Fall 2019 | The NOTES | issue 1

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ISSUE 1 | FALL 2019

IN THIS ISSUE • President’s Welcome • Annual Dinner Recap • Council Reports • Sustainer News • Leadership Team • 100th Anniversary Update • 2018-2019 Annual Report • Condolences and Congratulations

September GMM ¥ September 10, 2019 • Meeting 6:30 PM • CNY Philanthropy Center We Rise Above the Streets ¥ Sandwich Making • Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019 ¥ 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Sustainer Golf & Dinner Event • September 16, 2019 • Shotgun 4:00 PM • Cocktails 6:00 PM | Dinner 7:00 PM Book Club ¥ September 24, 2019 • 6:00-8:00 PM ¥ CNY Philanthropy Center, 3rd floor Check the member’s website for full registration and event details.

2019-2020: WE GOT THIS! The Junior League of Syracuse is thrilled to ring in 100 years of promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the Central New York community. To commemorate this milestone the members of the Junior League of Syracuse have embarked on a year dedicated to honoring the League’s achievements of the past, present and future. This will be done through a combination of monthly projects with community partners and the establishment of a scholarship fund. Planning of these projects will begin this fall and will officially kick off in January 2020. We accomplished so much last year and we hope to build on that momentum this year. Last year we welcomed 31 new members to the Junior League of Syracuse. This brought our active membership to 100. We are excited to again offer two membership classes this year, one in the fall and one in the spring. We accomplished a lot in the community last year. We continued and built upon our STEM Expo at Danforth Middle School and will be bringing the event back this spring. We hosted another successful Valentine’s Day Tea for the women at the YWCA and plan to continue and possibly expand on the event this spring. Last year we kicked off our new community partnership with Chadwick Residence. We have our final cooking class in October and we look forward to other events with the residents this coming year. We are also in the process of exploring a couple of new community partnerships that support the League’s mission and vision. The Junior League of Syracuse had two successful fundraisers last year. Holiday Shoppes continues to be our major fundraiser. Both members and the community look forward to the event each year. We are excited to bring our fundraiser within a fundraiser back; The Sock Table will be Continued on page 2 The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019 | 1


2019-2020: WE GOT THIS continued...

making an appearance at Holiday Shoppes again this year. A Night at the Derby continues to grow. We will be hosting the event at Sky Armory again this year. So mark your calendars and start looking for a hat. The grant writing team continues to look for and apply for grants that support our work in the community. The Sustainers already have some great development opportunities in the works. There have been two successful R & R’s. The annual golf and dinner outing is scheduled in September and a wine tour on the calendar in October. They are also going to be helping us run The Sock Table. We are looking forward to moving ahead with the Governance/Management split. Last year we voted on and approved two year positions. This made President and Secretary two year terms. This year we will be working on a policy/bylaw update. We will also be updating job descriptions. The intent is to have a split governance/ management team for the 2020-2010 year. I want to thank you for your continued support of the Junior League of Syracuse. We have a lot going on in 2019-2020, but We Got This and we are excited to see all we are capable of accomplishing over the next year.

Audra Mueller


TREASURER REPORT After a review of last year’s financials we can report that we were very close to budget on the expense side and income was much higher due to an increase in grants received and growth of the Night at the Derby event. We adjusted our budget for the 2019-2020 league year to allocate those additional funds to further our Mission.

Julie Garcia Treasurer

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NOMINATING/PLACEMENT CHAIR - Elizabeth Lane SUSTAINER VP - Lynne Hamilton-Johnson & Evonne Pacini

Have an item for The NOTES? Know someone who would like to advertise in The NOTES? Contact The NOTES editor Heather Wallace at: heatherfordwallace@gmail.com

