No. 4
Omaha, NE
"On the road again!"
^v-tober 1,1999
Sculptor opens exhibit to benefit Federation by Pam Monsky Federation Communications Director
Itzik Benshalom works in his foundry, Hadera, Israel.
A line of cement trucks transformed the grounds south and east of the Jewish Community Center as the new road around the Child Development Center was poured this week. Work continues on the entrance to the Sokolof Fitness Center entrance and the CDC.
Transforming^ community Tctfay's adoptions force new thinking in Jewish community
JFS helps local couples to become families
by Debra Nussbaum Cohen
by Carol Katzman
Itzik Benshalom, the man and the artist, is larger than life, an artistic Israeli with a remarkably gentle disposition. The artist will bring his sculptures to Beth El Synagogue on Tuesday, Oct. 5, in conjunction with the Women's Campaign luncheon. Born in Hadera, Israel, in 1945, Benshalom has had no formal art training, but has worked closely with many artists since 1967 when he set up the (Continued on page 12)
'Jewish visions of the future' to be Klutznick keynote topic
NEW YORK (JTA) - Adoption -- it's an ancient Six years and nearly $100,000 spent on fertility practice mentioned often in the Torah. But with treatments did not produce a family for one Omaha by Diane Axler Baum modern developments, adoption is transforming couple. They had tried everything~the range of A specialist on Biblical prophetic themes and ancient the Jewish community. medications that were intended to create "ideal I and contemporary A growing number of children from different ethnic conditions for conception," but instead caused sickI attitudes that backgrounds are becoming part of American Jewish ening side effects, from blood clots to depression. result in religious families, some of whom are urging a re-evaluation of Family members and friends couldn't understand I suicide will keywhat it means to look, and be, Jewish. why the couple had no children. And visits to familynote the 12th Gay and lesbian couples seem to be adopting chil- oriented events left them in tears. No one seemed to Annual Klutznick dren more than ever before, and are increasingly open understand their frustration, helplessness and "emoj Symposium. during the process, about their sexual orientations. tional roller-coaster." James D. More intermarried Jews are adopting, too. One"You think you're in control," said Janie | Tabor will exquarter of those contacting Stars of David, a Schauder (whose name has been changed to proplore "Apocalypnational'support group and information resource tect the identity of her family). "But you reach a tic Dreams and network for Jewish adoptive families, are interfaith point when the emotional expense starts to even Schemes: How couples, according to its officials. exceed the financial one." an Ancient JewAs the number of adoptions increase, liberal Jews One month after taking what would be her final ish Vision of the are increasingly seeking access to mikvahs, the rit- fertility treatment, she received a phone call. "Do Future Came to ual baths in which children are immersed as part you want to be a mom?" the friend of a lawyer Dominate t h e of most conversions to Judaism. And that, in part, asked her, noting that a baby was available. After Modern World." is prompting a growing number of Conservative Schauder stopped crying, she said yes; the baby James D. Tabor He will speak at and Reform synagogues to build them. was hers the next day. Today, the Schauder family -Adoption has become an increasingly common fact numbers five; the couple has adopted two sons the Jewish Community Center on Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. of life in the Jewish community and attitudes toward since their daughter arrived five years ago. it have changed markedly in the last two decades. It can take months, even a year or more,fromthe The event, including a dessert reception, is free What was once a process cloaked in near-secrecy is time a family decides to adopt, for a baby to arrive and open to the public, as are all the Symposium now a topic explored openly in the dozens of Jewish in their home. But the Schauders had decided to go sessions, scheduled for Oct. 9 and 11 at Creighton ahead with the "home study" process, the legal University, and Oct. 10 at the JCC. "For two adoption support groups around North America. Positive adoption stories are threaded throughout requirements and paperwork necessary before a evenings and two days, this year's Klutznick Symposium will offer a marathon of fascinating the Torah, though arrangements were generally judge can order an adoption be finalized. Adoption specialist Tanya Seina, MSW, of Jewish talks on apocalyptic and end-of-days issues surinformal, rather than legal. Moses was rescued from death by the Pharaoh's Family Service, conducts interviews with prospec- rounding the Millennium. We certainly expect the family, raised as a non-Jew only to become the tive parents to discuss their motivation to adopt, question-and-answer sessions to generate spirited redeemer of. his people from slavery. Mordechai any fertility issues, their own childhood experi- debate," said coordinator Leonard Greenspoon. Tabor is the acclaimed author of A Noble Death, raised his niece, Esther, and the Talmud docu- ences, parenting expectations and how the couple ments the positive views of adoption voiced by plans on raising their adopted child. The prospec- a study of attitudes toward religious suicide and ancient rabbinic commentators. But the.contempo- tive parents are also provided with education,, sup- martyrdom in the ancient world, and Why Waco?: rary reality isn't always as simple as the biblical port, counseling, and access to a wide variety of Cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom in 'stories sometimes seem, and modern attitudes do materials at JFS. In addition, JFS complies with America, which deals with the FBI's attack on the followers of David Koresh. not always measure up to Jewish tradition's ideals. all other state mandated background checks. (Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 10) ;": (Continued on page 12)
Page 2
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
October 1,1999
Alternatives in the Torah
dates tor xour aome t_LOCKSMITil£
Parents, are you disappointed with the start of the school year...
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CALENDAR OF EVENTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 Visions Board Meeting, 9:30 a.m. Kids' Lunch & Learn, noon, at Beth El SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 Hakafot & Simchat Torah Social, 7:45 p.m., atBethEl SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 Men's Club Brunch, 10 a.m., at Temple Israel MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 YES Program, 9:30 a.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5 Yale Richards Professional Seminar, •8:15 a.m., at Happy Hollow Club ;: ;. ; Sisterhood Board Meeting, 10 a.m.; . ' atBethlsrael BBYO Night, 6 p.m. .V Jewish Federation Men's & Women's , Campaign Opening Reception with Itzik BenShalom, 7:30 p.m., at Beth El WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Federation Womens Campagin Luncheon ... •' with Michael Ginsberg, 11:30 a.m., Beth El Grade 7/8 Parents Only Workshop, 7 p.m., . at Temple Israel Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class, 7:30 p.m., Beth El THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 Walk-in Drop-in, 9:30 a.m. Adult Education, 10 a.m., at Temple Israel AZA Anniversary Committee Meeting, 4 p.m. Religious School Committee Meeting, 6 p.m., at Temple Israel All events held at the JCC unless otherwise Indicated. The Jewish Press Is not responsible for the accuracy ol the events. To keep calendar accurate or lor questions, call Marlene Hert at 334-6437.
