FTJH February 20, 2013

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— See page 5, 68 & 69 —

february 21- february 27, 2013 | Distributed

Around the Community

Weekly In The Five Towns, Queens & Brooklyn

The Very Serious Guide to the

five towns mayoral elections

Phil Goldfeder to be Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Running Mate Page 80

Page 79

Apple Store to Open at Site of Doughty Deli Page 79

Sushi Detox Clinic to Open in School 6

Page 81

Avi Heiligman: The “Real” History of Purim

Rock Hall Museum Goes Modern Page 80

Pesach / Travel Section Starting on Page 130

Governor Chris Christie Visits Far Rockaway and the Five Towns for Hurricane Sandy Relief

Page 81

Special Drinks, Menus and Centerpieces for Your Purim Seudah Page 124


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n FEBRUARY 21, 2013


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

6 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

On April 8, 2013 Jonathan Pollard will have spent


Jerusalem Post Editorial (12/18/2012) The newly declassified 1987 CIA damage assessment bolsters official calls for the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard. While portions of the CIA document remain redacted, the disclosures officially confirm that Pollard spied for Israel, not against the United States. Moreover, the document puts the lie to American allegations that have been used for over a quarter of a century to justify Pollard’s continued incarceration. For example, Pollard’s full cooperation with the prosecution was one of the welcome admissions in this document, as was the confirmation that the volume of information Pollard transferred to Israel was far less than claimed. The CIA document also reveals the subterfuge used by the US government to breach its plea agreement with Pollard. The report brazenly states that Pollard was jailed for life because of an “unauthorized” interview he gave to The Jerusalem Post. This is preposterous. No reporter, much less one carrying a camera and a tape recorder, could possibly gain access to a prisoner in a US federal prison without authorization. Another canard used to justify Pollard’s life sentence is the claim that he did enormous damage to US national security. While the declassified CIA document does not deal with the damage done by Pollard, this issue is fully addressed in a concurrent damage assessment known as The Victim Impact Statement (VIS), written by the US Department of Justice.

1. 2.

Daven for Yehonatan HaLevi Ben Malka. Please say Tehillim Chapter 121 daily in his merit. ”. . . ohrvv kt hbhg tat ,ukgnk rha“

3. 4.

Send a copy of the editorial to your Congressmen and Senators, & demand urgent action to end this travesty of justice.

Read JPost editorial CIA Game Changer on this page. Jonathan Pollard should not spend another day in prison!

Call President Obama to request his release at 202-456-1414.

Ad•Lib Unlimited: 718-382-0900

Saving Jonathan Pollard is our obligation, the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim. We must stand united to end this travesty of justice!

The VIS, now a matter of public record, was submitted to the sentencing judge in 1987 as an aid in determining Pollard’s sentence. After a few introductory sentences about the “scope and breadth” of Pollard’s disclosures to Israel, the VIS describes the actual damage to the US as follows: “Mr. Pollard’s unauthorized disclosures have threatened the US [sic] relations with numerous Middle East Arab allies, many of whom question the extent to which Mr. Pollard’s disclosures of classified information have skewed the balance of power in the Middle East. Moreover, because Mr. Pollard provided the Israelis virtually any classified document requested by Mr. Pollard’s coconspirators, the US has been deprived of the quid pro quo routinely received during authorized and official intelligence exchanges with Israel, and Israel has received information classified at a level far in excess of that ever contemplated by the National Security Council. The obvious result of Mr. Pollard’s largesse is that US bargaining leverage with the Israeli government in any further intelligence exchanges has been undermined. In short, Mr. Pollard’s activities have adversely affected US relations with both its Middle East Arab allies and the Government of Israel.” The US government’s own words in the VIS, carefully scripted to present the most compelling case for the harshest possible sentence, reflect the damage as being nothing more than short-term friction between the US and unnamed Arab countries and a temporary reduction in bargaining leverage held by the US over Israel. Not the kind of permanent, irreversible, and overwhelming harm to US national security that some have claimed. Pollard has repeatedly expressed remorse and was not charged with intent to harm the US. He is the only person in American history to receive a life sentence for spying for an ally. His continued incarceration is jarringly inconsistent with American claims of close friendship and security cooperation with Israel. The US administration has repeatedly demonstrated remarkable flexibility towards other allies, downgrading charges and dealing leniently with spies from China, the Philippines, Greece and Saudi Arabia, among others. No such consideration has been extended to Israel in Pollard’s case, despite overwhelming evidence that he is being punished far beyond the severity of the offense he committed. Many senior US officials, including those with firsthand knowledge of the classified file, are openly calling for Pollard’s release. They say his sentence is “grossly disproportionate” and that keeping him in prison is “a travesty of justice.” Both the prime minister and president of Israel have issued official requests for the Israeli agent’s release on humanitarian grounds because his health is failing. He has served 28 years in prison, seven of them in solitary confinement.



The newly declassified CIA damage assessment has again focused public attention on the injustice of keeping Pollard in prison. Now is the time for President Barack Obama, finally, to respond to all the official requests for Pollard’s release by commuting his sentence to time served. There are no more excuses. It is time to send Pollard home. Printable copy of editorial @ http://bit.ly/VWACZM

xhhuu rzghkt ic v’hrt rud ’r ,nab hukhgk

>>Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 >>Community Readers’ Poll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Community Happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

>> News Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Odd-but-True Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

>> Israel Israel News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 My Israel Home: Purim Fun!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

>>Purim The Purim Times: Special News Section. . . . . . . . . 79 The Awesome Power of Mishloach Manos . . . . . . 85 Thoughts from the Throne: Question & Answer Purim-Style. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 The Disorganized Purim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 The “Real” Side of the Purim Story by Midrash Avi Heiligman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Haman’s Family Tree—An Elegant and Fun Addition to Your Purim Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Fun Drinks to Grace Your Purim Seudah. . . . . . . . 131

>> People An Inside Look at the JCCRP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 TJH Interviews Mrs. Shoshana Salzberg of The Salzberg Purim Costume Gemach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Purim Together as a Community: TJH Interviews Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

“It’s what?” That’s the question I keep asking myself. I cannot believe that it is Purim already. Doesn’t that mean it’s almost the summer? Purim means it’s Pesach, Pesach means just a few weeks to Shavuos, and Shavuos means it’s time for camp! Ah, the joys of the Jewish calendar. And I must say how proud I am of myself—I found my mishloach manos ribbons on my first attempt! But then, of course, I realized that they didn’t really match, so I ended up making my ninth run to Central Avenue in as many days. Anyways, as you can tell by this week’s cover, there are many very “serious” issues and news events that require your immediate attention. Nobody covers elections like TJH and this election is no different. Make sure you learn about all the candidates running for Five Towns Mayor and read about their various positions on the issues. The election, scheduled for this Sunday, is integral to the future of the Five Towns. For the last two months, a strange phenomenon has been taking place: every morning when I step outside my home, there is a hot coffee and muffin at my doorstep. Although I thoroughly enjoyed this arrangement, I had no clue who to thank. When the culprit made himself known this week, I was not surprised that it was none other than our very own TJH Centerfold Commissioner, who obviously knows how to win an endorsement. So, yes, this Sunday make sure to cast your vote for Mr. Centerfold Commissioner. I don’t know if he will drop coffee and muffins at your doorstep, but he will definitely make the Five Towns a laughing stock...Uh, I mean, he will definitely raise the Five Towns’ stock. On another note, a big TJH congratulations to Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder who is rumored to be Hillary Clinton’s 2016 running mate. Phil will have big shoes to fill, taking over the job of the vice presidency. But then again, rumor is that Joe Biden already ate all of his shoes, with his “foot in mouth” disease. Also, make sure you read about the new mega Five Towns Sushi Detox Clinic. As always, we are on the cutting edge in this town. It is good to see that this crisis is being dealt with in an eFISHent manner. (Please, no letters to the editor about that typo.) Want to “wow” your guests with your Purim seudah centerpiece? How about with some great non-alcoholic fun beverages? And, of course, the most scrumptious recipes? It’s all here for you in this week’s issue. Have a happy, joyous and—most importantly—safe Purim. May Hashem bestow good things on all of us and may all our wishes and tefillos be answered. Happy Purim! Shoshana

A World After This: The Story of Lola Lieber . . . . 110

Yitzy Halpern

>>Parsha The Shmuz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

>> Jewish Thought


Dear Readers,




Variations on a Theme, by Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Shoshana Soroka



Nate Davis

classifieds@fivetowns jewishhome.com 443-929-4003

Ask the Rabbi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Yosef Feinerman

managing editor

Editorial Assistant

Nechama Wein Copy Editor

Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production


P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857

>>Parenting Social Smarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Friday, February 22— Parshas Tetzaveh Candle Lighting: 5:21 Shabbos Ends: 6:21 Rabbeinu Tam: 6:52

A Purim Gragger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

>>Health The Secrets of Costumes, by Deb Hirschhorn, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

>> Food & Leisure Recipes: The Aussie Gourmet: Ideas for Your Purim Seudah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Recipes: A Purim Menu Fit for a King (and Queen). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Travel: Shushan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

>> Lifestyles

fri. Feb. 22

sat. Feb. 23

Weekly Weather sun. Feb. 24

mon. Feb. 25

tues. Feb. 26

wed. Feb. 27

thurs. Feb. 28

rain / snow showers

mostly cloudy




Ask the Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Your Money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 There’s Survival and Then There’s Survival, by Rivki Rosenwald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117

>> Humor Centerfold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

rain / snow cloudy

>> Art From My Private Art Collection: A Special Family Chesed Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104


>> Political Crossfire


Notable Quote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Spin Class with Michael Fragin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

>> Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

40° 37°

High LOW

43° 39°

High LOW

42° 35°

High LOW

42° 35°

High LOW

43° 36°

High LOW

43° 35°

High LOW

44° 37°

The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Letters to Dear Editor, Tears came to my eyes when I read your article on Hindy Mizrahi and her inspirational brothers. I cried once again when I saw her speech online. Her words and her thoughts moved me, and I smiled through my tears when I read how much light her brothers brought and continue to bring to her life. Yasher koach for writing such a wonderful piece. A Reader

Dear Editor, You can tell a person’s character by the company they keep and past statements they have made. President Obama’s nomination for Secretary of Defense former Vietnam Veteran and United States Senator Chuck Hagel is an honorable American who has served his nation both at war and peace. Yet Hagel must take responsibility and be judged by his past statements and positions on major issues of the day. In 2006, he said, “The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people.” He has defended the legiti-

macy of the Iranian government. They are clearly developing nuclear weapons which could easily reach Israel. He has opposed sanctions against Iran even as they continue to be a major supplier to terrorist groups around the world. He has commented that the State Department takes its orders and has become an adjunct to the Israeli Foreign Minister’s office. Can you imagine the reaction of Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, our own Senator Charles Schumer, other Senators, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi and members of the New York Congressional delegation if former President Bush or another Republican President nominated someone for Secretary of Defense who had made similar statements? They would be howling from the highest mountain tops calling the nomination dead on arrival in the Senate. The editorial pages of many major daily newspapers would call upon the President to withdraw the nomination. Senator Schumer has in the past been a consistent outspoken friend of Israel. Schumer has publicly stated he

the Editor would be a “shomer” or guardian of Israel. The time has come for Senator Schumer to stand up for Israel and part company with both President Obama and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid. Will Schumer put aside his consistent political loyalty to President Obama and his longing to succeed Nevada Senator Harry Reid as the next Majority leader? Will he come out against the nomination of Hagel for Secretary of State? The same goes for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and other members of the New

York Congressional delegation. Never shy around a camera or microphone, all are strangely silent. If Schumer, Gilllibrand and company vote for Hagel’s nomination, they are no longer kosher but have become treif. Voters loyal to Israel should show Schumer the door along with anyone else who supports or votes to confirm Hagel as our next Secretary of Defense when they stand for reelection. Sincerely, Larry Penner Great Neck

Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home. Please send all correspondence to editor@fivetownsjewishhome.com.

Readers Poll Compiled by Jannah Eichenbaum

When was the last time you were on a diet? I’m on one now 28% Last month 2% Sometime this year 18% Diet? What diet? 52%


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


11 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


The Week Global Explosion in the Russian Skies

A meteor flared through the skies over Russia’s Chelyabinsk region last Friday, triggering an atomic bombsized shockwave that injured more than a thousand people, blew out windows,

and caused some Russians to fear for the end of the world. NASA said it was the largest reported fireball since the Tunguska event in 1908 — an asteroid explosion that flattened millions of trees over 820 square miles of remote Siberian forest. Friday’s event was witnessed by throngs of Russians in Chelyabinsk, a city of 1.1 million in western Siberia. Multiple amateur videos posted online showed the meteor’s flaring arc stretching hundreds of miles across the sky. Other videos from the scene captured the sound of a loud boom, followed by a cacophony of car alarms. One video showed the hurried evacuation of an office building in Chelyabinsk. “There was panic. People had no idea what was happening. Everyone was going around to people’s houses to check if they were OK,” Chelyabinsk resident Sergey Hametov said. “We saw a big burst of light then went outside to see what it was and we heard a really loud thundering sound.” The impact involved a 50-footwide, 7,000-ton asteroid that zoomed in from space at a velocity of 40,000

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In News mph, NASA officials said. They said the shock of atmospheric entry blasted the rock apart at a height of 12 to 15 miles, releasing the energy equivalent of 300 to 500 kilotons of TNT. That’s more than 10 times the energy released by the atom bombs that exploded over Japan at the end of World War II. In fact, NASA said its estimates were based on readings from infrasound sensors that were set up by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization to detect nuclear blasts. The fireball hit just hours before a 150-foot-wide asteroid, known as 2012 DA14, came within 17,200 miles of Earth during an unusually close but harmless flyby. NASA officials said there was no connection between the two events. “It’s simply a coincidence,” said Paul Chodas, an asteroid researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA said the flash momentarily shone brighter than the sun — an assessment that was echoed by eyewitnesses in Chelyabinsk. “I was driving to work, it was quite dark, but it suddenly became as bright as if it was day,” Viktor Prokofiev recalled. “I felt like I was

blinded by headlights.” No fatalities were reported, but Russia’s Interior Ministry said about 1,100 people sought medical care after the shockwave. About 50 were hospitalized. Most of the injured were cut by glass from windows that were shattered by the blast’s shockwave. More than 200 children at Chelyabinsk schools were said to be among the injured. City officials reported that 3,000 buildings in the Chelyabinsk region were damaged, including a zinc factory warehouse that lost its roof and part of a wall because of the shockwave’s battering. As many as 10,000 police were mobilized to aid in the recovery and remove debris.

Auschwitz Synagogue in Need of Repair The only surviving synagogue near the Auschwitz Concentration Camp is on the verge of collapsing, officials have reported. The Auschwitz Jewish Center Continued on page 15


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our yAgudah Shabbos, Parshas Ki Sisa, March 2/20 Adar

Join us

as three leaders of Agudath Israel of America, on the front lines of issues affecting our community, will be visiting Far Rockaway / Lawrence shuls:

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Rabbi Yehiel Kalish

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

Rabbi Avi Shafran




A full schedule of participating shuls to appear next week. F R I D AY N I G H T O N E G S H A B B O S AT T H E H O M E O F

Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Reich 1054 New McNeil Avenue Lawrence


The World is Watching The Kiddush Hashem Imperative in an Era of Intense Scrutiny

Kumzitz with local mizamrim. All are welcome!

Sunday morning, March 3/21 Adar, 9:00am As the New York State budget is being decided, to attend a breakfast in honor of

you are invited


In recognition of his devoted leadership and steady friendship to our community institutions and yeshivos AT T H E H O M E O F

Dr. and Mrs. Shamshy Eisenberger 125 Rand Place, Lawrence Open to the public / Men and Women welcome / No Solicitation AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA / 42 BROADWAY ST / NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10004 / 212.797.9000

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

, It s

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Oswiecim, once an ordinary town home to a large Jewish community, became an international symbol of the Holocaust when Nazi Germany ran its largest and deadliest concentration camp just two miles from the city center during World War II. Some 1.5 million people were killed at the AuschwitzBirkenau camps. “Several synagogues were located in the area, and this was the only one not destroyed by the Nazis,” Kuncewicz said. The shul was built in 1913 and served a thriving Jewish community until the Nazi occupation. After the war, the shul was used for many purposes including a carpet warehouse in the seventies under Communist national authority. In 1998, the shul was returned to the Jewish people and was rededicated in 2000. Today, it has daily prayers and serves as a historical site that attracts 25,000 visitors each year. Organizers are seeking $300,000 for the renovation effort, the majority from donations, but they also are asking for help from government agencies. Kuncewicz said he hoped to start the repairs this spring: “We are working very hard to raise money for this project, to make sure the synagogue will stand.”

Iran’s Khamenei Insists Possessing Nuclear Weapons is a Sin Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has declared that Iran

has no intention of developing nuclear weapons but if it wanted to, the United States could not thwart it. “We believe nuclear weapons must be abolished and we have no intention of building” such weaponry, Khamenei said in remarks posted on his website, “leader.ir.” But, Khamenei said, “if Iran had such intentions, the U.S. could in no way prevent it” from building an atomic bomb. Israel and much of the western world suspects the Islamic republic is masking the development of a nuclear weapons capability under the guise of a program Iran insists is purely aimed at peaceful purposes. This week, President Barack Obama urged Iran to “recognize that now is the time for a diplomatic solution” to the nuclear standoff. “And we will do what is necessary to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon,” Obama said. Khamenei’s remarks come less than two weeks before a major meeting between Iran and six world powers – the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany – seeking to curb its nuclear activities. Decisions about Iran’s disputed nuclear drive rest with Khamenei, who has declared possession of atomic weapons a “sin” banned by religion. Khamenei this week repeated that claim, saying Iran’s stance on weapons of mass destruction was not taken “because the US is unhappy, but because it is based on a religious belief that nuclear weapons are a crime against humanity.” The UN atomic watchdog, meanwhile, says “overall, credible” evidence exists that until 2003, and possibly since, Iran conducted nuclear weapons research despite its repeated denials.

France Returns Paintings 70 Years Later French officials have announced that they will be returning seven stolen master paintings to the Jewish families they were taken from during the Holocaust. The paintings have been residing in state galleries for the past 70 years. The works were stolen to be displayed in a gallery Adolf Hitler had planned. The announcement ends years of struggle for the two families, whose claims were all validated by the French prime minister last year. National Museums’ Agency official Bruno Saunier said on Thursday, “This is incredibly rare. It’s the largest number of paintings we’ve been able to

give back to Jewish families in over a decade.” The works were painted by Alessandro Longhi, Sebastiano Ricci, Gaspare Diziani, Salavator Francesco Fontebasso, Gaetano Gandolfi, Francois-Charles Palko and Pieter Jansz van Asch.

lice said targeted the country’s minority Shiite Muslim sect, left many victims buried under rubble, but authorities did not know how many. It was the deadliest incident since bombings targeting Shiites in the same city killed 86 people earlier this year, leading to days of protests that eventually toppled the local government.

Pakistan Market Bombing Kills Dozens A bomb hidden in a water tank ripped through a crowded vegetable market in a mostly Shiite neighborhood in Quetta, a southwestern Pakistani city, on Saturday. The blast killed at least 65 people and wounded nearly 200, officials said. The bomb was detonated while dozens of women and children were buying produce for their evening meal. Local residents rushed the victims to three different area hospitals, many in private vehicles because there weren’t enough ambulances to transport the victims. Police said many of those wounded in the explosion in Quetta remain in critical condition. The blast, which po-


Militant groups in this Sunni Muslim-dominated country have increasingly attacked Shiites. The Shiites are viewed as heretics and non-Muslim.

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Foundation maintains the historic shul in the southern Polish city of Oswiecim. The head of the foundation, Tomasz Kuncewicz, reported, “There are already small cracks visible. A thorough examination found that the ground is unstable and with heavy rain or something similar, anything can happen.”

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

The Week


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


The Week Many of the Shiites in Quetta, including those in the neighborhood attacked on Saturday, are Hazaras, an ethnic group that migrated to Pakistan from Afghanistan more than a century ago. Quetta police chief Zubair Mahmood told reporters that the bomb was hidden in a water tank and towed into the market by a tractor. He said the blast destroyed shops in the neighborhood and caused a two-story building to collapse. Mahmood said police did not yet know who was behind the bombing but a local television station reported that Lashker-e-Jhangvi, a Sunni extremist group that has targeted Shiites in the past, had called to claim responsibility. Members of the minority Shiite sect took to the city’s streets in angry protest, blocking roads with burning tires and throwing stones at passing vehicles. Many also started firing into the air in an attempt to keep people away from the area in case there was a secondary explosion. Sometimes insurgents stagger the explosions as a way to target people who rush to the scene to help and thus increase the death toll.

Last year was particularly deadly for Shiites in Pakistan. According to Human Rights Watch, more than 400 were killed in targeted attacks across the country.

Iran Commander Killed

General Hassan Shateri was killed on Tuesday in an ambush on the way from Damascus towards the Lebanese capital, the Iranian authorities said. The circumstances surrounding his death and the purpose of his visit in Syria are still a bit murky. The Lebanese newspaper, As-Safir, claimed Shater had been “in Aleppo, to study projects


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In News to reconstruct the city,” a claim that was rejected as “laughable” by opposition figures in the city that is currently in the grip of a full-scale war. Last month, US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, accused Iran of fighting alongside Syrian president Bashar al-Assad against the Sunni-majority insurgency. “They are sending arms, they are sending other kinds of experts, and in fact we know that they are sending Iran Revolutionary Guard members,” said Ford. Israeli jet planes were reported to have bombed a military base on the outskirts of Damascus last week. It is believed that the Syrian regime has been transferring surface-to-air missiles to Lebanon, into the hands of the Iranbacked militia Hezbollah. US Secretary of State John Kerry offered a grim reminder of the costs of continued violence on Thursday saying that as many as 90,000 people may have been killed in the two years of fighting in Syria. He spoke as it emerged that rebel fighters had shot down two fighter jets and then seized the town of Shadadeh, in a fourth straight day of blows to the Assad regime. Kerry said that Assad should accept the “inevitability” of his departure. A new peace plan proposes creating a 140-member senate body that would manage dialogue between the regime and the Syrian opposition and be supervised by the United Nations.