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Summer 2019 | 2

SUSTAINER NEWS Our new year is off to a fantastic start. The July R&R at The Chop House (hosted by Barb Stratton & Donna Hamilton) and the August R&R (hosted by Anna Giacobbe & Stephanie Macero) were hits. The fall is full of upcoming activities as well: SEPTEMBER: You all should have received your invite to the Sept. R&R at Brian’s Landing at Green Lakes on Tuesday, Sept. 10th (hosted by Maria Miller, Wendy Carl Isome & Joanna Ferguson) and Golf & Dinner Outing (coordinated by Anne Miller & Susan Cronin), at Drumlins, Monday, Sept. 16th. Remember golfing is optional. Be sure to join us for cocktails and dinner. OCTOBER: Look for your invites to our Oct. R&R at The Preserve at 405 (hosted by Addie Silvia & Pat McGrath), Wednesday, Oct. 16th and an all-day Wine Tour at Seneca & Cayuga Lakes (coordinated by Evonne Pacini & Lynne HamiltonJohnson) on Saturday, Oct. 12th. There are only 25 seats available, so if you would like to join send in your payment as soon as possible. Seats will be filled in order of payments received. NOVEMBER: Holiday Shoppes is coming Nov. 8th-10th. Sustainers will again be competing to see which shift can sell the most at our Sock table. Get your group together and look for details and shift sign-ups in the coming months. If you are interested in coordinating this effort, please contact either Evonne Pacini or Lynne Hamilton-Johnson. November’s R&R will be Tues., Nov. 19th, location to be determined.

UNDISCOVERED GREECE Three Sustaining members of the Syracuse league went on the AJLI undiscovered vacation to Greece. In addition to seeing the lesser know archeological sites, we visited community centers and volunteer organizations. 18 people from across the world (17 USA & 1 South Africa), 10 of whom were Junior League Sustainers attended. Of the 10 Sustainers 3 were from Syracuse. Peggy Fabic, Jane Roller and Lynne Hamilton-Johnson. Formerly just for Sustaining Members, this speciallydesigned domestic and international travel series is now available to ALL League Members—of any age and any stage of membership—their spouses, friends and families. Watch your e-mail for upcoming trips in the 2019-2020 League year.

We hope to see you at all these events. Remember if you have a “kudos” please let us know. Celebrating accomplishments is an honor! With thanks your Sustainer VPs,

Lynne Hamilton-Johnson Evonne Pacini Sustainer VPs 3 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Summer 2019

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019 | 3


FUND DEVELOPMENT Thank you to our sponsors who continue to support our mission, allowing us to focus on training our volunteer members, investing in the community, and planning for the future. The JLS counts on these relationships and our members will continue to frequent these generous businesses.

The Fund Development and Holiday Shoppes team are excited to kick off the new League Year and we need your help to be successful! Please be sure to sign up for shifts once they become available and plan on picking up your pre-sale member priced tickets at the September GMM or through the office. Holiday Shoppes, November 8-10 at the NYS Fairgrounds! Bring your friends and family for a fun day of shopping while benefiting the League. Do you know of a merchant who is interested in participating? Please refer them to our website for the Fact Sheet and Application. Fund Development is currently pursuing multiple grant opportunities in partnership with other JLS Committees. We look forward to sharing the details, if awarded. Do you know of a grant we should look to review? Please pass this information along to the Committee. The Committee is also working to ensure successful funding for the League year ahead. Without this, we would not be able to carry out our mission and visions. We look forward to partnering with the other Committees and League members to meet these goals.

Maeve Lanning

Fund Development Chair


Junior League of Syracuse sustaining member Deborah L. “Debbie” Cooke on Sunday, December 16, 2018.


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Junior League sustaining member Sharye Skinner on the loss of her husband, Richard Pomeroy Tuttle on Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Jenna Webb, on her new job at Oneida Department of Health. Brittany Moen, on the birth of her son Gideon.

MEMBERSHIP BOOK CLUB The actives and sustainers held a joint book club in July to discuss Michelle Obama’s Becoming. Having a wide variety of viewpoints and people at different life stages made for an interesting and enjoyable meeting. All agreed that it is well worth reading. Thank you to Jeanne Jackson for hosting. ANNUAL DINNER The 2018 Annual Dinner was held at the Craftsman Inn in Fayetteville. Both a celebration of the prior year, with awards and remembrances, and a look toward our future, with the 100 Year Committee explaining their plans for our centennial year in 2020. Thank you to all who attended and all who helped make the 2018-2019 League year such a success.

GMM UPDATE Our first GMM will be held Tuesday, September 10. Please register on Seeing Spot. We have planned an After Dark event at the Press Room Pub at 220 Herald Place, Syracuse, NY 13202. This is the first of two After Dark social events we will hold this league year. Come join fellow members for a bite to eat or drink right after the GMM. There is plenty of parking! Again, please register on Seeing Spot.

