JLC Perspectives - Spring 2012 Issue

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Spring 2012

The Meaning of JLC Membership

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Executive Board:


In this issue...

President Melanie Chavez

President’s Perspective………………………………………………….3

President-Elect Shannon Glass

The Meaning of Membership…………………………………………..5

VP Communication Katy Crossen VP Community Projects Vicki Calonge VP Finance Meredith Edwards VP Membership Lisa Hubbard

My JLC Story…………………………………………………………….4

Volunteering Matters…………………………………………………. 7 Sustainers’ Segment…………………………………………………….8 Spring Fundraiser Honors League Volunteers…………………………10 Connecting Membership to Mission…………………………………..12 Committee of Community Advisors………………………………… .16 Success at a Glance……………………………………………………..18 Upcoming Events………………………………………………………..19

VP Training & Development Lauren Bosse Sustainer Advisor Darlene Kamine Legal Advisor Kendall Shaw Recording Secretary Brooke Hiltz

Our Mission

Sustainer Council:

The Junior League of Cincinnati is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Chair Ginny Myer Vice-Chair Linda Appleby

The Junior League of Cincinnati is an exclusively educational, charitable organization which reaches out to women of all races, religions, or national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.

Secretary Laura Skidmore Treasurer Linda Nitzschke Past Chair Ellie Berghausen Representative to Board Darlene Kamine Endowment Representative Sandy Donovan

Perspectives is the quarterly newsletter of the Junior League of Cincinnati. Publication months are August, November, February, and June. Items for submission can be sent to: Cindy Bruestle, chair, cbruestle@ Deadline is the 20th day of the month prior to publication. Perspectives Committee: Cindy Bruestle, Chair, Bess Ganeff, Vice Chair, Katy Crossen, VP Communication, Natalie Bieser, Tiffany Boyd, Sarah Lucas, Fran Santangelo

Junior League of Cincinnati 3500 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 (513) 871-9339

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Spring 2012

President’s Perspective... Just eight short months ago, the Junior League of Cincinnati had the good fortune to welcome John Pepper to Columbia Center. He addressed 50 members of our leadership team and spoke from his heart about servant leadership. As I scribbled feverishly trying to capture every pearl of wisdom that he offered, and there were many, there was one in particular that many of us latched onto that evening. It was about the importance of connecting the work to the mission and also of connecting membership to meaning. Mr. Pepper called these connections ‘Mission Moments.’ We’ve all been to poignant meetings. Those which give you pause, which bring a tear to your eye, which cause you to open your wallet. More often than not, those meetings are full of mission moments, but they tend to be reserved for special occasions versus everyday interactions. And, interestingly enough, sometimes the closer we get to an organization, the easier it is to forget the true meaning and intent of the organization because we are focused on tasks rather than the big picture. Our placement opportunities within the JLC vary from being on the front line, living the mission through our work and experiences to support functions, where we can sometimes feel removed from the mission. Our membership classifications can lend a direct path to working within and furthering our mission or offer a path that is long, winding and sometimes full of obstacles. Each JLC member has a different journey within our organization and at times during that journey; it is import to remember why we are members and why our work is so vital. Our leadership team has taken the responsibility of connecting membership to meaning to heart this year. We’ve launched a new section of the website called ‘My JL Story’ to highlight why our members belong to the JLC, we dedicated a portion of our November General Monthly Meeting and our winter 2011 edition of Perspectives to introduce the concept of mission moments, encouraging members to document their personal experiences. We begin each Board meeting with a mission moment as a way to get centered and focused and many of our VPs have continued that at the Council level. Most of our CandO events begin with either linking the volunteer opportunity to our JLC history or giving our members the ‘why’ before we immerse ourselves in the specific activity. And, we are even giving awards to members who inspire others with their JLC mission moments. As you prepare to renew your membership within the JLC, I invite you reconnect with the true meaning of our organization. Take some time to read through this issue of Perspectives. Be inspired by the new ‘My JL Stories.’ Learn about how members in all membership classes are contributing to what has been such an exciting year. Be proud of what we have collectively accomplished as you read the ‘Volunteering Matters: Numbers of Lives Touched,’ mission moment. And, take a moment to reflect upon your personal journey as an extension of our mission and where you see that journey taking you over the remaining 90 days of our volunteer calendar and in the many years to come. Fondly, Melanie M Chavez JLC members are JLC President part of a network of 2011-2012


