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Page 50 November 2019 52 The THE Jewish JEWISH Press PRESS Friday, Friday, November 1, 1, 2013

Community Currents Preschoolers A number of organizations rein the Rambam cently met under Day School of the umbrella of the United GeorTask Force to discuss Savannah, children education. The meagia learnand about sles Aleph epidemic, the problem of chilthe Bais and drentheir whonames. are not in schools for

On Sunday, October 13, the Yeshiva of Central Queens kicked off its Parent-Child Sunday Learning Program.

various reasons, and education guidelines were addressed, among other subjects. The Task Force discussed implementing “Al Taazveini,” a new initiative whose goal is to secure commitments from principals not Avrohom Lubinsky, chairman of the International to expel any child without findCommittee for Har Hazeisim, visiting Rav Chaim ing tehchild a place in another school. Earlier this month, the Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation held its annual commemoration of Ra- Kanievsky and receiving a berachah for the commit-

(L-R) Rabbi Zwiebel, executive vice president, Agudath chel Imeinu’s yarzheit. A buffet dinner was heldChaim at the Dovid Manhattan Beach Jewish Center on October 14. IsThe tee’s work. of who America; Yitzchokpresentation Shindler, CEO Tikva; and Rabbi keynote speaker was Rabbi Jonathanrael Rietti gaveDr. a dramatic on of thePesach relationship between Rachel Imeinu and the nal Geulah. Labish Becker, executive director, Agudath Israel of America.

Keynote Speaker Rabbi Jonathan Rietti and Evelyn Haies, founder and president of RCRF.

Learning in Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim at Ohr Chaim Shul in Monsey.

Rabbi Yechezkel Pikus, Chaim Deutsch, and Evelyn Haies.

The Moriah Senior Center in Washington Heights held its annual “Senior” Bais Hashoeva Sukkah Party on Chol HaMoed. Seniors were treated to a meal in the sukkah, along with live music, courtesy of Cantor Eric S. Freeman, and an opportunity to make a beracha on the arba minim.

Mendel Mintz, Rabbi Yosef Rapp, Rabbi Shmuli Butler, and others benntched luluv and esrog with Comptroller Scott Stringer during Sukkos.

Honorees pose behind the Jewish Mother’s Day cake donated by Pressers Bakery Avenue M. (L-R) Mark Langfan, Breaking the Silence Award; Rabbi Yechezkel Pikus, Rahel Imeinu Community Chessed In late September. Lt.and Governer For Esther the past 20 Young years,Leadership Strivright/AOSNY has Award; Evelyn Haies, Fran Stephen Kathy EpsteinHochul Actualist Award; Lamm, Award; Mitchell Shapiro, esq., Rachel Imeinu and Dr.and Richard Rosenfeld joined Pnina and Activist Sam Award. grown into the largest oral preschool and early

Bravmann, founders of Strivright/The Auditory intervention program worldwide for children with Oral School of New York (AOSNY), to kick off the hearing loss and/or auditory processing difficulOn October20 2,thZicharon, an organization people on issues relating to demenorganization’s anniversary celebration. that assists ties.

tia, hosted an informative evening in Menorah Hall featuring renowned dementia experts who provided the audience with much-needed advice and information on dealing with this disease. Among the speakers were Rabbi Eliezer Kaminetzky; Dr. Gary Kennedy, chief of Geriatric Psychiatry at Monteore Medical Center; and Matt Kudish, senior vice president of caregiver services of the NY Chapter of the American Alzheimer’s Association.

1st LT Yitzy Hochman (Chaplain Corps) and Chief Warrant Officer Adam Sternglass (Signal Brigade) pose in front of a sukkah built on a base in Kuwait.

To submit pictures

To submit pictures of your organization’s

to the Community

activities to the Community Currents section,

Currents section, e-mail

e-mail Dr. Gary Kenneday

Matt Kudish

(Photo credit: Zalman Umlas)

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