1288 - 10th November 2022

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• Issue 1288


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Jewish News 10 November 2022

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07/11/2022 16:40

T h e p ch a p o e se r! n

Fever glitch Why Qatar World Cup lacks excitement P26-27

BBC blasted by Ofcom ‘Serious failings’ over bus attack P6


16 Cheshvan 5783

Issue No.1288 •


‘Salam, Shalom’ Chief Rabbi’s historic speech to Muslim leaders in Abu Dhabi By Justin Cohen in the UAE @justincohen The Chief Rabbi marked the first official visit to an Arab state in his office’s 318-year history by hailing the vision of political leaders who signed the Abraham Accords. Ephraim Mirvis touched down in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday before delivering his historic address to the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace. He was given prime position seated next to the Forum’s founder, Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, one of the most revered Muslim scholars on earth. Greeting the 1,000 guests from 70 countries with the words “Salam aleikum, shalom aleichem,” the Chief Rabbi described the gathering as a “sacred moment”. Quoting several passages from Genesis in Hebrew, he said they emphasised the fact the world must strive for a warm peace and that interfaith ties are most effectively built between those who remain proud adherents of their own faith.

“Abraham was absolutely committed to his own family, community and religion, and because of that he was respected outside of his religion, because he believed that he had a religion for the sake of every single human being on earth. “That is the very tone and atmosphere within this hall right now as we gather together proud of our own faiths and at the same time, reaching beyond, in friendship and warmth, towards others.” The idea of peace between the UAE and Israel and a growing local Jewish community would have been unimaginable just three years ago, he said. But the Accords with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco opened “a window to strengthen JewishMuslim relations”. He added: “I am only standing here because of brave leaders… who reached for the stars.” The first United Synagogue rabbi to have hosted an imam at his shul when he led Kinloss, Chief Rabbi Mirvis hoped the example set by his-

toric treaties would extend to other countries. But he said more needed to be done to bring people together at a grassroots level. “Where we are up to is not good enough. We have harmony between faith leaders but it has to filter down.

“It is good and pleasant for brothers to sit together in peace in this hall but we want this to happen between all Jews and all Muslims and all Christians.” During the historic trip, the Chief Rabbi will also hold talks with

senior Emirati officials and the Rashad Hussain, the US State Department’s ambassador for international religious freedom, before meeting the country’s Continued on page 5

RABIN FRIEND AND FOE The Chief Rabbi embraces the Secretary General of the World Muslim League, Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa. Picture: Fahad Subait

Outgoing Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid at a memorial service marking 27 years since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, held at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem this week. Inset: Itamar Ben-Gvir, head of the Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) Party, who celebrated the killing in 1995 of prime minister Rabin, is pictured after coalition talks at the Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv on Tuesday. He hopes to be named security minister within days.



Jewish News 10 November 2022

News / Israeli government / Cop27

Board and JLC tell of election result concern

Ehud Olmert: We risk another assassination

The Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council have said they are “gravely concerned” by Israel’s election, which handed Benjamin Netanyahu a comeback – with the help of the far-right. In a statement the Board said: “While we congratulate Benjamin Netanyahu on his election victory, we hope the incoming government will work on behalf of all its citizens as well as striving to advance regional peace.” Election results showed Netanyahu will be dependent on the support of the ultra-nationalist Religious Zionism party to take power – handing senior ministerial posts to extremist leaders Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. In response, the Board statement continued: “We are gravely concerned that the potential government will include individuals whose stated views are actions are in contrast to the tolerant and inclusive values of our community. “We look forward to continue working with those in the new Israeli government and in civil society who seek to advance peace, security, prosperity and fairness.” In its statement, the JLC said: “The commitment and attachment many diaspora Jews have to Israel is deep and longstanding. “Israel is a free and fair democracy and we respect its robust democratic process. This does not mean we are not extremely concerned about some of the potential members of the governing coalition. Their views in relation to minorities and nonOrthodox Jews raise serious concerns about the Israel we care about and support. We will continue to support those in the Israeli government and Israeli society who share the values of democracy, pluralism and inclusion.”

Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert has told Jewish News that Israel runs the risk of another political assassination following last week’s election result, as the country marks the 27th anniversary of the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, writes Jotam Confino. Olmert, 77, who was prime minister from 2006 to 2009, said that when someone like Itamar Ben-Gvir, “who waves guns in public and for years was involved in incitement against Rabin” is a potential public security minister, “you don’t need a wild imagination to assume where it can lead to”. Weeks before Rabin’s assassination, a teenage Ben-Gvir, now leader in the Israeli farright Otzma Yehudit Party, was filmed holding an emblem from the prime minister’s car, saying: “We got to his car, and we will get to him [Rabin] too.” Olmert also dismissed alle-
















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People mark the anniversary of the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. Inset: former PM Olmert

gations by Religious Zionism leader Betzalel Smotrich that Shin Bet was responsible for the murder of Rabin. “It’s nonsense. Made up,” Olmert said. Smotrich drew widespread condemnation for a speech in the Knesset on Sunday in which he said that Shin Bet “not only failed to protect Rabin but also used irresponsible manipulations, which haven’t been fully exposed to this day, to encourage the murderer to carry out his plan”. Former military and intelligence chiefs called his words a “blatant lie” and “deplorable accusations”. “The truth is that the extreme right was inciting against Rabin and they were responsible for creating the

atmosphere which contributed to the assassination,” Olmert said. “And no one can be relieved of his responsibility for creating this atmosphere, first and foremost [Netanyahu], the former prime minister and the candidate for prime minister now.” Netanyahu has repeatedly dismissed having any role in inciting against Rabin at the time, releasing a video in 2016

to prove his point. The video shows Netanyahu at a rally in 1995, telling the crowd: “Rabin is a political opponent, but he is not a traitor. He is mistaken… We are dealing with political rivals, not enemies. He is not a traitor.” Netanyahu did, however, make a speech at Zion Square in Jerusalem in 1995, with some in the crowd chanting “death to Rabin”. Olmert, who was mayor of Jerusalem in 1995, said he distanced himself from the demonstrations and incitement against Rabin at the time. “I refused to take part... We spelled it out in the most explicit manner, that this incitement may lead to something very bad,” Olmert said.

SUNAK AND HERZOG FIRM UP TIES AT COP27 Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Monday at Cop27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, agreeing to continue strengthening ties between the two allies, writes Adam Decker. Herzog called Sunak a “great friend of Israel”, adding that the United Kingdom and Israel have an “incredible relationship, which has developed throughout the years, and I think it’s one of the closest”. “We have so much to speak about from climate change to economic development and cooperation, security challenges, and of course maintaining regional stability,” Herzog said. “Thank you very much for taking the time. We know you’re busy, you have huge challenges. We wish you great success, Prime Minister.” Sunak said he “will echo everything” Herzog had said: “Israel is one of our closest friends, our closest allies, and there is an

Rishi Sunak meets Isaac Herzog in Egypt

enormous amount for us to continue working on together, whether it’s economic cooperation, security cooperation, or indeed climate change, that we’re here discussing. So I look forward to our time together. We should get to work.” Sunak, meanwhile, has congratulated Benjamin Netanyahu on winning the Israeli election, saying he looks forward to “working with the returning prime minister.”


10 November 2022 Jewish News


UK=Israel trade / Bilateral relations / News

UK-Israel trade up 33% in year to end of June The British government’s figures on bilateral trade and investment between the UK and Israel shows a 33 percent rise in business between the countries in recent months, writes Adam Decker. A factsheet published by the Department for International Trade and Investment, led by secretary of state Kemi Badenoch, reveals that the UK’s exports to Israel is now roughly equal to its imports from Israel, the latter increasing by almost 60 percent to £3.1bn. Total trade in goods and services between the UK and Israel was £6.1bn for the four quarters to the end of June 2022, an increase of 33.1 percent, or £1.5bn, on the same period last year. UK exports to Israel totalled £3bn, an increase of 13.7 percent or £356m. While the UK export of goods to Israel did not rise on last year, UK exports of services to Israel leapt by 40 percent or £355m. Meanwhile, total UK imports from Israel in the 12 months to August 2022 jumped by 89.7 percent. The vast majority of this was medicinal and pharmaceutical products totalling £845m, in part due to the pandemic.

Mark Regev, then Israel’s UK ambassador, at the London Stock Exchange in 2018

Alongside drugs and medicines, the UK imported £105m in Israeli fruit and vegetables, £132m in power generators, £271m in mineral manufactures, and £72m in scientific instruments. In terms of services, the UK imported £273m in financial services, with another £136m relating to pensions and insurances, while Israeli services sold to the UK include transport (£71m), travel (£103m), telecoms and IT (£144m), and

government services (£45m). Taken together, the figures mean that Israel is now the UK’s 39th largest trading partner, accounting for 0.4 percent of total UK trade. Based on figures published before the pandemic, based on 2018 statistics, Israeli exports to the UK supported around 33,000 Israeli jobs, while UK exports to Israel supported around 39,000 UK jobs.

Countries continue ‘close relationship’ The UK will “continue to have a close working relationship” with the new coalition government in Israel, a foreign office minister has said, writes Lee Harpin. But David Rutley added that it was “inappropriate to comment further at this stage ahead of the government’s formation” about the impact of far-right ministers in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government might make to this relationship. The minister was asked in the Commons on Tuesday by Labour’s Andy Slaughter, member for Hammersmith, whether the UK government “will be meeting representatives of those far-right parties?” Slaughter asked: “What have you made of the role of the far-right in Israel’s new government?” Rutley stressed Israel was one of the UK’s “closet partners”, adding: “You will find we will continue to have a close working relationship

David Rutley MP

with the new government.” He then said: “But it would be inappropriate to comment further” as ministerial positions were still being finalised. Earlier, Bob Blackman, Conservative member for Harrow East, had said he wished to “congratulate” Netanyahu on his return as prime minister, adding that he wished he would form “a broad-based coalition” to ensure a “key ally” had “stable” government.

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08/11/2022 09:59



Jewish News 10 November 2022

News / Embassy debate / Corbyn bill

Sunak abandons embassy move after hearing strong opposition Rishi Sunak was warned “the entire governmental system” would oppose moving the UK embassy in Israel to Jerusalem ahead of a decision to backtrack on the proposal, sources have told Jewish News, writes Lee Harpin. A No 10 spokesperson confirmed the prime minister had decided not to proceed with the embassy move. “It has been looked at,” confirmed Sunak’s spokesperson. “There are no plans to move the British embassy.” The disclosure followed a similar briefing about the apparent U-turn which was made to the New Arab website. A well-placed source confirmed to Jewish News that Sunak had reached the decision about moving the embassy from its current location in Tel Aviv after being warned “the entire governmental system” would voice opposition to the plan. “The prime minister was left in no doubt of the strength of opposition he would face if he continued to proceed to the embassy proposal,” added the source. “He seemed to take on the board this message.” It is understood that Sunak also heard passionate arguments against moving the embassy from Arab diplomatic voices. A source also suggested there were some Israeli diplomatic voices “less than enthusiastic” about any change in location. The announcement that the “review” promised by former prime minister Liz Truss had been aborted came on the day Sunak met a group of Israeli and Gulf Arab and diplomats in the UK to praise the Abraham Accords as the dividend of diplomacy. “The accords have kickstarted a new era

Lord (Eric) Pickles with Rishi Sunak at the CFI event

of relations in trade, tourism, security and more,” he said. “This is the dividend of diplomacy.” In September Truss, as prime minister, had told the outgoing Israeli prime minister, Yair Lapid, that she was in favour of the review as the two met during the UN general assembly in New York. During the Tory leadership election campaign both Sunak and Truss had voiced support for moving the embassy to Jerusalem at events organised by the Conservative Friends of Israel group. The Board said it would not be commenting.  Editorial comment, page 18

As chancellor, with Avigdor Lieberman at 11 Downing Street

WARE ACCUSES PRO-CORBYN EDITOR OF ‘SLITHERING AWAY’ BBC Panorama journalist John Ware has accused a pro-Jeremy Corbyn editor of “slithering away” from defending a libel case in court – recalling how Paddy French said he would “vigorously defend” claims he made about the programme Is Labour Antisemitic? Ware is suing French for £50,000 over a pamphlet entitled: “Is the BBC anti-Labour?”, which he published via his Press Gang website. French had claimed Ware’s Panorama episode had been “rogue journalism that presented just one side of the argument, ignored basic facts and bent the truth to breaking point”. But after neither the defendant or a representative attended Monday’s hearing in the Royal Courts of Justice, Ware said: “Paddy French has slithered away. What he has done is cowardly, take refuge in his farmhouse in the south of France.” Last month, French had announced his “withdrawal” from defending the case. He had claimed an earlier legal ruling now stopped him

using the case as “an opportunity for a forensic examination of antisemitism in the Labour Party while Jeremy Corbyn was leader”.But legal sources expressed surprise to Jewish News at the “withdrawal” claim, suggesting it was tricky for defendants in libel cases to step back. In front of Mr Justice Knowles, Ware and his lawyer William Bennet KC attacked his claim to have withdrawn from the case. Ware added: “I was bewildered, because since the start of these proceedings he had said he would vigorously defend them. So that was a shock. And he said he wasn’t going to contest my claim, which has left me in a bit of a no man’s land because if he isn’t contesting it you would expect him to admit my claim. But he hasn’t,and he hasn’t apologised.” In addition to seeking around £50,000 in damages, Ware is seeking an injunction against French repeating a claim that Ware behaved dishonestly when producing the 2019 Panorama programme.