trained volunteers


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My JLC Story By Sarah Lucas The Junior League of Cincinnati has almost 1000 members, most having roots with the JLC for over 30 years. Each member of the JLC has her own story as to why she joined, what motivated her to stay involved through her active years, and what compels her to remain a member as a Sustainer. Throughout this JLC year, we are highlighting a few personal stories to inspire us all. You can view more ‘My JL Story’ profiles on our website. Heather Egan: JLC Sustainer, Member Since 1999 “I joined the Junior League in Houston after moving there from Pennsylvania. Not having grown up in Texas, I wanted a way to meet people and make friends. So, my decision to join was really more social than anything. My first placement in Houston was as a waitress in their tea room. I had to wear a lemon-yellow pinafore and pour water and iced tea. It was loads of fun. I also taught CPR and volunteered at MD Anderson Cancer Center. It was a great way to make connections in such a big city. “When I moved to Cincinnati in 2003, one of the first things I did was transfer my League membership. At that time, they gave Transfers a year Peter, Heather and Lilly Egan off to get settled, but I wanted to have a placement right away. It took a little longer than I thought necessary, so I wrote a strong letter to the Placement Committee offering to get involved with another non-profit if the JLC didn’t have a job for me. The next thing I knew, I was asked to be Vice-Chair of Perspectives (I had done some editing and writing in a former job)! After Perspectives, I was on Nominating then served for two years as Recording Secretary on the board. “I stayed involved through my active years because I love working with the wonderfully talented women of the JLC. Plus, it is fun to make friends while volunteering. Where else can you make fleece blankets for the Ronald McDonald House, taste recipes for a new cookbook, and learn from a panel of successful women entrepreneurs?! I strongly believe in JLC’s mission of promoting voluntarism and training women. I am proud to be a member of such an accomplished group of women.”

Erin Savage-Weaver: JLC Active, Member Since 2009 “I joined the League for many different reasons; to develop friendships, to give back to and feel part of the community and to learn valuable leadership lessons. Being a member in the JLC means I will be a better member of the community, a better friend and a better leader all because of the wonderful women that I have met and learned from in the last three years. “I have met some truly fabulous friends in the League; amazing women who have taught me so much and now I couldn't imagine my life without them! I love learning new things and the League allows me to learn, be challenged and grow. Plus, meeting the people and seeing the change in the community really alters your perspective and pulls you out of the bubble that most of us live in.”

Erin Savage-Weaver

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Spring 2012

The Meaning of Membership By Bess Ganeff Whether our status is that of a new Provisional, an Active member training for a leadership role, or a Sustainer who has been a member for 50 years, at one point, we all made the decision to join the Junior League of Cincinnati. As full and active as our lives are, what prompted us to get involved? At the heart of the Junior League is voluntarism, but our city is full of many worthwhile charitable opportunities. What is it that motivates us to give so liberally of our time and talents to the Junior League, rather than to another organization? For many, first and foremost is the desire to serve in a way that will have the most impact. We want to ensure our volunteer efforts are reaching as many people as possible, and serving them in a meaningful way. First year Active Sarah Alford observed, “Before I joined the League, I knew I wanted to get involved in volunteer activities, but I had no idea where to start. The JLC has given me the opportunity to give back to the area, while also getting so meet so many amazing women who are truly dedicated to service in the Greater Cincinnati area.” That desire to get involved in the community is also a strong motivation for a number of our members. Whether new to Cincinnati, or born and reared here, we want to feel we are active participants in the local population. Provisional Felicia Evans decided to become a member with plans of being able to, “continue in the movement of building stronger women and their families. Being a part of a 92-year-old tradition, I hope to gain more insight about the city of Cincinnati.” Many Transfers choose to continue their membership in the League as a way to familiarize themselves with their new community. It’s an opportunity to discover new places and meet new faces, all while making a home of one’s own. “The League means friendship and community,” says Transfer Jennifer Webb. “Through the League, I feel as though I’m home and a part of this city.”

Besides the opportunity of immersing ourselves in service to the community, many of us also have received surprising benefits from our volunteer efforts. Lauren Bosse, vice president of Training and Development, says membership in the JLC has given her new experiences and opportunity for growth. “Through my leadership positions within the Junior League, I have been able to take lessons and skills learned, such as delegating and setting clear expectations, and implement them in both my professional and personal lives.” In many cases, the skills gained through JLC membership help others as they pursue other leadership opportunities out in the community. Sustainer Judy Dalambakis, a one-time JLC president, has been able to hone her skills into career opportunities and other community board positions. She says she owes many of those opportunities to the hands

“For many, first and foremost is the desire to serve in a way that will have the most impact. We want to ensure our volunteer efforts are reaching as many people as possible, and serving them in a meaningful way.“ -on training she’s experienced in the League. “I was asked recently how I knew how to so efficiently run a board meeting. The answer is through the Junior League's training. Also valuable are the friendships I have made through the League. Some of my very best friends I met in the JLC. You create incredible bonds working side by side,” says Dalambakis. Beyond the great leadership and volunteering opportunities, the JLC opens up special opportunities few others in the community are privileged to experience. “I wouldn’t otherwise be able to meet John Pepper, or hear Thayne Maynard speak at the Cincinnati Zoo,” says Active Julie Albright. “The community service projects offered by the league are so frequent, meaningful and inspirational. I can still picture being in College Hill on September 11, side-by-side with so many other Leaguers washing windows and pulling weeds. To have several cars drive by honking and yelling out their appreciation made it all feel worthwhile.” All of us working together have an impact. Our collective goals, efforts, and achievements are what make us 1,000 members strong, as well as what makes the Junior League of Cincinnati such a valuable community resource.