Document Sheds Light on al-Qaeda Operations

An internal document was found last month after al-Qaeda fighters fled in a hurry. Tucked under a pile of papers and trash was a confidential letter, spelling out the terror network’s strategy for conquering northern Mali and reflecting internal discord over how to rule the region. The document is an unprecedented source of light highlighting the inner workings of the operation, indicating

that al-Qaeda predicted the military intervention that would dislodge it in January and recognized its own vulnerability. The letter leaves no doubt that despite a temporary withdrawal into the desert, al-Qaeda plans to operate in the region over the long haul, and is willing to make short-term concessions on ideology to gain the allies it acknowledges it needs. The document, containing more than nine pages, was found in a building the Islamic extremists occupied for more than a year. Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, a name used by Abdelmalek Droukdel, signed the letter. Droukdel is a senior commander appointed by Osama bin Laden to run al-Qaeda’s branch in Africa. The letter is divided into six chapters, three of which were recovered, along with loose pages, on the floor of the Ministry of Finance’s Regional Audit Department. Residents say the building, one of several the Islamic extremists took over in this ancient city of sundried, mud-brick homes, was particularly well-guarded with two checkpoints, and a zigzag of barriers at the entrance. Droukdel’s letter is one of only a few internal documents between commanders of al-Qaeda’s African wing that have been found, and possibly the first to be made public, according to University of Toulouse Islamic scholar Mathieu Guidere. It is numbered 33/234, a system reserved for alQaeda’s internal communications, said Guidere, who helps oversee a database of documents generated by extremists, including Droukdel. The letter suggests a change in the thinking, if not the rhetoric, of Droukdel, who is asking his men to behave with a restraint that he himself is not known for. Droukdel is believed to have overseen numerous suicide bombings, including one in 2007 where al-Qaeda fighters bombed the United Nations building and a new government building in Algiers, killing 41 people. That same year, the U.S. designated him a global terrorist and banned Americans from doing business with him. In a video disseminated on jihadist forums a few months ago, Droukdel dared the French to intervene in Mali and said his men will turn the region into a “graveyard” for foreign fighters. The fanaticism he exhibits in his public statements is in stark contrast to the advice he gives his men on the ground. In his private letter, he acContinued on page 20


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


The Week knowledges that al-Qaeda is vulnerable to foreign intervention, and that international and regional pressure “exceeds our military and financial and structural capability for the time being.” “It is very probable, perhaps certain, that a military intervention will occur ... which in the end will either force us to retreat to our rear bases or will provoke the people against us,” writes Droukdel. “Taking into account this important factor, we must not go too far or take risks in our decisions or imagine that this project is a stable Islamic state.”

Israel Making the Desert Bloom

The Arava Desert was once a barren 112-mile strip of land stretching from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea. The scenery on that landscape has dramatically changed. Arava now has some 600 farms supplying more than 60 percent of total Israeli exports of fresh vegetables. Arava farmers produce varieties of peppers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, eggplants, melons, watermelons, grapes, herbs and dates. Many of the plants are raised organically with minimal pesticides. Arava R&D, founded in 1986 by the Jewish Agency, originally served the agriculture development needs in periphery areas. Idealistic would-be farmers, eager to make the proverbial desert bloom, already had established three kibbutzim in the Arava back in 1959. “They were considered meshugenners, crazy people,” relates Aylon Gadiel, director of Arava R&D. “You couldn’t live in the Arava, let alone grow vegetables there. But it was proven that it is possible, and one reason is

In News the development of drip irrigation in the beginning of the 1960s.” By 1997, when the Jewish National Fund took over Arava R&D in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other government agencies, regional councils and private sponsors, it was already clear that cooperation is the main ingredient of success. The researchers, scientists and farmers involved in Arava R&D’s eight agricultural villages – comprising about 8,650 acres – interact through regularly scheduled site tours, seminars and online forums in order to learn about one another’s problems and solutions. “You can see what the growers are doing, and they can see what you think could help. Some farmer may be trying something new and we will go test it on an academic level,” Gediel explains. “The interaction is ongoing and constant between all the parties. We try to get the knowledge flowing back and forth.” The next promising crop is strawberries. “They cannot grow in saline water, so we’re trying to grow them with desalinated water from a small plant we have in our Yair Experimental Station. We are developing a protocol for that, and we hope we will have good quality water in a couple of years.” The United Nations chose the Arava region as a global model for agricultural education on saving water. Israel’s agricultural researchers are constantly improving and refining “fertigation,” in which water and fertilizer are dripped uniformly onto the root system of crops from a specially constructed pipe. Over the last 15 years, says Gadiel, the Arava has become an international school for agricultural trainees. “We have a lot of students coming here for year-long projects to study and work with families of Arava farmers — mainly from Thailand, Myanmar and other Far East countries, in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry. When they go back home, each student becomes an ambassador for Israel.” Experts from Arava R&D travel to countries such as Ethiopia to give practical courses through MASHAV, Israel’s international development agency. “I think Israeli agriculture in general is an example for the whole world of how you can develop an area and live in it, too,” says Gadiel. “We learned how to use our advantages, especially in winter, to produce good-quality vegetables for export to Europe and the United States.” Continued on page 24

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


The Week Netanyahu’s Ice Cream Budget

How much do you spend on ice cream a year? How about a budget of $2,700? Benjamin Netanyahu has received a NIS 10,000 budget from the government for buying high-end ice cream for his official residence. Reportedly, by May of last year, the Prime Minister’s residence had already spent NIS 3,000 on ice cream and therefore filed a special request for budgeting thousands of shekels more for ice cream

from a nearby shop that Netanyahu especially likes. The request mentioned three times that the ice cream shop was selected “on the personal taste and desire of the prime minister” and because it was “near the official residence…and open until late hours.” A kilogram of the prime minister’s favorite flavors, vanilla sorbet and pistachio, costs NIS 55 and NIS 65, respectively, at the vendor in question. At those prices, the prime minister’s residence could have consumed a staggering 167 kilograms of ice cream in 2012. According to the Prime Minister’s Office, however, the NIS 10,000 was a budget cap for hosting at the official residence, and the entire sum was not necessarily used. The report did not give the name of the ice cream shop the prime minister adores but a branch of the chain Katzefet is located near his residence on Jerusalem’s Gaza Street and has flavors, hours and prices matching Netanyahu’s tastes. The PMO did not respond to an in-

In News quiry as to whether this kind of expenditure was acceptable. I scream, you scream, Bibi screams for ice cream!

Prisoner X Makes Headlines in Australia

A storm of controversy erupted on two continents on Wednesday after a television station claimed to have identified the inmate of a high-security Israeli jail previously known only as “Prisoner X.” The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported on Tuesday that the inmate was Ben Zygier, 34, also known as Ben Alon and Ben Allen. The station reported that Zygier was a married father of two who was originally from Australia but who later moved to Israel. They also reported that he was found hanged in his cell in 2010, a cell originally built for Yigal Amir, who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. They claimed he had been buried in Melbourne, Australia, a few weeks later. The report said Zygier had been recruited by the Israeli spy agency, the Mossad, but it did not cite a source for this information. In 2010, the prisoner’s case was highlighted by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, which wrote to the country’s attorney-general saying it was “alarming” that someone was being detained “incommunicado and we know nothing about him,” the broadcaster reported. But the attorney-general’s assistant replied that a “gag order” imposed by the Israeli government preventing media reports about the case was “vital for preventing a serious breach of the state’s security, so we cannot elaborate about this affair,” it added. The case of the prisoner, also known as “Mr. X,” first came to public attention when a story appeared briefly on an online news forum in 2010. “He is simply a person without a name and without an identity who has been placed in total and utter isolation from the outside world,” a prison official reportedly said.

The report was taken down from the site after a few hours. Within hours of Tuesday’s report surfacing, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office beckoned editors to request that they not to publish a story “that is very embarrassing to a certain government agency,” Israel’s Haaretz newspaper said. “The emergency meeting was called following a broadcast outside Israel regarding the incident in question,” Haaretz added, giving no further information. This sparked a heated discussion in the Knesset. “Are there people in prisons whose incarceration is kept secret? What are the supervision mechanisms on this kind of imprisonment?” lawmaker Dov Henin asked on Tuesday. “What are the possibilities for parliamentary supervision on such incarcerations?” Another lawmaker, Zehava Gal-On, expressed concern about the involvement of the media in keeping quiet about Prisoner X. “Today, we hear that in a country that claims to be a civilized democracy, journalists cooperate with the government, and that anonymous prisoners, who no one knew existed, commit suicide,” she said. For now, all the details surrounding this case pretty much remain a mystery…

Hezbollah Warns Israel Against Attacking Lebanon

The threats continue… Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said on Saturday that the terrorist group has all the arms it needs to fight a war with Israel. “The resistance has never been this strong. It does not need Syria or Iran,” he said in a speech. “Israel needs to think hundreds

of thousands of times before attacking Lebanon.” He warned Israel against attacking Lebanon: “I am warning the Israelis and their allies that the Resistance in Lebanon will not keep quiet over any violation that occurs on Lebanese territory,” he said. “They know that their energy plants and their airports…are under threat. Their power plants would require sixmonths to be repaired. Can Israel remain six months in the dark? Lebanon, on the other hand, is used to being without electricity. “A few missiles would plunge Israel into darkness,” Nasrallah said, referring to plans to attack power stations. “From Kiryat Shemona to Eilat,” he added. The Hezbollah leader opened his speech speaking about Bulgaria’s investigation of the Burgas terror attack. He decried the speculation by the Lebanese opposition that Israel will attack Lebanon as a result of the accusations. “The ones predicting an Israeli war on Lebanon are unfortunately Lebanese and some Arab figures, which is based on the alleged accusations against Hezbollah,” he said, adding, “They seek to put Lebanon on a terrorist blacklist.” Nasrallah added, “When Israel wants to wage a war, it does not look for any excuse. Israel has a project and that’s what drives it into a war.” Earlier on Saturday, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Philippe Lalliot said that his country was considering officially recognizing Hezbollah a terror organization, if, as Bulgaria had claimed, the Shiite group turns out to be behind the terror attack in Burgas that killed five Israeli tourists last July.

Israel Provides Medical Care for Wounded Syrians Seven Syrians wounded in their country’s civil war were evacuated to Israel. As of Sunday, they were all in stable condition after surgery at Safed’s Ziv Hospital. The hospital spokesman admitted that the patients were a surprise but said: “When patients come to the emergency room, we take care of them.” All suffered from gunshot or shrapnel wounds. One of the patients, who was shot in the abdomen, was in critical condition but stabilized and operated on; he is now in intensive care. The other six were in less serious condition.

In News The Syrians are being guarded in separate rooms, and there are Arab speakers who can communicate with them. A spokesman said the wounded are likely to be hospitalized for about a week. An army spokeswoman said that the men had arrived at the Syrian-Israeli border fence, and IDF soldiers administered first aid on the scene. Then they were rushed to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed. It is the first time that Syrians havebeen taken to Israel for medical treatment since the uprising against President Bashar Assad began almost two years ago. Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon said on Saturday that Israel’s decision to allow the Syrians into the country did not mark a change in policy.

National America: Land of the Free for Illegals

The Department of Homeland Security admitted in a letter addressed to four top Republican lawmakers that in fiscal year 2012 it initiated only one case against an immigrant for becoming a “public charge.” A public charge is an immigrant who is primarily dependent on governmental programs. The one case was eventually withdrawn. In August, Republican Senators Jeff Sessions, Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch and Pat Roberts’ issued an oversight notice. The response to the Republicans noticeably avoided several of the senators’ direct questions and demonstrated potentially significant inadequacies in record-keeping by immigration officials, who legally should be enforcing public-charge rules for immigrants both

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The Week


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The Week inside and outside of the country. The response failed to explain why immigrants are only assessed for their potential reliance on just two government programs when there are over 80 federal programs or why they only assess whether the immigrant is likely to become primarily dependent on federal aid for sustenance before he arrives and not after. Author of the letter, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Nelson Peacock, did not provide data pertaining to the total number of visa applicants from 2001-2011 that were denied on publiccharge grounds as was requested by the Republican senators. Nor did he reveal how many immigrants from 2001-2011 became public charges after obtaining a visa or entering the country. The department admitted that they are lacking this information. Peacock explained that “historical data responsive for the number of aliens issued visas or otherwise admitted into the United States from 2001 to 2011 who became public charges and who were later issued Notices to Appear is unavailable,” because of “data entry

quality and system changes that did not account for statistical tracking at this level.” Deportations of immigrants for being public charges after their arrival in the U.S. are relatively rare, according to the Federal Register. It is typically easier for the government to deny entry to immigrants on public-charge grounds prior to their entry into the country. “You’d be hard pressed to find a single American who believes a whole year went by without a single alien violating the public-charge law,” one Republican aide said in reaction to Peacock’s admission. “This revelation from DHS is beyond disturbing. It is inexcusable. Surely this must give pause to fiscal conservatives considering the cost to American taxpayers of various comprehensive immigration reform proposals being discussed.” “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is currently addressing these data tracking issues and intends to capture such data in a reliable manner in the future,” Peacock said. A lot of unanswered questions remain…

In News Bloomberg’s Latest Mission: Ban Styrofoam Bloomberg clearly has a micro-managing issue. First, he banned trans fats. Then he took away our thirst-quenching, extra-large sugary drinks and now he’s attempting to take our Styrofoam take-out food containers. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will propose a ban on Styrofoam he says is almost impossible to recycle. The mayor says polystyrene foam clogs up landfills and is not biodegradable and might harm human health. Styrofoam, he says, should go the way of lead-based paint, which the city banned from residential use in 1960. An estimated 20,000 tons of Styrofoam enter the city’s waste stream each year, and it can add an estimated $20 per ton to the cost of recycling because it needs to be removed from the recycling stream. “After all, we can live without it. We may live longer without it. And the doggie bag will survive just fine,” Bloomberg said. Dow Chemical Co, which makes Styrofoam, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Similar bans have been adopted in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland, Oregon. The plan is likely to meet opposition from small businesses, since alternatives to Styrofoam tend to cost between two and five times as much. “As this proposal moves forward, we hope that the concerns of the small businesses it affects, like cost increases, will factor in at least as heavily as environmental concerns,” said Andrew Moesel, a spokesman for the New York Restaurant Association. What’s next? White flour? Forced gym membership? Or maybe a limit on how many coffees we can drink a day?

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Last week, the world’s biggest airline was created by the merger of Amer-

ican Airlines and US Airways. The two airlines agreed to the $11 billion deal marking the seventh merger in the industry since 2005. Rising gas prices and stiffer competition are to blame. The new airline will take on American Airlines’ more famous name. This is hopefully the lifeline for a company that has been in bankruptcy for more than a year. At the head of the billion dollar company will be US Airways CEO, Doug Parker, and AMR CEO, Tom Horton, will serve as chairman until its first shareholder meeting which will likely be convened in mid-2014. “The combined airline will have the scale, breadth and capabilities to compete more effectively and profitably in the global marketplace,” Parker said in a statement. “Our combined network will provide a significantly more attractive offering to customers, ensuring that we are always able to take them where they want to go.” Analysts predict that ticket prices may rise as a result of four primary airlines dominating 70 percent of the market—the new American, United, Delta and Southwest. Parker appeared on “CBS This Morning” on Thursday shortly after both boards approved of the merge. He downplayed concerns over rising fares, saying the two airlines were “highly complementary, not much overlap at all. But we’ve combined to create an airline that can compete against the other two airlines that happen to be larger than us right now – United and Delta – to create an airline that can compete strongly against us. So it’s more competition, not less.” The airlines said they expect $1 billion in combined benefits from the merger. They expect the bigger airline to lure corporate travelers away from competitors, contributing to $900 million in additional revenue. They also anticipate cost savings of roughly $150 million. It is expected that $1.2 billion will be spent on transition costs over the next three years. The new American plans to have more than 900 planes, 3,200 daily flights and about 95,000 employees. Okay, now I know that you’re probably wondering as a traveler, aside from a possible price hike, what will be changing for you? It is highly likely that you will never notice the changes. Unless, of course, you like how the words “US Airways” look on your ticket.


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The Week Secretary of Defense Nominee Said Israel Controls US State Department

Chuck Hagel has been nominated for Secretary of Defense. You probably don’t know much about the much about Senator Hagel but the following piece of information was released by Fox News Channel on Tuesday and is definitely relevant. According to the report, Hagel failed to disclose to the United States

Senate speeches he delivered to controversial groups such as the AmericanArab Anti-Discrimination Committee as well as James Zogby’s Arab American Institute. A speech Hagel delivered at Rutgers University in New Jersey in 2007 is under particular scrutiny. According to a report of the event, he said that the U.S. Department of State was an adjunct of the Israeli foreign minister’s office. Republican political consultant and Hagel supporter George Ajjan wrote a “point by point through some of the more important elements of his speech” summary about the March 2, 2007 speech on his website the following day. Ajjan wrote: “The State Department has become adjunct to the Israeli Foreign Minister’s office…” Wow. A very bold statement by Hagel bound to further raise the ire of the “Jewish Lobby” (yawn…), but it does express his strong belief in a comprehensive solution to problems in the Middle East. Hagel mentioned this theme several times – comprehensive, he said, in the sense that all tools should be used to

In News achieve American foreign policy objectives (diplomatic, political, economic, and military), but also comprehensive in the James Baker sense of addressing the Arab-Israeli conflict holistically as both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have proved too lazy and too incompetent to do. Reached by phone, Ajjan confirmed his 2007 account of the event, saying he was “taking notes as [Hagel] was speaking.” “If I wrote it, then that’s what happened at the time,” Ajjan said. The event, which was cosponsored by the Rutgers University Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the American Iranian Council, was closed to the press. “When [Hagel] said the State Department was becoming an adjunct of the Israeli ministry, I think that was during the Q&A,” said Ajjan. “Even in the blog, I was surprised that he said that. It was a very bold statement.” Ajjan said he has “been a supporter of Hagel for a long time” and admired his opposition to the Iraq war in particular. “Back in ‘07, I was hoping that he was going to throw his hat in the ring for the Republican presidential primaries,” he said. Ajjan added he would still support a Hagel presidential bid today. “I’d be delighted to see Hagel mount some sort of third party candidacy,” he said. “If he makes it through these confirmation hearings you really couldn’t ask for a better pedigree.” On his Twitter feed, Ajjan expresses criticism of neoconservatives, Israel, and the war on terror that is commonplace among Hagel supporters. Rutgers University and a spokesperson for Hagel did not respond to requests for comment.

cal economies, fiscal management, and quality-of-life measures. Each city was evaluated based in its credit rating, poverty, education, crime, unemployment, and regional GDP. Many of the best-run cities have at least one industry that is supporting the labor force, or are close enough to major urban centers that provide strong job markets, such as Dallas, Phoenix and San Francisco. The economies of the worst-run cities fall into two categories. Some were badly damaged by the housing price collapse. These include Riverside and Stockton in California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Others have had much more long-term economic troubles. These include Detroit, St. Louis, and Cleveland, whose once-booming manufacturingbased economies have been decimated by jobs going overseas. The best-run city in America this year is Plano, Texas, followed by Madison, Wisconsin, and Irvine, California, in the number three spot. Number four is Lincoln, Nebraska, and five is Fremont, California. The five worst-run cities were Hialeah, Florida; Detroit, Michigan; Stockton, California; and Miami, Florida (shocking!). The worst-run of all is San Bernardino, California. I guess I’ll just stay in New York.

DC Knows How to Read

The Best-Run & WorstRun Cities in America The population of the United States living in urban areas is growing faster than the national rate. A recent consensus showed that more than 4 in 5 Americans live in metropolitan areas, an increase of over 12% in the last decade. On the reverse is the proportion of Americans living in rural areas, which obviously, has been declining. With more citizens than ever, mayors are facing new challenges when managing their populations. 24/7 Wall St. completed a ranking of the 100 largest cities in the U.S., based on lo-

For the third year in a row, Washington, D.C., was rated the most literate city in the United States. Seattle and Minneapolis followed close behind. The study, which was conducted by Central Connecticut State University, ranked 76 cities around the United States based on their size of their library systems, presence of bookstores and circulation of newspapers. Most of the cities that ranked high on the list were tech-heavy regions with educated populations. According to CCSU President John W. Miller, head of this study, the goal of the report was not to examine whether

people can read, but whether they actually do read. “There’s a lot of emphasis on whether people can read; this is more about whether people practice literate behavior,” Miller said. Pittsburgh, PA, and Denver, CO, came in fourth and fifth on the list of most-literate cities, respectively. On the other side of the spectrum, Bakersfield, California, came in as the least-literate city in the United States. Corpus Christi, TX, and Stockton, CA succeeded Bakersfield. El Paso, TX, and Anaheim, CA, came in close behind. Time to start reading TJH!

Madoff Frustrated in Jail

Bernie Madoff is serving a life sentence in federal prison for his grand fraud that affected the lives of thousands and thousands of people. But now, in letters from prison, Madoff is claiming to be the victim. Madoff said he is not getting credit for what he calls his “instrumental” role in returning money to his victims. Madoff wrote that he is so frustrated; he is having second thoughts about having pleaded guilty four years ago. The emails from prison were addressed to CNBC. Court-appointed trustee, Irving Picard, revealed to CNBC earlier in the week that he will seek court approval for another distribution of funds to Madoff victims. That would bring the total payout to more than $5 billion, out of more than $9 billion recovered so far. But Picard reaffirmed that his success at paying back those scammed has nothing to do with Madoff. “In my view, he has not been helpful,” Picard said. This is the statement that got Bernie Madoff mad.

“This is a man that keeps making statements that have no facts to back them up,” Madoff wrote. “I wish I went to trial and he would have been required to provide the evidence he claims he has. As you can see, I am frustrated.” Madoff claims his efforts behind the scenes are the reason more than half his clients’ initial investments have been recovered, and why ultimately all of the $17.5 billion in lost principal could ultimately be paid back. “From the day of my arrest I offered to assist in recovering the investment principal of my customers. I stated that I was confident that I would be able to convince those parties that were complicit in creating my financial problems, to return the money they withdrew from the investment advisory side of my firm. Those parties were well aware of the incriminating evidence I possessed about their complicit activity and wisely came forward with settlements.” He continued, “It was my belief that it was more important to use the evidence I had to pressure the complicit parties to settle, rather than to use this information for a lesser prison sentence for myself. As remorseful as I am for the pain and suffering I have shamefully caused, I take some comfort in the fact that my assistance will in fact accomplish what I have originally claimed, that with my assistance all of my customers will recover their original investment principal.” Madoff wrote that he has repeatedly offered more help to Picard and his team, but they have not taken him up on it. “You should be aware that I have continued to offer Picard information concerning the complicity of the banks,” Madoff wrote. “I was the only person in my firm that dealt with the officers that handled my account. Not Frank [DiPascali, a Madoff lieutenant who has pleaded guilty to fraud charges] nor anyone else. I have little doubt that the information I could provide would clearly demonstrate the vital role the major banks…played, in the carrying out my fraud, including their role in handling the accounts of my major customers. The ball is in his court.” “There’s always the suggestion that there’s more that he could help us with,” said Picard’s chief counsel, David Sheehan. “But when we pressed his counsel to give us an example of that before we start getting on an airplane and fly down to see him, we never get anything that’s worthwhile. So we have not taken him up on those offers.”