£775K FOR CORBYN APPEAL A crowdfunding page set up to help pay former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s legal bills has begun a new appeal to raise £775,000 it says is due as a result of the libel claim brought by an Israel activist, writes Lee Harpin. Carole Morgan, founder of the page Jeremy’s Legal Fund, wrote: “Richard Millett

has now dropped his defamation claim against Jeremy. But although the settlement vindicated Jeremy... he has been left with an enormous bill for the work undertaken by his legal team in preparing his defence.” She says the bill was originally £1.48m but was negotiated down to £900,026. Millett began the action

over Corbyn’s words during an interview on the Andrew Marr Show in 2018. Asked if he was an antisemite before being shown a recording of a speech in which he referred to “Zionists” who “don’t understand English irony”, Corbyn responded by saying two people had been “incredibly disruptive” and “very abusive”.


10 November 2022 Jewish News


Chief Rabbi in the UAE / Special Report

Chief of peace Continued from page 1 burgeoning Jewish community. The Forum was established in 2014 by Sheikh bin Bayyah, chair of the UAE’s Fatwa Council, a former vice-president of Mauritania. The 87-year-old uses authentic Muslim texts to challenge extremism. At the epicentre of the sheikh’s work is the so-called Marrakesh Declaration. Created to address the oppression of minorities in Muslim countries, the document draws on traditional texts and the Charter of Medina – which protected minorities at the time of the Prophet Muhammad – as well as the far more recent Universal Declaration of Human Rights to affirm equality between peoples. After the Arab Spring and the emergence of Daesh, bin Bayyah established the FFP in the belief that such a global response – the first of its kind to tackle extremism – was essential. Organisers hold that the growth of extremism owes much to an education gap among some teachers charged with “applying decontextualised texts to the modern world”. It was later extended to involve dialogue with other Abrahamic faiths, paving the way for the involvement of rabbis and priests including Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and Archbishop Justin Welby, who both joined by video link in 2022. The Chief Rabbi applauded bin Bayyah’s contribution to peace as “absolutely monumental. We stand in awe at all your achievements to date”. He also heaped praise on the founding father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and current president Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. For this first time, this year’s conference included a significant delegation from the UK, including the Board of Deputies’ Michael Wegier and Amanda Bowman, Imam Qari Asim, theologian Usama Hasan, campaigners Akeela Ahmed and Dilwar Hussain and the Church of England’s Siriol Davies. Among the speakers over the three-day conference was former CCJ chief Elizabeth Harris-

Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah of Saudi Arabia with fellow Arab leaders. Inset: Chief Rabbi at the conference

Sawczenko, who advises the forum’s fledging UK branch and the British government’s adviser on political violence, Lord Walney. The event’s theme was ‘Globalised conflict and universal peace: urgent need for partnerships’. Sheikh bin Bayyah told delegates that the Covid pandemic illustrated how connected and interdependent the world is. He added: “Whether on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, we must deliver the message of peace to our congregations and audience on different continents and in various languages. This message must be disseminated to all people. It should be taught in schools, preached in temples, and invoked in the arenas of conflict and on battlegrounds.” Ari Gordon, US director of Muslim-Jewish relations at the American Jewish Committee, described the Chief Rabbi’s appearance as a

“watershed moment. It was moving to see the warm greeting Chief Rabbi Mirvis received from Sheikh Bin Bayyah and even more so the enthusiastic applause from hundreds of Muslim scholars upon hearing his call from Jewish tradition for cooperation across lines of faith. For the Jewish delegates, his voice on the main stage was ennobling, and for those who have little exposure to Jews or Judaism it opens a path to learn more and correct misconceptions”. Former Ireland Chief Rabbi David Rosen, one of the most significant Jewish figures on the interfaith scene, described the visit as “an important stage in advancing Jewish-Muslim relations globally” that “strengthens the achievements and blessings of the historic Abraham Accords”. Opening the session, the UAE’s minister of tolerance Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan said encouraging people to get to know each other would enable them to take on challenges like economic recession, the environment and terror together. Opening up

communication with everyone, he suggested, was key to the “successful march of the country”. Dr Mohammed Al-Issa, Secretary General of Muslim World League, spoke of the primacy of the word ‘peace’ in the Koran and insisted those who portrayed conflict as being in the name of Islam were guilty of “fraud”. In a hard-hitting address, he said that sometimes the necessary religious knowledge needed to counter hateful narratives were lacking or there was fear to stand up publicly. Some platforms claiming to counter such narratives failed to do so, he suggested. Board of Deputies chief executive Michael Wegier said he hoped conversations at the forum – whose executive director is Brit Zeshan Zafar – would lead to tangible projects with Muslim leaders in the UK and globally. He said: “This is an amazing opportunity to hear and mingle with, religious leaders from the Middle East and Africa. Events like this remind us of the possibilities that peace can bring.”  Editorial comment, page 18

SUNAK REAFFIRMS UK’S COMMITMENT TO ACCORDS by Justin Cohen justin@jewishnews.co.uk @CohenJust

Rishi Sunak has reaffirmed the government’s commitment to the Abraham Accords at an event to mark the second anniversary of the agreements signed by Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco. He told 250 people at the reception: “Today we send a clear mes-

sage about our commitment to the Accords and all they represent. “The Accords have kickstarted a new era of relations in trade, tourism, security and more. This would have been impossible just a few years ago, but it does show how we can transform peace and stability in the region. The UK is committed to working with you all to take this initiative from strength to strength.”

Chaired by the executive director of ELNET UK (a pro-Israel advocacy group) Joan Ryan, the event was hosted by ELNET, the Board of Deputies and the UK Abraham Accords Group, whose chair is Dr Liam Fox MP. Those attending – including the ambassadors of all four signatory countries and ministers and political leaders from Bahrain, the UAE and Morocco – heard Sunak

call the signing “one of the greatest achievements in the long process to securing peace in the Middle East”. He said: “This is the dividend of diplomacy. We all know that peace in the Middle East can be a hard road: it’s almost 45 years since Anwar Sadat reached out and travelled to Israel to address the Knesset. It was a brave and historic step towards peaceful coexistence. “With the Abraham Accords, our

generation took up the torch. We can deliver lasting peace and prosperity. And more than that, we can deliver hope”. All four ambassadors took part in a panel moderated by Joan Ryan, after which they were each presented with a version of a sculpture by the Israeli artist Arik Levy, to mark “their achievements towards advancing the Abraham Accords”.



Jewish News 10 November 2022

News / BBC ‘failings’

Ofcom finds BBC’s Chanukah bus attack report had ‘serious failings’ An Ofcom investigation into the BBC’s reporting of the Oxford Street Chanukah bus attack on a group of Jewish students this week uncovered “significant editorial failings” following the broadcast, writes Lee Harpin. The reports of the incident last November claimed that an audio recording made it included “anti-Muslim slurs” – which it later changed to a singular “slur” – that came from inside the bus. Afterwards, it received evidence that disputed this interpretation of the audio. But in a report published on Monday, Ofcom concluded the BBC “failed to promptly acknowledge that the audio was disputed and did not update its online news article to reflect this for almost eight weeks”. The watchdog added: “During this time the BBC was aware that the article’s content was causing significant distress and anxiety to the victims of the attack and the wider Jewish community. In our opinion, [that] was a significant failure to observe its editorial guidelines to report news with due accuracy and due impartiality.” The report “also carefully considered a related news report broadcast on BBC London News”. It said: “The BBC made a serious editorial misjudgment` by not reporting on air, at any point, that the claim it had made about anti-

Muslim slurs was disputed, once new evidence emerged.” The damning finding concluded: “This failure to respond promptly and transparently created an impression of defensiveness by the BBC among the Jewish community. It demonstrates that the BBC has further to go in learning how to respond when its reporting is in contention. We will review how the BBC has addressed the complaints handling and transparency issues raised by this case.” A spokesperson for the BBC said: “While Ofcom has found that our reporting was not in breach of the Broadcasting Code, the BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit ruled in January this year that more could have been done sooner to acknowledge the differing views about what could be heard on the recording

A protest outside BBC Broadcasting House (photo: Campaign Against Antisemitism) and, above left, a police image of the key suspects of the attack they failed to aprehend

of the attack. The BBC apologised at the time for not acting sooner to highlight that the content of the recording was contested.” The Board of Deputies sparked the Ofcom inquiry after complaining about the report and the impact it had on the victims and the com-

munity. Welcoming the decision, president Marie van der Zyl said: “This ruling, in response to the Board’s written complaint, validates our significant concern over the BBC’s actions on this issue. We will now consider whether to take this issue to a judicial review.”

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10 November 2022 Jewish News


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08/11/2022 17:53



Jewish News 10 November 2022

News / Culture club / Online safety / Football ban

Supporters of London Jewish culture centre JW3 left its enigmatic chief executive “blown away” after raising a record amount for the charity to coincide with his 50th birthday, writes Joy Falk. Raymond Simonson, known both for his sideburns and the passion with which he performs his duties, celebrated his half-centenary by thanking those who gave money within a match-funded 36-hour fundraising appeal. “We are really quite humbled that against the backdrop of the tightest financial climate since JW3 opened, the community has come out to show such support for our charitable

Photo by Blake Ezra Photography

JW3 Ray-ses half a million

JW3’s chief executive Raymond Simonson (centre) with television producer Dan Patterson and the late Barry Cryer

and cultural activities,” said Simonson. “I’m blown away that almost 750 people from all parts of the community contributed to this campaign, which raised a record amount

of £518,715 – the most we’ve ever raised from a single event or appeal.This helps ensure we adequately respond to the increased demand for our core services.”

JW3 volunteers have been arranging, packing, and delivering weekly food parcels for families in Camden who are struggling with the cost-ofliving crisis, using donations from Jewish community members. “Each parcel has a week’s worth of ingredients for a person, a household, a family living in the borough who are currently struggling with food poverty and food insecurity,” he said. “With inflation and rising energy costs there are more and more families who need our services. We’re doing everything we can to meet demand.”

Warning on Online Safety Bill dilution Watered-down online safety legislation “will allow abuse and harassment, including antisemitic hate, to continue to flourish” politicians warned this week, writes Lee Harpin. Rishi Sunak will bring back the long-awaited Online Safety Bill this month, but only after ordering culture secretary Michelle Donelan to make amendments so as to “not limit free speech”. The prime minister is said to want to make the legislation, a 2019 manifesto commitment, a priority for his government. The Bill was designed to regulate the

internet and social media platforms with the threat of criminal sanctions if they do not moderate content, especially that viewed by children. However, it is now claimed that to satisfy the criticisms of free speech campaigners, the government is prepared to ditch the “legal but harmful” clause for adults, so firms would not have to make decisions on what is or is not illegal. These rules required social media companies to deal with content that is not illegal but is dangerous – including some forms of antisemitic messaging and imagery.

THREE-YEAR BAN FOR NAZI SALUTES A man who made Nazi salutes during a match between AFC Wimbledon and Milton Keynes Dons has been given a football banning order for three years. Alan Strank, 42, of Guildford, Surrey appeared before Wimbledon magistrates on 3 November, where he pleaded guilty to a racially

aggravated offence under Section 4 of the Public Order Act. He will also have to undertake 50 hours of unpaid work in the community and pay a £180 fine. During the match, at Plough Lane in Wimbledon on 9 April, Strank was seen making a Nazi salute towards the away sup-

porters. The incident was not reported on the day but an investigation took place after a review of body-worn and CCTV footage. PC James Crawley, the investigating officer, said:“Racism has no place within football, or indeed in society, and those who engage in such behaviour should be under no

illusion that they are committing a crime. The consequences of that crime were demonstrated today. “Genuine football fans and players are fed up with this kind of toxic discourse surrounding the game and we will use all the policing powers available to us to stop it from happening.”

Football supporters make Nazi salutes

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10 November 2022 Jewish News

NUS sacking / Kaddish plea / Free speech / News

MP applauds NUS for sacking Dallali Labour’s Wes Streeting this week commended the leadership of the National Union of Students over the sacking of its president, accusing Shaima Dallali of making “publicly known comments that were pretty reprehensible”, writes Lee Harpin. Streeting, a former president of the NUS himself, also dismissed claims by Dallali last week that she was a victim of sexism and racism. He said: “I think it’s important to acknowledge that this was a case an independent KC led inquiry… And I think some of her publicly known comments were already pretty reprehensible. “I don’t think she showed adequate remorse or contrition.” The shadow health secretary and Ilford North MP was interviewed about last week’s dismissal of Dallali by Sky News. He said: “I do want to commend the NUS leadership however, for gripping the situation and acting in a both a fair way, but also a robust way, because students need to have confidence that they’re being well represented.” Streeting said the government had been right

Shaima Dallali: sacked after KC-led inquiry

to withdraw from engagement with the NUS this year, following mounting allegations about antisemitism, stretching back several years. “It was the right thing to do,” he said of the government’s decision to break relations. “It is pretty depressing for me as a former president of an organisation which I think has an important role to play representing students, making sure their voices are heard by university leaders, by political parties, by government. It’s a shame it’s got to this point.”