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A Sneak Peak into AJLI Training By Shannon Glass The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) Winter Leadership Conference is an opportunity for President Elects and President Elect Elects to experience further training as they pursue leadership opportunities within their respective Leagues. Lisa Hubbard and I had the honor of representing the JLC as we took advantage of educational opportunities tailored to help participants reach their full potential. The two-day conference in January explored servant leadership and ways to Lisa Hubbard and Shannon Glass with Kathy further the Junior League’s mission Cloninger, CEO emeritus of the Girls Scouts of the within participants’ organizations and USA, and Mike Williams communities. Valuable topics included discussions on how to tap into the potential of each member, how to become and effective governance officer, and how to sustain the League’s impact and outcomes.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Each subject we explored seemed to relate back to a quote that especially resonated with me: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." As I reflected on the training I received and how it fit with this quote, I realized in order to build towards our bright future and sustain our League for years to come, we must all commit to going far. The only way we can do this is by committing to go together.

The JLC Welcomes Betsy Ross

Putting it Together

Join us Tuesday, March 20 for an inspirational evening with Betsy Ross, former ESPN anchor and president and founder of Game Day Communications.

The Junior League Choral Group continues to celebrate director Pat Matchette’s 40th year, as well as their 47th year of service to the Greater Cincinnati community, with their current show "Putting it Together.” They have loads of fun each week serving local seniors, and would love to have JLC members join them for any of their performances. Who wouldn't love touching someone's heart every single time they gave service?

Betsy Ross is an inspirational speaker - she was one of the first women to break into national sports news and is author of "Playing Ball With the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports." As one of the first women to break into the national sports news arena, Ross has over 20 years experience as a sports and news anchor, and is a dedicated volunteer, teacher and motivator.

As a member of the Junior League Choral Group says, “It is an amazing group of women that come together each week to brighten the lives of others. We are all so very busy being pulled in many directions and we all choose our volunteer time with care. Seeing the smiles on all of those faces reminds me that this is why I participate in choral group. It's the chance that they get to escape from their daily routine. It's the hug or handshake given as we walk through the crowd. I do believe our show is special each week and I look forward to the opportunity to brighten someone's day.”

Spring 2012

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Volunteering Matters: Number of Lives Touched What makes you proud to be a member of the Junior League of Cincinnati? It is our training programs? It is the sense of camaraderie that you feel when you are with other members? Is it our history of creating sustainable impact within our community? Is it the fact that we’ve trained women to become leaders within our community? Is it a personal volunteer experience that you’ve had? The reasons are as varied as our membership. We have accomplished some amazing things over the course of the 20112012 year. This year has ushered in a revamped Provisional curriculum, and our members are enjoying new interest groups designed to foster camaraderie. We have reinvigorated the Committee of Community Advisors, pulling together an amazing group of business and non-profit leaders to guide our organizations over the next few years, and we have established a new relationship with Adopt-A-Class. The JLC has started an ad hoc Program Development team to look at our potential project focus for 2013-2014. The list goes on and on. If you’re looking for new reasons to be proud of our organization, and in particular our projects, take a look below.

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Sustainers’ Segment: Seamless Membership by Darlene Kamine When I was in high school, a single grade level separated the generations. It was a big deal for a freshman to be friends with a sophomore. Seniors were to be worshipped by invisible, unworthy underclassmen from a distance. And being buddies with women my mother’s age when I was a teenager? Beyond the realm of possibility! This distance between generations was the prevailing culture when I joined the Junior League in 1982. Provisionals were separately incubated and Sustainers were unseen legendary characters whose shoes were too big for us moderns to fill. This League year is different. President Melanie Chavez defined membership in a new way for our League. We are a seamless whole with no dividing lines between Provisionals, Actives and Sustainers. As the Sustainer Advisor to the Board, I am a fullfledged part of the team with all of the same responsibilities as my Board colleagues. Sustainer Advisors to the Councils and Committees are working shoulder to shoulder with the Actives and Provisionals. Almost every general meeting, training and special event has included a presentation by a Sustainer. It is not unusual to see Sustainers in the audience at general meetings. Sustainers feel genuinely involved as a part of the whole JLC family. Bain Massey is an example of the active Sustainer. As the Sustainer Advisor to the Marketing Committee and a leader in the development of the new JLC Board Bank, Bain is a regular, respected and invaluable part of both teams. When first asked to be a Sustainer Advisor, Bain said that she didn’t think she would have much to add. But she found that the Actives were very receptive and grateful for her guidance and counsel. “You don’t realize what your experience and advice might mean to these young leaders.”

