Florida 072420

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The Jewish Press

Friday, July 24, 2020

Florida SHELLEY BENVENISTE FLORIDA EDITOR I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many readers and friends who reached out to me and my husband at the excruciating time of the loss of our beloved grandson, Aaron. So many tried to comfort and console. Your cards, calls, texts, and emails were all kind efforts and are very appreciated. Shelley Benveniste IT’S MY OPINION

Zero Tolerance Emmanuel Cafferty, a worker for a gas and electric company, was driving in an area near a Black Lives Matter rally in a company truck. His arm was hanging out the window. It appeared that he held his fingers in the shape of a circle, a configuration similar to a hand signal linked to white supremacists. The name and telephone number of the company Cafferty worked for were emblazoned on the door of the truck, and someone who saw him called the number to complain. Cafferty, who claimed that he had been just cracking his knuckles, was summarily fired. He was accused of being a racist. It didn’t matter that Cafferty denied the charge. It didn’t matter that the entire allegation seemed easily disproved. After all, what kind of white supremacist could the man be when he is a Mexican-American?

Cafferty was found guilty and convicted by innuendo. In the hyper-vigilant atmosphere of 2020 America, even the mere appearance of an ethnically derisive thought or gesture can cause irreparable damage to one’s credibility. We live in a time where the slightest deviation from P.C.-speak can result in disaster. Many people have been branded with undeserved labels and have had their lives ruined. Somehow, this nationwide condemnation of even suspected bigotry does not occur when the issue involves one particular minority group. Jews and the Jewish community do not receive the same caliber of attention, even when they are the targets of actual bias. The reaction to a recent series of social media posts by the Philadelphia Eagles’ DeSean Jackson is just one example of this disparity. The star football player’s anti-Semitic rants included praise for the notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and a quote (mistakenly) attributed to Adolf Hitler claiming, among other things, that Jews wanted to blackmail and extort America and that “their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes caught know who they were.” Jackson’s subsequent apology included the absurd reflection that his words had somehow been misconstrued. He stated, “Anyone who feels I have hate towards the Jewish community took my post the wrong way.” However, the truth is that there was no other way to interpret the appalling messages. One would assume that posts reminiscent of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion would bring an outcry that would result, at the very least, in DeSean Jackson being removed in disgrace from the Eagles. Sadly, even after a petition with thousands of signatures demanded Jackson’s firing, this never happened. Most mainstream Jewish organizations have been placated by Jackson’s weak apology and his purport-

Teach Florida Organization Provides Free Kosher Meals Teach Florida, an organization dedicated to making Jewish education affordable and accessible by securing more government resources for families and schools, has begun a free kosher food program for the community. Families will be able to pick up an entire week’s supply of breakfast and lunches every Tuesday at four locations in South Florida. This program is without charge and available to all children ages 1-18, with no restrictions on household income, but participants must register in advance each week at https://forms.gle/B2BCHJvP7icqQp3s8 so the vendors can provide and pack the correct quantity of boxes. Teach Florida thanks the Hebrew Academy Community School in Margate, Kosher Koop in Miami Beach, and Tomchei Shabbos of Florida for their tremendous hard work and effort to make this program possible.

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Please visit the website https://teachcoalition. org/fl/free-kosher-meal-program/ for the most recent sign-up information each week and for frequently asked questions.

