April 13, 1973

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U|Uh» taoeUaf, GeeUaf, U i f p n l i t


ttSlnAUM •VMPAT, MAT It, Uii

we nttesnm




TtJE •PMCaUrTIOri' kej r t l « f a « < toTfwJ>il«tf»Fort offlcee, BIMBW Street, J t r i e a l o n i , ItL I2M.


Th* finl tndepend«it Jewish Stale in 19 centuries WM bom in Tel Aviv ai th« British Mand ale over Palestine Cam to an end at midnight on Friday, and it was immed. laMr wbjected to lh» lest ol fire. As "Medina* Yurnel" (State oilnsel) was proclaimed, the battfe for Jehualem n g t d , wUt roott of the diy Silling to the Jew. At the

Most Crowded Hours in Palestine's History by «l(ke u d Ma morntaj raleeUn, oM« ttewxfc whit fcy all afaadarda n u t fctwaoai tb* •Boa* enteeM tan la) Mi Metary. Tot tne Jtwlifa population then w u th, ufulih orer U e (tU of th, few hundred Hifanati men aril n a n In tk* Kfsr EUtal blue of Mttlrmrnt, near Hebron. Their Mmfl4tr to * folly equipped iujxrior foreign fora deeperately l> need of a rlctory m i • forer/one eonduelon. What cmU Ml be known, with no communication* aloe, YfcBndajr nornlne;, w u whether and to whit extent the lUd Grata aod the Tnioe Conaule would Meura civilUed cwdtUou for prUMoera and wounded, and proper rupee! for tie tad. Dotfbia on w o t of UUM aotioui cjuiiUoni fcna m beta rraolred.

tarn* time, Prwidenl Truman announced ihat lit* United States would accord recognition to the new State. A lew hour* later, Faletline wai invaded bf Modem armies from the south, e*tl and north, and Tel Aviv was raided from the air. On Friday the United Nations Special AnemMr adjourned after adopting a resolution to appoint a med-

iator but without fairing any action on the Partition Besolotion'of November 29. . Yesterday the battle for the Jenualem-Tel Aviv road was still under way, and two Arab villages were taken. In the north, Acre town was captured, and the Jewish Army consolidated its positions in Western Galilee.

JEWS TAKE OVER Egyptian Air Force Spitfires U i . RECOGNIZES SECURITY ZOHES Bomb Tel Aviv; One Shot Down JEWISH STATE

Proclamation by Head • Of Government

A roun(rjr-*Id« i Tba rrelttoa of "Hedbai VUmel", Ska Stnta «f lankat, H i t nittln for JtruMJem, Kol !ar«et, tht Tel Avlr W A S H I N G T O N , Sttutdiy. which befan when U t British faroadeaif.fli; itatton, reported waa nr<W«i1 by Air Raid I'rt- —Ten mlnutcf after tht termi- ma pnxWntd at nkhd(M on Friday ky Mr. DavU"Be« force* withdrew on Friday at 2 o'clock y m l v d i y after- rautlon MeHd(,uartera In * Tel nation of the British Mandtu oa Garka. tuetil (hen Chalmru of the Jnrbb Apeey EnoenV morning*, continued. *U day noon that Tel Avlr had been Avlr, rrlday and. yatUrday. The bombed Ihrn tirnra In the pre- Mr. DtirM R^n Rurlon. Iht Friday, tlit Whin HOUK ntuf- Iva u d now I n d of U» Sate'i rrovWanml Oo«dl t i CTackla of antan-arma flrt and vious creolns; and moraine I'ritne Mlnlater, broadrait ed a formal atatcmcM by Prai- OoYinMneat. enpiOftloiat tf - < mortar abette and that on* plant had been from Tel Avlr to live people dent Truman that the VS. Go*. i 1*0 firet act of the Oomelt wort aim bttnr heard In tha ehot down and (la • Kfjptli of OovBDmcnt. ai annouaoad of Amcrlc-t jrettenlay morning. cnutunt intended to recognbe early houn of thlt mornbif pilot UVprt priaootr. by l u h»«d, w u to aMIaa At he ipoke, Kcyirtlan plaoea the ProHiionai Jewiih Govcrnall lafttlaUni or t b , M » at U t batUt cnttrtd Ita third In the first raid, four planet writ boml)|ng tha dty. While Paper of the late Max meni u the" it fmto authoriry nattacked from a l.Hjttt of 800 the nnrlli, th*> sfttteinenta pre«enting the JrwUh Sute. 4e4cry Power, fMrtloutarbr the on Friday feet. Two droppfd bombf, of InKin and Hbttar lfij[o OnllBaiKia and Orden eeMJaf tvenlnf auod Agata en Bator- while the othrra strafed iht Un andOev Dan bad been ihelled. lo limnifraclea ana Uad ttvae* Thi VS. it also noudering day fcy tha U N . True* Com dty, UtUt -damaiv waa rtot- but t*r, ' oo further dettfU wera lifting the anna embargo but it minion <o. briny about i tt. In tbt aecoDd atiai-k two available. fii thi declaration of laaV fir*' were farouffat to houra later, Ihe airport to the b not known whether to Pilotme pendtnee. Mr, Ben Ourtoo eal* Kiltniila alrfl^lJ wan t i n only or the entire Middle EiH, when tho Arab rtpn- north of lite d t y vaa bombed, led on Uie Araba of Paleetbu Oaflrkiiyafternoon, lam Tt itt of Jnriih sttiUmtnU In tentative* failed t o airee' and an Air Vrarce plan* park- « by tht- Jcwlaii army on and the etubliilunent of diplomto reitora peace, aaaurtat: Ithtn Uii aptclfled urn* ed thMtj wai damatrd. Tbe Vtld*y momlng. iliortly after Ihem full civic rljhU end roll aXevr, o n e (W erpected* • in- Nonh-Etwtrm G*!i[«: third raid waa launched thn High CominlMlowr had atic rclitiont with tha Jcwiih Pn> limit, repraentauon In all gotenw ajaaxmwnt 01 the lenitli Suit, The S«urity Council met ye»- On Friday tnornlns;, Jewish shortly before midday, but tbt left tbert by ptant for Haifa. viiiorul Govemmmt. , menial oixani of Utt- stale, . . •ad id alictfl tuminf at birth, •trdiy in a ipetul Kuioh to con- forcea. entered the Ruailan plattra wtra dr.Ttn off with* Tbt field waa cvaraalfd, toMr. Ben Gorlcm prefixed gether with tht neighbouring The White I-louit praa leaet* 'Made* Y h m r - S a a or It- iidrr action on the invasion of Compound and tone 0 t o r » out taualaa; «ny darnapj, tha declaration with a review TWO IWlttflMOU |Q IIW tit- tettleiDFDt of Ataruth. lha'bul)dln|*a requlif. •ry. Mr. Ourfea Rou. told coraid, with the merin| el of the nine by member tuttt of the occupy of Us hMorlo connection af Moned from Jtwa laat year, gn had aUu becd attacked Krldtr nfght. The trttlnnpat rctpondenu today thit reaction b n CMK9 «f CoYermieM. The U N . Ui« Jewuth people wnh tha Thlt operation waa almost fnxa tht air. Uit radio report- Itarlf waa burnt by Antw yea- to far to tht recognition had been tcrday. r».u fc. ii.th.. rn». m.i.w Land of Iirael and of Ihetr. •eodmuini of the SUM WU In iKe afternoon, but beyond tea Jenuatan bloodless, ovrrwhtlrningly fivourtWe. He erroru to return, which never Mtae H KidiuilK. oMdlnl «kh vai tubjectai to shilling from weatarn tdjri of Zone C, Araba •ccejed Urouenout Hit gmar* r n r u t d Hit Jewt Jfl Jaffa uid thit tup had been dtKuucd the uJinj <n> Hiili of Biiulni the northwest. etioni or their dltperial, until' Rotd. 3bm Arabt war* forctd with Mr. Mjnhill and Mr. Latue Hl«n CoamlltiOMr. WiHh Hjgiiuh (orrtt throughout the back ana th* Barclay* Bank the N«il holoeauet pnnel vett befora action m i taken, and •new the urrency of the ruad tke Hear, PiaideM Tnmu <»' towitry continued mopping up, araa w u taken. k had their complete tupporr. for a Jeotih state. • Maxed in Wulan|m> iktt the ind jfwbh sources <laimed mart In other part* of t h t d t y The Baliour Declaration «C GevemMM ef iKe Uiuud Sum of Weium Gtfilee safe egaintt flfhtlaf flared up. Jtwa over* Mr. Rou »tld that the Proi FLUSHING MEADOWS, ^a- 1«17, oaetflmed by the iMgat ran on* tnex anothrr tbt arraa By HALITE O01XJNS Fl|hllnj In Ibe Xfar Klilm dent hid decided arvrral davi turday. —*Th» «perlal U.N. k. Nahirajrim, near Jur el •tacuatrd by t h t British. By or Natloni, bid final enettlt V,r. CtrrMptittnt bloe cootloiHd throughout Aueinbly. railed four wnka IntarnaUonal recofnltloa to ago to grant American recogniTrans-Jordan, last night, tht quartern and CAIRO, 0aturda/r — A comto the jewiih S a u , wkh . after Kfar Kliloo ItFimif, iruid« aeo to dfacuat the VM. propot- tha right lt of f th tht Jtwfatt J U tion tt tht new jewuh Saw, but al for a. tetnooniry Tniite<»- lh •here the Jordan R i m worfca of itrwijpclnU held by Hacmah A t l d | ^ ' ™"'' to recontUtutt Ita K«Included tha German Colony dut t t protocol regulation! (it ahlp for Fatestlue, adjourn«l people iht Palmint Electric Corporttidn and part of tha Baka'a Quartlonal Homt in Palattlna, b » could not announce hit policy yniterday until Ita next regu- •aid., (jaw, mwitaf alw d* miiil. ol ite, b tlttmtd by tht Arib t * ter In Zon* A. t i l of Son* B 1 '•ma! letter amfed."Wtlar Diwtlnf In Beptrmbf r wltbw*d« vnt Iftfcrnr any dnclttoo to al- "On November » , • IMT, * A H fo » * * 4 " f * i - m . T U V , t t U f - T « U T « ! > Wt» move very tja'td-ly ter the molutlon of NUVPID- continued tht cUclanUoaw VAmmtfMm WM ISM W., imiMirm Road al'Bab el ^ "tfat United NtUona tfedd«4 |mtueagtf brought tht txr 20, which rilled for the itilt en, Higinih ulcutg two on the eatabtlahmtnt c4 t> JU an* n«uu « »aotf»Y, to if of two a t i t n In I'al-Jewish aaid, IJCOUI* the Prc- tettlns; up of BUte aind an Am* nfljgf* *— Abu Shuiha and Ku* r TWSnttJ <iWan ef Awmhlj. a_ _,. BUU in Paieetlnrtad eajftd dturmtned Mtlne. Tht _ only ooe motion — to appoint upon tht Inhabttantaof Jha %nWiir letf, JW, or 4i^otv« with Mi — between Rj'i-.th and U t • tptrial mediator to ( o lo run* " W catvtttsi tt k> cm* *. Th* country to take ad tttpat I'alustlne and cooperate with neeetaary for tht ert*faUs<i* «t)wnknl with (IK re- Coavtrgtef en OM CHjr Trace Commission. . ment of tht two BUtea, M I W to Jppeiol a mediitor In Jrruulnn the "true f ita" t t I'mldent Truman's announceineiit that tho U.S. waa lewwii thf J«w> n d Artbt. to wrwd on both i«J« for • « 1 nittorle propoalng to rcrogoiie the «at broken on Friday, a!tho _ cwrtnu with ibf Swtfrf Cam."Hilt decision cannot Doer Jewlab StaU ' " be chang«L Aecordlnily, w% dTi Tract CMttlnIon Ja Jou- (he rnori atritegie tuiUing* Jn inifD tJarinj the I ho tntmberi of tbt PKMSIOry'i Wuhingtoa Office, handed • t*for« Crincm Mary A m u r , tht Rusi ' " tha American aeiFfi (C.i.tu«M • • ru« a, r«> at letter lo the White Houie, n- tloa H»flf knew about ti. JfjmpoundY and Jaffa Road All the afternoon, tne Ai Russia tad fwr all** had g»r» pasted (o the Jew without a thol tht new Irviih State.."With tht aembl* had been tlnl up In jfirrd,aicfidtheD)vidf)uild«arlf anurana at their'•tuentioa knot*. After much: flllbiuterlnff J<wi end lull Mowlcdge of tht Am bond It rejerted tha Franco-US' t t ttrtgniw tbt Jewish State, ing tommjnding the road to tin proiMital for a special adtnlwbontr #lie <W vt 4ti n o t A i German Colony and Railway Stanlatratlon for JeniMletn, Aa « result of Washington*! iclton I'HJO. By yrMmJiy eveninj, Jew. tho debatt driggtA on, corith form wire approaching rome 4*4 the Eastern Bloc'a . m n d , rcfpoodeutt aal with sitopJn tbt batUt for Uit >M watchea to aeo whethrr at de- Avtv-JcnisjJem n t A tht Ha* sjdwr nunfrie* art opened to ea- of the jitM of the Old Or/, The cision would be taken before Lfanah on Friday nltht took . fend* their recognition t* l i t new- -'otut Tnmmg School on Mt. tht alx o'clock deadline) (N.T. Kubelb Ind Abu Shush* vH* Sropua and Sheikh | a m h ire fa Hummer Time) wlien ttm Mntv ls«ef between Latrua fcastf date termlDHteii. At-tvto hour rumla In en(aietntntt tttav* Nor d«f ttii Atii BW rimiin On V't'*i*y morning, tht Trute wia readied without a volf. where alonf tha rout* p o r U k Tfl» » Uvir pnmWi, et ciprts* the hope that your they rushed to the booths, and tions near Lttrun aad Bab «4 llommltiwn mrt at.the French ihretu, *4M Humbert af tfx Anb about ten tnlnutn, later, Ihe Wad chanced handt. Coruuliu and tnvkoi Jotah and ticker* In the loral f*wi tgnl u p w rnnplcud i W pluti for Jewish CSJUSJUM bi thM welcome Xttul into the commu "y offlcea flashed rrmtdent Arab rrpromuiivn ,*.o fonfrr treat In tht taat two daya ax* « full wj# itmtiMt of Pitwine with them. Jcwbh Agency itU$ about 40 killed. Tbi Xrat|«> wi whit hit brm doaitwl u t «roraykt and Jwsup i Igrred thit tht "turn IW luffewd cnater tones, bat* Mattan "auudt** «|iirui (ht 'Tht Atwmbly floor w«a hsjr exact number la i s > extended in Jenmlrm for' iy, th* US Military Conv hall deaerted and tbe Amer- (nown. J m . Til A m r i . bombed t«W tight dtyu Arab rrproentittvri f lcsn dflrjattDo had not been It was reported lEU trm«l ytttrtdiffcyEgyptUn war ptinn. 'Mtid not attend, th*y aaiJ, ttmTlrfally Informed. Tht (I rut troops had entered tht Trass* Out •( ItW ittmy ttum wu to mention the Jewish State plat Monastery ait Latnm, u* tauu of tht firing in Julitn'i ilW *itm I? • Jiwiilt (ijhut from the reatruDi WM 2i. Oronadtet'up nUongpoteta on Usw Wty, and a two-hour rtipitt WJI |« of- Jiratl at won at of' ujrko, wbo H i i tit aaw ' n o xrounda and tha buUdtnf * • I^UM, tbA ih< pOoc ultm pfbonunngtd from 5 to 7 in th* eren> utrd for further actloa on the * , (Sowing tful tfwl (TKnr, g^imi •ng. Whether they agreed or not, American mediator propoaal, tsjn eontUiion wu nof • bfumc tcadenk ai by that time a[or« Ihe Jewlab Slat* bad . wkl tk« th ) U been reccfulwd a s a reality tht built for Jenuatcnt M txen by the U.S. II* a.krd whit rrnewoie u s . being prowaied for Ibe Arab a m of f'alettlne wblcli To JrruutnVa tHuloo wu add* wu atlU wit bout, a. |orernA bUck-Ait fui WM ertlfttd ed the tfgjrawttn of tUcoie po%| « the wlwlf of Jcwafi Pilatinc cr fiitiftg th mott parta of the TleHljli CommUtaoer-t Ja. (he Council tliat KmHbortly tfterwinJi. Mr, Ti! AtV torU hivifif b U t J :ity, i t nrjrly alf of the tltanc roopi . hid entered riilllj.Jei.up. tht anlf-Ptrtl- ptnure (ma Ptlatna ag fiUaf f»M — . . . cur«Q>'rUir, • by Invitation aqd wtcb tl'O fighter, mounted tbe roti- <em icnrding w (Ian — In apCorporation'^ line* had bctn shot c< i l rum and officially BnooQnred tard oa die Hep of Gototf Ac tltf w t t tlnr, fjtc t'a wu do«ii--Thu meant, on top of the -"!SSW-«irn p p c r r ) VJS. rrcognitloo of tba JewUH imt Home it • o'dodi h At CtnaUlM M * it —^ • fktU with rrpttt* cf two t%pc othrr heardihipi u a furl-leu Inn foeeee were «^ot gotnf to p«l- Bute, Iwiillnr, however, that Si Ik* UiUt till! .twtU*^ ^ g f fal celtBvu on the mov« frpm ;fiy, no brotdait newt yttttrdtyt M.-TU srtis tTMtit«4 fey l UMte.of tba American •noming, weiring a cult GexwaTil ornutr oartiodr. but the puvafe ftretl aj# ik« Uinttlttr <l*ittf t o retore tncdlalor itor vn proponl waa more Kiifonn. There he lerlemd * (tkr seutfc lo-«td( Gui <nd D«r when there * n no nrrrnipcn. n n l ••< • • » MI4 bf II* t*t*t> tor peaae. peaa Jt waa . . . .. Ut Utrt* mn tvttrbr trnlMtti I* occptnary now than ever. The tnvaetoa waa "not SirJiarJ ol tiorwir, mdldaj ei » For more thin a werk the chr w u w aiiiiiarr Orrnp.il** <Antt lent laat rdjht that / . d > 0UU, «ppttltd<lo tbt amneil acted aniort tha FaleeUne Tha Ataetnbly paiaed It* " mm ef die HjUuid Le]hc Iab» ••rftr tu •itaerHs' • ! ViUttrr abb without piped waur* tht Arab Legion ' IB| fnttf BOM iK* naiihan borlo act feat eajtliul Oil InYed- <Cfllte«t « r > w I, ee,'n Between tbt final* from Iht Irr, the lite -Britiih tnoaia av'* tnf Ara» BUtm, baeaueo "tntf Whltt HOQM • Rod tbt float C t>« ptfua tMf raiir s*f tht border Into " Ittfe i n * vHtvatit ptnaltttH ff two pfacaa, _ b n r eouDte." l i e eUUd Ibai Tott tbtre waa I D eerie atmoa- loin Jenmlaa. <»*• Ututtrr <iwntm*. Brtdft aMntar Klnt AMunah of Tr.ni-Jsrfm OROMYKO TO BEphera lo Huahlox Meadmn. a Aar p*it*» (*aa4 1*44(if • ' Dearie power Sa Aba Cinninajan 4ael ttirouali the laetrumant of tbe The llthfj of tbt telerlaldo nrnmUtiat aur <T1MIMI »rt winTfahanini. REPLACED Arab Letfon, vts clean? can* akhUaal w trMitTt b*f*r» « MIHttrr t-anerat played y d on tho tba rat rorttoKtUM. &u»t' tka < ,ea pNet- • tevn C»«rt ••« »I»U>F4 til* all Itu AtiordlDs; It lteattrat, t i e nlttlaf an act <f errriiilon. LAKE 8U0CZU, Batedar. r m . IIjttlBX boan!«! a plane for Haifa. Spa* up lBX up' coo Arab rum. (is*«ir •( i w la*. ' ' • • •ereu die Mr (ran Have, w u fontftir an AI t i t teejnalnt or «he eia- HIP). — « . Andrei Oronrke, aptaiir ifler aoolber wbo long conroy ef Uit ftnt route f l r lb b Ira ind Uneuien cavenj We •aatartf t r Jevllb lercte J— doHia In JtwMt Jrrusalnu of lonyHSomt troopt, aim- •lan. Or. lua HakUili, of Ibe Ina Oorlet Decuty FbrHxn mourned the alepa and e i Urdu, OH HatluJl IU4M re- Vlll tm adraorrd two terr and armourtd cart; waa Ana Illatiar Oonmtilei. <•• Ulnllter . tnlbu eounbyt prraaed la* low roln fruatra iliort car |ounuy. frtH.- Tne «erren*rr ef Uu tilled that turptlia tone, bad fceadtd by KW* AMolIah, who Ttt li« finah iM) eeevaad repnaenUUea at t i e U N , tloo.and an«er. I V K*wncFivy CVMBDIII' j l m , —* rgeeeauinUir i n tilfired « symbolic platoi^ahot been tatltad t r «ba AJ1C lo will loon be replaced — pro- To tha l u t mlnuta, oRldlla Mr jerotitea. topim widi Sat latee U Ike aenK eeae «II«r Iff lian -Imtltulrti dmtblt aulil In tne eeullunmial of bably flomanenuy. xuinmrr lime la atArt t» of Ihe aiala Upanmrat bid Alah: hduduif Sir ViUeea • elrera JKriek atuek. law and ordir. I I , aekid: •Kk prwM mkv* I l l s . Mtf -furl. Tbe m*«tjre Wa troops aucecM la th*lr The M^raar-old ( o r M dipbeea loM>jl»» rlfbt oa tte Fax«enU, tea OW Hienleei , Anna tfaoipt roflUlnlAf eairMtMe Tk*»« WM >w«th«r NtJi "Wkat rlabt baa l a e J n u b • M I taeauilea tl allltanr dun not ti<pty to ttte m t . ' ~ 114* M l •«*)• •*• C«ff* Anacy, >rtl<* repnatnll world lomat win t a replaced try I t floor atalnit Ibe iewlah BUM, earvt iht twralrj*, > raajnlaa)eat were captured.' Jewry, to eoapldn afalart ibla Jacob A. Kallk. Deputy Vo. even while the ' Pcealdent'a Sir Hour Goer. Aa c S In Cains a iretfp or ieurnal- aoOoa befor* Ue Ike & B C aUUd 7'f'l'J tmlUr relfa Unlatar and • n i i o r atalment ml already oa tba Th*» Jentuien. RIertrle" I>U kan aeked l i i EanUu OotrscUf^ Ifura Is tha ooDftiet of Rue- Tire*. <*U ataatet all 1 WeeUrn Oa, SsAlu'ipIuawu eauttaal Fnnler, HearaiU Pulie, fir Maa waa In JewlA twvlj, h i t Corporation mil nit off run m a i n pouey In tha I k r •On Aaeeoibly dlj.not adtkat XUuwtm. • • the Jcr- vurrrnt tit (lit JrwUh •Ck M^^IMW Ul/aM»laf, Tk* " l«terrlew U tletuu t i . prf atoOe Carl. 11. Malik, la already ee) opt any nsolutlon at all Hufi b, A, Ak tCJM Bey rawl'tf fn«i I tu V tun. « u . kad been occupied t y tnp daalared la ewKmOon I root, ban ttw lUri ittw la •« " wblift aitemt Iha UK, dad-• r a l e * la Pileatiae, Air Catfc MM of tea I 1* l » P«ffM> aUn of. «otenH»r » . IN7. • eaUa trtlch ke bad earlier Bartln. modonOima.

