Poethesis Magazine - Issue #1

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H a l f -Ye a r l y P o e t r y We b z i n e




a b o u t

- E ST. 202 1 -

Poethesis Magazine is a half-yearly webzine that curates original poetry works from multidisciplinary artists (that also works with the written word). Drawing heavy inspiration from dance and movement, Poethesis Magazine seeks to create a reading experience that reflects the joys of watching a live arts performance. The works are also specially curated to have a major focus on artists of Asian and African descent, with the wish of contributing to enriching the arts world with multifaceted experiences. Follow us on our Instagram: @poethesismag




c o n t e n t s

Editor’s Note

4 6

Movement Poetry #1

8 1 0

The Sense of Not Belonging (cont’d)


1 6 1 8

Movement Poetry #2

Sobriety & Dose

1 2 1 4

Walk Against the Wind

Black or White

Their People

2 0 2 2

Artists’ Page




e d i t o r ’ s n o t e Contributors

I am so proud to present our first issue of Poethesis Magazine! This webzine started because of the pandemic, and I found myself wondering what it is that I can do to contribute and add to the meaning and importance of the arts. I would like to thank all my collaborators - as always, art is always at its peak when created through collaboration, and I am so grateful to engage with a great group of artists. I also want to thank you, the reader, for taking time to read Poethesis. I hope that this webzine will bring you much joy to experience, and inspire you to continue creating. - Jessie Jing.

A r t i s t -Wr i t e r s

Lei Esther Karina Curlewis TN Wen Vinna Law Wesley Bingwa Magazine Cover

Charlotte Lam Dance Artists

Mickey Villanueva Melitta Dsouza



What’s New?

Image by: Charlotte Lam




Black or White I am tired, we are tired Tired of grieving, tired of shouting Tired of surviving, never living I am tired, we are tired. They say home is where the heart it is Yet I don’t know where mine is Slaves in chains, begging please We know our history, erased by these... They say These immigrants are stealing our dreams No, I am not racist, excuse me please White privilege? No, not for me More wealth? Was it taken for free? I am tired, we are tired Tired of grieving, tired of shouting Tired of surviving, never living I am tired, we are tired. Justice system doesn’t favour me At age thirteen, they told me Freeze! Hands up, before you flee! Stupid me thinking I’m free.

We s l e y B i n g w a




Black or White (Cont’d) I am tired, we are tired Tired of grieving, tired of shouting Tired of surviving, never living I am tired, we are tired

We s l e y B i n g w a

I know everybody dies, but look at our lives Mentally shackled in our ancestors’ chains Endangered species, blackbird fly Whether nooses or ties, racism thrives. They say Racism this and racism that Black History Month is what you will get If you don’t like it jump on a jet Europe is white so stop the fight. I am tired, we are tired Tired of grieving, tired of shouting Tired of surviving, never living I am tired, we are tired.




Sobriety & Dose by Karina Curlewis Visual Movement Poetry by Mickey Villanueva Facilitated by Jessie Jing.








Sobriety Alkaline rivers Flowing Within veins Clouds lifting

Purified stains In deep slumber I gave in Dose Brighter beneath the sun Like golden truth Alive A privilege Soulful sweet sin Encumbered within

Karina Curlewis





The Sense of Not Belonging

Vinna Law

“Your answer cannot have non-English or special characters” That’s when it came flooding back to me All these feelings of being a person who doesn’t matter In these spaces where I’m supposed to belong Where everywhere their signs say, “Hey, you’re welcome to stay, We won’t discriminate or push you away” Engulfed by the facade of acceptance, I played along Made sure I did my part and be careful to never go wrong. All it took was a virus, A virus so strong it contaminated all of these Spaces we spent generations to uphold The loneliness, the fake happiness The tight lipped smiles of our ancestors Pushing it all down Convincing themselves, their children, their grandchildren, That this is for the better It will be worth it when we see you matter.




So I took a ride down memory lane, Thinking hard till my mind is strained. There must be moments where I felt Like I belonged in the places I have dwelt. The songs we sing of our kings and queens, The words we speak to convey our means, The food we eat to nourish our guts, The way we call our parents nuts? If that’s all we need to keep holding this space, Why do I still feel the loneliness The fake happiness The tight lipped smiles of our ancestors? And why, if this facade was strong enough Did it break? Replaced with blaming, name calling, Face punches and constant screaming Go back to where you came from! You don’t belong here! Well then, where do I belong?

