September 1, 1921

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Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nathanson and • The condition of L Gilinsky, who Mr. and. Mrs. Sam AgTanoff are A MARRIAGE RECEIVES GOVERNOR : The marriage of Miss Gertrude Cas- family of Webster City, la., have has been confined. to the Edmunson Spending the month at Machinac, WisLondon (J. C. B.) The Pope received At the Zionist District meeting The X. T. C. of the Y. W. H. A.tleman, nineteen years old daughter of arrived in Council Bluffs, to make hospital for the past month is much consin. Governor Sir Ronald Storirs of Jeruheld Tuesday evening at the Lyric will give a farewell, party to Miss Mrs. R. Castleman, to Mr. Max Wezel- their home. < ' •' improved. salem in private audience. Govenioi building, Dr. A. Eoxnm presented the Esteile Lapidus, one of its members, man, 22, son of Mr. arid Mrs. I.~Wezela bridge party at her home on Mon- Storrs is influential in church cirfilef district with a check for $19.60 for on Tuesday evening, September 6, at man, comes as a complete surprise Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hegar and son SIOUX CITY NEWS day evening for her guest Miss in England and much sig-niLcanc* ii the Jewish National Fund to plant the Cjlttb foo:jB. Miss LapidUB leaves o their friends. Miss Castleman left of Sioux City, la., spent the week end Mr. Morris Pickus, son of Mr. andBlanche Frank of Omaha. attached to his visit to the Vatican. trees in the Dr. Herzl Grove. This on September 18. for Rockfi .-d, 111., ast week to visit with her sister in with Mrs. Hegar's parents, Mr. andMrs. H. W. Pickus, left Wednesday gift was made in celebration of the where she will attend the Rockf ord -hicago and Mr. Wezelman left Sun- Mrs. S. Freideh. for New York, where he will attend 6ar Mitzvah of Dr. Komm's son, College for Girls. Columbia University. day, presumably on his vacation. The Arthur. Mr. J. Krasne and son, Lawrence, The X. T. C. 'Club was organized oung couple announced in a telegram Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pill and Miss last-October and now numbers twenty- ;o their parents this morning that the returned Sunday from- a five-weeks • Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg and Mrs. five girls from 15 tp 18 years of age. marriage took placa yesterday in trip to New York City. Rose Pill have returned from a three M. S. Miller motored to Des Moines It is one of the most successful in Ihicago. weeks visit in Minneapolis and in and the Opening of a New Department in Our Store. and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for the the Association. Blanche Altaian is Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stein and Wisconsin. week. Miss Rose Bernstein has returned family of Sioux City, la., arrived president. from Wichita where she has been Sundy to spend the week with Mr. The Ivre Club have arranged a series of dances to be given during and Mrs. L: Cherniack. - Mrs. B. Blotcky and Miss Ann Blot- Invitations have been issued for the visiting with her sister. Here Are a Few of Our Specials. the social season, the first of which Brooms cky returned Tuesday after spending wedding of Miss Verna Kirschbraun, lie .....29c Fine White Linnen several-weeks at Excelsior Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lane and Mrs. has been announced to take place Aluminum Roasters Mrs. M» Herzberg and daughter, 95c Unbleached Muslin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 9c September 11, at the Martin Hotel. 95c Kirschbraun to Mr. Alexander Hubel Pauline, left Wednesday for v'heelingj J. Slosburg who hve. been spending Invitations have been extended to the Aluminum Percolators Felt Bondoire Slippers 95c Mrs. J. J. Friedman, who has been of Minneapolis which will take place West Virginia, where Miss Herzberg their vacation in Council Bluffs and BEAUTIFUL NEW MILLINERY GOODS visiting with her parents.. at Wash- at the Kirschbraun home on Sep-will continue her studies ai Mount de Omaha with relatives left today for Ivre Chapter of Lincoln, arid to friends of the club members. We give only the best for the money. ington, D. C , for the past several tember 15. The ceremony will be ihantle. their home in Los Angeles, Calif. months, has returned to her home. followed i y a dinner dance at the Miss Elizabeth Braudeis, daughter Mrs. J. Krasne entertained Monday Blackst-Jtie Hotel. Marvin Treller leaves Tuesday to of Justice Brandeis. of the United afternoon at the Orpheum theater for Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop 1615-17-19-19'/z North Twenty-fourth Street. Phone 104. twelve guests in honor of her house resume his studies at Kemper Military Between Seward and Franklin Sts. Mr., and Mrs. Philip Blazer of States supreme court, has just been guest, Miss Rosalie Nekritz. Miss The Best of Everything In Flowers end School. appointed secretary of the District Springfield, Illinois, are spending Confections at Moderate Prices. Nekritz left Tuesday evening for her several days with their mother, Mrs. of Columbia minimum wage board. home in New York City. 545 IV. Bfoadtrey, Jfext liberty Theater, Mr. Ben Cohn is at the Clarkson L. Harris. Mrs. Harris entertained at She succeeds Mrs. Clara Mortenson COCKCH- BIXTFS. IOWA. Hospital, where he underwent an a dinner party at Hillcrest Tuesday Beyer, who resigned. Miss ..Brandeis Miss Faye Hirsh will give a dancing operations He is reported improved. evening fat thirty