ed acceptance of an invitation to visit a Holocaust memorial. The burning question is what would it take for “Jewish leadership” to buck up and finally take the assertive stance necessary to get the results that all other groups demand? Allowing Jew-bashing to go on leads to escalating acts of abuse. It emboldens haters with the idea that there will be no serious consequence for their actions. Jews whose answer to the ever-present canards is an offer to have a “conversation” about the issue are seriously misguided. Anti-Semitism is an inexplicable phenomenon and needs to be dealt with as a serious threat. Jewish history is replete with unchecked verbal attacks escalating to physical violence. Jews who wanted to be “better” than their taunting enemies eventually found themselves better and deader. Individuals going through trying times often seek scapegoats to allay their anger and frustration. Innocent Jews often fill this need. The country is now faced with a frightening pandemic, financial disaster, and wanton lawlessness. The coronavirus has resulted in an increase in anti-Semitic incidents which include the renewing of centuries-old accusations of Jews being responsible for the spread of disease and economic calamity. Those who cannot learn from the past often repeat the pattern in the present. Jews are facing a surge of hatred across the U.S. and online. The collective Jewish community needs to be vigilant and respond to any act of anti-Semitism in the way that all other minority groups do. We need to take a zero tolerance stance.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Florida Jewish Community Services Of Florida Joins KAVOD To Help Holocaust Survivors Recent studies indicate that up to 80,000 Holocaust Survivors are living in the United States and more than 30,000 are living at or near the federal poverty level. In March of 2019, Seed the Dream Foundation, in partnership with KAVOD-Ensuring Dignity for Holocaust Survivors, launched a national initiative to support thousands of these individuals across the United States, and established KAVOD Survivors of the Holocaust Emergency Fund (SHEF). Emergency services address the following urgent and critical needs: dental, visual, medical, emergency home services, emergency help with utilities, home repairs, rent support, and food. This year, emergency home care and emergency transportation have been added to the list. Marcy Gringlas, president and co-founder of Seed the Dream Foundation, explains that “the survivors’ needs far outweigh the resources available to cover these services. It is for this reason that we launched this initiative and we are prepared to continue match-

ing every dollar raised. It is our hope that KAVOD SHEF will be far reaching, and allow survivors across the country to have access to these critical services.” Miami joined the initiative in June of 2020. “JCS values this unique partnership with KAVOD, Seed the Dream Foundation,” says Miriam Singer, president and CEO of Jewish Community Services. “Our Greater Miami Jewish Federation acts as an essential bridge to provide emergency services to over 630 Holocaust survivors. We are honored to have the privilege of caring for them in our community.” Gringlas adds, “Every day, we lose more than 40 Holocaust survivors, and yet every day we continue to see hundreds of new requests for care. There is no time to waste.” This really is our last chance to help our survivors to live out their lives in dignity. Miami-Dade County Holocaust survivors in need of emergency services and support may contact Jewish Community Services at 305-576-6550. Learn more about KAVOD SHEF at: http://www.kavodensuringdignity.com.

Student Senate At Florida State University Fails To Remove Student Senate President For Anti-Semitic Rhetoric Alums for Campus Fairness (ACF), America’s unified alumni voice on issues of anti-Semitism, demonization of Israel, and bigotry, called on Florida State University (FSU) to remove student senate president Ahmad Daraldik for his anti-Semitic rhet-

Boca Hamlet 5 bedroom4 bath pool home renovated and move- n ready 2CG $1,100,000.00 6 bedroom 6 ½ bath courtyard pool home, chefs k tchen 3CG $2,000,000.00 Thornh ll Green 5 bedroom 3 bath pool home. Home s updated and move- n ready. $949,000.00 Thornh ll Mews 4 bedroom 2 bath pool home. Updated k tchen.move- n ready. 2CG. $725,000.00 Capt va HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELLER! 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home w th a 2CG. Master shower s new and 2nd bath has been redone. The electr cal panels are also new! $560,000.00 Palac os JUST LISTED! 2 bedroom 2 bath w th an amaz ng k tchen plus pool and a den. $669,000.00 V llage Del Mar 3bedroom 2 bath updated move- n ready pool home w th a 2CG and large corner lot $699,000.00 Boynton Beach Majest c Isles 3 bedroom 2 bath move- n ready home the largest model, 2CG steps from El Cla r Ranch Road. $419,990.00 Bannock at Ind an Spr ng MOVITAED SELLER! 2 bedroom 2 bath updated condo w th a golf v ew. $189,999.00 Royal Lakes 3 bedroom 2 bath move – n ready huge lot, 2CG $369,900.00 JUST LISTED! 3 bedroom 2 bath spotless move- n ready home 2CG $359,000.00 FOR RENT ON THE CIRCLE Thornh ll Green 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath pool home move- n ready home 2CG 5 bedroom 3 bath pool home updated k tchen Capt va Renovated 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home w th 2CG 3 bedroom 2 bath home new floor ng and freshly pa nted 2CG Lago Del Mar (2)3 bedroom 2 bath updated k tchen V llage Del Mar 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home new k tchen 2 CG