Vinna Law

The Sense of Not Belonging (cont’d)




G r o w i n g i n S i l e n c e : Wo r d s I Wo n ’ t S a y

Vinna Law

Push me away Pull me back Make me sway Till I bend and crack.

So I made up my mind That the words I won’t say Will help me find A way to stay.

Now I’m grown And far gone But though I’ve flown The hurt carries on.

While we’re in this silence There’s one thing that I hope One day we’ll leave the violence And together, learn to cope.

The words you say They pierce, they slay My heart into pieces The pain never eases. Then one day I’ve had enough I needed a way To make myself tough.





January, countries in crisis. Hong Kong protest, in the millions. Australian fires continue; save the species! 500 million animals, lifeless. February, countries (re)convene for Covid-19. Dehli riots, more than 2000 arrested. The Malaysian political crisis; government ousted. The stock market crashes, induced by Coronavirus. March, Trump gets questioned. Italy locks down, over 16 million quarantined. Time to wear a mask, Earth declares a pandemic. April, there were no fools. Some still think it’s fake news. So many deaths it’s a hot spot, Covid-19 always in the spotlight.

We s l e y B i n g w a

2020 has been shambles, Keep your eyes open. 2020 has got issues, Listen up, I’ve got old news.



2020 (Cont’d) May, we still have the same issues. Wars going on and on and on... The UK failing to get Covid under control, British politics is never responsible.

We s l e y B i n g w a

June, Covid is still prevalent. Everyone struggling to defeat it. Looking for a cure but this ain’t it, Stay 2 metres you might catch it. 2020 has been shambles, Keep your eyes open. 2020 has got issues, Listen up, I got old news. December’s here, things look promising (really?) Amidst the lack of trust and clarity. Banking on the vaccine. Now, what would 2021 bring for humanity?





Wa l k A g a i n s t t h e W i n d Every step that I


me a


How can I reach-

-you fully?

T N We n





Virtual Duet Hello! (Hello) My elbow is coming to yours. Take a seat. (Take a seat) My left arm rises, as my right arm just did. They are both settled and leaning on the table now. T N We n

Bon appétit! (Bon appétit) My hands grab it. Let it come to me My right hand is still holding, while my left one is catching a piece of falling lettuce from My sandwich. It’s your turn. (Respond to me) I hope you enjoy your solo. Goodbye, see you soon. Really, I mean SEE you soon.




. . .t h e i r p e o p l e

When knowledge of their people is shared in ink Their beliefs are usually undermined While their practices and cultural past Are often discarded as insignificant acts Buried underneath modern technologies Indigenous science forgets what it is When claims of their people are about their lands They are chased instead to foreign grounds By human-inflicted fires or selfish desires Leaving behind their rights they are born with time Soon, when their tongues go extinct, Other species will be driven to the brink When their people claim they are owned by the land That means their heart roots from deep below ground Their hands toil the dirt and pull out the bad weeds Grow native seeds and plant no greed Among the forest they rise tall beneath its canopies are‌

Lei Esther

When stories of their people are told in ink All are crammed in the margins Words get confused in the thick crowd of written screams that are not so loud Letters fall off of the paper edge Smoe eevn srcamlbe mnaikg no snese



B l a c k- w i n g e d S t i l t

Lei Esther

Tall – It stands bold in the open shallow marshes. Proud – It stretches its legs when it walks; the water gracefully folds. Brave – It wades through deep waters; Daringly perching on high stilts. Wise – It lines its nest with twigs, Blending it in with the ground. Distinct – Its shape is striking and clean; Elegant even in flight. Black – Its wings are, Unfolding among the skies.








Black-winged Stilt by Lei Esther Visual Movement Poetry by Melitta Dsouza Facilitated by Jessie Jing




Artists’ Page A r t i s t -Wr i t e r s

Lei Esther Writer Storyteller Photographer

Karina Curlewis

Charlotte Lam

Writer Movement Practitioner

TN Wen Multi-hyphenate Artist

Dance Artists

Mickey Villanueva

Dance & Theatre

Vinna Law Actress Theatre-maker

Wesley Bingwa Dance Artist Spoken Word Artist

Melitta Dsouza



We a r e o n K o - F i ! If you enjoyed reading Poethesis Magazine, you can support us! For the price of a cup of coffee, you can contribute to the commissioning of artists and in developing the webzine. All cups of coffee are appreciated :)

Find us on: ko-fi.com/poethesismag

You can also scan this QR code for our Ko-Fi page!


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