October/November 2020

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Around Town b&w


EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Print Editor Online Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor

Marandah Mangra-Dutcher Savannah Dennis Kylie Emery Joel Kellar Noah Gilbert


When Jay Rice ‘94 brainstormed the name of our paper in 1991, it was not because of the ink color. For the last 28 years, our mission has been to bring our audience stories from the school, community and nation, told clearly and without exaggeration--in black and white.

STAFF WRITERS Nolan Akins Parker Anderson Nathan Anderson Payton Blahut Audrey Bristow Thomas Center Addison Etnier Olivia Frantum Lily Fredericks Laila Hasanovic London Heim Matthew Hickman Marley Jenkins Alyvia Jensen Renee Johnson Zachary Kehoe Tate Larsen Braedon Layman Ethan Le

Abby Lehan Theron Luett Ayden Lyon Levi Manley Define Mansour Jay Marren Sabrina McGuire Alyssa Minear TJ Olson Charles Pruett-Shhillak Ciaran Rigby Tyler Roberts Tarun Srikaran Alma Suarez Edina Suljic Aidan Topolinski Jacob Weah Michael Wesseh

Photo by Sabrina McGuire


Right next to Gray’s lake, you can find a small foot bridge. This bridge crosses the Raccoon River.

AROUND TOWN Johnston kids sometimes have a very skewed look at the world around them. With this issue we decided to open the eyes of the students to opportunities outside Johnston and how students are involved around the community. We took some time to recognize the vibe and feel of downtown Des Moines causing our staff members to explore downtown. We highlighted a few companies who are on the rise around the community and world as quarantine numbers spike, and we mentioned some kids who are constantly out making their voices heard outside of our school. Our students need to take some more time to get out and around town in order to get more connected with the world around them. Marandah Mangra-Dutcher Editor-in-Chief

CONTENT Feature 4 Thrifting 6 Their New Voice 10 Emerge Academy 14 The Neon Side of Des Moines Opinion 16 Fair Pay to Play 18 Fall Sports Lacked Guidance 20 Sweater Weather Mod 22 Amazon’s Rapid Rise to the Top

Photo by Sabrina McGuire


In Des Moines’ Civic Center Historic District, there are a few inspirational neon signs displayed. The signs can be found on the side of Blaze Pizza’s building, and features saying such as, ‘Renew what is said’.

FINE PRINT Black & White is published solely by the Johnston High School newspaper staff. It is an open forum. In accordance with Iowa law, students assign, edit material and make all decisions of content. Editorials represent the opinion of a majority of the editorial board. Editorial and opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the advisor, school officials or the district. Letters to the editor must be signed. Like all material, letters may not be libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. To write a letter to the editor, or report an error in the issue, please contact the editors at jhsblackandwhite@gmail.com.



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4| feature


Favorite Finds

A Trend On The Rise

Students’ favorite things they have thrifted.

In recent years, thrifting has become

the amount of resources being wasted on the

more popularized. Many young people have

clothing industry since the clothes are not

to big content creators, trends spread fast.

been hopping onto the trend. It has always

brand new.

One of the reasons thrifting became popular


Another popular reason many thrift

online is because of influencers, one being

friendly, and an easy way to switch up your

is because it offers different and unique styles.

Emma Chamberlain. “Yeah she’s like the one

style. However, with more exposure online,

“I probably started because I wanted to get

who really brought it back,” Evelyn Paucar ‘23

people have been able to spread the word.

something unique and kinda something that

said. As more people started to share about

was me,”Keenan McCann ‘21 said.Thrift stores

thrifting online and telling their audience

The Benefits

offer a variety of clothing that regular stores

about what they’ve found or why they like it,

Thrifting has many qualities that

will not be able to offer simply because thrift

this caused their viewers to become intrigued

draw people into the trend. One of these is

stores get clothing from all different stores

and decide to try it out themselves.

the fact that it is environmentally friendly.

and people with different styles. This allows

“I like it because it saves the environment

people to create their own sense of style and

share their finds with their friends. That

because you get secondhand clothing, so you

express themselves better.

has also helped popularize thrifting because

don’t buy new things, only old ones,” Emmy

Clothing in thrift stores is also

when people enjoy something they tried out

Doan ‘23 said. It is good for the environment

usually very affordable. “They’re cheap,

and share it with others, those people will do

because the clothes in thrift stores are being

so they’re easy to afford, lots of people can

the same.

reused, opposed to being thrown away and

afford it,” said Celina Ngo ‘23. This means

dumped into landfills after one person is

that people will not have to turn away just

Places to Thrift

done with them which could take hundreds of

because the price is too high.


years to decompose. Thrifting also decreases

Spreading the Word

Plato’s Closet

The Salvation Army

Many Hands

EveryStep Giving Tree





Celina Ngo ‘23

Keenan McCann ’21

With millions of people looking up

Like influencers, people tend to

Emmy Doan ‘23

Evelyn Paucar ‘23

Words| Laila Hasanovic Layout| Laila Hasaonvic

Their New Voice

Senior students exercise their right to vote for the first time amid an election that has shocked America. Words and Layout | Savannah Dennis


his year has been a rollercoaster ride that started in January




been the lowest lower turnout out of all

then I voted for Axne, Greenfield… and I did

people who support Trump are gonna

different age groups. Young voters tend

vote for Schneider as well, the sheriff,” Chen

still support Trump, and the people who

to vote more democratic; that’s been true

said. “There’s a lot of people on the ballot, but

support Biden are gonna support Biden. I

throughout history, and so if the democratic

I voted all democratic.”