guests, compliment- has been Mrs. Beyer's assistant. The party this evening in honor of her position carries a salary of §2,500. ing Mr. and Mrs. Blazer. sister, Miss Mattie Hirsh, bride-to-be Miss Sara Krupirisky of Fremont is of Mr. Irvin Steinberg. Over seventyvisiting with Miss Bess Handler for Mr. Izzy Rosentbal "and. son, Ed- Mrs. J. R. Marcus returned Friday five invitations have been sent for the several weeks. Miss Krupinsky is ward, have returned from Dayton from Minneapolis and the Minnesota enroute to her home after~an extended Ohio, Where they were visiting -with lakes where she has been for several affair. : visit in New York. Miss Rose Segal Mr. Rosenthal's mother, Mrs. M. J weeks. " . Mrs. H. Marowitz will entertain the entertained at an Orpheum party on Rosenthal. card club Thursday, afternoon. Wednesday for this visitor. Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Mrs Miss Leah Krasne returned Sunday ill The Misses Rose Hertzberg and Cohn returned today from YellowSent by our Council Bluffs News from a.. two weeks .vacation at Des Beulah' Mittleman entertained twenty stone Park where they have been for bureau. Moines, la. guests at a dancing party a^ the"the past several weeks. home of the former on Sunday The Mogen-Dovid club of the Mr. George and Millard Krasne svening. . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Koolish and son Young Judean clubs of the city held that all 3"etrish Victor Becotds can ! David, of Chicago, spent Tuesday and its regular meeting Sunday^ morning. motored to Excelsior Springs, Mo. be botalned from out most complete • They will be gone ^for two weeks. Mrs. Louis Sommer entertained Wednesday here. They are returning stock of the latest nnmbers. The : 1 WEEK WEEK popular and operatic records ere ; Immediately after the meeting, .the eight guests at luncheon a t the to their home in Chicago from Lo club held its first outing at Fairalso at your disposal, by calling • r of September 4th The Blossoms of Zion club held a of September 4th Athletic Club followed by on Orpheum Angeles, where they have; been WEBSTER 3042. party for Mrs. I. Hirschberg and Mrs. { waiting with Mrs. Koolish's parents mount park. The club, which was theater party Sunday afternoon. The Vfe deliver the free trial packagres to your home. Just received the organized last February with but tenBlossoms of Zion. club also held it Harry Bloch of El Paso, Texas and following nnmbers:— v and Mrs. Sol Brodkey. members, now has a membership roll outing Wednesday afternoon at Fairfor Mrs. G; Kahn of Evansville, InHabet Mishomaim.-r by ilOBenblatt of more than thirty. Many races and mount, park. The character artist diana, who ;is the guest of Mrs. Sa- Mrs. Joseph Cohn of «Chicago (Look Down from Heaven) contests were held at the picnic. The muel Friedman. • •. . HOBART . Aebani Coll Bais Israel '.. inimitable in visiting with her parents Mr. andfollowing members received prizes in ..... by Rosenblatt HENLEY'S Mrs. Mpritz Meyer. These two masterpieces should be the various games and contests: Sa"Wanted by couple with tenTroop 62 of the Boy Scouts (the in every Jewish home. Thotight-Film of pear old son TWO ROOMS in muel Shyken, Paul Brandeis, Charles C.Y. M. H. A. Troop) will start its Also complete list of September Mrs. Henry Monsky- and children Goldberg, Max *Krammer, Abe Saltz. Real Life. home with private family. Use records. Swinter activities with ^a party and eturned Tuesday from Los Angeles, of kitchen desired. Must be in Trade yonr old phonograph for ppread after the meeting this Satur- where they have been visiting with man, Joyce Froiden.' According to good location. Box 46S JEWEvery adult should out new style Victor Vietrolas. |pdny night. Any Jewish boy over 12 Mrs. Monsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs.the committee in charge, plans are ISH PKESS. EEMEMBEK OUR TERMS see it. Any child now being made for another outing to , years of age wishing, to Join should A. M. Lasser,. . ABB EASY. be held Labor Day. can Beet it. *pply to Mr. Schaefer at the Y. M. 3. A. Club rooms. Mr. an,d Mrs. A. Cohn and daughter, The Agudas-Achim club held its reMrs. A. Glickson of Devils Lake, JEWELER The Newsboys Club, composed of North Dakota, ffleft Monday to spend gular meeting Sunday afternoon at Harry H. LaplSus. Pres.-Treas. -?p^ Pepper, Vice-Presiaent. Corner Slth and farter Streets. the Danish hall. Jewish nov/aboys is now meeting at several weeks at Excelsion Springs. «J . • W. G. Cra, Secretary. ihe Y. M. H. A. every Monday night J Omaha Fixture & from 7 .to: 8:15 .p. m. Any newsboy Mrs. I. E. Goldman of Des Moines Experienced Business Man over 12 years of age can join this s spending several days with her j Supply Co. 5lub* '•""?•'."••"'" ••'•"••. around $10,000 in an EstabI COMPLETE STORE AND sister, Mrs. S. Weinberg. Mrs. Gold- lishedInvest Wholesale Business where his k OFFICE OUTFITTERS man is at the Fontenelle. actlre services can be used. Mr3. Hyman A. Cohn entertained at * We otcnpy All communications strictly confidena ever 70,000 eguore feet in Orpheum party followed by a tea Howard Greenland Nathan Jacobs tial. Reply Box 22, % Jewish Press. I Soothwest Corner it the Athletic Club on Friday for eft Friday for Columbia, Missouri, Elerentb and Donclas Strectf. Mrs. A. Glickson of Devil? Lake, ivhere they will resume their studies Phone: Donelas 2724 OMABA. NEB. k North Dakota, who' is the guest of at the University of Missouri. her parents Mir. and Mrs. A. Cohn.