Karen Fejta

Education and Training Chair



An American Marriage by Tayari Jones


The Paris Wife by Paula McClain


Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi


Pachinko by Min Jin Lee


Amanda Perrine

Membership Development & Recruitment VP

5 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Summer 2019

You Are A Bad Ass : how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019 | 5

COMMUNICATIONS The Communications Council is focused on capitalizing on the 100th Anniversary to increase the visibility of the Junior League in Central New York and tightening the messaging of “who we are” as a League so that each member can answer that question with consistency and accuracy. Additional funding has been set aside out of the budget to conduct a year long digital advertising campaign that will raise the profile of the League. We also plan to increase the number of press releases so that the media start to expect regular communications and begin to reach out to the League for quotes related to issues of voluntarism, improving the quality of life for women and children in Central New York, organizational inclusivity and leadership training. In addition to managing the advertising for Holiday Shoppes and Night at the Derby, the Communications Council will also be advertising the League throughout the year on social media. We hope that projecting the message of who we are will provide a boost to recruitment and will also change our image in the community. We will be hosting a professional photo shoot to create the images needed for this kind of campaign and also hope that members will take more photos at events and work

at capturing images that can be used in press releases and advertising. In an effort to tighten the brand and create a unified message we will be working with members this fall on an elevator speech to answer the question “What’s the Junior League?”. Taking the lead from our mission, vision and diversity and inclusion statement as well as our founder, Mary Harriman. The concept for the elevator speech will focus on the training of women in leadership and developing their potential so they can be effective volunteers. The Communications Council is a service council, helping other councils achieve their goals and we look forward to working with members this year to promote events, encourage attendance, publicize the League, and generate revenue through attendance at Holiday Shoppes and Derby Day. We hope you will take a look at all of the information under the member resources section of the member website to learn more about the many roles of the Communications Council.

Julie Palmer

Communications VP

Mark and Karla Hall stand on the porch of their home.

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Our common threads of love for family, devotion to faith and dedication to improving our community led us to establish a donor-advised fund at the Community Foundation.

Inspirational Giving: Mark & Karla Hall

Through our giving, we hope to enrich the community by Read more of the Halls’ providing opportunities for story at CNYCF.org/Hall people to better themselves and know that somebody else cares.

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6 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019

Mary Jewell Mathews There are people you meet in this world that just remarkable. Board of Rosamond Gifford Zoo at make your day brighter and more joyous. Burnet Park, Original Chair of “Brew at the Zoo”, Crouse Auxiliary, Vera House Foundation, Everson You know the kind of people I’m talking about. They Museum-Member’s Council, Original Chair of are the ones everyone seems to know. The ones we Everson Festival of Trees Patron Party, Child and gravitate towards at gatherings. They always seem to Family Services, Hiscock Legal Aid, and Boys and recall your name, even the names of your family and Girls Club Boards are just some of the community pets after only one meeting. When speaking with them organizations Mary has served. you feel instantly connected personally. They always have Aside from donating a kind word and/or a genuine considerable time and talent, compliment to offer. Time she along with her husband, spent with these people leave Jerry support numerous you feeling lighter, more community organizations, optimistic and positive about including founding the the world around you. Their “Harry and Helen Barnes love of life is infectious. Jewell” legacy fund for the welfare of children and the I’ve just described Mary protection of animals. Their Jewell Mathews, long-term continual contributions to Sustaining member of The our community illustrate their Junior League of Syracuse. commitment and passion for Her appellation, most often making the world a better, Mary Mathews sits said with the first, the middle safer place. I could go on but with her yellow and definitely the last name suffice it to say, Mary is the labrador, Bob, on the helps us distinguish her quintessential Junior League patio of her home in from all other Mary’s. It’s woman and it is no surprise to Fayetteville, NY. important to note however, us to see her and Jerry once that Mary is and has always again being honored. Mary with her yellow lab Bob been so much more than just a The benefit of leaving my harbinger of positivity. She is a dedicated community Please join us in congratulating Mary and Jerry legacy to theMathews Community advocate, contributor and volunteer, passionate for their well-deserved accolade as they are is that after I am about the protection of childrenFoundation and animals. She honored at this year’s Crouse Health Tribute Evening. doesn’t just bring joy to our community; shethis bringsfund will still be gone, Their contributions to the community are many, their her commitment to making a giving difference.in my parents’ grace names and humorto boundless and their generosity of support the current of Congratulations! Mary is a perfect example of our Mission at work, spirit isneeds extraordinary. “Improving the community through the effective our community. I feel happy action of trained volunteers”. The breath of to know that the Community her volunteer work in the community at large is

Giving for Others: Mary Mathews

Foundation will continue to support my favorite causes and the hardworking nonprofits of Central New York in perpetuity.