KohWs PHARMACY & HOMECARE Citywide Delivery
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•" Learn letters, vowels and prayers.. .a functional foundation that will provide a strong comfort level by Dan Fellman, rabbinic when participating services, or when invited to a student at Hebrew Union Shabbat dinner. College-Jewish Institute Basic Hebrew classes, taught by Rini Gonsher, of Religion, Cincinnati will start Oct. 13, at 7 p.m., and continue for approximately 12 weeks. Shmini Azeret For class information and registration, call In our parashah this week, we get a glimpse into what may have been a guiding principle for the Michael Linn, life Long Jewish Learning Co-ordimassive overhaul of Judaism, which took place in nator, at 334-0517. the rabbinic period. At first glance, it seems an odd place to glean such an important lesson. But, this principle comes as we near the end of a long season of festivals, a time when many of us are unable, or even too exhausted, to partake in another formal holiday observance. by Nancy R. Rampey-Biniamow Coming at the end of Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret is Michael Meyer, MD, will present a workshop for near the end of the season of our High Holy days. On Shmini Atzeret, we read from parashat Re'eh Jewish Family Service; Attraction to Distraction, in Deuteronomy. In it, we learn that we are to set Paying Attention to ADD in Children and Adults, aside a tithe to offer to God as a sacrifice. The sac- on Oct. 6. Coffee, bagels and registration begin at rifice is in honor of the Almighty as a celebration of 8:30 a.m., the program is scheduled from 9 a.m.the festival. But, if for some reason (distance, time, noon. Dr. Meyer has a clinical practice in psychiatry in or other obligations) we cannot travel to the Temple in Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice, we are Omaha, and is board certified by the American instructed to sell our tithes, and with the profits, Board of Psychiatry and neurology. The workshop is open to LMHP and LCSW for three CEUs and to buy fixings for a great celebratory feast. A remarkable move, the Torah gives us an alter- the general public. It will be delivered in an open native to sacrifice! If it is not possible to travel to format. Dr. Meyer will use his experience in his field and the Temple and offer a sacrifice, we can gather with our family and enjoy a festive meal. Thus, we current literature to examine the differences and still observe the Mitzvah, the commandment, of similarities of ADD in adults vs children. Oftentimes, it is assumed that ADD is a condihonoring the Almighty even if the Temple no tion of childhood that disappears as the child longer exists. Certainly the Rabbis who enacted the great enters adulthood. Current studies and research changes in Judaism after the destruction in the indicate that many individuals who exhibited the year 70 were well versed in Torah. Perhaps these symptoms of ADD as children, continue to experiverses in Deuteronomy (16:22-26) served as a ence difficulties with mood, self-esteem and rest"Rosetta Stone' for the leaders of the Jewish people lessness in adulthood. The workshop will include handouts on the subas they faced life without their most holy of places. After the destruction of the Second Temple in the jects discussed. An extensive question-and-answer year 70 CE, Judaism began a transformation session will also be a part of it. Cost of the event is $40 for the CEUs, and $15 for which changed our faith from a sacrificial system to one of prayer, celebration and personal obser- students and the general public. vance. The parasha we read for Shmini Atzeret offers a similar potion of substitution vis-a-vis observance. Perchance the rabbis used this principle as a key to translating a system of sacrifice into our system r of celebration and observance. With the Temple by Elyce Azriel, Director ~~ ' destroyed, and Jews obviously unable to visit, these Temple Israel Middle/High School verses give us a way to celebrate and commemorate Dr. Lynda Madison, licensed clinical psycholoa holy festival without offering a sacrifice. What an important lesson for us as we conclude gist, author of Keep Talking: A Mother-Daughter the celebration of Sukkot. Our parasha reminds us Guide to the Pre-Teen Years and Director of Family that celebration is definitely a good thing - even a Support and Psychological Services at Children's Hospital, will be the facilimitzvah. tator for "Parenting TeensAnd we learn that the Torah, and Judaism in How do we deal with the general, are not fixed entities. They both contain pressures." The workshop the tools to act and react to the events of the day. will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 6, 6:30 t o 7;30 p.m., at Temple Israel. The middle school years [can be both exciting and The Phillip G. Schrager and Terri L. Schrager challenging as parents Foundation is accepting applications for grants strive to keep their children from organizations and individuals in the Omaha safe while fostering their area until Friday, Oct. 22, according to Martin J. independence. Dr. MadiLehr, President of the Schrager Foundation. Dr. Lynda Madison son's presentation will Established in December, 1984, the Schrager focus on the social pressures and developmental Foundation supports charitable, educational and changes of the middle school years and offer sugreligious activities of the Jewish Federation of gestions for maintaining a healthy, loving and Omaha, and other philanthropic organizations resilient relationship. that promote the spirit of cooperation and brotherWhen reflecting on her own home with two prehood among Jews and non-Jews. teens," Dr. Madison stated, "When it comes to getFor a grant application, contact Marty Ricks, ting through the adolescent years, you both have Executive Director of the Foundation of the Jewish' the same goal in mind—for you eventually to Federation, at 334-6439. become a grown-up. Not just any grown-up either; but-a-grown-up woman who is comfortable with her body, able to make and keep friends, and able to PERSONAL make good decisions on the way to reaching her The family of Helen (Hornstein) Mason would goals." like to thank our dear family and friends, Rabbi If you are a parent of a middle school child and Kutner, Cantor Fettman and the wonderful nurses interested in attending this workshop, please call and staff of both the Rose Blumkin Home and the Temple Israel office, 556-6536, to reserve. VNA Hospice. Each of you has shown us love,
Michael Meyer presents workshop on ADD
can make the difference.
• Math
Basic Hebrew classes offered
Author/psychologist speaks to teens and parents
Schrager Foundation accepts applications
support and kindness that we would have been lost without: Your cards, flowers and visits comforted her during her last days, arid your generous donations will allow her memory to live on. Martha, Seth, Isaac, Rebecca Frishman and Dorothy Strauss
October 1,1999
Jewish Press , Omaha, NE
Member of ih<> Union of American Hebrew
Member uftlio Union uf Orthodox Jewish CangrGgutiuiiB o f Amurfrn
7023 Cass Street, Omaha, NE 68132-2651 550-6530 teinplci8racl-nc.org
1502 No. 52nd fit, Omaha, NE 6810-1-5013 556-6288
FRIDAY: Erev Simchat Torah, 7 p.m.-Rabbi Aryeh Azriel, Rabbi Debbie Stiel and Cantor Jennifer Blum will officiate. Kindergartners and older students who have been consecrated will participate in the special Simchat Torah service. The Fabrangen Fiddlers, Tuffy Epstein's group, will add to the merrymaking at the celebration. A special Oneg will follow with ice cream, cookies, music and dancing. • SATURDAY: Simchat Torah service and Yizkor, Kk30ajn. MEN'S CLUB - Sunday, 10 a.m.: Guest speaker will be Joe Jordan, Investigative and Political Reporter for KMTV, Channel 3. He will discuss news in Omaha and the political scene. Traditional lox and begels will be served. Cost for non-members is $3. SITTER SERVICE Sitter Service is available each Friday evening, Saturday mornings for Bagels and Bible and the worship service. Cost is $2 per family. Please make a reservation through the Temple office. ADULT EDUCATION SUNDAY, Oct. 3: Beginning Prayer Class, 10:1511:15 ajn. TUESDAY, Oct. 5: Chumash Bemidar, 1011:30 ajn. Rabbi Shlomo Levin will use classic and modern commentaries to study central stories of the Book of Numbers from an original Midrashic perspective; Advanced Prayer Class, 7:15-8:45 p.m. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 6: Midrashah, 10 a.m.noon; Introduction to Jewish Philosophy, facilitated by Professor Guy Ma talon, 7-8:30 p . m . Discussions will follow readings from two classical Jewish texts. •: • • • ..•.:•,;.. THURSDAY, Oct. 7: Sisterhood Adult Education, 10-11:30 ajn. Rabbi Azriel will teach "Scattered Among the Nations—Documents Affecting Jewish History-49 to 2000 C.E." Jewish Identity in Film, 7-8:30 p.m. Facilitator David Yudelson looks at film as a medium of expressing what it is to be Jewish. . Jewish Journey Groups THURSDAY, Oct. 7: "Living with Illness, 78 p.m., for people who are living with illness or for those who love someone who lives with illness. Sally Kaplan, L.C.S.W., will lead the group. FRIDAY, Oct. 8: Jewish Spirituality, 9:3011 ajn. Mimi Rogers will lead the group in readings, discussion, Jewish Meditation and Jewish yoga. "SHABBAT COMES TO YOU" FRIDAY, Oct. 8, 3:45 pan. Rabbi Aryeh Azriel will lead a Shabbat service at Livingston. TOTSHABBAT FRIDAY, Oct. 8, 7 p.m. A short service of song and prayer, followed by cookies and juice, will be held for toddlers through children in the primary grades and their families.
Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Services conducted by Rabbi Howard Kutner. FRIDAY: Mincha service, 6:50 p.m. SATURDAY (Shemini Atzeret): Services, 8:45 a.m.; Yizkor, 10:30 a.m.; Mincha, 6:40 p.m.; Ma'ariv and Hakafos, 7:46 p.m. (Ice cream social follows services); Little People service, 10:15 aan..; Jr. Congregation, 10:30 a.m.; Kiddush sponsored by Sisterhood. SUNDAY (Simchas T o r a h ) : Services,
Member of United Synacoguow of Conwrvntivc iTudninni 14506 California Omaha, NE 68154-1980 492-8550 WEIJ--www.bpthel-omaha.org
8:45 a.m., followed by a luncheon; Mincha, 6:50 p.m.; Havdalah, 7:44 p.m. WEEKDAYS: Services, 7 a.m.; Mincha, 6:50 p.m. WEDNESDAY: Rabbi Kutner teaches a Talmud class at the synagogue, 5:50 p.m.
BEYT SHALOM P.O.Box241130, Omaha,NE68ia4-&180 ' '' ''.758-9233', ' ' '
'nai Mitzvah
FRIDAY: Kabbalat Shabbat, 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY: Religious School at the JCC. Activities will include a Simchat Torah celebration at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited. TUESDAY: Religious School, 4 pan., at the JCC. FRIDAY, Oct. 8: Kabbalat Shabbat ,7:30 p.m.
'••.';..' ' TIFER.ETH ISRAEL , ,.-' ,-.;,. • ' -,,, -" Member of the United Synagogue ' '*' of Conservative if fldaiam , , 3219 Sheridan Blvd^ Lincoln, NE 68502-5236 ; \;
• ,,'-.
. - 423-8560 - -
• ' ,'
Services conducted by Rabbi Stanley M. Rosenbaum. Minyan on Monday and Thursday at 7:15 ajn. FRIDAY: Hoshanah Rabbah, 7:15 a.m.; Erev Shemini Atzeret, 6:45 p.m. SATURDAY: Shemini Atzeret, 9:30 a.m. (Yizkor service); Erev Simchat Torah, 6:45 p.m. (Consecration service). SUNDAY: Services, 9:30 a.m.; Mincha/Ma'ariv, 6:45 p.m.
618 Mynsrter Sk, CouncUBtuffe, IA 51503-0766 . JE-MAILJ doc3eb@aol.conj
FRIDAY: Services, 7:30 p.m. Topic for disscusion is "Can American Jewish leaders be less pessimistic about Judaism in the next millennium?" Oneg Shabbat, prepared by Peggy Deland and Sandra Kurland, follows.
' ' ','-., Services conducted by Rabbi Ira Flax. Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
ROSE BLUMKIN JEWISH HOME SATURDAY Shimini Atzeret services, 9 a.m, followed by Yizkor. SUNDAY: Simchat Torah services, 9 a.m. All services are open to members of the community, and are led by Rabbi Maximo Shechet.