In News Madoff has a theory as to why Picard is not giving him credit for his assistance. “I certainly can understand his reasons for not acknowledging my role. How could he JUSTIFY HIS FEES [sic],” Madoff asked. Picard and his firm, Baker Hostetler, have billed more than $600 million in fees and expenses, money that is paid by Wall Street firms through their dues to the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Am I the only one who doesn’t feel an ounce of pity for this dishonest and corrupt fraudster?

about $45,000 more than the amount left behind in 2011. Now that would surely make a dent in your savings account, wouldn’t it? The TSA maintained that it makes “every effort to reunite passengers with items left at security checkpoints,” said agency spokesperson Nico Melendez. But not every nickel, crumpled bill, and poker chip can be traced to its rightful owner, so instead it is all collected, counted, and forwarded to the TSA financial office and is then spent on general security operations.

$531K Left at the TSA A penny there, a dime here…seems like no big deal, won’t really make a dent in your savings account....but it will make a dent in the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) bank account. All the coins left by security checkpoints at airport security by all of us this year add up to $531,395.22. That’s

Congress approved that TSA expenditure in 2005, but some lawmakers and passengers rights groups don’t Continued on page 32

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The Week feel that it’s fair for the TSA to keep the change. In 2009, and again in 2011, Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., the chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, introduced unsuccessful legislation that would require TSA to give the unclaimed cash to the United Service Organizations (USO), a private nonprofit that operates centers for military personnel at more than 40 U.S. airports. Brandon Macsata, executive director of the Association for Airline Passenger Rights, feels that the money should be returned to travelers but since that’s a difficult feat, he suggests that the agency use it for staff training “to better educate them on how to appropriately handle and treat unique travelers, including travelers with medical conditions, children and travelers with disabilities.” TSA’s Melendez suggests that passengers be more careful with their change if they would like to keep it. He suggests, “Placing spare change or any other items in a purse or briefcase prior to going through security is the easiest and best way to maintain positive control of your belongings.”

In News

Earlier this month, Denver International Airport installed collection jars on the non-secure-side of several checkpoints asking travelers to donate change to Denver’s Road Home, an organization that helps the homeless. That’s a nice option.

Warren Buffet Heart Heinz Ketchup In one of the biggest-ever foodindustry deals ever, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and private equity group 3G are acquiescing H.J. Heinz. The two major corporations are shelling out over $28 billion. Typically, Buffet doesn’t team up with a third party for acquisitions, but analysts say Buffet just had to have his ketchup. “The brand equity inherent in their portfolio is undeniable,” says Erin Lash, analyst with Morningstar. Heinz is hardly his first foray into food. The billionaire’s food fetish began in the 70’s. In 1972, Buffet purchased California-based See’s Candies in 1972. See’s Candies prides itself in


D r . Ta b i c k 15 years experienced

making preservative-free treats and has hundreds of retail stores along the West Coast. In 1988, Buffett began snatching up stock in Coca-Cola Co. According to Berkshire Hathaway’s last annual report, their stake hovers around 8.8%. In 1998, Berkshire Hathaway completed its acquisition of Dairy Queen for $585 million. In 2008, Berkshire bought an 8% stake in Kraft Foods Inc., but has since trimmed that to around 4.5%. In 2002, Buffet’s company bought The Pampered Chef for an undisclosed amount ($900 million, according to most estimates) from its founder and chairman, Doris K. Christopher, and her family. The company sells kitchen tools. It now has a direct sales force of over 60,000 people and a staff of 750.

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Republican, and an election…no, this is not a joke. Tim Scott is a black Republican Senator for South Carolina. Nick Muzin is a 37-year-old Orthodox Jew from Charleston, South Carolina. Now, the big question is…what do these two have in common? Well, Muzin helped Scott plan the winning strategy to be elected as the first black Republican to Congress from South Carolina in more than a century. Now Muzin is on another mission to lead the effort by House Republicans to expand the party’s appeal following Mitt Romney’s loss to President Obama. Scott was first elected to the House in 2010 as a leader of the Tea Party; he won re-election last November before being tapped just a few weeks later by Gov. Nikki Haley to fill the seat vacated by retiring Sen. Jim DeMint. Scott’s quick ascendance, the rarity of his being a black Republican, and his Tea Party stature have earned him national attention. Muniz managed Scott’s 2010 camContinued on page 36

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



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35 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

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The Week paign and served as his chief of staff from 2009 until December. He still heads Scott’s fundraising political action committee. The Montreal-born doctor, lawyer, and learned Jew was instrumental in paving the way for Tim Scott. The close alliance and friendship between a black Tea Party Republican from the South and an Orthodox doctorlawyer from Canada is a rarity in politics, and upends perceptions about how blacks and Jews interact, Muzin and Scott say. Scott happily admits that his success is partially credited to Muzin’s hard work and dedication. “He’d be studying Bible all the time in his office, and we would talk regularly about what I was learning in Daf Yomi every day,” Muzin said of Scott. “He had a real appreciation for Jewish people and for religious people.” The appreciation became evident early in the campaign, when Scott told Muzin he wanted to release a statement on the May 2010 clash between Israeli commandos and a Gaza-bound flotilla that left nine Turkish nationals dead. “I want to go on record saying that Israel was within its rights in international and maritime law to intercept the flotilla since Hamas, a terrorist organization in control of Gaza, has sworn to annihilate the Jewish people and regularly transfers weapons into Gaza,” said Scott, at the time a House candidate in a state where the Jewish vote barely registers. That statement makes it clear that Scott does not have a political agenda here. Definitely a unique and note-worthy relationship!

Man Arrested for Stealing Mail Over 1,000 pounds in stolen mail was discovered by police in Port Townsend, Washington, when they arrested a man who had been sought by state corrections officers for escaping from community custody in Federal Way. Adam Lysiak was arrested on Tuesday for investigation of identity theft and possession of stolen property. He was held on $250,000 bail. Officer Luke Bogues says more than half of the mail recovered had Kitsap County addresses.

The 38-year-old is accused of stealing from mailboxes in Kitsap, Jefferson and neighboring counties during the night to create fake identities, forge identification cards, pass bad checks and use stolen credit cards. Now, there’s another reason to go paperless…

That’s Odd Living in a World Down Under

Bratislav Stojanovic always struggled financially. The construction worker had difficulty holding down a steady job. At some point, he didn’t have enough money for food and shelter, so he would stay in abandoned houses until he was kicked out. About 15 years ago, the 43-year-old man needed shelter so he found a tomb in the southern Serbia town of Nis to settle down there. I guess it’s nice having quiet neighbors.

Beer for a Prize Recent tragic events have brought the faults of violent video games to the spotlight. If kids love playing them and love imitating them, then what goes on in them must be filtered. The latest arcade game does not promote healthy habits for kids. Adam Carroll and Owen Tingle admit that as kids they’d do almost anything to score a quarter to play a video game. The two adults from North Carolina channelled this passion to create an arcade game that offers a surprising reward for winning. Instead of hearing a fast tune of congratulations or bright words flashing on

In News the screen when winning, the winners of “The Last Barfighter” will get a cup of beer. “Gaming is very social, but these days it’s all very digital and online and separated, and it doesn’t have the faceto-face competition that it used to,” Carroll said. “We miss going to the arcade and putting down a stack of quarters.” They approached the folks at Raleigh-based brewery Big Boss Brewing Company with the idea and so began work on what they call “the world’s first beer-dispensing arcade game.” The familiar arcade cabinet has had its coin slots replaced by drip trays, cup holders and motion sensors to detect cups in place of quarters. Currently, there is only one Big Boss machine and it is on display in Carroll and Tingle’s Taproom. They plan to fire it up at beer festivals and other special events but the duo are looking for ways to expand on the idea. How will they screen for players under 18? Where will these arcades be allowed? What is this teaching teenagers? Fight and then you get alcohol? Lots of questions and not enough answers.

Twins Times Two Mazal tov! We had twins! Mazal tov! We had twins! A Texas woman became onein-70-million when she gave birth to two sets of twins on February 14th of this year. The four brothers were delivered at 31 weeks to 36-yearold Tressa Montalvo. When she was just ten weeks pregnant, Montalvo received the shocking news. Her physician told her she was having twins and then later told her he detected a third heartbeat—there were four children in all! Amazingly, Montalvo was not carrying quadruplets; she was carrying two sets of identical twins which can occur only one in seventy million! “We tried to stick to the A-B-C-D theme when naming them,” the proud mother said. “We didn’t expect it, we were trying for just one and we were blessed with four.” Her husband, Manuel, said that they are not done yet—he is looking forward to a daughter in the next few years.

Good Memories for the Chimpanzee Would you be offended if I told you that chimpanzees may be smarter than humans? OK, that may be an exaggeration but recent research suggests that the fuzzy little guys have a better shortterm memory than most humans. A Japanese researcher presented a video showing the remarkable abilities of a chimpanzee named Ayumu, at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on Thursday. When the numbers 1 through 9 appeared randomly on a screen and then disappeared, the chimpanzee was able to recall the exact sequence and location of each number. Ayumu also learned numbers 1 through 19 and is able to touch each one in ascending order, which hasn’t been shown before, Tetsuro Matsuzawa, a researcher at Kyoto University’s Primate Research Institute, told Livescience. As Matsuzawa showed the video to a room of scientists and journalists, murmurs of amazement were heard. “Don’t worry, nobody can do it,” Matsuzawa said, with an almost mischievous smile. “It’s impossible for you.” A select few humans have such abilities, but these are typically people with savant syndrome, which is accompanied by severe mental disabilities. Six out of six chimpanzees tested could rapidly remember the location and order of nine digits. This incredible short-term memory helps chimpanzees survive in the wild, where they often must make rapid and complex decisions.

Cause of Death: Too Much Soda Natasha Harris of New Zealand suddenly passed away at the young age of 30. Medical examiners determined that she passed away due to complications caused by her extreme addiction to drinking Coca-Cola. The woman was said to have consumed an estimated 2.2 gallons of the soda per day. David Crerar, the coroner charged with investigating the 2010 death of the mother of eight, was quoted as saying that her habit “was a substantial factor that contributed to the development of the metabolic imbalances which gave rise to the arrhythmia.” He added, “I find that when all the

available evidence is considered, were it not for the consumption of very large quantities of Coke by Natasha Harris, it is unlikely that she would have died when she died and how she died.” Before her death, Harris reportedly exhibited symptoms of withdrawal if she happened to run out of the beverage. “[She would] go crazy if she ran out,” Vivien Hodgkinson, her motherin-law, was quoted as saying. “[S]he would get the shakes, withdrawal symptoms, be angry, on edge and snappy.” Everything in moderation.

Teenager Suspended for Dying Hair Every school is entitled to make its own rules (within reasonable parameters) and has the right to enforce them as they see fit. One Utah middle school is cracking down on hair color. They don’t want students dying their hair: not bright pink, electric blue, or even a dark shade of red. Rylee MacKay, 15, is an honors student at Hurricane Middle School. Last week, she was asked to leave class because she dyed her brown locks auburn. She was allowed to return to school only after she toned down her hair color. MacKay claims she had been dyeing her hair the same shade every six weeks since September, but only recently did her school make an issue of it. On February 4, Vice Principal Jan Goodwin spotted Rylee in the halls and ordered her into the office. She had just had her hair touched up two days earlier. The Washington County School District dress code states that “hair, including beards, mustaches and sideburns, should be groomed so that it is neat and clean. Hair color must be a naturally occurring color; i.e. red, brown, black, blonde.” And while Rylee’s stylist had assured her that her new color complied with the dress code, Goodwin felt that Rylee’s auburn-hued hair didn’t look natural enough. “In the light, he said it was pinkish-purplish,” Rylee said. “He told me to have it fixed by the next day or I couldn’t come back to school.” But the teenager didn’t want to dye her hair back to brown and her mother refused to make her. “I absolutely am not going to dye it brown. That is not an option,” Amy MacKay, Rylee’s mom

said. “My daughter feels beautiful with the red hair. Changing her hair really changed her; she really blossomed,” she explained. “And now I have to say, ‘No, sorry, you have to dye it brown?’ I’m not going to change it back.” MacKay said that the district’s hair policy is too open to interpretation. “It’s totally his opinion whether it’s too bright or not,” she said. “There’s no set standard, no hair palette you can look at and say, ‘OK, I’ll go with that red.’” However, school officials insist that the rules are not arbitrary. “We deal with dress code issues nearly every day, specifically hair issues maybe once per week,” Hurricane Middle School Principal Dr. Roy Hoyt, explained. “Most of the time it is a situation where students color their own hair and it doesn’t come out as they had intended.” “Most of time it is a judgment call for the administration,” Hoyt added. “This student’s hair did not meet the expectation of naturally colored hair. We apply this standard consistently to all students and nearly every parent is supportive.” After four days of washing her hair at home, Rylee’s hair had faded enough to be acceptable to school administrators, and she was allowed back in class. “All I wanted to do was just get back to school,” she said. Hoyt confirmed that Rylee’s hair now met school standards, even though she hadn’t re-dyed it. Sounds like a compromise. Wonder what the opinion would be on oxidized wigs…is that a natural color?

Water for Rubio

In Senator Marco Rubio’s Republican response to the State of the Union address last week, he took a sneaky sip of water during his remarks. But viewers noticed that little gulp of agua and were willing to shell out good money for some “Rubio water.” Reclaim America, Rubio’s PAC, has raised more than $100,000 by selling more than 3,450 bottles of water since last Wednesday. The bottles bear the name “RUBIO” in bright red letters and come at the small

In News price of just $25. “Send the liberal detractors a message that not only does Marco Rubio inspire you … he hydrates you too,” the donation request read. The media has pounced on Rubio’s “Watergate” moment and comedians have been drinking water to make fun of the politician.

A Diamond Ring for the Homeless Sarah Darling is a generous woman. She saw a homeless man sitting at a street corner and decided to drop a few coins into his cup. Ms. Darling didn’t realize how generous she was actually being. Accidently, she dropped her diamond engagement ring into the cup as well. Earlier in the day she had removed it because it was irritating her and put it in her coin purse. It wasn’t until the next day that she realized what had happened. “I was so incredibly upset because, more than just the value of the ring, it

had sentimental value,” she said. Darling returned to the scene the next day knowing she would find Billy Ray Harris there. Harris later said, “The ring was so big that I knew if it was real, it was expensive.” He recalled, “She squatted down like you did like right there and says, ‘Do you remember me?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know. I see a lot of faces.’ She says, ‘I might have gave you something very valuable.’ I said, ‘Was it a ring?’ And she says, ‘Yeah.’ And I said, ‘Well, I have it.’” Harris added that he wasn’t the type to cash in on someone’s misfortune. “My grandfather was a reverend. He raised me from the time I was 6-months-old and thank the good L-rd, it’s a blessing, but I do still have some character,” he said. Darling gratefully reflected, “It seemed like a miracle. I thought for sure there was no way I would get it back.” To express her gratitude, Darling emptied her wallet and gave Harris all the bills she had. You give some, you take some.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

The Week


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Around the


Pick Purple, Build Teens It’s convenient, it’s reliable, it’s free – and it supports Jewish teenage girls. Now in the Five Towns, the Pick Purple Clothing Drive accepts clothing and shoes in any condition, and puts them to good use. It’s never been easier to send your old clothing to second owners – Pick Purple stops by your home and picks it up from your doorstep. All proceeds directly benefit Batya, a place to belong for Jewish girls, with branches in Long Island, New Jersey, and beyond. Batya aims to give teenage girls from less-affiliated homes a safe and friendly environment, a place to love, and a place to grow. Batya’s unique programs are designed to give teens a meaningful and enjoyable Jewish experience, while empowering them to become all they can be. Members come from a variety of backgrounds, and in Batya’s uniquely warm and friendly environment, they connect as Jews and friends, imbibing Torah values and developing relationships that last a lifetime. Giving back to the community is a key theme of Batya. Through volunteer programs like A.C.T.I.O.N and the Leadership Training Initiative, Batya girls reach out to others and discover the joy of giving. The Pick Purple clothing drive is

a result of the initiative of the girls in Batya Marlboro. Wanting to put useful items to good use, a group was discussing how they wished they could pass their old clothing to people who would appreciate it. Pick Purple was conceived, and over a period of just a few months, it grew into a popular and reliable clothing redistributor. In keeping with the Batya mission, Pick Purple utilizes resources to benefit others. It discovers potential, make the most of what we have, and assists people in need. “We’re thrilled with the feedback we’ve been getting. People keep telling us how much they appreciate the efficient service, and how happy they are to benefit a worthy cause in such a convenient way,” Binyomin Newmark, Director of Batya, says. “We thank the Five Towns community for making Pick Purple the success that it is, and we look forward to continue servicing teens and households through the greater Batya movement.” For more information about Batya and its incredible work with teenage girls, visit www.batyagirls.org or call 732.835.BATYa. To become a part of the Pick Purple initiative, call 201.47. PURPLe or visit www.pickpurple.org.

“Early Spring” Blood Drive At Mercy Medical Center on March 11th Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre invites and encourages members of the community to participate in an “Early Spring” Blood Drive to support Long Island Blood Services to be held on Monday, March 11, 2013 from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on the first floor of the St. Anne’s building on the hospital campus. Anyone between the ages of 17 and 75 who is in good health and weighs at least 110 pounds can donate blood.

Healthy individuals over 75 can donate blood if they present written permission from their physician obtained within two weeks of their donation. Donors should have eaten and should bring reading glasses and ID with signature, and know their Social Security number. To register call Jeannie Jaeger at (516) 705-2589 and leave your name and phone number. PLEASE HELP SAVE LIVES … Become a blood donor.

Always Remember, Never Forget 2nd Annual Dinner for Gush Katif Museum of Jerusalem, Saturday Evening, March 9, 2013, 8PM, Razag Ballroom, Crown Heights. Keynote Speaker: Governor Mike Huckabee. Event Chairman, Dr. Joe Frager; Committee Chairman, Dr. Paul Brody.

Guests of Honor: Rabbi David Algaze, Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Helen Freedman of AFSI and Rabbi Sholom Ber Drizin. For reservations, please call: 7182081-770 or www.gushkatifmuseum. org.


Community Bnos Malka Academy Chumash Presentation

On February 12th and February 13th, the 2nd grade students at Bnos Malka Academy, took part in a huge milestone event, and a once in a life time occasion; they made a beautiful Chumash presentation for family and friends, and received their chumashim, amidst great pomp and excitement. The students’ enthusiasm was palpable as they walked on stage, and their smiles were contagious! The performance, which included live music by Mrs. Adina Wein, dancing, singing, props, and speaking parts, showcased some of the knowledge the students acquired about learning chumash and was presented completely in Hebrew. The parents and grandparents were amazed at how much information the students displayed about learning Chumash, and how well they speak in Hebrew. The students displayed poise and self-confidence throughout their performance, and even more amazing, their incredible teachers, Mrs. Yanni, and Mrs. Hollander, worked hard to make sure that the rehearsals were always fun and stress free, so that the play was an enjoyable experience for the students, from start to finish. Although the 2nd Grade has been learning Pre-Chumash skills since the beginning of the year, they waited until they finished the first two Perakim

of Parshas Lech-Lecha to make their Chumash presentation. What a great way to mark this accomplishment! As part of the 2nd Grade Chumash curriculum, students learn the necessary skills to be able to break down a pasuk into its various parts independently. This gives students the tools they need and the confidence, to read any Hebrew text. They spend a lot of time on shorashim, and parts of speech. They also look intensely into the deeper meaning of the inyan, and extract the important life lessons to be learned, as well as hone their ability to analyze a pasuk. Often, our students can look at a pasuk, and come up with Rashi’s question on the pasuk, all on their own…and they haven’t even officially begun to learn Rashi yet! After the students’ delightful presentation, the students were called up one by one to receive their Chumash, complete with their decorative and original Chumash covers (each girl designed her own cover). The collation afterwards was filled with yummy treats and a beautiful ‘Mazal Tov’ cake. The Parent’s Association sponsored adorable peklach to help the students appreciate this special day even more. We wish the 2nd Grade students much hatzlocha as they continue to grow in Torah, and we wish their families much joy and nachas from them!

Rabbi Kelemer of West Hempstead to Speak in Cedarhurst The Young Israel of West Hempstead’s sisterhood is proud to present an informative and interactive class for women given by the congregation’s rav, Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer, at AHC Appliances located at 530 Central Avenue in Cedarhurst. Rabbi Kelemer will be discussing the halachot of using

kitchen appliances on both Shabbos and Yom Tov. The sisterhood invites all women to join them on Wednesday, February 27th at 8pm at this special event. RSVP is strongly suggested. Please email sisterhood@yiwh.org to reserve a space. $5 suggested donation.


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Around the



Sh’or Yoshuv’s 46th Annual Dinner Highlighted the Beauty of Our Rich Mesorah

photos by Ira Thomas Creations

Feelings of pride and excitement permeated the crowded halls of the Sands of Atlantic Beach at Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv’s 46th annual dinner on Monday evening, February 18. United in supporting a yeshiva whose mission is to transmit the timeless values of our

rich mesorah to the next generation and focusing on every individual, the feelings of pride felt by the community was palpable. The accomplishments of the Yeshiva over the past year, illustrated so beautifully by the moving video presentations, added to the pride felt by the

community for the crucial role they play. This year’s honorees clearly exemplify the outstanding message Sh’or Yoshuv conveys to its students of personal growth through a commitment to Torah learning and community involvement. During the evening, there was strong a

sense of appreciation for the contributions made by the guests of honor, Nosson and Chana Basha Gold; the Communal Leadership awardees, Charlie and Dena Harary; and the Kesser Shem Tov awardees, Rabbi Yehoshua and Deborah Marchuck.

