1345 - 14th Dec 2023

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Kinder portraits Images of rescued child refugees displayed at National Portrait Gallery P28

PROUD VOICE OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY 14 December 2023 • 2 Tevet 5784 • Issue No.1345 •

We played it so wrong FA boss sorry for response to terror attack P24



7TH OCTOBER MAGEN DAVID ADOM RESPONDS On October 7th Hamas terrorists launched a deadly surprise attack on Southern Israel. At least 1,200 people were slaughtered in cold blood, with thousands more injured. Over 240 men, women, children and babies, were taken to Gaza as hostages, where the overwhelming majority remain captive.

Magen David Adom members gather at the funeral of MDA volunteer Yarin Peled, who was murdered in the October 7th massacre

Aharon Chaimov, 25

Amir Tzur, 23

From just after 6.30am on that Saturday morning, when the first call for help was received to a Magen David Adom dispatch centre, we responded. Although this was unlike any other day, MDA’s remit was the same as every other day. To save more lives. The destruction caused by Hamas’ terrorist attack is still being evaluated. Our teams who were in the field were shaken by the horrific sights at the kibbutzim and communities they sought to help. Bodies of men, women, children, the elderly and even dead animals everywhere. In absolute contravention of the Geneva Conventions and all normal standards of human rights, MDA personnel and ambulances were considered legitimate targets. As you will read inside, 11 Magen David Adom team members lost their lives in trying to save the lives of others. Running into an emergency scene whilst others

Amit Mann, 22

Aviya Hezroni, 69

look to run away is what defines the bravery of MDA’s medics, paramedics and volunteers. They will forever be our heroes. Were it not for our armoured and bullet-proof ambulances, more would have died. In the two months since the atrocities, Magen David Adom, together with all of Israeli society, have responded in the only way they know how. Together. People continue to queue around the block to donate blood (60,000 units were donated in the first month after the attack. An incredible figure). Every MDA volunteer has signed-up for additional shifts. MDA in Israel is running at full capacity around the clock. Not just on the Gaza border, where rockets continue to fall, but also in anticipation of the threat to the north and the need for ongoing preparedness across the country. Thank you for your support to Magen David Adom. Your generosity has saved lives.

Eitan Ne’eman, 45

Lior Levy, 19

Lior Arazi, 25

OUR FALLEN HEROES Saar Margolis, 37

Shir Biton, 19

Uriel Bibi, 30

Yarin Peled, 20

Magen David Adom UK deeply mourns the devastating loss of 11 MDA employees and volunteers who were brutally murdered while saving the lives of others. Our hearts are broken. We offer our deepest sympathies to the grieving families.

MAGEN DAVID ADOM UK, WINSTON HOUSE, 2 DOLLIS PARK, LONDON N3 1HF | 020 8201 5900 | INFO@MDAUK.ORG | WWW.MDAUK.ORG 6946 MDA Red Shield Winter 2023 JN Wrap v1.indd 1

08/12/2023 11:57

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