Special Assembly Adjourns

2 Columns Cross Etzion Settlers Southern Border Taken P.O.W.



2 Villages Taken In Road Batfle

Sir AJanT Sails from Palestine




DooUs Summer Time in Jernsalam

&sg&z't'a *


PRESS Serving Council Bluffs, ' Des Mo'mes, Lincoln, Omaha i


Vol. XII—No. 88


Passover 1973 A Salute to Israel's 25th Anniversary <




Frldnjr, Apr!* Jty 197S


people,' a people who's only LETTER FROM JERUSALEM crime was their religious be- Dear Editor: lief. We who were fortunate I cannot find a better way enough to escape the bloody than using the medium of your hands of the Nazis must look distinguished paper, to pass on back and see what it means to the following message: be so severely persecuted. Let "Dear friends, • us raise our voices in prayer A score of decades and more for the dead as well as those have passed since the establishpersecuted in this day and age. ment of our little state — and through my work with the UnitOn their way to their deaths ed Jewish Appeal — I was forthey asked "remember us, tunate to meet thousands and speak and write of us and of thousands of dedicated warm the third destruction," with this people, who came- as friends in. mind let us all remember of the UJA. six million of our fellow Jews Each one different from the who went through the greatest .. other and from different comhorror of all time. munities, but all of you united' I urge all members of our in feelings of love and identificommunity, y o u n g and old cation with the people of Isalike, to attend this year's me- rael. You were the first ones Synagogue, on April 29, 1973 to help little Israel in its first at 7 p.m. stages of its establishment. . Aron Zeiderman Those were very trying and TO CINDY AND THOSE difficult days — days full of WHO CARE . . . worry, anxiety, expectations 30 Years Ago How many times have I, as and hope for a better future. patience and endurance an advisor, heard what Cindy Only helped us overcome our many expressed in the Jewish Press many difficulties. Naturally all of March 30? this could not have been acApathy, empathy, concern, complished without your treinterest, participation, etc. etc. mendous support — financially The 30th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising will be Omaha, unfortunately is not and morally. observed April 19, 1973. This desperate revolt is the most prothe only area with lack of parfound expression »f the Jewish People's spirit and bravery and To aU those wonderful cou- shall forever symbolize our continuous struggle against tyranny ticipation. Isn't it a shame that " . .. the adults and- youth only join ples, and those who followed and persecution. and/or participate when there them in later years, I take . This anniversary must be a time for the world to remember pleasure in expressing my little the indomitable courage and heroism of all those who took up is a crisis. thank you — to you all. arms against the Nazi German henchmen and their willing acTo C i n d y and others who , care: remember you be the one You were the first ones to complices in defense of Jewish lives and dignity; and to remember with humility the millions of our martyrs who perished in to participate, and you be the come- here, and share with us the greatest catastrophe of our history. our most trying days — we saone who cares—because you /We, the surviving witnesses who are branded by the mark truly in the long run will bcne-, of Bergen Belscn, Treblinka and Auschwitz, of the Warsaw Ghetto fit. You may not benefit today' your devoted 'friend, and T3abi Yar must now renew our determination to continue or tomorrow, buV years, from Chaint Vinltsky bearing the torch of remembrance of the Holocaust and its legacy now your experiences will be —for our sake, for our children's, for the Jewish People, for UJA iDircctor 'General fruitful for you as- adults. -. in :Isracl Israel and for all humanity. You only pass these years once, anything you can learn or add to others lives is worthwhile. God bless you! By Mickey GereUck Bev Rouleau Past Ner Tamid Advisor', Omaha Traditionally, Passover is a This year the looking back your place in the drama. Pres, Mile High time for looking back and re- has special imeaning as Israel We dedicate this Issue to Is,'••-•". BBG 261 Advisor, membering—the story of the celebrates its 25th year of rael, on her 25th anniversary. Denver statehood. The looking back in Exodus and IsWe take pause tri remember— the [pages of the Jewish Press her long and difficult road to rael's e s c a p e reflects strong ties between the independence. We pray for easfrom Egyptian three — -Passover, Israel and ier years ahead. slavery. Omaha Jewry. We dedicate this issue to In r e c e n t ! Passover, mankind's oldest Passover—to its lessons of freeyears, the Pass-1 By RABBI SAMUEL FOX Independence Day, takes on dom and dignity for all men QUESTION: What is the significance of the "Charoseth" used over edition off special meaning as we prepare which remain eternally true in the Jewish Press! at the Passover Seder? • ' * - ' • to celebrate the silver anni- all times and in all places. has been dedi-1 ANSWER: The rabbis In the Talmud offer a number of reaAnd we dedicate this issue to versary of Israel's independsons. Some claim that this paste-like mixture of fruits and nuts cated not only! you—the individual Jew, who ence. to looking back) was intended to alleviate somewhat the sharpness of the bitter To Jews, the central meaning bears the responsibility for the herbs eaten on the Passover night. Others say that it is a re- at the biblical M . G e r e l i c k of the two holidays is essen- perpetuation of the lessons of minder of the mortar which the enslaved Jews used in order to history of our tially the same. They represent Passover, as welf as for the make bricks for Pharoah. The Jerusalem Talmud reports that people, but also to looking back the Jewish will to survive In future of Israel. some consider it to be made in a red color to remind us of the at pieces of local Jewish his- the face of oppression. They Freedom comes -from the tory. blood that was spilled in Egypt. .represent the determination of ability to make, a choice. ReJews to live and learn; to work sponsiblUty means caring. We and worship; to play and pros- must be free to choose what we care about, but we cannot surper—as free men. .: • vive without caring about some* And the pages of the Jewish thing. Press reflect the commitment That is what Passover and and contributions of Omaha Israel 1948* , 1972 to the lessons of Pass- about. and being a Jew is all Population .'. 870,000 3,200,000 Jews over and to the building and Happy Holidays to all of you. Jewish population 710,000 2,700,000 growth of the State of Israel. 1 : Non-Jewish population , 160,000 . 500,000 The 1940s were momentous Pupils ;,'.,.', i 140,000 790,000 The Jewish Press University students ;.......> .V. 1,600 45,000 years for all people. It was the decade that marked the tragPublished weekly on Friday by Employed .' ..... 250,000 1,050,000 Unemployed 30,000 30,000 edy and victory of World War Jewish Federation of Omaha. Harlan Noddle, Press Employed in industry r. 65,000 - 27O,O00i II. It was the decade that recorded the establishment of the Committee Chairman Gross National Product—by million of Israel Pounds, State of Israel-the War of Lib1970 prices (in 1949) 259 ' 21600 eration—the Mortimer Greenberg, . ingathering of the " Cultivated area (by square kilometers) 1650 4225 survivors of the Executive Director holocaust, and Irrigated area (by square kilometres) 300 • 1790 all that it entailed. Mrs. Robert Gerelick, Editor Production of electricity (by millions of kilowatt hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 6 0 8000 AU-the history could not be Mrs. Sidney Mirvlsh. Assistant. Number of tourists .....r ...;.......; .• 4,000 700,000 Mrs. Irvin C. Kaiman Vehicles ..;.,......... /. 25,000 320,000 repeated in the few pages of Computers .;.. ............... 300 this holiday issue. It,.would Advertising Manager 1 tecond Clau Pottage Paid Imports (by millions of dollars—1949) 265 3200 take volumes to recall just the ai Omaha, Nebr. Annual subscription UM •*• Exports (by millions of dollars—1949) 43 2000 highlights. But hopefully, this UnJmrlsh It net ntpomlbfa Itr th* issue will help you remember KaUirulh atPratt any nratfoct er ntabllihmwi Puoiiutlon Oltlcc:, mi No. Huh S l | 3 v •All figures apply either to the end of 1948 or to the first full year of Israel's statehood. the drama of the forties, and Omaha, tltbr MIM "MORE ABOUT

ISRAEL, PLEASE!" The Omaha World-Herald, being the only newspaper publication in the State of Nebraska, must be the main source of information to the Jewish people of Nebraska, mainly Omaha. This should not be the main source of vital news for all Jewish people. It should be the Jewish Press, which is read by 95 per cent of the Jewish people. This was discussed by my. self and ten interested friends. Why doesn't the Press elaborate more on Israel? Much is printed about activities of our local Jewish community which is interesting and important to all Jewish' people in Omaha, but although there are those who will not agree, news from Israel overshadows all news, local or national. Israel In the strength that hold* all the Jewish people of this universe of ours together, If Israel falters, all Jewish people will suffer be-' yond explanation. Pride will be lost, and when any race of people loses pride, it ceases to exist as a unified race. This entire letter condenses down to a few lines: we would like to read more about Israel, you and only you are our main supplier. Please supply more and mpre and more. Sam Rlchman REMEMBER Thirty years and six million Jews after World War II and the Nazi war machine, antiSemitism continues its existence. In a world filled with hatred for the Jew, is becomes that much more of a necessity that we the Jews remain united as one. Once again this year, as in years past, the Jewish community will hold a memorial service' for our six million brethren who died at the hands of the Nazi death trap. It is most fitting that we commemorate the loss of our

The Eve of Passover 1943: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising


Passover Quiz Box

Israel Statistics 1948-1972

l w n

Friday, April IS, 197S



The Winners: Children's Essay Contest The Dream Land By TINA RENDER, 8th grade As 1 stood on the mountain peak, A vision came to me. Of a land where men grew strong and lived free. Where men lived in harmony, * ,', , And Justice reigned supreme, Where peace was no longer simply a dream. *> ' |


All about me stretched the glowing land, It was dry as a desert, " .Yet flowers bloomed in abundance, -Tended by an unseen hand.



Tom Pazol Winner Primary Division

bis ^

Yet, peaceful as it was, , A crimson stream trickled quietly Across the countryside.

i <• , • .


,'.,.. ' ..


A struggle had taken place, • . > A struggle for life, • • • ' -< . A struggle for peace, ' . ' < A struggle so men would no. longer have to hide; '< As I stood on my mountain, I heard voices singing, "This land is real, not a dream." I remember bells ringing.

1° Tfoss ;,>-:•

, • • .'

. , \ {

. Our people had waited and hoped for this day, '' When all nations would gather together and say, "Look! A dream has come true, it Is real." The land which I speak of? Israel.

Israel Is Like a Tree

A Dream Come True

Lisa Kaplan Winner Junior Division

By Liza Kaplan, Grade 7 Israel; it means so much to me, A place for Jews to go, A state with great hope and prosperity, A land where inspirations-grow. Whether it's dark as night, Or as gloomy as a winter day, Israel still sheds its light, A leader, showing the way. t So Israel, you are twenty-five Your wars were long and hard, Yet still you do survive, Strong with hope though scarred. Oh Israel how do you do it? Work these miracles so, Is it just "true grit", Or is there some secret that I should know? My land I hope you agree, The message I convey, Is said with all my sincerity, In-every single way.

We Have Our Rights! ' By Tom Schulman age 9 Israel is important to me because it offers freadom to Us Jewish people not only in the United States but all over the world have the right to have our rights, to have our own religon; Why If I were in Chevron" the holly place where my Fore fathers were buried it would be a prlvligge to go to see Abrahams, Iasacs, Jacob's grave in the cave of Moc Pala. - Israel to me Unites the Jewish people from all the other nations. Israel shows me a closer re-

lationship with G-d. Why when everybody talks about freedom what about the Jews. We have our rights. Israel gives me hope, trust, belief in G-d. When I was young about 4 or 5,1'thought the world was free. And one daj( I heard that the Arab gorillas shot some Israeles. I asked my Dad, Why, I thought Israel was united. He said, Tom, Israel is always living in the threat of their lives constantly. Form then one I always want to live in Israel.

More Essays, Page 5 i


Kevin Splzman , Beth Kaplan Tracy Bernstein Tom Schulman

Tina Render Winner High School

Israel Is Neat _ By Jane Neff, age 8 I think Israel is very neat. It ' Is a free country for Jews. But sometimes it is dangerous. They have done a lot of things to it to mak it so pretty. I am (8) eight and Mi years old. At my Sunday School we talk a lot about Israel. My Sunday School is Temle Israel. I like Israel so much. I think the bunkers are neat. A long long long time ago, there was a man named Phroah. He was so mean to the Jews. He thought he was God. So what God did'was this, He put blisters on peoples faces and frogs everywhere. The End

By Mlndy Renee Welncr, Age 10 leaves are supple and soft Israel is important to me beand beautiful. cause ifs the holy Land of All see the tree as strength and every Jew. unity. It's the birthplace of hope to every Jew in Israel or any- Israel's a land of peace; A land of love that does not where else in the world. ceace. It is also important to me because Prophets and the Lord's M e s s e n g e r s once walked on the bitter dust and turned it to the sweet soil of peace. Israel is like a tree Its roots are "Strong and make the tree stay firmly where it belongs. The branches sway but do not break. The green



Jane Neff

•; —

. 1

1 ? Jf

Diane Wintroub

Mindy Renee Welner Winner Elementary Division

Israel—What It Means to a Jewish Girl by Diane Wintroub Israel to me is like an orchestra it has many different meanings and sounds to many people. Jerusalem is like the strings in the orchestra. It is the main

center in.Israel and all over the world. Tel Aviv is like the brass part of the orchestra. It is a modern city in Israel. Much noise from cars, buses etc. like the brass instruments.

The Impossible Dream By BETH KAPLAN, 9th grade Reaching out to the hearts of Jews everywhere, ' pulling them toward its gleaming brillance. Granting hope to weary souls and instilling life into aged bodies. Bringing' stranded Jews back together to learn how to love once more. Much more than fertile land, trees, and sky—a, realization of a beautiful dream. Something you can feel within you and grasp tightly. ' ' A feeling; of glowing pride, radiated by bountiful" ~ achievements. .>•>-* The soothing idea of probity in today's* chaotic' •. society. '• '* The melting of G-d's love, benevolence, and hap-' plness into one nation. My light in a sea of blackness, my watchtower in ••, a stormy bay. • ISRAEL: The Impossible Dream - • -' i, \\t ,,.-,,

Haifa is like the percussion part of the orchestra. Ships going in and ships going'out, the. percussion being used and not being used. Israel is /such an important country when you're a young Jew. Knowing that your heritage took some of its time t h e r e . It's something that glows in my heart. For many years the Jewish people did not have a homeland to turn to when they needed a place. to go. But in 1948 the Jewish people finally got their wish a homeland! When I was young and even now I have a place to turn to for help. 1 was born with this place in my heart. '; To the American Jew Israel is a place that still has to be • explored. With all of its rellg-" ious sites and modern buildings. It's as if G-dJs watching over this little country. Israel especially taking care of it making suro it gets along. . Oh, Israel if I forget you—" where shall I go, what shall! ido. Oh Israel! <, >;




Friday, April 1J, 1»7I

Ephraim Katchalski Elected President of Israel Rehovoet—Professor Eohraim Katchalski, internationally recognized science authority on proteins, the building blocks of the body, for 25 years head of

Passover Greetings

after his election as President. He has made major contributions to the State's survival and development and is a strong believer in the capacity of science to play an expanding role in Israel's further development.

Jewish Aged Home Hit by Fire Bombs


WESTERN SECURITIES CO. M o r t g a g e Loans and Insurance Commercial and Industrial Rial Ettat* Salt*

At 57, Dr. Kachalski will be the youngest President in the State's history, the second scientist-statesman to be chosen for this high office. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Israel's first President, was the first.

Washington, (JTA) - Eight incendiary devices were set off inside the Hebrew Home for the Aged in nearby Rockville, Maryland, last week but none of the 200 residents, averaging about 82 years of age was rep o r t e d injured. Montgomery County Police Lt. Charles Federline said a recent trainee at the institution's practical nursing education class is being sought for questioning. Police would not give the suspect's name.

Bv SUSIE SOMBERG * Reading ads from a particular decade can stir more vivid memories of life during those years than a raft of news stories. The biggest influence on life in the MOs was, of course, the war. - Ads in the Jewish Press urged the buying of defense tonds. M.U.D. asked that gas be used sparingly. They offered free canning classes to encourage women to preserve their own fruits and vegetables, thus reducing the use of canned goods. Grocers advised their customers to use their rations wisely. Northwestern Bell explained the.need for party lines, and they published instructions on how to use them politely. Kimball laundry offered a free 11x15 picture of General Douglas MacArthur with the cleaning of a man's hat. During the forties they didn't know from "midi", but that's where the skirts hit! Chesterfield coats were in, and of course milliners were having • a heyday. Did anyone save their platform shoes with the ankle straps? In 1946 you could not only by ,

cigarettes for $1.29 a carton, but you could smoke them without your children and parents making you feel guilty. A flight on the town might be dancing at the Chez Paree, a night club show at the Stork Club, or., dinner and dancing for $1 and up at the Pax Room. At Krasne's Beauty Salon you could get a shampoo and finger wave for 50 cents, but your set might not -have lasted too long in the/summer, because ads for air conditioners didn't begin appearing until 1942. An installed- one-half ton window unit could be had for $402. At least something is cheaper today! In the beginning of the decade ads were still showing wringer washers, but by the end automatics and dryers were on the scene. Remember the popular floor-model combination record player and radio that you used to listen to in the living room? Those were the days when the railroads used to actually woo business. Ads assured you of "rolling swiftly, s.moolhly over cushioned roadbeds, every moment delightfully restful." As they used to say in the newsreels, "Time marches on"!

Phon. 558-2800

Omaha, Nebraska

Born in Kiev, Russia, on May 16, 1916, Ephraim Katchalski was brought to Palestine by his parents at the age of six. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Hebrew UniProfessor Ephraim Katchalski versity. • • • the Biophysics Department of Joined Weizmann Institute The Weizmann Institute of Sciin 1849 ence, has been elected PresiAfter five years as an assisOnly 45 minutes before police dent of the State of Israel by were notified of the fire-bombtant and Research Associate at ing Lt. Frederline said, three the Israel Parliament April 10, the Hebrew University, and similar fires were started in 1973; he assumes offlcein May. one year as a Research Fellow the laundry room of the Home Professor Katchalski, who at the Brooklyn Polytechnic for Incurables in Washington's was in the United1 States on a Institute and at Columbia UniNorthwest section. Police be- lecture tour at the time of his versity, Dr. Katchalski joined lieve the two incidents are con- nomination, cut short his trip the staff of the Weizmann Innected, he said. and returned to Israel upon re- stitute of Science in 1949. Alvin J. Steinberg, chairman quest. He had participated in From 1949 to 1951, he was of the District of Columbia- two memorial symposia at M. the Acting Head of the DepartI.T. and at the University of Maryland Regional Board of ment of Biophysics, which be the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defama-, California, Berkeley, dedicated founded; in 1951; he became tion League, declared after an to his late brother. Professor the Department's head, servADL investigation that "there A h a r o n Katzir-Katchalsky, i n g in that capacity until is no reason to believe" that slain in the Lod Airport massa- March 1973. For a number of the bombing at the Hebrew cre last May. years, Dr. Katchalski served Dr. Katchalski Is expected to as scientific advisor to Israel's • Home "was motivated by or' ganized anti-Semitism. continue his scientific research Ministry of Defense.

Ads Tell the Story of Life in the'40s

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Happy Passoyer

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Our Best Wishes for a Happy Passover

American Linen Supply Co. "it Pays to Keep Clean1' 3227 Homey St.


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19th and Dodge

Friday, April IS, 1073


Israel, the Part I Play [ By Sarah Jane Ross, ago 11 '

Why Israel Is Important to Me

a Tzedakah box, or a Karen Ami box is passed around when the children give money to charity. Usually the amount will range from a few cents to a quarter. This doesn't sound like much, but it certainly adds up. Children are doing a lot to help Israel and Israeli organ- Sarah Jane Ross Debbie Gorlickl izations. The problem just may ,' be that the adults aren't doing \ enough. Let us all hope that in \ the future everyone, including \ you and me will work for Israel f and for Judaism and for a better world for everyone.