Bais Yaakov 4th Graders Link the Past to Treasured Memories in the Future

As a most ambitious endeavor, Mrs. Evelyn Hefetz, a most creative and energetic fourth grade teacher at Bais Yaakov, undertook a project with her students that students’ families and they will treasure forever. Publishing cookbooks is a difficult task for professionals, but Mrs. Hefetz’s courage never diminished. Integrating writing, interviewing, shared memories, history and cooking, students gathered stories and favorite recipes from their families. They all loved the special time they spent with the relative of their choice, too, making the project even more special. The love they feel for their “special person” comes through with every word they write about them. The cookbook is filled with meaningful stories and delicious family recipes for Yom Tov, Shabbos or any day. The bound copies look fantastic! Each

student was given a gift of the book to share her published work. Memoir and Cookbook is something the girls and their families will cherish forever. Upon seeing the printed copy, Mrs. Bergman and Mrs. Reisbaum congratulated the girls on their hard work and tremendous efforts. Students presented them with copies, too. “I am not surprised at the quality of writing, our girls are diligent writers, however I am surprised at the depth of the voices expressed in the pieces because they are young writers.” Mrs. Reisbaum added, “The girls’ stories are beautifully written. The expressed family traditions they willingly shared comes from their families’ love and Bais Yaakov’s nurturing and encouragement to be creative, published authors.” With such a beginning, perhaps someday soon we will see them as world famous authors.


Community The Flatbush Basketball League Week 10 Recap

In The Elementary Division: ITP gets the win over a depleted Quality Carpet team 35-26: Avrumi Guttman’s 19 points helped lead the way. Mr. Frank’s Quality will take on Perfect Collision in the Playoffs. Perfect Collision- 40, Lazer Marble35: Who else but Yosef Kapetas again, his game high 19 points outduels JoJo Valenski’s 16. With the win, we have a three way tie atop the division. Lazer will face ITP in the Playoffs. The Jewish Connection rolls past The Jewish Press 48-37: Dovid Reiser led all scores with27 points. Gavriel Niyazov popped in 17 for JP. The Connection will face Art World on their way to the Championship game March 2nd. Pizza Nosh eats up Art World 55-43: Gideon Valenski had 29, what else needs to be said. Amos’ Pizza will take on The JP in the Playoffs. The world famous storyteller and mohel, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, visits Kinor Dovid (Harmony Services’ Yeshiva job training program). R’ Krohn inspired the young men with stories and chizuk and then enjoyed a tour of the beautiful facility.

Bnos Bais Yaakov: Leading the Way in Kriah Success As you have undoubtedly heard by now, the Kriah Program in Bnos Bais Yaakov is second to none. Much of that success stems from the vision of Rabbi Shmuel Hiller who recognized the benefit of a progressive Kriah Program and had the foresight to hire Mrs. Malka Wender, MS Ed Reading, to create and direct the program. At this point, six years later, the BBY Kriah program is garnering interest from major educational institutions. At a recent Torah Umesorah meeting, Mrs. Wender presented her solution to a specific challenge involved in teaching dyslexic children how to read Hebrew fluently. The educators in the room were silent as they absorbed her ground-breaking ideas and then they erupted with questions, requests for visiting rights to BBY, and Mrs. Wender’s phone number. To date, we have had the privilege of escorting Mrs. Sarah Esther Brickman, Principal of Bnos Yirsroel in Brooklyn, and Mrs. Malka Miller, Principal of Prospect Park Yeshiva. Mrs. Brick-

man left BBY extremely impressed and determined to implement in her own school the grouping method she observed in BBY; and Mrs. Miller was so astounded at the variety of modalities used to teach kriah that she asked Mrs. Wender’s permission to send her resource room director to observe the BBY Kriah program for herself. Furthermore, Mrs. Wender has conducted telephone consultations to Torat Emet elementary school in Houston, Texas, followed up by a professional development workshop which she presented in person. After her presentation, Mrs. Wender walked around Torat Emet with their staff and showed them how many “treasures” they already owned. She unearthed games and books which had been stored away for years and showed the thrilled staff members all the creative ways these supplies could be used to enrich the kriah experience. Kudos to Rabbi Hiller, Mrs. Wender, and the BBY staff, who have enthusiastically embraced the Kriah Program.

Batampte Pickles 50-28: Ari Slomovics and Arele Birnbaum were too strong as the team defense held Pickles to just 12 half time points. Repairs will face Visual in round one. Plaza Auto Leasing 34, Aura Electric 30: With this victory, PAL secured first place in the standings as Mendy Bruckenstein led with 19 points. PAL and Aura have a first round bye. Ave. M Bagels beat up on Nosh Express as Simcha Wrotzlovsky and Dovid Boym combined for 55 points. Nosh Express will face Pizza World in Round 1 of the Playoffs. Pizza World 36, The Jewish Home 32: In the closest game of the season for The Jewish Home, Tuvia Friedman’s 17 points for Pizza World was the difference maker. The Jewish Home will face Ave. M Bagels in Round 1 of the Playoffs.

In The High School Division: China Glatt gets the win and first place by defeating The Visual Image 46-29: Abe Frischman and Usher Bittman matched Visuals total with 29 points combined. Shulem’s China team will face off with Batampte Pickles next week. Repairs on Wheels drives by

Rambam Mesivta Scores Another Victory in Nassau County Mock Trial Competition For the second week in a row, members of the Rambam Mock Trial team swept the competition, winning both in the case and on points. The Nassau County Mock Trial Tournament is sponsored by the Nassau County Bar Association whose stated goal is to provide the opportunity to hundreds of students from close to fifty regional high schools to “further their understanding of the law, court procedures and legal system, while honing this speaking, listening, reading and reasoning skills. “ The Rambam “Legal Team” has

begun preparing for the next round of competition which promises to be even more challenging. Of the remaining teams they may face off against: a private school, public school or one of the remaining Jewish high schools (Shalhevet, SKA, HAFTR, MAY, NSHA, Schechter), the students are undaunted. According to team mentor, Professor Joanne Stevens, “The boys at Rambam are a pleasure to work with because they have sharp, analytical minds and are very articulate. They can certainly go all the way to the State Championships in Albany!”

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Annual Dinner


O U R D E D I C AT E D & D E V O T E D T E A C H E R S


dinner chairmen

Zvi Bloom | Avrohom Mayer journal chairmen

Bumie Fried | Simcha Stoll


Rabbi Nosson Neuman Menahel

Mrs. Leah Zytman Pre School Director General Studies Principal

Motzoei Shabbos, March 2, 2013

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N U R S E RY, K I N D E R G A RT E N , P R E - 1 A & F I R S T G R A D E S For more information please call the office.

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B a i s Y a a k o v At e r e s M i r i a m


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Around the



Having FUN at a Fundraiser: The Priority-1 Billiards Tournament Last week, Prioirty-1’s Torah Academy hosted a unique fundraiser… it was actually fun! Instead of sitting

around at a stuffy dinner event or parlor meeting, the event was a billiards tournament. The entire billiards hall was rented out for the evening and taken over by a crowd of young, Jewish professionals from the Five Towns, Far

Rockaway, Queens and Brooklyn. The atmosphere was casual with delicious finger food and sushi served by Oldak Caterers and Sushi Tokyo. The evening began with a jazz trio playing live music, setting the tone for an evening of fun and FUNdraising for an important community organization. The players arrived and began to warm up, preparing for the competition. Soon the brackets were set and the competition got started. The game was eight ball, a single elimination game with the winner advancing to the next round. The sounds of excitement mingled with the click of balls and conversation, as the first round got underway. The competition progressed until there were only four competitors left: JJ Reider from Brooklyn playing Yossi Katz from Far Rockaway for the championship and second place respectively,

and Moshe Berkowitz from Brooklyn and Mordechai Schuler from Hewlett playing for the third place prize. The crowd gathered around to watch as the final rounds commenced. The third place game was being led handily by Moshe when he scratched on the eight ball, losing to Mordechai, who walked away with a new Keurig coffee maker. The final championship game was a close one with JJ Reider pulling away at the end and taking home the grand prize trophy and a new Macbook Air. Yossi Katz won second place and received an iPad mini. Special thanks to Levi Kramer of Chiffon Kosher Cake Center, 430 Ave P in Brooklyn, for the generous

donation of a “billiards table” cake masterpiece. It was a great evening, fun-filled and for a good cause. Hope to see you there next time! For more information about Priority-1’s Torah Academy, please visit www.priority-1.org or call 516295-5700.


Architect’s rendering of view from Ibsen Street

The FACTS About Our Plans for a New Outpatient Facility To the Community The outpatient medical office to be created in the Number 6 School has been the subject of many false rumors. If you are interested in knowing the truth, read this letter. As an experienced developer, I understand and expect that there will be community concerns about any new project. First and foremost, I want to reassure everyone that my entire team is dedicated to benefiting the community with this project. We want this facility to be a wonderful healthcare center that looks beautiful and brings state-of-the-art medical treatment to the community. We also want it to fit harmoniously into its surroundings and not burden its neighbors. Contrary to rumor, it is not a “hospital” or “mega-medical center” for 100 or more doctors. In fact, the current building will not be enlarged. Instead, it will be transformed from an abandoned school into a comprehensive outpatient medical office to be operated by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. There will be 60 physicians in total, with about 100 support staff, offering patients Joseph Simone better coordination of primary and specialty care, all in one convenient location. The building will not front on Ibsen Street and Church Avenue. In fact, the opposite is true. We will close all entrances on these residential streets and create a new entrance in the interior of the property facing the parking lot. We will plant abundant landscaping buffers to enhance the streetscape, with a special emphasis on the Church Avenue and Ibsen Street sides. Additionally, we will rebuild and enhance the popular community playground on the site. The facility will not line residential streets with cars and school buses and will not adversely affect traffic. All of the medical center’s traffic will only enter from, and exit to, Branch Boulevard and Peninsula Boulevard and will not degrade traffic flow on any of the affected roads. Under the slogan, “Save our fields,” some opponents of our plan have mistakenly claimed that the ball fields on the property would be preserved for public use if a yeshiva were developed on the property. While this is a very appealing and emotional argument, it is simply untrue. The realities of zoning and land use law make it impossible to keep the ball fields with any project. If the Number Six School were to be expanded, as proposed, to a 1300 student yeshiva for grades pre-k through 12, it must have parking for approximately 200 cars, or more. This leaves about one acre of open land to be divided by the yeshiva into a field for its exclusive use and a field to be shared with the public when not in use by the yeshiva. Simone Healthcare Development Group and Mount Sinai are dedicated to partnering with the community to create a top quality medical office practice that welcomes the participation of local physicians, reduces medical costs by eliminating hundreds of ER visits and significantly reduces the time it takes to receive quality medical attention, all under one roof. Instead of burdening taxpayers, our project reduces taxes. It provides millions of dollars to the school district in the short term and saves taxpayers millions more in the long term.

I thank you for allowing me to clear up some misconceptions about our project. I hope everyone votes YES on March 20th. Joseph Simone Simone Healthcare Real Estate



T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Architect’s rendering of Main Entrance

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Around the



Master Fundraiser Forum to Feature Keynote Address from Rabbi Simcha Scholar We are merely a few days away from the February 27th Master Fundraiser Forum and Rabbi Simcha Scholar, M.B.A., M.A., Executive Vice President of Chai Lifeline, comments that he is eager to address the crowd as well as hear from the other presenters. “In order to be successful in raising funds within the Jewish community, you must know how to deal with various unique dynamics,” he says. “This forum features diverse perspectives from a wide array of distinguished professionals in the field, so there is something there for everyone.” Rabbi Scholar will iy”H join another eight top-caliber speakers at the 12 hour forum, titled, “The Winning Edge,” and presented by Bottom Line Marketing Group. In addition to the sessions itself, the participants will spend a day in an environment of great camaraderie, with

a unique opportunity to network with and exchange ideas with peers in the field. The man who turned a small scale chesed project into an international powerhouse, servicing over 4,500 children with terminal illnesses r”l needs no introduction, but his experiences along the journey are far less known. In his keynote address, Rabbi Scholar will share invaluable anecdotes and perspectives on how to utilize focused vision and skills to build and maintain an effective mosad or organization. Rav Dovid Goldwasser, Rav of

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Congregation Bnei Yitzchok and noted author and lecturer, will apply his renowned motivational insight and dynamic articulacy to the world of a fundraiser, to devise a step by step process to remain driven and focused while facing the stress and setbacks associated with the role. General focus and determination are no doubt crucial to the success of an institution or organization, but the dollar amount raised does eventually boil down to the details. Rabbi Richard C. Bieler, Founder of R. Bieler Consulting and former Senior Executive Director for Community Affairs at Yeshiva University (YU), will offer practical suggestions on how maximize the potential of individual donors. Rabbi Bieler has spent decades successfully doing just that for institutions such as Yeshiva University and Ohel, and will offer invaluable tips on how to best initiate and negotiate gifts, develop short and long term fundraising plans regarding donors, and working with individuals and foundations to develop major support. Through his over two decades of experience servicing hundreds of nonprofit, political and corporate clients, Yitzchok Saftlas, President of Bottom Line Marketing Group, has seen it all. Marketing for such a diverse group of clients, each with unique circumstances, requires unbridled energy, optimism and creativity. His address will help attendees tap into their creative side and zero in on the most effective marketing and fundraising strategies to shape their institutions’ image, and ultimately their level of success. One key fundraising staple for our community’s mosdos has long been dinners, concerts and other events, and Norman B. Gildin of Strategic Fundraising Group LLC has earned a reputation over the decades as a leading pro in this arena. Mr. Gildin played a key role in the success of events benefitting OHEL, Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Foundation and other prominent organizations. Attendees at the forum will get to hear a host of Mr. Gildin’s real world secrets to maximize turnout and donations at

events while staying within the operating budget. Another key session will cut to the heart of it all: interaction with the donor! After all is said and done, fundraising success boils down to interacting and communicating to the donors heart, mind and desires. Richard Jedwab, CEO of Silk Tree Capital Partners, is a renowned philanthropist who has contributed towards and actively participated in various charitable causes over the decades. He will relate keen firsthand insights into what makes donors tick the right – and wrong – way. An innovative “Fundraising Inspiration Workshop” will be held by several energetic stars in our community. Rabbi Eliezer Stern, CEO of Yeshiva of Spring Valley, will share various lessons he learned during the successful fundraising campaign he ran for a new 11-acre campus, with a 100,000 square foot building, for the mosad. Shea Rubenstein, President of The Landmark Group and Vice President of the JCC of Marine Park, will share some of his perspectives on the successful “Music Videos, Legislative Breakfasts and More!” that he has partaken in. The 3rd part of this presentation will come from Marty Siegmeister, National Sales Manager for Allied Imports, who has a lifetime of experience in the food and beverage industry, including with Royal Wines. Mr. Siegmeister’s “From the Grapevine: Uncorking Ideas with Wine” presentation will focus on injecting food, beverage and kosher entertainment to maximize profit for leadership missions. In-the-box, out-of-the-box, old school and new school, will all have full play time at the forum. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions of each presenter, as well as enjoy three gourmet meals and have time to network and interact with peers. Adds Rabbi Scholar, “Bringing this wealth of inspiration and skills into one room is critical to the future of our community.” Attendance at the Master Fundraiser Forum this Wednesday, 2/27, is by RSVP only. Only a limited amount of slots are still left, available on a first come, first serve basis. For more information, please visit www.masterfundraiser.com or call 718-412-3520.

HANC 5th Grade Girls Work in Mitzrayim The girls in Morah Jacob’s fifth grade Chumash class at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary S c h o o l in West Hempstead learned about Moshe’s request to Pharaoh to let Bnei Yisrael go to the desert to celebrate with Hashem and Pharaoh’s refusal to let them go. The girls also learned that Pharaoh didn’t just say no, but to punish the Jews for even asking the question, Pharaoh decreed that the Jews would have to work even harder than before and would now have to gather their own straw to make the bricks. To demonstrate how hard Pharaoh’s new demand was on Bnei Yisrael, the students acted out a race in which the

girls ran as fast as they could to make bricks. The first group was given straw and told to make bricks; they completed the task in 1 minute and 45 seconds. The second group was instructed to make the bricks in the same amount of time as the first group – but they had to run around the room to gather the “straw” first! The second group couldn’t do it in time. One student described the second group’s mission as “torture!” Another agreed it was very stressful the second time around. The girls were then asked to imagine what it would have been like in Mitzrayim, getting beaten and whipped for not finishing their daily quota of bricks!

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Around the Community


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Around the



Ohel Annual Gala 2013 Over 1,000 Counted as Friends of OHEL’s Children and Families represents a significant milestone for The Gala also paid tribute to the Friedman & Associates, the 40th anni- memory of Chaim Kaminetsky, OHEL’s versary of the founding of the business, beloved Board Member and Vice and hundreds of Mr. Friedman’s busi- President for more than 30 years, who ness associates and clients came out to is missed. His love for OHEL’s children celebrate with him at the Gala. “Every second word Saul says is OHEL,” said one long-time client in the video, a testament to Mr. Friedman’s deep engagement with NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and OHEL’s children Harvey Kaylie and families. The evening’s President and CEO, Elly Kleinman. Guest of Honor Chair of Camp Kaylie at OHEL, Mr. David Brecher, Kleinman is one of OHEL’s President of left to right: Elly Kleinman, Joel Beritz, Mel Zachter, and Jason Cury most fervent supporters and First Meridian loyal friends. Mortgage, was “OHEL looks at every joined at the podium by his sixteen was immeasurable and his dedication person and sees a soul,” said year-old daughter, Daniella, who spoke to chesed legendary. OHEL is proud Hinda Mizrahi, who, with with maturity beyond her years about to honor his memory by dedicating her husband, Robert Mizrahi, the ways in which OHEL has inspired the Bais Chaim Kaminetsky Women’s was honored with Residence in OHEL’s Children’s Hillcrest. Advocacy Award. OHEL extends Ms. Mizrahi—four profound thanks of whose brothto everyone who ers have lived in an attended the Gala, OHEL residence for made a gift in supadults with developport of OHEL’s mental disabilities— important work, moved the crowd to tears and contributed with a beautifully composed, to the evening’s heartfelt speech about her success. Many “special brothers,” the value OHEL vendors of every indiwere especially vidual’s unique generous, includHinda & Robert Mizrahi together with family, Mel Zachter, Moishe Hellman, story, and the ing Pomegranate, and Jay Kestenbaum “important which provided chapter” OHEL essential support has contributed to her her interest in helping to care for chil- for the event. OHEL’s children and brothers’ story. “OHEL dren with disabilities. The Community families know they can count on our provides care and comfort Award was presented to Jason Cury community. and offers us great peace and Joel Beritz of The Gruss Life of mind,” she said. Monument Funds, which has generVideo presentations shown at the Corporate Guest of ously contributed computer systems to Gala, as well as videos of the event can Honor Saul N. Friedman OHEL residences and Day Habilitation be viewed at www.ohelfamily.org/galaof Friedman & Associates, Centers and supported creation of videos.To support OHEL’s important an OHEL Board Member the Outdoor Recreation Center at the work transforming the lives of children and Vice President for Arlington Residence for adolescents and families, please visit www.ohelfamore than 21 years, shared with disabilities in Cedarhurst. Mr. mily.org or call 718-972 9338. Every his passion for OHEL’s Cury and Mr. Beritz said they were gift—of any size—counts and makes a work in a video presenta- proud to partner with OHEL in order difference. tion honoring his commit- to provide first-rate educational and left to right: David, Leah & Daniella Brecher, ment to OHEL’s children recreational opportunities for children and Irving Langer and families. This year and adults with disabilities.

Co-Presidents of OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, Moishe Hellman & Mel Zachter, warmly welcomed more than 1,000 guests to OHEL’s 43rd Annual Gala at the New York Hilton on Sunday, February 10th. Guests included the Gala honorees; prominent members of the business community; NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, NYS Assemblyman David Weprin, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, NYC Public Advocate Bill deBlasio, State Senator Simcha Felder and NYC Councilman David Greenfield as well as OHEL Board members, friends, supporters, vendors, staff, and volunteers. The large and enthusiastic turnout, moving speeches, and video presentations demonstrated tremendous commitment to the Gala’s theme: Everyone Counts at OHEL. For more than 43 years, OHEL has provided critical programs and services inspired Jay Kestenbaum by the principle that every individual counts and deserves to be a cherished member of the community. OHEL is grateful to Annual Gala sponsor Americare and the company’s


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Tetzaveh 5773

The Segulah with the Power of Torah CHATZOS PARTNERSHIP Become a partner And experience miracles!

SEGULAH OF KETORAS The only Segulah written in the Torah!

MISHNAYAS & SHAS According to your specications-for the soul of a loved one

MERELY A SCARE During the dark of night – while the “Chatzos Learners” in Monsey and Monroe were well into their five hour learning session – the following message was received in the “Kollel Chatzos” office. “Please have my son in your prayers” a trembling voice said. “His name is ---ben--and he swallowed a battery” he concluded, and left his credit card information. Without any delay, the distinguished learners of the kollel began learning and praying for the child and mentioned his name for a speedy and complete recovery. The following morning, the happy and relieved father, who is quite aware of the power and influence of “Kollel Chatzos”, relayed the entire story.

Late at night, his young son had come across a battery and somehow managed to swallow it. This act is quite dangerous since, as most are aware, any foreign object in the body poses a great threat, let alone a battery made of toxic materials, and surgery is often required. “I have to tell you” – said the young man – “after I called into your office, a sense of peace came over me knowing the power of so many men learning for my child’s benefit will positively impact the situation and I was right B”H!” Topic source: Those who Learn at Chatzos, Their Prayers Pierce the Heavens! (‫)זוהר הק' ואתחנן ר"ס‬

MOSHIACH WILL HAIL FROM AMERICA! When the Pshevorsk’er Rebbe Shlit”a rst heard about the existence of “Kollel Chatzos” in the United States, he remarked as follows: “I always found the notion interesting, what we know and accept from the holy Koloshitzer Rav zt”l that Moshiach will come from America, but now that I hear that the U.S. has a “Kollel Chatzos” where men learn all night from Chatzos until the morning, now I can understand it!...” - LOCATIONS -

MONSEY N.Y. 2 Howard Dr.


18 Getzel Berger



2 4 2 - 8 9 6 7

Around the Community MBR Seminary to Offer College Degrees Through TTI Machon Basya Rochel Seminary, under the leadership of Rebbitzen Aviva Feiner, is pleased to announce its partnership with Testing and Training International (TTI) under the leadership of Raizel Reit. The new partnership will allow MBR seminary girls to obtain a college degree from Excelsior College which is accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The Excelsior College undergraduate degree is widely accepted when applying for graduate programs. Students can gather undergraduate credits by taking Jewish Subject Examinations that correspond with MBR’s seminary curriculum. Topics include Chumash and Rashi, Shemiras Halashon, Moadim, Jewish History, Ivris, Tefillah and more. MBR will be facilitating your preparation for many Jewish Subject Exams as well as proctoring the exam for your convenience.