“Today, the whole membership is merged. We all believe in the same thing – the same mission, the same commitment to give back to the community.” way of staying connected to home base in Cincinnati. Even though I was gone for six years, the friends I made in the JLC remained my friends and were here for me when I got back.” Bain went Sustaining after she left Cincinnati and she remembered Sustainerhood as a kind of retirement. “The League was stratified. The three groups Provisionals, Actives, and Sustainers – were separated with no overlap. Today, the whole membership is merged. We all believe in the same thing – the same mission, the same commitment to give back to the community. Working together continues to build new friendships, regardless of the age differences. “We are really an intergenerational League now.”

Bain has recently returned to Cincinnati from P&G assignments in Arkansas and Panama. “The League has always been a grounding point for me. I joined the League in Atlanta and have kept my membership through all of my moves as it was my

Bain Massy, JLC Sustainer Advisor to Marketing and the Board Bank

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Spring 2012

2012-2013 Membership Drive by Emily Roberts

Member Milestones Babies

The Membership and Outreach and Events Committee is busy reaching out to potential new JLC members, and they need your help in the efforts of Provisional recruitment. Interested women are invited to apply to join the JLC and be members of next year’s Provisional class. Two informational sessions are scheduled for prospective members – Saturday, March 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Columbia Center, and Wednesday, May 2 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Columbia Center. Applicants must complete the following by June 1: x Email expressing interest in joining the JLC’s 2012-2013 Provisional class x Attend one of the scheduled information sessions x Secure a sponsor x Complete all application materials and mail to Columbia Center The Provisional class will be capped at 100 participants. Please encourage prospective candidates to join the JLC, and also consider serving as a sponsor for a participant in next year’s class. Committed and engaged Active and Sustainer members are invited to serve as a sponsor to help participants early on in the application process. Sponsors are encouraged to meet with their matched candidate over coffee, lunch or dinner to discuss to get to know them, answer their questions about the process and to speak to the amazing women, rich traditions and community involvement of the Junior League of Cincinnati. If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Emily Roberts at 513446-8063 or via email at

Sarah Wildner welcomed Davis on October 31. Tiffany Boyd welcomed Brayden William on November 4. Cindy Bruestle welcomed Caroline Mae on November 30. Erika Robbe welcomed Anna Lee on December 1. Maggie Wuellner welcomed Millie Rochelle on December 6. Jennifer Blatz welcomed Claire and Conner on December 14. Traci Netheside welcomed Cole on January 25. Meagan Guenther welcomed Lana on January 27. Fran Santangelo welcomed Dominic Joseph on February 5.

Weddings Beth Baldner married Andrew Ciafardini on January 24.

Adopt-A-Class—Making an Impact, One Child at a Time by Katy Crossen The Junior League of Cincinnati Board of Directors continues to interact with students at the Academy of World Languages as part of the Board’s service project with the local Adopt-A-Class effort. Through this year-long commitment, Board members exchange notes with pen-pals in a 1st Grade class at the school in Walnut Hills. The Cincinnati Public Schools Pre-K – 8th Grade magnet school hosts students from more than 40 countries around the world for multi-cultural learning opportunities including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and English as a Second Language (ESL). The JLC Board has also thrown several parties for the classroom celebrating Halloween, the holiday season and Valentine’s Day, featuring crafts, educational lessons and tasty snacks for each occasion. The year-long project is part of the Adopt-A-Class effort, which brings volunteers from local corporations and organizations to facilitate personal connections between members of the business community and urban schoolchildren. For more information on Adopt-A-Class, please visit or call 513-244-8027.

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CinSation Spring Fundraiser Honors League Volunteers by Katy Crossen You don’t have to spend too much time in the Junior League of Cincinnati to know this organization is a great training ground for volunteering. Whether fundraising is your thing, or you prefer a track that capitalizes on hands-on service projects, the JLC gives members the opportunity to learn new skills, experience the opportunity and challenge of leadership, and gain experience that makes each of us stronger volunteers who can influence the community around us.

JLC President Melanie Chavez with honorees Saralou Durham and Carrie Hayden.

JLC Sustainers Saralou Durham and Carrie Hayden are two such members who have taken their Junior League experience and shared it with organizations with great success. The League is honoring both members at this year’s spring fundraiser, CinSation: Shaken, Not Stirred, for their commitment to our organization, as well as the Greater Cincinnati community. “Saralou and Carrie represent the leadership path that is available to JLC members who invest their time in our organization, earn valuable skills along the way, and continue on to help other organizations that are in need of solid volunteer leadership,” says Meredith Edwards, JLC Finance vice president.

Durham’s experience in the League heavily lies in project work. Through the years, she has served as the vice president of Project, volunteered with the Family Education Center that was founded by the JLC, and also worked with the Parent Effectiveness Training program that was adopted by Beechacres. She also served as JLC president for the 1998-1989 year and helped moved the organization into our current home, signing Columbia Center’s mortgage papers in 1988. As integral as Durham was to finding a new home for the JLC, her volunteer commitments fall well beyond the scope of Columbia Center’s four walls. She has lent her expertise to the Cincinnati Public Library, the Pregnancy Project, and also served as UC’s Alumni Association president – the second woman ever to hold such position. “The League is such a great opportunity to learn skills that can help other community efforts. Saralou has done a beautiful job of lending her League experience to valuable opportunities that are better for her involvement,” says Edwards. “Saralou’s hard work over time has contributed to our organization’s reputation as a great source of trained volunteers.”