Maja Bagley

A 103-year-old woman whose family fled Nazi Berlin in 1938 was buried at Bushey Cemetery after a last-minute plea was posted on social media asking for people to attend for kaddish to be said, writes Jenni Frazer. The family of Maja Bagley, née Blumenfeld, paid tribute to the United Synagogue Burial Society and the Association of Jewish Refugees for their support in arranging the funeral.

Richard Verber, US communications director, said: “At 10pm on Monday we posted a tweet asking the community if they could attend Maja’s funeral to enable kaddish to be said. The next morning, 25 people showed up at Bushey Old Cemetery – most of whom had never met Maja. “She was, by all accounts, an extraordinary woman and it was the burial society’s sacred duty to conduct her levaya. Thanks to all who came and those who spread the word.”

Mann’s amendment ‘ZIONIST’ SLUR FOR LABOUR HOPEFUL to free speech Bill The government’s antisemitism tsar has tabled an amendment to proposed free speech legislation that would give equal weight to a university’s duty to protect the feelings of students who felt upset by the speech in question. Lord Mann, who sits as an independent, explained his motivation during a committee meeting at the Lords when discussing the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill. He cited the example of anti-Israel filmmaker Ken Loach speaking at Oxford University during lockdown, and the inability – due to Covid restrictions – of some Jewish students to protest physically against his appearance. “It is one thing to have the right in law to freedom of speech, but the consequences of the speech can be that some people are greatly distressed by the content, or that the speaker is then targeted and needs some support,” he said. Baroness Faulkner, chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said he had warned the committee to be “extremely careful” about Mann’s amendment.

A Labour parliamentary selection contest has been rocked by antisemitic and Islamophobic slurs against a candidate. Mete Coban, who hopes to be picked as Labour’s candidate in Kensington, west London, has been labelled “Zionist” and a Muslim “sell out” in an online message to members. The ugly message also accused him of being a “supporter of apartheid, racism and baby killers”. Coban, a Hackney council cabinet member, was accused in the memo of “being parachuted in (sic) Kensington by right winger Keir Starmer”. It also claims: “Meta went on an Israeli funded trip to the zionist homeland. He will claim to be a Muslim, but he is a sellout to his people and his race.” Joe Powell, another candidate, said: “Antisemitism and Islamophobia have no place in British politics.” Jewish News understands that Stephen Cowen, the leader of Hammersmith and Fulham council, who is also standing for selection, telephoned Coban personally to express his disgust at the slurs directed at him.

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Jewish News 10 November 2022

News / Border shuffle / Icke ban / Simcha climb

Barnet boundary changes shelved Plans for radical new constituency boundaries in the borough of Barnet have been shelved in newly-published revised proposals, writes Lee Harpin. Last year it was suggested the Finchley and Golders Green seat could become Finchley and Muswell Hill as boundaries were redrawn to ensure the number of electors in each constituency was more equal than currently. But in revised proposals just published, the parliamentary seat currently held by Tory MP Mike Greer remains unchanged. In Chipping Barnet, the new proposals included a minor boundary change in which Friern Barnet moved to the neighbouring Hornsey and Wood Green seat, while the Edgwarebury ward, currently in Hendon, is moved to Chipping Barnet. Apart from the Edgwarebury gain, the new plans saw the Hendon constituency remaining largely untouched. The review confirmed that both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats opposed “almost all our initial proposals for these boroughs and provided counter-proposals”. The review adds: “Most of the counter-proposals provided to us respected the A5 road as a dividing line. Consequently, the boroughs of Barnet and – in

Finchley and Golders Green MP Mike Freer

many cases – Camden, were divided into fewer constituencies, and there were fewer borough boundary crossings on the whole.”  Jewish Labour Movement vice-chair Sarah Sackman has been selected to be Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Finchley and Golders Green at the next election. Sackman, a human rights barrister at Matrix chambers, secured a landslide victory as members voted for their favoured candidate on Sunday. The lawyer, who grew up in Brim Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, previously stood as the candidate in the north London seat in 2015.

Icke banned by PEERAGE FOR most of Europe ROSENFIELD?

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Conspiracy theorist David Icke has been banned from most of Europe for at least two years after Dutch authorities denied him entry because they deemed him to be a risk to public order. Amsterdam’s mayor recently asked the country’s prosecutor to ban entry to Icke, accusing the former footballer of making “antisemitic and hurtful statements”. Icke has been peddling conspiracies for decades – most recently claiming a Jewish group was involved in the spread of Covid-19 – and has been banned from Facebook and Twitter for his remarks. He reported the ban on his own website, saying he had been sent a letter from Dutch authorities.

Former Downing Street chief of staff Dan Rosenfield has reportedly been included on Boris Johnson’s list of names nominated for the Lords. The Times reports the former World Jewish Relief chief is one of 20 names on the former prime minister’s new list. Former London mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey who quit as London Assembly police and crime committee chairman last year over breaking Covid rules, is also reportedly nominated, with multimillionaire Tory donor and Carphone Warehouse co-founder David Ross. Rosenfield was appointed to the chief of staff role in April 2021 after 11 years at the Treasury and was partly responsible for budget for the successful 2012 London Olympics bid.

ON A HIGH FOR SIMCHA A London schoolboy has climbed one of Britain’s highest peaks as part of his bar mitzvah year celebrations to raise over £3,200 for a Jewish charity supporting poorly children. Sean Young, who celebrated his bar mitzvah in September, shlepped 1,085m to the top of Mount Snowdon in Wales for Camp Simcha. Father James said Sean, a pupil at UCS in Hampstead, was following in the footsteps of his three older siblings, who all chose to help the charity at the same age, although none of the others chose to scale a mountain. “The idea came about two months ago,” said Sean’s dad. “I’m Swiss so I like mountains. We looked up the highest in Britain and came up with Snowdon. It was challenging on the way up but we were lucky to have blue skies, which made it enjoyable and a good way to spend time together.

Sean congratulated by his dad on Snowdon

“We’ve been quite connected to Camp Simcha for a long time. My nephew has muscular dystrophy. He and his family were supported by Camp Simcha, twice going to camp in America. “We think it’s just a great charity and one that really makes a difference to children and their families.”


10 November 2022 Jewish News

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Jewish News 10 November 2022

Special Report / Charity boost

Empty Jewish care home turns into winter haven for homeless Homeless people in Brighton are to live in an empty Jewish care home this winter after its Jewish owner struck a short-term rental deal with the national charity St Mungo’s, writes Adam Decker. Hyman Fine House, just yards from the beach, was due to be sold by Jewish Care, but delays, and a timely approach from the charity, mean it is being temporarily repurposed to address high levels of homelessness in Brighton and Hove. The agreement follows discussions involving the Sussex Jewish Representative Council (SJRC) and the Brighton and Hove Jewish Welfare Board, with the rental income from the short-term leasing of the building set to benefit the local Jewish community. Jewish Care chief executive Daniel Carmel-Brown said his team was proud to be working with St Mungo’s and the community to help to move the region’s homeless off the streets and into the warmth over the winter. In a joint statement, the Repre-

sentative Council and the Welfare Board said: “We are pleased that Hyman Fine House will not be left empty during the winter. “In keeping with the Jewish tradition of charity and outreach, it will be used for shelter for those in need in our city. “We continue to plan additional support and services for those older people in our community with the assistance of Jewish Care. “The St Mungo’s rental income will be added to the funds available for our communal use for the benefit of the elderly.” The home has lain empty since July, but its sale – originally planned for this year – has now been delayed into 2023, Jewish Care citing “the uncertainty of the current economic climate and some legal processes to resolve around the building and the Trust under which it is held”. The statement argued that keeping Hyman Fine House vacant for months over the winter “would not be responsible in terms of protecting the security of the building”,

adding that the home’s synagogue would remain locked and inaccessible to St Mungo’s. Rabbi Pesach Efune of Brighton, together with the home’s registered manager, Natasha Carson, and members of the community have removed all religious and sentimental items and either reunited them with the gifting families or secured them off-site “until they find new homes”. St Mungo’s said Hyman Fine House will be used for the ‘No Second Night Out’ programme, which limits the amount of time people have to spend sleeping on the streets. It is a rapid assessment and reconnection service, providing people with food, accommodation, and personalised support while a longer-term home is found. St Mungo’s regional head Rahul Sen said: “We are really grateful to Jewish Care and the Sussex Jewish Representative Council for the opportunity to temporarily use the building, so we can operate this vital service.

The home will be part of St Mungo’s ‘No Second Night Out’ programme

“It means we can ensure people have a safe and warm place to stay and receive specialised support, instead of being on the streets.

“We are looking forward to working together and being the best neighbours that we can be to the local community.”

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10 November 2022 Jewish News


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Jewish News 10 November 2022

News / Ukraine struggle / Cenotaph plea

Charity struggling to reach staff in Ukraine An international Jewish charity working in Ukraine has said it is now struggling to talk to its staff on the ground as it moved Jewish families from central regions into temporary shelter in the country’s west, away from the fighting, writes Adam Decker. Russian missile attacks against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure including power stations, water treatment facilities and even hospitals have left much of the country in ruins, with power and water shortages. It prompted Jewish education charity ORT, which operates in six Ukrainian cities, to evacuate families from Zaporizhzhia and Odesa, citing a significant deterioration in living standards following the bombing frenzy. It marks “the most significant humanitarian development for ORT in Ukraine since the start of the conflict in February”, according to a spokesman. “The evacuations were very difficult as in addition to students and teachers, family members evacuated included elderly grandparents and babies,” said ORT Ukraine head Mila Finkelshtein. “The trip from Zaporizhzhia took

Call for minister to attend parade

A young ORT evacuee from Ukraine

almost 20 hours by bus. We have given people the chance to sleep at night, to study, to work.” The charity said missile attacks had intensified in recent weeks, with educational institutions across Ukraine forced to close or switch to online learning. Most ORT schools in the country are currently studying remotely. “As the situation worsens, communication with ORT colleagues in Ukraine has become more difficult,” the charity

said. “The winter is likely to be a long, challenging time for them with huge uncertainties around most aspects of daily life most critical being sufficient and reliable electricity and heating.” ORT evacuated 153 people from Zaporizhzhia and Odesa to new accommodation in Truskavets, near Lviv. Other Jewish families declined the evacuation offer, typically because one or more family member was a medic and needed for the war effort.

The British government has demurred when asked if a minister may finally attend the annual parade of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) at the Cenotaph this month, writes Adam Decker. Conservative MP Bob Blackman urged the government to break its poor record and send someone but Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt offered no assurances. “This year’s event is special,” Blackman said. “It is the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the parades. I

have attended them every year since I was elected, but unfortunately a minister has never been present.” He urged Mordaunt to “prevail upon her Cabinet colleagues to ensure a government representative is at the centenary parade”, but the minister could not promise the government would respond. “It is right to mark such events with all due respect and courtesy to the people involved in those efforts,” she said, adding: “I cannot give him the assurances he seeks today… I shall follow up and see what we can do.”


10 November 2022 Jewish News


Election fallout / Ancient find / World News

A secular island in a far-right nation? By Jotam Confino @mrconfino

“Tel Aviv is basically a separate state,” wrote one Facebook user after it became clear that the next Israeli government will include the far-right Religious Zionism party. The party received 15 seats to become the third largest party overnight, up from the previous five seats it had in the opposition. Its anti-LGBTQ stance and racist rhetoric against Arab-Israelis and Palestinians are drawing headlines across the world. The situation is causing deep concern among Jewish diaspora communities, who find it hard to

comprehend that Israel has shifted so radically to the right. Tel Aviv, which prides itself on being a secular, gay city of the Middle East, is looking increasingly like an anomaly in Israel, which is undergoing a huge societal change. The founding fathers of the state were secular Zionist socialists, who never in their wildest dreams would have been able to foresee a party like Religious Zionism being an integral part of any government, let alone the third biggest party. But their ideologies and values have almost disappeared from Israeli society, finding a safe haven in inner and greater Tel Aviv. The failure of Meretz, whose stronghold

is Tel Aviv, which failed to enter Knesset on Tuesday, illustrated the disappearance of the once dominating left wing. Tel Aviv is still a city where openly gay people can live in peace without being harassed, and where supermarkets are open on Shabbat, but it is subject to religious coercion, forfeiting public transport on Shabbat, despite an overwhelming majority of the city being secular. With a self-proclaimed “proud” homophobe as leader of the third biggest party, whose dream is to create a Halakha state based on Jewish laws, is Tel Aviv finally becoming the island it has been joking about for years?