The MBR / TTI partnership will also allow for students to have a local academic advisor who will serve as a guide through their college career. Advisors will tailor-make your degree plan and adapt it to best fit each student’s graduate program goals. The TTI-MBR Seminary degree calendar is scheduled to allow students to complete a Liberal Studies degree in a year. The cost of a MBR / TTI Seminary degree is very reasonable and there are special discounts for students who join TTI while in the seminary. TTI also offers a number of exciting graduate tracks with career choices that include Speech Language Pathology (classbased in the New York area, online elsewhere), Special Education (class-based), and Mental Health Counseling (on-line). For more information about the Machon Basya Rochel seminary please call 516-362-5000 or email info@ mbrseminary.org.

Shalhevet Saber’s Amazing Basketball Season This year, the Shalhevet Sabers had their best season ever. Coached by Ilona Diamond with help from Assistant Coach Dena Warshaw, the Sabers made it to the play-offs. Going into last week, Shalhevet’s record was tied with Magen David’s and they faced off in a tie-breaker play-in game last Thursday night, February 14. The game was energetic and started close. The Sabers showed excellent teamwork which had been improving all season long. High scorers at Shalhevet were freshman Yael

Eiferman (15 points), freshman Janet Normatov (13 points) and team captain Sarah Schapira (12 points). The team not only scored high, they played an excellent defense, with Rivki Eckstein, Kayla Zeitz, Shalvah Goldschein and Noa Eliach (another freshman in the starting lineup) leading the way. Most importantly, the team played with dignity, as was noted by many in attendance at the game. We are looking forward to more of the same at the playoffs, and another outstanding season next year! Go Sabers!


HANC Kindergarten Tells the Story of Purim

Community Levi Yitzchak Library & Family Center There are so many new and exciting events and programs taking place this month at LYL. From ages 2 – 120, there is sure to be something for everyone in the family to enjoy!! Wednesdays - 5:30PM 6:15PM Book Buddies: Teens and Children! Bond together over the latest book and enjoy a delicious, surprise treat from Qcumbers!

The students in Morah Nenner’s class at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School in West Hempstead are busy preparing for Purim! In order to make sure the students fully appreciate and understand the intricacies and timeline of the story, children review each perek of the Megillah three times. During the first reading, Morah Nenner wears a crown and tells the story. During the second reading, the student “Purim Players” act out the Perek.

And the final reading includes the asking of questions, including “why were Bigtan and Teresh angry?” and “why did the king make Haman so important?” In addition to reviewing the Megillah in class, the students are very busy preparing their very own Megillah that they will take home to use on Purim. If you need to brush up on your Megillah, be sure to drop by K-117. The children are quickly turning into Megillat Esther experts!

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Thursday, February 28th STORY TIME: Children look, listen, and have fun with picture books during our interactive Story Time which meets every Thursday at 3:30 and 5:30. Literacy connections are made through interactive stories that are centered on a theme. A final craft project ties in with the topic fostering a sense that stories are imaginative, yet lasting, and continue to enrich our creative thoughts & play. 5:30 - Story Time will feature guest story teller Tamir Goodman 6:30 - Life Lessons from the Basketball Court: An in-depth look at four concepts that are essential to basketball. Tamir illuminates the deeper meaning of each concept and shows how the lessons learned from the court can be applied to and can enhance our daily lives. Admission $5 Sport String Tzitzit will all be available for purchase. Please consider making a donation to Tamir’s organization Coolanu Israel, a non-profit dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity and connection to Israel through innovative seminars, camps and clinics, sports based service initiatives, and multimedia projects for Jewish youth, college students, professionals, athletes, and coaches. Monday, March 4th Strengthening Your Marriage during Turbulent Times with “Dr. Deb” Hirschhorn, PhD “Dr. Deb,” as she likes to be called, has earned a Master’s degree in 1978 and a Doctorate

in Marriage & Family Therapy in 2001 for a dissertation called, “I Was Never Good Enough: Qualitative Interviews with Nine People about Their Verbal Abuse Experiences.” Since then she has written scores of articles for newspapers and magazines, has been on TV and radio and speaks publicly. She maintains a blog at http:// drdeb.com where you can get a flavor of her positions on marriage, divorce, counseling, medication for anxiety and depression, Sandy Hook, celebrity splits, the new DSM5 about to come out and much more. Dr. Deb began researching the areas of verbal abuse and domestic violence 20 years ago and has been writing and sharing ever since. She has authored and co-authored dozens of articles that appeared in both academic and lay publications and currently writes for the Five Towns Jewish Home. Dr. Deb’s media appearances include America’s Health Network, News with Jim Turner and News Radio 820 with Robin Hart. She has recently released her new book, The Healing is Mutual: Marriage Empowerment Tools to Rebuild Trust and Respect – Together as well as a Home Study Course and e-book that are available on her website. Dr. Deb has been married to the same person for 36 years, has four children of whom three are married, and eight grandchildren. She loves them all and the feeling is mutual. 8:00PM - Admission - $10 Your support is vital to our continued programming. Please call us to discuss our various sponsorship opportunities. Levi Yitzchak Family Center, 564 Central Ave, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. Hours: Sunday 11AM 5PM, Monday: Open for Class Trips & Group Visits, Tuesday: 11AM - 7PM, Wednesday: 11AM - 5:30PM / Thursday: 11AM 7PM, Friday: Closed. For more info: Email info@Lylibrary.org or call (516) 374 - BOOK (2665)

53 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Around the


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

56 B”H

The Jean Fischman Chabad Center of the Five Towns presents


Around the Community Rambam Student Continues Tradition of Excellence in Science

18th annual Purim Center For all your Purim needs

Satur day, February 23 6:19 PM: Maariv at Chabad of the Five Towns 74 Maple Ave., Cedarhurst, NY 11516

6:45 PM: Megillah Reading and a special Multi Media Megillah Reading for children, moms and tots At HAFTR High School • 635 Central Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Followed by an out oF the box amazing show with Jason PiPitone

megillah Readings eveRy houR on the houR at Chabad oF the Five towns - 74 maPle ave satuRday night, FebRuaRy 23 8:00 PM-11:00 PM

sunday, FebRuaRy 24 Shacharit 7:00 AM Megillah Reading 7:20 AM Shacharit 8:15 AM Megillah Reading 8:45 AM Shacharit 9:30 AM Megillah Reading 10:00 AM

megillah Readings eveRy houR FRom 11:00 am-5:00 Pm If you know someone who is homebound and needs the Megillah read for them please call 516 295 2478

matanot laevyonim

Give charity for the poor and Chabad will distribute it before sundown on Purim www.chabad5towns.com/ purimcharity

mishloaCh manot

If anyone you know is not receiving a food package on Purim, give us their name and address and we will have one delivered to them

For more information please call Chabad 516-295-2478 / www.Chabad5Towns.com

Benjamin Akhavan, a member of the senior class in Rambam, continued the school’s longstanding legacy by participating in the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair (LISEF). This prestigious fair attracts students throughout Long Island and enables them to display their innovations and advancements in science and technology. Benjamin submitted the project he worked on over the past summer when he was chosen to do research at the Garcia Center at Stony Brook. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Hydrogen Fuel Cells convert hydrogen gas by passing it through a membrane, into electricity. It is a sustainable energy source which doesn’t give off carbon dioxide and thereby cause global warming, is versatile and could be portable. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells are consistent, with no reliance on outside factors such as the sun or wind. Obstructing the commercialization of PEM Fuel Cells is the expensive cost of platinum and other materials, or cata-

lysts, used to enhance the efficiencies of fuel cells. The purpose of this project is to find a relatively inexpensive material with which to coat the membrane that will enhance the efficiency of the PEM Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Metal-nanoparticle/Graphene was synthesized to enhance the fuel cell membrane, particularly PlatinumGraphene and Gold-Graphene. These are mixtures of the metal nanoparticles with Graphene, a one-atom thick sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern, which previously has not been shown to significantly enhance fuel cells. However, Gold nanoparticles have been shown to significantly enhance fuel cells. When compared to a membrane with no catalysts, the Metal-nanoparticle/Graphene increased the power output by 150%. The theoretical energy production of the GoldGraphene could increase the efficiency of the fuel cell 18 times more than a fuel cell with Gold nanoparticles. The Gold-Graphene seemed to display a synergy between the two materials where it performed better together than the sum of its parts. In the GoldGraphene synergy, the Au nanoparticles changed the chemical nature and abilities of graphene, offering a promising future for Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell technology. Rambam Rosh Mesivta, Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman, shared, “We are so proud of Benjamin , because he truly is a Ben Torah and outstanding student. He is a real mensch and exemplifies the standard of Torah, Midos and Excellence.” Upon graduation , Benjie plans to learn in Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh before returning to the States to continue his pursuit of learning and scientific/ engineering knowledge at Columbia University.





T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

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Breakfast and Bonding at the Yeshiva of South Shore Mother-Son Brunch

On Sunday morning, February 10th, even the blizzard could not keep away the over 300 boys and their mothers from attending the annual Yeshiva of South Shore PTA Mother-Son Brunch for grades 1-5. Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshiva, opened with a dvar Torah, and thanked the

mothers for appreciating their important role in raising b’nei Torah. While bonding over bagels, wraps, salads, and delicious pastries, mothers and sons were thoroughly entertained by the famous Chinese performer, Yang Xiao Di. He held his audience captivated with his tricks, juggling, and humor. Thank you to the Mendlovits, Ross, Ostreicher and Zelefsky families for sponsoring this exciting program. A special thank you to Ilana Boehm and Beth Weinstein for chairing this memorable event.

Yeshiva Ketana of Queens: A Trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage By Simcha Loiterman Taking the educational journey through the Holocaust with middle school yeshiva students is not necessarily an easy proposition. Sometimes the things that are closest to us are the hardest to let into our hearts. Despite this obstacle, Yeshiva Ketana of Queens Grade 6’s trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage proved to be most enlightening and profoundly inspirational. At the outset of the tour, our students learned about the rich identity the Jewish people enjoyed all over the world. Our guides demonstrated how this identity was nearly stomped out, one carefully choreographed step at a time, through propaganda, intimidation, the Nuremberg laws, Kristallnacht and the Final Solution. Our students were appalled when they learned about the journey of the St. Louis, shocked by pictures of weak, skeletal figures, and mystified by the animalistic cruelty inflicted on 1.5 million innocent children. Especially poignant and meaningful was the sight of the numbers tattooed on the arm of one of the three volunteer docents. An overall theme repeated again and the again throughout the tour was that we are a resilient group. This point was

made clearly and symbolically when our students’ tour culminated in a viewing of Garden of Stones, the museum’s memorial garden. Tucked into the back of the museum and overlooking the regal specter of Lady Liberty, and the shimmering waters of the Hudson, this most unusual garden is furnished with 18 budding trees growing out of 18 large, cold, lifeless boulders. This beautiful, evocative living memorial made quite an impact and put a passive, but very resounding exclamation point on a wonderful trip. We were all reminded that although names were taken away, families were destroyed and lives were shattered, our identity was never quite stomped out. Our students were charged with the responsibility to stand up to injustice and were inspired by the idea that our people will prevail. Thank you to Rabbi Kessler and Mr. Keane for supervising the trip and to Mrs. Shlanger for making the arrangements for this and all our wonderful trips. Thank you to the Museum of Jewish Heritage for providing transportation as well as three incredible docents.




Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Annual Dinner, February 9th, 2013 Photos by Ivan Norman

Rambam Mesivta Scores Another Victory in Nassau County Mock Trial Competition For the second week in a row, members of the Rambam Mock Trial team swept the competition, winning both in the case and on points. The Nassau County Mock Trial Tournament is sponsored by the Nassau County Bar Association whose stated goal is to provide the opportunity to hundreds of students from close to fifty regional high schools to “further their understanding of the law, court procedures and legal system, while honing this speaking, listening, reading and reasoning skills.”

The Rambam “Legal Team” has begun preparing for the next round

of competition which promises to be even more challenging. Of the remain-

ing teams they may face off against: a private school, public school or one of the remaining Jewish high schools (Shalhevet, SKA, HAFTR, MAY, NSHA, Schechter), the students are undaunted. According to team mentor, Professor Joanne Stevens, “The boys at Rambam are a pleasure to work with because they have sharp, analytical minds and are very articulate. They can certainly go all the way to the State Championships in Albany!”

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

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DRS Rabbeim Visit Alumni Learning in Eretz Yisroel

Shalhevet Shines at Mock Trial Competition


Shalhevet is on a roll. Their first season mock trial team, Danielle Azose (10th grade), Michal Benshabat (10th grade), Chana Miriam Blonder (10th grade), Devora Chait (10th grade), Shalvah Goldschein (11th grade), Becky Marks (9th grade), Tali Roth (10th grade) and Devora ScottThoennes (12th grade), had a fabulous win as Plaintiff against Oyster Bay High School as Defendant. They are all so excited to be advancing to the next phase of the New York State Bar Association Mock Trial Competition Wednesday February 27. Expertly coached by attorneys Melanie Marmer (mother of Malka, grade 11) and Elana Makau, the students have been spending weekends and late nights preparing their notes, prepping witnesses and engaging in lively debates about the case. “It’s so amazing that Shalhevet offers us this oppor-

tunity; it truly is an experience like no other,” says Devora Chait. At both trials, a hush fell over the courtroom as Shalhevet’s three lawyers and three witnesses took their seats and began. After an intense two hours, it was over. The judge remarked that the students’ professionalism was impressive. The group was calm, cool and collected; they were confident in their legal positions and their legal presentation. And as usual, their midot were outstanding throughout the competition. The students all took note of the efforts of Ms. Leora Palgon, Shalhevet Mock Trial Coordinator, and Mrs. Marmer, Esq. and Ms. Makau, Esq., who have been so kind in lending their experience and expertise in guiding and supporting the team throughout this process. The students and their advisors look forward to the next round, as they eagerly prepare.


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Around the


Camp Keshet Wows Its Visitors With An Amazing Open House The weather is cold and biting now but the summer will be here before you know it. How will your daughter be spending it? Camp Keshet recently hosted a wonderful open house that made an impressive and emphatic case for it being the place to be this summer. The large turnout came away very excited about this new, affordable and sensational camp. Camp Keshet is well on its way to becoming one of the premier religious girl’s camps in Queens. At the open house, Camp Keshet, unveiled its plans for an action-packed summer and announced all the amazing fun activities they have planned: fabulous arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor sports, the most amazing trips, daily swimming, door-to-door transportation, air conditioned bussing, daily shiurim and davening program, a one-of-kind drama program with theatrical productions and much more. It was emphasized that safety and fun will always go hand in hand at Camp Keshet. Campers will always

be supervised in a safe, warm, and fun environment. The caring and experienced staff, led by the amazing Rabbi Shimon Dier, Mrs. Chaya Klass and Mrs. Rochel Leah Dier, will see to every child’s specific needs. The delicious hot lunch and savory snacks will keep campers going all day long. The limudei kodesh programming promises to facilitate boundless spiritual growth. In short, Camp Keshet will do everything it can to make sure that this summer will be unforgettable and fantastic. Summertime is a precious and special time full of fun, relaxation and growth. The time spent at camp each year generates so many incredible memories that will last a lifetime. Find out for yourself why Camp Keshet already has so many people so excited. Camp Keshet is located at the Bnos Malka Academy campus in Forrest Hills. To find out more and to reserve a spot for your daughter, call 718-2682667 or email to keshet @bnosmalka. org.



All Decked Out! SKA’s Purim Chagigah Welcomes the Yom Tov In Style On Thursday, February 14, the annual Purim chagigah of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls was celebrated in true SKA style. Students and faculty members dressed in “game” costumes, enjoyed delicious food, enthusiastic dancing, face painting and hair braiding, and of course, the SKA Purim shpiel!

Otsar’s Chevra Program is a Great Success Parents of the young men in Otsar’s newly organized CHEVRA program, cannot stop raving about the fabulous program! The parents were unanimous in their approval and support of this innovative service. What makes the Chevra unique is the partnership between the families and Otsar’s staff. Parents are thrilled to have found a program where the professionals want to know their recommendations about what their sons need and want. This level of teamwork is unprecedented and evident in the vast growth and scope of the Chevra in just a few short months! “I am working on my swimming,” Lipa said with pride. ”I enjoyed the car exhibit at the museum,” Jeffrey chimed in. ”I like helping people prepare for Shabbos at Aishel Shabbos,” Simcha informed us. Mrs. Shoshana Zakon

tells us, “My son Shmuel and Otsar were born in the same year and have really grown up together. He feels very much at home at Otsar and is happy to be one of ‘the guys’ in the Chevra. This program is a gem.” The enthusiasm of the parents at a recent meeting was palpable. They were sharing ideas and brainstorming about activities and classes the young men enjoy. David Nagel, a member of Otsar’s Board of Directors and an appreciative father said,”The parents are truly thrilled at how far and fast this program is coming together. My compliments and gratitude to Betty Pollack and Chashi Brand on their expertise and even more, their caring for the parents and the young adults who are thriving in the warm and challenging atmosphere at Otsar.”

Some Members of Otsar’s Chevra Out and About


Adar Spirit at Yeshiva Har Torah

Mishenichnas Adar Marbin B’Simcha is in full swing at YHT! Rosh Chodesh Adar began with a spirited davening and hallel, followed by impromptu singing and dancing with the help of the eighth graders. Later in the day, the world famous Steve Max, The Simon Sez King, entertained the entire school in hilarious and engaging games of Simon Says. Teachers and students alike were laughing and enjoying as Steve Max eliminated everyone, one by one.

Rosh Chodesh Adar was also the start of our mishloach manot for chayalim campaign. Each year, the students at YHT raise money to send mishloach manot to IDF soldiers. We have a beautifully decorated bulletin board with our mishloach manot cut-outs for all those participating in our campaign. The Purim feeling is in the air as YHT excitedly anticipates all the upcoming Shushan Purim activities!


Community MBR Seminary Community Yom Iyun a Success!

This past Monday, February 18th, Machon Basya Rochel Seminary located at 137 Lawrence Ave in Lawrence N.Y. hosted its semimonthly Yom Iyun. The room was packed with attendees who were treated to three distinct lectures on the topic of Purim. The program began with Mrs. Shoshana Jaeger speaking on Finding the Meaning of Purim in the Megillah, followed by Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein posing the question How Green was Esther? Rabbi Rubinstein is an internationally acclaimed speaker and the most recent addition to the MBR faculty. Rabbi Rubinstein gives a weekly lecture for women at the seminary on

Wednesdays from 11:30 – 12:30, entitled Perkei Avos, Walking in Wisdoms Footsteps. The lecture series analyzes the commentary of the Alshich HaKodesh to discover the wisdom and advice of some of the greatest minds of Klal Yisroel. The Yom Iyun concluded with MBR Menhaeles, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner, discussing The Real Theme of Mishloach Manos. Machon Basya Rochel is committed to providing excellent learning opportunities for women of all ages. For more information or to dedicate a shiur, please call 516-362-5000 or email info@mbrseminary.org.


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Focus on People TJH Speaks with JCCRP Food Stamp Enroller


hile many people who are facing financial difficulties attempt to trim non-essentials from their monthly budget, food is one those items that cannot be considered an extra and when faced with rising prices, a trip to the local grocery store can prove to be extremely challenging. Yet for many, the problem can be solved with a trip to the Jewish Community Center of the Rockaway Peninsula, an affiliate of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty and a beneficiary agency of the UFA, where Helen Isakova spends her days helping families enroll in New York State’s food stamp program. Now currently known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, the New York State food stamp program helps families that meet the program’s income guidelines supplement their food budget by supplying them with electronic benefit cards that can be used in stores. “They can’t use the cards in restaurants but they can buy most food items

Sandy Eller

Helen Isakova

using SNAP,” explained Helen. A mother of three and a resident of Bensonhurst, Helen has been with the JCCRP for one year, after an eighteen year stint as the assistant director of home services for the Met Council in lower Manhattan. Helen, who is originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia, has lived in the United States for the last twenty years and finds fulfillment helping people on a daily basis. Helen estimated that it takes approximately one hour to fill out all the paperwork to enroll in SNAP. “I enter the information directly onto a computer provided by the city but final approval by a case manager at the Human Resources Administration can take up to forty five days,” Helen told The Jewish Home. “The process can be much shorter in case of emergencies and the amount of benefits given is decided on a case by case basis depending on income, expenses and family size.” According to the SNAP website, many people are unaware that they are even eligible for SNAP benefits or are

under the misconception that if they own a home, a car, have savings or are immigrants that they don’t qualify for the program. The maximum allowable SNAP benefit for a single person is $200 per month, while for a family of six the number jumps to $952 per month, a tremendous boon in what is for many a difficult financial climate. “The only way to know if you are eligible is to apply,” explained Helen, who processes approximately fifteen applications each week. “We have seen a lot more people applying for the program since Hurricane Sandy. So many people are losing their jobs in this area and they need extra help just to feed their families.” One particular victim of Hurricane Sandy stood out in Helen’s mind, a single mother of three who lost both her job and her house to the October megastorm. “She didn’t want to move into a FEMA or Red Cross hotel because she wanted to stay in her community, near her support system and keep her chil-

dren in their schools and in a familiar environment,” recalled Helen. “The woman and her children moved in with her grandmother while she tried to rebuild her home.” It was on a visit to the JCCRP to apply for FEMA where the woman met Helen who encouraged her to submit a SNAP application in order to help her out during this particularly trying time in her life. “She was so grateful that she was able to receive the assistance she needed right in her own community,” said Helen. Helen encourages potential applicants to bring a variety of documentation with them in order to complete the enrollment process including proof of identity, proof of address, social security numbers for all family members, proof of earnings and proof of shelter costs. To contact the JCCRP, call 718-3277755, www.jccrp.org, or visit them at 1525 Central Avenue in Far Rockaway.


