2019 Jackson Wild Media Awards Media Guide

Page 37





People & Nature Long-Form

Ecosystem Long-Form, Editing

Los Angeles, CA

WASHINGTON, District o


United States



52 minutes

51 minutes

An elegant, engaging and cinematic verite documentary series celebrating the deep emotional bonds between people and their beloved four-legged best friends. The series tracks six incredible stories from across the globe including Syria, Japan, Costa Rica, Italy and the US--each proving that the unconditional love one feels for their dog is a beautiful universal truth. Dogs takes us on an inspirational journey exploring the remarkable, perhaps even magical qualities that have given these animals such a special place in all of our hearts.

Yellowstone River is the longest undammed river in the contiguous 48 states, flowing with a wildness that is both violent and vital to the creatures that are drawn to its banks. From Yellowstone Lake, North America’s largest highelevation body of water, to the Missouri River, follow its nearly 700-mile journey over falls and through canyons into America’s heartland. See how Yellowstone’s bison, otters, coyotes, and thrill-seekers adapt to--and thrive in--these wild, untamed waters.

COMPANY: A Disarming Films Production in association with Zipper Brothers Films for Netflix, PRODUCER: Amy Berg, Glen Zipper DIRECTOR: Amy Berg EDITOR: Richard Hankin, Andrew Siwoff CINEMATOGRAPHER: Enzo Brandner SOUND EDITOR: Lewis Goldstein, Alex Soto SOUND MIXERS: Lewis Goldstein, Anton Feist, Rayan Al Obeidyine, Hannes Schulze, Kai Theissen MUSIC: Edo Van Breemen, Johannes Winkler OTHER: MAIN TITLE THEME SONG: Dhani Harrison and Paul Hicks

COMPANY: Smithsonian PRODUCER: Thomas Winston, Eric Bendick, Avela Grenier, Jeff Reed, Shasta Winston, Tria Thalman, David Royle EDITOR: Avela Grenier WRITER: Shasta Winston CINEMATOGRAPHER: Dawson Dunning, Jeff Reed, Rick Smith, Thomas Winston NARRATOR: Bill Pullman

(661) 904-0811 jessica@awardsinsider.com www.netflix.com/title/80191036

+12 022-611-279 isabelle.mills@smithsonianchannel.com





Animal Behavior Long-Form , Visualization, Writing

360 Storytelling


Arlington, VA





50 minutes

7 minutes

More beautiful than butterflies, more spectacular fliers than hummingbirds, and with intriguing behaviour as complex as mammals or birds, dragonflies and damselflies are the ultimate insects. They’ve been flying around for hundreds of millions of years, crossing paths with dinosaurs before we mammals were even a twinkle in the eye of evolution, and are often described as “primitive” - which is simply wrong. Surviving on the planet for that long means being pretty special and this film shows just how special they are.

Experience the ocean from an entirely new point of view. Conservation International and Vision 3 present a new social virtual reality project, “Drop in the Ocean,” shrinks participants down to about 2 inches tall as they hitch a ride on a jellyfish to encounter the beauty and mysteries of the ocean - and the ugly reality of the plastic pollution crisis - just as sea life does every day. A 7-minute group interactive VR experience, it brings four participants together into an open, physical space, allowing full freedom of movement while creating an atmosphere of shared adventure and knowledge gathering.

COMPANY: Terra Mater Factual Studios GmbH, produced by Hooded Crow PRODUCER: Steve Nicholls DIRECTOR: Steve Nicholls EDITOR: Paul Kiff WRITER: Victoria Coules CINEMATOGRAPHER: Kevin Flay SOUND MIXERS: Chris Domaille, Dubbing Mixer MUSIC: Steven Faux NARRATOR: David Attenborough EP TMFS: Susanne Lummer, Sabine Holzer

COMPANY: Vision 3 and Conservation International PRODUCER: Adam May, Chris Parks, Chris Campkin, Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau, M. Sanjayan, Jamie Cross, Melina Formisano, Jody Allen, Ruth Johnston, Matt Milios SOUND RECORDIST: Vince Watts MUSIC: Gold Panda DESIGNER: Elliott Round NARRATOR: Philippe Cousteau, Ashlan Cousteau

+43 187-003-27611 office@terramater.at www.terramater.at/productions/dragons-damsels-ultimate-insects/


(571) 699-9406 ewuhrmann@conservation.org conservation.org/drop

2019 Jackson Wild Media Guide


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