Spring 2012

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CinSation, continued

Her reputation within the League is one of thoughtfulness and critical questioning. Saralou is a great listener and her fellow members say she can always be counted on to bring a group to a central point and common goal. The same can be said for Durham’s honorary co-chair. Carrie Hayden first started in the Toledo League in 1982, with her early years focused on Leadership Training. It seems Hayden took many of the lessons she shared to heart; she later tackled the vice treasurer and finance chair positions for the beloved Festival of Trees fundraiser.

JLC members enjoy an evening of fun and look forward to the spring fundraiser at the CinSation launch party.

Hayden shared her leadership skills with other community efforts including serving as the board chair at United Way of Greater Cincinnati and several other opportunities within the organization. She has also served in a board or advisory capacity for Success By 6 and Cincinnati Cancer Center. It’s no surprise that Hayden was recognized by the Cincinnati Enquirer as a Woman of the Year in 2008. “Carrie’s reputation as a volunteer is known far and wide within our community, and the Junior League of Cincinnati is proud to claim her as one of our own. Whether she is helping an initiative that is giving others.

CinSation committee chairs and members with honorees Saralou Durham and Carrie Hayden.

“It was an easy decision to choose these members as honorary chairs for our event. We are grateful for sacrifice of time, talent and treasure Saralou and Carrie have made, and we and we are appreciative for everything that they have done and continue to do on behalf of the Junior League of Cincinnati.”

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Connecting Membership to Mission By Melanie Chavez On a chilly, rainy Saturday morning, thirty JLC members joined our ‘Get Fit for CinSation’ Pilates class and stayed for a keynote speech by the self-proclaimed ‘mouth from the south,’ Vicki Clark. For those who don’t know Vicki, she is a larger-than-life personality with a no-nonsense perspective. She sees humor in the JLC members enjoying Vicki Clark’s keynote address. sometimes too serious and she views membership within the Junior League with a unique perspective. For all those who attended, we were each stretched to think about our organization and our mission in a new light. Vicki challenged us to think of the Junior League as a women’s movement - a movement that is about lifetime membership, continual selfdevelopment, the camaraderie of women and respecting all women in our organization for their skills and knowledge. This movement is based on a lifetime journey which is sometimes marked by successes and sometimes by learning. It is also grounded in growth and bettering ourselves so that we can better our community. Vicki challenged us to look at our mission in terms of a personal investment and why being a part of this organization can be so rewarding. She challenged us for that moment to leave the project behind, leave the fundraising successes behind, and simply think about how our work and the training we have received have benefited each of us as individuals. As Vicki closed the session, she asked each of us to reflect on why we are proud to be a member of the Junior League of Cincinnati, with the stipulation that we couldn’t answer the question with a project name, one of our numerous JLC acronyms or a fundraiser name. The feedback ranged from some members saying “I’m proud to be a part of an organization that is so welcoming. I feel at home with the Junior League,” to others exclaiming, “I am proud of the stamp we have made within the community,” to still others saying, “I am proud of the opportunities the League has given those women before me and will give those women after me.” In the days after the session, I received an email from a new member who she summed up the afternoon perfectly. “I feel like I not only learned more about the history of the Junior League, but it also reminded me why I joined in the first place. I love the volunteering aspect and learning more about Cincinnati and getting involved in the community, but it all starts with the women in this organization. I love that Vicki focused a lot on being kind and supporting each other, because that is how we will move forward as a community. She kept saying ‘this is a movement,’ and I feel so appreciative to know I am a part of that.”

Vicki Clark, AJLI Trainer On Leadership and the Junior League On recognizing our contributions to the Junior League:

“The Junior League is a lifetime journey. Sometimes during that journey we will have the capacity to give 120%, some years we’ll be at 70% and some years we will just need to take a step back. Being intentional about our commitment during a given year is the key. Intentionally picking a placement or League status that will support the amount of time and effort we have to give.” On why someone should join the JLC:

“If you only want to volunteer, this is not the movement for you. If you already know everything, this is not the movement for you. But, if you want to develop your potential, constantly learn and connect with the community through multiple volunteer opportunities, then this is the movement for you.” On our product:

“Our product is that we change lives and communities. In order for that to happen, we have to change ourselves first. Don’t think in terms of outputs, think in terms of the women. The women are our work, everything else happens naturally.” On understanding and supporting JLC members:

“You can’t lead from your reality. We each have our own reality. If you are a night owl and send emails at 2 a.m., you can’t get upset because no one has responded by 7 a.m. That is your reality, not your teammates reality.” On why this organization is so powerful:

“When you change the woman, you change the world”

“I feel at home in the Junior League.”