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Services are conducted by Rabbi Paul Drazen and Cantors Emil Berkovits and G. Michael Horwitz. FRIDAY: Kids Lunch and Learn, noon, program is open to toddlers through kindergarten (with an adult); Services, 6 p.m. SATURDAY: Services, 9:30 ajn.; Sitter service and Torah Study Skills (TSS), 10 a.m.; ICtantan (K-3rd grade), 10:45 a.m.; Shabbat Story Time (pre-kindergarten and under), 11 a.nv, Humash with Rashi study session, 6:25 p.m.; MinhaMa'ariv and Havdalah services, 6:55 p.m. SUNDAY: Services, 9 a.m. SHEMINI ATZERET/SEMHAT TORAH SATURDAY: Services, 9:30 a.m. (Yizkor and dedication of memorial plaques); Minha-Ma'ariv, 6:55 a.m.; Hakafot, 7:45 p.m. SUNDAY: Services, 9:30 a.m.; Minha-Ma'ariv, 7:10 p.m. , •
An Affiliate of ibo
25ih and Capchttrt, Omajba, NE 68H3-5W0
Services officiated by Cantor Michael Weisser. FRIDAY: Sabbath Eve service, 7:45 pjn. SATURDAY: Sabbath service, 9:30 a.m.; Torah study, 10:30 a.m.; Simchat Torah celebration, 7 p.m.
Page S
Services conducted by Rabbi Mendel Katzman. SATURDAY: Services, 9:30 a.m., followed by Kiddush; Mincha/Ma'ariv, 7:15 p.m., followed by Havdalah.' .
Joshua Glenn Grossman, son of Alex and Mary Sue Grossman, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, Oct. 9, at Beth Israel Synagogue. An eighth-grade honor roll "' student at King Sciences; >J Center, he participates on the[- " , school swimming and track|''"f teams. He is also a PeeWeej' / <^apr.<-(w~ level hockey player withf \ 7JO, '/> O.M.A.H.A. His other inter-f ^ - '<"'' • '-. i ests include music, computer ^ r^LaS games, skate boarding and bike riding. In honor of his Torah portion, Parashah Bereishis, he will donate balls with an earth design to local child care centers and schools. Josh has a sister, Sarah, and a brother, Daniel. Grandparents are Miriam Grossman and the late Ignac Grossman and Arlyne Pickett and the late Glenn Pickett. Adam Linsky, son of Sheri'Iinsky of Scottsdale, AZ, and the late Marvin Linsky, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on Friday, Oct. 8, at Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation in Sun Lakes, AZ. Adam trained for his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Israel in Omaha and is a now seventh-grade student at Mountainside Middle School in Scottsdale. He enjoys golf, computers and wwf wrestling. He has a brother, Mark. Grandparents are Emanuel Linsky of Margate, . FL, and the late Rose Linsky, and Jean Brenner of Orlando and the late Leo Brenner. Douglas BarenbaumMeyers, son of Sally Barenbaum and Bruce Meyers, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, Oct. 9, at Beth El Synagogue. A seventh-grade honor student at Kiewit Middle School, he plays the piano, trumpet and guitar. He is also a member of the Kiewit Jazz Band. He enjoys computers, playing golf, listening to music and spending time with his friends. For his Mitzvah project, he has collected toys for less fortunate children. Douglas has a sister, Carolyn. Grandparents are Roie and Bernie Meyers of Omaha and Bettie and Stan Barenbaum of Minneapolis.
Page 4
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
October 1,1999
Editorial New names and faces Observant readers will notice some new columnists in the pages of the J e w i s h P r e s s in Rabbi Myer S. Kripke's stable of guests columnists for Sparks from the Word. Last year, Rabbi Ira Flax, Chaplain at Offutt Air Force Base, wrote more than half-dozen columns throughout the year. Along with other regular guests columnists, such as Rabbi Mendel Katzman of Chabad of Nebraksa and Rabbi Howard Kutner of Beth Israel, this year, Rabbi Stanley Rosenbaum of Lincoln's Tifereth Israel is making a return appearance. In addition, three new names are sharing their thoughts on the weekly parashah or Torah portion: Rabbi Shlomo Levin, the new Director of the Omaha Center for Torah Learning; Dan Fellman, a rabbinic student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, OH; and Rabbi Maximo Shechet. Rabbi Shechet's name is a familiar one to many Omahans as well, though many know him only as "Maximo." For many years a shochet (a ritual slaughterer), and meat-market/deli owner, Shechet received his
Our man in Israel
smicha (rabbinic ordination) only a few years ago. Fellman is actually not new to the Omaha Jewish community. The son of longtime Omahans Richard and Bev Fellman, Dan graduated from Colorado College before studying at the University of Judaism and HUCJIR's campus in Jerusalem. He is the first student-rabbi to write as a guest columnist for Rabbi Kripke's column; we hope other rabbinic students will join him in this task. While Rabbi Levin has only been in Omaha for two months, he has scheduled new classes at Temple Israel and Beth El, organized a successful evening of pre-High Holiday learning, using all of Omaha's rabbis, and is busy learning chavrusa-atyle (one-onone) with 15 individuals each week. Omaha is fortunate to have a wealth of rabbinic talent in this community—on the pulpit and off—in academia, business, the military, or semi-retired. We can all take advantage of their years of study by learning with them, from the pages of the J e w i s h Press to weekly classes, from synagogue services to individual study. No excusesuow!
Unusual guests in our sukkah this year by Carl Alpert
Haifa—Back in the "old country" (the U.S.) we never had the possibility of putting up our own sukkah at this time of year. But here on Mt. Carmel, with our expansive terrace overlooking Haifa Bay and the Galilee hills, we have, for many years, been able to enjoy the pleasure of inviting guests into our own traditional, humble hut, thatched with local palm fronds. To be sure, we take certain liberties with our guest list. In addition to the traditional invitation, "enter, exalted holy guests," extended to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David, who certainly pay their symbolic visits to us, we have, for some years, initiated a new custom of inviting additional historic characters with whom we spend a pleasant evening, discussing matters of interest. Our guest list for this year has already been drawn up. ' Oh the first night; we look forward to a fascinating conversation with Eliezer Ben Yehuda, he who revived the ancient Hebrew tongue and transformed it into a modern, spoken language. When he died in 1922, it was already in commpn use. We should like to ask him what he thinks of the way the language has developed since publication of his 15-volume dictionary. It has successfully integrated the many scientific and technological words and terms that have come into use, but what about the new slang, and the infiltration of so many English words into the holy tongue. We look forward to his comments. For the following night, we are inviting a personality of an entirely different kind. The Biblical book of Genesis (Bereshit) tells the story of Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah, fourth son of Jacob. It's a fairly complicated, sexy story, but Tamar emerges as a woman of valor who knew her legal rights and did not hesitate to use subterfuges to insist on justice. After the death of her husband, she posed as a prostitute, with exciting results. Maybe she'll tell us the details. (Continued on page 5)
Behind the Headlines
A Whopper? No, a lie by JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
By now, everyone knows that Burger King Corporation has cancelled the right of a franchisee in Israel to operate an outlet in Ma'ale Adumim, a suburb of Jerusalem. BK claims breach of contract; American Muslim groups claim victory, and the franchisee is fighting it in court. The issue isn't hamburgers; it is the status of land that came under Israel's control in..l96.7, land across the "Green Line." While BK disclaims a political agenda, the American Muslim Council, which orchestrated the boycott, put it on the line. "Corporations should do business and investment on land that is occupied by force, and whose original owners have been displaced into refugee camps." ' , . . . • ; ' Never mind that the land on which Ma'ale Adumim sits was completely uninhabited and barren, the fact that BK refuses to hang its sign there indicates that the company accepts the Arab argument that land acquired by Israel in 1967 is somehow "Palestinian." The corollary is that Israel is there illegally and is required to give it up. Not so, and BK should know it-so should Disney and Sprint/the next two Arab boycott targets. Because the Arabs blatantly lie about it (tell whoppers, if you like bad puns), we feel compelled to repeat as often as necessary that Israel controls the territory up to the Jordan River legally and in accordance with international law and relevant united Nations resolutions. Israel agreed in1947 to the U.N. division of the British Mandate for Palestine into Jewish Palestine and Arab Palestine (U.N. Res. 181). The Arabs rejected it and attacked Israel upon its independence. Jordan illegally occupied much of what had been planned as Arab Palestine and illegally occupied the eastern half of Jerusalem. U.N. Res. 242, anticipating a political settlement between Israel and the Arab states, called for an end to "threats and acts of war" and Israeli military
THE JEWISH PRESS !Founded!ni920) The role of the Jewish Federation of Omaha is to involve Jews in meeting Jewish communal needs locally, nationally and in Israel. Centers of Excellence of the Federation are: Community Relations, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Educational and Library Services, Jewish Family Service, Jewish Senior Services. The Jewish Press is a Constitutional Committee of the Jewish Federation of Omaha. The Jewish Press (USPS 275620) is published weekly on Friday for $26 per calendar year U.S.; $30 foreign, by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Deadline for copy, ads and photos is Thursday, noon, eight days prior to publication. Telephone 402-334-6448; FAX 402-3345422; E-mail <yshpress@aol.com> • Periodical postage paid at Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Jewish Press, 333 So. 132nd St., Omaha, NE 68154-2198.