The earliest discovered sentence in the ancient language of Canaanite has been uncovered in Israel on an ivory comb, used to remove lice and eggs, dating back to 1700 BC. The sentence includes a spell against lice, with the seven words reading: “May this tusk root out the lice of the hair and the beard.” The comb was discovered in Tel Lachish, about 30 miles south-west of Jerusalem, which was a major Canaanite city state in the second millennium BCE


Tel Aviv Gay Pride is hugely popular, but now the Israeli government will include a anti-LGBTQ party


Putin threat to Israel

Former US president Barack Obama has called out celebrities who post antisemitic conspiracy theories online. calling them “dangerous”. He was campaigning in Pittsburgh, site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history. Obama decried the recent assault on Paul Pelosi, the husband of House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, by an alleged assailant who spread falsehoods about the 2020 election and antisemitic theories. The former president warned that political leaders who make light of such violence put others at risk. He was alluding to a number of conservatives who have sought to cast doubt on the veracity of reports about the attack, or who have mocked it. But Obama said the dangers of political discourse extended beyond politicians.

Russia this week warned Israel it will retaliate if Jerusalem sends defensive weapons to Ukraine. Citing unnamed sources familiar with Russian policy, Bloomberg News said Russia had said it would respond if Israel passed along air-defence systems directly or through a third party. The report did not specify what action Moscow might take. Jerusalem has seemed to warm to the idea of supplying defensive equipment after Iran supplied the Kremlin with attack drones. Israel prime minister Yair Lapid told Ukraine’s foreign minister in October Moscow’s ties with Tehran “put the whole world in danger”. However, the change of government in Israel leaves future policy under question, with Benjamin Netanyahu known for his good relations with Russian president Vladimir Putin.



Jewish News 10 November 2022



10 November 2022 Jewish News


Sound decision / Kanye revelations / World News

Library of music banned by Nazis to be published More than 400 musical works banned by the Nazis are to be published for the first time, writes Joy Falk. The project to release the trove of more than 300 songs, 100 chamber music works, 50 orchestral works, several vocal and stage works and numerous film scores is a cooperation between the American classical music publisher G Schirmer, part of Wise Music Group, and the Exilarte Center for Banned Music in Vienna. Dr Gerald Gruber, founder of Exilarte and chairman of the Exilarte Center, said: “The Nazis wanted a world in which the music of Jewish composers would have been banned

and forgotten. It is therefore our obligation to counteract these policies by rescuing the music of exiled composers from oblivion. “The cooperation between Exilarte and Schirmer/Wise is of incredible value for future generations.” G Schirmer will provide financial support to Exilarte Center, the world leader in the restoration, preservation and publication of composers banned by the Nazis, and act as publisher of the restored music. G Schirmer/Wise Music president Robert Thompson said: “This agreement will ensure these composers silenced during World War II are not

forgotten, their legacies restored, and their musical works brought to the public for the first time in performances and recordings.”. Exilarte was founded in 2006 as an association with the aim of preserving music that had been suppressed by the Nazi regime. The music was written largely by Jewish composers. In 2016, the centre became a fully accredited research base and archive on the historic campus of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. G Schirmer is the oldest continuously active North American music publisher, founded in 1861.

The 400 works, largely by Jewish composers, are being restored

Kanye paid out to ex-employee over antisemitic rants

Kanye West: ‘Obsessed’

Kanye West paid a settlement to a former employee over his antisemitic language, years before his recent antisemitic tirades that sank his reputation and cost him billions in endorsement deals, NBC News has reported. In a previously unreported 2018 settlement, the anonymous former employee alleged that West, who now

goes by Ye, had praised Hitler and Nazis in business meetings. West denied the claims in the settlement, but NBC spoke to six former business associates of his who confirmed that he had a history of praising Hitler and uttering antisemitic conspiracy theories. “With this pattern that’s happening and with the doubling and tripling

down of all this, it’s pretty obvious that this is some kind of disgusting, hatefilled, strange Nazi obsession,” Ryder Ripps, a Jewish artist, told NBC. Ripps worked with West for years and said he witnessed multiple instances of his Nazi obsession. A previous report from CNN also confirmed the existence of an appar-

ently different settlement from another business executive who worked for West, who also alleged that the star had long been obsessed with Hitler, to the point of reading his antisemitic manifesto Mein Kampf and wanting to name an album after him (a 2018 release that ultimately was self-titled as Ye).

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Jewish News 10 November 2022


Editorial comment and letters ISSUE NO.




Real Jewish power Send us your comments Embrace or a disgrace?

THIS WEEKEND'S SHABBAT TIMES... Shabbat comes in Friday night 4.02pm

Shabbat goes out Saturday night 5.06pm

Sedra: Vayera

T h e p c a h p o e se r! n

I am responding to Eda Crunch time Spinka’s letter headline ‘Enfants Terrible (3 November), in which she wrote: “The right Netanyahu is back, but now it’s the iron fist of Israel’s far right empowering him. It confirms... thing to do with these enfants terribles (SmoSmotrich and Ben-Gvir) is to embrace them.” No thank you. I don’t think we should embrace racists who have no regard for anWhere’s the outrage? yone other than their own narrow nationalist agenda and bring shame, and great risk to the future stability of Israel. We can’t call out antisemitism if we are willing to embrace Jewish racists. Adam Caplin, Radlett Communal impact of the cost of living crisis P6

Pam Fox, By email

Issue No.1287

Six-pages of expert advice inside


20 October





2022 • 25 Tishrei




homophob e.’

• Issue 1285


‘I’m not willing to recognise Judaism’s Reform fake religion.’ July 2016 ■ ‘The most from Arab dangerous threat to Israel is nationalists . Outlaw their 2022 parties.’


■ ‘I’m a proud


They hate Arabs, LGBT and even people some Jews. heading for They are Jewish Newspower in Israel. asks…

Itamar Ben-Gvir,

in his

own words: ■ ‘I don’t want Reform needs to be Judaism. Jewish.’ November Israel ■ ‘We 2020 got to get to him his (Yitzhak Rabin’s) too.’ Autumn car, we’ll 1995.


weeks later

of a dramatic return. two men was made by Netanyahu. Yes, many British Jews He did it to maximise his oppose him – for his electoral chances but may have West Bank annexation unleashed a beast he cannot plan, say, or the fraud control. Religious Zionism has and corruption allega- attracted a diverse voter base: it tions he faces – but many includes young Charedim who others support him in have had enough of their rabbis this country as a strong, instructing them on who to vote conservative voice. for and West Bank settlers driven Few members of our to despair over security. It also community agree with includes extremists who have Ben-Gvir or Smotrich – shown they are quite prepared to and the fact is the political take the law into their own hands. marriage between these Contiuned on page 20

Rabin was

■ ‘Arabs are being next my enemy. I don’t enjoy to them.’ April 2016

PRISON DODGER The Israeli election had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with Benjamin Netanyahu’s desire to stay out of jail. That’s why he’s in bed with religious fundamentalists. He cares more for himself than his country. What a disgrace. Adam Salantsky, By email

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9 Cheshvan 5783

Benjamin Netanyahu’s triumph Across Israel, nearly was really a victory for his allies. half-a-million people voted For the sixth time, Israel’s for the Religious Zionist longest-serving prime minister bloc and sent more than a has led his party to the top of the dozen of its members into polls and appeared set – as Jewish the Knesset. News went to press – to return to Never in the Jewish the job. state’s history has hatred But Likud barely improved wielded such power. its vote share in this election. The To be clear: this true winner was the far-right and newspaper’s concern its leaders, Bezalel Smotrich and is not that Netanyahu Itamar Ben-Gvir (pictured above). Bezalel Smotrich, himself is on the cusp in his own ■ words:

Remember the May 2021 riots when Israeli Arabs – a community that has lived peacefully in the most part within Israel’s borders for decades – were targeted by strictly Orthodox religious Zionists in scenes that led to the worst fighting between Hamas and Israel in years? Itamar Ben-Gvir fanned those flames. Matthew Ronson, Edinburgh

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Our worst fears

IN BLOOMS HATE INCITER I have started work on a history of Bloom’s restaurant, the country’s most famous kosher restaurant. Like three of my recent books – the history of the Jewish community of Golders Green, the 100-year history of the Rinkoff bakery in the East End of London and the history of the Jewish hotels and guest houses of Bournemouth – this book will largely be based on memories. I will be grateful if readers contact me with their thoughts. In particular, I am keen to hear about the Bloom family; visits to both the Aldgate and Golders Green restaurants, menus, atmosphere, clientele and staff and the operation of manufacturing and wholesale. All contributions will, of course, be attributed. Email pamfox@virginmedia.com

Education supplement


3 November 2022

27 May 2020


16 Sivan 5781

Issue No.1212



We’ve never been racism, so why so focused on fighting the deafenin g silence as antisemitism spirals out of control? • Hospital probes ‘cutth

• Driver with Israel roat gesture’ to Jewish patient attacked in Golders Green • Crucifixion banneri flataghuge pro-Palesti • BBC journalist’s #Hitle nian demo • Nearly 300 antisemitic rwasright tweet revealed incidents in under

3 weeks RACISM – THE MADNESS SPREAD S: Pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 22 & 23


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Journey’s end

Covid cancels Israel tours for second summer Page 10

VOICE 22 April 2021


10 Iyar 5781

Issue No.1207

Freddie’s century!

Beloved survivor’s 100th birthday P31


I was mildly amused by your horror headline last week on Israel’s election results. Shock and horror! A right of centre Zionist government! The ‘concern’ shown by Jewish organisations shows them not fit for purpose. Did they condemn the inclusion of an Islamist a party in the last government? I respected left-wing governments in Israel, as Israelis elected them. As usual, the left refuses to show the same respect for Israelis the front line of terrorist atrocity, not sitting in comfort in London or Sydney. Terry Davis, Australia

THE JACOB FOUNDATION Foundation, a registered UK charity promoting cohesion and common ground across the UK


Jewish community and between British Jews

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Time to en the divide d at communal

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Israel reacted with delight when Liz Truss (remember her?) put a possible British embassy move to Jerusalem on the table during her 44-day minibreak at No 10. A country that recognises one side’s claim to Jerusalem is a country that has decided the city’s status is resolved – but, of course, nothing there is settled. So it was no surprise when Rishi Sunak put the idea firmly back in its box last week. While many Jewish News readers will disagree with Mr Sunak’s decision, it is hard to ignore the reasoning behind it. Any comprehensive deal between Israelis and Palestinians will require agreement on what to do with Jerusalem; until that happens, most countries have decided not to recognise what either side says about it. The decision on moving the British embassy is once again on ice until a settlement is found on who the city belongs to and whether it should be shared. And that’s an agreement that will take years, if not decades, if not centuries, to reach. Not something Mr Sunak, who has enough on his plate, need ever worry about.

Jewish News may congratulate itself for trying to give pariah status to Israeli politicians like Mr Smotrich and Mr Ben-Gvir, but it should be careful what it wishes for. Last week’s Israeli election was a struggle between two distinct groups within Israel… those who want Israel to remain the nation state of the Jewish people and post-Zionist groups who want Israel to be a state of all its citizens, so Jews do not have collective political rights above non-Jewish citizens. If the latter prevails, Israel will soon lose its unique identity as a Jewish state. If that’s the outcome you want you should be honest with your readers, rather than hide behind confected outrages to help influence the result. Stephen Green, NW6

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The Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. touching down in the United Arab Emirates is a moment for the history books. It took 318 years for the office-holder of one of religious Jewry’s most eminent roles to visit an Arab state in an official capacity. It was worth the wait. A peace between peoples needs cementing and visits like this help to do so. Yet Ephraim Mirvis was right too when he said it “needs to trickle down”. The Abraham Accords were the unlocking of the door. Visits like this week’s equate to the opening of it. Now we need people to walk through. They’re starting to. It will happen. For it needs to be “a warm peace”, as Mirvis rightly said. Alas, some oft-cited instances of ‘peace’ in the Middle East can principally and primarily by paper-based, signed sometimes to facilitate arm exports. A stiff breeze would blow them over. But judging by the warmth with which Chief Rabbi Mirvis was greeted in the heart of Arabia, this peace – between Jew and Arab, begun with the Abraham Accords – has all the potential to be as toasty as a hot water bottle on a cold winter’s night. One fly in the ointment may be who now fills one in every nine seats in the Israeli parliament. The ominously (and ironically) named Jewish Power Party is led by people who wear their hatred of Arabs with pride; ‘ironic’ because any Gulf Arab will tell you what Jews have long known but lately seem to have forgotten: that there is no ‘power’ in exclusivity, in othering, in hate and division, in scapegoating, in targeting a people for who they are, not what they do. On the contrary, there is power in extending a hand, establishing connections, building bridges. These are bridges that Israel’s Jewish Power party, led by Itamar Ben-Gvir, hopes to blow up. As the Chief Rabbi can attest, the handshakes are warm – for now. It only takes a few ideological thugs to chill the air.

