Florida 112720

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Friday, November 27, 2020

The Jewish Press

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Sha’arei Bina Torah Academy: A Place For Academic Achievement And Spiritual Growth


The Puzzle Of Life It seems that the lowly jigsaw puzzle might hold the key to dealing with many of life’s most vexing problems. The puzzle pieces are an array of separate segments that eventually fit together. As they are laid down, one can see just a very small portion. Only when the entire puzzle has been assembled does the proverbial bigger picture come into view. The technological age that we live in has created an atmosphere of instant gratification. Gone are the days when correspondence consisted of sending out a hard copy letter topped with a stamp and receiving a reply days later. Email, texts, and tweets are immediate vehicles, and so is much of what goes on in our lives today. Waiting to see what will develop, taking a deep breath or a step back, has become a lost art. My grandparents came to America fleeing the murderous pogroms that were rampant in Eastern Europe. After weeks locked in the steerage section in the hold of a ship, they landed at Ellis Island. It was a voyage propelled by sheer desperation. They had no money. They didn’t speak the language. After life in their little shtetl, the hustle and bustle of New York must have been totally dumbfounding. They proceeded to the Lower East Side tenements. There were no welfare programs or food stamps. There were also no pogroms. In one generation, with blood, sweat, and tears and the help of Hashem, they attained the American dream. Unfortunately, all those whom they had left behind in Poland perished in the Shoah. The chilling lesson was clear: If not for the carnage that had compelled them to leave, they too would have died. The Jewish concept of gam zu l’tovah, that something that seems quite grievous could actually turn out for the good, has been replaced with a compelling need to quickly get to the bottom line. Despite our greatest desires to the contrary, there are still many instances that require time to work through. We find ourselves enmeshed in a major quagmire. There has been a deadly worldwide pandemic, financial disaster, mayhem in our streets, and now disturbing election results that include suspect computer software, unverified ballots, and precincts that did not follow voting laws. In many ways we are in a state of collective suspension. We are waiting: for the country to open up, for our economy to recover, for distribution of an anti-Covid vaccine. We are waiting for the results of voter fraud investigations and recounts of the election. Patience may be the last thing that we want to consider, but at this point, there is no choice. The puzzle pieces are not all in place. We cannot yet observe an overall view. It will be interesting to see what comes next.

Sha’arei Bina students.

Sha’arei Bina Torah Academy for Girls presents a premier opportunity for education, combining excellence in Judaic studies with a stellar secular education. The limudei kodesh curriculum is strengthened by the professionalism of its Jewish educators who are fully committed to providing a strong and warm learning environment. The strength of the secular studies department is evident by the school’s accreditation by the Association of Independent Schools (AISF), the National Council for Private Schools Accreditation (NCPSA), and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS). Sha’arei Bina’s goals of academic achievement and spiritual growth reflect the school’s dedication to fostering a lifelong love of learning as well as the development of good character, communal responsibility, and sterling middot. The school develops within each student a commitment to Am Yisrael, Torat Yisrael, and Eretz Yisrael. Sha’arei Bina has been working closely with its medical advisory board to determine the best way to continue offering an excellent and safe educational experience in light of Covid-19. Classes meet in the building with all students and staff wearing masks and maintaining appropriate social distancing. Students also have the option of attending school virtually from home on a semester-by-semester basis. Should an individual, class, or entire school need to quarantine or miss school, learning can continue uninterrupted due to the technological infrastructure in place. Appreciating that education should be more than imparting factual knowledge, Sha’arei Bina cares for the social and emotional needs of students as well. The school has built “wellness periods” into its schedule, creating time for students to take a break from class, spend time outside under the newly installed canopy tents, and lower their masks while social distancing. Although there will be many changes taking place at Sha’arei Bina this year in order to create and maintain the safest and healthiest environment as possible, the school has found creative ways to continue students’ chesed and community involvement in a safe and meaningful way. Its mission of offering rigorous Jewish and secular academic studies in a warm, positive, wholesome environment does not change whether classes are taking place virtually, in-person, or in a blend of the two.

Sha’arei Bina Torah Academy for Girls is located in Hollywood and serves the South Florida Jewish communities. Due to Covid-19, the school is offering a virtual open-house experience this year. For more information or if you would like to “attend” the open house at your convenience, visit www.shaareibina.org or contact the school office at 954-927-5544 or by email at office@shaareibina.org. Parents and their daughters are also invited to set up an appointment to meet with head of school Dr. Rochelle Brand (RBrand@ shaareibia.org).

HELP WANTED: Someone with a car to pick up every Wednesday at FLL Airport and deliver cargo to Deerfield Beach. For more information and if interested email yaacg@aol.com

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The Jewish Press

Friday, November 27, 2020

Florida PJ Library Goes Virtual Jewish families are finding new ways to stay busy during the pandemic through PJ Library, a Jewish Federation program that provides free, monthly Jewish-themed children’s books to Jewish homes. Named after bedtime attire, PJ Library aims to promote a love of reading while exploring timeless Jewish values and traditions. Since mid-March, PJ Library has offered a virtual daily schedule of social media posts offering virtual story time, music videos, and creative hands-on art projects. The goal is to connect families with shared Jewish experiences in the comfort and safety of their homes. “We’ve presented everything from woodworking to holiday experiences, like an apples and honey tasting party for Rosh Hashanah and a DIY edible sukkah for Sukkot,” says PJ Library co-chair Jerri Bassuk. “My co-chair, Heather Pachter. and I are very proud of how we’ve been able to serve our PJ Families.” As