don’t think that really affected anything before and after the debate.”

party and Joe Biden can get young voters to

Chen chose her party based on her values.

show up in greater numbers that’s going to

“My parents are actually very conservative,

She found a policy that she sides with

be a big advantage to them.”

so I’m kind of an oddball out,” she said. “My

President Trump on rather than Biden. “I do

When voting, it is crucial to be educated

beliefs are always with the people who need

like that Trump is very firm in his policies

to say that 2008 when Barak Obama first

on the candidates. “We have a representative

it most, the people who need help. So, low-

with China,” Chen said. “As someone who


ran for president there was an extremely

democracy, not a direct democracy, so

income families, immigrants, the people who

has parents who have come from China and

are good.” Duckett

7 | in-depth

and has not slowed down

affiliation to be easy. “It’s because my parents

high level of student engagement in that

we don’t actually get input on the issues.

can’t afford to live like business owners or

understand what it’s like being there, that’s

since. The country experienced wildfires

have been Republicans, so that’s what I grew

election as well,” he said. “In 2008, it was

Our views are filtered through our elected

millionaires. I do have policies that advocate

their main concern, that the president of

in California, UFO videos from the

up doing and believing in,” he said.

for less social and economic inequality.”

the United States is not going to be strong

excitement about the possibility of an

representatives,” Hennes said. “We’re only

Pentagon, Asian giant hornets entering the

One policy in particular stands out to him.

Obama presidency, and I would say from

asking that every two, four, or six years

enough to fight China against their ability

United States, a derecho, the coronavirus

“I do not like Biden’s view on taking ARs

what I’ve seen this time around, it’s more

that you pay attention, that you are really

to wiggle out of responsibility.”

pandemic and everything that came with

and all that,” Duckett said. “I think we have

of a concern on students about a potential

focused in terms of deciding how to use

it, the upcoming presidential election, and

a right to bear arms, and I think we need

second Trump administration.”

your vote.”

everything else that happened outside of

guns for our own safety and self-defense. And

Early and absentee voting has become

There are websites and organizations

American borders.

if you have all the right requirements to be

extremely popular during this election

dedicated to providing information about

carrying or handling a gun, I think we should

due to the coronavirus pandemic. “So now,

candidates running for office. “There are

be able to.”

As if the year by itself is not crazy

we’re two weeks ahead of the election and

several different groups that attempt to

chaos as well. We have seen political

more people have already voted early

provide balanced voting guides,” Hennes

figure after political figure get infected

than voted early the entire election cycle

said. “I think one of them is called

last time around,” Hennes said. “People

VoteSmart.org. VoteSmart.org I would say

are extremely motivated to vote early.” A

is a good source of finding information

record breaking 81 million early votes have


been cast as of Oct 29 according to the U.S.

approach if they’re not wanting to rely on

Elections Project.

the democratic and republican parties for

enough, the election itself has brought

with COVID-19, ad after ad, flyer after flyer, and debates that resembled a high school argument in government class rather than a presidential debate. Regardless





or-so years Iowa is bombarded with advertisements, rallies, events, phone calls, texts, and knocks at the door as candidates start campaigning in preparation for the Iowa caucuses. All of that can be

“I am very excited to get to finally have a say in what happens in our government,” Jordan Duckett ‘21

overwhelming for a senior navigating the





their information.” Vivian Chen ‘21 thinks that voting in

“Voting is important. Anyone that can vote should go out there and vote. It’s a way to make your voice heard.”- Vivian Chen ‘21

another Trump administration. “I like that he’s transparent, but I think he’s a little bit too open about it,” Chen said. “He’s the president of the United States. He needs to have some eloquence and some grace and courtesy when it comes to talking about other political figures or international relationships because he is a global figure in the world. People do look up to him, so he needs to demonstrate that part.” Chen has already submitted her ballot. “I actually requested my ballot, and then I filled it out at home and… I personally handed it to the Polk County auditors,” she

2016 proved that polls can be misleading.

elections holds a great importance for the

said. “That was because I do have the fear

“People realize, I think, the consequences

country. “I think voting does really matter,

of having my ballot lost in the mailing

of elections maybe more so than they did in

especially in this upcoming election,” she

2016,” Hennes said. “I think to some extent

said. “I think we have seen things in the

Certain policies are important to her when

process. I know that’s very rare and that never happens, but I didn’t want that to happen at all.”

democrats and those that tend to support

past four years that do need to change.

she looks at which candidate she wants to

In watching the first debate, he did not

democrats maybe got a little complacent in

And I think that voting can definitely be

vote for. “My two non-negotiables in politics

As students grow up and more elections

political realm and preparing to vote for the first time.

The polls currently show former Vice President Biden with a substantial lead, but


Yet she still has some concerns about

Jordan Duckett ‘21 feels voting is a right

find it to be very moving. “Personally, I

2016. The polls going into 2016 suggested

important in showing that you care about

are the environment and race,” Chen said.

come and go, it is important for everyone

that should be exercised. “Our country’s

believe that if you went into that debate not

Hillary Clinton was going to win, she

events happening in this country.”