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10 November 2022 Jewish News




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Jewish News 10 November 2022


Let’s call out these two before our enemies do JENNI FRAZER


here is an unpleasant irony that this week marks the 27th anniversary of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, by a right-wing extremist, Yigal Amir. This week, of course, also marks the unwelcome emergence into the next government of right-wing extremists Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, whose party won a staggering 14 seats in last week’s election. Rabin’s family, in the wake of the Ben-Gvir and Smotrich victory, decided not to participate in this year’s memorial ceremonies. But look who was announced as a speaker alongside President Isaac Herzog and outgoing Prime Minister, Yair Lapid: Smotrich, that’s who. This is the same politician who came to Britain earlier this year and was told in no uncertain terms that he and his racist views were not welcome here. I don’t know whether Smotrich insisted on his place in the line-up of politicians paying


tribute to Rabin, or who thought it was a good idea to invite him. In my opinion his presence is a sick indicator of what is happening in the Jewish world today. In successive weeks, this newspaper starkly laid out the issue: before the election, asking: “Where is the outrage?” at Benjamin Netanyahu’s cynical wooing of the far right; and after the results were announced, headlining the paper, “Our worst fears”. Because here’s the thing: the likes of Ben-Gvir and Smotrich don’t care about democracy — or rather, they do, as long as they are winning. But Netanyahu’s egotistical determination to get himself off the hook for the corruption charges he still faces has led us to this defining moment. It’s a moment which is asking diaspora Jews to make a choice, between “my Israel right or wrong” and “we can’t support an Israeli government containing racists.” The continued polarisation of politics — led by Netanyahu and his grinning, entitled son, Yair — and the demonisation of Arabs as ‘the other’ havetrickled down into diaspora

Jewry. In the same week as the Israeli electorate delivered its damning endorsement of the far-right, many community members were present at a celebration in central London to mark the second anniversary of the Abraham Accords. Mingling with the communal leaders were ambassadors and ministers from the three Arab nations which signed agreements with Israel two years ago, Morocco, Bahrain, and the UAE. Britain’s latest prime minister, Rishi Sunak, gave an upbeat address praising the Accords and declaring confidence in a bright future for the region. The elephant in the room was, of course, Netanyahu’s return to power and the breakthrough victories of Ben-Gvir and Smotrich. Nobody mentioned the election results; all was honeyed words and talk of dialogue and confidence in potential peace in the Middle East. I asked a nearby communal leader how the Arab ambassadors might respond, if asked about the possibility of future co-operation with a racist Israeli government. “There won’t be any questions.” I was told.

So, that’s it. We keep our mouths shut, we diaspora Jews, appalled by Netanyahu’s comeback, and even more appalled by the people he has chosen as his political bedfellows. I don’t buy it. Israel can’t ask for international Jewish support and flag up the Abraham Accords, while at the same time Ben-Gvir and Smotrich peddle disgusting racism towards Arab Israelis. Neither can Israel ask for support when it preens itself on its wonderful attitude towards LGBGT+ citizens while even now Netanyahu’s coalition partners are denouncing the Tel Aviv annual Pride parade. It seems to me — and I would take this same stance even if this column was being published not in Jewish News but in a national, mainstream daily— that it is incumbent on us to call out this repulsive situation first, before our enemies do. We need to make clear to the wider world that Ben-Gvir and Smotrich do not represent Jews in this country. And for those in the community who applaud their election — well, may the Lord help us all.



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10 November 2022 Jewish News




Democracy being lost in pursuit of a Jewish state DAVID HOROVITZ EDITOR, TIMES OF ISRAEL


year-and-a-half after the most diverse coalition in Israeli history ousted him from office, the indomitable Benjamin Netanyahu is back. Belying his age, at 73 Netanyahu again proved himself the most indefatigable of campaigners, crisscrossing the country in his ‘Bibi bus’, maximising the resonance of his social media platforms, blitzing sympathetic media outlets with interviews, and exhorting every last potential supporter to come out and vote. Astute in marshaling his allies, he brokered a merger between Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir on the far right, and campaigned among the strictly-Orthodox as well, helping his reliable Shas and United Torah Judaism partners to an unprecedentedly strong showing. He was helped by the strange complacency of Yair Lapid’s campaign, with the now-outgoing prime minister signally failing

to mirror Netanyahu in unifying Labor and Meretz on the left, neglecting to field prominent candidates who might appeal to moderate Orthodox Jews, and watching helplessly as the Joint List of mainly Arab parties splintered still further — leaving three political groupings competing against each other for the Arab vote. But Netanyahu’s personal comeback, remarkable though it is, is only part of the story of these elections. The more fateful shift marked by the vote is the elevation of the foundational principle of Israel as a Jewish state above that other foundational principle of Israel as a democratic state. The parties for which those two core values have equal weight, or for which the democratic imperative outweighs our country’s Jewish centrality, were soundly beaten, with Israel’s founding party Labor on the brink of obliteration and Meretz, at the time of writing, wiped out. The strictly-Orthodox parties, with their all-male Knesset members, rose. And so too, in particular, did Religious Zionism — led by Smotrich, who ultimately seeks an Israel run

according to the laws of the Torah, and BenGvir, whose Otzma Yehudit’s most recent political manifesto advocates the annexation of the biblical Judea and Samaria for an enlarged sovereign Jewish state in which West Bank Palestinians would be denied equal rights. Ben-Gvir, the Meir Kahane disciple whose rise to national ultra-prominence was engineered by Netanyahu, has been magnanimous in victory in these first few hours after his elevation. He can afford to be; the flux of Israeli political history is with him. He has promised, from his anticipated ministerial position — possibly in charge of public security — to work on behalf of “everyone, including those who detest me.” But it is Ben-Gvir, not Netanyahu, who electrified a sizable proportion of the electorate and is the long-term victor of these elections, along with ally-rival Smotrich. And while TV pundits lined up to suggest that we would see a “more moderate” iteration of these two once they are part of the governing establishment rather than its critics, that assessment belies their own behaviour.

Ben-Gvir was brandishing his gun and urging border police officers to shoot at Arab stone-throwers just days ago, and interrupted his own victory speech to pay tribute to the radical settler Rabbi Dov Lior and to his former political partner Bentzi Gopstein, the head of the racist and homophobic Lehava organisation. Smotrich, who denied Netanyahu a coalition in 2021 by vetoing any reliance on the Islamist Ra’am party, vowed afresh to advance his plans for judicial “reform” — plans that render the judiciary subservient to the political majority. Significantly, in his victory speech, Netanyahu stressed the country’s Jewish identity but could not, or dared not, bring himself to utter the word “democracy”. The people, he said, “want a Jewish state. A state that respects its citizens,” he allowed, “but this is a Jewish state, our national state, that we dreamed of and fought for, and spilled seas of tears and blood to achieve.” Meanwhile, Ben-Gvir was being hailed at his Otzma Yehudit victory event as “the next prime minister.” “I’m 46,” he demurred mildly. “Not prime minister yet.”

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Jewish News 10 November 2022


Dallali saga just the latest ideological battle for NUS MARC GOLDBERG



he National Union of Students sacked its president Shaima Dallali last week in the wake of a King’s Counsel report into antisemitism claims against her. The claims include discourse she posted to social media that included an Islamic battle cry historically used when attacking Jews. Dallali later apologised and removed it as well as other tweets from her profile. In a separate, since removed, Twitter thread, Dallali lashed out at a Muslim cleric, calling him a “dirty Zionist” and in the same thread claimed in Arabic (according to Google translate): “The Palestinians have the right to resist in all possible ways...even with weapons”, adding: The resistance with weapons is a right and we must accept this.” At the same time, she responded to a statement in support of Israel by the Union of Jewish Students about Jerusalem Day with a tweet saying: “You and your statement can get in the trash.” She responded to a Board

of Deputies statement condemning Hamas missiles on civilians by saying: “Time and time again the Bod prove themselves to be ethnic cleansing apartheid apologists.” These tweets have since been removed. That Dallali was elected president of the NUS in spite of it being reported she had made these statements, begs questions of the rest of the union. These questions are currently the focus of the work by Rebecca Tuck KC. Despite the fact that Tuck hasn’t yet completed her inquiry into the larger issue of antisemitism in the union as a whole, there are things we can take from the unprecedented decision to dismiss Dallali in the wake of receiving Tuck’s first report, which focused only on Dallali’s comments and issues affecting the union surrounding them. Many people looking at Dallali’s discourse will be wondering why it required a KC inquiry for NUS to take the action it did. Jewish people don’t need a KC to tell them when something is antisemitic and have a right to be heard when they express their feelings of hurt at statements they consider to be antisemitic. That the NUS couldn’t see what the issue was when it was raised and

that it still allowed Dallali to run as a candidate shows a blind spot to antisemitism. On the other hand, the fact it has acted in an unprecedented way once the KC report was handed to them shows it has taken at least one firm action to right this wrong. But this is a problem bigger than one individual. The ideological battles surrounding Israel, Jews and Zionism that have plagued NUS and the wider campus world for decades don’t seem to want to go away. They have led to no end of controversies. Perhaps the best known of these was in 2015 when then president Malia Bouattia was censured for “comments that could be interpreted as antisemitic” by an inquiry, that like the current one, NUS itself established. She was ordered to apologise for referring to Nottingham University as a “Zionist outpost” owing to the size of its Jewish society. She defended Palestinian terrorism as “resistance” and was an ardent supporter of BDS. Before becoming president, Bouattia had perhaps been best known for campaigning against a motion put to NUS conference to condemn ISIS. The motion failed. She later signed a statement that claimed “condemnation of ISIS appears to have become a justi-

fication for war and blatant Islamophobia”. The statement was co-signed by four other student activists, one of whom was Zarah Sultana, the current MP for Coventry South. Back in 2005, another NUS activist who ended up becoming an MP, Luciana Berger, resigned from her position in the NUS over concerns related to antisemitism. An inquiry was held back then too, making this at least the third hard look at antisemitism within NUS that the union has carried out in the past 17 years. It seems there’s a culture there highly resistant to change. There are positives, however. There have been statements of support from student unions around the country and NUS has said it is “sorry for the harm that has been caused”. The community awaits the outcome of the inquiry and to hear what further steps NUS intends to take in order to, as it says in its statement, “rebuild NUS in an inclusive way”. The Union of Jewish Students has proven itself to be a robust support network for Jewish students dealing with antisemitism (and other issues) and the Community Security Trust is proud to work alongside it to support Jewish students in dealing with any antisemitism they encounter.

Use your Jewish voice to help Cop27 succeed RABBI JONATHAN WITTENBERG



limate change isn’t just about the weather. It’s about the viability of life on the earth within the lifetimes of our children. That’s why the current Cop27 United Nations climate change conferences is so critically important. Opening the event with words that could not be stronger, the UN secretarygeneral, Antonio Guterres, said: “We’re on a highway to climate hell.” Timed to coincide with Cop27, this weekend is EcoShabbat, coordinated by EcoSynagogue. There are three reasons we must take part and why we must care. The first is nature itself. The Bible says even the king is subject to the field. We are dependent on the unfathomably complex interrelationships of all life. What happens to the bees is an indicator for us. Drought, wildfires, and floods are not inconveniences but profound warnings. The enduring health of the natural world

is essential for our physical, economic, mental and spiritual survival. The second reason is Judaism’s foremost value: tzedek, justice. The issue is not just climate change, but climate justice. How we live here affects livelihoods thousands of miles away. The world’s poorest are already paying the unaffordable price for the lifestyles of the richest. The biggest issue at Cop27 is loss and damage: the duty of wealthy nations to help the most impoverished to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. The third is our children, the world’s children and grandchildren. Judaism regards us as trustees, not owners, of God’s world. We have a duty to bequeath our children a viable and sustainable planet, rich in every form of life. How can we allow ourselves to rob them of their future? For all these reasons we are duty-bound to act individually, communally, collaboratively across society, and in public squares. On a personal level, we need to reconsider our consumption, what we eat and wear, how we heat our homes and travel. The world can’t afford throwaway cultures. We are not

entitled to say: “I don’t care if my way of life costs the earth.” I admire young people I know who, increasingly, buy most of their clothes in charity shops or preloved. We need to ask more often: “Do I need this?” We must ensure we aren’t investing in fossil fuels, directly or indirectly, and move our money to where it supports climate solutions. Environmental work, from protecting livelihoods and landscapes to restoring biodiversity, clean water and forests, should be high among our charitable priorities. Communally, we need to work through our synagogues, schools, communities, workplaces and professional bodies to curb our collective carbon footprints. More than 55 congregations already belong to EcoSynagogue, which helps us examine every aspect of our utilities, teaching, preaching and outreach. At our awards ceremony last year, congregants and rabbis of every denomination sat side by side learning from each other’s achievements. It was intensely moving. We want to increase that number substantially by next summer. We need to make our values heard in the public square. When Abraham pleaded

for Sodom to be saved, God agreed to spare the city if there were as few as 10 righteous people “within the city”. That means, said the great Bible scholar Nehama Leibowitz, people prepared not just to do the right thing in private, but with the courage and determination to play a prominent part and exert their influence in public life. Our voice as Jews is strongest when we work together with others. Eighty percent of the world’s population belong to a faith. Religion can motivate and mobilise; religious communities have intergenerational and international reach. We need to use it. Our personal and communal actions give us the moral authority to address business and political leaders. In democracies, what people show they care about has an impact. We need to challenge our governments to make the difficult, long-term decisions on which keeping climate change to 1.5 or even 2 percent critically depends. Then we have to hold them to account. The time to act is now.  Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg is a member of the EcoSynagogue rabbinic team. For full information, visit ecosynagogue.org


