2 minute read

A safe place to land on a wing and a prayer

Open 24/7 — who could refuse such a deal?

By Marcy Aizenshtat

In the far corner of Temple Shalom’s rear parking lot, behind the walls of the preschool, is the most beautifully adorned patch of land filled with flowers, bushes and trees, all butterfly friendly.

When creating the butterfly garden, I installed lighting, sprinklers, butterfly watering dishes and a local artist’s metal sculpture titled “Marcy … aka Madame Butterfly.” There are benches, chairs and tables for use, viewing and meditation. In addition to being in the beautiful temples, churches and interior dwellings, I believe God can be found outside. Prayer and meditation are in our hearts and, like butterflies, we all need a safe place to land.



Rabbi Boxman, who led the incredible dedication ceremony, explained how this special space would be used for lunch breaks, snack time, classroom events, festive singing with Miss Jane (who sang at the dedication) and so much more. Classroom meetings have already been held there and couples have been sited enjoying the waltz of the butterfly filling up on nightly nectar as the sun sets.

Rabbi Boxman told of the part in the Bible where God created the Heavens and the Earth, Adam and Eve, and all the beauty around us, and he created the butterfly the same day as man.

Marcy Aizenshtat at the garden dedication with her son, grandson and the seventh-grade class that helped design the banner.

Marcy Aizenshtat at the garden dedication with her son, grandson and the seventh-grade class that helped design the banner.

Like the plight of the butterflies, who change from larva to cocoon to caterpillar to the winged beauties, we learn that life changes as we progress on our own journey. The “winged beauties” do their job, making possible the flourishing of nature’s flowers.

I am so blessed that I can leave a place in my name that will have multiple uses, inspiring future gardeners and, hopefully, butterfly watchers (as in bird watching, identifying butterflies is a wonderful experience).

Butterfly Garden in use after completion

Butterfly Garden in use after completion

Please join me and become part of the experience that so many have already added to their list of places to visit. The Garden is open to all — there is no gate or private entrance, allowing it to be easily accessible.

And a special thank you to JFGN for helping me spread the news here about this wonderful and peaceful space.