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Spring 2012

Training & Development Names Spring 2012 Board Bank Class By Lauren Bosse Congratulations to our Spring 2012 JLC Board Bank Class! These women will participate in a four part training series, culminating in a matching session with local non-profits who are looking for new board members. For information about the Fall 2012 class, please contact Tara Bonistall Noland.

Session 1: March 1

Topic - Governance: Board Member Responsibilities Why join a board? What does a good board do and how? Board manual review, composition, and structure Speakers: Karen Dorn, Greater Cincinnati Arts and Education Center and Kathy DeLaura, Partners in Change

Spring 2012 JLC Board Bank Class Anne Bailey Natalie Bieser Gabrielle Bocher Sonya Davis Lisa Hubbard Kari Kerns Katie Koppenhoefer Pamela Long Molly Lyons Meredith Meyer Jane Muindi Traci Nestheide Katie Rafferty Sarah Rieger Sarah Schuck Kristen Van Ee Ashley Volbrecht Natalie Wais

Session 2: March 15

Topic: Fiduciary Responsibilities Life stages and the impact on the workings on a board Financial concepts for good board stewardship; Legal oversight, duties, responsibilities Speakers: Julia Keyser, CPA, nonprofit consultant Kristin Lenhart and Jill Scherff, Dinsmore and Shohl Session 3: March 29

Fundraising Friendraising and social networking; the role of the board and staff in fundraising; How to make the ask; Special events Speakers: Ruth Dickey, Clifton Cultural Arts Center Kathy Wade, Learning through Art & JLC Sustainer Session 4: April 19 Choosing the Right Board for You Speaker: Darlene Kamine, JLC Sustainer

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A New Location for ‘Be Healthy. Be Active!’ We are excited to announce the third annual Junior League of Cincinnati Kids in the Kitchen ‘Be Healthy. Be Active!’ event will happen Saturday, April 14 at Withrow University High School in Hyde Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This free event attracts over 2,000 area participants, including many families with young children. Through this opportunity, the Junior League of Cincinnati and Kids in the Kitchen committee help parents and children address the consequences of childhood obesity and poor nutrition. Attendees enjoy cooking and exercise demonstrations, exercise, tasty treats, and fun games provided by over 40 vendors. Last year’s event included a Kids’ Iron Chef Challenge, an obstacle course, a hula-hoop exercise area, fun activities provided by the Nutrition Council, a zumba demonstration, and multiple dance teams from The YMCA. The goal of Kids in the Kitchen is to empower youth to make healthy lifestyle choices and help reverse the growth of childhood obesity and its associated health issues, and this capstone event is The Junior League of Cincinnati’s single largest volunteeroriented community event of the year. No RSVP required – the event is free and open to the community.

Katy Crossen and student from AWL.

Event Details Saturday, April 14, 2012 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Withrow University High School in Hyde Park No RSVP required. Event is free and open to the community. AWL student making a veggie hummus.

Spring CandO Activities The Junior League of Cincinnati continues to tackle a variety of community outreach opportunities. Read on to learn how you can represent the JLC and get involved in service around the Queen City. Sunday, March 18, 2012 Join the Junior League of Cincinnati Team for the American Heart Association's Heart Walk. Heart disease is the number one killer among women. As women and members of JLC, we encourage you to help support the promise to save lives and build awareness of heart disease by stepping up and joining our team. We will be wearing our JLC t-shirts and walking together to promote our presence in the community and to support the cause. The Heart Walk starts at 12:00 p.m. To sign up, go to Click on “Find a Team” on the left-hand side of the web page. Type in “Junior League of Cincinnati” and follow the additional prompts. Please note registration is $35 per participant until midnight on March 5. More details will be provided closer to the day of the event, including a team rally point. Please contact Brooke Mullett at with questions. General meeting credit is not available for this CandO opportunity.

Saturday, May 5, 2012 The Junior League of Cincinnati and the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Avondale Branch join together to celebrate National Children's Book Week. The event promotes the importance of literacy while creating a fun opportunity for the children. All children who attend receive a book. Please contact Monica Kreiling at or Nicole Portal at for additional information. Saturday, May 12, 2012 Please join fellow Junior Leaguers for this opportunity celebrating one of our past projects, Girls on the Run. Volunteers will be a part of the "Cheer Zone" to motivate the 3rd-8th grade girls during their 5K run/walk. Girls on the Run had approximately 2,500 participants in their November 2011 event, and they are expecting a 50 percent increase in teams for the May 12 race. Please contact Ami Hidaka at or Beth Locaputo Bradshaw at for additional information.

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Ohio Leagues Band Together to Fight Hunger by Katy Crossen Members of the Junior League of Cincinnati have the opportunity to join fellow Junior League members across the Buckeye State in the fight against hunger in our communities.