Israel, to mo is a place of worship; a place of holiness and peace that Is sacred to all who realize the beauty of Israel, and the reality of Isarel. To many of our older relatives Israel was a dream. A thought. ' A dream. A place that we have fought for and won. Now that • Israel is ours, do we realize what once was a dream is now us real as everything around us. Everyone should help to make Israel a beautiful and meaningful homeland. Many say the only way to - help is to be there. Is to till the land, to plant the seed and to , weed the garden. It is too lato By Penny Hines, age 8 to come after the harvest. It is Isral is Important to me betoo lato to come and feast on delisclous plants, you must cuse G-d maid it and he maid - take the work before the glory. the ten Commandments, and Penny Hliics M. Rosenblat helped the Jews win the war Since I have not gone to Is- and when he did that he maid rael it is hard for me to do holidays like Purim, Passover, ' that kind of work, so would Chanuka and Shavuot. and we that mean I could not help Is- celebarte al lthese holidays and rael? Would that mean I could we celebarte more, and someDot help in the building of my times I miss Israel and I bet By Marti Rosenblat peoples homeland? No. There my grandma misses Israel to. Israelis important to me be( are many ways to help Israel. cause it's a holy Land. Each week in religious school Israel is important to me because it's our Home Land. By Kevin Sallzman This is a saying of the JewGrade 1, 6 years A UNIQUE > ish people: If I forget thee Israel the Jewish State EATING AND So far away—the other side of Oh Jerusalem may my right hand be cut off. , the world. DRINKING Israel became a state in 1948. So near in how I feel! We Jews believe that the ESTABLISHMENT A-place of history, . world exists only for two reaA place of people, sons; the Tora and the Land of A place of cities, • LUNCH • A place of love and freedom. Israel. A place for u s • I s r a e l ' can never be de• DINNER Israel, the Jewish home. stroyed because Israel is the Promised Land. • CATERED PRIVATE Israel is a parliamentary deEVENTS By Tracy Bernstein (Grade 1) mocracy. I Like Isreal A Lot The first constituent assem» BRIDGE Becase It's Are Home Land. bly (Knesset) was formed Feb. PARTIES We Jews Live For Two Things. 14,1949, with 120 members, inThe Tora and the Land of cluding eight ArabsL The asIsrael. Call Us to Meet the sembly elected Dr."Chaim We are called the chosen Weizmann, who had been proDemands of Your people. visional President from the Special Occasion Israel can never be destroyed. start, first President of Israel We plant trees in Isreal for Feb. 17, 1949. He died Nov. 9, 7010 Dodge St. different reasons. , 1952. Israel's first Premier was 556-9191 One reason is to honor our David Ben-Gurion. great uncles and aunts. The foundation stone of the new country is its Law of Return: Every Jew has the right to come to Israel as an Oleh. It was precisely for the gathering of the Exiles, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion makes it clear, that "the State was

G-d Maid Israel

By DEBBIE GORLICKI (age 9) 'Israel,' it's a beautiful name, It iSn't rich, it has no fame. But, I think Israel is a beautiful thing, It is the Jewish uniting wing, And 60, come wilh me •• And see the land of'Milk and Honey.' ' Israel is a land of Peace and Hope, ' That is beautiful slope after slope. ' Now if you will look beyond the sand, And take a look at the Promised Land. And Israel to me Is silver and gold, : To the Jew it is never harsh or cold." And so now do you see, - Why Israel is important to me? -


], ' < v\,' • ':*-.*" ' '-'l '



: '" •

Thoughts and Facts About Israel


established, and it is by virtue of this alone that it will stand." In the early days of the return to Zion, before and after World War I, settlers came voluntarily, inspired by a dream of rebuilding the Jewish nation and creating a modern Hebrew culture. Most of them were from Central and E a s t e r n E u r o p e , some from cities,

others from towns and villages. They were idealists, willing to make sacrifices, eager to do the backbreaking labor necessary to transform the rock, barren desert land into vineyards, orchards, and' fields. Out of their ranks were later to come the leaders of the hew state, among them,,David BenGurion.

I Like Isreal


Best Wishes tor

SATURDAY. APRIL 14 YAD Party a» Thomaivllla Apt. Ctubhouu, 6820 So. ?9lh St. at 8:30 P.M. BIlu USY Play "Th« Night Thoraau 5p*nt In Jail" at Bevarldga Junior High School at 8:45 P.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 15 YAD Brunch at Homo of Alice Gotdiloln, 2032 No. 54th St. at Noon BBYO Youth Day Production Rehearsal «t J Wait at 7:00 P.M. MONDAY. APRIL 16 PASSOVER, FIRST SEDER


TUESDAY. APRIL 17 PASSOVER, SECOND SEDER Bath El and Tampla Itratl Synagogue! Sacond Sedan at 6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY. APRIL IB BBYO Youth Day Production Rehearial at J Wait at 12(10 P.M. ' B'nai B'rllh Opan Mealing at Ranch Bowl at 7:30 P.M. THURSDAY. APRIL 19 BBYO Youth Day Production Raheartal at J Wait at 12:30 P.M. PAKSOVKU UIUSETINGH FItOJI A M , OF Vd



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Ads in The Jewish Press Get Results!




Friday, April IS, 1973


Japanese Firms Accede To Arab Economic Boycott New York, N.Y., . . . Three major Japanese manufacturers —Toyota, Nissan (maker of Datsun cars and trucks), and Hitachi, an electronic and industrial firm — h a v e b e e n charged with "concealing their long-time participation in the Arab economic boycott of Israel from American consumers because they fear the effect of the troth on their sales." The charge was made by the Anti-Defamation L e a g u e o f B'nai B'rith based on investigations dating back to 1964. The ADL leader Lawrence

Peirez said the three have engaged in "misrepresentation and double-talk for years." He traced Toyota's compliane with the boycott back to 1961, Hitachi's to 19S5y and Nissan's to 1967. Hitachi also markets recording tapes and batteries under the Maxwell label. Arnold Forster, ADL general counsel, said that a Toyota official notified an Israeli firm in 1964 that the car manufacturer "for the time being" was "not considering doing business with Israel." In 1968. after a twoyear study ADL named the company as one of the Japanese firms participating in the Arab boycott." ' '.'At that time," Mr. Forster Few Jews Hired said, "Toyota engaged a Los AsFBIAqents Angeles firm to protect its New York <ZINS) — Time American image. The firra demagazine, in a recent article nied Toyota's participation in •at the FBI, makes the point the Arab boycott and promthat only a handful of Jews are ised documentation to prove to be found in its ranks. Vet- it. But the documentation was .•-....,• e r a n supporters of the late J. never supplied." Edgar Hoover say that he "disIn other statements, Toyota trusted" Jews, not because of claimed it could not sell to - their religion but because of Israel and simultaneously meet their supposed "liberalism." its own distributors'- needs. But The overwhelming majority during the same period, Toyota of the 8,500 agents employed expanded i n t o Red China, by the FBI are said to be Pro- Czechoslovakia and other Eurtestant college graduates from opean and "Asian nations. universities, m o s t l y ' in the Finally, in talks in Tokyo in South, Midwest and West. Only 12 per cent of FBI agents are April, 1970, a Toyota official black, Spanish-surnamed, or told Mr. Peirez and Mr. ForsOriental; and only 2 are wom- ter: en. "We have been trading with To qualify for the FBI, pros- the United Arab Republic and pective agents must be college considered starting with Israel graduates between the ages of business. However, we encount23 and 40 and at least 5 ft. 7 in. ered boycott threats from the : talL Starting pay for agents is United Arab Republic against ' just under 513,000 per annum. our trade with Israel. Under Veteran agents with 10 years the pressure of the Egyptian in the field receive salaries of boycott threat we arc unable from $25,000 to $30,000. to do anything." ^^^^

Best Wishes for a Happy Passover

Omaha Lace Laundry hfOTififflmflftfi^^

Later in 1970, however, Toyota told Americans it planned to trade with Israel and sent a representative there ostensibly to open negotiations. "Nothing came of the fiveday visit; they refused and continue to refuse an Israeli franchise. The visit was ano t h e r Toyota deception on Americans who p u r c h a s e d some 300,000 T o y o t a s last year," Mr. Peirez said. He added that "Nissan's antics are hardly less circuitous." Here, too, he declared there has been "a consistent and unending flow of meaningless promises regarding trade with Israel." He added, "Nissan had assured the Arab Boycott Office in Damascus that despite intense pressures, it will continue to refuse to deal with Israel." In 1965, Hitachi wrote ADL that it "has never had a policy of discriminating any particular country against another. Although Hitachi docs not have an office in Israel, we are willing to do business there as well as in other countries through agents or trading companies!." In April, 1972, Hitachi said it would not deal with Israel because "we do riot foresee any settlement of the conflict between Arab and Israel . . ." That year, Hitachi also refused to participate in the International Trade Fair in Israel, giving as its reason the "political position in which Hitachi, Ltd. is now standing." Finally, in February, 1973, after considerable correspondence by an Israeli firm to Hitachi and the latter's Swiss importer, the Swiss firm wrote the Israeli company: . . . Hitachi . . . already informed you that sale to Israel by them is prohibited because• of their business connection with the Arabs'.

Passover Greetings We Have Fresh Fish for Your Passover Oefilte Fish 10730 Pacific StrMt Phone 397-7472 Iloura: Man. Thru Bat. » A.M. to 7 P.M. Bundajr 11 AM. to « rJU. A Retail Ftih uri Seafood Harktt


Chu's Chop Sueij House EXTENDS

Passover Greetings 553-9987


Passover Greetings From

Ray Gain, Florist 4224 Leavenworth Omaha, Nebraska Phone 551-0658 k Fine Flowers for A l l Occasions



All of Us Wish You a Joyous Passover SHELDON COHEN AND M«S. AUM IANNI) COHEN JENKINS McCOLLISTER REAL ESTATE COMPANY 8712 Countryside Plaxa • Omaha, Nebraska 68114 Office 311-2420

Best Wishes at This


Festival of Freedom

1/ ) k



1 *

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•L. •



' . .' :


Happy Birthday Israel teOLDBTBlN/CHAPHANV



Friday, April IS, 197*


'What DidI Do in the 6-Day War, Mommy?' By LYNDA MIRVISH Omaha—Daniel, our six-year-old, came home from Sunday school last week and asked, "What did I do in the Six Day War, Mommy?" His question demanded a reply. In 1967 we were living in Israel, and although I w o u l d choose to forget much of the fear and uncertainty of those weeks, I shall always remember with pride and admiration the dignity, courage and quiet self-assurance of the Israelis. • * • For me it all started on mid-May afternoon In 1967. As I was doing the weekly ironing, my husband, Sidney, listening to the news in Hebrew announced "Nasser has, or has not, captured the straits of Tiran. I'm not quite sure, but it sounds bad." It was. The Straits of Tiran at the mouth of ,the Gulf of Aqaba provided Israel with a gateway to Africa, the Orient and Australia, and much of her trade had been developed to use these routes. The history of the war is well-documented. Time will reveal the full story of the three weeks of mounting tensions that led up to the six days of fighting/Those three weeks were the longest I have ever known. . Our home was an apartment in.a cooperatively owned building in the town of Rehovot, situated barely^a block away from the Weizmann Institute of Science. As the Israeli military forces were mobilized, pur friends, neighbors and colleagues in the reserve forces disappearedr-called up to duty during the night. Rehovot became a city of ; .women, children and old men. " /•':Essential, services continued without a break —when the mailman left for his unit, his route was taken over by high school volunteers. The government assured the people that no shortages were imminent, but everyone, remembering a different war that he or she had experienced, hoarded'the commodity which they had known to be most scarce. Thus the Rumanians bought candles, Hungarians stored matches, Americans filled their cars with gasoline "in case." Rice, flour, sugar and'other staples dis-

Lynda Mlrvlsh and Daniel: The War Is Overt* appeared frpm grocery store shelves. There was talk of rationing. Air Raid Shelters Together with our neighbors, we began to prepare the air-raid shelter in our apartment house.; The; large, underground s h e l t e r was cleaned and disinfected. Beds and cots, blankets, pillows and chairs, food supplies and first aid '•• equipment! were brought in. Large cans of fresh water were changed daily. . In our apartments we latticed masking tape ] on the windows to prevent possible shattering ; from bomb-blasts. Then came the day we put black-out paper over the windows. The air-raid sirens were tested. Our valuables—passports and I. D. papers and the transitor radio, were kept at the front door, easy to grab if we would have to. run to the shelter. We were ready. We waited. Each day we watched V's of supersonic fight* er planes on tncneuvers. Then the skies were silent.

The radio became our link to the outside world and a life-line in Israel. The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and the Voice of America broadcasts foretold the fall of Israel, stressing the military might of the Arab countries in sheer numbers and strength of arms. International experts would hold interminable dialogues on the "Middle East Crisis." The-Secretary General of the United Nations was coming to the area to inspect the situation. At 8:45 each evening, Kol Yisrael w o u l d broadcast a brief summary of the situation in English and Hebrew by military analyst, General Cbaim II e r z o g. With a few reassuring words, General Herzog radiated confidence and I, for one, was able to sleep those nights, only because of his talks. As Rehovot is strategically placed between three likely military targets—a large air force base, Israel's atomic r e a c t o r and the Weizmann Institute—it seemed logical to anticipate that the city would suffer severely in the event of an air raid. All the ^remaining able-bodied men, those who returned home for a day's leave, and anyone else who was around, spent time digging trenches as shelter and filling sand bags for. additional protection. • My husband's two sisters, Miriam and Doreen operate shops in Tel Aviv and Safad. Their mother, a very energetic, if idealistic, seventyyear-old was on an extended visit to Israel and her younger son, Julian had decided to visit Israel during May, both from South Africa. Despite our frantic cables to him in South Africa to suggest that he postpone his visit, he arrived. He told us later that he decided to come because, "if the rest of the Mirvlsh family was going to be wiped out, he wouldn't, much like being the only survivor!" Monday morning, June 5, 8:10 a.m.: the air raid siren sounded the alert No matter what would happen now, the waiting and the tension were over. In fact, although we .did not know it at the time, the Egyptian strength had already been broken. We spent that day and most of the night in • (Continued on Page 34)

i .'•• "

1 t


V f


Passover greetings: At this Passover season ./"?" may your blessings all increase and may those who share • your Seder all know happiness and peace!



Frid»y, April M.

OPPD , ^ ^ M * C*^t«v-/•/'"•'••*''





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,., *f •««'£.• - k «.*J-K


, April IS, 197S


Daniel Grossman and Bride Making Home in New Haven O m a h a — Miss Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grossmari; Reese Kennedy became the his brother, Brud and sister, bride of Daniel Louis Gross- Mrs. Meyer Coren, were also man ..pt a family ceremony present. Sunday, April 8, 1973 in the The bridegroom is a student Yale University Chapel at New at Yale University. The bride, Haven, Conn. A reception at a student at Stanford Universthe Chapel followed the cere- ity, will continue her studies at mony. Yale in the fall. Attendants for the c o u p l e The newlyweds are making were the bride's sister, Anne their home in New Haven at 30 Kennedy and Henry Anderson, Mansfield Street. both students at Yale. Among those attending the ceremony were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy Jr. her brothers, MiSaturday, April 14 chael and James; sisters, Jean 8:30 p.m.—Party at Thomasand Anne, all of Omaha. v i l l e Apartments Clubhouse, The bridegroom's, parents, 5820 S. 99th St. Dancing with music provided by "Arsis." Food,, soft drinks and mix. Cost $1.50. Information may be obtained by calling Kay Bernstein, 393-6228, or Rhonda SuOmaha—The family of Jen- valsky, 322-1218. Sunday, April 15 nie Priesman will host a SabNoon—Brunch at Alice Goldbath Coffee Hour following Friday evening services at Tem- stein's 2032 N. 54th St. Cost ple Israel, April 20 at 8:15 p.m. $1.25. R.S.V.P. by Friday, April to honor Mrs. Priesman on the 13, Alice Goldstein, 556-8175 or occasion of her 800) birthday. . Sue Chapman, 391-1089. Wednesday, April 25 All her friends are invited to attend the services and cele7:30 p.m. —Literacy discus: brate with her. sion group meeting at Ellie Yager's, 9526 Western Circle Apt. 1. Topic: "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds," by Paul ZinBBYO del. "As part of the community's Saturday, April 28 celebration of Israel's 25th AnYAD presents" an evening niversary, BBYO will stage a with Aliya Che s k i s ; Israeli * production on Youth Day, May guitarist and singer. Time and ft. place will be announced. No More than 50 members have admission charge. signed up to participate in the Sunday, April 29 BBYO choir. 2 p.m.—Game day II at the All rehearsals will be held JCC, Swimming, volleyball, at the J-Wcst, with special sur- ping-pong, pool, m o n o p o l y , .' prises for everyone. Rehears- bridge, poker, perquacky etc als will be held at the follow- Bring your own game. ing times: Sunday, April 15 at Home hospitality is available 7 p.m.; Wednesday, April, 18 for the Passover Seders. Furat 12:30 p.m.; Thursday, April ther information may be ob19 at 12:30 p.m.; Friday, April tained by calling Mollie Del20 at 12:30 p.m.; Thursday, man, 342-1366. April 26 at 7 p.m.; and Thursday, May 3 at 7 p.m.

YAD Calendar

Family to Honor Jennie Priesmcm

Omaha Youth









Births Mr. and Mi's. Howard Slusky of Oklahoma City, announce the birth of a son, Gregory Adam, born March 26, 1973. • They also have another son, Michael Avrum. Grandparents are Mrs. Abe Slusky, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zorbis, Oklahoma City.

April 19 Is Art Show Deadline Omaha — Mrs. Harry Lincoln, chairman of the 25th Anniversary of Israel Arts Exhibit in Omaha announced (his week that all artists who wish to exhibit at the show should call her by April 19 to arrange for space and display (5539046). The exhibit, which is open to professional artists, religious schools, youth groups, art students etc., may Include entries in any medium such as water colors, oils, clay, c e r a m i c , needlework, sculpture etc. "Art works should express aspects of the idea 'Israel laves — and .Remembers'" Mrs. Lincoln noted. Mrs. Lincoln and her committee will be at Beth Israel Synagogue Wednesday, April 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., to accept all entries. ..

Ffege Nin*

Sen/or Citizen Scene By BERTIE LAZAR Thanks to the Fisher family Donations for Abe Fisher for a delicious luncheon Mon- . were given by: Mr. and Mrs. day, . given in honor of their Lew Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Jackfather, Abe Fisher, on the oc- Lazar, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morcasion of his 90th birthday. ris, Mrs. Annetta Brown, Mr. Betty Weissman, President of (tnd Mrs. L. Langer, Mrs. Jenthe Senior Adults, presented nie Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr.. Fisher with a plaque. Poska, Betty Lou Wilson, Mr. Members of Mr. Fisher's and Mrs. Jay Stoller, Leah and family attending were: sons, Belle Siegel, Mrs. Sidney GoldChuck and Hy; daughter, Syl- berg, Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t via Rosen, granddaughter Mol- Gerelick. lye; daughters-in-law, B e t t y , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosen doIda and Shirley. Other guests were Mrs. Tiffany of Lucas nated a chair for their father, Hall, Mark Solomon, Tibbey Abe Fisher. Stoller, Yetta Goldberg and Sam Leshinsky donated a Leah Siegel. tree to be planted at the New Congratulations to Mr. and Jewish Community Center, in Mrs. Jack Saylan, great-grand- • memory of his brother Hymie, parents of a baby boy born to who was killed during the SecMr..and Mrs. Steven Saylan. ond World War. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Fisher gave a generous Milton Saylan and Mr. and donation for the Saylan's greatMrs. A. Friedman of St. Louis, grandson. Mo. , Due to the inclement weather, the board m.eeting has been postponed. . The next meeting of the Senior Adults will be held April 30 Mrs. Arthur Joseph and Mrs. when Mark ZalUn will be our WilliSm Joseph, of Omaha; 5 guest entertainer. grandchildren and 1 greatWe wish all a healthy, happy grandchild;' , •\ Passover! WETA SIMON OUR FAMILY NEEDS A • Funeral services were .held "TAKE-CHARGE" at Beth El Synagogue April 6, 1973, for Weta Simon, 79. InHOUSEKEEPER terment was at Beth El CemFor 3 motharlais ichoot-igt etery. children in a lovaly Wait Omaha homa whore you will ba reSurvivors are: son, Ervin R. spactad and become part of our Simon; daughter, Mrs. Harvey homa. Private room. Plaata (Lenore) Aronson, both of Omwrits your qualificationi and intarasti to ui. aha; sister, Mrs. Robert Seiders; Inglewood, Calif.; brother, BOX 32 „ JEWISH PRESS Donald Marquis, Pennsylvania; 101 No. 20th St. 6 grandchildren; 2 great-grand-, Omaha. Nabr. M l 02 children.

DEATHS ELAINE GOLDBERG Funeral services were held Friday, April 6,1973, foHElaine Goldberg, 605 S; 94th Ave. Interment was at Golden Hill Cemetery. Survivors are: h u s b a n d , Manny; sons, Bruce and David; daughter, Maria, all of Omaha; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wintner, New York. LENA PRIESMAN Graveside services were held Friday, April 6, 1973, for Lena Priesman, 6634 Western Ave. Interment was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. ; Survivors a r e : daughters,

A Very Happy Passover to All Our Friends and Customers

Campus Laurie Smeerin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smeerin has received her B.A. degree in psychology from Ohio -State University where she was an honor student. Miss Smeerin will be associated with the Columbus, Ohio Children's Psychiatric Hospital as a Milieu Therapist.



We Wish You and Your Families a Very Happy Passover

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MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENT AGENCY BONDS Direct Private Wires to All Principal Markets in the UnitedStates and Canada

•—Doris and Nate Shukert

In honor of Passover, we will have a SPECIAL DRAWING for a gift certificate of a floral arrangement for your seder table from Ray Gain. Register Sunday, April 15, from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. DRAWING APRIL 15. SUNDAY SPECIALS

BEST KOSHER SALAMI P ^ V $ 1 . 6 9 BREAKFAST BEEF...;............»,. 89c LEAN GROUND BEEF .... ..u, 95c BRISKET CORN BEEF t r r ° . Lb S2.98 We Will Carry n Complete Lino of Meats and I'oultry for Passover ns Usual WE WILL IE CLOSED APRIL 17 THROUGH APRIL 24

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Fort Dodge, Dos Moines, New York, Kansas CityJMo.J, Chicago.111.

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Fage Tea



Friday, April U , 1OTI

Omaha Jews Celebrate Israel's 25fh Omaha—The 25th anniversary of the and presented to Morley Zipursky, president establishment of the State of Israel marks a of the Omaha Jewish Federation. major milestone in Israel's history. It sym" The Torch has been on permanent display in the lobby of the Jewish Community Center f bolizes the coming to maturity of the new State and its acceptance as the only progres- and has been available for use- at all events ; honoring the 25th anniversary. It will be car-'- sive democracy in the Middle East. Mmes. Morris C. Fellman and Philip Grad, ried by torch-bearers in the Youth Parade on co-chairmen of Omaha's year-long celebra- Sunday, May 6. .;_. tiea, are working under the sponsorship of Activities in Omaha during the past seven the Jewish Federation of Omaha, in conjunc- months have included a variety, of events tion with the American Zionist Federation sponsored by individual Jewish organizations and the American Committee for Israel's 25th and the Cultural Committee of the Jewish Anniversary Celebration. Community Center. Three major events in April and the The Omaha observance began officially in September, 1972 when the Torch of Inde- Youth Salute to Israel on May 6 will complete pendence was brought to Omaha from Israel the observance.