“So far, one candidate, Biden, has advocated

who is eligible to use their voice. “Voting is

fought for a lot of years to have the chance

knowing what to vote for, you got nothing

was the clear favorite in the polls. So, for

Her process for picking which candidate

for improving social change in race and

the most fundamental act that we have as

to vote and have a say in our government,

from it,” Duckett said. “I mean, it supported a

democrats that sat out 2016 maybe because

to vote for entailed extra time and effort.

environmental change for the world. Trump

citizens,” Hennes said. “We don’t ask much

and so I thought it was my right to take

few things that I believe in, but it didn’t really

they thought that Hillary was a shoe-in,

“I basically researched their policies,” Chen

has not, especially in last night’s debate. He

of our citizens. We don’t require people

upon voting,” he said.

help or not help in any way.”

they’ve seen now what the consequences of

said. “All of the Democratic candidates

kind of failed to prove that he would care for

to serve in the military, we don’t require

not voting are.”


either of those policies.”

people to volunteer, the only thing that we


Duckett plans to vote in person. “I’m going

president, Duckett made note of the

to go in person and write on the card, but I

Gen Z has the opportunity to make

policies that you can easily find online. So,

Chen felt that the debates would not

really require is that you follow the law.

positive impact President Trump has

don’t believe in mailing in your vote,” he said.









an impact on the election. “Going back

researching those to see if those policies

impact voters’ choice of who to mark on their

And there are some really tremendous


through history to the 26th amendment

line up with my personal beliefs of what

ballot. “I think the debates were interesting

privileges that come along with being a

business, and Trump is good for him,” he

Government teacher Patrick Hennes has

that lowered the voting age to 18, there was

can better this country definitely helped

to watch just to give an idea of how that

U.S. citizen, so I would say that voting more

said. “He’s really helped the economy in

sensed changes in student engagement during

a temporary spike in the number of young

with deciding who I would vote for.”

candidate would be in office for the next four

so than a right, voting should be viewed as

many different ways to help it grow, and

elections. “There’s a higher level of student

voters that voted and it’s been down ever

She stuck with her party. “I voted for

years, but I don’t think they really changed

a responsibility.”

done a lot of things for our country that

engagement in this election cycle, but I have

since,” Hennes said. “Young voters have

Biden for the presidential candidate, and

much about political views,” she said. “The

had on his family. “My dad owns a small




Bachelor’s degree- 74.2%



Advanced degree- 80.3%

Percentage of total campaign spending by party affiliation.

Other- 7%

Information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau




Did not like the candidates or campaign issues

7%- Other Split

Top 5

Bottom 5

Washington D.C.- 74.3%

Hawaii- 47.3%

Information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau

Official Ballot

4%- Split R/D or D/R 42%- Straight Democratic Ticket 38%- Straight Republican Ticket

Minor Party


2016 Voter Turnout by State

Maine- 72.7%

Too busy, conflicting schedule

Other reason

43%- Straight Democratic Ticket

2020 Iowa Mail Ballots Requested by Party

No Party Affiliation

Information provided by the U.S. Elections Project.

2020 Eligible Voters By Generation and Race Gen Z

Not interested

Illness or disability

4%- Split R/D or D/R


Top 5 Reasons for Not Voting in 2016

Official Ballot

Information provided by the Pew Research Center.

Information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau

1 2 3 4 5

6%- Other Split

35%- Straight Republican Ticket

Information provided by the Center for Responsive Politics.



11%- Not Sure/Refused

9%- Not Sure/Refused








22% of the money has been from small-dollar donations. Smalldollar donations accounted for 14% of the money in 2016 and are donations of $200 or less.

Democrat- 54%

High school graduate- 51.5%

2016 Voter Turnout by Age


Types of tickets for the current presidential and House/Senate races

Estimated amount of total money that will be spent on congressional and presidential campaigns during this cycle. In the last election cycle, $6.5 billion was spent.

Some college or associate’s degree- 63.3%



Voting Plans by Type of Ticket


Less than 9th grade- 31.7%

9th to 12th grade, no diploma- 35.3%

Political Spending


2016 Voter Turnout by Education

Republican- 49%

8 | in-depth


Gen X



West Virginia- 50.8%

Wisconsin- 70.5%

Tennessee- 54.0%

Colorado- 69.5%

New Mexico- 54.8%

New Hampshire- 69.0%

Texas- 55.7%

Information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau

White Information provided by the Pew Research Center.





Ninja Warriors Of Des Moines The inspiring story behind the fun, alternative workout. Words | Charles Pruett-Shillak Layout | Charles Pruett-Shilak and Savannah Dennis Photo by Charles Pruett-Shillak

in the region; Needless to say, I found out

off their skills in a new type of physical

that my gift was really not as a gymnast, my

competition. With a lengthy and successful

gift was coaching.”



a shot. Emerge Academy offers children’s

With this mentality in mind, Johnson

seemed like a refreshing new platform for

classes throughout the day, ranging from

could only go up, and the progress of Emerge

guys like Spencer Johnson to showcase their

preschool to high school level children for

Academy has been concrete evidence of this.

amazing abilities. “I came from a gymnastics

both gymnastics and Ninja Warrior.