10 November 2022 Jewish News



The peerless chazan who inspired ‘Midnight Hass’

Simon Hass pictured as a young chazan

In his time the finest chazan in Britain since the war, Simon Hass has died at the age of 97, writes Derek Taylor. He was born and brought up in Poland and was a very young student at the Belza Yeshiva. When war broke out, Poland was divided between Germany and Russia and, as a 13-year-old Jew, Hass was arrested and sent to a camp in Siberia. He was there for seven years. His sister died, but while in the camp and aged only 17, he was appointed chazan at the Great Synagogue in Irkutsk. It was typical of the Soviet regime that he was at one point sent to prison for four months for religious activities, but it was finally agreed between the allies and the Russians after the war the Poles should be repatriated. Despite the massacre of millions of Jewish Poles in the Holocaust, there was much antisemitism in Poland after the war and

those of the Hass family who had survived moved to Paris, where Simon won a scholarship to the Conservatory after having studied at the Lodz Conservatoire. As a graduate he saw an advertisement for a chazan in Britain and, after a short time at Hendon Synagogue, applied for the post at the Central. In 1992, he recalled: “The first time I knew freedom was early in 1950 when, in my early 20s, I arrived in this very special country. I had escaped from the tyranny of Nazi Germany and the despotism of Stalin.” He didn’t speak English well but his tenor voice was excellent. His experiences in Siberia were traumatic and, when he sang on Yom Kippur, he would name the concentration camps in which so many Jews had perished, and for that brief moment his voice would break and tears would come to his eyes. He said once: “Little did I dream 23 years ago when suffering

under tyranny and persecution I would live to see this day in this great freedom-loving country.” There were 15 applicants for the position of Central Synagogue chazan and it was agreed each should be interviewed and his voice tested. Hass was second on the list. When he had sung his piece, Sir Isaac Wolfson, the warden, was so impressed he closed the proceedings and said he didn’t want to hear anybody else. Hass was inducted in April 1951 and became one of the shining lights of the community. The quality of his singing became well known and he took the trouble to study at the London College of Music and pass its exams. He was often invited to give charity concerts and with 50 to 60 weddings a year at Central took care of his voice with singing lessons twice a week . In 1963, he started a Selichot midnight service on the eve of

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Rosh Hashanah. The crowds who came had to be marshalled by the police. Over the years, the services were widely reported and became known as the Jewish Midnight Mass. This was popularly changed to the ‘Midnight Hass’. Hass was devoted to the Central and this was well illustrated at the time of the Holydays in 1964. He had fallen and been taken to hospital for treatment for an injured leg. He insisted on being released to conduct the service on Yom Kippur and went back to hospital the day after. Asked in 1980 whether he had thought of accepting offers from abroad, he replied: “I love this country and the freedom is more than all the money one is offered. “I could have lived in New York, but after seven years with my parents, six brothers and four sisters in a Siberian camp, treated worse than animals, to me this country is so very special.”

24 Jewish News

10 November 2022



10 November 2022 Jewish News



Inside A look

Our World Cup conundrum Technion talent

Perfect Change


Lior Ashkenazi found the courage to move behind the camera – but death threats stop him talking politics, he tells Brigit Grant


ior Ashkenazi is freezing. Not in a glacial ‘give the man a blanket’ kind of way, but frozen on Zoom due to bad wifi. And that gargoyle effect of twisted mouth and half-closed eyes that happens when you’re locked on screen doesn’t happen to Lior. His movie star aura defies the weak connection and his swept-back silvery hair, subtle smile and blue/grey peepers are the reason he is one of Israel’s most successful leading men. It’s those good looks that make him so beguiling as the new tenant in Moshe Rosenthal’s film, Karaoke, which opens the UK Jewish Film Festival tonight. That he also stars as the lothario boss in romantic comedy One More Story suggests his prominence at the festival is purely aesthetic, but it’s not. Lior Ashkenazi has ventured behind the camera to direct Perfect Strangers. “As an actor, I’ve always been curious about directing because I find it more interesting. More creative than acting actually,” he says. “Not that there’s anything wrong with acting, but I’ve wanted to direct for many years. I just

didn’t have the… how do you say it?... courage. Excuse me, my English is lousy.” For the record his English isn’t ‘lousy’ and the three-time Ophir award winner has appeared in a US production of The Tempest, delivering the Shakespearean text. “Yes, that was very difficult,” he recalls. “We don’t do a lot of Shakespeare in Israel.” It is Lior’s experience as a theatre director that attracted him to Perfect Strangers, a remake of a 2016 Italian film about a dinner party attended by seven childhood

Lior Ashkenazi as the beguiling tenant in Karaoke

Lior on the set directing Perfect Strangers. ‘I’ve wanted to direct for many years,’ he says

friends, who relinquish their phones as part of a game, with devastating consequences. “The film is really about the actors whom I worked with a lot,” says Lior. “But the cinematography was testing because the action happens in one room and I had to keep it interesting.” That a film set at a table which moves from balcony to bathroom can be as involving as Perfect Strangers is due to the performances, and Lior primed the talent. “I’m good with actors, so I knew that starting as a director with this kind of movie would be easier. We shot it chronologically, in 16 days, which was good for the actors. Starting at the beginning and going through to the end in sequence meant everybody knew what they were doing. And it was fun. Almost like doing theatre.” Lior had toyed with the idea of setting the story in Haifa and introducing more diversity. “There are more Jews married to Arabs in Haifa, which would have added another element to the story, but I reconsidered and fixed on a more ambiguous location. It could be anywhere in Israel or the world.” Lior has seen a fair bit of the world recently, promoting his work at film festivals, while appearing on the small screen back home as the star of Traitor, a new series in which he plays a retired Shin Bet field officer blinded in battle, who is brought back to investigate a missing plane. Destined to be the next big Israeli TV export, Lior himself could be another as a US production on the Hulu platform is in the offing, but he can’t talk about it yet. The Sephardi actor, who was raised speaking Ladino by Turkish immigrant parents, was a paratrooper in the West Bank during the First Intifada and the memory of this is never far away when he lands military roles, most memorably as the father who loses his soldier son in 2017’s Foxtrot. “Every actor brings something from their own experience to a role,” he says. “I didn’t dig into my combat past when I did that film, as it just floats out of me subconsciously. And I

guess with every role it comes and goes. I try not to think about it.” The planning of our Zoom chat took place a week before Israel’s recent election and Lior was working with the cast of Eretz Nehederet (It’s a Wonderful Country), the long-running political sketch show on which he is occasionally a guest. Given the pending election result it seemed pertinent to ask how he was feeling. “We were all kind of surprised, but not really surprised,” he says with that smile. “I mean, we knew things were going that way. But this is a huge victory for the extreme right-wing party. I’m not in mourning though. I don’t think the changes will be that extreme. We are still a democracy, a country with laws, and we can debate. And, you know, maybe after four years, we need stability because we were in chaos. Five elections in five years, it’s crazy. There was no budget, we can do nothing. I think a stable government that is here for four years. At least that… maybe.” His voice trails. Given that Lior took pride in playing former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 7 Days in Entebbe (2018), Netanyahu’s powergrab coalition with the Religious Zionist party must grate. Its leader Itamar Ben-Gvir continues to celebrate Rabin’s assassination. “Everybody knows I’m left-wing and in the past, I was more involved,” concedes the actor. “I took a big step back because I got threats. On my life. The lives of my family. Now I just watch. And if I have any comments, I’ll say them, but I’m not getting involved. It’s too risky to say what you think, though in Israel everyone knows what you think. There’s no private space. But I’m not in mourning. “The sun is still shining and the sky is still blue. I don’t know why, but I think I’m an optimist.” Why shouldn’t he be? He is Israel’s most popular leading man. Without a vote.  Perfect Strangers is at Everyman Muswell Hill on 12 November. For more screenings: ukjewishfilm.org/

26 Jewish News


10 November 2022




In eight days’ time the global football tournament kicks off in Qatar – but very few of us are cheering, says soccer enthusiast Neil Silver


NFURL the banners, raise the flags, blow up the balloons and put the beers on ice. In case you didn’t realise, the World Cup finals kick off this month. You’d be forgiven for forgetting about football’s premier tournament, as the one taking place in Qatar doesn’t appear to be setting alight the hearts of too many fans. There may even have been more excitement at the fact Liverpool has been awarded next year’s Eurovision. Putting politics to one side for a moment, why is no one shouting from the rooftops about Gareth Southgate’s England and their chances of lifting the Jules Rimet trophy? After all, they finished runners-up at Euro 2020, the best performance by our national team since Bobby Moore wiped his muddy hands to accept the World Cup from the Queen in 1966.

This tournament appears to be getting in the way of what English football fans love: the regular season. The World Cup is traditionally held in June and July, rather than November and December. We don short-sleeved England shirts, paint our faces red and white, hang small flags out of our car windows and pin large ones to the walls of our houses; we enjoy burgers and beers while watching the matches on big screens at BBQs on balmy summer evenings. Not this time. English football, at least at Premier League and Championship level, will come to a standstill. For the best part of a month there will be no more Erling Haaland smashing goalscoring records for Champions-elect

Rob Rinder (left) has accused David Beckham of putting money before morals

Fifa’s representation of the teams, including Harry Kane (in No 9 shift). England will announce their squad today

Manchester City, or Arsenal fans dreaming they are “back”. Instead, we’ll be monitoring our smart meters as closely as our TV screens as we hope and pray England captain Harry Kane can lead the national team to the biggest prize of all. Even then, it won’t be the same, with games kicking off as early as 10am to avoid the searing heat of the UAE. Beneath the tolerant, progressive image being projected by the organisers, there are deep-rooted concerns that Qatar is not a nation deserving of Fifa’s greatest honour. Human rights campaigners remain critical of Qatar’s record in the construction of the stadiums in which this winter’s extrava-

ganza will be played, and antihomosexuality laws are a barrier preventing some fans attending. Even the usually popular David

Agent Jonathan Barnett: ‘I’m not going and I do not feel any excitement’

Beckham, who married into a Jewish family and who doesn’t mind queueing, hasn’t done his reputation much good thanks to his role as an ambassador for Qatar – Judge Rob Rinder accused Beckham of “putting money before morals”. Leading Jewish football agent Jonathan Barnett, whose clients include Wales star Gareth Bale, isn’t impressed with the location or timing of this year’s tournament. “It is absolutely ridiculous,” Barnett said. “The people behind the scenes at Fifa have to look at themselves and ask how this came about. “I’m not going and, as a fan, I do not feel any excitement, and I can say that on behalf of all my friends too. I travel around the world and


10 November 2022 Jewish News



Harry Kane in England strip and the OneLove armband he will wear in Qatar

Kids can cheer England on in the summer

there isn’t one person who wants to talk to me about the World Cup; all they ask is whether or not I think Arsenal can stay at the top of the table. “November is a great time in the domestic football season, you take your kids and watch your team play, so it is beyond belief that football is being brought to a standstill for four weeks. “English football fans don’t want to watch football at 10 o’clock in the morning. It is beyond belief and Fifa has not justified the decision to host the event in Qatar. “There hasn’t been the same build-up as you would have if it was held in the summer and I don’t think many people care about this World Cup.” When it comes to Jews featuring at World Cup finals, the record books are painfully thin. Israel have appeared just once, in Mexico in 1970, earning two points in the Group stage.