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Focus on People Chana Devorah Urbach

From Our Family To Yours

TJH Interviews Mrs. Shoshana Salzberg of The Salzberg Purim Costume Gemach TJH: Hi, Shoshana! We’d love to hear how your popular costume gemach got started. SS: Well, it was about 7 or 8 years ago, and a group of us were sitting at a Rosh Chodesh gathering, discussing how expensive Purim costumes are. So, right then and there, Devorah Lowy and I decided to start a costume gemach. Devorah was very instrumental in helping to get the gemach off the ground. She has since become involved in other time-consuming projects, so I run it from my home. TJH: How did you manage to acquire such a great collection of costumes? SS: Thrift shops, costume clearance sales, and of course, costume donations. My friends and I have our eyes and ears open all year round! B”H, we currently have about 150 costumes in our gemach. I should mention that Mrs. Sarah Isaacson really deserves the credit for most of the thrift shop hunting! TJH: Were the costumes affected at all by Hurricane Sandy? SS: Luckily, we store them all elsewhere during the year, and that home was not flooded. Our home had water damage, though, so the two Purim shtreimels I had kept by me got ruined! I liked those shtreimels! Oh, well. TJH: What about some of the other costumes that you really like? Tell us about some of your favorite costumes. SS: I really enjoy lending out “couple costumes.” We have Fred and Wilma Flintstone, Dorothy and The Wicked Witch of the West, Mexican sombrero/poncho sets, and more! We even

have an adult clown dress which is original. We have a Japanese kimono, poodle skirts, animal outfits....and of course all the standard costumes. TJH: Which costumes are the boys usually up for? SS: There are a few categories here. Little boys look adorable in the Kohain Gadol and Sefer Torah costumes. A lot of boys are excited to be soldiers, pirates, and of course—definitely the highest-rated—policemen! The bochurim are very entertaining; they take a shirt from here, pants from there, hats, glasses...they’re full of Purim spirit! My son Dovi loves helping out, too. TJH: ...and the girls? SS: So the younger girls love being Kallahs and princesses. I actually found an adult princess costume, exactly like the one my three-year-old has. Should we match? Anyway, the older girls also have fun putting mixed-and-matched outfits together. My daughter, Bracha, and her friend, Rachel Schreiber, (both students at Bnos Bais Yaakov) have a blast assisting our clientele by bringing them all sorts of accessories: necklaces, hats, glasses—all that. TJH: Can you share any special highlights of your costume gemach experience? SS: That would definitely be the eagerly-awaited annual visits of Rochel Baron, a”h. She was always so b’simcha! She not only enjoyed choosing costumes for herself and her children, she even picked up a few costumes for her parents! One year, her son even took his panda costume all the way to Waterbury for Purim! TJH: It sounds like this gemach makes a lot of people very happy. SS: Our goal is to make costumefinding an enjoyable experience for everyone. In fact, if we don’t have the exact costume the person is looking for, we refer them to the Simchas Nechama Liba Costume Gemach. We recommend each other. TJH: Do you and your children recognize your own costumes on the streets on Purim?

SS: Of course! It’s all part of the fun! TJH: Any future projects in store for the Salzberg costume gemach? SS: Yes. We’d like to expand our costume inventory, and donate all proceeds to Nivneh. TJH: How much to borrow costumes? SS: We used to rely solely on donations (with a $5.00 deposit until the costume was returned). In the very beginning, these generous donations helped us maintain the gemach. Each subsequent year, the proceeds were channeled to a different well-known tzedakah. This year, some donations will be earmarked for increasing our number of costumes, so that we can accomplish our post-Sandy mission as soon as possible. The rest of the donations will be given to tzedakah. TJH: Is there anything else you’d like our readership to know? SS: Yes! First of all, your costume donations are always welcome and appreciated! And also, for children ages 0-5 years, there is a costume gemach with a nice selection, run by Mr. Eliezer Blum in Lawrence. (I actually donated our 0-5 years costumes to him.) He is happy to help! TJH: Thank you Shoshana! A freilechen Purim!

73 Susan Schwamm

Purim Together as a Community

The Jewish Home interviews Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt about the upcoming community-wide Davis Memorial Fund Purim play and concert this coming Motzai Shabbos. TJH: What is the idea behind this Purim play? was raised and distributed generously and broadly. (and hysterical!). RG: First, as we all know, Hurricane Sandy had People were driving down the street to serve coffee a tremendous impact on our broader community. and donuts to those working on their homes. NeighTJH: How did you find the actors? The damage was quite severe. Aside from material bors helped to pump out the basements of others. No RG: We appealed to shul representatives in sixty damage, there was also an emotional component. It one asked what shul you were from or what school shuls in our metropolitan area to identify the “funny” is emotionally stressful to lose so much and to have your children go to. people. I think we’ve done a pretty good job of findto work so hard to rebuild. Although we are slowly ing the talent and convincing them to perform in this recovering, I felt this Purim would be a wonderful TJH: So what is the message to the community community-wide play. We want everyone to come time for the entire community to laugh together. Just here? and see for themselves. as in the miracle of Purim, Hashem turned our sadRG: I would say that the message of this Purim ness into joy, this Purim we will, with Hashem’s help, is that if we continue to help one another and to look TJH: I am sure the actors are amazing—who similarly begin that process. over those small differences between us, then we wrote the script? Secondly, much of our community’s RG: The script was written by our contributions on Purim leave our local own local Rabbi Shlomie Berger. He has community. I felt that it was important to a natural sense for comedy. He thinks arouse community awareness to the needs funny. R’ Shloime spent much time writwithin our own community. Although the ing and re-writing the script. If we continue to help one another and to play and concert on Purim night are open look over those small differences between to everyone at no charge, we are hoping TJH: Is it laugh-out-loud funny, that sponsors will come forth to contribchuckle-type funny, or Seinfeld-type us, then we will not only rebuild from ute to our efforts to help the broader local funny? Sandy, but we will be able to see joy in our community. RG: I asked Shloime Berger about The Davis Memorial Fund has been the type of humor in the spiel. Accordown lives and ultimately to bring Moshiach. helping the community for twenty-five ing to Shlomie, “One can draw a straight years. The last several months have also line between Woody Allen and the great been hard for the Fund. The need to help badchan, Sid Caeser. Seinfeld is not in families rebuild from the Hurricane has this tradition because his humor is about taken away from our financial ability to help the fam- will not only rebuild from Sandy, but we will be able ‘nothing.’ Modern physicists (Max Weinberg, Ishiko ilies that count on us. to see joy in our own lives and ultimately to bring Kuroshita , and others) is now working hard to disMoshiach. cover what ‘nothing’ really is. They need only look TJH: That is a beautiful message. What is the to the humor of Seinfeld to see how the funny and theme of the play? Can you give us a sneak preview TJH: That’s a beautiful message. Let’s talk nothing are in perfect harmony today.” So, there you on the action? about the play itself. Should people coming to the have it. RG: The theme is allowing us to laugh together, play dress up? Will you be having a “best costume” about ourselves! We know that we all do plenty of contest? TJH: Tell us the details of the evening. things that one can find humor in. RG: We have a great play, a superb concert with RG: The community-wide Simchas Purim event If I tell you too much about the play itself, I will Nochi Krohn and Eitan Katz, and more. We would will be at Congregation Beth Sholom on Motzai spoil it! I will share with you one of the scenes. The love it if people would come in costume. Shabbos, Purim night, February 23. The doors will scene is about a very young man who is going on his open at 9pm. Convenient megillah readings will be first “set-up” date – the night of Hurricane Sandy. Let TJH: Great! I have to decide on which costume at 8:30pm and 10:45pm. The evening will have a hiyour imagination take you from there. to wear. So, who will be acting in the play? Are larious shpiel and leibidik music and dancing with you and your wife in the play? Will both men and Eitan Katz and Nochi Krohn. The event is geared for TJH: Sounds like it could be a lot of fun! Who women be performing? What about children? adults and youth not younger than 12. We encourage came up with the great idea of a community-wide RG: Well you’re asking here a lot of questions the entire kehila to attend and show achdus. AdmisPurim event? but first of all, I will not be acting in the play – sim- sion is complimentary and solicitations at the event RG: I thought we merited the Purim miracle ply because I don’t know how to. We only have male will be for the Davis Memorial Fund so that they can through unity and we commemorate it by rejoicing actors for obvious halachic reasons, although the au- continue to do their great work. on Purim. Hurricane Sandy also created unity. So dience will have both men and women. We do have We expect the event to run smoothly. We have enwhy not rejoice together with all of our neighbors some young people in the play, although this is not a listed the helped of Judah Hulkower of Simcha Coach this Purim? play for children under 12 years old. Productions to help us co-ordinate our spectacular There was tremendous unity within our broad I think that everyone will get a real chuckle out of evening. Judah can be reached at purimplay2013@ community in helping those families that were af- the local community members that have volunteered gmail.com. fected by Hurricane Sandy. Over $7 million dollars to perform in the play. The casting has been excellent

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Focus on People

T h e J eT w u aAYry2241, ,2012 2013 H Ei sJ EhWHIoSmHe HnO MFEe bnr M

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You Gotta be



(get it, backward “dd”s for Purim?)

Four Jewish ladies are playing a game of cards in Miami Beach. The first lady sighs and says, “Oy...” The second lady nods, sighs, and says, “Oy vey!” The third lady says, “Oy veys meer!” The fourth lady says: “Enough talk about the children already. Let’s get back to the game.”

How Drunk Are You?

Submitted by Malka Fried Chaim is delivering Shalach Manos for his wife, who is a master Shalach Manos maker. She individualizes each one and spends weeks before Purim working on it. Chaim labels each Shalach Manos before delivering them. The first box is marked “Carlos & Gabby’s,” the second is marked “Le Chocolat,” and the third box is marked “mixed.” While on the way to make his deliveries, Chaim realizes that he labeled the boxes incorrectly. But, he doesn’t want to open them up because his wife spent approximately 6 hours and 35 minutes tying them with bows. How can Chaim figure out what is in each Shalach Manos by only taking one item out of one of the Shalach Manos boxes? Answer on next page

A Scientific Quiz - By Mordechai Schmutter (ON A SERIOUS NOTE: This trivia is intended to be funny and actually make fun of people who drink and make fools of themselves. The mitzvas hayom is not to get wasted. And, certainly anyone who is under 21 should not drink at all as dina dimalchusa dina and legally you are not allowed to drink if you are under 21. Most importantly, people must remember to be safe....Wow! The Centerfold Commissioner actually said something serious??? Hey, Vinahapochu!!) Take this quiz to determine how drunk you are. If your first reaction is, “Hey, I didn’t know there’d be a quiz!” then you’re probably already there. 1. Complete the following sentence: “Arrur ___________; Baruch ____________” a. Arrur Haman; Baruch Mordechai b. Arrur Mordechai, Baruch Haman c. Arrur Osama; Barrack Obama d. Hey! My brother’s name is Baruch Mordechai! e. My brother’s name was supposed to be Baruch Mordechai, but his bris was on Purim, and my father accidentally named him Baruch Haman. 2. How much have you had to drink so far? a. One cup. But it was a washing cup. b. Just the two bottles that I’m holding in my four hands. And two more before that. c. The real question is how much I haven’t had to drink so far! Wait. 3. Experts say that it’s not good to drink on an empty stomach. (Though it’s not clear if these experts are scientists, or just people who drink a lot.) What was

the first thing you drank after the fast? a. Orange juice. Will I be okay? b. Schnapps. But if my stomach is so empty, where is all this vomit coming from? c. This is a trick question. Wasn’t the fast last Thursday? 4. What is the craziest thing that happened to you since you started drinking? a. I got hit by a parked car, tripped over a cordless phone, and fell through a window into a house. But I found my kids’ baseball. b. I put my shoes on the wrong feet. But don’t worry; it’s okay. I’ve been walking with my left leg on the right and my right leg on the left to make up for it. c. I wish I remembered. What country am I in, and why am I wearing scuba gear? 5. People who drink should not drive, because statistics show that 96 percent of them cannot remember things that happened five seconds earlier, are prone to distraction, can’t move in a straight line, and cannot remember things that happened five seconds earlier. What do you say to these statistics? a. They’re staggering. b. What statistics? c. Hey! A 96 upside down is also 96! And a 44 upside down is two chairs! 6. Complete the saying: “Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, __________.” a. Never sicker b. Shikker quicker c. Wear a slicker 7. Complete the saying: “Friends don’t let friends drive ____________.” a. Drunk b. Limos full of yeshiva

guys in bunny costumes, every single one of whom are too drunk to remember whose house they left all the money in. c. All over town to bring them mishloach manos made up of food they don’t really want but are going to force themselves to eat right before Pesach just so it’s not in the house anymore. 8. Are Are you you seeing seeing double double yet yet?? a. Yes. Yes. b. No. No. c. You’re not going to get me with these cheap psychological tricks. You’re not going to get me with these cheap psychological tricks. 9. Are you as think as we drunk you are? a. No! Yes. What? b. I’m not nearly half as think as you drunk I am! c. Hold on. I’m drinking about it. ESSAY QUESTION: On unlined paper, write a detailed thesis on one of the following topics. Points will be given for coherence, logic, and making an effort to stay inside the borders of the page. I. Why, if I were the designated driver, it would be fun to drop everybody off at the wrong house. II. Why I suddenly love this guy who’s sitting right next to me and trying to get away every time I get saliva in his ear. III. Why I worry that one day, all the grass I stepped on as a kid will join forces and eat me. IV. How you call them “fingers” but you never see them fing. Y’know? HOW TO SCORE: Give yourself one point for every time you answered “a,” two points for every time you answered “b,” three points for “c,” etc. (i.e., you get 26 points for every time you answered “z.”) Then take the total of your points, add the digits together, and multiply by your age. If you have taken the time to do this, you’re fairly sober. The rest of us are already using this magazine as a megaphone.

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Forever yours, Mr. Centerfold Commissioner Happy Purim P.S. To all you dressing up like me, you will never be as good looking as me anyways. P.P.S. I really wanted to drop by your house to give you Shalach Manos, but I am going to be really busy. So, I left your Shalach Manos at Dunkin Donuts. It’s a bit simple, just a nice hot coffee and a donut. Go in there, give them $3.75 and ask them to give you the Shalach Manos that the Centerfold Commissioner left for you.

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Answer to ri ddle: First C haim takes an box marked item from th “mixed.” If e it is Carlos knows that &Gabby’s, the box can he only contain by’s and can Carlos & G ’t be the mix abed box. He lo 2 boxes, on oks at the oth e is labeled er “Le Chocola is labeled “C t” and the o arlos & Gab ther by’s.” Since mislabeled, the boxes ar he knows th at the one th e Chocolat” d at is labeled oes not actu “Le ally contain rather it is th only Le Cho e mixed box colat, . Now he also box labeled knows that th “Carlos & G ab e by’s” must b olat box. (Sam e the Le Cho e logic appli ces if he pick chocolate fro so m the box la beled “mixed ut a piece of .”)

TTHhEe JJEeW 2012 wIiSsHh HHOoM mEe nn MFAY e b 2r u4 a, ry 2 1 , 2013

Dear Underlings, I just want to take this moment to thank you for all that you do for me. Yes, at times it seems like I do everything for you, but in reality the opposite is true because you provide me with inspiration every day. And I especially appreciate all the not funny, uh, I mean, funny jokes that you send me. As you know this Sunday is the Election for Five Towns mayor and I am running, not because I want to but because the people need me. I need you to go out and vote many times. If you are too young to vote, tell them you are older. If the poll workers realize that you already voted, tell them that you have a twin brother. Bring your cousins from Brooklyn to vote also. Do it for the Centerfold Commissioner who for the past three years has taught you everything you know; who has shown you how to have good moral character and honesty. I made you laugh—now make me Mayor!! What will you get in return? A better Five Towns. I believe that it is time to share the wealth and I will institute policies to make that happen. For example, what’s this whole “Two for Tuesday” thing, it should always be buy-one, get-one-free every day of the week. I will institute “Free pizza Fridays,” where every child in this town, regardless of yarmulka color, regardless of age, regardless of allowance will have the right to free pizza, because it is “We the People” not “We the few who have unlimited allowance.” I believe in obesity and will go to war with those that go to war with obesity. School candy machines should be filled with only high sugar content candy and junk food, not carrot sticks and celery. There’s a reason it is called a “candy machine” and not an “asparagus machine.” And, I won’t outlaw anything. Other than gyms. There is no reason that people should ever workout and do exercise. Let me ask you: how does it feel when you go to Gourmet Glatt on Sunday morning around 10 AM to buy Danishes, because after a Shabbos of over-indulgence you decide that you are starting your diet on Monday, and you are feeling all groggy, then you see your friend in his gym clothes and all sweaty picking up some spinach for his shake. He makes you feel guilty, doesn’t he? And, we all know that he doesn’t want to run around shopping while dripping in sweat. But he does it because “Oh, look at me, I got it together. I am so amazing that it’s only 10 AM but I already jogged six miles.” No more of that. No gyms. No exercise clothing in public. Yes, pizza, ice cream and good old fun. Vote for candy… Vote for freedom from “I am so out of shape” guilt... Vote for your humble and kind leader who has taught you everything you know... On Sunday, February 24, vote often for Mr. Centerfold Commissioner as Mayor of the Five Towns!

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


The Shmuz Parshas Tetzaveh

R’ Ben Tzion Shafier

A Diamond with a Flaw “You shall place both stones on the shoulder straps of the ephod, remembrance stones for the Children of Israel.” Shemos 28:12 Moshe Was Commanded to Make Garments for the Kohanim Moshe was commanded to make garments for the Kohanim. Included in these was the ephod, a piece of clothing similar to an apron, with two shoulder straps on top holding the avnei shoham, gold settings that contained precious stones. Hashem told Moshe to engrave the names of the twelve shvatim (tribes) onto these stones as a remembrance. Rashi explains that this was so that the memory of Reuvain, Shimon, Levi, etc. would be invoked when the Kohain Gadol did the avodah, and Hashem would then remember their righteousness. The Shvatim Sinned This Rashi seems to be difficult to

understand. The avodah (service) of the Kohain Gadol is vital and highly sensitive; the world’s very existence depends upon it. As a result, there are many items that are avoided in the avodah so as not to bring up even the faintest memories of sin. While there is no question that the shvatim were men of extraordinary greatness, that greatness was also taint-

Every Diamond Has a Flaw The answer to this is based on an issue of perspective. Imagine that there are two large diamonds in front of you, one a beautifully cut jewel with a minor flaw, and the other the same as the first, but flawless – a perfect diamond. If we were to ask a diamond expert to appraise the two,

Every man has, and every man will make mistakes. Some are large, and some are small, but the idea of man living without sin isn’t part of the picture. ed with the sin of selling their brother. Didn’t that sin permanently affect who they were? Shouldn’t that be reason enough not to mention their names in such a critical situation?

there is no doubt that he would tell us that the difference between them is huge. He would say that the diamond with the minor flaw is worth a fortune while the completely flawless diamond is almost worthless — because it is a fake. One of the signs that a diamond is real is that it has a flaw. While it may be a very minor imperfection and almost unnoticeable, all genuine diamonds have flaws. The only perfect diamonds are made of cubic zirconium, and are costume jewelry. Hashem Created The Human, Knowing He Would Sin When Hashem formed man, it was not for him to be perfect. Perfection rests in the realm of the Molochim (angels). A moloch will spend its entire existence without sin. Molochim are perfect. But molochim aren’t man. Man and man alone was given the unique opportunity in all of Creation: to determine his destiny, either becoming the greatest of all, or sinking below the animals. To allow man to create who he would be for eternity, Hashem gave him free will. However, free will doesn’t mean the theoretical ability to choose; it means being put into situations where either choice is viable and either option is real. Man has to be challenged. To allow for that, man has to be tempted to choose either good or bad and be given the ability to make mistakes. Every man has, and every man will make mistakes. Some are large, and some are small, but the idea of man living without sin isn’t part of the picture. The Shvatim Were Like Flawed Diamonds The answer to the question on Rashi seems to be that the shvatim were in fact

men of unimaginable greatness, but they also had flaws and sinned. Each would be compared to a 200-carat diamond – with an imperfection. They were huge, beautiful diamonds, with flaws. When viewing a diamond, you don’t see the flaw. To perceive it, you need to look through a jeweler’s loop that magnifies the stone by a power of ten times or more. Only via direct scrutiny does the flaw become noticeable. It is always present, but the eye doesn’t see it. All the eye sees is glimmer and reflected light in an object of extreme beauty. What Will I Be Like in Olam Habbah? This concept has great relevance to us. People often wonder, “What will it be like for me in the World to Come? I’ve done many good things in my life, but I’m no tzaddik. I’ve also done plenty wrong, and I can’t even say that I did teshuvah for everything.” “For eternity, I will be exactly what I made myself into. So what kind of Olam Habbah am I going to have? Forever I will walk around with my faults permanently part of me. How will I ever enjoy eternity when I am sullied – permanently stained?” I Will Be Like a Diamond With a flaw This Chazal tells us that our imperfections are what they are, and unless we remove them with the process of teshuvah, they will be on our permanent record. However, all that means is that I will have flaws, like a diamond. Maybe I’ll be a two-carat diamond, maybe a four-carat – but a precious gem nonetheless. While the blemishes will be there, so too will the shining brilliance of a jewel. One doesn’t cancel out the other. The flaw isn’t eliminated, nor is the brilliance eradicated. Both are there. I will be a diamond with a flaw. My work now, as long as I have time left, is to improve the quality of the diamond and to eliminate its faults. By learning Torah, doing mitzvahs, and working on my middos, I change the weight, color, and clarity of the stone. Who I will be for eternity is in my hands. If I focus my attention and energies on growth, my reward will be perfection more valuable than the finest diamonds ever mined.