“The year after that I had my first two boys

background where you do 100, 100, 100, 100,

However, when the sun goes down, Emerge

graduate from high school and receive full

and 100 of each individual skill so that you

also offers a nightly adult class on Mondays,

scholarships,” Johnson said. “Now I know I

knew the odds of you hitting that routine

Wednesdays and Fridays led by Johnson’s

haven’t done this for as long as many, but that

when you raise your hand to start was very

infectious positivity and motivation. Ranging

aside, I don’t believe there’s many coaches

high,” Johnson said. “You knew what you were

from veteran rock climbers to first-time

out there that have 100% of their graduating

doing. You were calculated. Ninja Warrior

athletes to athletes in their 50’s, any member

students receive college scholarships.”

was the opposite. It was so much different,

can join the class. One regular attendee of

which I loved, I needed that.”

the nightly adult classes is 56 year-old Bill

With this massive level of success, Johnson



also noted that he gave massive credit to

With the dreams of opening his own

Crist. Crist has been coming to Emerge for

the kids who come through his gymnastics

gymnastics gym in the future, it seemed as

a little over two years. Crist has proven his

program for being able to put in the work

if a Ninja Warrior tack on was a guarantee.

athleticism in completing physical feats that

and bring the heat when it matters most.

Johnson had reached out to a handful of

Emerge Academy has also racked up state,

gyms that were booming, gyms that were

regional and national titles in gymnastics,

just starting, gyms that had failed, and

with Johnson being able to lead those within

analyzed every detail of their programs and

his gym to great success.

environments to mold the perfect template to

The massive change from athlete to coach

be able to train in. “What it really came down

has helped Johnson realize his true potential in

to was every place had different philosophies,

coaching within the gymnastics community.

it wasn’t anything cohesive, nothing that was

“I had gone from being in the limelight, all

spelled out that said ‘Do this, and you’ll be

attention on me, to being behind the scenes,

successful,’” Johnson said.

and it was terrifying to me,” Johnson said. “I

At that point, it became a matter of

thought, what am I doing with my life? I was

creating an environment that could match

n mid-March of 2020, headlines

fitness centers having begun to open back

Having risen through the ranks in

like, man, I’m gonna fully commit to this,

the high paced positivity of Johnson to help

around the nation announced the

up, one “gym” has gained more traction than

gymnastics in his youth, Johnson was on top

and see where it takes me, and that’s where

others succeed. “We’re gonna come in and

abrupt and terrifying quarantine

many more.

of the boys gymnastics program. However,

it took off. I thought, man, I have more joy

highlight the potential of every person that


due to the recent pandemic finally making

Emerge Academy, based off Interstate

several months later, the program was cut.

doing that, than I ever did as an athlete.”

walks in that door, whether they’re expecting

solid ground in the USA. Coronavirus had

141 in Grimes, Iowa, reopened in June of this

Combined with a rough home life and no

With this intoxicatingly positive attitude and

it or not; I just decided we’re gonna create an

cancelled plans for months to come, as

year on their two year anniversary. Opened in

program to continue his dream in, Johnson

mentality, not just towards sports but life as

environment where people can thrive, and

citizens around the nation, sick and well,

2018 by Spencer Johnson, a life-long gymnast

moved away at the age of 14. “Over the years

a whole, Johnson has become one of the best

people wanna be a part of,” Johnson said.

were advised to quarantine themselves at

and former chairman for USA gymnastics

I lived with between 10 and 13 host families

gymnastics coaches in the state.

“And it can be an escape from all the other

home. While each individual had a different

for Iowa, Johnson was set on making sure

(in) 5 different states,” Johnson said. Through

With such a great interest in calisthenics,

response, most businesses had to temporarily

Emerge Academy was not going to be like

continuous hard work, Johnson had reached

an exercise movement commonly used in

shut their doors to wait out the newly found

any other gym. “I wanna go into a place and

the Olympic training center for gymnastics

gymnastics to achieve bodily fitness, and

In a period of two years, Emerge Academy

virus outbreak. Months passed, and numbers

feel hyped up. I wanna go into a place and

at the age of 19, being the youngest in the

grace of movement, the game was flipped

has attracted all different kinds of people



feel success,” Johnson said. “I wanna go into a

facility by 6 years. After working for years

upside down when American Ninja Warrior

from all different corners of life. Old and

around the nation became rare occurrences.

place where I am motivated by other people,

and years, Johnson had come close but had

came to fruition. “When Ninja Warrior came

young, unfit and fit, experienced or simply

Businesses, stores, and restaurants were

people who wanna be pushed and dare to

not reached the Olympic team.

around, it was like such a breath of fresh

a beginner, Johnson has not turned down a

forced to endure CDC mandates and even

to dig deep enough to find their fullest

single pair of hands willing to give the course

shut their doors for good.





11 | in-depth

However, what would seem like a gigantic

air,” Johnson said. “It was just an incredible

detriment to most athletes careers, Johnson

feeling of no repetition, and there was no

However, one activity that put a large

Growing up, Johnson had no reason

continued to move forward and took up

rhyme or reason to it. It was literally that

spike in people’s current and future plans

to give this enthusiasm towards life and

coaching at a local gym in Iowa. “I had

the best guys could fall, guys could slip into

was gyms being shut down around the

provide this attitude towards wanting to

the fastest growing boys program in the

higher rankings, it was anybody’s game.”

nation. For months, working out at the gym

better those around him, but his story is one

region within the first year,” Johnson said.