Uoyd Rollsteln Chairman Carol Katzman Editor-in-Chief Maureen LaPour Managing Editor Lorry Axelrod Advertising Manager Barbara Frankel Rocky Stern Sales representatives Jenlna E. Sadofoky Bookkeeper Jen Gates Production Assistant George Schaplro Volunteer :
withdrawal from "territories occupied in the recent conflict." Prof. Eugene Rostow, a drafter of Res. 242, has said, that following the return of the Sinai to Egypt (more than 90% of the territories occupied in 1967), Israel would be compliant with Res. 242 whether it ceded "all, some or none" of the West Bank to any claimant. "All, some or none" of the West Bank iB precisely* what the Palestinians and the Israelis are discussing. The Oslo Accord, which governs those discussions, makes no mention of Jerusalem, and Prime Minister Barak has made it clear that Jerusalem and it environs-which include the town of Ma'ale Adumim, less than four miles from the center of the city--are not on the table. Burger King can sell hamburgers wherever it wants, but we don't think it should have a foreign policy based on a whopper-make that a lie. Disney and Sprint, pay attention!
To the Editor: I am trying to locate three first cousins or their descendants whom our family lost track of over 60 years ago. Their names are Israel, Louis and Mildred Rubin and they would be in their 80's now. They were born in New York. My mother, Eva Rubin, was the sister of their father, Max. Their mother's name was Sarah. , If.any readers know anything about them, please contact me a t 423 Willow Lane, Baytown, TX, email me at mervinr@Iial-pc.org or call me collect at 1-281-424-8765. Thank you. Mervin Rosenbaum JEWISH PRESS COMMITTEE Fred Tichauer, Vice-Chairman; Joanie Jacobson, Secretary; Howard Silber, Treasurer; Elyce Azriel; Jill Belmont; Steve Danon; Jean Duitch; Penny Endelman; Kip Gordman; Gary Kudym; Steve Levinger; Linda Saltzman; George Schapiro; Steve Simon. Editorials express the view of the writer and are not necessarily representative of the views of the Jewish Press Committee, the Jewish Federation of Omaha or the Omaha Jewish Community as a whole. The Jewish Press reserves the right to edit letters and articles for. space and content. The Jewish Press is not responsible for the Kashruth of any product or establishment.
October 1,1999
Letter from Israel
Carl Alpert
Rosh Hashanah in the next millennium
Page 5
(continued from page 4) Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, second president of Israel, will impart a more conservative atmosphere the next evening. His name is associated with almost every aspect of Israel's modern political and intellectual development, beginning with his aliyah in 1907. How pleased he must be at the far-flung educational and publishing program of the Institute which bears his name, Yad Ben-Zvi. We can tell him of our own fruitful experiences with the Institute. We preserve the ambience with our next guest, Ludwig Zamenhof, Polish Jewish personality who created the international language, Esperanto. Easy to learn, with few grammatical rules, it was once heralded as the ideal medium for promoting international peace and good will. It never really took off, but devoted groups of Esperantists still keep the language alive in many parts of the world, including Israel. We shall proudly show off our now almost forgotten smattering of the tongue. Another woman will, we hope, accept our invitation for the following night of Sukkot. To the Church, she is known as Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, but she was born a German Jew, Edith Stein, who converted to Catholicism at the age of 31 and became a nun. Her story has become a subject of controversy, but we should like to hear her own version. She never had much of a Jewish education, to be sure, but what attracted her to the Catholic Church? She never denied her Jewish roots, she fought anti-Semitism, and she died among her people at Auschwitz in 1942. There are more names on our list, but we know from experience that these evening sessions will be so intellectually stimulating that we shall need the following free evenings to ponder all that we have' heard. And so we save the other personalities for next year.
by Harry Allen
We have now celebrated the last Rosh Hashanah of the Christian millennium. The Jerusalem Post, in its Rosh Hashanah edition, published a list of key historical events in Jewish history from the previous millennium (starting in the year 1,000). . For example in the year 1000, Rabbi Gershon of Mainz, Germany, issued a halachic ruling banning bigamy--the first such. In those days, apparently rabbis did not shy away from halachic creativity. In the year 1100, German Jews began the major migration to Poland, seeing it as the land of opportunity. All of these, by way of preface to contemplating what the coming millennium may bring to the Jewish people and Israel. " Today, we begin the countdown to the birth of a Palestinian state with the United States acting as midwife. What kind of limitations may be placed on that state? How it will relate to Israel? These are the agenda items for negotiation-not the creation of the state itself. It reminds one of the old joke about the man who asked a women whether or not she would go to bed with him for $50. "Of course not," she replied indignantly. He kept raising the anti until it reached a very high figure when, before agreeing, she asked, "What do you think I am?" "I already know what you are," he replied, "We are just negotiating the price." We already know that there will be a state--we will be haggling over the price. ;• High on the Palestinian agenda is the refugee issue. Arafat has already rejected any scheme that involves resettling the refugees in the Arab world. Israel will
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
certainly not allow any significant number back into Israel proper, but can likely not control admission to the new Palestinian state. How many will choose to go there is uncertain,-but many no doubt will prefer living in Palestine to a camp in Lebanon. The challenge, of a Palestinian state of four or five million is an enormous one. It is likely that the matter of compensation for the refugees will also be a major question. World Jewry has put compensation on the agenda for us. While there is absolutely no symmetry or moral equivalence between compensation for the victims of the Holocaust and the refugees—this will be a hard sell, especially in terms of compensation for property for which Arabs held clear title. This will be an especially difficult issue in Jerusalem. The Israeli public has, for the most part, accepted the inevitability of a Palestinian state, but may not have fully internalized all of its ramifications. Barak most certainly has. At Rosh Hashanah, 2000, the negotiations are scheduled for completion. This New Year will be perhaps the most crucial one for the Jewish people in the entire millennium, except for the creation of Israel itself. Despite American Jews self-absorption with its own problems, the future of Jewry is tied to Israel with an unseperable umbilical cord. The negotiations which start today are, therefore, not just about a Palestinian state, but about how. Israel and, indeed, world Jewry will come to terms with the Arab world in the third Christian millennium, and, conversely, how the Arab world will come to terms with Am Yisrael, which just inaugurated not the year 2000, but the year 5760.
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Itzik Benshalom, bom In Hadera, Israel In 1945, works in the tradition of figurative sculpture in the round, and specializes in the 4,000 year old "Lost Wax" method of casting sculpture. Benshalpm's sculpture refers to human emotion and is often cast In pairs, male and female. The juxtaposition expresses the essence of Benshalom's concern with human interaction. He says of his work, "The Twentieth Century artist has to work primarily within the psyche of alienation. The overlay of modern existence which seems to be communicated more by electronic media than anything else, denies basic human emotion, loye, anger, understanding, all are reduced to cypher. I see my work as an attempt to remind people of a more primal form of humanism. In a sense, I see a need to redefine emotion." Working in scale from monumental proportions to elegant 'Interior' size sculpture, Benshalom's works can be found throughout the world in both public and private collections. Benshalom and his wife, Hannah, also an artist and teacher In lace work and fine jewelry, live in Israel. They have three children. -
Page 6
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
October 1,1999
Perek Yomi: a chance to learn with and from each other ~~ by Ozzie Nogg "~~ Beginning on Simchat Torah, Oct. 3, all Omaha Zimmerman, President of the Reform Movement's Jews can learn together through Perek Yomi — the Hebrew Union College, taught Torah to the deleChapter-A-Day study program sponsored by United gates from their own particular points of view. Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. According to According to Rabbi Epstein, "We each maintained Rabbi Paul Drazen of Beth El Synagogue, this our integrity, but we were able to teach and learn nationwide effort to bring learning and personal from one another. This year, the Conference of growth through daily reading of the Hebrew Bible, Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations had a begins with the first chapter of the Book of Jonah. similar program. Participants saw differences in Although USCJ developed Perek Yomi for mem- how we, as individuals, understood the Torah; they bers of its congregations, reading the Bible on a also understood that it was the same Torah. daily basis is important to all Jews. "It would be a "As we begin reading the Book of Joshua on wonderful thing if every Jew, irrespective of reli- Simchat Torah...we invite others with different pergious identification, would join in reading a chap- spectives to begin reading as well. And we hope ter...each day," said Rabbi Jerome Epstein, that each of those approached will accept the inviExecutive Vice-president of the USCJ. "As tation and the challenge of reading a chapter a Conservative Jews, we will, inevitably, read it from day." our own perspective...But it would be wonderfully This journey through the Hebrew Bible will instructive for our members to benefit from the help participants become more familiar with the reactions of those who read the Bible with different architects of our religion and the times in which understandings. Learning from the thoughtful they lived, plus, give a better understanding of insights of Reconstructionist, Reform and Orthodox Jewish history, values, ethics and moral standards. Jews would only serve to enrich us." In addition to Study Guides to the daily readings, Last November, the 1998 General Assembly of Beth El will also offer a weekly Sunday discussion the Council of Jewish Federations offered a Torah group, which starts Oct. 10 at 10:15 a.m. . study session in which Rabbi Epstein, together For more information, contact the Beth El office with Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, a leading Orthodox at 492-8550, or sign up online at: Congregational Rabbi, and Rabbi Sheldon www.u6cj.org/perekyomi.