Mrs. Pbilip Grad, left, and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman, co-chairmen of the Omaha Committee for the 23th Anniversary celebration, discuss the Home Observance Insert which will be included in the April 27 issue of the Jewish Press.


Members of YAD will assist with arrangements for the May 6 Youth Salute. Four committee members discuss plan with, Ben Weisman, cochairman of the day. Pictured from left are Susan Waldbaum, Gary Aron, Mr. Weismann, Karen Wintroub and Ron Gordon. A program about Israel for young single adults is planned by. YAD for April 28.


Neil Cooper, front row right, discusses the marching band he Is organizing for the Parade of Youth on Sunday, May.G, with David Duitch of USY, Mrs. Morris C. Fellman, Karen Wintroub of YAD and Ben Weisman, cochairman of the Youth Salute to Israel Day. '

i Presidents of the four Zionist Women's Organizations in Omaha Omaha teens discuss the program and the Torch of Independence Ceremony for the Youth Salute May 6. Pictured from left, Kathy Sperling, Jonl Crounsc, ,Pam Hochsler, Mr. Al Crounsc, cochairman of the day, Mrs. Philip Grad and Jeff Parker. Dramatics, song and dance will be on the morning program and a parade from Memorial Park to the UNO Field House.

,?*4je#ing,ready for May 6(b Youth Salute, toleracl for (lie Mncca - biah sports competition at the UNO FJeldhouse arc Jim Greenspan and John Freeman waiting for the toss of the balffrpm •' BlikcZahm. ' ...-.• •. •,>•>.-> :

plan for the Israeli exhibits their organizations will staff at the Crossroads Mall April 30-May 4 and at tbe Wcstroads Mali, May 13-19. Left to right, Mrs. Gertrude Mozer, Career Women Hadassah; Mrs. Milton Parker, Pioneer Women; Mrs. Jack Cohen, Omaha Chapter Hadassah;. Mrs. Abe Bear, Mizrachl Women.

Participants, at'a recimt'rehc'arsal will.appear in (Lc^B'nai B'rJlh-Youlli Organization segment, : > the' morning pf May 6 irfjthe dramatic presentation celebrating Israel's 25th, Anniversary atibe v|?f J&' University of Nebraska at Omaha. Pictured above arc back row fright to left) Cindy Ruback and '"; • •':':l* Barry Hobcrman, co-chairhic'n; Dave Ruback; front row (right to left)'; Sherry Kaiman, Robin Martin and Marcy Rosenbloom.

FrUUy, April IS, 1»73



Page Eleren

Coming Events in Omaha Celebrating Israel's 25th Anniversary April %l, Saturday—8:15 p.m.—A MUSICAL TOAST TO STATE OF ISRAEL featuring concert by ensemble directed by Yuri- Krasnapolsky, conductor of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, and the SHIR Choral ensemble. Joslyn Art Museum, Witherspoon Half. April 27, Friday—Home Celebration of Anniversary Insert in Jewish Press. April 27, Friday—Oneg Shabbat at Beth Israel Synagogue for exhibit of Jewish Creative Art dis. play which will continue through Monday, April 30. April 29, Sunday—ISRAEL LIVES AND REMEMBERS . . . Beth Israel Tribute to Heroes and Martyrs of Holocaust and observance of 30th anniversary of'Warsaw Ghetto Uprising featuring 3G young and old, men and women of Omaha Jewish community. May 4-5—Friday and Saturday—Israel Anniversary Sabbath—All Synagogues, vMay

C, Sunday—Omaha Youth's Salute to Israel including Parade, Israeli Song and Dance Festival, Sports Maecabead.... University Nebraska o£ Omaha 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Field House and Football Field.

May 6 and 7, Sunday, Monday—OFFICIAL Erev and Independence Day Home Observance . . . HOM HA'ATZMAUT . . . 5th Day oMYAR. May IS to 18—Israeli Arts and Industry D i s p l a y . . . Westroads Mall.

Planning the distribution of tickets for the Musical Tribute to Israel to be held April 21 are from left, Mrs: Justin Manvitz, Mrs. Ramon Prcd, Mrs. Donald Sturm (chairman of the event), and Mrs. Walter Rosenberg. Tickets will be mailed to those making reservations. j

SHIR Group to Perform in Omaha Omaha — SHIR, an ensemble performing Jewish art music, will be heard in a concert of Israeli music, in the "Musical Tribute to Israel" at Joslyn Memorial Witherspoon Hallj Saturday, April 21, 1973. A group of* young professional singers and instrumentalists from C h i c a g o , SHIR was formed two seasons ago to introduce audiences to the finest in Jewish music. Appearing on the program will be pianist-director Gerald Rizzer, flautist Susan Levitin, soprano Poris Kirschner, mezzo-soprano Adrienne Copper, and baritone Gcrshon Silins. .

Cantor Chaira Najman of Beth El Synagogue, formerly music consultant of the Board of Jewish Education in Chicago, voiced words of praise for the SHIR group. "Both their choice of repertoire and their performance are on a very high level," he said. ' The SHIR group will be.heard in the concert in addition to the Chamber Quintet. Tickets for the concert are available upon request from Mrs. Justin Manvitz, Mrs. Ramon Pre'd and Mrs. Walter Rosenberg. Admission is free with reservation ticket.

Not Just the Word But the Feeling



Planning the Creative Arts Contest display that will be exhibited at Beth-Israel, Synagogue social hall April 27-30 are from left; Mmcs. Maynard Wclnberg, Harry Lincoln, chairman; Evelyn Z. Fellman, Harold Bloeh and Al Nepomnick.

PASSOVER GREETINGS From the Folks at the CARRIAGE SHOP and From Me; too, CRICKET

Jn UmaJivV fts

^CARRIAGE S M ? , . A special program cpmmemoratlng the Martyrs of the Holocaust and the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto, directed by Paul Moloff, will be presented on Sunday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue. Some of the cast of 36 are pictured above, back row (left to right): Willis Ann Ross, AronZeiderman, Margie Nearenberg, Greg Fried and Paul Moloff; front row (left to right): Bar! Iinsman, Rhonda Saffersteln; Diane Zlpursky and Kathy Klrshenbaura., .,,.

tn the Villaga Square Shopping Confer

7635 Pacific St.


Frid.y, April U.

The Immigration Story


It Couldn't Happen-But It Did! The growth of Israel, from .1948 on, is among the most improbable events of the 20th Century. Logically, it could not have happened. A people dispersed for 2.000 years does not suddenly-reunite its' hopes and resources to reclaim an ancient homeland. 1 Six hundred thousand poorly armed Jews in Palestine do not defeat the superior armies of seven populous Arab states. These same 600,000 do not then disregard all the grave economic problems facing their new state and welcome a great multitude of penniless immigrants—three times their own number—in twenty-five short years. Logically, then, these things could not have happened. But they did! And because they did, - Jews everywhere who helped bring them about are filled with a deep sense of pride and satisfaction. American Jews in particular have shared in these massive' accomplishments. They furnished the main humanitarian funds with. which the Jewish Agency for,. Israel has rescued, transported and resettled 1.500.000 immigrants from 70 countries around the globe. Nothing like this vast homecoming of the homeless, or spiritually homeless'.'has-ever taken place before. Present-day nations limit immigration by tests for literacy, physical fitness, financial status, 'and other qualifications. Israel's immigration standards are simpler: Any Jew who wantstocome, may come. By what logic does a people accept an immigration policy which can bring them the halt, the blind and the ignorant, along with the qualified? For Israel's people that logic

still burns in their hearts and memories: 6,000,000 Jews would not have died under Hitler If there had been a Jewish state. "Save the Survivors" became the cry of both the JewS of Palestine and American Jews after Europe's liberation by the Allied Forces in 1945. American J e w s — largely through the United Jewish Appeal—began pouring in massive aid to the Displaced Persons Camps and shattered Jewish communities of Europe. For the Jews of Palestine— the "Yishuv"-it was a time to try bringing home every Jew possible. The Restrictions of the British Mandate government limited legal immigration to 1.500 yearly. Jewish Palestine responded by creating the "Bricha"—the underground immigration—which brought in thousands of "unofficial" immigrants past the British blockade. Many thousands more, however, were intercepted and re-interned in Cyprus or sent back to the DP camps. Then came May 14, 1948. In the new State of Israel, the immigration gales >opcned full and wide. They opened just as wide for the Jew In Casablanca's Mcllah as Ibe Jew in a German DP camp. A journey home began from all the corners of the Moslem world. Some 200.000 Jews eventually emptied out of the DP camps' of Germany, Austria and Italy. Fifty thousand Jews, separated from the main stream of Jewry for nearly 2.000 years, came home from Yemen on the "Magic Carpet". One hundred twenty thousand, ordered out of Iraq, were rescued by another airlift, " O p e r a t i o n Ezra." Two hundred and twen-

ty-five thousand left Morocco. Other lands in Europe, Africa and Asia contributed their share: Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Libya, Turkey, Iran and many more. By the 19$0's, most of the rescue immigration problems had been solved. Now, in growing numbers, came the immigrants from free Western countries—youngsters from South America, South Africa, England, Canada and the United Stales. Fired'by Israel's heroic, stand against all odds in the Six Day War, these new immigrants came not because they were oppressed, but because they wanted to serve in building the new state. Then came the most amazing development of all—the first Jews from the Soviet Union. Cut off from contact with their fellow Jews for nearly 50 years, the two and a half million surviving Jews of the Soviet Union seemed destined for disappearance in another generation or two. But subtle Soviet oppression and a resurgence of Jewish spirit created a miraculous story. Thousands of Jews began appearing before the Soviet authorities—risking jobs, their positions, their future— and demanding. the right to leave Russia. With rare courage they dared tell police officers and officials, "I am a Jew, let me go to Israel and live as a Jew." A trickle of Soviet Jews in 1970 grew into a stream of 15,000 in 1971. In 1972 the stream grew even larger—nearly 25,000 in the first 10 months. Despite new obstacles put. in the way of Soviet Jewish emigration, the world expects to see thousands more,still emerge.

Passover Greetings for Omahas Largest Selection of

GREETINGS Omaha Stationery Co. Commercial Stations™ 1627 Howard




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"Just as we were privileged to celebrate it this year, so may we be privileged to do in the future"—Passover Hagga'dah

Happy 25th Anniversary of the State of Israel

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Shocks in Paradise

. By PHILIP GILLON The fight of the Russian Jews {or their right to emigrate to Israel bas been so heroic, and the struggle of world Jewry to make the .modern Pharoahs "let my people go" so determined, that it is hard to believe that the story of those Russians, who do succeed in getting to Israel, cannot be summarized thereafter in the old fairy storye phrase: "They lived happily ever after."

rifices to creat work for the immigrants. But t h e Soviet Jews are not always impressed. One girl told a "Jerusalem Post" reporter: "In Russia you don't have to look for work. Everyone naturally g o e s to work,' and there is no such tiling as a person not having a job. Coming here to a free market, the fact that one has to search for somewhere to work is really quite a traumatic experience. I know that some immigrants find it very diffiWith incredible bravery, the cult to adjust; Jews in Russia struggle to talk Academics have particular Hebrew, sing Hebrew songs, problems. All academics are dance the hora, listen to the sent with their families to resiVoiceof Israel, and dream of dential absorption c e n t e r s , living in the Jewish paradise. where they learn Hebrew and When their d r e a m s come get a chance to familiarize true, like all immigrants they themselves with the country. • experience a type of cultural This seems to the Israelis to •hock they feel themselves be a wonderful service. "alone, and afraid, in a world But many of the academics they never made." are experts in the fields for' In a matter of hours, the which there is little demand in fighters for freedom are waft- Israeil. Nobody has a post for ed from the intense under- a Russian philologist, or for a ground struggle to freedom and Russian poet, who was supthe problems of peace. They ported by the state, or even were busy night and day in for an engineer who specialized secret meetings, writing pro- in heavy iron production. tests, defying the omnipotent Doctors who practiced in hosauthorities, risking imprison- pitals for many years, find ment in Siberia or confinement that there is no room at the in a mental hospital. Suddenly top in Israeli institutions. No all that is finished and they are professors r e s i g n to make urged to settle down, learn He- room for them. The Hadassah brew, find jobs, worry about hospital in Jerusalem considers curtains, earn money. The pres- that it has made a massive sure of daily life hits the Rus- contribution by placing 90 Sosian n e w c o m e r . And here viet immigrants. comes' the second shock. Even worse off are the denThe first great surprise is tists; For years, the Hebrew the matter of work. Israel's University-Hadassah D e n t a l people, and their supporters .School bas been battling to abroadr make prodigious' sac- raise dental, standards in Is-

Yet few know that the feast of Passover, as explained in the Encyclopaedia J u d a i c a originally consisted of t w o parts: the Passover ceremony, an agricultural feast, and the Feast of the unleavened bread, a pastoral feast. Originally, both parts existed separately, but later on they were combined, and the combined festival became an even more important reminder of the Exile. , Passover, the Encyclopaedia explains, was originally not a pilgrimage feast, but a domestic ceremony consisting of the slaughtering and eating of the - paschal animal — a sheep, 1 goat, lamb or kid, according to Exodus. The ritual was celebrated by. "transient breeders of sheep and goats, and later by Israelites, to secure protection for Uieir flocks prior to leaving the desert winter pasture for cultivated regions." The Feast of the unleavened bread or mazzot originally began on a "morrow after the Sabbath" when the Israelites "first put the sickle to the standing grain" and the grain harvest began. .Among jot h e r little-known facts pertaining to Passover are the following: The obligation to eat mazzah applies .only to the first night. During the remainder of the


rael to those of other Western countries. Russian d e n t i s t s study for only four years, and their training is not recognized as adequate. It is not easy for a man, who has practiced dentistry for 20 years, to be told that he has to go b a c k to school. The R u s s i a n s experience other shocks before accepting the social fabric of Israel. The Orthodox among them expected Israel to be a Ghetto dream come true, a vast stetl dominated by (he synagogue and the ycshlvai They are shocked by the large numbers traveling to the beaches on the Sabbath, and eating non-kosher foods. Can this be the Jewish paradise?

Conversely, educated, broadminded R u s s i a n Jews are appalled by the political power of the rabbis, their control over marriage and other aspects of personal law, their insistence on customs that they may consider barbarous. Some Israelis, who h a v e spent weary evenings listening to settlers from Western countries describing how hard it is to settle down in Israel, may feel that the Russians do not have it harder than other immigrants. But they do, because they have more illusions, they are poorly informed before they come. The greater the illusion, the harder the adjustment.

From the Ross Family ot

tan 205 So. 72nd Street Omaha

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tor men and boys

From All of Us at

PHARMACY 34* 3454615

At this time of renewal, looking back and learning front the past allows us to look to the future with hope and security. ' - ;..

Little Known Facts About Passover The Jewish festival of Passover, which begins this year at sundown on Monday, April 16, and lasts for a week, is one of the best known and most widely celebrated holidays in the Jewish calendar. It is, according to tradition, divinely ordained as a permanent reminder of God's deliverance of His < people from Egyptian bond-

Friday, April is; i»7S


festival, though leaven may not be eaten, there is no obligation to eat mazzah. Although mazzah dumplings are considered a typical Passover dish, ultra-Orthodox Jews do not eat them in case they should ferment slightly. Early Christians celebrated Easter on Passover, Roman Christians on the Sunday after Passover. A person who is unable to keep the holiday because of ritual impurity or great distance from a sanctuary, can keep it a month later.

With a strong hand the Lords brought us out of Egypt, from the house of bondage"



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Mhe observance does not' celebrate a long-past shadowy event... it, is ah actuality; , * • . / , ' vT- V

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U e do not celebrate the deliverance of our fathers alone, but our own freedom as well. Mi":

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Roy C. Feltman ; President




FrUay, April 13, 1973

The Stories Behind an Israeli Family in Omaha

By LYNDA MIRVISII Omaha—The Israeli 'Law of Return' makes every Jew in the world a citizen of Israel, but what makes an Israeli? Batya and Jakub Brand are . American citizens. They have lived in Omaha for more than ten years, their two children were born here—but they are nevertheless Israelis. The Brands came to Omaha from Israel in 1963. At that time there was a depression in Israel. With no money, military service behind them, the newly married couple d e c i d e d to come to the United States and settled in Omaha where Jakub's brother lives. Jakub, an electronic engineer, works for , Control D a t a Corporation and Batya teaches Hebrew at Beth Israel religious school and also heads a very enthusiastic Adult Hebrew Ulpan sponsored by the Jewish Cultural Committee. Their children, Ephrat, 6 and Doron, 5 attend p u b l i c school. The s t a t e of Israel at 25 years old, is not the country that Batya was born in. A Satora, she was born in Haifa dur-

ing the British Mandate of Palestine and r e c a l l s the British curfew in the village of Kfar Afa, when no one was allowed out of the houses except for brief periods. "We used to think it was fun to avoid the soldiers and find a shelter or an old house to play in whenever the curfew was imposed. This happened each time the Jews tried to do anything of which the British did not approve." Times were hard. Her parents, originally from Poland, both worked at the nearby textile factory. Batya and her sister, like most cluldren, spent all day in a Day Care Center. "I remember very little about the 1948 war of Independence," Bafya said. "In our area, near Haifa, the Arabs and Druse surrendered and remained on good terms with the neighboring Jews. "We had always had good relations with the Arabs. I remember the soldiers, the tanks and how our parents w e r e called to duty in the middle of the night. I also remember that a bus with school children

on the way to a hospital for medical check-up was shelled, and one of my friends was wounded." Even more vividly Batya remembers the years of Austerity, "the Tzena," following the 'war of L i b e r a t i o n . Israel opened its doors to the Jewish remnants of war-torn Europe and the immigrants poured in. "Our houses were open to all," she said, "we shared what little we had with those who had less. For example, three Hungarian girls stayed In my mother's house for two years! "There was very little food and what there was, was rationed. For example, one egg cost 25c. Although we raised thickens, we sold the eggs. I remember once, when my parBatya and Jakob Brand ents were at work, watching a from service in the Israeli racl plays In the lives of Jew! chicken lay an egg, and then taking it and cooking it my- army, but instead served for in the diaspora. self. I was 11 when I ate my three years as a teacher to Her husband -Jakub, has a first apple. As for our" cloth- new immigrants in Acre. m u c h different but "equally ing, even our patches were fascinating story. Batya Brand grew up as a patched. Jakub's Story Jew in her own land. She does "Israel had no money to de- not remember anti-Semitism, Born in Yaroslav in Galicia, velop the country and in the Jakub's p a r e n t s moved to village we lived there was no she has known privation but Lvov, Poland, in 1939. When electricity or indoor plumb- never persecution, she grew Germany and Russia invaded with the Infant state of Israel Poland, in August of that ing." and by living away from it has year, the Russians arrested the What the Israel child lacked In material comforts was made grown to appreciate the Im- B r a n d family together with (Continued on page 26.) up in other ways. "Our teach- portance that the state of Isers implanted, a love for the country in the children," Batya said, "we often went on field Wishing you a very enjoyable trips. We would walk miles just to see a special place or Passover Season from all of an early-blooming spring flower. I think that walking on the Us ar . . . land, feeling the earth is part of being an Israeli!" Batya w o r k e d her way through high school when, at the age of 14, she took a secretarial position at the textile factory and later studied at the Teacher's Training Seminary. As she came from a religious family, Batya was e x e m p t


In May, 1945, children of the nursery school wait to greet Dr. Chaim Welzmann at a Workers' Celebration. Batya Is fourth from the right.

now we are in Kiev, Leningrad, Riga

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next year may we be in the land of Israel now we are slaves

— 1) '

V» }

next year may we be free men

Greetings From

Claude's Indian Hills Plaza • 8901 West Dodge Rd. Omaha, Nebraska 68114 •(402) 391-3500 Monday through Friday • 10 a.m, to 5:3.0 p.m.

Friday, April IS, 187S



How Omaha Helped Israel in the 1940s

Golda Appeals and Omaha -Responds' On February 11, 1948, leaders of the United Jewish Appeal issued an emergency appeal to communities throughout the country to raise ?50,000,000 within in 1.4 days. • Mrs. Goldie Myerson, then head of the security and political department of the Jewish Agency, sounded the urgency of the situation when she said that money which reached Palestine in April in May might be too late. : Henry Morgenthau, Jr. national chairman of the UJA campaign, recapped the events which led to the emergency, On November 29, 1947, the United Nations acted favorably on the creations of a Jewish State. "We had every reason," •aid Morgenthau, "to believe

Omaha Youth Aid Jews Overseas Omaha — In January, 1948 the dream of Israel was still 4 months away. The remnants of the Holocaust in Europe faced grave problems of survival. There was a desperate need for food and clothing to see them through the winter. In Omaha, Jewish teen-agers rallied to the cause. Under the direction of the Federation of Jewish Women's Club, a citywide food and clothing collection campaign was held on January 4, 1948. 100 youth volunteers manned SO pick-up trucks to conduct the house-tohouse canvass. The S.O.S. campaign (Supplies for Overseas Survivors) -was highly successful. In-8 hours time on that Sunday afternoon 33,500 pounds of canned goods and clothing had been collected.

that they would implement this a c t i o n with whatever steps were necessary to carry out their own decisions. "During the past 10 weeks, however, the Arabs have waged war against the decision of the U.N. and the IJ.N. has failed to take any actions," said Morgenthau. "If we are to hold the defense line in Palestine, the

Jews of America must raise $50,000,000 in the next two weeks. And we need It in cash —nut pledges. This Is the minimum required lo give the Jews of Palestine the f u n d s they need to protect themselves." Myerson Appeal "The Jews in Palestine are at war," said Goldie Myerson. "We wanted peace, but we had

no choice. The war that we are fighting now is a war of survival that was fdced upon us by the Mufti and his henchmen. "And our sons and daughters, mere boys and girls of 17 and 18, go out to defend our homes and our people. They are determined to fight to the e n d never to give up, never to retreat. These young people have

a fine spirit, but wars cannot be won with spirit alone. "At the present time we have 9,000 men mobilized for defense. We must Increase that number at least three times in the coming days. To maintain the 9,000 member of our security force costs 144,000 a day. When we triple the security force, we also triple the expense. $132,000 a day. "Where is the money to come from? The 700,000 Jews of Palestine are conducting emergency campaigns in addition to their payment of taxes. But we cannot do it all ourselves. Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha N? 5189 "You cannot decide whether we will fight or not," said Mrs. Myerson. "We will. That der Omahi, Nebr.ik. . F«bru«ry 11 1 9 4 8 To OMAHA NATIONAL BANK cision has been made. You can 27-2, OMAHA. NEBRASKA only decide whether we get the , * ' fl50,000',00—« funds to go on with the struggle. hundred f i f t y thouBEnd utd "We will fight to the end. III,PULL PkVHtHT OP |TI«*,L(»rtO AMVI We will fight with our spirit Jcwlih Phjlanttiroplci; alone. We will fight with stones Onited Jtwith A p p l If we have nothing to f i g h t 165 Ifoft 46" Street with. We will give our blood HOT. Tork .City, VjtwTark . . and die on the battlefield. We OlfDI-K will not go down like our 6,000,01' 000 brothers who perished in the gas' chambers and crematoria Omaha was one of the first communities to respond to the emergency appeal of the United Jew- of Hitler. ish Appeal to raise $50,000,000 within two weeks. On February .11, 1948, the day the appeal was "The 700,000 Jews in Palesmade, the above check was sent to the United Jewish Appeal. By action of the board of the Oma- "tine are confident that with ha Jewish Federation, $150,000 was borrowed from the bank as an advance against the 1948 Jewyour help they will be able to ish Philanthropies Campaign. The money was loaned on the promise of the community to repay fight this battle to a victorious the loan from the first proceeds of the campaign. end.