There was really no better way to put it.

became a myth, and people were forced to

of perseverance and greatness. “The vision

“The second year, I had one of the top boys’

In Ninja Warrior, new competitors could

find alternatives at home and around town

started with just gymnastics because that was

programs in the region. This was a gym in

come out of nowhere and it also gave a

with other choices. However, with gyms and

my life for 17 years,” Johnson said.

Ankeny., I had the number one boys program

platform to these talented athletes to show

crap outside those doors, and then you just find the right people.”

Micah Skinner attempts to scale the 15 foot warped wall, which is a half foot taller than the wall on American Ninja Warrior. Photo by Charles Pruett-Shillak

12 | in-depth a majority of people 20 or 30 years younger than him could never do. “The tv show course

would say the gym and rock climbing, it was

problems when it came to putting the place

like almost an escape from reality to me,”

together. “The rule of thumb is start small; As

Glad said. “Whenever (there) was a hard time,

it grows and becomes financially stable, you

it helped me a lot mentally.”

expand, but I knew if we were gonna come

got me interested, so (I) just happened to do

It is a near guarantee everyone in

in, we had to come in hot,” Johnson said. “We

a Google search for ninja gyms in my area

Emerge’s adult class could concur with this

were gonna come in different than the rest of

and landed at Emerge, which is right in my

statement, along with the likes of Ryan

the gyms, we were gonna come in bigger, we

back door,” Crist said. “I’m still trying to gain

Freidhoff ‘21. “It’s kind of been a good break

were gonna come in fresh, we wanted a fresh

interest in more of my peer group, but it’s

for me because most of my life has kind of

look, and we wanted people saying ‘This is not

difficult to find people who want to do this in

been more on the mental side between the

just a chalky gym bag, this is an experience.’”

their 50’s,” Crist said.

classes,” said Freidhoff. “So it’s just nice to

Along with the ongoing pandemic, Emerge

However, the age gap does not phase

know that after my classes get over, that I

has made sure to keep not only the gym-

anyone in the nightly class. “Everyone is so

can release all my physical stuff; There’s no

goers, but staff and anyone who may enter as

positive and upbeat and encouraging and it’s

downside to it, everything is just a benefit.

well. “We upped our cleaning substantially,

just like a little family and it’s nice to see new

You’re making yourself feel better and you’re

and other than that, we wanted people to feel

people come in and take a shot at it, and I

making yourself bigger at the same time, it’s

comfortable coming in, whether in masks or

hope the group grows,” Crist said.

a win-win.”

not, and we’ve given that opportunity for all

With the encouragement of Johnson

Along with those early and far in their careers,



of our employees,” Johnson said. “What we’ve

being able to trickle down on everyone



really found out is that people are ready to

within the group, there is never a negative

Emerge home as well. Daniel Potter suffered

get back, and the craziest part is since we’ve

moment in class. Crist also made an amazing

a devastating back injury while playing

re-opened, we haven’t had one case, not one.

point in how Emerge Academy has become

soccer in high school, which took his athletic

We’ve had several people tested, I’ve had staff

an important aspect of his life. “I just think

career out of the picture for quite some time.

tested, not one case has come back positive,”.

maybe more for someone in my stage of life,

Once he heard of Emerge Academy, Potter

Making sure the facilities are constantly

it just is something to help you keep living,”

came over to join the late night crew and

sanitized as well as offering mask options

Crist said. “It’s like, ‘okay, I’m not just sitting

has found his place in the Emerge family.

allows for an anti COVID environment to

around, doing regular stuff, I’m active with

“(It) helps with stress, anxiety, getting your

keep its patrons safe and protected around

people, I’m active with younger people who

mind off everything,” Potter said. “(There’s)

the clock.

accept me for who I am. It’s just the positive

good people, fun competition, I don’t like

With the start of the gym, momentum

atmosphere, and you just can’t get past it.

working out in gyms and stuff because I like

came slow, as a new development in a Grimes

Everybody is happy to be there, and see each

more of the competitive side. Whenever I see

area wasn’t an all too popular territory just

other and try new things and encourage one

people doing things I can’t do, it pushes me

yet, but with time, Emerge grew larger with


more to be able to do that. So it gets my mind

each passing month.

Emerge’s late night class has become a

more off the things I’m worrying about and

One of the base principles established by

family, with a recurring crowd attending

puts it more towards what I’m doing at the

Emerge Academy is the vision of creating an

every week and continuously getting better


environment unlike any other where anyone

alongside one another. Emerge Academy

One of the great things about Emerge

can come in and learn to thrive and achieve

allowed Ethan Glad, a rock climber of

is the constant encouragement. Potter has

excellence in whatever physical barriers they

roughly 5 years, a platform to improve his

described how the supportive environment

may overcome, and Johnson is well aware

already impressive calisthenics skills. “I think

has been beneficial to his athletic advances.

of how the vision is so beautifully spread

9th grade, that’s when I could do 2 pull-ups,”

“[The environment is not overly competitive]

throughout the facility. Nowadays, opening

Glad said. “I can do a lot more now thanks to

to the point where it’s ‘I’m gonna do better

spots in Emerge Academy don’t frequently

rock climbing. I wasn’t always strong and I

than you’, it’s ‘Since I can do this better than

see the light of day. “We have waiting lists

still have a long way to go.”

