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Ask: Do you think being a great pastry chef is a natural talent, or is it something anyone can learn?

Chef Anderson: I think that it can be learned, but it’s important that you have patience, passion, dedication, and work hard. You have to enjoy every what you do.

Ask: How did you decide to become a chef?

Chef Anderson: The childhood of the kids in common is playing some sports, drawing or reading; and mine was shaking all the sauce that were in the kitchen of my house, I loved to play with the recipients, read recipes and taste foods. I remember that my first dish was on my six birthday, I organized a party on my house and my mom decided to make a cake with me. When I saw the satisfied face on my family and my friends because they had tasted the cake, I felt so happy, and since then I just fall in love with cooking. So I think that I have become a chef because I love what they do, what they use and see the happy face on the people who had tasted my dishes.

Ask: In a restaurant, how important is the relationship between the chef and the pastry chef?

Chef Anderson: The relationship between everyone in the kitchen imports to the effect of the dessert, sometimes we gather to think matches to combine the dishes to the dessert, these two together have to make sense on flavors.

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