77 Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz

Variations on a Theme


urim is upon us. It’s a time for joy, a time for merriment, a time to ask yourself – what’s your theme? Theme? What do you mean my theme? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past twenty years, you undoubtedly know what I’m talking about. You need to have a theme for Purim. In the past, your Shalach Manos only required two foods, preferably to be used as part of a seudah. Not anymore! Now, you need a unifying concept for why those things go together. It should be something like: “Breakfast,” in which items look like eggs or pancakes, there’s a bagel or two and some cream cheese, and maybe a container of orange juice. It could be “Noach’s Teiva,” and you could include animal crackers, rainbow twizzlers and bottles of water. (Bonus points if you dress up like a six-hundred year old man who hasn’t showered in months.) Or it could be something really fun like “Words that begin with R,” wherein every item in the basket starts with an L. (It’s a Purim shtick, get it?!) In fact, if your theme is good enough, you don’t even need to have two brachos or be able to use it for the seudah. If the items fit your theme well enough, they don’t even have to be food. The main thing is how cutesy it is and how brilliant people will think you are for coming up with it. When I was in yeshiva, poems were all the rage. You couldn’t send out a Shalach Manos without a poem. That wasn’t right! One of the Kollel fellows even asked me to write one for him because his wife couldn’t and was too embarrassed to send out Shalach Manos without it. I’ve got a great idea for a theme. How about: “Friendship?” In this Shalach Manos, there wouldn’t necessarily be smiley face candies, cottage cheese, or happy little boats. In fact, it wouldn’t

matter what you put in them, as long as you did it with a glad heart and warm feelings towards the recipient. This Shalach Manos might be accompanied by a physical delivery, instead of being dropped on the doorstep so you could run to deliver the rest

improve the relationship. And if you got offended for not getting the few pieces of candy or wafers in the basket, is there really anything we could do to improve the relationship? Yes, I think we place too much emphasis on overt themes, and too little

Behind the scenes, the real theme was Hashem’s actions. Not just hidden from view, but consistent, constant, and continuously moving in the same direction.

of your Shalach Manos to the people who will be offended if they don’t get. More on that in a minute. My “Friendship” Shalach Manos might find you taking a moment to say a pleasant word to someone, or writing a personalized note acknowledging their friendship. It might actually make people feel special and loved. The focus wouldn’t be on the clever giver, but on the appreciated recipient. Now THAT would be a surprise! The best line I ever heard about Shalach Manos came from R’ Moshe Meir Weiss. “Make a list of everyone you want to give Shalach Manos to,” he said. “Then throw that away and give to the people who didn’t make it onto your list.” Every Shalach Manos should have friendship as its underlying theme. There shouldn’t be a pressure to perform, or hurt feelings if you don’t get from someone. Can you imagine that when my daughter gave Shalach Manos to her friend, a parent said to my wife, “So now that our kids are friends, WE don’t get Shalach Manos?” Are you kidding? If you didn’t get Shalach Manos maybe it’s because we love you SO much that there’s no way we could

on the subtle, behind-the-scenes ones. This, of course, is really apropos for Purim. The Megilla itself has a recurring theme running through it, which is obvious to us, but the people who lived through it didn’t see it. When Mordechai told the Jews of Shushan not to attend Achashveirosh’s feast, they thought it was political suicide, and many ignored his guidance. They seemed to be right for nine years, until Haman’s ascendancy to power. Then, their “good” relationship with the king couldn’t help them. It took the machinations of HaKadosh Baruch Hu to ensure Esther’s rise to power and Mordechai’s honor by a wicked king to eventually save the day. To us, looking back, we see the theme of Jews sinning, threats, teshuva, and salvation. But that’s perhaps a more overt theme of the Me-

gilla. Behind the scenes, the real theme was Hashem’s actions. Not just hidden from view, but consistent, constant, and continuously moving in the same direction. From the beginning, Hashem was setting the stage for us to be reinvigorated, to accept the Torah not anew, but as a re-acceptance of what we had previously accepted at Har Sinai. The real theme of Purim, therefore, is that all our actions, all our endeavors and behaviors should conform to the single, unified, concept that we are the bearers of the Torah, the banner that identifies us as special, connected individuals to the Creator. When all the masquerading is gone, and the masks have been removed, our true images must be revealed to show consistent dedication to Hashem and His Torah, as we did at Sinai, and as we did again in Shushan. If we approach Shalach Manos and the other mitzvos of Purim with that in mind, we will not feel pressured to compete, but proud and privileged to fit into the Theme of Creation. Jonathan Gewirtz is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in publications around the world. He also operates JewishSpeechWriter.com, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. For more information, or to sign up for his weekly Dvar Torah in English, e-mail info@JewishSpeechWriter.com. © 2013 by Jonathan Gewirtz. All rights reserved.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

The Observant Jew

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


In News

The Purim Times Vol. 2435, Issue 1

Five Towns Mayoral Race Heats Up The race for the Five Towns mayoral seat is entering the home stretch with several notable politicians throwing their hats in the ring. Mitt Romney, who recently lost a strange race to a Kenyan rock star, has decided that it is time for him to descend from his Malibu mansion and get back in the game. “I have always loved the Five Towns,” says Romney, “and I fixed the Olympics so you can be sure that I could figure out how to synchronize the lights on Rockaway Turnpike.” Other notables include Mayor Michael Bloomberg who is completing his unconstitutional third term as New York City Mayor and now wants to try his hand as dictator of The Five Towns. The third notable candidate is our very own Centerfold Commissioner. Mr. Commish clearly seems to be the most qualified of the three, according to all objective standards. He has spent years dealing with many serious issues facing the Five Towns, including the best way to play hookie, what to do if your car is older than you, and how to make up good excuses for sleeping all day.

Adar 5773

At the first debate, things quickly got contentious. Romney accused Bloomberg of wanting to create a dictatorship in the Five Towns and taking away fundamental rights. Bloomberg replied, “All I am trying to do is enhance the quality of life.” Bloomberg explained , “When a woman who is driving a SUV, is drinking soda from a Styrofoam cup and simultaneously putting on makeup and talking on the cell phone turns around to give her child a piece of salty pretzels, and then barrels through a red light, that poses a risk to all of us. It’s just not fair to the rest of us. So I just want to take away those risks. So, we will ban SUVs, Styrofoam cups, soda, makeup, cell phones, salt, snacks and little kids...um, no not the little kids.” Bloomberg also argued that we need to start focusing on global warming. “When I fly over the glaciers in my private jet, I see that they are melting,” he said. “It is not fair that we are robbing the polar bears of the life they always knew.” Mr. Centerfold Commissioner attacked Mitt Romney as out of touch. “Romney has nothing in common with Five Towns people,” said Mr. Centerfold Commissioner. “He is a middle-

At the first debate: Mr. Centerfold Commissioner, Mitt Romney, Michael Bloomberg and Mr. McBike

aged white man who made millions on Wall Street, he has five kids and many grandkids, he is religious, he lives in a big house and has several cars. Show me another man in the Five Towns that lives like that?” pointed out Mr. Centerfold Commissioner. One of the lesser known candidates is Jimbo McBike of the Houses in the Five Towns Are Too Darn Expensive For Bikers Party. He is proposing that every home in the Five Towns worth more than a million dollars—or which has more than three bedrooms, excluding the basement, but not the attic if the ceiling is more than 10 feet high and the heating vac is controlled by the same control as the main floor, unless there is a separate entrance to the attic— should have to welcome a biker into their home to live. (It’s not called a run-on sentence if it is for legislative purposes, those guys writing laws write run on books, never mind sentences.) Mr. McBike says, “Don’t be discriminatin’; when my biker buddy shows up, welcome him to your home. And make sure you are gonna be fixin’ him a nice hot meal too. And if it is the first or fifteenth of the month, offer him to use the—as you’ll call it— ”the restroom” to be taken him a shower. Dem bikers don’t like being dirty.” At this point, it’s anyone’s race, despite TJH’s very own Mr. Centerfold Commissioner being the most qualified. The most important thing is that on February 24th you go out and vote. And do us a little favor—pull that lever a couple of times for Mr. Centerfold Commissioner. Don’t worry, a little bit of exercise never killed anyone.

Inwood Civic Association to Oppose Planned Apple Store on Site of Doughty Deli The Inwood Civic Association plans on challenging plans for a new Apple store on the current site of the Doughty Deli. According to source within Inwood’s growing community, the neighbors oppose any move that will take the deli out of their town. “Where will we get lottery tickets? Surely not at an

Apple store!” said an irate John Constigliano. Another resident complained about the potential project, saying, “Where will the day laborers hang out? After all they don’t sell Corona at the Apple Store.” In response to the Five Towns high concentration of Apple products, Tim Johnson, Chief Retail Officer at Apple, set out to find a suitable site for a retail store. After many months, it was decided that the Inwood deli site has the most foot traffic and curb appeal. According to sources close to the family of the current owners, the negotiated price and terms were extremely favorable to the owners and it was an offer they couldn’t refuse. One stipulation that the current owner demanded was that Apple sell coffee and newspapers to LIRR riders

WiIsShH HHoOmMeE nn MF eAYb r2u4a,ry2012 TThHeE JJeEw 2 1 , 2013

The Week

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T h e J eTw H oI SmHe HnO MFEe bnr uMaAY ry 2241,, 2012 2013 H Ei sJhE W

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and continue to give out The Jewish Home on weekends. The new store will be opened in time for the 2103 school year. According to unconfirmed reports, ground will be broken on the new store on Monday February 25 at 7am, Shushan Purim. Officials from Apple as well as local politicians will be on hand for the ceremony. It has been announced on Twitter that the first 200 people who show up on Monday will receive a free iPod. The Inwood Civic Association plans a protest on the site starting Sunday night and lasting until Monday night. Plans to disrupt the ceremony, stop traffic and possibly block the LIRR are all unconfirmed rumors at this point. While some are opposed, many feel that this store will bring lots of upper class traffic to the neighborhood and provide a quick turnaround for broken Apple products, something this community really needs.

Rockhall Museum Going Modern— Hopes to Increase Attendance After 10 years of single digit yearly visitors to Lawrence’s very own Rock-

hall museum, there is now a proposal being circulated to modernize the ancient museum. After a group of Five Towns investors approached the village in an effort to increase tourism and money spending in our quaint town, village officials have reportedly agreed to the aggressive redevelopment plan. The plan calls for a two year renovation of the 200-year-old museum and will include modern design and a technologi-

cal makeover. As for the ancient articles inside the museum, “they will be meticulously preserved to be placed in their new home,” said Marilyn Schreiber, museum curator. While there is great excitement for the upcoming project, funding remains a concern for local residents. Some village officials are proposing a 30% property tax increase to cover the costs. Others say the property tax is already too high and propose selling one or two or three of the empty public school buildings to finance the project. There is also an interesting proposal that was put forth by local baalei battim who have offered to reach out to shuls and secure the one Shabbos a year where there is no appeal in shul and designate that as “Rockhall Museum Shabbos.” That move has been met with a degree of skepticism among other Orthodox residents who would rather see another sushi store built on the site. Whatever happens at the end, all agree that the move should push the number of yearly visitors to the site to over 10 visitors a year – and that is the point!

Phil Goldfeder Spotted Golfing with the Clintons Further Confirms Rumors that He will be Running on the Hillary Ticket in 2016 In 21st century politics, there are no shockers. Reports of Hillary Clinton preparing for a 2016 run for president have generated lots of excitement among Democrats and Independents alike. While the list

of potential running mates is as long as Bill’s nose, there is speculation based on strong evidence that a local Democratic political bigwig is on the short list. A picture has surfaced on the internet showing a very comfortable Phil Goldfeder golfing with the Clintons and a small group of their donors last week in Boca Raton. While some say that the outing was a regular event in Phil’s busy political schedule, others say that he is being seriously vetted for the position. Phil is extremely qualified for the job with his strong family background and rock-solid American family values. After an extremely successful first year in office and an indefatigable response to Hurricane Sandy, Phil is acutely fit for the job. Some say that Phil is the reincarnation of Bill Clinton with his infectious and genuine personality and love for people. When contacted by The Jewish Home about this rumor, Phil refused to say if it was true or not but did say that if he was called upon to do it, he would give it some serious thought. He also said that if his wife agrees and he does go to Washington, he is taking Pesach Osina along with him as chief of staff. “After all,” said Phil, “Pesach has been the nuts and bolts of my operation.” Of course, although, it is way too early to speculate on who will run and who will be the running mate, many here in Far Rockaway are very excited about the prospect of a home-grown politician making it on the national stage. According to Naftali Solomon, a local askan, “We will do anything in our power to get Hillary elected if she takes Yeruchem, I mean Phil, as a running mate – including getting her the endorsement of the Far Rockaway Jewish Alliance.” It is no coincidence that a “718 Insurance” bumper sticker was seen on the Clintons’ golf cart – sounds like Naftali is already laying the ground work. The Jewish Home wishes Phil lots of luck in any office he seeks – and he has our early endorsement. Go Phil go!

The community has spoken and has voted to sell the now defunct School 6 to the Sushi Detox Center of the Five Towns. According to the clinics director, Mr. Salmon Sashimi, the clinic simply needs a larger location due to the

influx of patients over the past several years. Sushi addiction “has become an epidemic that must be dealt with,” says Salmon. This new facility will be able to service thousands from the Five Towns. Five Towns resident Ms. California Roll, who was so addicted to sushi that, yes, she legally changed her name to reflect her love, is a reformed sushaholic and an advocate of the clinic. She says the clinic saved her life. “You don’t understand how bad my sushaddiction was,” she says, “it messed my whole schedule up, I simply made sushi runs all day and had no time for anything else.” She says, “Before I became a sushiholic I used to go to Bloomingdales every morning, at noon I would make my shoe run to Henri Bendel then I would go to Chanel for my bag shopping. But since I got sushaddiction, it has all been downhill.” But thankfully, the clinic has healed Ms. Roll and she is back to her usual five day a week shopping schedule. She says that she once again feels like she is a functional member of society. Ms. Maki Tampura, another for-

mer sushiholic, believes that the Sushi Detox Clinic’s new facility is a welcome addition to the Five Towns. She says that there are many sushiholics who don’t even realize their addiction. “I mean, like, I know people who like need sushi like whenever it’s sunny outside, whenever it’s raining outside, whenever it’s above fifty degrees and whenever it’s below fifty degrees.” Ms. Tampura admits that she realized her addiction when as a seventeenyear-old girl she crashed her first-ever car into a new sushi shop. She was simple so excited that she simply couldn’t help herself. She says that the incident can’t be simply be tied to bad driving because in the two years since it happened, she has been a very safe driver and has only been involved in six accidents. According to Mr. Sashimi, the new facility will have five hundred beds, but they won’t be regular beds, they will be made of—what else, but—rice. The floors will have a comfortable coating of Nori (which is dried seaweed, for all you who are ignorant), Kombu and Wakami. The facility will also feature an Olympic-sized soy sauce pool and a wasabi mud pool. The purpose, he says, is that the patients learn to live with themselves and their addiction. Obviously, like every good idea, there are detractors. The Five Towns Sushi Alliance has vehemently opposed the clinic and has promised to take all necessary actions to prevent its success. They have already began demonstrating outside of the clinic. On numerous occasions, the sushi union has sent the finest Five Towns shokunim (chefs) to the clinic to stand outside with the finest fish, in order to entice patients to leave the treatment facility. They say, “This building should be used for a library, especially since hand-held books are becoming increasingly popular.” What can I say, there’s just something fishy about that argument.

Chris Christie Provides Support for Far Rockaway and the Five Towns After Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is a rising political star and the face Supporting the community in Chosen Island of Hurricane Sandy relief, came to the Five Towns last week to provide inspiration and support. The carefullychoreographed trip was originally planned by local organizations. However, in the final hours of preparation, Governor Christie informed community leaders that he had unilaterally changed the itinerary. Although confused about the last minute change in plans, Sampling the new confections at Dunkin’ community leaders eagerly anticipated the visit. Mr. Christie asked that community away Turnpike and Burnside Avenue, leaders meet him at the corner of Rock- as, in his estimation, that was a particu-

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T hTeHJEeJwE W i s IhS H oHmOeM nE nF M e bAY r u 2a 4ry, 2012 2 1 , 2013

Sushi Detox Center to Open In Five Towns

H Ei sJhE W T h e J eTw H oI SmHe HnO MF Ee bnr uMaAY ry 2241,, 2012 2013

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Eating truffles with the Krohn brothers

larly hard-hit area. Mr. Christie arrived and made his way into Dunkin Donuts. Patrons in the store were awestruck as Mr. Christie spoke about our ability to bounce back from disaster. “These doughnuts show the resilience of this great community,” he said. “For two weeks after the storm, the doughnut machines were silenced and, you know, people could faint if they don’t have their doughnuts. But now they are back—chocolate, glazed, custard, jelly, lemon, they all sit

on racks behind me. This is a testament to the courage, conviction and ingenuity of this great town.” The inspired patrons were then told to return later to purchase doughnuts as, for security purposes, Mr. Christie needed to be alone for a while. Looking very happy, with powder on his tie, Mr. Christie emerged from Dunkin Donuts several minutes later and proceeded with his tour of the Five Towns. After stopping in at Berrylicious, just to say hi and of course, grab

some ice cream, the governor’s party was overheard telling a nearby advisor that “you know, we really should have proceeded to Carlos & Gabby’s. When a reporter asked the governor gone to a pizza shop which is staying why he was visiting that restaurant if it open.” Thus, the group turned their atdidn’t really sustain Hurricane Sandy tention to David’s Pizza. Upon arriving damage, the governor responded that at David’s, the Governor was greeted by the question represents everything that David’s thousand watt smile. When ofis wrong with the Republican Party to- fered a slice, the Governor said that he day. “We are a nation of immigrants and just wanted to stop in to say hello...and we must embrace immigration reform, eat more pizza. Upon leaving David’s, the Govhe said. “Here’s a successful kosher restaurant owned by two Mexicans and I ernor said that as he was preparing am going there because it is a shining to meet Hurricane Sandy victims, he example of what immigrants can ac- wanted to pick up a little something for them. Without missing a beat, he procomplish.” According to those in C&G’s at the ceeded to Le Chocolat where the dapper time of the visit, Mr. Christie ordered Krohn brothers greeted him. Mr. Chrisseveral Cedarhurst Sandwiches in hon- tie played some air guitar while nodding “yes” as he slowly ate some butor of the hard-hit community. When community leaders asked Mr. terscotch truffles. (He asked the Krohn Christie if he would like to inspect some Brothers to play the national anthem at hard-hit areas, he responded that he was interested, but thought that it would be a good idea to go to lunch first. He chose Sabra Pizza. A reporter pointed out that Sabra was closing in a few days. Mr. Christie responded, “That’s Supporting the amigos at Carlos & Gabby’s stupid. You see you guys always try to play ‘gotch ya.’ his next inauguration...if they would You think I’m dumb enough to come bring some chocolate with them.) Mr. Christie clearly did his hometo Central Avenue and not taste Sabra Pizza before it closes?” The visit to Sa- work about the Five Towns and said bra turned it to be quit historic: it can be to his advisors, “How can we come said with certainty—due to the pending to this neighborhood and not visit the closure of the store—that Mr. Christie Zepolli King? We must go to Pizza Piwas the first and last person to ever visit ous.” At this point, community activists Sabra and single-handedly eat two pies. were beginning to worry— Mr. ChrisUpon leaving Sabra, Mr. Christie tie was headed in the wrong direction.

Governor Christie visits Sushi Tokyo

David greeting the Governor with his thousand-watt smile

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However, after some zeppolis (and pizza), Mr. Christie’s motorcade zoomed down Central Avenue towards Far Rockaway. And then, upon seeing Chosen Island, Mr. Christie pointed out that islands were some of the hardest hit areas. “I can’t not go into Chosen Island and provide encouragement.” Forty minutes –and three sesame chickens—later, he emerged and announced that although he wants to visit hard struck areas, he had to get back Downing two pies at Sabra to New Jersey in time for dinner. He promised the disappointed community leaders that he would return...as soon as he gets a larger belt.

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Ask the Rabbi The Love of Hate Dear Rabbi, Why do we rejoice on Purim over the downfall of Haman and Amalek instead of focusing on just our salvation? Why are we commanded to “wipe out the memory of Amalek from under the heaven—never forget!” (Deut. 25:19). Is hatred a Jewish value? The Rabbi Responds: The modern progressive society and culture in which we live preaches tolerance and respect for all people, regardless of their creed, color, religion, or lifestyle. There is great benefit to that approach, as it has afforded Jews freedoms never beheld by our ancestors since the destruction of the Second Temple. Despite the continued existence and even growth of anti-Semitism around the world, it remains socially and politically unacceptable in most of the civilized western world to blatantly discriminate against Jews, or to express anti-Semitic sentiments publicly. There is, however, a drawback to this social acceptance for all beliefs, values, and behaviors. Indiscriminate respect of every opinion, value, and behavior is an oxymoron, because to respect everything, is to respect nothing. When evaluating contradictory approaches, to legitimize one is to belittle the other. The attention we pay to be politically correct and display universal acceptance of everything is partially borne out of the love of convenience rather than love of mankind. It is far eas-

If we are truly committed loyal servants of Hashem, then ideas, values, and behaviors that are antithetical to the Torah should affect us emotionally. ier to preach or feign acceptance and tolerance than to confront immorality and evil and deal with the discomfort and backlash from those who will be offended. Oftentimes, universal acceptance is not a sign of greatness; it is a sign of weakness. This weakness is manifest in the hesitance of so many western countries to condemn societies that cultivate terrorism and radical Islam, the lack of conviction among segments of religious leadership to repudiate certain lifestyle habits, and even the political arguments of moral equivalence and justification of evil. Judaism does preach love of all mankind as a supreme value, but hatred too has its place. Intellectual rejection and even condemnation of evil is not enough. Hatred is a passionate and emotional rejection, and emotions are a barometer to the extent that our values have been integrated into our essence. A lack of emotion is an indication of distance, while strong emotions are indicative of feeling personally affected. This is equally true regarding our responses to good or

bad things. When one hears in the news about a tragic incident that occurred to a stranger, he may feel something, but if that incident occurred to a close friend, it should move him/her to tears. If it is a close relative, he/she may be inconsolable. Conversely, when I hear that some poor fellow won the $150 million Powerball jackpot, instead of feeling happy for someone else’s good fortune, I’m thinking, “Why couldn’t that be me?” If I heard that it was my best friend, I’d be jumping for joy (and making sure we stayed best friends). If we are truly committed loyal servants of Hashem, then ideas, values, and behaviors that are antithetical to the Torah should affect us emotionally. While we must have love and compassion for all people, we need to foster an emotional rejection of the sinner’s evil ways. Even within ourselves resides an evil inclination and we all succumb occasionally. If we want to become better people, the first step in self perfection is to recognize and identify our imperfections. But, in order to improve and sustain change, we must also become emotionally sensitized to those issues. Again, this does not mean self-

Yehoshua Levy

loathing. It means loathing destructive and immoral behaviors which will enable us to conquer temptation. This is accomplished through the study of Torah, and its values. Amalek is the epitome of evil. The attack on the Jewish nation following the Exodus was not only baseless, unwarranted, and irrational, but also selfdestructive, as they were aware of the miracles that decimated the greatest world power. Yet, their passionate hatred of G-d and the Jews led them to act in an irrational manner. Haman, a scion of Amalekite ancestry, had such arrogance that he chose to annihilate all Jews because he felt insulted by one Jew. When Mordechai refused to bow to Haman, his ego was so hurt that all his wealth and prestige were of no comfort. He was afraid to reveal that he was so obsessed by something so trivial that instead of simply ordering Mordechai’s execution, he masterminded an elaborate and very expensive scheme to libel the entire Jewish nation, legislating an irrevocable royal edict calling for mass genocide of millions of innocent men women and children. Purim is a time to let our emotions free. We rejoice and celebrate the atrophy of evil. We are commanded to remember the heinous crimes of Amalek, the self-proclaimed enemy of G-d. We are commanded to confront evil, and obliterate every last vestige of its existence. And so, the answer is “yes.” Hatred of wickedness is a Jewish value. As much is the passionate love of goodness. A Freilichin Purim, Yehoshua Levy

Please note, the information written above is not meant as a rabbinic ruling. If you have any questions, please consult your rabbinic authority for clarification. Yehoshua Levy, a teacher of Torah, is a writer and lecturer who dares to think outside the box to bring his thought-provoking insights and facts to his readers. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at editor@fivetownsjewishhome.com.