you, I’m gonna show you how to do it,’” Potter

now, all the time. We try to keep classes open,


but part of it is staffing too. I wanna deliver a

Everyone has flocked to Emerge for their own reasons, whether it simply be for fun, to

Building such an environment not only

great product, I don’t wanna just open classes

stay in shape, or find themselves trying to

comes with forming great relationships

and put people in,” Johnson said. “So what

reach an athletic peak, Emerge is an amazing

amongst one’s peers, but a solid facility to

it really came down to is that God gave me

environment to achieve goals. The positive

house the family known as Emerge. With the

a dream and a strong work ethic. Family,

environment also doubles as a complete

Grimes area continuing to expand with new

friends and great people are what made that

escape from the outside world and gives these

development, Spencer Johnson found the

dream a reality. They are what made the

people a chance to be able to focus on simply

perfect facility to begin Emerge Academy.

dream worth pursuing. So dream on...I dare

the next obstacle ahead of them. “Mentally, I

However the facility was the least of the


Spencer Johnson climbs up the campus board, a series of increasingly small grips. The board focuses on improving grip strength and muscle endurance. Photo by Charles Pruett-Shillak

Spencer Johnson flies through the air on a wooden ring attached to the ceiling. A crash pad awaits his landing on the other side. Photo by Charles Pruett-Shillak

Spencer Johnson braces to swing to a wingnut, a sideways-swinging structure. The obstacle incorporates a small space to grip, as well as shifting your momentum sideways, adding variety to a challenging series of obstacles. Photo by Charles Pruett-Shillak

The Neon Side of Des Moines

15 | feature

Splash Seafood Bar and Grill can be found on East Locust Street in downtown Des Moines. The bar and grill features bright

Words and Photos | Sabrina McGuire Layout | Savannah Dennis

neon signs all over the building.

The Angry Goldfish is a pub and eatery on SW 9th Street in Des Moines. The pub features a few neon signs on the outside of the building.

Drake Diner is a 50s themed diner located in the Drake neighborhood. The diner originally opened in 1987 and has been popular ever since.

In Des Moines East Village, there are a few neon signs displayed in the window of Zombie Burger + Drink Lab. The fast food restaurant follows a post-apocalyptic theme.

Splash Seafood Bar and Grill also features an ‘oyster bar’ neon sign on the side of the Drake Diner is a 50s themed diner located in the Drake neighborhood. The diner originally opened in 1987 and has been popular ever since.


16| opinion

Fair Pay For Play Words| Joel Kellar Layout| Joel Kellar


n January 2019 the Duke Blue Devils took the court against their bitter rivals, the North Carolina Tar Heels. This was one of the most highly anticipated regular season college basketball games of recent years. This game, which was sold out and had the average ticket cost over $1000 dollars, featured basketball phenom Zion Williamson. Zion was a once in a generation talent that already had millions upon millions of dollars all locked up if he was able to make it through the season without a career ending injury. During the game Zion made a cut and busted his shoe and his knee on the same play. The basketball world went into shock and prayed that he would be able to make a full recovery. Williamson, who could’ve skipped the NCAA and gone straight to the NBA, nearly lost his future as an athlete and tens of millions of dollars. If not for the NCAA rules that state that a collegiate athlete cannot earn money of their name and likeness or get paid by the university. If this rule was not in effect players like Zion and Trevor Lawrence would be able to make millions of dollars through endorsement deals while in college and in some cases right after they graduate high school. Injuries happen in nearly every college sports game and when athletes need medical care it is usually paid for by their parents or their own insurance. In this case they are treated as professionals or adults, but they can’t earn money off their name because they’re amateurs. The old empowered commissioners of the NCAA and each Conference need to know that it is one or the other. These players and their families can’t be held accountable for paying for treating injuries when the players can not earn

money for the sport they play. Some people say that they should get a job and have an income, but then they would be disqualified from competing as that would be against the rules. If these athletes are supposed to treat the sport they play as a profession then why shouldn’t they be able to sign endorsement deals or sign and sell their own memorabilia. A great number of college athletes don’t come from a million dollar mansion with

This is an example of what the cover for a new NCAA Basketball video game. These were extremely popular until Electronic Arts was forced to stop making them.

access to anything they ask for. Many come from crowded homes where they just barely scrape by and sometimes go to sleep hungry. Their athletic ability is their entire families way out of poverty. What happens if they suffer a tragic injury that cuts their career short. They would have to pay the medical bills and then possibly for college as sometimes if you can’t play anymore you won’t be kept on the scholarship. This forces many athletes in this situation to drop out and what hope they once had for being able to live comfortably is gone and now they are in deeper debt. This would not just benefit players either. The legendary NCAA video games would be able to make a comeback. These are wildly popular among college fans. They were canceled in 2013 because Electronic Arts had to settle a lawsuit with college athletes who thought they shold be able to earn money off the game. If players were allowed to earn money off of their name this game would be able to make a comeback and hundreds of thousands college sports fans would rejoice. While many states are already on their way to pass the Fair Pay For Play act, some senators disagree with this act. Some say that if the athletes can earn money off sponsorships then they should be taxed on their scholarship money. If this happened most athletes would likely still seek endorsement deals and sponsorships because they will still make more money than they are currently. If the NCAA and the State Governments pass the fair pay to play act, where these athletes can earn money off their name and likeness these athletes would be able to have a back up plan where if their career is cut short or just miss out on being professional they are able to land on their feet.