Omaha Answers Emergency Appeal

The Year Israel Was Born

Omaha Jews Participate In National Day of Prayer Omaha—April 8, 1948 . . . Omaha Jews joined In a community-wide service at Temple Israel in response to a call for a Day of Prayer and Intercession on behalf of the Jewish State which was issued by The Synagogue Council of America. The Omaha service was coordinated by Sam Rice, president of the Omaha Synagogue Council. All the rabbis of the community participated in the service.

Best Wishes for a Happy Passover to All Our Friends and Customers

Country Club Food Mart 50th and Hamilton Sts.

To Our Many Friends and Patrons


We ExtendOur :



Best Wishes for a



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A Very Happy and Joyous



Omaha, Nebr.

1317 "O" St., 432-2252 2600 No. 48th St., 466-1340 , Lincoln


Passover Greetings

'maha Steaksr 4400 S, 96th Street •Omaha, Nebraska 68127


Friday, April U> 19TS

An Omaha Couple Remembers:

The Six-Day War: 9 ll« Had It Softer By Sylvia Hoffman "Where were you in the army?" That's the univerasl icebreaker when young people meet in Israel. When Miriam and Michael Oren asked each other that question, they discovered they had served with the same Air Force unit, although several years apart. The paths which led to their meeting at a folk dancing event in 1966 began years before in different parts of the world. Born in Russia, Miriam had moved with her family to Brazil as a young child.. In 1958 a representative from Y o u t h Aliyah persuaded her parents to let her join two brothers who had already moved to Israel. The Oren Family She lived with them on a kibbutz until she was drafted in up to June 5, her unit traveled ' desert living had taken their 1963. After two years service south and into the Sinai. Condi- toll, and s e v e r a l minutes in communications, ' M i r i a m tions were hardly ideal, There elapsed before her relatives started work v in a newspaper were no toilet facilities and no recognized the girl a t their advertising department. tents, so everyone slept on the front door. During this year, she met Mi- ground. Meals were t i n n e d , .. Israel to Omaha chael. He had been born in crackers, meat and peas. InSeptcmber, 1967 the Orens Morocco and had moved to Is- Meanwhile Michael had also' rnoved to Omaha where Philrael with his family when he been recalled, but his surround- lip; 5 and Ruth, 3 were born. was ten years old. Planning to ings were a little different! He Miriam teaches at the Jewish go into law school, he told Mir- lived a short distance outside . Day School and Michael works iam he was not interested in Tel'Aviv, had home-cooked for IBM and has one more year getting serious. She agreed be- meals and slept in a bed. of study before he earns his decause she was waiting for pa- On June 6 Miriam's unit was gree in business administrapers to be processed so- she deep in the Sinai. By the next tion. They miss their large, could visit her mother, Nora morning, evidence of the battle, close-knit family in Israel and Rodick, who was living in could be seen, h e a r d and have returned for visits. Omaha. smelled. Within two days, the Miriam doesn't forsce a susAs has happened with many Sinai campaign was over, and tained peace in the near future couples, their plans changed by the end of the week Miriam but says Israelis don't worry course and Miriam and Mi-returned to Tel Aviv. A week's constantly. "You can't live chael were married in January, lack of bathing facilities and daily with fear." 1867. Tension between Israel and: ; the Arab bloc was growing and' ;in May, the Orcns s p e n t a weekend visiting her brothers .'who had already been drafted. Miriam recounted the next part ' of the story with a great deal of gentle humor. Draft Notice As they returned home, s^e , was fearful Michael would be '' drafted. He reassured her that' : he wouldn't be called to service. Nearing home, they saw 'the draft papers stuck on the door. Miriam grew agitated and again Michael soothed her. , lie was proved right—it was Miriam's draft notice! She left , immediately for Beersheba. ... -The next three weeks leading

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Friday, April IS, 197S



Page Nineteen

Israel: The Story of People The date was May 14, 1948. In the small auditorium of the Tel Aviv Museum, the leaders of the Jews of Palestine solemnly proclaimed the independence of reborn Israel. Flanked by the members of the Provisional Government of the State, David Ben-Gurion, the man who was to become Prime Minister, read the "Proclamation of the Rise of the State of Israel." Many wept, remembering the 20 centuries of homelessness for the Jewish people. A t long last, the Jews would wander no more.

Appropriately, the ceremony concluded with the pronouncement of the traditional blessing: "Blessed are Thou O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has kept us in life, and preserved us and enabled us to reach this time." The State of Israel was born. From the beginning, the secret of the miracle of the Jewish' State has been the people. 5 From the people of the dream, to the people who brought the dream to reality; to the people who fashioned the first 25 years, the story of Israel is the story of People.

David Ben Gurlon First Prime Minister of Israel

%^$0S Cbairn Welsmann First President of Israel

Pavld Jlqn Gur|om, tjicn Chairman of-the Jewish Agency 24 hours, Israel would be invade Wr^inSr-'the-JeSJl&h shad^^govcrhm'enf-readr'tifd <-* governments., f'i;v!is;*r!i':< « » fafonot indcpfendence-lri W ' . ' . M n the n e i t t l t J i ? >.ff.!.'• " w l . ^


Page Twenty


Friday, April IS, 19M

With Security

Within 8 hours of Israel's Declaration of Independence, the new Jewish State was invaded by Arab armies from the south, east and north. The War of Liberation was on. Although v a s t l y outnumbered, the next 7 months saw a determined Jewish people defy the odds and drive the intrud• ers back in scattered retreat. The first threat to the survival of the new Jewish State had been met. During the next 25 years the security and safety of Israel ~ was in constant danger of terrorist activities and the open warfare of the 1956 Sinai Campaign and the 1967 Six Day •War. But the out-manned, underarmed People's Army of Israel prevailed. , Israel lives.

The State of Israel was created for and by the Jewish people. The Proclamation of Israel's Independence declared, "The State of Israel will be open for Jewish immigration and for the ingathering of the exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its


Israeli security meant new settlers clearing fallow fields while others protect tbem against hostile marauders from neighbor* ing countries.

The first wave of immigration after the establishment of the Stale began with "illegal" immigrants, a pitiful remnant of the holocaust, who, in sight of the shores of Palestine, were deported to Cyprus by the British; 33,000 such immigrants flowed in between May and;August of 1948. From DP camps in Germany, Austria and Italy, more than twice that number arrived between September and December. The first four months of 1949 brought 100,000 more immigrants to Israel. During the first year of statehood, 203,000 Jews from 42 countries were gathered in. By the end of 1951, before

Settling in: An immigrant family with a few precious belongings and hearts full of hope.

With LearningIsraeli security Implies freedom with justice as anticipated by this group of Tel Aviv citizens dancing with Joy May 14, 1948, at the recreation of the Jewish State.

Security's mainstay is the citizen-soldier, motivated and trained, who willingly risks his life for the love of bis people.

All wars are not fought on the battlefield. This teaching Israeli soldier is an example of Israel's continual war against illiteracy.

mmmn mrwmmwtm

The high cost of war: Precious human lives given to make Israel secure.

••" Learning—always precious to the Jews Is among the high , ,.,' priorities in Jtsrael.today.,Hebrew-University—an example of - the many, institutions of, higher learning thriving in the Jewish State.

Friday, April 13, 1973


Page Twtoty-on*

With Roots inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel." And with the Proclamation, the ingathering began. The doors were opened and the Jewish people began to come home. • , '

Hope the State had completed its fourth year, the Jewish population of Israel was more than double that of May 1948; In May, 1948, 650,000 Jews lived in Israel. By the end of 1972, the Jewish population numbered 2,700,000. The immigration story did not end with the rescue of European refugees and Jews from Arab countries. A new miracle in the land of miracles was witnessed in the 70's with the arrival in, Israel of Jews from the Soviet Union. Beginning with a trickle, the numbers swelled-and since 1971 more than 46,000 Soviet Jews have been welcomed in Israel.

With the Identifying Star of David on their backs, these " i l l e g a l " immigrants, 1944 escapees from concentration camps, look with hope to their new lives. '

The Western Wall In Jerusalem, symbolic of the ancient Jewish roots In Israel. In re-united Jcrnsalem Jews may once again come to the wall to pray—and to remember.

"My Son, My Son!" Heartwarming reunions such as this are daily occurances in Israel as thousands of Soviet Jews find new, hope, and new lives in freedom. .It was for this child and .thousands like him that Israel was created—that he might, live and learn and grow In freedom. And just as Israel guarantees a future for the children, the children guarantee a future for Israel.

With Ties It too*k more than Israelis to build Israel. It took the commitment and efforts of Jews throughout the world. The ties arc strong. Diaspora Jewry gives to Israel through financial, moral and political support. In return, Israel gives to the Diaspora, the pride in the social, economic and educational accomplishments acliieved by the Jewish State. In Omaha, as in Jewish communities throughout .'the world, we give-to and receive from Israel—with ties that bind.

A major tic of Diaspora Jewry with Israel has been through financial support. Pictured above with Edward Warburg, Ilyman Fcrer (right) presents a check to U.J.A. on behalf of the Omaha Jewish community, In the presence of Prime Minister Bcn-Gurion.

Israel: The tic that binds, Omalians-Murray Newman and Millard Rosenberg (left) greet new Russian immigrants in Israel.

Israeli leader, Itzhak Rabin and Omaha youth leader, Jim Wclnstcin, share more than a speaker's platform In Omaha, in 1970. They share common ties in tbeir love and commitment to Israel.

• Israel Independence Day delebratlons are not limited to Israel. Jews'throughout the world re- > > jolce Id Israel's statehood as did these Oniaha teens who demonstrate their ties to the Jewish State. , "


ftog* Twenty-two



Friday, April W, 1WS

Chronology of Events Leading to Israel's Statehood


* .V


• * ' •




July 25,1946 Tfie Xnglo-American provinces under the mandate cannot be implemented without Jews, Arabs and the United States reject it. / \ September 10,1946 / A Palestiite conference resumes after lengthy adjournment. Jews aremot taking part but conferring informally with British. September 10,1946 • A Palestine conference convenes in London with Jews not participating. January 27,1947 The Palestine conference resumes after lengthy adjournment. Jews are not taking part but conferring informally with British. February 18, 1947 Bevin announces Britain will submit the Palestine problem to the United Nations; calls for a special session of the General Assembly. May 15,1947 . The U.N. General Assembly, which had convened at Flushing Meadow April 28, names a special committee on Palestine to draw up recommendations by Sept. 1. July 18, 1947 Refugee ship Exodus 1947, with 4,500 aboard, is captured by British after fight-and is later sent to a French port where the refugees refuse to land, and then to Hamburg, where they are rembved. ' • Julv 29, 1947 Jewish extremists hang two British soldiers in reprisal for execution of Jewish terrorists in Acre prison. Tension increases. September 1,1947 The U.N. Special Committee presents report, with the majority recommending (1) partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states to become independent by Sept. 1, 1949, admission of 150:000 refugees. September 26,19J7 Britain announces decision to end the mandate and withdraw all British troops. Later the end of the mandate is set for May 15. November 29,1947 U.N. General Assembly adopts partition plan of special committee which had been accepted by the Jews, but rejected by the Arabs. February 24,1948 The U.N. Security Council takes up the problem of how to enforce partition against Arab opposition. March 19,1948 " Warren R. Austin, American delegate to the Security Council announces a reversal of America's stand on partition, asking , suspension of the plan and establishment of a temporary U.N. ' trusteeship for Palestine. April, 1948 Arab states threaten invasion of Palestine as soon as the British withdraw. U N . attempts to get Arabs and Jews to declare a truce. Jewish forces continue recent victories over the Arabs. May 13,1948 ' Haganah takes over Jaffa after Arabs declare it open city. May 15,1948 The British mandate ends. The Zionist state of Israel is pro' claimed. The United States recognizes the new state.

January, 1882 Zionist colonization in Palestine begins with immigration from Russia. August, 1897 First Zionist Congress sponsored by Theodor Herzl founds World Zionist Organization. Jewish population of Palestine is about 50,000 out pf a total of 650,000. November 2, 1917 1 Balfour Declaration affirms British approval of Jewish National Home in Palestine, furnishing political basis for the Zionist movement. June 3,1922 Churchill White Paper reaffirms British recognition of Zionism, but vetoes an all-Jewish Palestine and limits future immigration to the "absorptive capacity of the country." Arabs reject the Churchill policy. Jews accept it. July 24,1922 League of Nations approves British mandate. Jewish population of Palestine is about 85,000 out of 750.000. August 23-29,1929 Bloody rioting between Jews and Arabs follows a long period of increasing tension based in part upon conflict over Jerusalem's Holy places. October, 1933 Riots and strikes accompany Arab protests against Jewish immigration and purchase of land. January, 1935 The Haifa-Palestine branch of. the oil pipeline from Iraq is opened. . April 15-25,1936 Amid new violence, Arabs declare "national political strike" to enforce demands for immigration restriction. The Arab Higher Committee is formed. July, 1937 The Peel Commission (British) recommends partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab areas with Jerusalem under international control. Jews and Arabs reject the plan. May 17,1939 Britain issues White Paper restricting Jewish immigration to 75,000 in the next five years. April, 1940 British allow resumption of immigration at rate of 1,000 a month after stoppage due to war. Jewish population of Palestine is about 450,000 out of a total of nearly 1,500,000. March 22, 1945 League of Arab states is established at meeting in Cairo. August, 1945 President Truman calls on Britain to open Palestine to 100,000 Jewish refugees from Europe. Britain refuses. November, 1945 Jewish extremists stage disorders in retaliation for British detention of refugee immigrants in excess of quota. \ ' April 30, 1946 41) admission of 100,000 refugees, (2) Palestine to be neither a. Jewish nor an Arab state, (3) retention of the mandate. Attlee, says the report "Morrison" plan for partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab Cabinet Committee presents the American supAnglo-American Committee presents report recommending PQrt.

Chronology ofEvents: Israel's First 25 Years May 23 — Nasser announces blockade of Gulf0f Eilat. May 26 — Nasser proclaims that If there is war, "Egypt will destroy Israel." May 30 — Egypt and Jordan sign military pact, thus" completing encirclement of Israel. •/'•• • .. • ••' -.•••• 1 9 5 7 . , .;. • . •.•• June 1 — Israel sets up a National Unity " January 23 — Israel evacuates Sinai, except Government. Gulf of Aqaba and Gaza Strip, in return for June 5"— Start of the Six Day War between • guarantees against new Egyptian aggression. Israel and Egypt, Jordan Syria and Iraq. March 17 — U.N. force is deployed along IsJune 10 — End of the Six Day War, Israel raeli-Egyptian border; Israel is assured of freeholds Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank of - dom of navigation in Gulf of Eilat. the Jordan and Golan Heights. March 17 — Eisenhower Doctrine promises 1968 U.S. aid-to non-Communist countries in Middle May 2 — Israel's 20th anniversary. East. September 8 — Egypt mounts heavy artillery 1958 barrage across Suez Canal. Nasser proclaims the United Arab Republic 1969 of Egypt and Syria. February 26 — Death of Prime Minister Levl 1961 Eshkol. Syria secedes from United Arab Republic. March 17 — Golda Meir installed as Israel's 1961-65 fourth Prime Minister. Quiet along Israel-Egypt border; Jordanian 1970 sniping into Israeli sector of Jerusalem; Syrian April 29 — Israel discloses operational flights fire directed at Israelis attempting to cultivate by Soviet pilots over Suez. land in demiltarized zones and to fish in Lake August 7 — Standstill cease-fire comes into Kinneret; Arabs decide to divert Jordan River force in Suez Canal Zone. headwaters as Israelis pipe Jordan water to August 8 — Egypt violates cease-fire. Negev. 'i December 11 — 3,000,000th citizen of Israel 1966 arrives. November 13 — After repeated Syrian aggres1971 sion and Syrian-inspired terrorist infiltration *- Febrdary 0 — Prime Minister Golda Meir says from Jordan, Israel Defense Forces units cross that Israel is prepared'to discuss proposal to into Jordanian village of Samua, destroying reopen Suez Canal. scores of buildings. April 13 — Knesset condemns treatment of 1967 Jews in Arab countries. April 6 — Israel carries out retaliatory action June 21 — Founding Assembly of Reconstiagainst Syria, shooting down in dogfights six tuted Jewish Agency. Syrian, M1G-21 planes. 1972 May 15 — Stepped-up alert in armies of Egypt, Syria,,Jordan and Iraq. •- • . „-, Majr 12-— Arab Terrorists hijack airlinetu "' "Julie 9 — "The"Massacre at Lydfla Alrportr .-Maf£18 — NtiSStet orders evaluation of U,N". forces from positions along Egyp|-jsrjujL.border, ..„ ((September 15..— Massacre at_Olymp|q galrqes begins largc^calo-offeasiyetdep)pj»fticnj •of{ktrpopsir. „ in! Sinai and'Gaza Strip. '"- **••••*••"-• '- '••'" : ' October^ ii^Icad-'faV' imposed oif SovioC-ijews. December 15 — 37 spies arrested in Israel. May 20 — Israel calls up reserves. --;-•-•

Hay 14 — State of Israel proclaimed. May 14 — United States recognizes Israel. . May 15 — Afrab armies' invasion: Jane 11 — First truce in War of Independence. - 'Jnly 7 — Second truce. 1949 February 14 — First session of the Knesset. February 24 — First agreement: armistice with Egypt. May 11 — Israel admitted to U.N. July 20 — Last agreement: armistice with3 Syria. September 12 — Knesset passes law introducing free and compulsory education. 1950 May 5 — Britain, France and U.S. issue Tripartite Declaration on the maintenance of peace in the Middle East. September 24 — Operation Magic Carpet, 47,000 Yemenite Jews flown to Israel. 1951 March — Syria tries to force interruption of. Lake Huleh drainage. July — 110,000 Jews bought to Israel from Iraq. September 1 — Security Council orders Egypt to lift naval blockade of Israel. 1952 June 13 — Creation of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission. September 10 — Reparations Agreement signed with West Germany. 1954 September 28 — Egyptians seize Israeli mer»chant ship Bat-Galim upon entering Suez Canal. 1955 Egypt sets up Fedayecn terrorist gangs. January 13 — Security Council calls on Egypt to free the Bat Galim. •Fe,bTparj^28,*-M-Isr8tsll paratroops carry out retaliatory action against Gaza. September 22 — Oil found at Helelz. . . September ,27 — Egyptian-Czech . arms deal signed.






January 16 — Nasser reiterates intention to conquer Israel. • October 22 — Egypt, Jordan and Syria set up joint military command. October 29-Nov. 7 — Sinai Campaign.


Friday, April 13, 187S

Page Twenty-tlireo


Israeli Scenes in the Forties

^j ^•? ,. ^~..«^.. . „ _ . ,-^!':MMSi "&£$&&?*'-$ Entertaining Israel iorces in 1918. Many of the soldiers had arrived in Israel only days before. Refugees from the camps of Europe, they Immediately donned uniforms in defense of their new bomes.

Home-made armoured cars built over existing truck chassis formed the basic armament of the Israel army in 1948. The sophistication of the Israel Defense Forces today is a far cry from the primitive equipment'available in the fighting of 25. years ago. Daring and commitment made the difference.


. . . and


LET US ALL CELEBRATE ISRAEL'S 25 YEARS AS A NATION f I The Joint Distribution Committee's "Operation Magic Carpet" which airlifted the Jews of Yemen [to Israel In 1949-50 was a marvel of organization and timing. Yemenite Jews are shown here \ clustered around a plane "waiting to go aboard, astounded by their first sight of the "great bird" ' which, their traditions told them, would one day liberate them.


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. Friday, April 15, MIS

How Omaha Helped Israel in the B40s Omaha JWV Appeals For Old Uniforms

Richards Appeals To Pres. Truman Omaha—A story in the Jewish Press on June 6, 1947, told of the election of Morton Richards as president of the Omaha District of the Zionist Organization of America. There were 589 members enrolled in the Omaha chapter al that time. On March 5, 1948, the following letter Was sent to President Harry S. Truman by Mr. Richards. Norton Richards • • • 1M7 Z.O.A. President Dear Mr. President: It is with no little concern we have noted the deliberate weakening of American prestige and interest in the implementation of the United Nations' decision on Palestine by Mr. Austin's recent statement. Certainly only assitance and encouragement from a backhanded Britain would permit the invasion of Palestine and open defiance of the United Nations by the Arab League. Do you believe, Mr. President, that the Arabs would dare oppose the will of.a.UNITED United Nations? ... . those same nations but for whom they would have had no independence these last 30 years? Why do you let Britain "getaway" with another "Munich?" Our country has twice paid in men, blood and materials to make the world safe for democracy. The onus, therefore, is on us to preserve that democracy. It was a democratic United Nations that proclaimed the Palestine decision. Is the lust for profits in oil to overthrow the honor of man; to overthrow the democratic way of life; to again burn the fate of a people in the chambers of hate, using "oil" instead of gas? We appeal to you as*m American, as the President of the United States, as a true Christian, to use the power of your office to force British and Arab adherance to the United Nations decision,. . . to lift the arms embargo and permit Palestine Jews to defend their homes against aggression . . . and to lead the world In making the United Nations an effective instrument of Peace. Hopefully and humbly yours, Morton Richards, President Omaha District, Z.O.A.

