Florida 082120

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Friday, August 21, 2020

The Jewish Press

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Storms Navigating the storms of life can be a challenging endeavor. There are drizzles and downpours, dry patches and rain. There are times, especially on a hot and steamy day, that a cool shower is welcome, and there are times that a severe deluge is anticipated with fear. The South Florida community recently prepared for an incoming hurricane. There was great trepidation. Shutters went up. Lawn furniture was brought in. Supplies were purchased. Much effort was put in place to ride out the storm. The mood of the population was testy and exacerbated by months of coping with Covid-19. We were all immersed in a collective funk. Our future looked grim. The hurricane did not appear to be of the killer variety that have affected our area in the past. Nonetheless, even a Category 1 often involves downed trees, power outages, and a mess of great proportions. Weather reports had forecast that Hurricane Isaias would be at our coast soon. The storm had already caused severe damage as it battered islands in the Caribbean. We held our breath and then exhaled with relief. Isaias had changed its path and veered slightly to the

Hebrew School Options For Miami-Dade County Registration is now open for a new year of Hebrew School for children in North Dade. This supplementary program is designed for boys and girls ages 5-12 attending any of the nearby public schools, students at American Heritage, BridgePrep, Charter, Country Dade, Nova, Pine Crest, Riviera, and anyone looking for a weekly Hebrew School or a daily after-school program. Due to Covid-19, classes will be smaller to accommodate proper social distancing. It is suggested that those who are interested in the program register their children soon to ensure placement. The program starts August 31st and will run according to the Miami-Dade public school calendar. There will be different classes offered daily from 2-5 p.m., with private tutoring options until 6 p.m. Classes are conveniently located in Highland Lakes, across from AWK8, just west of Aventura and north of Skylake/North Miami Beach at Chabad Chayil. The curriculum includes prayer, holidays, traditions, and Judaic study, with a primary focus on Hebrew reading, custom-designed to teach each child at his or her own level. “This program will offer a first taste of Jewish learning in a creative, joyful, handson, and interesting way. We try to impart a sense of tradition using modern and innovative teaching east as it traveled up the coast. This hurricane had missed us and we were safe. Sometimes we are able to avoid disasters and sometimes we get hit by the storms of life. The truth

techniques,” says school director Layah Kievman. “This is a Hebrew School of the highest quality that kids can’t wait to go to!” The program will also be offering Learning Pods at locations of choice and an effort to bring the best virtual Hebrew School options for those who will be staying home. The exact times will be determined according to how many children are interested in this option. According to all studies, Jewish education is a proven factor in ensuring Jewish involvement and continuity. Chabad seeks sponsors to subsidize tuition scholarships for families unable to pay. “We seek to ensure that every single child has access to a high-quality Jewish education,” states Rabbi Moishe Kievman. “Chabad is the place to experience Jewish enrichment classes in a fun yet meaningful way. It’s where parents feel comfortable and where kids don’t want to miss a day.” The school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It does not require membership of any sort as a condition for enrollment. To register or learn about other after-school activities (Leadership 4 Kids, Homework Help, bar mitzvah prep, tutoring, and the daily Community Hebrew After-School Program), please call (305) 770-1919 or visit HebrewSchool.info. is that there are times that despite our greatest efforts and our most fervent prayers, all we can actually do is hope for the best.

Attention Retirees: Join A Jewish Academic Program And Receive A Stipend United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization, is offering retirees a daily Jewish academic learning program with a stipend. But that’s not all. Computer training, computers, internet service, and tech support will also be provided for those who need the assistance. Using Zoom technology, the senior population will enjoy a powerful Torah session, friendship, community, and intellectual stimulation. Retirees can choose between a one-hour-a-day track and a two-hours-a-day track. Classes will be geared for beginners to those with an intermediate level of Judaic knowledge. The program will include collaborative learning and essay writing. Seniors will also be paid a monthly stipend. “This is a perfect solution for the current state of isolation that seniors particularly are suffering from,” says Rabbi Menachem Smith, director of United Jewish Generations. “This innovative program will be called Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy and will reach those that are ambitious to advance their wisdom with Judaic courses that are both intellectual and inspirational. Everyone should have the opportunity to know their history and heritage.” The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is currently accepting applications for all U.S. residents. If you would like to participate, do not delay, as space is limited. Applications are available at www.UnitedJewishGenerations.com/lysa. To support this new initiative, please visit www. UnitedJewishGenerations.com/Donate. United Jewish Generations is a non-profit organization in South Florida that specializes in servicing the senior citizen population. This is one of their many programs that enhance the quality of life for older adults. For more information or to be a sponsor, please

call Rabbi Smith at (305) 770-4540 or email rabbi@ unitedJewishgenerations.com.