Greenspoon to lead program on Ten Commandments Dr. Leonard Greenspoon, holder of Creighton University's Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization, will conduct a four-part adult education program, "Ancient Words, Modern Worlds: Understanding and Applying the Ten Commandments," at Augustana Lutheran Church. This series, part of the ecumenical activities of the Lay School of Theology, will take place on-successive Mondays, 7-9 p.m., starting Oct. 25. Each session will look at the Ten Commandments from a different perspective: Oct. 25: The Ten Commandments in their Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Context; Nov. 1: Translating and Interpreting the Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity; Nov. 8: Applying the Ten Commandments to our Relationship with God; Nov. 15: Applying the Ten Commandments to our Relationship with Other Humans. There will be extensive use of audio-visual materials and ample time for discussion. Augustana Lutheran Church is located at 3647 Lafayette Avenue. There is a $20 per person fee if pre-registered by Oct. 15, or $25 a t the door. Childcare is available. For further information or registration forms, please call Cleo Novotny at the Augustana Church Office, 551-4728. You may also contact Leonard Greenspoon at 280-2303.
Births Jodi and Kenny Polikov of Arlington Heights, IL, announce the Sept. 8 birth of their son, Rylan. Scoff^named for his uncle, the late Ricky Walowitz, and his grandfather, the late Seymour Goldston. Grandparents are Sheila and Marvin Polikov of Omaha and Sheila and Steve Walowitz of Northbrook, IL. Great-grandparents are Ethel Goldston of Omaha, Manya Vogel and Elaine and Sidney Walowitz of Northbrook, IL.
Pamela Jo (Weiner) Skeen and Timothy Skeen of Prestonburg, KY, announce the Sept. 16 birth of their daughter, Iris Judith, named for her maternal grandmother, the late Judith Ann (Rosen) Weiner. Grandparents are Kenneth P. Weiner of Omaha and Nola and Billy Skeen of Lorain, OH. Great-grandfather is Edward A. Rosen of Omaha.
Maureen and Jeff Skall of Scottsdale, AZ, announce the Aug. 21 birth of their daughter, Peyton Abby. Peyton has a sister, Kylee Lauren. Grandparents are Frankie and Sandy Kasin and Natalie and Richard Skall of Cleveland. Great-grandmothers are Leona Kasin and Sara Harding.
The Jewish Federation Library
PEREK YOMI a chapter a day
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We CaterMdgiCCllEvents... The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism's program of perek yomi begins on Simhat Torah (October 3). The program asks for all Jews to take the time to read one chapter of the Tanakh a day.
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To help with the program, a Tanakh will be opened to the appropriate chapter each day in the Jewish Federation Library, along with study materials provided by the USCJ. Also, feel free to make use of the library's Internet access to connect with USCJ's website for the program to gain access to listserves, chatrooms and mentors to help provide you with more information, on the day's chapter:
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October 1,1999
New curriculum and focus for Temple Israel middle school by Elyce Azriel, Director, Temple Israel Middle/High School
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
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Page 7
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Seventh grade teachers are Lisa Shkolnick and Julie Kushner.
Eighth-grade teachers are Stephanie Grossman and Debbi Brown.
Designing a curriculum for seventh and eighth grade students has always been a difficult undertaking. There's something challenging about working with the middle school and looking for more effective ways of reaching and teaching this age group. Providing an educational program thaf^will deepen students' connection to Judaism and at the same time encourage them to continue their Jewish studies and involvement in Jewish life is the challenge. Most middle students are turned off by a textbook-based curriculum. Therefore, educators at Temple Israel have redesigned the curriculum for that age group, based on ongoing discussions of issues that affect students as young Jewish adults. At the same time, the unique needs and characteristics of the middle school student were woven into all phases of the planning process. In addition, the curriculum fosters creativity through art, drama, short stories and other areas. Our middle school staff is oriented in working with this student group. The teachers are well prepared, energetic, charismatic and willing to use their creative energies to make this year a meaningful experience for each student. They have a genuine concern of young people and their world. Teachers for seventh grade are Julie Kushner, Director of BBYO Youth Activities at the Jewish Community Center, and Lisa Shkolnick, past BBYO Youth Activities Director at the JCC and currently the JCC Membership Director. Eighth-grade teachers a r e Debbi Brown, Assistant Director of ADL, and Stephanie Grossman, Youth Director at Temple Israel. Both
have proficiency in subject matter and general education and hold Nebraska State licenses for teaching. The curriculum for the seventh grade is "Why Be Good?" It is an exploration of responsibility from both a Jewish and personal viewpoint. The course focuses on helping students see themselves as caring members of their family and community and willing to act when injustice is seen, and to come to the aid of others. The class will explore: How do we decide what is right? What is good? How to act or when? How can our Jewish traditions help us make these decisions? The eighth-grade curriculum focuses on the Holocaust and today's Israel. Students will learn about the Holocaust from historical and contemporary aspects. They will share in all that it means to us today through novels, diaries, biographies, plays, short stories, and more, that will provide unforgettable images and perspective. Through understanding the profound historical impact of the Holocaust on the Jewish people, students will be guided to the importance of their place in today's modern Jewish nation. The Jewish Middle School movement has said that topics'which engage our thought and action most fully are those having to do with personal and social questions. The study of "Why Be Good?" and Holocaust and Israel do just that. They all deal with two aspects of life about which adolescents are often concerned: developing a personal identity and questions surrounding values and morals. These subjects offer an opportunity for a provocative, compelling and powerful curriculum.
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Two decorating parties at Beth El Synagogue gave families an opportunity to learn about the holiday of Sukkot and to hang, their original artwork in Beth El's own sukkah. Above: Jim Zipursky and his son, Aaron, cut and paste construction paper fruit; middle photoi Naomi
Daniel Friedman, son of Andrew and Susan Friedman, hang their decorations from the roof of the sukkah; and at right: J o s h Sweet, son of Mark and Lynn Sweet, climbs to the top to place his handmade art. This joyous holiday culminates in Shemini Azeret and Simchat Torah, startRennard, daughter of Stephen ing tonight. On Simchat Torah, and Barbara Rennard, makes a t h e l a s t few c h a p t e r s of t h e permanent mark with her hand- Torah are read, followed by a print, hung later in the sukkah; reading of the first few chapters above right: B e n Shapiro and of Bereishit, Genesis. -''â&#x20AC;˘ '
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Page 8
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
October 1,1999
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Did you happen to see the recent newspaper arti- • Members will meet Monday in the auditorium of cle on the topic of American eating habits? I don't the JCC. Exercise with Michelle Streif a t mean what we do or don't eat at mealtime, I mean 10:15 a.m. in the auditorium. Try your luck at the eating (and drinking) which many folks enjoy bingo with Eileen Remer at 10:30 a.m. in room 6. off and on during any given day. The story I saw Bring articles to share for "YES Talk," led by Art referred to "grazing" - a term usually applied to Grossman, at 11 a.m. in the conference room. Following lunch at noon, Jack Noodell from AARP animals and suggesting constant nibbling. will speak on Social Security. For transportation, The author reported seeing a woman, during a call 330-4272. church service, lift a can of cola to her mouth and Deadlines: Oct. 11 for the New York Party on drink until her thirst was apparently satisfied. Now really, doesn't that fall into the category we Oct. 18; Oct. 14 for Bluffs Run Casino on Oct. 21; Oct. 22 for T.I.G.G.S. Luncheon on Oct. 27. think of as outrageous behavior? What about the coffee in most work places today? WALK-IN, DROP-IN I don't know of very many offices these days, withMembers will meet at the JCC on Thursday. out a coffee maker some place in a corner, and the Exercise starts at 10:15 a.m. For those going to the obligatory paper cups plus sugar substitute and Farmhouse Restaurant for Lunch Bunch, please dry creamer. And what about the stuff people meet at the JCC by 10:45 a.m. a t the south bring to "go with the coffee"? You know, sweet rolls entrance. For transportation, call Maggie at 334or doughnuts or maybe bagels and a little some- 6521. There will be no bingo. thing to spread on them? Here's where lots of us RUSSIANCLUB get into trouble, diet and food-wise. Members will meet Oct. 8 at the JCC. At 10 a.m., What started this eating-all-the-time trend? We were once in the habit of eating breakfast, doing come exercise in room 5. At 11 a.m., lunch will be whatever we did in the morning, then eating lunch. served in room 5. At 11:30 a.m., we will go on a Maybe some