Florida 040320

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Friday, April 3, 2020

The Jewish Press

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Passover 2020 Passover 2020 will forever be seared into the hearts and minds of the worldwide Jewish community. As Pesach nears, the alarming reality of the Coronavirus pandemic has brought a global sense of fear

and dread. The virus does not discriminate. Family members, friends, neighbors, and beloved rabbis have been infected. Some have recovered. Some have died. No one is safe. Everyone knows someone who has come down with this dread disease. For those who have escaped infection, the holiday will be quite subdued. Instead of Passover-resort programs or multigenerational celebrations, families will shelter in place by themselves. Some people, especially seniors with pre-existing medical conditions, will stay home alone. The danger of contagion is too great to risk any socialization. It is hard to wrap one’s head around the sudden and menacing peril. Why is it happening? What should we learn? How can we best handle this overwhelming challenge? There are no simple answers.

Florida Coronavirus Restrictions in Place By Mark Rosenberg, Director Chesed Shel Emes, Florida With Pesach just a week away, it is important to clarify recent try enacted health and safety measures to protect public’s well being and to limit the spread of coronavirus in the State of Florida. Be aware that: • Checkpoints are in place at airports and all roadways leading into Florida. • All new arrivals must provide a Florida address and their state-issued identification. This information will be recorded and provided to local authorities. • All visitors from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Louisiana, which have been declared coronavirus hotspots, must self-isolate for 14 days. • Quarantine cannot take place in the home of current Florida residents, in places where other people are already living or in any rental properties. • All property rentals in Florida for stays beginning after March 28th have been suspended for two weeks. New arrivals to the state who are found to be staying in rental properties will face stiff consequences, even if those reservations were made prior to the suspension’s announcement. • Those under quarantine are restricted from leaving their places of residence, which includes visits to essential businesses such as supermarkets and pharmacies. Visiting with friends and family who did not enter the state in the same party is also prohibited. • State and local law enforcement will use the information provided to them regarding new arrivals to perform multiple spot checks over the 14 day quarantine period to ensure full compliance with orders issued by the state and local municipalities. Anyone who violates the quarantine order at any time during the 14 day period may be subject to 60 days in jail, a $500 fine, or both. • Should any member of a quarantined party come down with the coronavirus, they will be required to self-isolate in their current location for an additional 14 days. For those who are still planning on coming to Florida for Pesach, we ask that you take a moment to consider all possible outcomes of that scenario. Should any member of your family become ill during your stay in Florida, you will be far away from your medical practitioners and in the event of a death for any reason, getting remains released in a timely fashion with proper kavod hameis (dignity for the deceased) will be extremely complicated because of the coronavirus outbreak. Chesed Shel Emes (CSE) works diligently with state and local law enforcement and the medical examiner’s office throughout the year to deal with challenges of this nature, but under these circumstances it may be a lengthy and agonizing process.

Please note that the Florida Governor’s office and all law enforcement agencies are taking these matters very seriously and that violations of the quarantine orders will not be taken lightly. We wish you and your families a sweet and healthy Pesach, wherever you may be, and look forward to welcoming you back to South Florida with open arms once this crisis has passed.

Hopefully we can use this time to reassess our priorities, appreciate our health and our families, and realize what is really important. We may make elaborate plans, but we do not necessarily have the final word. This experience has been quite sobering for all. I wish my readers a meaningful Passover and good health to you, your families, and friends. Chag sameach!

Wishing all my readers a Happy Passover! Shelley Benveniste & the South Florida Jewish Press Office

!‫לשנה הבאה בירּושלים‬

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