18| Editrial

Fall Sports Lacked Guidance Fall sports lacked the guidance they needed from IHSAA and IHSGAU.

(Right) Jack Rutz ‘22 throws the ball during the game. Rutz lead the team to a 3-5 record including a upset against #1 Dowling Catholic. (Left) Yohana Yual ‘21 wins the conference meet. Yual was the top runner for a top ten team in the state.

(Right) Bella Heikes ‘21 runs during the conference meet. Heikes was the top runner for girls during their state championship year. (Left) Ava Smithson ‘24 waits for a ball during a game. Volleyball had a good year in the midst of the pandemic going 19-15.

The editorial is an opinion held by the editorial board of the newspaper and is a collaboration of the board. It needs a simple majority to pass. This month’s vote was 5-0.


he Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union (IGHSAU) have not handled things well during the global pandemic. They have been very strict about eligibility and very loose in teams listening to the guidelines. Whether it be forcing students who moved from another state to sit out their sport, to being inconsistent in between sports, or to rarely enforcing the guidelines that they set in July. When the country shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many athletes in the Class of 2021 were left wondering if they would be able to play their senior year. When the time came for the IHSAA to determine whether or not it was safe to play, they decided to have fall sports, however many states did the opposite. The decision to play fall sports led many seniors, mainly those who played football, from other states to pick up their lives and move to Iowa so they could finish out their high school career and get scholarships to go to D-1 schools. As a state there were a few elite players and many lesser known players fighting for a chance to go D-1. The lesser known athletes were able to play with little to no problems, but the stars that moved had to undergo many stressful weeks wondering

if they would even be able to play. The Johnston Athletic Director, Josh Tobey said, “It’s challenging for families having to make a really tough decision about what to do in the times that we are living in.” Arland Bruce ‘21 IV of Ankeny, moved from a Kansas City suburb and had to sit out nearly half the year because his siblings did not move with him. The IHSAA claims that he has dual residency living in both Ankeny and Kansas City. Bruce has not traveled back to Kansas City since he moved at the start of the season. This should have been enough to let him play as this is what nearly everyone else in the country did. The IHSAA ruled him ineligible when he thought he was following all the rules. He appealed in what was an unnecessarily long process and took weeks to be completed. The IHSAA even disqualified another player in what seemed like an attempt to prove their point. Tobey said, “They [Appeals] are time consuming, they are expensive, and they are emotional for all the parties involved.” These student athletes who just wanted a chance to play during their senior year were left with a lot of pressure and anxiety because of the appeals that had to be made to make their transfer worth it. The other player was an Elite 11 quarterback

from Colorado who went to Valley. He had no problems with the transfer until the Bruce situation gained national attention. They finally reversed their decision after thousands of complaints came in including from 2020 Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes. Mahomes tweeted, “Let my man @abruceiv play! Kid wants to play his senior year of football why stop him?!? @IHSAA”. The thing is these athletes should have never had to wait to play. They made sure they had followed the rules, but apparently since they were star athletes it was different, and they were not able to play. On the IHSAA website it says under guidelines, “Students in a district not offering the sport may open enroll to another district and would be immediately eligible to participate in that sport. In such a situation, students who open enroll would be ineligible for varsity competition in all sports which their home district offers. As per 36.15(4) (a)”. This makes it look like the athletes that tranferred from other states should’ve been able to play. This would have brought more national attention to Iowa high school football as there would have been an even better pool of athletes playing in Iowa. In the summer before the seasons started

they came out with guidelines for each sport. They left mandating some or all of these guidelines up to each school. Due to the increase in cases and quarantines, the IHSAA and IGHSAU should have considered mandating masks especially for indoor sports as they were at a higher risk for the virus to spread. In addition they had many guidelines to follow but did not implement them well. In the guidelines they do not tell athletes in close contact sports that they have to wear a mask. In a time when going back to school made the cases skyrocket an outbreak was unavoidable. To counter this they should have mandated wearing a mask while competing as that would have limited the exposure. These rules are not keeping people safe especially in football where they are in close contact with other players for the majority of the game. At Johnston we saw this multiple times during the season. In the early part of the season the freshman football team had to quarantine, because someone on the team got the virus and the team was not wearing masks in practice. The same thing happened for the varsity football team at the last game of the year. Luckily they did not have to miss any games as their season was over.

When they made the guidelines they left the majority of it up to individual conferences and districts. Josh Tobey said “That would [athletes wearing masks while competing] be an individual, district decision and I’ll be honest we are trending to wearing them full time.” This is what the IHSAA and IGHSAU should have said from the beginning and not leave it up to schools to make the right choice. In the midst of all this the sport that was affected the most was the cross country teams even though they were the second safest sport, only behind boys golf. Many of the JV meets were limited to a very small number of runners from each school. For some meets this was up to the owners of the location where the meet was held. Even though this wasn’t entirely the fault of the IHSAA and the IGHSAU they did not have many solutions for schools that held their own meet to have the ful teams run. When the individual school had to decide how many runners from each team would be allowed, they were never given a guideline of what amount would make it more risky for the athletes. They did a bad job of helping these runners have meets even though they allowed the freshman and JV teams of other, higher risk sports to play.