oric. Daraldik, a Palestinian Muslim, has made disturbing statements online including, “F****Israel,” “F****theoccupation,” and “stupid Jew he thinks he’s cool,” and has compared Israel to Nazi Germany. In 2012 he shared on his now-deleted Facebook account a post that glorified the swastika. Noles for Israel, a pro-Israel campus group, said in a statement, “Being in a position of power presented Ahmad the opportunity to represent ALL students at Florida State University, including Jewish and Israeli students. He could have taken the opportunity to learn, open up a dialogue with us, and work with us to create a shared understanding, Instead, he chose to marginalize our community and create further polarization on our campus. As a university senate president, Ahmad should not be using his position to spread misinformation and slander that will cause harm to an oppressed minority.” Last month, ACF launched a petition with more than 740 signatures, calling for Daraldik to step down from his position, or for his impeachment. ACF’s petition also called on FSU to take the necessary steps to counter anti-Semitism, including the student senate affirming and recognizing the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism and the implementation of mandatory anti-racism training for student government members and other university leaders that includes a session on anti-Semitism presented by an expert in the field. “ACF is appalled by the student senate’s vote to keep Daraldik in his position. Universities should be pillars of truth, academic freedom, and open discourse. A student leader who spreads anti-Semitic blood libels undermines these values and threatens to create a discriminatory environment for Jewish students,” said Avi D. Gordon, ACF’s executive director. According to Roz Rothstein, co-founder of StandWithUs, the international Israel education organization, “The senate voted against removing their president based on blatantly false claims. It was repeatedly stated that all of his anti-Semitic statements occurred many years ago, when in fact he equated Israelis with Nazis in a video posted literally this month. The lies promoted by those tripping all over themselves to defend him are almost as bad as his many anti-Semitic posts and comments.”

The Jewish Press

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Sacks Continued from p.61 they would have to fight. Moshe, however, did not make this distinction clear. He told the twelve men: “See what the land is like and whether the people who live there are strong or weak, few or many. What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad? What kind of towns do they live in? Are they unwalled or fortified?” This sounds dangerously like instructions for a spying mission. When ten of the men came back with a demoralizing report and the people panicked, at least part of the blame lay with Moshe. The people had asked for spies. He should have made it clear that the men he was sending were not to act as spies. How did Moshe come to make such a mistake? Rashi suggests an answer. Our parsha says: “Then all of you came to me and said, ‘Let us send men ahead to spy out the land for us.’” The English does not convey the sense of menace in the original. They came, says Rashi, “in a crowd,” without respect, protocol or order. They were a mob, and they were potentially dangerous. This mirrors the people’s behavior at the beginning of the story of the Golden Calf: “When the people saw that Moshe was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered against Aharon and said to him…” Faced with an angry mob, a leader is not always in control of the situation. True leadership is impossible in the face of the madness of crowds. Moshe’s mistake, if the analysis here is correct, was a very subtle one, the difference between a spying mission and a morale-boosting eyewitness account of the land. Even so, it must have been almost inevitable given the mood of the people. That is what Moshe meant when he said, “Because of you the L-rd was incensed with me too.” He meant that G-d was angry with me for not showing stronger leadership, but it was you – or rather, your parents – who made that leadership impossible. This suggests a fundamental, counterintuitive truth. There is a fine TED talk by Derek Sivers about leadership. It takes less than three minutes to watch, and it asks, “What makes a leader?” It answers: “The first follower.” There is a famous saying of the Sages in Avot: “Make for yourself a teacher and acquire for yourself a friend.” The order of the verbs seems wrong. You don’t make a teacher, you acquire one. You don’t acquire a friend, you make one. In fact, though, the statement is precisely right. You make a teacher by being willing to learn. You make a leader by being willing to follow. When people are unwilling to follow, even the greatest leader cannot lead. That is what happened to Aharon at the time of the Calf, and in a far more subtle way to Moshe at the time of the spies. That, I would argue, is one reason why Yehoshua was chosen to be Moshe’s successor. There were other distinguished candidates, including Pinchas and Calev. But Yehoshua, serving Moshe throughout the wilderness years, was a role-model of what it is to be a follower. That, Bnei Yisrael needed to learn. I believe that followership is the great neglected art. Followers and leaders form a partnership of mutual challenge and respect. To be a follower in Judaism is not to be submissive, uncritical, blindly accepting. Questioning and arguing are a part of the relationship. Too often, though, we decry a lack of leadership when we are really suffering from a lack of followership. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the British Commonwealth, is the author of many books of Jewish thought. He is a professor at YU and NYU.

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