Boca Hamlet 5 bedroom4 bath pool home renovated and move- n ready 2CG $1,100,000.00 (MARK SOLD) 6 bedroom 6 ½ bath courtyard pool home, chefs k tchen 3CG $2,000,000.00 (MARK SOLD) Thornh ll Green 5 bedroom 3 bath pool home. Home s updated and move- n ready. $949,000.00 Capt va HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELLER! 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home w th a 2CG. Master shower s new and 2nd bath has been redone. The electr cal panels are also new! $560,000.00 Palac os JUST LISTED! 2 bedroom 2 bath w th an amaz ng k tchen plus pool and a den. $669,000.00 V llage Del Mar 3bedroom 2 bath updated move- n ready pool home w th a 2CG and large corner lot $699,000.00 Boynton Beach Majest c Isles 3 bedroom 2 bath move- n ready home the largest model, 2CG steps from El Cla r Ranch Road. $419,990.00 JUST LISTED! Move- n ready 3 bedroom 2 baths t le throughout 2CG. Not to be m ssed! $369,000.00 Royal Lakes 3 bedroom 2 bath move – n ready huge lot, 2CG $369,900.00 JUST LISTED! 3 bedroom 2 bath spotless move- n ready home 2CG $359,000.00 FOR RENT ON THE CIRCLE Thornh ll Green 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath pool home move- n ready home 2CG Capt va Renovated 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home w th 2CG Lago Del Mar (2)3 bedroom 2 bath updated k tchen V llage Del Mar 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home new k tchen 2 CG

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The Jewish Press

Friday, August 21, 2020

Florida Calendar Of Events WHAT: The Israeli Consulate in Miami and The Holocaust Documentation & Educa-

tion Center, Inc. present “From Darkness to Light - From the Holocaust to Israel - Holocaust Survi-

SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:30 -11:00AM ON WWNN 1470AM & WWNNradio.com


vors Sharing What the State of Israel Means to Them.” WHERE: Zoom webinar link: https:// us02web.zoom.us/ j/85184794013?pwd=ZkVKTTIxKzFSRmUwTG1oMXU1ZIM3dz09 WHEN: Tuesday, August 25 at 2 p.m. CONTACT: In Israel or the U.S., call *1 312-626-6799 - Webinar ID: 851 8479 4013 - Passcode: 7202008 International numbers available at: https:// us02web.zoom.us/u/kejG08vctp WHAT: Jewish Student Union (JSU) of Central Florida Presents “Parsha in the Pandemic” online. Learn practical life lessons and self-development skills from the weekly Torah portion. Meet and socialize with other Jewish teens from all around Central Florida. WHERE: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @JSU CENTRAL FLORIDA WHEN: Every Thursday online at 8 p.m. COST: Free for everyone CONTACT: Call 516426-8484

junction with Shel Yom.

Lubavitch Minhagim for Elul


• An extra three perakim of Tehilim are said every day (1, 2, and 3 the first day; 4, 5, and 6 the second day; etc.) until Yom Kippur, on which the remaining 36 perakim are said. This minhag comes from the Baal Shem Tov, who, according to tradition, received it from his rebbe, Achiya HaShiloni. • Many check their tefillin and mezuzos in Elul every year.

• People already start wishing each other “kesiva vachasima tova” from the 15th of Av. • After Shachris in Elul, 10 blasts of the shofar are blown (tashrat, tashat, tarat). • “L’David Hashem Ori” is said after Shachris and Minchah (not Maariv). • “L’David Hashem Ori” has does not have its own Kaddish; it’s in con-

• During the last 12 days of Elul, a person should do teshuvah for each of the 12 months of the year, each day corresponding to one month. • Many attend a farbrengen before the first night of Selichos so that they come to Selichos in a joyful mood, ready to do teshuvah through simcha rather than bitterness. • Hataras Nedarim is preferably done with 10 people, not three. (compiled by Rabbi Schneur Zalman Rabin)

WHAT: JCS Milk & Honey Rosh Hashanah Food for Holocaust Survivors & Seniors Volunteer Drive-thru & Contactless Drop-off - Registration Opens August 18th WHERE: NORTH: Michael-Ann Russell JCC - SOUTH: Dave & Mary Alper JCC WHEN: Sunday, September 13 CONTACT: Jewish Community Services of South Florida at 305576-6550 WHAT: The Daf Yomi shiur of Young Israel Congregation of Surfside live via Zoom. Use the same Zoom info as for the minyanim. WHEN: Sundays at 9 a.m. - Monday-Friday at 8:20 a.m. CONTACT: For more information, call 305866-0203



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