They were very relaxed with the guidelines in other sports too. In volleyball it is stated as wearing a mask is permissible. The argument could be made that the masks should have been made mandatory for the safety of both teams. They play inside so the virus is easier to spread since it is in a confined space. Even if the athletes wore them, they were not required to have the mask on the right way. They were able to pull it down underneath their chin during the game so the mask did nothing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They mandated masks for the spectators, but why did they not mandate masks for the athletes. If watching a game was not safe without a mask then why would playing the game be safe without a mask. They did a good job in creating guidelines and ideas to keep athletes safe, but what good does it do when it is not enforced. The IHSAA had at least three months to devise a plan for each sport and ended up with a bunch of good guidelines that were not made mandated as they should have for the safety of the athletes. They needed to tell school districts that they had to follow those specific guidelines for the safety of their athletes instead of just encouraging them to follow the guidelines.

20 | Opinion

What also makes sweaters versatile is that there are so many types. Some people do not like super heavy sweaters, and some dislike the feel of loose, lightweight sweaters. But the variety is almost unlimited, such as knitted sweaters and crewnecks. And depending on the brand, they can be very affordable. Also, anyone regardless of gender, age, religion, and colour can wear a sweater and enjoy it while looking good. This is another reason still warm. It is super easy to style. Putting

why I have such strong opinions about them.

it with a simple pair of blue skinny jean is

I know that I like to wear sweaters when

my favorite way to do so! I do not want

I’m working out or because I woke up late,

Living in Iowa brings us many interesting

Sweater Weather

to stand out because of my outfits. I want

but those same sweaters can be worn for

experiences concerning the weather. Iowa

Words | Noah Gilbert Layout | Payton Blahut

my personality to stand out. Most Tommy

weather is constantly inconsistent, random

sweaters are perfect for this.

lows and highs in the same week. Even snow

Besides keeping you warm, sweaters are

in early October like we have had this year.

versatile. You can wear them for so many

But no matter how cold it gets, a cute and fun

different occasions. You can wear a sweater

sweater will keep you warm while looking

to bed and then style it with nice pants for

stylish and presentable in any social situation.

a cute business casual outfit. They are good for both cool and cold weather. The fall and winter although similar, have a 20º-30ºF difference in temperature, and sweaters work amazingly well for both seasons. Even during most summer nights when it is drastically


cooler than the day, a warm sweater is always

’m always hot.

Despite that, I still wear sweatshirts. Maybe

my heart! Some may argue that the cold is

When the summer heat comes

not in 90º weather, but if it is cool enough

annoying and inconvenient, but I personally

tearing through our state, what can

to where I would be slightly okay, I take the

think it gives us a chance to cover up, and the


glory of layers is they can be removed, so you

we do? Open a window possibly, maybe turn on the air conditioning.

When we got that cold front in September,

can cool off!

This summer, there was not anywhere to

I was absolutely elated because I could wear

go. No beaches. No pools. You cannot go to

sweaters and not sweat and be judged by the

Tommy Hilfiger sweaters are my favorite.

Adventureland. Being forced on walks by

general public or my family. That is why I

I have so many of them but my favorite is a

your parents and tanning in the back yard

enjoy fall so much. I can wear the sweaters I

sweatshirt that is grey and has a small logo.

was possibly the closest thing to spending

love so much. So, for me, colder temperatures

It is not a very heavyweight sweater but is

time outside I got most of the summer. But

are ideal. There are so many things one can

when I was out, I was absolutely boiling,

do to stay warm such as wearing layers

completely bombarded with full body sweat,

and drinking a warm beverage. That is

throbbing heat, headache and so much more.

why sweater weather is so near and dear to

a great choice.

photoshoots. I love how festive sweaters can be as well.

Sweaters are also versatile because they

There is nothing more fun then an ugly

can be paired with anything. Almost 90% of

Christmas sweater. With fun reindeer or a

the time you can put a random sweater with a

funky Santa, what is not to love? Going out

random pair of pants and make it look either

to a family get together wearing a jingling

decent or genuinely good.

sweater on Dec. 25 is such a treasured

You can just wear it untucked and have a

memory. But sweaters are not exclusive to

baggy look or tuck it in and cinch with a belt.

Christmas. In Iowa, we can have some pretty

A lot of people like to wear them with

chilly Halloweens. A huge orange jacklanter

sweat pants and leggings and it may be

sweater is iconic and a cute fall coloured

comfortable and even sometimes cute.

sweater is perfect for a family Thanksgiving

Matching with a skirt or cute accessories is a


glamorous way to spice up your look.

different holidays!.

They can be festive for so many

22 | Mod

Layout| Payton Blahut



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5- T8 by Mark Di Survero. The vibrant red, bold design, and large size grabs the attention of people passing by. 4-In the Morning by Sir Anthony Caro. I absolutely love the power that this sculpture emits, it emits strength and perseverance. It is inspiring honestly. 3- Nomade by Jaume Plensa. This one is one of the most commonly known sculptures in the park. It also happens to be one of the biggest and has captured the attention of many. 2- Spider by Louise B. Eight long legs, and a

5 4

twisted ball at the top. The spider sculpture used to scare me, but over time I have developed a respect for it and now it is one of my favorites, I definitely recommend visiting it. 1- Thinker on a rock. The thinker on a rock is my favorite sculpture in the entire park. It is a rabbit with a long, lanky, and humanoid form. It is normally the first piece of art I visit, and the last.

Layout| Marandah Mangra-Dutcher Words| Abby Lehan


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