a result of their efforts, during the past eight months, subscriptions have grown from approximately 3,750 to 3,880 participants. PJ Library is made possible by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Blank Family Foundation. Thanks to funding by those charitable foundations as well as the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, thousands of local children can enjoy free Jewish books. PJ Library allows youngsters to build their own Jewish library at home. Families with participating children open their mailboxes each month to find a brand-new book featuring a Jewish topic. The program is free for Miami-Dade County children ages 6 months through 8 years. PJ Our Way is the next chapter of the program and invites kids ages 9 to 11 to join a secure and engaging online community of peers and select their own monthly books. The books are free of charge and available even to kids who did not previously participate in PJ Library. The Russian PJ program is reaching out to Russian-speaking Jews in Miami to provide them with PJ Library books and involve them in exciting programming with other Russian-speaking Jewish families. The PJ Goes to School initiative provides local Jewish schools with training and support to incorporate PJ Library books into their classrooms to enhance the Jewish content of their educational curriculum. For more information or to sign up for PJ Library, visit www. pjlibrary.org, email pjlibrary@hgf.org, or call 413-276-0800.

ZOA Florida Members To Be Recognized As ‘Zionists In The Spotlight’ ZOA Florida is proud to announce that two of its board members will be recognized as “Zionists in the Spotlight” honorees at the upcoming ZOA Virtual Superstar Gala on Sunday, December 27 at 7 p.m. The Virtual Superstar Gala will feature an outstanding lineup, including: Rapper/actor Ice Cube; Ambassador to Israel David Friedman; Israel’s new ambassador to the U.S. and U.N. Gilad Erdan; philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson; actor Jon Voight; Dr. Kiron Skinner, former director of policy planning at the State Department and current fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University; investor and media entrepreneur Dr. Bruno Wu, and more. Florida’s contribution to this prestigious group will be local superstars Dr. Craig Deligdish and Gila Bronner and Dr. Daniel and Staci Layish. All these honorees have been committed to Jewish and Zionist causes their entire lives. As ZOA was re-establishing its office in Florida after more than 35 years, Dr. Deligdish became the founding board member of ZOA Florida. “It is a tremendous source of pride to have been the first ZOA Florida board member in the newly re-established region,” Dr. Deligdish says of his role. “ZOA Florida is truly a success story and the true honor is ours to continue to be a part of it.” At the beginning of 2018, the popular Orlando-based pro-Israel group “Zionistas” was looking to ZOA as a gateway to national Zionist involvement and a new lay leader to cultivate this development. Dr. Layish was highly recommended for the role. “I have been honored to carry the torch started by Sandi Solomon and the ‘Zionistas’ group to grow the ZOA presence in Orlando. I’m proud of how my wife, Staci, and

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I have helped expand ZOA’s crucial work and voice,” he says. “We hope that being recognized as ‘Zionists in the Spotlight’ will inspire others to get involved and support ZOA.” ZOA Florida Executive Director Sharona Whisler stated, “Having two of our board members featured as ‘Zionists in the Spotlight’ honorees is a proud first and well-deserved recognition and tribute.” ZOA Florida has achieved substantial credibility and recognition in the few years that its presence has been established. Accomplishments include myriad of activities, such as exclusive briefings with elected officials, expert panels combating anti-Semitism, bringing a larger Florida representation to lobby at ZOA’s Capitol Hill Mission, and attracting hundreds to its “Heroes for Israel” galas, including Governor Ron DeSantis, who was honored at last year’s event. ZOA speaks with consistent clarity about the ongoing threats facing Israel as well as Jewish students on college campuses, and the organization’s voice is needed now more than ever. A robust ZOA campus department reaches students across the country and educates them about Israel and how to fight against the ever-present anti-Zionism on campus. ZOA maintains a tireless government relations department, lobbying on Capitol Hill for the future prosperity of the Jewish people and all of Israel, including the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, and a fierce Center for Law and Justice, which takes on cases against anti-Semitism and fights the anti-Semitic boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (BDS). To learn more and to sponsor or place an ad for this not-to-be missed event, go to https://zoa.org/mission-events/annual-gala/ or contact florida@zoa.org or 212-481-1500.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Jewish Press

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Florida Local Judaic Studies Program Now Available Across The Country Gesher Judaic Studies Program was created in 2014 to provide affordable yet comprehensive Judaic studies for elementary-age students not Online student of Gesher in Jewish day schools. The program started Judaic Studies Program. with classes in Boca Raton, Florida, but this fall, due to Covid-19, Gesher went virtual. All courses are now offered live online to benefit students across the country. Chanie Kirschner, the director of Gesher, holds a Master’s in Jewish education and has over 20 years of experience in Jewish education. Kirschner is passionate about education, bringing Jewish studies to life, and connecting with her students. After teaching in Modern Orthodox day schools in New Jersey and Florida, she decided to homeschool her own four children, and appreciates the opportunity to do so and still be able to educate other Jewish children as well. Gesher’s goal is to help students connect with the weekly Torah portion and the upcoming holidays not just as subjects in school, but as part of the fabric of their lives that excites and enlivens them. In text-based learning such as Chumash study, Gesher aims to empower students with the skills to be able to learn Torah independently as well as to glean lessons from the text to apply to their everyday lives. Opening virtually with over 80 students this fall, Gesher continues to thrive amidst the uncer-

tainty of the pandemic and serve as a bright spot for families looking to further their children’s Jewish education from home while connecting with other Jewish students from across the country. Check out the website to find out more and to register for the spring semester by December 15th at www.gesherprogram.com.

LIVE ONLINE Judaic Studies For Grades K-6 Comprehensive Judaic studies program for elementary-age students CHUMASH • DINIM • PARSHA • READING Classes Offered Live on with Interactive Instruction Check Website for Spring Classes Registration Ends 12/15

chanie.kirschner@gmail.com 646-872-7228




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