Passover Greetings From

Don Dandy Si Rife Paul Altman

Omaha — The Omaha members of the Jewish War Veterans were part of a national campaign to secure old uniforms to be sent to Palestine, in the crucial year of 1948. Appeals in the Jewish Press asked that readers contribute old uniforms of either Olive Drab or suntan material, to be brought to the Jewish Community Center.

What Can You Spare That They Can Wear? Omaha—In February, 1946, the Omaha Jewish Federation cooperated with a campaign sponsored by the Joint Distribution Committee to secure clothes and household.supplies for the survivors of the Holocaust.

scribed the state of destitution faced by the survivors:- "What can you spare that they can wear," said the ad. in addition to clothing, shoes and bedding, an appeal was made for canned foods, cosmetic items and medicines, layettes and A page ad in the Jewish children's toys. Press on February 1, 1946 de- Collection Depots were arranged at the JCC and at tha three local synagogues. Announcement was made at a national goal of 20,000.000 pounis of food, medical supplies, clothing and other necessities to be collected. It was called the SOC Collection (Supplies for Overseas Survivors) and Omaha j Jews did their part.

Matzoh Rakiiig Time

Passover Greetings ' from

It's matzoh-baking time for these youngsters at a JWB-afflllated Jewish Community Center. This Is one of many creative Jewish-programs which JCCs and Ys conduct under professional supervision at festival time and on other occasions throughout the year. -



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Friday, April«. U U



Blessed art ThourOLord pur God; Ruler of the world, ' / Y'-J^HV^;) Who has kept us alive, maintained us, ' • Enabled us to reach this occasion.11 lft %


—The Passover Ha / ft




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Friday, April 13, 19M

An Israeli Family in Omaha (Continued from page 14) ' about eight other Jewish families and a group of Polish intellectuals and professionals and their families and s e n t them to a political prison camp village,. Novalala, Siberia. The words of welcome by the Russian guard were "Here you will live. If you don't get used • to this place, you'll die." Previously a prosperous, urban businessman, Jakub's father became the village blacksmith. Jakub remembers very little of the years in Siberia. "We were not, as such, illtreated, but things were hard at times. We had no money and lived by bartering among other villagers for services and provisions. There w e r e doctors among the prisoners, but no medicines, only c u r e s from h e r b s and plants. The only schooling was provided by the prisoners themselves. During acute food shortages, however, the Russians did supply some provisions." In 1944 the village was evacuated and the Jews were transferred to Samarkand in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Uz. bekistan. Here the family lived u n t i l 1946. "My father continued working as a blacksmith and my brothers and I attended a Polish school. There was a

large community of Jews from Poland in Samarkand," Jakub reminisced. In 1946 the Brand family decided to return to Breslau, Poland. They left Samarkand in a f r e i g h t train, with 6 to 8 families in each car. It look two weeks to reach Poland and the train was attacked by gangs of robbers on the way I "In Breslau, my f a t h e r worked as a manager of a cooperative store," Jakub, "All his life he had been a Zionist, and although we were not very religious, we knew our heritage and that the only country for a Jew was Israel. "One day, in 1951 my father came home and told us to pack a couple of suitcases as we were going on- a trip, we locked up our house and never went back. We made our way to Naples, and from there took the boat to Israel." Home for these wandering Jews in Israel was the Ma'abarah near Kfar Ata. Ma'abarot were the tent villages or shanty towns put up to accommodate the thousands of immigrants who arrived in Israel in the early 1950's. Today there is no trace of the Ma'abarot winch once dotted the Israeli landscape.

Best Wishes for a Happy Passover

"There was about 600 families in the Ma'abarot. T h e y came from all over—Rumania, Poland, Iraq, Morrocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Persia, Kurdist a n , Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc." At first the whole f a m i l y lived in one room of a tent. Later we were able to move to a two-room tent. We bad to walk a block to reach the showers, the same distance to the rest-rooms. "In fall It was so windy, the roofs used to blow, away, in winter the village was flooded and in summer it was so hot you could cook an egg on the ground." But it was Israel, the Jewish State! Jakub's parents were able to find work as soon as they were settled; the Israelis were belpful and eager to accept the newcomers and the schools tackled (he task of helping the children from the diaspora assimilate to the new life. Jakub completed Us education at the Technical School and served 1xk years in the Israel defense force m o s t l y working with electronic equipment. He and Batya met asV-Stttl dents and were married. Will Omaha be their final home? The Brands speak of one day returning to Israel, but feel that also in Omaha they can be of service to the Jewish state. "When I-teach my pupils," Batyla says, "I try to impart to them the feeling of Israel and to share with them my love for that country. I think that I succeed in making them understand a little more the real meaning of Israel."

Passover Greetings THE BERGMAN COMPANY Slav/art Larry Jerry

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John Kalina

Passover Greetings • '•-'-'.,.'.; . From



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Friday, April 13, 197S


An Inferview Wifh SiTf'Osfen

Have a Happy and Healthy Passover

An Omahan Participated in Israel's War of Independence By Silvia Hoffman Omaha—At the end of World War II Sid Osten had finished Jive years of flying with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Including combat duty over Germany. Vet when he was approached by Palestinian Jews for help 111 establishing an Air Force,- he agreed to enter conflict again. Why? Idealism and a Zionist background were part of the reason.-More importantly, he volunteered for what he considered almost figuratively "a suicide mission" because he saw the chance to take part in the founding of a Jewish state. In the RCAF he had encountered i surprise that he was a pilot. ."A Jew as an airman?" Now, several years later, he could help show the world that a Jew should be whatever he wished, whether pilot, mechanic or farmer. Along with about Uiiry other young Jewish men from Edmonton, Alberta, he left for Palestine. (They lost Canadian citizenship as a result of fighting for another country but regained it later through an act of amnesty.)

Sid Ostcn For almost a year before arriving in Palestine, Sid helped transport refugees from Marseilles to Jaffa. Because bis ship was relatively small, carrying only about 300 people, It never encountered blockade trouble from the British who were trying to bait the illegal Immigration. When Sid an other ex-pilots from Canada and South Africa

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Our Best Wishes fora Happy Passover. Mr*. Ronlan 391-0160 Ilrt. »l*r.



Happy Passover Shelly Buick "Your West Omaha Buick Dealer" 1


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went to Palestine, they discovered that the infant air force consisted of three planes. Realizing that there was little assistance he could give at this point, Sid joined the Pal. mach division of Haganah. Memories of those years include bringing food to a beseiged Jerusalem. And, Independence Day, which - w a s "pandemonium." In the m i d s t of the celebrating was the s o b e r i n g knowledge that the brief lull In fighting would be fMcd with massive efforts to raise money and to buy arms and ammunition for the battle ahead. Both were in perpetual short supply and units fighting on the perimeter seldom received adeauate war material. In one battle over a hill that changed, hands constantly, Sid's Palmach unit ran out of ammunition after several days. The Arab, and Jewish lines were so close to each other, soldiers on each side knew each others' names. During this period, David Ben-Gurion was struggling to unite the various fighting units —Haganah Irgun and S t e r n Gang—into one armed force under the command of Haganah. Sid watched from the beach as an Irgun boat loaded with ammunition was blown up in the harbor on Betv-Gurion's orders. He remembers Ben-Gurion with respect and admiration, calling him the greatest man of our time. "He made mistakes, but he had the courage ' and wisdom to do what needed to be donc."?Sltr regrets that Ben-Gurion Is an old man now because Israel needs bis ideas and leadership. As ,for the future,;Sid believes that the continued lack of'unity among Arabs will allow Israel breathing time before the next round of hostilities. The years have seen Sid become "anti-war!' in his thinking. Yet he feels that the'survival of Israel is important for Jews all around the world. And he feels that today's young people with strong, although different views of Israel than he had twenty-five years ago, would fight to help save the country. , i




Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy Passover MANNY GOLDBERG MARSHALL BERNSTEIN



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Friday, April 18, OT3

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THE WISE.SON- l l What says the wise son? He asics: What are the : testimonies, statutes and judgment whence the Lord our God had commanded you? Then you shall instruct himin all the laws of the " Passover..."




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Theodor Herd Slept Here By Carl Alpert Jerusalem — Thousands of tourists, in their buses and taxis, drive b l i t h e l y along Mamilla Road in Jerusalem, completely oblivious of a small metal plaque attached to a two story stone house at N o . 18. The plaque, erected in 1950 by the Jerusalem M unicipality reads: AJpert "Theodor Herzl Lodged in This House in 1898." The story is vividly told in Herd's diaries. The founder of the Zionist movement had gone to Palestine seeking an audience with Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Popular Strike No parking tickets were issued one day recently in Tel Aviv because of what was sure to be a popular strike with the drivers. ' ' The city's 240 Inspectors went out on a one-day strike demanding pay increases.

The Marx and Stern families, at 18 Mamilla, provided him with hospitality, and in this room Herzl wrote page after page of his diary: the account of his meeting with the Kaiser; his plans for reconstruction of Jerusalem's slums; his reminiscences of his problems. The house has remained in the Stern family ever since. They have transformed it into a family storehouse in which memories of Herzl and family relics and antiquities intermingle. Michael Stern was Herd's host, and he considered the preservation of the house with its historical associations, a national responsibility imposed on him. Upon his death in 1944 at the age of 96 he passed the responsibility on to his family, and today Meir Stern, as the third generation, is faithful to the trust. . Here is the chair in which Herzl sat; the table at which he wrote his diaries; the huge carved cupboard in which he hung his clothes; the symphonium, or old music box, which Herzl used to listen to; all the



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Our Best Wishes for a

Happy Passover

little things which set the period of Herzl's visit. One enters 18 Mamilla Street through Michael Stern's original store, which deals with sundries: toiletries,- notions, etc. Behind the c o u n t e r are the family rooms, filled with souvenirs and mementoes of the past. A few years ago plans were announced for the levelling of the whole area, on which would be constructed a new, gleaming tourist and hotel-centre." Meir Stern led a civic protest which elicited governmental promise that no matter what was done, the old Herzl House' would be preserved in its orig-. inal form as an historical shirne. It would thus be an exotic enclave, nestling among the hotels and cafes, boutiques and swimming pools of a modern tourist center. In the meantime, Meir Stern welcomes all who wish to come and see and hear his stock of endless stories. Tourists who have already been to all the standard sights, would well enjoy, a visit here. Do not expect a museum with glass cases, or careful attention to aesthetic display. It is a home of people who in.all their genteel shubbiness have surrounded themselves with ..memories of their past. It is not a museum. It is the real thing. There,is .no a d m i s s i o n charge, and there is nothing you have to buy, though you may find some unusual arts and crafts items, or antiquities with which Stern might be willing to part. At the very least, If you are an Irredeemable romantic perhaps you would attach sentimental value to a tube of toothpaste purchased from the dark and dingy store out front, back of which Theodor Herzl once slept.

i CAMERA CENTER 1510 Capitol 345-2550

Omaha Jews Participated In Many Areas During WW II By SUSIE SOMBERG war, the plaques they b o r e , In the Spring of 1942 a new were returned to the Omaha : column began appearing in the organization. Jewish Press—the Roll of HonThe teenagers decreed that or. It listed air the young men corsages would be taboo at'-. from this area who were serv- their formal dances, and that; ing in the Armed Forces. The the money normally spent on Roll in the very beginning was flowers should go for the pursmall, but as the months went chase of defense stamps. by it grew to where it occupied The Servicemen's Canteen at an entire page. the Jewish Community Center Those at home, meanwhile, was the popular spot for solmobilized their support. Scrap diers in the area. Refreshdrives were initiated, and ev- . eryone began collecting metal, ments and friendly hospitality rubber and old rags. House- were always available. The wives cooperated in saving YANCS (Youth's Army and drained grease. Scores of wom- Navy Committee) served as en volunteered their services hostesses in the canteen and to the Red Cross to roll band- also had special projects like ages; making scrapbooks for soldiers Over 200 people attended the in hospitals and sending ChaB'nai Brith Frolic at Peony nukah gift packages to the . Park in September, 1942. The boys at the front. affair was to sell War Bonds— Then you knew the war was and sell they did! Before and over when Mary Arbitman's during the Frolic they sold (now Fellman) column in the $83,350 worth. Hadassah do- Jewish Press changed from ' nated three jeeps through the "Khaki and Blue" to "Back to Nebraska governor-. Later, af- Civvies." The boys were home ter they were destroyed in the at last!


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g[{JP ***£?

Israeli Athletes To Play in Moscow


• Sandwiches 7830 Dodge St.

A Happy Passover

Jerusalem (JTA)—The Cabinet has unanimously approved the participation of 30 Israeli youngsters in the inter-university sports games to be held in Moscow this August. The games, held every three years in a different country, were last held in 1970 In Torino, Italy. The government spokesman said Russian authorities have ' already promised that any country wishing to participate in the games would,find no problem obtaining visas for their sportsmen.


Max and Arnie Breslow Bill Cohen

City Gloss Co. Omaha


A HAPPY PASSOVER to Our Friends (and Little Friends)

Full of Wonderful Memories . . . Recorded Forever!'


From rite Pages of rtie Press






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i nO m a h a




GATEWAY. ',. „

I nLincoln"

. „ .,


Page .Thirty


Friday, April 18, 1973

Katz's Korner By LARRY KATZ, JCC Youth Director From 19G6 through 1968, the- out to all junior highers about ater-goers in the commun- two future events: The Ice ity thrilled to the productions Cream Smorgasbord, planned staged by a young Omaha resi- for April 28, 8 to 11 p.m. at dent. "Fiddler on the Roof," Center West (admission is $1) 1966; "Diary of Anne Frank," and the Safari 78 excursion to 1967; "Half, a Sixpence" and St. Louis in conjunction with "Roar of the Greasepaint — the Denver JCC the week of Smell of the Crowd," 19G8 . . . June. 10 to 17 (projected fee is to name a few. Many young $100 per person). Minimum enpeople received their first the- rollments for both programs is atrical experiences in these 40 and 47, respectively. Please and other shows directed by return your completed reserIra Raznick. vation form to me by April • 15 for the Ice C r e a m SmorThe Jewish Community Cen- gasbord program and by April ter is again.fortunate to have 30 for the Safari 78 program. Ira's involvement in one of its programs. For the next eight weeks, Ira will be instructing The Y o u t h Department's the Youth Department's "Suit- Spring Interest Group sessions case Theatre" interest group. are now underway. Sunday's Members of USY will present the thought provoking play "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail," on The purpose of the group is to offerings at Center West in- Saturday, April 14 at 8:45 p.m. at Beveridge Jr. High School, 1616 S. 120th St. Pictured above teach participants some of the clude: Suitcase T h e a t r e in- are members of the cast, from left to right, bottom row: Karen Kushncr, Steve Kaplan. Second" basic techniques of a c t i n g structed'by Ira Raznick, and row: Steve Wise, Neil Cooper, Nancy Hoffman, Celia Lubln. Third row: Algle Ridge, Sandra Epthrough improvisation. The cul- Introduction to Art instructed stein, Susie Wintroub, Dick Slutzky, Larry Cohen, Scott Kirshenbaum. Fourth row: Robbie Pred, mination of their learning ex- by Miss Evelyn Render, art Katby Kirshenbaum, Bob Elscnberg, Ann Buchclster, Steve Scuddcr. Not pictured, Vickie Cohen. perience will be" a presentation major at University of Nebras- The play Is produced by Harold Schwartz, director; Keith Joscplison, assitant director; Marc at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for ka at Lincoln. Murray Kutler, Freund, house manager and Mark Wiesman, stage manager. Tickets arc $2 for adults and $1.50 the Aged, and other selected national junior high' division for students through 12th grade. places in the community. Reg- title holder in ping-pong is inistration is still open for this, structing our Ping-pong Clinic, group'for the remainder of the also noon Sunday at the "J" BEST WISHES FOR session at an adjusted fee. downtown. ' ' • Those interested may call me HADASSAH p r i z e s : ?38_or more, three A HAPPY PASSOVER at the Center for more informa- On Tuesday evenings at Cen- Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, Grand Prizes of Round Trip ter West we are offering ad- Mrs. Nathan Turner and Mrs. tion. vanced chess instructed by Joel Leonard Lewis, Co-chairmen of from New York to Israel via Cassman, and Yoga, instruct- the Jewish National Fund pro- El-Al Airlines; ?18 or more, The Youth Department's Nio- ed by Mrs. Diane Hatfield. . three Israeli Hebrew and Eng• brara Canoe Trip now has the Wednesday evening at Cen- ject have, announced that JNF lish decorated Bibles; $10 or INSTANT COPY CENTERS required minimum number of ter West Joel C a s s m a n is envelopes will be sent out at more, fifty book awards. registrants. Additional applica- is teaching chess for beginners, the end of April. Members are T h o s e wishing to receive tions will be accepted until we and on Thursday evening Jerry urged to return envelopes with reach the maximum of thirty Gerelick is instructing the be- contributions: as soon as pos- Blue Boxes are asked to call sible. Mrs. Margolin, 553-4668. participants. For further infor- ginning guitar class. Voluntrers who will visit , mation, you may call me at the Registration for these groups homes to clear Blue Boxes in- B'NAI B'RITH "J" or Jeff Parker, 553-4502, B'nai B'rith members and. This co-ed program is open to is still being kept open through clude Mmes. J.. M. Margolin, all members of the youth com-. the coming week, at an ad- N. Turner, L. Lewis, Joe Bern- their wives will have an opmunity and their families. The justed fee, to allow interested stein, Lloyd Cohen, Morris portunity to meet Omaha's fee for the April 27-29 trip is persons to take advantage of ' Erman, Jack Kaufman, Jack mayoral candidates at an open these excellent programs. To Levine, Sam Manvitz, A b e meeting to be held Wednesday, only $37]25 per person. enroll, please call me at the M a r c u s , Vincent Marshall, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Announcements h a v e gone "J" before 5 p.m. daily. Max Platt, Milton Resnick, Ranch Bowl, 1600 So. 72nd St. M e y e r Rubin, M a u r i c e Mayoral candidates Edward Schwartz and Pbineas Win- Zorinsky and H. F. "Fred" troub. Jacobberger will present their OMAHA AND LINCOLN Boxes or envelopes yielding platforms and ^answer ques- x e r o x c o p y . rffat printing certain amounts/will be Tf"^ -lurefresh/r , "Printing<>whtfe .pondent has joined the LOVE over . By SAM .ZWEIBACK A Social hour with •• you • wait"^ f eligible to participate in the volunteers and hopes that a The "J.C. Old Timers" held few other Old Timers will do d r a w i n g of t h e following m e n t s will follow. •..-•'.' •••/•.•• another fine and productive the same. get-together Tuesday, April 10. Sam Sacks of Council Bluffs After Israeli movies at the JCC at 10:30 a.m., the group of. is leaving for a 3 week visit to .38 boarded a bus for a visit' Israel. a Update your New faces at "this week's to the Dr. Philip Sher Home for foid^coio^'ryy : gathering were: Harry Kulakpfthe Aged. regardless'' Fast service for AH Brands sky, Nathan Nogg, Harry Ru;pl;brand;with>. Lunch was served at the ' benstein,_ Charley Engle, who hew •patented'. home by Mollie Delman, as- will retire this month after 25 sisted by Sally Appel, chair- years of service at the Dr. Sher man of the LOVE Program, Home, and Louis Langer, Mol• Guaranteed Service All Makes LOVE volunteers Bert Wein- lie Delman's father, who has • Color Experts • Reasonable Prices traub and Dorothy Bubenstein, just moved to Omaha from Noreen Mooney; Recreation Di- Kansas City, Mo. • Omaha's Largest TV Service Center fector and Bernice Kaiman. Our next meeting will be • After lunch, president Joe held May 8'at the Jewish Com&k-$ar<Ben TV-3021 M. 93 PICTURE TUBE Rice gave us an introduction of munity Center. Israeli moVies Call 572-8010 for fast city-wide service plus the history of the Home, Sally at 10:30 a.m., lunch at noon •Paplllion, Bellevue Appel told us about the LOVE with speaker i S t a t e Senator and Millard program and Dan Sambol, the Richard Fellman, who will annew-director of the home spoke swer questions about the State about "the inner workings of Legislature. ' the home." master ciiafg?) Reservations should be made After these interesting and with Karen or Sue at 342-1366. Informative talks, this corres- The cost of lunch: is $1.50. *







JCC Old Timers Review

Call 572-8010

Passover Greetings from

GREENBER6INSI 1104 South 76th Ave. I Omaha, Nebroika 68124 Telephone (402) 397-2111

Friday, April IS, 1973



Fagi Thtrty-oae

B.B. Women Plan 'Opening Night' Des Moines — B'nai B'rith Women will sponsor the opening n i g h t of "Cabaret" on Thursday, May 3,, as a fundraising attraction. Donor is ?10 for women and $2 for husbands. Reservations may be made with Ellen Adelman, 225-3722. The play, produced by the Drama Workshop, will be given at the Unitarian Church, Bell Avenue and Casady Drive.

College Profs Hear Dr. Burton Leiser Des Molnes* — Between 50 and 60 faculty members from Drake University and Grinncll College attended a recent academic luncheon at JDrake at which Dr. Avigdor Levy spoke. Dr. Burton Leiser of the Drake faculty was host for the luncheon, which was one in a series of observances planned in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the State of Israel. Dr. Levy spoke on two problems which have plagued the Middle East and the'world for some time: The refugee problem and the energy crisis. ,Ho introduced an historical perspective to the r e f u g e e problem by differentiating between wars in thcMiddle East in which a small part, of the ruling class was involved, and those he called intercommunal wars, which invariably have produced refugee problems. He noted that in the IsraeliArab conflict, art intercommunal war, more than 800,000 Jews In the Middle East became refugees and were resettled in the State of Israel. On the other hand, Arab refugees have not been resettled, as a direct policy of the Arab governments.

Des Moines—The Campaign Cabinet of the 1973 All-inOne Campaign of the Jewish Welfare Federation met recently to discuss the progress of the campaign. Teams reported that they have completed between 25 and 35 per cent of their cards. The Cabinet will meet regularly until the conclusion of the campaign. Members of the cabinet

pictured from left: Jim Marcovis, Martin Waldinger, Sidney Rubin, Gary Rubin, Harlan Hockenberg, Harry Pomerantz, 1973 campaign chairman; Dr. Gerald S. ferman, executive director Jewish Welfare Federation; Stan Isaacson; Jeanctte Bear, 1973 Women's Division chairman; David Bear and Fred Lorber. '.