The nation has produced one top referee, Abraham Klein, who was an official at three tournaments: Mexico in 1986, Argentina (1978) and Spain (1972). Barely 5ft tall, Klein was one of the youngest referees at the Mexico tournament and his first game was England v Brazil. Over the span of the next four World Cups, Klein, now 88, proved his worth as one of the world’s leading referees, and his meticulous system for refereeing is outlined in his book The Referee’s Referee: Becoming the Best. The other great Jewish football success was Hugo Meisel, an Austrian Jew who as manager led Austria to the semi-finals at the 1934 World Cup in Italy. But beyond him, there’s not much to shout about, unless we throw in Yossi Shai Benayoun, Israel’s most-capped player of all time, the late Avi Cohen and Rocket Ronny Rosenthal. All these Israelis played for English teams, but none had the chance to represent the homeland at the World Cup. Hugo Meisel led Austria to the 1934 finals

Israeli referee Abraham Klein (left) officiated at three World Cups finals

Chelsea fan and author Ivor Baddiel loves the World Cup. He loves it so much he has teamed up with Gary Lineker to write 50 Times Football Changed The World, which is an enlightening hardback for fans right now or as a third-night gift for Chanukah. Given the book’s publication date, one would assume Ivor is counting the minutes until England gets the ball rolling against Iran on 21 November, but it appears he might not be looking forward to this World Cup as much as he normally would. “Fifa’s justification for taking the World Cup to Qatar was that it is good to spread football far and wide around the world. However, Qatar has no football pedigree whatsoever, so why go there?” And he continues. “I get that Harry Kane will wear a rainbow captain’s armband to send a message against discrimination, and that Denmark will wear shirts that criticise Qatar’s human rights record, but these are small gestures. “You can go to prison for being gay in Qatar. The big nations should have said ‘no’ to this World Cup and boycotted it. It’s a shame

because I measure my life by how many World Cups I might have left, and the only way to get through this one will be to push all the horrible stuff out of your mind.” Some will be able to do just that, and battery-operated supporters have their tickets booked; but there are financial barriers for fans who aren’t willing or able to pay a four-figure sum for a flight, accommodation at exorbitant rates or match tickets which aren’t cheap. Let’s just say a week-long trip, taking in a couple of matches, could set you back £7,000-plus, and there are stories of fans who will be sleeping on boats offshore to keep down the costs. Amanda Schiavi, who hosts the podcast Same Old Arsenal, will keep an eye on the World Cup from home – but only to ensure none of her star players is injured. “This country is on its knees and as much as it would be great to see England go far in the tournament, I don’t really care,” said Amanda. “A lot of Arsenal’s best players will be appearing for various countries and all I care about is that they don’t come home injured. “I’m dreading the break from Premier League matches. It will feel like the start of Covid all over again when we had nothing, and I’m worried that Arsenal will lose momentum after our great start to the season.”

Ivor Baddiel: ‘The big nations should have boycotted it’

“It doesn’t feel real. We haven’t even been talking about it on my podcast, and my Twitter followers are just not bothered about it.” A few miles across north London

Amanda Schiavi will watch from home

Daniel Wynne is a prominent fan who used to be the spokesman for the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust. Few people know or love their football like Daniel, but he is so turned off by the World Cup he isn’t even planning to watch it. He explained: “For the first half of it I’ll be on a Caribbean cruise and then I’m travelling to Costa Rica, and I have done it deliberately to miss the World Cup. “Normally when it is played I watch three or four games a day and say goodbye to my wife until after the final. “I find the whole thing ridiculous, and clubs will be having ‘preseason friendlies’ in December to integrate their players back into the set-up when they return from the tournament.” One thing is for sure, this World Cup will be like no other before – just maybe for the wrong reasons.

28 Jewish News


10 November 2022

Promoted Content

MISSION: POSSIBLE The science created at one particular Israeli university has revolutionised lives around the world, says Alan Aziz


t’s a name synonymous with some of Israel’s most impressive high-tech industries. Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has effectively changed our landscape. Where would we be without the USB flash drive developed by a Technion graduate, or the NA Nose cancer device that picks up the disease from a simple breath test, developed by a Technion professor? The Re-Walk robotic suit, which enables people with paraplegia to walk again, is the brainchild of yet another graduate. Some more impressive stats for you, while we’re at it: 70 percent of the country’s high-tech founders and managers graduated from the Technion (equalling 792 companies, of which 19 are unicorns), almost $20B has been raised from 1662 investors and one-third of Israel’s top business leaders are Technion graduates, even though it is one of seven Israeli research universities. It is, unsurprisingly, widely accepted that Israel owes its status as the ‘Start-up nation’ to this unstoppable Institute of Technology. Yet while the Technion is – unarguably – a hub of academic excellence, less is known about how this translates into business acumen and the

The Rewalk robotic suit

resulting start-ups that continue to make headlines and break funding rounds. So, how does the Technion do it? By ensuring it prepares its students to take top positions in the digital revolution. A 2017 survey published by the Times Higher Education Supplement named the Technion as the world’s leading academic institution for doing just this. The proof may be in the numbers, but working within such a world-renowned scientific nucleus, it would be remiss of me not to speak on the aims, objectives and methodology, too! A lot of it is down to T3, the technology transfer arm of the university that takes its ground-breaking scientific ideas and matches them with potential investors and entrepreneurs. To date, T3 has secured a multitude of patents and nurtured scores of start-ups.

“T3 nurtures promising research and talented researchers to leap from the lab to the field, by assisting the researchers to identify commercially viable technologies … obtain legal protection for the intellectual property” and connect “them with promising companies and entrepreneurs,” it explains on its website. But if you ask the former president of the Technion, Peretz Lavie, he thinks it

The Bible seen on a nanochip, created by Technion as a gift to Pope Benedict

This is all very true. comes down to something far more simple and However, even he concurs that once the innate. According entrepreneurial to an interview in Forbes, he bone is discovbelieves that it’s ered in one’s just something DNA, it must be nurtured in the DNA through – of both the “tools” university and and “role its students. models”, He explains which is that the Tech“what we nion has, since its founding, are doing in always operated the Techon a mission statenion.” ment, and although Some of these “tools” include the that mission statement may have changed over entrepreneurship course that all students the years, it is always focused must take alongside their on the same goal. degree, the programmes on When “the school was Prof Hossam Haick with his NaNose cancer detector campus which are guided opened in 1924 … David Benby alumni to help students Gurion … made the decision build a business plan, the national competiof which faculty to open first: the faculty of tion called BizTEC, which selects 75 groups aeronautical engineering. Why? Because out of hundreds to help develop their ideas he realised that this was important for the further until they reach the company stage, future of the state even as early as 1954. The the Program of Excellence, which identifies same year, the Israeli aircraft industry was and fast-tracks certain students through established, which is now one of the three their studies and the ‘Proof of Concept fund’ largest industrial complexes in Israel and - established by Lavie himself - which is open every one of the 5,000 engineers was eduto any faculty member with an idea. cated at the Technion. More broadly, the university ensures it “Students who were educated under gives a breadth of education to the extent such an environment knew that when they that its graduates can then enter any graduate from the Technion, they also should serve a mission,” he continues. By “combining high-tech company and be put to work in any department. And it doesn’t end at the excellent students and excellent faculty graduation ceremony, either; in fact, the with the DNA of the university” it serves the Technion helps to incubate many of these “higher goals” of both “humanity” and “the start-ups in the early years, assisting with country”, creating an outcome that changes the most pressing of business concerns such both the economy and the environment. as patents, office space, mentoring and how In terms of the DNA of the students, to get investment. Lavie is “sceptical that you can teach entreIt is this holistic approach, coupled, of preneurship … either you have it or you do course, with the right kind of students to not”. He further clarifies that – given that start with, that is successfully churning out only one in 10 start-ups are successful – you these ground-breaking advances, one startalso have to have “the ability to take risk” up at a time. and “sustain failure”.


10 November 2022 Jewish News


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10 November 2022

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10 November 2022 Jewish News



Orthodox Judaism

MAKING SENSE OF THE SEDRA In our thought-provoking series, rabbis, rebbetzins and educators relate the week’s parsha to the way we live today REBBETZEN SIOBHAN DANSKY


What is true hospitality? In this cost-of-living crisis, some supermarkets are offering over60s soup, a roll, unlimited cups of tea and the opportunity to sit in their cafes and keep warm. In the past year, we have seen families open their doors to Ukrainian refugees. Some synagogue communities have an ‘adopt a grandparent’ programme to encourage families to reach out to older members who don’t have family nearby, and invite them to spend Shabbat and festivals with them. The paradigm for home hospitality comes from this week’s Torah portion, which opens with the story

of Abraham welcoming three desert travellers into his home. Despite being three days after brit milah surgery, he was sitting in the entrance of his tent, actively looking for guests. While we know that they were angels, Abraham thought they were three ordinary men who he greeted warmly, calling them, “My lords.” In that place at that time, it was a safe assumption that these men were Arab idol worshippers. Nevertheless, they were treated like kings and were shown utmost respect and kindness. It’s easy for us to welcome our friends, family and like-minded people into our homes, but it can be less easy to welcome those who have fundamentally different views from ours. As much as doors can be opened to welcome people in, they are also be boundaries to keep unwanted people

out and protect our households. As the practice was for these men to bow to the dust on their feet in worship, Abraham offered them water to bathe their feet as a way of leaving that influence outside his home. Our homes have more ‘doors’ than ever before through which external factors can enter: TV, the internet, phones, watches and even fridges can be portals for the outside to make its way in. We can take a lesson from Abraham, that as much as we welcome in external guests, we must also think about firewalls and safeguards to filter out unwanted influences. Equally, we can hold opposing views to others or disagree with their choices and still be friendly. This mitzvah of hospitality comes under the umbrella of chesed, from ‘v’ahavta l’rei’echa kamocha’ –wanting

A family arrives in Israel after fleeing Zhytomyr, Ukraine

for our neighbours what we want for ourselves. Using this metric is helpful in looking at how we treat our guests: by considering how we would want to be treated in someone else’s home. Chesed, acts of loving-kindness, should be driven by the needs of the recipients, not by our need to give. Over-giving can lead to the recipient feeling uncomfortable or that they are a burden to the host, which is counterproductive. Tehillim 89:3 tells us that the world was built on kind-

ness. Whilst Hashem has no needs, He created a world to give to humankind and to give us what we need. In welcoming guests and giving based on their needs, we are not only emulating Abraham but Hashem Himself.  Rebbetzen Siobhan Dansky is a graduate of the Chief Rabbi’s Ma’ayan programme and Community Engagement Officer at the S&P Sephardi Community





Salary TBC | Start date: ASAP

Salary TBC | Start date: 3rd January 2023

Hasmonean MAT seeks an exceptional leader to join as the Headteacher of the Boys’ School to make a crucial contribution to the continued success of the school. This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced educationalist and leader to help a high performing organisation seize the opportunities and meet the challenges of a rapidly changing local and national educational landscape.

Are you looking for a challenging opportunity? We are looking for a senior leader to become Interim Headteacher of the Boys’ School until the substantive role is filled. We offer an exceptional opportunity for career development. Job shares are welcomed but candidates should apply individually. The successful candidate will:

The successful candidate will possess strong intellectual abilities, first class strategic and communication skills, and a substantial track record of senior leadership gained as a Head, Deputy or Assistant Head in a high performing academic environment. The brochure for the substantive Headteacher role outlines the job description and person specification for this role, as well as the Headteachers’ standards. We believe in giving our students the tools they need to build their future. The staff at Hasmonean come from a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds. A privately run childcare facility is available on site for children aged 0-4. Candidates should complete the application form as well as a covering letter addressing the role description and person specification which can be found on our website https://hasmoneanmat.org.uk/vacancies/ Please note that in line with our safer recruitment practices we can only consider fully completed application forms and not CVs and should be addressed to Mr A McClusky – CEO, c/o Ms J Grant j.grant@hasmonean.co.uk

• Be highly organised and knowledgeable • Have the ability to think strategically • Have a proven track record in leadership • Have excellent organisational and communication skills The brochure for the substantive Headteacher role outlines the job description and person specification for this role, as well as the Headteachers’ standards. We believe in giving our students the tools they need to build their future. The staff at Hasmonean come from a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds. A privately run childcare facility is available on site for children aged 0-4. Candidates should complete the application form as well as a covering letter addressing the role description and person specification which can be found on our website https://hasmoneanmat.org.uk/vacancies/

Closing date for applications: Wednesday 30th November 2022

Please note that in line with our safer recruitment practices we can only consider fully completed application forms and not CVs and should be addressed to Mr A McClusky – CEO, c/o Ms J Grant j.grant@hasmonean.co.uk

We will conduct preliminary interviews with longlisted candidates during the week commencing Monday 5th December 2022. Shortlisted candidates will have formal interviews which will take place on the week commencing Monday 12th December 2022.

Closing date for applications: 17th November 2022 Applicants are asked to provide daytime and evening contact details. We will conduct interviews with candidates from Wednesday 30th November 2022

Applicants are asked to provide daytime and evening contact details. We reserve the right to close these vacancies early should we receive an overwhelming response.

We reserve the right to close these vacancies early should we receive an overwhelming response.

Hasmonean MAT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful candidate must be willing to undergo an enhanced disclosure through the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Hasmonean MAT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful candidate must be willing to undergo an enhanced disclosure through the Disclosure and Barring Service.