During any given week, more than 207,700 Ohioans receive emergency food assistance, 35% of whom are children under 18. Ohio Association of Second Harvest Food Banks

Junior Leagues in Cincinnati, Akron, Dayton, Toledo, Stark Country, Cleveland and Columbus are working together for a statewide food drive through the Month of March. The effort is in response to the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) and its commitment to address the growing epidemic of poverty. According to the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Food Banks, during any given week, more than 207,700 Ohioans receive emergency food assistance, 35 percent of whom are children under 18. The rate of hunger and food insecurity in Ohio is increasing at an alarming rate, with Ohio ranked as one of the top ten states in our country battling this challenging epidemic. Join CandO and PAC as they collect food donations for the FreeStore FoodBank as part of the statewide food drive to do our part for hungry kids in our community. Our local food pantry needs a variety of non-perishables that will help complement the JLC’s mission to advocate for healthy food choices for children:

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Canned chicken and tuna (canned in water, not oil) Canned fruit (packed only in 100 percent juice and/or water, not canned in syrup) Canned vegetables (low- or no-sodium) Dried or canned beans (low- or no-sodium) Fruit juice (100 percent juice, low levels of sugar) Pasta (whole wheat) Peanut butter (all natural) Rice (brown) Whole grain cereal

Through March 31, members are able to place food in collection bins posted at Columbia Center. All members who bring food donations to the March General Meeting will be entered into a raffle to win a door prize.

Members Honored with Starlight Awards by Lisa Hubbard

The Starlight Awards recognize committee members who have gone above and beyond in service to the JLC. The following dedicated members have been identified as Starlight Award recipients. NOVEMBER:

Kids in the Kitchen committee member Kristen Van Ee Kristen is a KITK and JL Cincinnati Superstar. She volunteers immediately anytime she receives a request, and always goes above and beyond what is asked of her. She and her husband set up the KITK 5K booth, which included chopping many different kinds of fruit. She also worked the Cincinnati Sports Mall booth after volunteering at MindPeace and a Boys and Girls Club Football game, all before 2 p.m. on a Saturday. Her enthusiasm is really appreciated on the KITK team.

Kristen Van Ee


Cookbook committee member Gelene Morales Gelene is a fantastic example of stepping up and owning a task. She did not hesitate to take over organizing the MOM volunteers for the inaugural "Tour of Kitchens" this year. What a great job she did! Her effort and diligence resulted in having a great event run even more smoothly. Her hard work helped to make the entire day a success.

Gelene Morales

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Committee of Community Advisors The Junior League is one again convening a group of the city’s most influential and respected leaders for our Committee of Community Advisors. Organized and led by Sustainer Carolyn McCoy and President Melanie Chavez, the group met for the first time on January 30 to discuss substantial needs within our community. The group, which will meet quarterly, has been assembled to provide expertise and advice to assist the JLC and to generate collaborative partnerships between the JLC and other civic leaders.

2011-2013 Committee of Community Advisors Eve Bolton Board of Education President Cincinnati Public Schools

Edwin Rigaud Director Taft Business Consulting LLC

Susan Croushore President & CEO The Chris Hospital

Jim Schwab President and Chief Executive Officer The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati

Dan Hurley Director, Leadership Cincinnati Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber

Barbara Terry Vice President, Community Impact United Way of Greater Cincinnati

Shep Englander CEO Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

Shiloh Turner Vice President for Community Investment The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Susan Ingmire President Ignite Philanthropy Advisors

Judith Van Ginkel President Every Child Succeeds

Heidi Jark Managing Director The Foundation Office at Fifth Third Bank

Ellen Van der Horst President and Chief Executive Officer Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber

Tim Maloney President and Chief Executive Officer The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. / U.S. Bank Foundation

Charlene Ventura President and CEO YWCA

Transfer News

The Transfer Committee welcomes Christy Flanagan as their new Vice Chair. Christy transferred to Cincinnati from Phoenix last year, and will have lots of great tips for newcomers. This expertise will come in handy because the JLC has brought on 19 Active transfers and three Sustainer transfers from 17 different leagues so far this year! The next All Transfer Open House will be held on March 21 at Sustainer Jane Koppenhoeffer's house at 7pm. All transfers are welcome.

Placement News All members are encouraged to attend the Placement Fair immediately preceding the April GMM. In addition to being a great chance to socialize with representatives from the different committees, it is also a wonderful opportunity to learn more about different placement opportunities, and ask questions of current committee members, which will help ensure everyone finds a placement that is a good fit.

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Spring 2012

Editors Section: Contributors to Perspectives

Cindy Bruestle Cindy Bruestle has been a member of the JLC since 2006. She is currently Chair of Perspectives.

Natalie Bieser Natalie Bieser has been a member of the JLC since 2010. She is currently a member of the Perspectives committee.

Bess Ganeff Bess Ganeff has been a member of the JLC since 1998. She is currently Vice -Chair of Perspectives.

Sarah Lucas Sarah Lucas has been a member of the JLC since 2009. She is currently a member of the Perspectives committee.

Fran Santangelo Fran Santangelo has been a member of the JLC since 2010. She is currently a member of the Perspectives committee.