Mrs. Gesia Kaenaisky in Iowa To Plead for Soviet Jews

Jewish Education Bureau News

Des Moines—A Russian Jewish immigrant to Israel, Mrs. Gesia Kamaisky, addressed approximately 160 members of the community on Apr. 2. Her appearance here was co-sponsored by the Des Moines Chapter of Women's American ORT, the Jewish Welfare Federation, and the Committee for Concern of Soviet Jewry. Mrs. Kamaisky spoke in Hebrew of the hardships and difficulty of living in and leaving from Russia. She told of the

Des Moines — The Scholar- for Monday, May 14, with an ship Committee of the Bureau alternate date of Wednesday, of Jewish Education will con- May 16, in case of bad weather. particular plight of her broth- sider the granting of scholar-' The youngsters will have a er, Daniel, who again has been ships to Camp Esther K. New- picnic on Monday, May 21, with refused a visa to leave Rus- man. a raindate of Wednesday, May sia and was told by the RusThose interested in such a 23. sian authorities not to reapply scholarship should apply beGraduation 'from tfie prefor at least a year. fore April 20, 1973 to Sidney school is scheduled for WednesMrs. Kamaisky, through her Mendelsohn at the Bureau of- day, May 30. interpreter, Mrs. Miriam Eis- fices. ' In recent weeks the group' enberg of Chicago, 111, told of Children in the play school has taken a bus ride, has visitthe continued need of Ameri- and the pre-school of the Bu- ed the~ Animal Rescue League cans to do everything in their reau of. Jewish Education are and the Des Moines City Greenpower to urge the Russians, to taking part this spring in a house. allow those who no longer care number of field trips and other The Play. School'will have a to live in Russia to emigrate. activities. • Passover Seder Friday, April Mrs. Kamaisky's plea was not The pre-school has planned a 13.. They'will visit a farm on merely a plea for Jews to help Passover Seder for Friday, Ap- Tuesday, May 15, or Thursday, but /or all to help in the name ril 13. On Monday, April 30, May 17, depending upon the of humanity.' the group will tour the His- weather. They will have a picIt is important that every torical Building. On Monday, nic on the last day of school, concerned citizen in our coun- May 7, a policeman will visit Thursday, May 31. Parent conferences for Play try write a letter stating that the children and talk with School parents will be held the concern to their congressman them. A trip to a farm is scheduled first week in May. — and to the President of the United States. It is also of utmost importance to the Russians that they be aware of American concern, and that Russian officials note that Americans condemn their ruthless treatment of Russian Jews. Des Moines — The latest in' profit of the sale of the garTherefore it is important for women's fashions will be sold ment and for ORT to earn the, Americans to , write also to in the ORTiqiie with the grand. Russian authorities. A m e r i- opening to bo- announced in "other half. It is also possible cans, too; can try to contact May. The ORTique will be lo- for you to donate your clothing Russians by telephone or cable cated -in the Roosevelt Shop- to ORT for a tax deduction and in order to convey their con- ping Center on Forty-second honor roll credit. Clothing is now being accern. St., with the rear entrance becepted at the home of Nadia hind the barber shop. In a follow-up to Mrs. KaThe shop will sell "gently Pidgeon, 2016 Crown Flair maisky's plea, two telephone Drive, West. Des Moines, becalls to Russian Jews were worn" women's apparel which tween the hours of 10 a.m. and placed from the home of Mr. is clean and* ready for wear. 12 noon, W e d n e s d a y s and. and Mrs. Ron Daniels after the .The shop, to be operated by the Thursdays, or you may call speech. Unfortunately, as is the Des Moines Chapter of wom- Mrs. Howard Grossman at 276•case many times; the Iowans en's American ORT, with pro- 6021 for pickup. After the opencould not reach the Russians. ceeds going to ORT's many voHowever, Des Moines showed cational projects, will be run ing of the shop consignments will be accepted at the store. its concern and the Russians on a consignment basis. Mrs. Bernard Waltman and Spring and summer clothing were aware that America is interested. . • is now being accepted and ORT Mrs. Howard. Grossman, cois urging the community to chairmen . of the shop, u r g e Information a b o u t calling gather together their clothes anyone interested in working Russia and names of prisoners for the shop. It is an opportun- on any facet of the. shop to of conscience are available ity for you to earn half the ' please contact them. t h r o u g h Sol Davidson and Mrs. Ron Daniels, chairman and co-chairman of the Committee for Concern of Soviet Jewry, or the Jewish Welfare 1 Federation, 244-3144. From

Open In D.M.

Des Moines—Mrs. Elliot Brody, newly installed president of the Des Moines Chapter of Brandcis University Women's Committee, shows an original lithograph which she bought at Brandels University from the Art Invest Company. The lithograph, "The Young Gardener," Is by Mary Victors. Brandcis Women will 'sponsor an art auction Saturday evening; April 28, at Tlfcreth Israel Clubhouse, for the benefit of the Brandcis library. Art Invest Company will manage the exhibit and auction.

Brandeis U. Women To Hold Art Aycfion Des Moines—An art auction to benefit the Brandeis University Library will be sponsored on Saturday, April 28,-by members of the Des Moines Chapter of the Brandeis University Women's Committee. The exhibit and auction will be held at Tifereth Israel Clubhouse. Exhibition will be from : J to 8 p.m.,1 \yilh,the auction: to begin atr 8-15p.m; Donalions are $1.50 • per person; Gourmet refreshments.will be served following th6 auction.

Framed pictures in a choice of styles to suit varied tastes and price ranges will be available. There will be graphics, watercolors, and oils. Artists represented will include Caulder, Baskin,-Shahn, Matisse, Miro, Vasarily, Picasso, Dali, Chagall, and many others. Chairman of the auction is Mrs. Morris' Mandolbaum OT. Arrangements c h a i r m a n is Mrs. Martin < Biicksbaum 'and publicity chairman is Mrs. Michael Hirsch,


Letters Please! Des Moines — The Jewish Welfare -Federation would like to begin a special Des Moines Letters to the Editor, column. -. Letters should We; !s0nil«(."w d e r a t i o n Df;i{|e.^3^.J^sg§rJt|es; BqildingrtbjbelfpiHivarded to the Jewish Press.

Reservations'' ' 288:2246






V , 2^00 Ingor-soll x Des Moines

v '




«v .



Model Seder at

Open Letter to the Des Moines Jewish Community

Des Moines JCC if Veterans Hospital YOUTH COUNCIL ELECTIONS Any high school student interested in running for a Youth Council office for*next fall is urged to contact Mark Tenenbaum, Youth Director of the Jewish Community Center, at 274-3467. • • • YOUTH PLAY Saturday evening, April 14, at 8 p.m., and Sunday afternoon April 15, at 2 p.m., the youth, of the community are performing "An Evening of Jewish Drama and Homor." .Performances will be held at Temple B'nai Jeshurun and tickets will be sold at the door. The. Saturday evening program consists of "Heaven," and a play-reading of "World of Our Grandfathers," both by Sholem. Aleichem, and "Saturday at the Cohens," produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. The Sunday matinee will include the same performances plus a puppet show presented by thejCenter's puppetmaklng class. They have adapted Isaac Bashevis S i n g e r ' s "Shrew Todie and Lyzer the Miser." Players are Pam Meisel, Mindy Nussbaum, Cindy Hockenberg, Nancy Hanson. Sondra Simpson, Lauren Shapiro and Gail Rosen. • • • DAY CAMPS What: Camp K'ton — age 5 years, going info kindergarten. Camp Shalom — grades one to four. Camp Latzon— grades . four to six.


Your Complete Passover Food Store



Free Ilaggadnhs for Everyone

Des Moines — Rabbi MarWhen: Camp K'ton — July 2 shall Berg of Beth El Jacob through 27. Camp Shalom — June Synagogue, Mrs. Meyer Mintzer and Mrs. Phillip Epstein, 25 through July 27. Camp Latzon — June B'nai B'rith representatives of 25 through July 27 Des Moines, will be conductwith additional week- ing a Model Seder during Passend overnight July 27- over week, Thursday, April 19, at Veterans Hospital in Knox29. No camps on Wednes- ville, Iowa. Various foods eaten at the July 4. Schedule: Shalom: Monday- Passover m e a l will be exFriday, 8:30 to 9 plained by Rabbi Berg. He will a.m. (bus pickup) show the contrast between slavery and freedom in particular till 3:304 p.m. • Latzon: Monday-Fri- foods. The patients will re-enact the day, 9 a.m. (no pickup) till 3 to 4 story of the Passover. They p.m. ( b r o u g h t will participate in the services. . home). Rabbi Berg has had previous K'ton: Monday-Fri- experience as a civilian chapday, 10 a.m. to 3 lain at the Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind. He has • • P-mFees; K'ton — $48 members; been appointed as Jewish chaplain to the hospital, succeeding $60 'non-members. Shalom — $90 members; Rabbi Irving Weingart, who has retired. $100 non-members. Latzon — $90 members; Rabbi Berg will conduct ser$100 non-m e m b e r s vices at the hospital once a (weekend additional). month. $10 less for each additional child from same . family.

Black Jews Leave Israel Tel Aviv (JTA)—Two fatherless families of Black Jews left Israel this week under an expulsion order from the Interior Ministry which the families had, in effect, requested. The order provided the only legal means the government had to provide the families — women and children—with airline tickets to the U.S. The husbands left Israel last year and their families who stayed behind at Dimona in the Negev suffered hardships and asked Israeli authorities to help them get home. Police said that the remaining Black Jews would probably leave the country shortly. The group, which originated in Chicago and once numbered "over 100, came to Israel during the past two years with the stated intention of settling permanently. Though they claimed to be Jews, thtt Interior Ministry denied them immigrant status.

Iowa Jewish Home I Weekly Calendar |

Saturday, April 14 Residents will attend "An Evening of Jewish Drama and Humor," produced by the Jewish Youth Council, at 8 p.m. at Temple B'nai Jeshurun. Sunday, April 15 Golden Age Club, 1:30 p.m. Reception in observance of ninetieth birthday anniversary of Mrs. Sarah.Caspe, 2 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 1C Exercises, 11 a.m. Crafts, 1 p.m. Beauty Shop, all day. First Seder. Tuesday, April 17 Rabbi Goldburg, 2 p.m. Second Seder. Wednesday, April 18 Musicaie, 11 a.m. Bingo, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19 Rides, 11 a.m. Gifts presented to residents by Rabbi Barry Cytron and youth group, 1 p.m. Lou • Williams leads group discussions, 2 p.m. Friday, April 20 Exercises, 11 a.m. ' Movie, 2 p.m.

Friday, April IS, 197S

Dear Friends: It has been asked, why is this year different from last year and all other years. The answer is simple—the needi this year are greater than ever before. Briefly, I would like to discuss what I view as the primary need: Soviet Jewry. Last year approximately 32,000 Russian Jews came to Israel. This year, given the present policy of the Soviet government, the number may far exceed that figure. The numbers themselves don't tell the whole story. We have to go back in time to the period of Stalin. What was Stalin's policy? It was a continuation of Hitler's policy of extermination and genocide. Who doesn't recall the slaughter of Jewish literary figures in the early 50'g and the doctor's trial—and then a miracle happened. When Stalin's clear policy of cultural and physical extermination became obvious to all—he died, giving Soviet Jewry and world Jewry a reprieve, a breathing period. But, have Stalin's successors been moro enlightened? We all know their objective—at this point the cultural extermination and extinction of Soviet Jewry. Those that stand up to be counted are incarcerated, their children harassed, and the families degraded. They stand alone, If not for us. But again there is some light. Due to the desire of the Soviet Union to develop trade relations with the United ;States, we here can have some effect.upon Soviet policy. The Soviet Union, in order to defuse the Jackson and Mill'sVanick resolutions, have unofficially announced that they will not enforce the ransom policy. But remember the law is still on the books and their implementation may be forthcoming a day after the trade bill is past. Presently, however, there is hope to bring out many more thousands of Soviet Jews in the next few months than in the past. Let us not fool ourselves—the Soviet Union is not a very civilized country. They can relate to the Jews in two ways— either let those that wish to migrate, leave or eliminate them. We have the opportunity now to help in the migration of Soviet Jews to Israel. We had that opportunity in the 1930's concerning German and Eastern European Jews. We failed then, are we going to fall this time? Can we as human beings and Jews permit failure because it may effect—in some minor way—our own life style? What would our lives be if we did not extend ourselves now. when opportunity, exists. ; , Harry Pomerantz

Warmed for


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Friday, April 18, 197S


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By Giving to the Jewish Community Campaigns of ^ Jewish Philanthropies Omaha 101 North 20th Street B10Z Ojna&o, Nebraska 48102 f



Lincoln Jewish Welfare Federation ;

809 Federal Securities Building , / Uncoto,Nebraska *8508

Council Bluffs Jewish Federation t

c/o 183 Keellne Council Bluffy (owo 51501., ,

Des Moines Jewish Welfare Federation 31S Securities Building De^*M6ines, Icwo50301; .

'i ' ' '




'What Did I Do In the War' (Continued from Page 7) the air-raid shelter listening to the distant shellIng and planes flying overhead. Rehovot was never hit. Eight families shared our shelter, many with young children. 'Normal' Behavior One elderly lady refused to leave her apart. ment to take shelter in the basement. She finally explained that "I won't go in there while that woman is there." That woman being another neighbor with whom she had had a disagree• ment.

Our gardener decided that this was the Monday that he Was going to relandscape the yard. As he spoke no known language, it was not possible to dissuade him. -• A welcome sign of normalcy was finding two bottles of fresh milk had been delivered while we were in the shelter. By Thursday of that week, it was almost all over. Jerusalem was liberated, tough paratroopers wept at the Western Wall; Nasser accepted a cease fire and offered to resign; and the fightIng was mainly on the Northern front. We received the following letter from my • Mother-in-law who had journeyed from Tel Aviv to Safad with her daughters and son on the first day of the fighting. Tuesday, June 7, 1967 ' My dearest Lynda and Sidney, ' I am writing you this card in the hopes that ', will reach you. I do know know when: I hope that , you are all alright. ; " We arrived here safely with just two air-raid ,' alarms on the way, however, they were quickly • over. . We got here, (Safad) fixed up the black-out and shelter. All night there seemed to be shooting and planes flying. The car has been commandeered and Miriam ' and Doreen have been driving around the town. They needed blood urgently. Julian and I have been sitting on the porch listening to the radio and watching the .planes. 1 Anyway, the Israelis seem to be getting on alright. .'•••' I am sorry that you and the children didn't come with- us, Lynda, it seems quieter than Rehovot, although I cannot give you guarantees. Julian cannot leave at the moment as his plane has been cancelled. Love, Mom, They had a grandstand view of the assault of [ the Golan Heights from Safad and Metulla. When • Julian did return to South Africa, he was on the first El AI plane to overfly the Sinai desert. My husband, who had never been inducted

Friday, April IS, 1973


To All Our Friends and Patrons

A Very Happy Passover

into the army, naturally volunteered his services to the Civil Defense. He became a blood donor, filled sand-bags and served on guard duty at the Weizmann Institute. War Stories As the week ended and during the following few weeks we heard stories from friends of incidents in the war: Our neighbor, an Israeli Air- Force transport pilot, found himself in a small civil aviation plane trapped in a valley over Sinai being chased by two Egyptian MIGs. While he radioed for reinforcements, he was able to weave between the hills and valleys avoiding the enemy fighter planes until Israeli aircraft came to his rescue and shot down the Egyptians. He received a special award for valor. • » • "In Hebron, after the city surrendered, an elderly Arab invited two men from my unit into his home, he murdered them in cold blood.'' • • • "There were bodies of blonde, fair-skinned men lying in the Sinai- dessert—they could never have been Arabs, must have been Russian or Polish soldiers fighting for Egypt." » • • "The Jordanians fought like demons, they_ were fighting for their own land, their homes and their families." ••









.. As witti every war, there were the songs: "Jerusalem of Gold," the satirical " N a s s e r Waits for Rabin," and the haunting "Sharm el Sheik." And the hope for peace. •

» •


315 So. 16th St.

Holiday Greetings from

Dundee Smart Shop 107 No. 50th St. 553-0767 Mrs. Ben Newman

Happy Passover •




One of the few jjpung men whose unit was not called into service all during the months of May and June, admitted that his work had been done earlier—he was "in intelligence."

Bofsheim's Jewelry Co.

"We were stationed 'somewhere, in Sinai' trying to round up Egyptian soldiers, give them water and send them back across the Suez Canal. They were pathetically young, 15 and 1$ year-olds, clutching photographs of t h e i r mothers." • .


These were some of our answers to Daniel's question about what we did in the Six Day War. This, Daniel, was what some people did in the Six Day War. We were not all heros, but men like those won that war, and now, after six year, are still trying to win the peace.

2611 Famam St.

Phone 342-2000

Greetings and Best Wishes From the Sophir Family . . . and Your Friendly

MORRIS PAINT decorating centers


PASSOVER GREETINGS We Will Bo Serving the Following Items on Our Menu Daily During the Week of Passover

GBfilleFisb # Malzos ® Malzo Ball Soup Malzo Meal Pancakes Chopped Liver Sandwiches on Malzo Cold Beet Borsch! With Sour Cream Wishing All Our Friends and Customers A JOYOUS PASSOVER



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NEW HOTEL CONANT Famam at 19rii Iz Weiner

; • • • ; : ' . ! ! :

341-1313 Jerry Dann

Friday, April 19, 1978



Lincoln Graduates Publish History of Democratic Party

Synagogue Activities Wednesday, April 18 Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. Evening Service: 6:45 p.m. Sunday, April 22 EveniDg Service: 7 p.m. Monday, April 23 Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. Evening Service: 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 24 Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. Yizkor Service: I0;30 a.m. Evening Service: 7:00 p.m. * * *

Omaha Beth El Friday: Sabbath Eve Services in the Sanctuary at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripko will deliver.the sermon: "Letter to a Kind Lady." Cantor Chaim Najman and the Beth El Synagogue chair will conduct the musical service. Saturday: Morning Service: 10 a.m. Mincha Maariv Service: 6:45 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Daily: Services at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Omaha TA*nnle Israel

SERVICES: Friday: 6:15 p.m. * In observance of Passover, the services will include a musical narrative "Passover to Freedom," written by A. W. Binder, and presented under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin. The presentation will be narrated by Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, with the organist, choir and congregation participating. A Sabbath Coffee Hour will follow. Saturday: 11 a.m.

SELLING CHUMETZ Lincoln — A new book outSunday, April 15, the synagogue office wiE be open from lining the history of the Ne8:30 to 9 a.m. to assist with braska Democratic Party has the selling of Chumetz before been released by the DemoPassover. cratic State Headquarters. In addition to the Sunday "Shall the People Rule?" by h o u r s , special appointments Kenneth D. Wald and James F. may be made by calling 345- Peterson, both recent graduates 0903. .from the University of Nebraska describes the Nebraska parPASSOVER SCHEDULE ty from the pre-Civil War days up to the present time. Monday, April IS A native of Lincoln, Wald Evening Service: 6:45 p.m. holds a B.A. in political sciTuesday, April 17 ence. He was active in both Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. campus and community politics Evening Service: 6:45 p.m. while at the University at LinWednesday, April 18 Morning Service:- 8:45 a.m. Sunday, April 22 Evening Service: 7:00 p.m. Monday, April 23 Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. The Shabbat Hagadol ServEvening Service: 7:00 p.m. ices will be conducted by stuTuesday, April 24 Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. dents of the Religious School at Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Yizkor Service: 10:15 a.m. Friday evening April 13, 8 p.m. An Oneg Shabbat following the services will be hosted by Sisterhood and Rabbi and Mrs. SERVICES: Nasoa Goldstein. Saturday: 9 a.m.

PASSOVER SCHEDULE Monday, April 16 Mincha-Maariv: 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 17 Morning Service: 10:00 a.m. Mincha-Maariv: 6:00 p.m. Family Seder: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18 Morning, Service: 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 22 Mincha-Maariv: 7:00 p.m. • • • _ Monday, April 23 BAR M1TZVAU Morning Service: 10:00 a.m. The Bar Mitzvah of DANIEL Mincha-Maariv: ,7:00 p.m. _ GOLDMAN, son of Mr. and • • • ' - • Mrs. Richard Goldman, will be S u n d a y : 9 a . m . Tuesday, April 21 Both services will be con, celebrated at the. services, SatEarly Morning Service, inducted by Mr. Sam Sacks. cluding Yizkor: 6:45 a.m. ' urday morning, April 14. ' Morning Service, Y i z k o r Memorial Service: 10:00 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCOOL Religious School will be in Mincha-Maariv: 7:00 pan. session Saturday and Sunday, . • . • * • • April 14 and 15. . AH classes will recess begin- SERVICES: SERVICES: ning Monday, April 16 for the Friday: 8 a.m. Friday: week. Saturday: Traditional Evening Services Religious S c h o o l Saturday Morning Service: 9 ajn. (Kabalat Shabbat) 6:45 p.m.. and Sunday Divisions will reLate evening family services, cess April 21 and 22. will be conducted by Rabbi Isaac Nadoff and guest Cantor GIFT SHOP Edward Berkovits at 8:15 p.m. The Temple Israel Gift Shop Saturday: will be open Sunday, April 15 SERVICES: Morning Service: 8:45 a.m. from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Friday: \ conducted by Rabbi Isaac Na8 p.m. ' Y doff and guest Cantor Edward SISTERHOOD STUDY GROUP Student' Rabbi Stephen E. Berkovits. The Wednesday morning Cof- Fisch will conduct the services. The Talmud classes will be fee with the Rabbi will recess conducted by Rabbi Nadoff at April l a 6:15 p.m., followed at 6:45 p.m.' by Mincha, Sholash Sudos and PASSOVER SCHEDULE Maariv. Monday, April 16 Sunday: Evening Service: 5:00 p.m. Morning Service: 9 a.m. No Tuesday, April 17 breakfast tbis Sunday. Morning Service: 11:00 a.m. SERVICES: Dally: Congregational Passover Se- Friday: 8 p.m. Services at 7 a.m. and 6:45 der dinner: 6:30 p.m. InforAt an Oneg Shabbat followp.m. • mation regarding reservations ing the- service, a pre-centen* * * . may = be obtained ;by calling. nial program entitled, "Yo PASSOVER SCHEDULE ' Temple office, 556-6536. , Okie Picture Show" will be : Monday, April 16 . presented in the Temple CenSiyum B'chorim: 7 a.rn.' ter.A scrapbook, some 40-yearFating of Chometz ceases at films, and recent slides of i; old 9:30 a.m. . : the-Temple today will be disBurning of Chometz: 10:30 played and explained. Mrs. SERVICES: " a.m. -, Sidney Pearlman is chairman Evening Service: 6:45 pim. Saturday: "of the event, which is being Tuesday, April 17 . . . Morning Services: 8:45 aaa. planned by the CommunicaMorning Service: 8:45 a.m. Sunday: tions Centennial Committee. "Morning Services: 8 a.m. Evening Service: 6:45 p.m. .