time in the afternoon if some little day trip to the Old Market and visit the many spetreat was offered, it was gladly accepted, but people cialty shops, including Red Square. Call Lydia didn't make it a habit to look for a candy bar or Linde by Oct. 6 at 697-9169. Cost is $2. cookies or whatever other nosh was available. OMAHA CENTER FOR TORAH LEARNING Children were different, of course. Coming home Rabbi Shlomo Levin, OCTL Director, will teach from school, milk and cookies or fruit was usualon the weekly Torah portion on Saturday, Oct. 2, Mama always understood kids needed that little 5 p.m., at his home, 5023 Lafayette. nosh to tide them over until dinnertime. Wednesday, Oct. 6, noon, is Lunch 'n learn,, I was in a gas station the other morning and, hosted by Eve and Ben Heisler, 5841 Hamilton. while waiting for my tank to be filled, I noticed a Please bring your own lunch, followed by study of young man drive up to the next pump. While his the novel The Lonely Man of Faith, written by needs were being taken care of, he went into the Rabbi Y. Soloveitchik. At 5 p.m., a class in spoken office and returned a few minutes later carrying Hebrew will be held at the home of Al Ross, 676 N. some stuff. I watched as he juggled his purchases 56th St. and freed one hand to open the door of the truck. On Thursday, Oct. 7, 7 p.m., OCTL begins a He had a bottle of some kind of drink, such as juice or something that looked like juice, two packages Talmud class, hosted by Beth El Synagogue, on the of Twinkies and a hot dog, complete with bun and Talmudic tractate dealing with the laws of Pesach. mustard. He got settled behind the wheel of the B'NAIB'RITHBREADBREAKERS > truck, and made the hot dog disappear in seconds. Leonard Greenspoon, Klutznick Chair of Jewish Fine. It was his business, but it was 9:15 in the Civilization at Creighton University, will speak morning for crying out loud! about the upcoming Twelfth Annual Klutznick True, he may have been up for several hours Symposium which will be held Oct. 9,10 and 11. already, and he may even have had a reasonable • Breadbreakers meets every Wednesday at noon breakfast earlier, but I must admit, I thought it at Pastimes Restaurant, 129th and Maple. The was a tad early for such a snack. That's the kind of program is open to the community; cost is $8.60. thing this story on "grazing* was talking about. JEWISH WOMEN INTERNATIONAL The fact that Americans are eating all the time. JWI will host its annual Mah Jongg fundraiser on Walking down the street, people are munching on whatever was recently available, whether a candy Sunday, Oct. 17, noon-4 p.m., at the Jewish bar or a can of soda or maybe popcorn. Why, it's Community Center. To reserve or for more informagetting BO folks hardly have time to talk on the tion, send a $15 check, made out to JWI, to: Rosalie ever-present telephone, there's so much munching Greenspan, 8108 Howard, Omaha, NE 68114, phone going on. 391-1954; or Esther Wax, 118 So. 88th St., Omaha, It's not a bit unusual to look over at the next car NE 68114, phone 393-4442. while waiting for the light to change and see the TEMPLE ISRAEL driver reach into a sack to grab a handful of french Prof. Richard Freund, in conjunction with a fries. Whether we're driving or walking or in a return visit to Omaha for the Klutznick Symposimovie, it seems like we're eating. Maybe it's not um, will make two appearances at Temple Israel. fair to include movies here, since films and popcorn He will speak at Shabbat services on Friday, Oct. have always been Bynonymous, but the rest of my 8,8 p.m., on "Who wrote the Shabbat Prayers?" At argument stands. Adult Education on Sunday, Oct. 10, 10 ajn., he The fact is, we're a nation of fressers. How we got will share' his views on "Who wrote the Siddur?* that way, I don't know. But this eating anywhere, Freund, who recently moved to Hartford, CT, to anytime, must be the reason so many Diet Clinics are become the Director of the Maurice Greenberg around, and doing well. At the turn of the century, a Center for Jewish Studies a t the University of fat person was considered successful. We're dose to Hartford, previously was a faculty member at the another turn of the century-wouldn't it be great if University of Nebraska at Omaha. He continues as sleek and slender would come to represent opulence? Director of the Bethsaida Excavations Project, We'll have to wait and see. r~ International Consortium at UNO. Freund's upcoming lectures at Temple Israel include: Sunday, Nov. 14: "The Five Great Events v of History They Never Taught You in Hebrew THE School: From the Jews of Elephantine to the Frankist Jews of New York;" Friday, Feb. 4, CHILD DEVELOPMENT 2000, 8 p.m.: "The Life and Thought of Rabbi WILL PRESENT A BOOK DISCUSSION WITH Sidney H. Brooks;" Sunday, Feb. 6, 2000: "Five RABBI DEBBIE STIEL AND Medieval Figures They Forgot to Tell You About in Hebrew School: From Rav Amram Gaon to the SALLY KAPLAN, JMSW Alfasi;" and Sunday, April 9, 2000; "The Five "Tho Shelter of Each Other. Rebuilding Our Families" Greatest Women of Jewish History: Deborah, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20,7 p.m. Beruriah, Dona Garcia, Gluckel of Hameln, Golda at the JCC Meir." . Call the CDC to get the book at 20% OFF! For more information, call the Temple office, 556\ 334-6413 / 6536.
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by Bert Lewis
October 1,1999
The Jewish Federation Library's Pick o'the Week
The Herb Garden
Cookbook, il Review by Lois Friedman
Morrie: In His Own Words, by Morrie Schwartz (Walker & Co., 1996) by Kathy Hirshman
la Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom had a nation in tears as readers came to know and ultimately lose Albom's friend and teacher, Morrie Schwartz. In His Own Words is an incredible work by a dying man. Schwartz shares his wisdom on how to live with
* j[% F E ' W i S 0 0 M FfiD M k 8 E M A R K A 8 L E H A S
a debilitating disease and face death. He offers wisdom to both the victim and their friends and loved ones. Schwartz is the king of making the most of a difficult situation. He offers, "take in as much joy as you can whenever and however you can. You may find it in unpredictable places and situations." This is not a depressing or sad book; reserve your copy today at the Federation Library.
Key in to Jewish Omaha at www. Jewish omaha.org
It's time io gather the bounty of your garden or dash out to your local grocery for fresh ingredients to prepare an Autumn feast a la herb garden. This revised edition has herbal intrigue, cooking tips, chapters on 20 herbs, Mexican and Southeast Asian herbs, each filled with pertinent growing and cooking information and recipes. The edible flowers, herb butters and vinegars chapters add jazz to your meals and make great gifts. Menu suggestions and tips add further information. The Texas author presents many Southwestern accents and several pages of herb sources, websites and such. Lots of informative reading in every chapter. The recipes have helpful headings, notes, a lovely color photograph of the herb, and, wellwritten instructions. From appetizers through desserts, check out these tasty recipes. This garlic dish would be a terrific start to any feast. POOR MAN'S BUTTER Roasted garlic has been called "poor man's butter." As it cooks, it caramelizes and becomes soft, sweet and spreadable, losing the harshness of the raw cloves. Like real butter, but with much more character, it is delicious slathered on just about anything. Serve whole heads as an appetizer on a plate garnished with fresh sprigs of rosemary or thyme. Guests can simply slip the cloves from the skins right into their mouths or spread it on crusty crou-
i%'\ '; / In His Own Words
/ may not be able to predict the future but I can help you prepare
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
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Page 9
by Lucinda Hutson ,
tons or rustic bread. I like to serve a good mild chevre rolled in fresh minced rosemary, thyme and mint, along with a small bowl of Gingered SunDried Tomato Tapanade (recipe on page 144) on the side. Add herb-roasted garlic to baked or mashed potatoes, saute1 d vegetables, pasta dishes and pizza.-. Use it to flavor salad dressings, sauces and spreads. And remember, roasted garlic will keep the evil spirits away! 6 large whole heads of garlic 4 or more tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper 4 Tbsps. fresh minced thyme and rosemary dried cayenne pepper 6 sprigs of fresh rosemary and thyme Preheat oven to 350°. Remove the loose papery skins from the garlic heads- and cut off just enough of the top of each head to barely expose its individual cloves. Place the garlic heads in individual ramikins, or an oven-proof dish, on a bed of minced herbs. Drizzle each head with about 2 tsps. olive oil, then invert. Cover baking dish with foil; bake 30 minutes. Turn heads over, adding more olive oil if needed, and sprinkle jvith salt, pepper and cayenne. Bake until soft and caramelized (30 minutes or so), removing foil for last 10 minutes of cooking.
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Page 10
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
October 1,1999
L A F A T A ' S Caffe Italiano & Bakery Is SomeUiing Different
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Marilyn Sacks BAKED SALMON CAKES 1-lb. can Red Salmon 1/2 cup milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 medium onion 3-4 ribs of celery small green pepper salt and pepper to taste 2-3 slices of dry challah-remove crusts Drain salmon (save juice); clean and de-bone; add eggs; pull bread into small pieces and soak in milk. Dice celery, onion and green pepper and saute with small amount of oil. Add to salmon mixture. If mixture seems dry, add some salmon juice. Spray a 12-muffin tin with 'Pam;' spoon in mixture. Bake at 350'for 45 minutes. For larger cakes, double recipe.