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Success at a Glance November General Membership Meeting: Over 150 members and guests in attendance

Cinsation Launch Party: 97 guests, $735 raised, one CinSational theme reveal CandO Past Project Days: 3 past projects + 46 volunteers = tons of community connections

Tour of Kitchens: 7 homes, 104 guests, more than $5,000 in revenue

December General Membership Meetings: 6 area meetings, over 120 members and guests in attendance

Kids in the Kitchen at CMC: 4 events, 37 volunteers, 1,327 lives touched

Cookie Exchange: 16 members, tons of cookies, 3 cookie champions

AJLI Winter Leadership Training: 2 JLC Board Members, 344 Junior League Delegates Committee of Community Advisors Meeting: 15 Community Leaders, 8 JLC Members

Vicki Clark, Keynote Speaker: 1 Amazing Presenter; 30 Inspired Members February General Membership Meeting: 3 Zoo Animals, 4 Guest Speakers, 1 Performance, 120 Members in Attendance Valentines Day Dinners: 2 Sessions, 16 volunteers, 70 lives touched

Adopt-a-Class: 10 Volunteers, 1 ‘heart’ lesson, 21 first grade students

CinSation Patron Party: 40 guests, 1 beautiful location, 2 amazing honorary chairs

Adopt-A-Class: 13 Volunteers, 21 first grade students, lots of holiday spirit

January General Membership Meeting: Over 130 members and guests in attendance Childhood Obesity Forum: 3 Obesity Experts, 80 members in attendance

Get Fit for CinSation: 3 classes, 45 participants

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Spring 2012

Save the Date for Upcoming Events… MARCH



3/3/12 Ronald McDonald House Day

4/3/12 April GMM: Placement Fair, Volunteer Appreciation & Project Development

5/1/12 Leadership Training

3/8/12 KITK at Pleasant Ridge

4/12/12 JLC Social

3/10/12 CinSation: Shaken, Not Stirred

4/14/12 KITK ‘Be Healthy. Be Active!’ Capstone Event

5/2/12 Prospective Member Information Session

3/6/12 March GMM: The Power of One


KITK at Riverview East Academy 3/18/12 CandO, American Heart Association Walk 3/20/12 Keynote Speaker: Betsy Ross 3/22/12 KITK at AWL 3/22/12 Book Club The Hunger Games Trilogy

4/17/12 Provisional Year End Celebration 4/18/12

Cincinnati Seasoned Spring Tasting 4/19/12—4/21/12 AJLI Annual Conference 4/26/12 Food & Wine Champagne Tasting

3/24/12 Prospective Member Information Session 3/28/12 All Transfer Open House

5/2/12 Sustainer Annual Luncheon

5/3/12 February GMM: KITK at Pleasant Ridge Elementary 5/5/12 CandO , Literacy Event at South Avondale Library 5/10/12 Annual JLC Fashion Show 5/11/12 Adopt-A-Class at AWL 5/12/12 CandO, GOTR Cheer Zone at Sawyer Point 5/13/12 Happy Mothers Day! 5/15/12 May GMM: Annual Meeting 5/17/12 KITK at Riverview East Academy 5/18/12 KITK at Cincinnati Children's Museum 5/23/12 Final Choral Group Performance 5/24/12 KITK at AWL

JLC Annual Meeting & Sustainer Luncheon Please join us for our time honored tradition of the Sustainer Annual Luncheon and the Annual Meeting. Both of these events herald the end of yet another successful JLC year. The Sustainer Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 2 at the Cincinnati Country Club. The Annual Meeting, which replaces the May GMM, will be held Tuesday, May 17 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Hyde Park Country Club. Invitations will be mailed prior to each event. Betty Pease, 2011 Cookie Nowland Award Winner

Columbia Center 3500 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45226

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The JLC Goes to the Zoo One of the themes for the year has been “community connections.” Thanks to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, we had the opportunity to do that quite literally and take our February GMM on the road to learn about the World Choir Games, the Cincinnati Zoo and the Cincinnati Opera. As members entered The Zoo, they were greeting by some of the destination’s most social and friendly inhabitants including an owl, an alligator (it was smaller than an arm) and a surprise appearance by a prickly porcupine. After the animals retired for the evening, we were treated to a high energy presentation by JLC Sustainer Heather Egan and Lajuana Miller of the World Choir Games. Members got a chance to hear about this once-in -a-lifetime volunteer opportunity and see an inspiring video highlighting the games. Thane Maynard took the stage with a lively, interactive presentation on some of the world’s most exotic animals and the zoos that care for them. He closed with a stirring video that gave us a sneak peek at the Africa exhibit currently under development. Finally, League members were treated to a short performance of Porgy & Bess by the Cincinnati Opera. Summer 2012 marks the first time in the Opera Company’s history they will present this master opera. Each presentation focused on giving our membership concrete ways to engage with each of the featured organizations. Members buzzed afterwards about how much they enjoyed getting into the community and interacting with representatives from the Queen City’s finest organizations.

Ashlee Dagenbach and Meredith Edwards

On the cover: 2011-2012 JLC Mission Moments Kelley Curley and Sonya Davis enjoying a Cincinnati Zoo sloth.

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