Jewish News 10 November 2022

Progressive Judaism



The UK has its first Asian prime minister – but does that fact change anything? I’m a sucker for ritual, I just love it. Seeing Rishi Sunak on bended knee outside No 10 lighting a diya (traditional oil lamp) for Diwali gave me a comforting inner glow. When one minority group is able to be open and proud of its religious traditions and practices, it gives us all the ability to follow suit, elevating our own cultural norms. I loved the pride of Hindus around the UK seeing themselves in a man who had reached the highest strata of British society. If Rishi can do it then surely any Rohan, Arjun or Nikhil (the Asian counterparts of Tom, Dick and Harry) can find their political careers taking them

all the way to Downing Street. As the Hindu community claimed him as “one of them”, I wondered whether that’s how his fellow MPs and cabinet colleagues really see him. I’m no more convinced that this is a huge leap forward in the opening up of British society or change in culture than if we cited Benjamin Disraeli as the first Jewish prime minister. Disraeli’s elevation to the highest office in the land didn’t mark a seismic shift in antisemitism in Britain, and Sunak’s elevation doesn’t show us that glass ceilings for ethnic minorities from law firms to the West End stage are shattering all over the country. Disraeli was born to Jewish parents and his family left synagogue life following a broiges before his barmitzvah. He was shrewdly baptised, an act which opened doors to social advantages and enabled his progression. His Jewish roots, which were rather

silenced by the time he reached adulthood, could be seen as refreshing and open for the 1870s or could teach us that parts of one’s identity get overshadowed in the eyes of others when different characteristics are seen as more significant. Sunak was voted in by his colleagues in the Conservative Party. What first comes to mind when thinking of him? The Hindu on bended knee, the Oxford and Stanford graduate, the hedge fund manager or the son-in-law to a billionaire? At what point do certain identity characteristics become those which define us? Perhaps this is why a politician like Sadiq Khan takes great pride in reminding us his father was a bus driver and his working-class Pakistani roots make him a man of the people. If we want to represent a particular part of our identity, we have to work hard not to ensure that it does not get hidden under a bushel.

A stimulating series where our progressive rabbis consider how Biblical figures might act when faced with 21st-century issues

Rishi Sunak’s appointment is unlikely to shatter glass ceilings

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10 November 2022 Jewish News

Ask our


Professional advice from our panel / Ask Our Experts


Our trusty team of advisers answers your questions about everything from law and finance to dating and dentistry. This week: Flexible working, cryptocurrency and moving to Israel... LESLEY TRENNER CAREER ADVISER


Hi Lesley I’m ready to go back to work after maternity leave. Do you think I can find a flexible role including some home working? Esther Hi Esther The pandemic had a big influence on attitudes to flexible working. In the past it was sometimes viewed with suspicion. Now everyone has seen the advantages. Also, many employers are struggling to find staff and therefore more willing to accommodate employees’ needs. Of course, some jobs do require you to be in the workplace most of the time. Admin or client support roles can often be done remotely. But if you’re a restaurant manager or hairdresser, you’d


RICHDALE CONSULTANTS Hi Jacob, It seems everyone nowadays is talking about cryptocurrency. What should I know about cryptocurrency and what protections do I have if I invest and something goes wrong? Maurice Hi Maurice, I would like to begin by saying although cryptocurrency is of significant regulatory

interest, I am not in a position to advise whether one should invest in it. You should note that to-date the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has warned investors not to invest unless they are prepared to lose all their capital invested. Nonetheless I will provide you with a few very key factors you may wish to be mindful of: • No consumer protection – Although a recent vote in Parliament voted in favour of adding crypto to the scope of activities regulated via the proposed Financial Services and Markets Bill, to date there is no consumer protection afforded to those investing or holding crypto assets. They are not protected by the FSCS should anything go wrong, and are outside of the jurisdiction of the Financial

have to be in the workplace! So think carefully about the type of role you’re applying for. When discussing flexibility with a potential employer, remember it cuts both ways. Be clear what flexibility means for you and what your priorities are. Your employer may be willing for you to switch your days sometimes but might also ask you to come in for specific meetings or events. So, you’ll need to have childcare that can accommodate this. Did you know most people find jobs via networking rather than by trawling through the numerous websites? Networking conversations can also be an easier way to discuss flexible working options rather than filling in forms or using email to ask questions. Having a break from work, whether for maternity leave or other reasons, can negatively affect your confidence and make you nervous about discussing your needs. Come to our ‘Your Job Your Way’ event at JW3 on 23 November, where you’ll find plenty of support plus information about how Resource can help you to find a flexible role.

Ombudsman Service (FOS) should a dispute arise. • Unregulated trading platforms/exchanges – Cryptocurrencies’ popularity has resulted in an increase in the number of exchanges and trading platforms, but the lack of regulatory oversight has aided the growth of scam exchanges that may employ predatory practices. Others may have weak security, making it easier for scammers to steal your money without a trace or recourse. • Digital theft/loss – Cryptocurrencies are stored in crypto wallets, either online through a crypto exchange or wallet provider, or offline in storage devices like hard drives. Online wallets are popular targets for cybercriminals.

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reasons. You might add some items or you might decide not to ship some items – that is very common. And I may have made an error in my volume calculations! This is less common because I have been quoting for moves for more than 40 years. But resolving the matter is not difficult. Subject to a 4cbm shipment minimum, I can give you a reliable quotation for any volume. That volume is checked once everything is packed and any

under or over volumes will be recorded and discussed with you prior to shipment. You will still have all your options available and we can even just charge you for the packing and not ship, if you wish. We are now the largest household and personal effects movers between the UK and Israel and our excellent reputation for honesty, clarity of charges and customer service are paramount.



Jewish News 10 November 2022

Ask Our Experts / Professional advice from our panel

Our Experts Got a question for a member of our team? Email: editorial@jewishnews.co.uk Got a question for a member of our team?


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10 November 2022 Jewish News



Professional advice from our panel / Ask Our Experts




JACOB BERNSTEIN Qualifications: • A member of the APCC, specialising in financial services compliance for: • Mortgage, protection and general insurance intermediaries; • Lenders, credit brokers, debt counsellors and debt managers; • Alternative Investment Fund managers; • E-Money, payment services, PISP, AISP and grant-making charities.

ADAM SHELLEY Qualifications: • FCCA chartered certified accountant. • Accounting, taxation and business advisory services. • Entrepreneurial business specialist including start-up businesses. • Specialises in charities; Personal tax returns. • Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation Volunteer of the Year JVN award.

LISA WIMBORNE Qualifications: Able to draw on the charity’s 50 years of experience in enabling people with physical disabilities or impaired vision to live independently, including: • The provision of specialist accommodation with 24/7 on site support. • Knowledge of the innovations that empower people and the benefits available. • Understanding of the impact of a disability diagnosis.

RICHDALE CONSULTANTS LTD 020 7781 8019 www.richdale.co.uk jacob@richdale.co.uk

SOBELL RHODES LLP 020 8429 8800 www.sobellrhodes.co.uk a.shelley@sobellrhodes.co.uk

JEWISH BLIND & DISABLED 020 8371 6611 www.jbd.org Lisa@jbd.org



LEE SHMUEL GOLDFARB Qualifications: • Hands-on service, with full and personalised support for international transfers. • Get the most out of your currency exchange with regards to pension income, when purchasing your first house in Israel or benefitting from an inheritance from aboard. • UK leader in financial exchange and partner to brands such as St James Place and Hargreaves Lansdown with industry-beating Trustpilot score.

IAN GREEN Qualifications: • Launched Man on a Bike IT consultancy 15 years ago to provide computer support for the home and small businesses. • Clients range from legal firms in the City to families, small business owners and synagogues. • More than 18 years’ experience.

CURRENCIES DIRECT 0786 0595 890 / 0207 847 9400 www.currenciesdirect.com/jn lee.goldfarb@currenciesdirect.com

MAN ON A BIKE 020 8731 6171 www.manonabike.co.uk mail@manonabike.co.uk



LEON HARRIS Qualifications: • Leon is an Israeli and UK accountant based in Ramat Gan, Israel. • He is a Partner at Harris Horoviz Consulting & Tax Ltd. • The firm specializes in Israeli and international tax advice, accounting and tax reporting for investors, Olim and businesses. • Leon’s motto is: Our numbers speak your language!

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HARRIS HOROVIZ CONSULTING & TAX LTD +972-3-6123153 / + 972-54-6449398 leon@h2cat.com

RISK RESOLUTIONS 020 3411 4050 www.risk-resolutions.com ashley.prager@risk-resolutions.com



DOV NEWMARK Qualifications: • Director of UK Aliyah for Nefesh B’Nefesh, an organisation that helps facilitate aliyah from the UK. • Conducts monthly seminars and personal aliyah meetings in London. • An expert in working together with clients to help plan a successful aliyah.

LESLEY TRENNER Qualifications: • Provides free professional one-to-one advice at Resource to help unemployed into work. • Offers mock interviews and workshops to maximise job prospects. • Expert in corporate management holding director level marketing, commercial and general management roles.

NEFESH B’NEFESH 0800 075 7200 www.nbn.org.il dov@nbn.org.il

RESOURCE 020 8346 4000 www.resource-centre.org office@resource-centre.org



VANESSA LLOYD PLATT Qualifications: • Qualification: 40 years experience as a matrimonial and divorce solicitor and mediator, specialising in all aspects of family matrimonial law, including: • Divorce, pre/post-nuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, domestic violence, children’s cases, grandparents’ rights to see grandchildren, pet disputes, family disputes. • Frequent broadcaster on national and International radio and television.

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LLOYD PLATT & COMPANY SOLICITORS 020 8343 2998 www.divorcesolicitors.com lloydplatt@divorcesolicitors.com

ADWCONNECT 0208 089 1111 www.adwconnect.com hello@adwconnect.com

If you would like to advertise your services here Email: sales@jewishnews.co.uk

AS COMFORTING AS A BOWL OF CHICKEN SOUP KKL, JNF UK’s legacy department, has been serving the Jewish community for over 70 years. Our highly qualified team combines first-rate executorship and trustee services with personalised pastoral care. We can support you in the way that close family would, keeping in regular contact with you and taking care of any Jewish needs (such as saying kaddish for you) in accordance with your wishes. For a no-obligation and confidential consultation, and to find out more about supporting JNF UK’s vital work in Israel, please get in touch.

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KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000).

Full Sovereigns £160.48 Full Sovereigns £331.57 Krugerrands £690.85 1oz Krugerands £1407.22 48B Hendon Lane, Finchley, N3 1TT CONTACT US FROM 8AM - 10PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 48B Hendon Lane, Finchley, N3 1TT

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36 Jewish News


10 November 2022

On behalf of


LAST CHANC E! N I W T E Y R C APPEAL N E G R E EM GIFT has specifically been requested to collect the following items in brand new or good condition for communities across UKRAINE Batteries Powerbanks Thermoses Candles Flashlights Salt Heating Pad

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Shawls Thermal Underwear Pairs of Socks Warm Blankets Sleeping Bags

Go to jgift.org/ukraine to see how you can get involved today Items to be delivered to GIFT Hub 61-63 Watford Way, NW4 3AX Drop off by Friday 11th November www.jgift.org | 0208 457 4429 | info@jgift.org | Registered charity 1153393


10 November 2022 Jewish News


Fun, games and prizes


ACROSS 1 Let (5) 4 Style of exercise (7) 8 Pyrenean principality (7)

9 Small firework (5) 10 Neat, tidy (4) 11 Which person? (3)

SUDOKU Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the numbers 1 to 9.

12 Lane marker (4) 15 Soldier’s identification disc (3,3) 16 Crockery items (6) 19 Football backhander (4) 21 Cashpoint (inits) (3) 22 Simple board-game (4) 26 Aberdeen ___, cattle breed (5) 27 Funny (7) 28 Motown city of the US (7) 29 Classical language (5) DOWN 1 Make suitable (5) 2 Renting a room (7) 3 Lean and sinewy (4) 4 Geronimo’s tribe (6) 5 Jeopardise (4) 6 ___ Tonioli, Strictly judge (5) 7 Spiders’ traps (7) 13 Enthusiast (3) 14 Sort, type (3) 15 Ace, pro (3,4) 17 Travelling holidaymaker (7) 18 Royal house of Scotland (6) 20 Silent ___, Christmas carol (5) 23 Mouth ___, harmonica (5) 24 Forecourt fuel company (4) 25 Fight on a matter of honour (4)

SUGURU Each cell in an outlined block must contain a digit: a two-cell block contains the digits 1 and 2, a three-cell block contains the digits 1, 2 and 3; and so on. The same digit must not appear in neighbouring cells, not even diagonally.



The listed things to do with winter festivals can all be found in the grid. Words may run either forwards or backwards, in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction, but always in a straight, unbroken line.

In this finished crossword, every letter of the alphabet appears as a code number. All you have to do is crack the code and fill in the grid. Replacing the decoded numbers with their letters in the grid will help you to guess the identity of other letters.




































Last issue’s solutions Crossword ACROSS: 1 Desists, 5 Midas, 8 Brawl, 9 Calypso, 10 Suddenly, 11 Hock, 13 Spares, 15 Greene, 18 Itch, 19 Budgeted, 22 Eyelets, 23 Third, 24 Tests, 25 Tank top. DOWN: 1 Debases, 2 Scald, 3 Soldered, 4 Sickle, 5 Mill, 6 Deplore, 7 Smock, 12 Brighton, 14 Archers, 16 Ended up, 17 Russet, 18 Inert, 20 Twist, 21 Weds.



See next issue for puzzle solutions.



All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd - www.puzzler.com


Wordsearch H B L I N K E R G F D G P







Codeword E Q K C E E L A T I U I H








Jewish News 10 November 2022


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10 November 2022 Jewish News



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10 November 2022


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Jewish News 10 November 2022



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