Today's adoptions force new thinking. (Continued from page 1) Others, however, encounter subtle questioning. According to Shelley Kapnek Rosenberg, an adopSays Kapnek Rosenberg: "In the Jewish commutive parent, the attitude at first is, "This is wonderful," that it's a mitzvah to adopt and to form a nity, there's a subtle attitude of 'Does this child Jewish family. "Everybody is really thrilled for you. come from good stock?' There's a subtle undercur"On the other hand there is a very subtle ques- rent of wondering." tioning, holding back, wondering if this child is as There is also a vague sense of tribal connection good, can you really love a child who isn't yours among Jews, leading some to try to find Jewish biologically," says Kapnek Rosenberg, author of the babies to adopt, though few are available. book, Adoption and the Jewish Family: "It's an inherent bias among Jews. They like to Contemporary Perspectives. stick with their own kind," says Susan Katz, a Experts say that Jews delay childbearing at least director of Stars of David. as much—and perhaps more—than other Finding a baby to adopt is an arduous process. Americans. Between 15 and 20 percent of There are an estimated 40 couples for each white American Jews are thought to face fertility prob- infant available domestically, which prompts many lems. A growing number are choosing adoption. to go abroad to Russia, China or Latin America. Jews sometimes encounter greater difficulties No one knows exactly how many children have been adopted by American Jews, but the best esti- because birth parents, given the choice of whom to mates to date come from the 1990 National Jewish place their baby with, often prefer Christians. Population Study, which found that more than There is also some anti-Jewish bias at some three percent of children in Jewish homes-some domestic adoption agencies. 60,000 individuals-had been adopted. "There are a lot of Christian agencies which are Thirteen percent of Jewish couples who were not .friendly toward Jews adopting and have relithinking of having children were considering adop- gious restrictions, though Jews may not realize it" tion, according to the study, and more than 165,000 going into the process, says Schonberger Jewish couples had sought help with adoption. The struggle to adopt is compounded by a lack of Those numbers are now a decade old, and they formal Jewish communal support, say some Jewish are expected to increase when new data is compiled adoptive parents. There are support groups for Jewish parents, and some Jewish Family Service for the National Jewish Population Study 2000. One-quarter of those adopted were born abroad, a organizations provide home studies, which are prerequisites for adoption. But there is little financial percentage that experts say is rising. In each case, adoption-domestic or international- support available and few Jewish agencies that is closed, in which birth and adoptive families don't help find children for placement. meet; or open, in which they do have contact—is Each adoption costs an average of $25,000, and spiritually, psychologically and practically complex. hopeful parents-to-be often drain their savings Most couples adopt only after years of painful accounts, borrow from relatives and take out secand expensive battles against infertility. Many find ond and third mortgages on their houses in their that they encounter ambivalence—within them- pursuit of a child. selves and from their families and communities. "We're still paying our loans off," though the For Jews in particular, it is often difficult "to let youngest of their two children was adopted four go of the biological dream," says Rabbi Simkha years ago, says Weintraub, who believes that if the Weintraub, a couples therapist, Rabbinic Director of Jewish community, which values children, "really the New York Jewish Board of Family & Children's wanted to help, it would at least provide interestfree loans" to aid with expenses. Services and father of two adopted children. "Some people who are very secular and nonKatz of Stars of David says that attitudes about observant suddenly find themselves having the adoption have changed dramatically since she most cloistered and even chauvinistic ideas of what brought home her oldest son, Michael, 25 years ago. it is to be Jewish." "In those days, there were no adoption support Yet, while the road to adoption is mined with groups and certainly none that addressed the painful experiences, the result for most is joyful. needs and concerns of Jews, said Katz. "It was realMany find support and encouragement in their ly very painful to have no one to help us, and to be Jewish communities. groping around blindly for what to do and to have Rabbi Joseph Schonberger and his wife were liv- no one to share the experience with." That led her ing in Bangor, ME, 10 years ago when they brought to start the Chicago section of Stars of David, which home from Honduras the eldest of their three now has 35 chapters around North America and responds to hundreds of inquiries a year. adopted children. "The whole community met us at the airport with All told, when it comes to how. the Jewish comballoons late at night;" recalls Schonberger, a Con- munity deals with adoption, says Kapnek servative rabbi who now leads Temple El Emeth in Rosenberg, "we've come a long way but have a way Youngstown, OH. "They couldn't have been more supportive." . t
• .
' •
' • '
Adoption resource information NEW YORK (JTA)-The following is contact Cradle of Hope, an adoption agency seeking information for some of the resources listed in the Jewish families for children of Jewish heritage series on adoption: Stars of David, a support net- from the former Soviet Union, 301-587-4400; crawork for adoptive Jewish and in'terfaith families, dle@cradlehope.orgorwww.cradlehope.org at: 800-star-349 or 847-509-9929 or Adoption Information and Support Services, marStarsDavid@aol.com or www.starsofdavid.org riage, family therapy and adoption consulting by Jewish Children's Adoption Network, which Abby Ruder, 215-233-1380 places Jewish children with Jewish families; 303Jewish Family Service in Omaha, 1-402-334-6494 573-8113; www.users.uswest.net/~jcan or at its website: wwwjewishomaha.org '
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October 1,1999
JFS helps families
Foundation presents latest strategies on estate tax and charitable gift planning
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
Page 11
(continued from page 1) Seina explained that the whole -world of adoption has changed. Gone are the days when it was seen 3821 jCENTER >346-1528 as a family secret or available only to those in their ' Greek Specials Dally Greek Beer & Wine 20's and 30's. "Mature" couples once found themHomemade Pastries Dine In/Carry Out selves closed out of the adoption process, but with Party Room We Cater Tool by Claudia Sherman the advancement in medical technology giving Full Service Bar Foundation Public Relations Coordinator once-infertile couples the ability to have children, Mon.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Frl.-Sat., 11 a.;n.-10 p.m. the same technology is allowing couples to live As of September 28, Marty Ricks, Executive Sun., 11 a.m.-8p.m. longer, healthier lives. Many of the JFS home studDirector of the Jewish Federation Foundation, ies are conducted for couples in their 40's. reported that he has received 84 reservations for And the more open adoption process even allows the Oct. 5 Inaugural Yale Richards Professional adoptive couples to meet the birth mother before Education Seminar. the baby is born. According to JFS literature, an Those who have registered represent "a good "open adoption is considered a life-long relationship with on-going contact over the years." Other cross section of lawyers, accountants, Foundation types of adoption are "closed" in which there is no executives, trust officers and others," he said. Jane Peebles, a partner in the law firm of contact between birth mother and adoptive parents, and "semi-open" in which only a few meetings Freeman, Freeman & Smiley, LLP, of Los Angeles, occur and, after birth, the two parties may decide will be the featured speaker. Her general topic will be "Strategies for Creative Estate Tax and to only exchange letters and photos. Charitable Gift Planning." Peebles' agenda will Once referred to JFS by attorneys who specialize include a primer on charitable gift planning, the Carol A. Llndhlem OWNER in adoptions (and have, in most cases, performed latest developments in planned giving, and stratetheir own screening of potential parents), the gies and issues related to distribution alternatives WMtiMo* Shopping Curtw • 132nd ft W. Dodg* Rd. 4 9 3 - 3 8 9 3 agency performs the home study and offers sup- for retirement plans. port, counseling and resolution of any issues which "The section on latest developments is current may have an impact on the adoptive couple's through Aug. 30, and will be updated further for approval. International adoptions require additionnew developments in the seminar presentation," al screening and education; JFS currently works with an international adoption agency in Ricks mentioned. at "Regarding the subject of distribution alternaMinnesota, which places babies only from Russia. Spirit World tives for retirement plans, this topic is particularly Rarely does JFS receive calls from pregnant important for individuals owning substantial 7517 Pacific Omaha, NE 68114 391-8680 women requesting information about making an retirement accounts, whose estates and heirs, and adoption plan for their babies. However, JFS does without planning, could lose three-quarters of the 11424 Davenport St. Omaha, NE 68154 334-7123 offer birth mothers support and counseling, with "the assets to taxes," Ricks explained. ultimate decision what's best for both the baby and Our Kitchen Can Prepare Your Peebles has been certified by the State Bar of the birth mother," added Seina, noting that JFS does . Favorite Box Lunch to Your California as a specialist in estate planning, trust, not put itself in the position of "brokering babies." Any Occasion Party! and probate law. She is a fellow of the American JFS works closely with attorneys for the purposes College of Trust and Estate Counsel and is a fre(BAR AND BAT MITZVAHS) of relinquishment and refers additional legal matters quent lecturer across the country, speaking to proas well. In Nebraska, once a birth mother signs the fessional and lay audiences on sophisticated luncheons - parties required papers, the parental rights are surrendered; aspects of domestic and international estate and Call and Ask for Our Catering Department the baby is then the sole responsibility of the adop- charitable planning. tive parents. JFS will, however, stay in touch with "Highly recommended by experts in the field," adoptive parents for whom they've conducted a home . study, and remains available to adoptive parents a s . according to Ricks, "Peebles was interviewed on the phone by our seminar advisory committee andthe child proceeds through life stages. NEW YORK STYLE is listed on the United Jewish Communities preSeveral agencies in town offer home studies; some ferred speaker list." PIZZA AT like Nebraska Children's Home are free, but the their In 1998, the Milton and Corinne Livingston OMAHA'S #1 other services must be used (legal placement for Foundation established a professional education example) and there is a substantial charge. While endowment fund in honor of Yale Richards, who PIZZERIA Voted the JFS charges for home studies, adoptive parents has served as Executive Director of the Livingston (8 years running) Hest fiaael may use an attorney of their choice. Both agencies Foundation for more than 25 years. He is a senior in Omaha Enjoy our combos work with couples of any religious background. partner in the Omaha law firm* of Marks, Clare & BBQ Chicken Pie Adoptive parents, like Schauder, also have rec- Richards. The purpose of the endowment fund is to • Chicken Peslo Pie. ommendations for other couples considering adop- enable The Jewish Federation Foundation to preGarden Pie New York Deluxe Pie tion, including "marketing yourselves (to potential sent seminars dealing with estate and tax planZucchini Supreme Pie birth mothers) when you want to adopt." She has ning strategies for charitable giving. The upcoming • Meatball Pie compiled a brochure of family life in the Schauder seminar is the first one in honor of Richards. The Original Thai Pie household—photos of holidays and family celebraBeginning with a continental breakfast which tions, her home and neighborhood, and a letter to the birth mother explaining why the Schauder will be served at 8:15 a.m., the seminar will be presented Tuesday at Happy Hollow Club, 1701 South family would make good parents. 105th St. Introductions begin at 8:45 a.m., the proSchauder also advised four steps for couples who gram starts at 9 a.m and will last until 3:30 p.m. are still involved, with fertility treatments, "1. Get The $25 registration fee includes course outlines, a home study done even if you haven't resolved the breakfast and lunch. adoption issue; there's lots of paperwork; 2. Take a It is important for those individuals who are parenting course, like infant CPR, for example; 3. earning five continuing education credits to sign 20 varieties of bagels Keep in touch with the agency who conducted the the appropriate continuing education sign-in sheet 16 cream cheese home study to 'bug them' about availability of spreads by 9 a.m. on the day of the seminar, Ricks babies; and 4. Get support from your family and Cappuccino/Espresso stressed. Mends, groups who teach how to handle Mother's Great soups and Individuals who want to attend the seminar but salads Day and family-type holidays." . have not registered by today by mail or by phone • Deli sandwiches • Whole Pies She's told her two oldest children they're adopt- should contact Ricks as soon as possible at 334-6440. Catering • Slices ed; one has even met her birth mother and the • Pasla Ricks added that he can also be reached to answer THE GREAT V Schauder family sends cards and photos to the • Hoagles , questions about continuing education credit. • Salads other birth mother. Schauder will tell the newest AMERICAN BAGEL • Kids' Menu baby the same thing she explained to her older • Calzones children, "Mommy and Daddy can't make babies, 8029 W. Dodge Rd. • Lunch Specials but your birth mothers picked us and you came • Cheese Breads 393-8400 • Beer & Wine from our hearts!" Next week: P a r t IL Wanted: Jewish parents For Delivery: Midlown 391-1881 for Jewish children.