Council Bluffs R'nai Israel

. i




Lincoln B'nai Jeshurun


• • .







Des Monies


Benediction for Kindling Sabbath Lights: Barukh Atah Adonay Eloheinu Melekh Hacvlam. Ashcr Kideshanu Bemitzotav Vetzivanu Lehadlik Ner Shel Shabbat. (Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctifies us by His Commandments and has commanded us to kindle the Sabbath lights.) This Service Presented as a Courtesy by


NATIONAL BANK CONVENIENT BANKING HOURS: 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Monday through Friday. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday

The A n n u a l South Street Temple Rummage Sale will be held April 29 from noon until 6 p.m. and again on Monday, April 30 from 9:30 a.m. until noon. The Temple will be open to collect items before or on Saturday, April 28 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Mafzoh BaH" Blues? Solve Your Problem at

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20c Each

Call 391-8443 to Place Your Order!

Des Moines Beth El Jacob SERVICES: Friday: 8:15 p.m. Shabbos Hagadol. Why is the Shabbos before Pesach called the "Great Shabbos,"? '' Saturday: 9 a.m. Morning Service 9:30 a.m. Teenagers U a.m. Junior Congregation Sunday: 9 a.m.

Des Moines Tifereth Israel


of Mrs. Gerald Grant, Tuesday, April 10 at 1 p.m.


Omaba B'nai Jacob '' /Mas Yeshuron

RHDAY. AfBlL » . 4:43 FRIDAY. AFRU 20. 4:51 _



Temple B'nai Jeshurun

Sabbath Candle lighting

coln and was elected president of Innocents. He is now enrolled in the graduate program of political science at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wald of Lincoln. Peterson received a B.A. degree in history and journalism at the University of Nebraska. He was editor of the Daily Nebraskan. He is currently a student at Harvard Law School. Both were Phi Beta Kappa. The book is available from the Democratic State Headquarters in Lincoln.

Robert A. Kaiser has accepted an invitation to occupy the South Street Temple pulpit effective August 15,1973. Mrs. Sam Rubinbw, secreRabbi Kaiser is currently a tary of the Lincoln Hadassah student at the Hebrew Union Bowling League announced the College where he is scheduled following final ratings: Bill Dato be ordained June" 2, 1973. vidson Insurance Co., first Originally from Newburgg, place winning team, Mrs. Sam New York, Rabbi Kaiser holds Rubinow, captain; Mmes. Loua B.A.; degree from John Hop- is Finkelstein, Charles Sherman and Marsha Neal. High kins University. game 2(H, High Series 408, Mrs. Tifereth. Israel J. Congrega- Sam Rubinow. The Annual Spring Hadassah tion Services will be held Saturday, April 14 at 10:30 a.m. Bowling Banquet will be held Mrs. Morris Maline will host at the Legion Club, April 30. At that time the most improved the kiddush. bowler will be announced; All An- open Hadasssh Board substitutes are invited to at. Meeting was held at the home tend.

Lincoln Tifereth Israel

Omaha Beth Israel

Page Ttilrfy-flv»

SERVICES: Friday: 8 p.m. Shabbat Hagadol. Saturday: 0:30 a.m. Sliabbat Service, Torah Study lesson Sunday:' 8:30 a.m. Morning Service

©inner {(theatre

HANS CONREID Opening Tuesday, April 17 in

"Critic's Choice"


lost 4 Dayi fo Seo Tab Hunter In. "The Tender Trap"

Fate Thirty-*!*



Friday, April IS, 1»7J

Hilt SolKiit^e'end'5 »bett|-j^|life:f6r-;aU ' I Jews v&, Omaha. ]lk






• ••- <•:-••••••••

. '^,1*. 'Mumuvwuin aiit^nced complotel

yjj^ broad program pg ^ throiigliV^Wp{K<^^driyei.jltj^ \ mingfaW^yW^^frprofessioiaal staff its service ofessioiaal staff, services t lib^

dl t l

'all sections of oiMjep-


nter,asdid instrument a vehicle for ages. is a pledge the quality \px our hands TOREUIX


is Now! PHILANTHROPIES CAMPAIGN Mrs. Ervin Simon, Women's Chairman . David Duitch, Janet Zipursky, Youth Chcdrmea

Friday, April IS, 1078


Know Yourself Where Your Money Goes This is the fourth in a series of articles written by members of the community, explaining the various services available to Omaha TJewrahd supported by contributions to the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign.

/ /

By Robert S. Pred Omaha — Every member of our present day Jewish community is faced with the ever . growing problem of "acculturation". Because of the pressures of a predominantly Christian society, many of our once ad' hered-to traditions have been d r a i n e d from our Jewish homes. In order to restore those traditions— pride in our Jewish heritage — both in older and younger Jews, we must continue to offer SOUND Jewish education. Sustaining education through our Omaha s y n a g o g u e s requires time, effort on the part of skilled teachers and pupils, and financial support. One way we can help support Jewish education in Omaha is to contribute our dollars to the 1973 Philanthropies C a m p a i g n . ' Omaha's three religious schools receive a percentage of the donation given to Philanthropies. Another problem of our teen" agers is to relate what they are taught about Judaism to their everyday living. Many teenagers have not made a commitment to "live Judaism as

they have LEARNED Judaism." The only way to take pride in yourself is to "know yourself." It seems to me that a lot of Jews do not acknowledge the fact that they are Jewish, simply because of being afraid to be different. J u d a i s m was founded by men who could no longer live and act like those around them. When we say that we are Jews, do we really feel it? Do we feel that we are any different from people of other religions? We should! Just being born into the Jewish faith is not enough. It takes much effort on our part to become educated Jewishly, to understand what it means to be a Jew, and to make an honest effort to live as a Jew. If we do not use the ancestral background and Jewish heritage that Is ours, then we have nothing. Next to a strong J e w i s h home, being educated Jewishly through the synagogue is the most essential phase in a person's Jewish development. That Is why I feel it is Important that we give most generously to the 1973 Philanthropies Campaign. • By measuring up to our heritage, we can continue Jewish education in our community. Tomorrow is Now to "know ourselves". *

Occupation Hazard?

Robert Pred

Noah Zakin received an IL 1000 fine and a six-month suspended sentence last week for stealing two bottles of aftershave lotion and several other items front the Hamashbir Department Store in Jerusalem. His occupation? He's a store detective at the Hamashbir Department Store. \ The-judge said he had a good record catching thieves and had had a clean past, so' he gave him a light sentence.




Page Thirty-seven

Israel Cabinet Upholds Bah Of Land Purchase by Jews Jerusalem—The Cabinet decided against permitting Israeli firms or individuals to buy land in the administered territories. The. principal proponents of free .land purchases in the territories — Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and Justice Minister Yaacov S h i m s h o n Shapiro-'-withdrew their proposals to legalize such transactions. Dayan, Shapiro and Religious Affairs Minister Zerach Warhaftig who had a similar proposal, reportedly backed down at the urging of Premier Golda

Israel Bans Twenty Films Jerusalem, (JTA) — Israel's Film and Theater Censorship Board banned 20 films last year, twice the number it had rejected a year before. Levy Guery, chairman of the body which is an agency of the Interior Ministry, said that it wasn't that the board was getting tougher, but that the films were getting raunchier. He said the 20 films banned in 1972 contained either excessive violence or too explicit sex. He said the board reviewed 554 films and features last year and in addition to the 20 rejected outright, 153 were permitted for viewing only by persons over 16 and seven for persons over 13.



Meir. Mrs. Meir had said categorically that she would not support proposals to change the existing situation. Premier G o l d a Meir may have been persuaded by foreign pressure—chiefly from the United States and Britain—to alter her position on Israeli land purchases in the administered territories from lukewarm support to firm opposition to any change in the status quo, it was indicated later. The Cabinet's decision was seen as a blow to Gen. Dayan who has been taking his advocacy of free land purchases by Israelis to the public in recent weeks. The decision was also welcomed by West Bank Arab leaders. Status Quo Under the present law, land purchases in the territories by Israeli require a license from

the Military Governor. Under present policies, only Arabs or the Israel Lands Authority receive such licenses: Israeli Jews and foreign nationals are denied them, g o v e r n m e n t sources said. The matter ,of Israeli land purchases in the territories was the cause of a deepening split within the Labor Party. Dayan's position has been that Israelis should be permitted to buy land a n y w h e r e in the^ "homeland." Foreign Minister Abba Eban cautioned last week that such a policy could get Israel involved in -701111031 and even military entanglements it did not want. Eban was - apparently referring to the fact that any government is duty bound to protect its citizens' property. The future of the administered territories has not been decided.

Passover Greetings From J. Brookstein , Joe Guss Arnold Roseman

Phil Handleman Leo Brand Sol Kingstlinger

Sam R. Seka Louie Fedman Irv Brookttein

Micklin Home Improvement Co. Call U» for Free Estimates on All Home ImproVtmeMl 1702 CUMING STREET


Wishing You a Very Enjoyable Passover Season ? 115th St. « d W « t Dodge Road . 3334300


' Fag« Thirty-eight


nf the Fnrti&e


Friday, April IS, M7S

N X RGdio SMim Cmcek New York (JTA)—The mana g e m e n t of WPIX-TV announced that it had cancelled "Les Crane Reports on Jews for Jesus." The management of the television outlet refused further comment. The program, produced by Beth Shar Shalom, an affiliate of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, which purchased the broadcast time, had been w i d e l y advertised. A quarter-page advertisement in the NY Times urged viewers to watch the show to find out "What's behind this movement sweeping the country, particularly among the youth." The reference was to the "Jews for Jesus" movement. Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, director of the American Jewish

Committee's inter-religious affairs d e p a r t m e n t , said that WPIX had informed him of the cancellation after the program was screened for representatives of Jewish organizations. WPIX was reportedly innundated with telephone calls protesting the program when tho ad appeared in the Times; Rabbi Tanenbaum said that he and others who' viewed the . show found it to contain -"an inr vidious defamation of Judaism as a living religion and of tho Jewish people as a vital historic community." He said it contained blatantly offensive statements, such as describing the synagogue as "a place of sadness filled only with weary old men."

Passover Greetings The year Israel's statehood was declared, also marked tbe first year of residency at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. Pictured above, part of (he group of 21 Sher Home residents who attended the opening matinee of the Shrine Circus, April 5, 1948. A chartered bus took the resl, dents to tbe City Auditorium and returned (hem to tbe home following the-performance. The group attending the circus included: Sarah Barson, Harry Bernstein, Meyer Brookstcln, Joseph Bush, Harry Friedman, Ida Gitnick, Morris Gross, Pearl Harmel, Fannie Katleman, Mina Krestul, Ar' nold Levin, Barney Markowitz, Herman Nichols, Sam Noodel, Sam Poster, Aaron Roginsky, Sam. uel Rosenbloom, Joseph Ruback, Israel Sadofsky, Hertz Saltzman and Mitchell Somit.




Best Wishes From

Bellevue Motors

erry Leonard

1706 Gol.ln Road. BCIIOVBC Nobr.

March 21, 1941

Candidates for Title of Queen Esther

ARTHUR WALKER Owner 291-8222

44th and Dodge Street! 291-8226



216 Italia Mall



Passover Greetings

Crosby-Kunold-Burket FUNERAL CHAPELS *>**

Pnrlm was fan In (he IMO's. A "Hamantachen Hop" was held at the Jewish Community Center March 23, 1911 under the auspices of tbe Round Table of Jewish YoutbT Pictured above tbe candidates for the title of Queen Estber named annually at tbe dance. From left, Mickey Goldberg, Diana Lagman, Ruth Rosenstcin, Reeda Magzamln, Cece Cohen, Elaine Tucbman, Ruth Miller .and Pauline Landman. (P.S. Ruth Miller won!)

Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy Passover Season

KohlVs Drug Stores Tom Platt Sam Ban . Marvin Kohll Jerry Kohll Book Review Contests were among the Important Omaha youth events in (be ISMO's. Pictured above, 1918 winners in the elementary school'division. Front row, left to right, Fayann Sokolof, Larry Schwartz, Alan Hceger, Michael Denenberg, Jerome Gordman, Saul Krlpkc, Back row, Ben E. Kaslow, chairman of (he Library Committee who presented the awards and Jack I. Moskowitz.

Westgate Park Avenue

Crestwood Millard


JTricUy, April ! V 1*75



Best Wishes for a Happy Passover

Center Sports


By Charles Arnold

John O'Connor Co., Inc.

Fo More Information Call the Athletic Office 342.1366 SENIOR HIGH WRESTLING TOURNEY The Centers Athletic Department will again sponsor a Senior High Wrestling Tournament for boys in grades 9th-12th, Sunday, April 22nd starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Center Gym. All interested boys may compete unattached, or as a member of a club. High, School rules will apply with the following exceptions: • (a) Length of matches shall be one one-minute period fol' lowed by two two-minute periods. In case of a tie, the overtime period shall be GO seconds in length. In case of a tie after 'the overtime period, sudden, death-shall prevail. (b) Following are the weight classes to be used: Under 98, 103, 112, 120, 127, 133, 138, 154, 165. 180 and Heavyweight. There will be a 50c entry fee for each wrestler' who does not have a Center Membership.

Meeting Will Plan Senior Hi Sports Omaha — On Sunday, April 15 at 12:30 p.m. an open meeting will be held in the Center Gym to plan the upcoming Spring and Summer Senior Hi Sports Activities. All ninth through twelfth graders affiliated with AZA, BBYO c l u b s , Synagogue Youth Groups and those unattached are invited to attend.

Weigh-ins will be held starting at 9:30 a.m. in the locker room. SOFTBALL Friday, April 13th and Sunday, April 15th will be the first practice of the new 1973 JCC Softball L e a g u e s . Players should report to the North Diamond on the Trendwood Park Ballfield at the following times and days: Friday, April 13th — Junior Boys 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grade— 3:30:5:00 p.m. v In case of rain or inclement weather the program will be held indoors at the St. Luke Gym, 11810 Burke Street. Sunday, April 15th — Midget and Olympic Ben-Gurion Softball Leagues. Midget Boys 5th and 6th Grade—1:30-3:00 p.m. Olympic Boys 7th and 8th Grade—3:30-5:00 p.m. In case of inclement weather the program is' re-scheduled to be held the following Sunday at the same times. Registration for the softball season which will run until 'school is out is $2.00 for current paid-up center members and $6.00 for others not having a membership. MEN'S SLO-P1TCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE The JCC Men's Sunday Morning Softball League will commence its spring t r a i n i n g (practice games) and organization of teams beginning Sunday, April 29th. Selection of players from a player pool and the freezing of last year's players will be han-

Food Brokers died again this year through the Softball Committee, headed by Don Fiedler. The fee is $10.00 for current paid-up JCC m e m b e r s and $15.00 for Qlhers not having a current Center Membership 18 years old or older may play. JR: BOYS FLOOR HOCKEY Friday, April 6, marked the end of the JCC Jr. Boys Sports Floor and Hockey league. Final action saw the league Champion Rangers come-'from behind and tie the Red Wings 3-3. Jeff Epstein, Tim Schrager and Danny Rochman led the Rangers in their comeback. Larry AVidman, Mark Robinson, Larry Bioch, and John Glazer led the Red Wings in a great effort to try and give the Rangers their first loss. he other game saw the Black Hawks coast past the Bruins 6-1 as Brent Passer, Mike Zoob, Ricky Rips and Adam Zweiback led the Black Hawks to clinch second place. Hubert Ban,' Terry Magtd and J. D. Gordman led the Bruins in their, losing effort. Congratulations to all the boys who participated in this outstanding program. "STANDINGS Won Lost Ties Pis. Rangers . . . . 3 0 3 9 Black Hawks 3 2 1 7 Red Wings . . 1 2 3 5 Bruins . . . . . . 1 4 1 3 SENIOR HIGH VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Action continued S u n d a y , April 8, in the 1973 JCC Senior Hi Volleyball League as AZA No. 1 Spikers defeated AZA No. 100 15-7, 9-15, and 14-3 as the AZA No. 1 Spikers m o v e d closer to the league title. Dave Finkle and Dave Ruback led the Spikers in their victory. Other a c t i o n saw Chaim Weizmann " B " defeat Chaim Weizmann "C" 15-U and 15-9 as Kenny Milder and Jim Albert-led the winners. Chaim Weizmann "A" team and SYO teams forfeited to AZA No. 100 "B" team and AZA No. 1 P a s s ers respectively. Schedule, Sunday, April 15 9:30 a.m. — SYO vs. Chaim Weizmann "A" 10:15 a.m.—AZA No. 100 vs. AZA No. 1 Passers ••• 11:00 a.m.—AZA No. 1 Spikers vs. Chaim Weizmann "C" 11:45 a.m.-AZA No. 100 " B " vs. Chaim Weizmann "B." STANDINGS Won Lost

Spring Vacation Program Will Include Trip fo Nebraska City •. The JCC has planned a full day for Spring Vacation Program Kindergarten through sixth grade children for Thursday, April 19, to visit Nebraska City's Historical Land Marks, John Brown's Cave, Arbor Lodge ana eat lunch at the popular Steinhart Park. Leave the Temple Israel Parking Lot at 10 a.m. and return -between 3:30 and 4 p.m. , Fee is $4 for Center members and only $5 for others not having a Center membership. Limit is 35 children Children must bring sack lunches, drinks will be provided. Please register'at the front desk of the Downtown Jewish Community Center, or mail in the tear-off below. -k. Deadline for all registrations is Monday, April 16. Phone reservations will not be taken. SPRING VACATION PROGRAM I would like to register my child (children) for the Spring Vacation Program. :'.-.'• Name

Grade . . . . . .

Address '.

Phone . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am enclosing my check to cover all registration in full in the amount of ?

( ) We are ( ) We are not

Center Members.



Mall to: Chuck Arnold, Athletic Dept., 101 N. 20th St., Omaha, 68102 mmmmh9mm

A HAPPY PASSOVER To All Our Friends and Customers

M. VENGEBt & SONS I41-42J2


• • : • • . •


• , - ' .


AZA No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chaim Weizmann " B " . . . 4 AZA No. 1 Passers 3 Chaim Weizmann "A" . . 3 ' AZA No. 100 3 SYO .2 Chaim Weizmann "C" .. 0 AZA No. 100 " B " . . . . . . 1


1 2 .3 3 3 4 6 1

SENIOR HIGH PADDLEBALL TOURNEY All Senior High boys interested in Paddleball may now sign up for the Annual Singles and Doubles Tourney to be held Sunday, morning, April 22nd starting at 10:00 a.m. ::.. Boys ' may cpmpete unattached, or as a member of a club. Players may only enter one event. There will be a 50c entry fee per player who does not have a current paid-up Center Mem*, bershlp.

1024 Dodge St.




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O U R BEST ".: • WISHES FOR A HAPPY PASSOVER Producing a better and happier way of life is our business. Good insurance gives us, peace of mind for better living day by day. W e always appreciate an opportunity to discuss your insurance problems with you.


3814 Dodge Street


„ •}

Fag« Forty


Friday. April 15, 1973


Omaha women were very much a part of all efforts In the Tinted Stairs to bring about tbe establishment of the State of Israel. The amiUJl rhilanthropies Campaigns were a major part of those efforts. Pictured here are some of the women who played leadership roles in the 1947 campaign. Front row, from left, Mmes. Herman Friedman, Harold Farber, Al Mayer, Ernest Nogg, Sam Steinberg, Morris Jacobs, David Blacker, Moe Linsman,

Jnp Dlcntsfii'j and Ilennaii Cohen. Second n w , so.ilcd, Mmes. Milton illajpcr, Sam Anplcnian, T. A. Tullj, William lladmiuer, Leo Weitz, Isadore Abramson, Phineas Wintroub, Paul yeret, Jay Malashock, Harry Rubenstein, Harry Trustin. Back row, seated, Mjhes. Iz Chapman, Dave Goldman, Moe Katelman. Back row, standing, Mmes. Irvin Levin, Robert Kooper, Dave Grcenberg, Dave Conn and Louis IVeveloff.

New Round Table Officers


Biknr Cholim celebrated its 23rd 'anniversary at a dinner held AprU 18,1918, at tbe Jewish Community Center in Omaba. Dedicated to bring comfort to the distressed and cheer and healing to the; sick, Bikur Cholim presented a check for $15,000 to the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. ._r Pictured above, those scaled at the head table at the anniversary dinner.

Tbe Round Table of Jewish Youth, predecessor to the Jewish Youth Council, was tbe bub of Jewish Youth activities in the IMO's. Pictured above arc the newly-elected officers as they appeared in the Jewish Press on June 16,1044. Front row, from left, Jeanne Blacker, (Secretary; Sheldon Harris, president; Al dayman, vice-president; Harriet Taub, sergeant-at-arras. Back row, Stanford Llpsey, treasurer; Bob Chapman, reporter; Donald Vaiin, sergcant-at-armB.

Ground Breaking Ceremonies For Dr. Philip Sher Home

Htnr> MoD!>k> was among the digiutarlis parlltlpating in the ground-breaking ceremonies for the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged on Augost 18, 1046. More than 250 people attended the ceremonies at the 52nd and Grand Avenue site where the $225,000 borne was to be erected. An International Jewish lead, tit, Mr. Monsky passed away in May, 1947. , "

Before and after the establishment of the State of Israej/tbTwork of the Hadassab Medical 67" ganizatlon bag been vital. Pictured above HMO chairmen In Omaba in 1949. From left, Mmes. Leo Weitz, I. B. Ziegman and David Brodkey pictured with Omaha Hadassah President, Mrs. Sam* net Wolf.

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