Lynne Hamilton-Johnson Sustainer VP

since 1927

The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019 | 7

Read more of Mary’s story



In 2020 we will be celebrating our centennial anniversary. First, we must thank the 2010 – 2011 Board. The insight of those women to plan ahead and create a “100th Anniversary Recognition Fund” is what allows for us to celebrate throughout 2020. The 2010 – 2011 theme for then President Maria Miller and her team was to “Plant seeds of trees that generations would enjoy the shade of ”. The motion submitted in February of 2011 stated “As JLS members, you not only create impact as you fulfill various roles, but much of what you do will be to plant seeds that will grow and bear fruit well into the future and you may or may not be there to see them come to fruition.”

The other portion of our “100th Anniversary Recognition Fund” is to literally celebrate our past, present and future. For ten months of 2020, and representing the 10 decades of our history, members will perform projects throughout our community with past partners. One month of 2020 will be a celebration of us, the current active and sustaining members of the Junior League of Syracuse, by holding a gala. Additional information will be released as it becomes available. Finally, for the 12th month of 2020, the JLS will participate in a community project with a local non-profit that we have yet to work with… planting the way for our future. It is important to remember, as members of the Junior League, our potential is The theme for our centennial celebration is “A unlimited and these women are unstoppable! Celebration of Our Past, Present and Future”. As members of the Junior League of Syracuse, NOTE: At the time of this publication, the submission our mission is simple: PROMOTE volunteerism date for the Request for Proposal period has just ended. through DEVELOPING the potential of women In total, 22 applications were received for various and TRAINING volunteers. The true genius of the community projects: 17 from past partners and 5 from League is that our trained volunteers can do just about potential new partners. All of our membership voices anything when we are fulfilling our Mission. No limits, will be requested, then in October 2019 the community the possibilities are endless. The same is true for the partners and 2020 centennial calendar of organizations 100th fund. and their assigned months will be released. A portion of the “100th Anniversary Recognition Fund” will be used to create a scholarship to benefit women in the community. The scholarship will live in perpetuity. More information will be released in future NOTES issues as the process becomes established. 8 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019

Season Seferyn

Fund Development

COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COLLABORATIONS UPDATE The Community Collaborations Committee planning an exciting year for members to engage with our past community partners and other local organizations including We Rise Above the Streets, Chadwick Residence, YWCA, and Danforth Middle School. We look forward to new community collaborations with Girls on the Run and I Support the Girls – two local organizations we believe align with the JLS mission and vision and our members will enjoy volunteering with. NUTRITIONAL COOKING CLASSES WITH CHADWICK RESIDENCE This past year, we have conducted quarterly nutritional cooking classes with the women of Chadwick Residence (our last one will be upcoming October 2019) primarily funded through a grant we received from the Community Foundation. These hands-on cooking classes have brought both the excitement of the women living in Chadwick to learn to cook simple, nutritional and affordable recipes, have a communitystyle dinner with JLS volunteers, and leave the session with the necessary cookware to complete the recipes on their own. This has been a well-received collaboration that the JLS hopes to replicate in the future with other community partners.

I have to tell you that the boys who were in the playroom last night told me that they had the best time last night! They were so happy today & asked when they can do it again! The ladies raved about the food & their experience! Thank you ALL for you amazing dedication to our residents! Chadwick Residence

Casey Duffy

Community VP The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019 | 9

431 E Fayette St ¥ Suite 225 ¥ Syracuse, NY 13202 OFFICE: 315.423.9773 ¥ FAX: 315.471.1464 office@jlsyracuse.org ¥ JLSyracuse.org

Get Social With Us!

Visit JLSyracuse.org for direct links.

Jeanne Jackson and Wendy Carl- Isome Sustainer VPs

MISSION: The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. (JLS) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. VISION: The JLS will be an organization of diverse women committed to enriching the quality of life for women, children and their families in the Central New York community. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STATEMENT: The JLS welcomes all women who value our Mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities. 10 | The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. • The NOTES • Fall 2019

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