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Page 12
Jewish Press, Omaha, NE
October 1,1999
Sculptor opens exhibit-—- Klutznick keynote (Continued from page 1) largest foundry in Israel, specializing in the 4000-year-old lost wax" method of casting sculpture. Benshalom's sculpture refers to human emotion. Created in pairs, male and female, the sculptures are often movable pieces. The juxtaposition expresses the essence of Benshalom's statement and his concern with human interaction. His sculptures are smooth, gleaming gold-toned bronzes, with occasional pieces of contrasting textural finishes of rougher surfaces and darker metal patinas. His is a stark approach, yet the abstract male and female figures have considerable impact. The pieces range in size from table top to monumental proportions. Benshalom's piece titled "La Familia," is being donated by the 2000 Women's Campaign for the lobby of the remodeled JCC. More than 60 of his pieces will be on display, and for sale, at the artist's opening reception, which begins at 7:30 p.m. at Beth El Synagogue. A portion of the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the 2000 Women's Campaign. Honorary chairpeople for the Opening Reception are Roz Friedman, Andi and Larry Kavich, Karin and Mike Levine and Kim and Jay Noddle. The reception committee includes Joyce Cohen, Barbara Kushner, Lois "Ducky" Milder, Lee Needelman, Jeanie Neff and Andi Willensky. The event is free and open to the community. For information, call Kathy McGauvran, Women's Campaign Director, 334-6427.
Women's mission meeting planned Omaha mission guide Alex Fleischer will answer questions at an informational meeting for a Women's Mission to Kiev and Israel on Monday, Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m., at the home of Maxine Kirshenbaum. The mission dates are March 27April 5, 2000, and is co-chaired by Kirshenbaum and Eunice Denenberg. RSVP to Lana at the Federation office by Oct. 8, 334-6430.
(Continued from page 1) Since the publication of A Noble Death in 1992, his research on religious martyrdom in antiquity has been applied to society's current concern with the ethics of assisted suicide and voluntary death. The book has become a standard for ethicists, lawyers, and physicians participating in ongoing debates. In Why Waco?, published with co-author Eugene V. Gallagher in 1995, Tabor applied his knowledge of biblical prophetic texts to the situation involving the Branch Davidians. He testified before Congress as an expert witness on the Waco crisis. He has urged government officials and the media to drop the use of "the prejudicial label 'cult." In defense of new religious groups, he asks for "a combination of critical evaluation and a sympathetic attempt to enter the world view of those involved." Tabor holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in the area of Christian origins and ancient Judaism with a specialty in apocalyptic systems of thought, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jesus and Paul, and related ancient Mediterranean religious movements. Gallagher, a specialist in new religious movements, is also on the Klutznick agenda. He will speak on Borrowed Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation in Some New Religious Movements, on Oct. 11, 10:30 a.m., at Creighton University's Student Center, 2500 California Plaza. The Symposium will kick off Saturday evening, 8 p.m., with a presentation by Jerome E. Shapiro, a specialist in cinema studies, theater and comparative culture and a member of the Faculty at Hiroshima University, Japan. Shapiro's remarks will spotlight "Atomic Bomb Cinema: Judaism, the Apocalyptic Narrative Tradition, and Western Culture at the Dawn of the ' New Millennium." Following the lecture will be a 9 p.m. showing of the absorbing motion picture Waterworld, an outstanding example of the atomic
bomb genre. Shapiro teaches undergraduate classes on theater and cinema and serves as the thesis advisor for graduate students and for undergraduates writing in the fields of cinema, American Literature and Theory of Culture. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Culture with specialization in cinema and cultural theory from the University of California at Irvine. This year marks the 12th annual Klutznick Symposium, "the highlight of Jewish adult education programming in Omaha," according to Steven Riekes, a devoted supporter. The Symposium dates back to 1988, one year after Philip M. and Ethel Klutznick gave a gift to establish the Klutznick Endowed Chair in Jewish Civilization at Creighton University; Aims of the event are to honor the Jewish tradition of scholarship and learning; study topics of major significance to the history, religion and culture of the Jewish people; arid enhance relations between Creighton University and the Jewish community of Omaha. The Klutznick Chair, Creighton University and the Jewish Federation of Omaha co-host the Symposium, and the generosity of the following sponsors makes it possible: Dorothy and Henry Riekes, Ike and Roz Friedman Foundation, Eve and Louis Wintroub Endowment, the Bleicher Family, Jewish Educational and library Services (JELS), Henry Monsky Lodge of B'nai B'rith, Creighton University, the Norman & Bernice Harris Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Midwest Express Airlines. Additional information or a complete Symposium program can be obtained by calling Leonard Greenspoon, holder of the Klutznick Chair, at 2802303; e-mail to Ijgrn@creighton. edu; or on the Klutznick website: http://puffin.creighton.edu/ klutznick/klutzniclchtm
The Philip M. & Ethel Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization
Twelfth Annual Klutznick Symposium "The End of Days?: Millennialism from the Hebrew Bible to the Present' Saturday evening, October 9 • Sunday afternoon & evening, October 10 • Monday, October 11 FREE and open to the public SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 : IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE KLUTZNICK SYMPOSIUM Jerome P. Shapiro, Hiroshima University, Japan, presents . "Atomic Bomb Cinema: Judaism, the Apocalyptic Narrative Tradition and Western Culture at the Dawn of the New Millennium"
Lecture: 8 p.m. • Showing of the motion picture Waterworld: 9 p.m. Eppley College of Business Administration Building Walsh Lecture Hall (room 117), Creighton University
Creighton University Student Center, 2500 California Plaza
Jewish Community Center, 333 So. 132nd St. 12:15-12:30: Opening Welcome
12:30-1:50: Catherine Wessinger, "Understanding Contemporary Millennial Expressions, Peaceful and Violent." Richard Freund, "The Apocalypse According to the Rabbis: Divergent Rabbinic Views on the End of Days." 2:10-3:30: Brenda E. Brasher, "When Symbols Dance: Jerusalem in the Eschatological Thought of USA Christian Fundamentalists." Harris Lcnowitz, "Time, Place, the Millennium and the Messiah." 3:40-5:00: Dereck M. Daschke, "Mourning the End of Time: Jewish Apocalypses as Texts of Cultural Loss." Seth Ward, "The Evasive Epoch: Jewish Perspectives on the Millennium and Other Calendrical Conundrums."
7:30 p.m. James D. Tabor University of North Carolina-Charlotte "Apocalyptic Dreams and Schemes: How An Ancient Jewish Vision of the Future Came to Dominate the Modern World" Dessert reception follows
Refreshments will be served
8:30-9:20: David Timmer, "The New-World Pilgrimage of the Church: Millennial Expectation Among Franciscan Missionaries." • 9:3O-l(h2O: Matthew Goff , Evil and the End: The Incorporation of the Antichrist into End-Time Scenarios." • . 10:30-11:20: Eugene V. Gallagher, "Borrowed Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation in Some New Religious Movements." 11:30-12:20: Lunch 12:30-1:20: Brenda E. Brasher, "From Revelation to the X-Files: An Autopsy of Millennial Themes in American Popular Culture." 1:30-2:20: William M. Ashcraft, "The Dawn of the New Cycle: Millennial Hopes and Pedagogical Realities.'' 2:30-3:20: Yaakov Ariel, "Where the Millennium Begins: Jerusalem in the Millennial Visions of Evangelical Christians." 3:30-Closing Remarks
: Please visit our web site at http://puffin.creighton.edu/klutznick/klutznick.htm