did a wonderful job organizing this successful event! In September of 2020, we will be celebrating a new partnership! As we look toward the future, Sleep in Heavenly Peace was selected to be our new community partner! The Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bunkbed Build will take place on September 26, 2020 at an outdoor location at the True Value Manlius (8225 Cazenovia Road, Manlius, NY 13104). The co-captains, Judy Winslow (Sustainer) and Katina Karl (Active), are busy working with additional league members to iron out all of the details! Please keep an eye on seeing spot and email blasts for more information.

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Community/ 100th Committee

100 YEAR ITEMS OF NOTE: • The Centennial Celebration has been rescheduled for Friday, June 11, 2021. It will still be located at the OnCenter. Mark your calendars! • The scholarship committee will be reconvening shortly to continue the scholarship process. The goal is to announce the first scholarship recipient at the Centennial Celebration! 10 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020

A MESSAGE FROM AJLI DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION The founder of The Junior League, Mary Harriman, believed that we all bear the responsibility to learn about the world around us in order to be more effective in our desire to improve it. That we should really try to understand the “why” behind something, not just superficially give it lip service.

It’s time to

UPDATE your information Please log in to your profile on the website or fill out the form and mail into the JLS office your updates and changes.

As we strive within our organization to live up to our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we honor and celebrate the struggles, the history and the leaders of our multifaceted world.


Recent events across the globe have brought us to a pivotal moment in history where we need to speak up for the values our organization believes in. The AJLI Board understands that it is important for us to listen, learn and engage. Conversations on race can be painful, hard and personal. It is more important than ever for us to be open, vulnerable and actively listening.

Do you have an updated email address? (other than

The Association of Junior Leagues International condemns discrimination, racism, and racial injustice in our communities and in our Junior Leagues. Black women and other women of color have been systemically denied equity and inclusion in our economy, education, civic privileges, and responsibilities in the voluntary sector, including in The Junior League. As affirmed by our member Junior Leagues, we are accelerating our efforts to take action and advance definitive, measurable policies and practices that eliminate racism in our countries, our communities, and our Junior Leagues. When we do this, we unlock tremendous power for our communities and realize our vision of women around the world as catalysts for lasting change. What Have We Been Doing? Learn more about what Junior Leagues are doing across the Association

• • • •

What is your cell phone number? (We are going to be

sending periodic text updates to membership updates going forward)

What is your job title and employer name?

Do you have any skills that could be helpful to the JLS or our community partners? E.G. Graphic Design or


Where Do We Go From Here: The Next Steps •

where you get the email blast currently)

ALL Junior League Members will be invited to join a 21 Day Racial Equity Challenge The Accelerator Fund will relaunch on July 1 with $10,000 of funding available to help Junior Leagues accelerate innovative programs to improve Diversity & Inclusion in their Leagues and local communities The 2020-2021 Board Governance Work Plan to be developed by the end of June will include specific strategic actions around diversity, equity and inclusion We will convene monthly Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Roundtables for Junior League Task Forces and Committees to discuss institutionalizing equity The AJLI Board will focus on the steps to turn the statement into a long-term External Policy and strengthen our value statement on diversity and inclusion to include concepts of equity

Volunteer rolls outside of the JLS?

Junior League of Syracuse 431 E. Fayette Suite 225 Syracuse, NY 13202

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020 | 11

431 E Fayette St ¥ Suite 225 ¥ Syracuse, NY 13202 OFFICE: 315.423.9773 ¥ FAX: 315.471.1464 office@jlsyracuse.org ¥ JLSyracuse.org

Get Social With Us!

Visit JLSyracuse.org for direct links.

MISSION: The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. (JLS) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. VISION: The JLS will be an organization of diverse women committed to enriching the quality of life for women, children and their families in the Central New York community. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STATEMENT: The JLS welcomes all women who value our Mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities. 12 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2020

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