Lon Chaney



E^ Oscar Weinstein will leave MonMrs. E. Philip Wolf son wJw underday to resume- his studies a^ the went a slight operation at the Wise Kemper Military School. Memorial Hospital on Tuesday is now ioflvalescent at her home. The regular meeting of the Ra-Oth Society will be held Sunday afternoon, Miss Esther Newman returned September 11th at the home of Miss Sunday from Kansas City, where she Lottie Hirschberg, 2758 Chicago has been visiting for the past Street. . several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein have Mrs. J . J . Slosburg entertained moved into their new home at 102 sixty guests at a dinner dance at North Fifty Fourth Street. Hillcrest Monday evening when Mrs. J.'< Slosburg, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacobs left TuesAlbert Lane of Los Angeles, Califor- day for Excelsior Springs where they nia, "where the guests of honor. will remain for three weeks. Before returning, they will visit in Kansas •The Alep Y club of the Y, M. H. A.City, St. Joseph and Manhattan, held its regular meeting Monday Kansas. evening at th club rooms, Reports ; of the committees were held', and Miss Sylvia Fox entertained one according to these, the Aleph Y club hundred guests at a dancing party at plans to stage 'many entertainment Hanscom Park Tuesday-. evening for affairs for the coming season. The Miss Gertrude Stein whose engageelection of officers of the club will ment to Mr. Philip Schlaifer was rebe held at the next regular meeting cently announced* Monday night. All the members are urged "to be present at this meeting. The program committee has also arraigned a large program for the jyening's affair.. ' Over seventy members of the •• . 1 3 8 3 Various clubs that are affiliated with the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. met Sunday morning at the Lyric building to M K I K D JJftt H-fSH»J"»1W3S ?n< hold their second ennual picnic. Ehree large trucks were used in transporting the merrymakers to the *sn picnic grounds at Ambrusts Grove. jt IJ;»J K o ' The entire afternoon was spent in playing games and staging many .M81W1 "«t"J K IMS 3 ' novel races. Among these jwere: the WPS? B'J )iK DJ>, ;BJt*t K -ma girl's slipper kicking contest, crab n B'B BJKPJO;IW P»T IS race, wheelbarrow race and the slipper hunting contest. The following PK os »K inyt? persons received prizes in the various UB B contests: Ida Lewis, Juda JacobsQn Dave Slobodisky, Arthur Swart? and Rachman. 843 , 23 " Mrs. S. H. Schaefer and'baby re turned Tuesday after, visiting fo $2.00 sometime in Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. 1 $2.50 $chaefer have taken "an apartment a Tin vhe El Beudor.

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The firsi cosi is practically the last


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'- Mrs. R. Kulakofsky,.who has been -Spending1 the past two months , in CaHfojrnia,. returned T d

" -4 i



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