Thought Rebbetzin Breindy Reiss


The Awesome Power of Mishloach Manos

veryone would like to see Moshiach come. Young children hope their mitzvah notes will help. Many children are taught that each mitzvah they do is like a brick to be added to the Third Bais Hamikdosh. In elementary school, we all sang Ani Maamin in sweet unison at each and every assembly. Often, I would close my eyes and truly feel that if we sang it with all our hearts, I could then open my eyes and see him. At camp a very popular tune had the lyrics, “We want Moshiach now, we want Moshiach now, we don’t want to wait!” At Color War, the judges sometimes gave extra points for the team that sang that song the best. Often the teams would make a presentation about our longing for Moshiach, in addition to their theme. There were many Melave Malkas, campfires and other musical occasions where we would hold hands, resonating softly and with pure souls, singing of our longings for Moshiach. Every school Shabbaton will devote the time between Seudah Shlishis and havdala to soft sincere nigunim like “Kol Berama Nishma” and “The Little Bird is Calling” to express our yearning for Ben Dovid. In addition to our tefilos, saying Tehillim and speeches that always end on that note, Klal Yisroel shows her yearning to be reunited with Hashem yisborach in Yerushalayim in many additional ways Alas, he is still not here. However “siz nenter vee vyter,” “it is sooner (to happen) than later.” In entering the world of chinuch, we adults get the opportunity to unite with the youth in their sincere uplifting desire to see Moshiach now. Unfortunately, there are those who have unusual approaches to bringing about this great event. Let me share the following true story with you. We were sitting at a staff meeting and one experienced teacher despondently declared: “Chutzpah has reached an all time high!” Everyone reacted sympathetically and perhaps also out of curiosity, by asking the famous question: “What happened now?” The teacher began, “A girl was acting very chutzpadik in class. Not wanting to embarrass her, I waited until the end of the period and found an inconspicuous place to speak with her. Gently, I explained step by step, what she

had done wrong. She then answered me, “But it says in Reb Elchonon Wasserman’s sefer Ikvasa DiMisheicha, Epoch of the Messiah, that the generation that precedes the coming of the Moshiach will be very chutzpadik. All I am doing is my part to help bring Moshiach!” We were all dumbfounded by the talmida’s comment. Some staff members had their jaws opened so wide that a baseball could have entered with ease! There were no words in our collected expertise as to how to respond to this! That staff meeting is etched in my memory. Having gone through many more years of teaching, having heard the plight of many colleagues and having read countless articles on the subject, I have come to some conclusions! IT DOESN”T WORK!!!! Take all the

the problem. Even if they did, it is really minor considering all the heartache and missed opportunities of sharing family simchas that result. Rabbi Cohen suggested that if any student who was listening to his speech knew of a situation in his/her family where two relatives were not speaking to each other for an extended period of time and especially if they “dragged” other family members into this “feud,” they should follow his advice. Given that in the hustle and bustle of preparing mishloach manos, it’s hard to keep track of every delivery from one’s home, the student should prepare and bring a beautiful package to the relative that is not being spoken to, in the name of the family

Some staff members had their jaws opened so wide that a baseball could have entered with ease!

chutzpah of students worldwide, add to it all the ‘adult’ chutzpah and top it all with the world’s chutzpah, and we see that Moshiach is still not here! There is no question that ‘being chutzpadik on purpose’ is no way to bring Moshiach! So, if being chutzpadik has not made Moshiach come, the question remains: How does one bring Moshiach? What do we have to “fix” or “do” to hasten the Final Redemption? The answer is: you have to follow the Mishloach Manos Approach! The Mishloach Manos Approach Rabbi Nochum Cohen is a famous rav, mashpia, and expert in chinuch from Eretz Yisroel. The Rav shlita once addressed a school assembly I attended. The timing was some time before Purim and he shared the following with us: In Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Nochum Cohen addressed many assemblies and shared with them a unique idea. There are unfortunate situations in some families where one person and their respective family are not on speaking terms with another relative and their respective family. Often if you asked the two relatives why they were not talking to each other, they may not even clearly recall the original incident that sparked

member in the student’s home who is upset with that party. Rav Cohen added the thought that there should be no hesitation whatsoever to do. Shortly after Purim, a high school girl who had listened to the Rav speak made an appointment to see him. She told Rav Cohen that in her family, her mother and aunt were not on speaking terms with each other for many years. They forbade their children from speaking to their cousins and many family simchas were not celebrated together. The talmidah told the Rav that to the best of her knowledge, no one even knew the original reason for the ill will in the family. The girl explained that the two large families lived near each other and it was very uncomfortable for everyone trying to avoid each other. The girl listened to the Rav’s advice on Purim. She prepared a beautiful mishloach manos and brought it to her aunt’s home claiming that it was from her mother. Well, her aunt was very touched by the gesture. She prepared an even more lavish mishloach manos and had it delivered to her sister whom she had had no word from for so many years. Her mother was sincerely touched by her sister’s gesture and she prepared a more extravagant mishloach

manos and sent it with a special note to her sister. Now as far as the girl’s aunt was concerned, this was the second mishloach manos she received from her sister and she sent an even more ostentatious one this time! Rav Nochum Cohen ended his speech by telling us that this ‘mishloach manos’ kept repeating itself until finally both families who had not spoken to each other for years, sat down together to a beautiful Purim Seudah! The Chofetz Chaim zt”l taught that we must be mitakain, fix, the reason we were placed in this long exile if we want to be redeemed. Chazal have told us that the Second Bais Hamikdosh was destroyed because of baseless hatred. We must feel genuine love for all Jews. Purim is a special Yom Tov with the potential to unify and bring about the Geulah! Esther asked Mordechai to gather the Jewish people together to pray for salvation. Their prayers were especially effective because they were unified as one. This means that in the Jewish calendar, Purim is a powerful time to foster unity among all members of Klal Yisroel. The mitzvah of mishloach manos is a great opportunity to ‘break the ice’ between relatives and for that matter any people, who are not communicating in a positive way with each other. As we do our Purim shopping, gathering the items for Mishloach Manos, let us also widen our “whom to give to?” list. Hopefully Hashem will be pleased with our unity just as He was with the Jewish people who gathered together in the days of Mordechai and Esther. May we merit His salvation speedily! This article was written Lizecher nishmas our maternal grandfather Aryeh Leib ben Yoseph a”h (niftar 7 Adar)and lizecher nishmas our maternal aunt Tzipora Baila bas Aryeh Leib a”h (niftatra 9 Adar)

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Fun Mordechai Schmutter

Thoughts From the Throne


s a published writer, I sometimes run into the issue of people assuming that I know things. I must, since I’m published. Right? So they feel they can send me questions at any time. And I do mean “any time.” This week, in honor of Purim, I’m going finally to get around to answering some questions that were sent in about 2,400 years ago. Okay, so my turnaround isn’t that bad. This column is actually a rerun. The original version ran in The Jewish Home on February 20, 356 BCE, right next to the The Shmuz column.

Dear Mordechai, I’m in the process of building a throne with ornate lions and steps, and the lions keep getting up and attacking the contractors. What should I do? I’ve been king for over 2 years now, and I have nowhere to sit. Standing, Persia Dear Standing, You don’t have to use real lions. No one’s gonna know. I’ll tell you what: Don’t use real lions, but don’t let anyone near enough to see that they’re fake. Like maybe you can have some kind of rule where no one can approach the throne without permission.

Dear Mordechai, I’ve been invited to a party at the palace for an entire year, but I might have some scheduling conflicts. Should I go? Conflicted, Media Dear Conflicted, Do you really want to go to a party that’s a year long? You go to a party that’s three hours long, and halfway through you’re looking around for your wife. What do you think they’re going to be doing there? You eat a course, you get up and dance, you eat the next course, you get up and dance, you eat another course… Remember how sick of food you are after a three-day Yom Tov? Plus, I bet there’s going to be speeches. And imagine how much you’re going to have to pay the babysitter. But on the other hand, I hear there’s an open bar.

Dear Red, Maybe if you put some ribbons in the tail, no one will notice the pimples. I would also suggest growing a huge horn in the middle of your head.

Dear Mordechai, Me again. It’s been a few hours, and my wife is yelling something about her grandfather. Can I have her beheaded NOW already? Beyond Plastered, Shushan Dear Beyond, I’d say. The next thing you know, women are going to wear the pants, and we’re going to have to carry their shopping bags, and listen when they talk, and every time we want to go out, we’re going to have to be like, “Honey, I’m going to be home at eight. Is that okay?” I would say that you should find whichever one of your advisors has the scariest wife and listen to his unbiased opinion. Especially if he has a near-sighted daughter that he’s hoping to marry into royalty.

Dear Mordechai, I just woke up with the hangover of my life, and I can’t remember a single thing that’s happened in the past year. My palace is in shambles, my wife’s been beheaded, I can’t find my scepter, and there’s a camel in the bathtub. What happened? Confused, Location Unknown Dear Confused, If you’d like, you can get up to speed by going to www.fivetownsjewishhome. com.

Dear Mordechai, I have a question about shidduchim. I’m currently in the parsha, but I’m getting a little sick of the whole dating scene. It’s always the same restaurants and the same lounges, and everyone there knows me already, and every girl is like, “Wow, you’re a king? I’m going into O.T.!” and I always get stuck with the bill. I’d love to just bypass this whole step. Texting, Dougies

Dear Mordechai, I summoned my wife to my party, and she’s been in her dressing room for like an hour, and she still hasn’t come out. Should I have her beheaded, or what? Plastered, Shushan Dear Plastered, I’d give it time. An hour is nothing. Come back to me when it’s been several hours and she’s yelling through the door about how she doesn’t even want to go in the first place, and it’s just going to be your friends, and how her grandfather right about you.

Dear Mordechai, How does one cover up a whole bunch of pimples? Red-faced, Dressing Room PS – I also have a tail.

Dear Texting, Have you tried speed dating? Force all the women to line up outside your palace, and you’ll get through all of them in like a perek.


Dear Mordechai, I’m getting married, and I’m Jewish, but my husband is not a big fan of the Jews. Should I mention it? I feel like it might be too late. Anonymous, Shushan

Dear Anonymous, No, don’t mention it. He’ll love that, actually. If I know your husband, his previous wife was the type to never stop talking about her lineage. (“That’s not how my grandfather used to rule a kingdom!” “That’s not how my grandfather used to get drunk!”) And if there’s one thing a man loves, it’s never having to meet his inlaws.

Dear Mordechai, I’m trying to learn Torah at the palace gates, but it’s very noisy over here. “Ooh, I hope the king marries me!” “I wonder if he’s going to throw a big party like the last time!” “Hey, let’s poison the king!” These people do not stop talking. What should I do? Frustrated, Palace Gates Dear Frustrated, If you hear something, say something. Best case scenario, the situation will take care of itself, and you can go back to learning.

Dear Mordechai, I have reason to believe that some of my servants are trying to kill me. But when I ask them, I don’t understand a single word they’re saying. Should I just have a drink and try to forget about it? Paranoid, Location undisclosed Dear Paranoid, Maybe you should ease up on the drinking for a second.

Dear Mordechai, There is this one guy at work who just does not bow down to me. What should I do? Haman, Amalek Dear Haman, That’s a first-world problem, dude. You’re on your own.

Dear Mordechai, There’s a new law that everyone has to prostrate themselves in front of Haman. What is “prostrate,” and is it covered by my insurance? Worried, Shushan Dear Worried, Just try to avoid him.

Dear Mordechai, I can’t decide which day to kill all the Jews. Should I just pick a date out of a hat? I have a new hat. Haman, Taschen


Dear Haman, I cannot suggest killing whole groups of people in a family newspaper. But it’s nice to know that, as an elected official, your schedule is so wide open that you literally do not care which day you’re going to do this.

Dear Mordechai, I had a brand-new four-cornered hat, and my daughter cut off one of the corners. Should I hang her on a big tree? Fuming, Taschen Dear Fuming, People aren’t really hanging their kids anymore. Maybe you should punish her with extra chores, like putting her in charge of emptying the chamber pots for a week.

Dear Mordechai, My wife invited me to a party that’s just her and me and one other guy. Is that weird? Hungry, Shushan Dear Hungry, It’s hard to say.

Dear Mordechai, I need to build a gallows to hang my coworker, and according to my wife, who by the way does not wear the pants, it absolutely must be 50 amos high. My question is this: Why can I never find anyone to help me at Home Depot? Lost, Home Depot Dear Lost, Um, I might have told people to avoid you.

Dear Mordechai, What on earth should be done to the man whom the king wants to honor? Sleepless, Shushan Dear Sleepless, I’d say you should pay him in kind. Like if he saved your life, you should maybe try not to sign any decrees that would end his. But if it’s too late for that, then maybe a nice horsie ride.

Dear Mordechai, I have to go to a party with the king and queen in about five minutes, and I’m totally covered in garbage, which is the only thing covering up the horse smell. What do I do? Dripping, the foyer Dear Dripping, Again, first-world problems. Got a question? We’ll try to answer it within 2,400 years.

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Purim Fun

My Israel Home Gedaliah Borvick

As Told By

Purim Fun

the Chocolate Boy… On a quiet, little street hidden behind years of unfortunate happenings, there stood a lonely beacon of light. A tiny light in a world of Greek salads, and nonfat, gluten free, preservative-free, fair trade, organic, tasteless muffins. For the sake of not pointing hungry fingers, let’s call this light Mr. Fudge. Mr. Fudge was a thing of character. Dedicated to making people smile. But dark clouds were forming and times were advancing in a direction opposing all things healthy. The cookie that had once brought joyous shouts was suddenly silent. The little truffle enrobed in its Swiss milk chocolate goodness was no longer selected, for it contained the shunned and no longer uttered “calories.” You see, my friends, the years of healthy energetic and beautiful humans was being replaced by hungry, stressed and all around frustrated souls smothered in $150 moisturizers. Once upon a moon, calories were consumed to bring life to our bodies. Treats were granted to fill us with a moment of delight and joy. Moderation was something more than a burden. It was freedom. Freedom to enjoy the delights G-d gave us. There is no Splendacane! The Bible does not tell stories of our great leaders using the Atkins diet. A loaf of bread and a long

walk in the desert was the way of our ancestors. Kohanim did not eat tofu cows nor were the holy breads gluten-free. So surrounded by low-salt feta cheese and zumba classes pounding the sidewalks, Mr. Fudge vowed to help steer his community back to its healthy roots. Gathering his wits, he tweeted a tweet heard around the globe @hungryworld #thefountainofyouthwasliquidchocolate. Within hours, it was trending. And the people rose up... but then fell, for they were weak. Hatzolah was called and within 47 seconds they had teams of volunteers hooking people up to milk chocolate drips. It was not long before people started to regain their strength. The smiles began to shine through. Laughter could once again be heard echoing around the city streets. In droves they came to pay tribute to the wise Mr. Fudge. They drank in his words until they were once again sated. And he told them, “Remember friends, freedom is allowing yourself to indulge in G-d’s awesome world. Freedom is living in moderation. Do not fear the calorie. It is your energy. Do not neglect bread for it will sustain you. And certainly make time to enjoy a piece of chocolate for therein lies a doorway to a happy life.”

Beware of Realtors’ Puffery


n the spirit of Purim, let’s have some fun defining some terms that Israeli realtors might use to put a positive spin on home features that are somewhat less than appealing.

Charming – Do you want to revisit the “chalutz” period of Israel in the early 1900’s, complete with dirt floor and outdoor plumbing? If so, this home is perfect for you. Conveniently Located – At the intersection of King George and Yaffo, right above a 24-hour schwarma joint. Apartment comes with “his and hers” ear and nose plugs. Country Living – We hope you enjoy driving because this home is centrally located between Eilat and Cairo. Cozy – Remember stories of your zaydie living with his mamma and pappa and nine sisters and brothers in a 2-bedroom tenement apartment in the Lowest East Side? This is the home for them. Friendly Neighborhood – In fact, several Sephardic grandmothers will be happy to lecture you on how you’re not putting enough layers of clothing on your baby – in Bet Shemesh! – in the summer! Good Value – This property will never be taxed, as the owner never received a building permit. Handyman’s Special – Reminds me of a house in the Old City the day after the final shot was fired in the Six Day War. Intimate – The only home smaller than “cozy.” These homes are perfect if you’d feel comfortable living in a sukkah.

Must See The Inside – Because the exterior hearkens back to the summer you volunteered in a Negev development town. Needs Some TLC – Nothing like star gazing from your bed – through the roof! Old World Charm – I don’t want to say the place is old, but the graffiti is in Latin. Only One Owner – And he hasn’t made any renovations since David Ben Gurion declared Israel’s independence on May 15, 1948. Plenty of Parking – Teddy Stadium is across the street. Unique – Think of the builtin falafel bar in the center of the living room as a great conversation piece. Water Views – If you stand on a ladder in the corner bedroom of the second floor and lean precariously out the window, you might be able to see the Mediterranean Sea on a clear day. Water Front –Don’t stick your head out of the living room window

when your upstairs neighbor is doing “sponga” unless you’re in dire need of a shower. MY ISRAEL HOME wishes our readers a Freilichen Purim! This article originally appeared in TJH in 2011. “My Israel Home” is a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy homes in Israel. To explore purchasing opportunities, you may contact Gedaliah at gborvick@myisrael home.com. To read previous articles, please visit his blog at www.myisrael home.com.

Kitchen Mordechai Schmutter

The Disorganized Kitchen Magazine recipes are all the same. You have a gorgeous picture of how the food is supposed to look but never actually does when you’re finished making it, and they post a cooking time that is totally not realistic, especially since, about 20 minutes into putting the recipe together, you’re going to realize you don’t have eggs. Recipes are designed for a perfect world where nothing burns and everything looks like the pictures, and the writer “made it for the family, and they absolutely loved it, and didn’t get sick a few hours later.” This recipe, on the other hand, is set in the real world. I can explain further, but let’s be honest: none of you are reading this far. Who reads the introduction to a recipe? The only people who have that kind of time are people who have no intention of making the recipe at all – the kind of people who read recipes like they do science fiction: They get to the end and they go, “Well, THAT’S not going to happen.”

Realistic Hamantashen PREPARATION TIME: 1 day YIELD: approx. 40 cookies SERVES: 1 person DOUGH 3 eggs, bought from store 1 cup sugar ½ cup oil (or a cup in which ½ of it doesn’t have oil) Juice from 1 naval orange (or any military-grade orange). (Alternatively, you can use a ½ cup orange juice. Drink the other half; we don’t care.) Juice from one lemon (even a civilian lemon) or 1-3 tbsp. of lemon juice 5 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt (We don’t know why either.) JELLY Jelly of some sort (strawberry jelly, prune jelly, petroleum jelly, etc.) There is also a version of this recipe that has you making the jelly out of fruit, sugar, and boiling water. But who are we kidding? INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a noisy kitchen, preheat oven to 375o. 2. Fahrenheit. 3. Wonder what that smell is. 4. Suddenly remember that you left some Tupperware in the oven after the meal on Shabbos so the guests wouldn’t see it. 5. Turn off the oven and scrape out the melted plastic. 6. Mix the first three ingredients, then the fifth, and then the fourth. 7. Tell your children that it’s not time to lick the bowl yet. 8. Spend twenty minutes rummaging through the drawers, looking for the spatula. 9. In a separate bowl that somehow still fits your stand mixer, mix the sixth and eighth ingredients, and then fold it into the first bowl.

10. Using a third bowl that you borrowed from a neighbor, mix the seventh ingredient with itself and fold that in as well. Or just say, “Forget it,” and dump everything into one bowl in the first place. Ingredients are ingredients, we believe. 11. Weaving around the multiple stepstools that your kids set up to watch you, put the mixture in the fridge and allow to chill at 38o. 12. Tell your children that it’s not time to lick the bowl yet. 13. Whenever you remember (allow 6-8 days), take mixture out of the fridge and say, “How long has this been here? Oh, that’s right.” 14. With floured hands, on a floured surface, while standing on a floured floor, and just generally surrounded by mounds and mounds of flour, roll out mixture into small amounts ¼ inch thick. 15. Using a relatively clean drinking glass or a garbage can lid, cut dough into neat circles. 16. Apply jelly to the center of each circle with a spoon or a turkey baster. You can be as cheap as you like with the jelly, but people will know. 17. Pinch the edges of the dough into triangles, bearing in mind that most of them will pop open. 18. Using an oven mitt or a yarmulke, place cookies in the oven. 19. On a cookie sheet, genius! 20. Cookies are ready when the smoke alarm goes off. (At least 20-25 minutes, assuming you remembered to turn the oven back on.) (EDITOR’S NOTE: If you make it past the jokes, this is actually a very good recipe. And I haven’t gotten sick. Yet.)

Purim Gragger for Your Toddler Devorah Gerber Schmeltz


urim is one of my favorite holidays—a day bursting with positive energy and good fun. We tap into our senses in quite a way on Purim: hearing, touching, tasting, moving etc. With this inspiration, I’d like to share with you a crafty and fun project, especially for toddlers. Supplies: Empty water bottle with label removed or any container that can be closed Dry rice Colorful Stickers Funnel Have your child decorate the bottle with stickers (think fine motor skills). Place a few teaspoons of dry rice into the bottle, a funnel will make it less messy. Tightly close the bottle (you may also secure the cap with some duct tape). Bravo! You now have a fun rice

shaker. Your toddler will have lots of fun shaking it. Rice shakers produce a calming, almost oceanlike noise when you turn it slowly and allow the rice move around. Don’t forget, Pesach is around the corner, and this gragger contains kitnayos! Happy Purim! -Devorah Devorah (Gerber) Schmeltz, MS OTR/L is a 2003 alumnus of Downstate Medical Center’s OT Program. She is a senior occupational therapist at United Cerebral Palsy’s Brooklyn Children’s Program. Devorah maintains a private practice, Bumble & Tumble Occupational Therapy P.C., in Far Rockaway, NY providing pediatric occupational and physical therapy. Department of Education vouchers/RSAs are gladly accepted. Your questions and comments are welcome. She can be reached at BumbleTumble Therapy@gmail.com or 917-971-5327.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

In The


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


In the Kitchen Naomi Nachman his week, with Purim coming up, I wanted create a fabulous appetizer for my seuda. I thought about the banquet that Achashverosh had and the spices that were used in the Persian region (the Middle East). The recipe below features cumin, curry, cilantro, chick peas and garlic. I came up with this


delicious fish dish which I now call “Shushan White Fish” in honor of the city in which the Purim story took place. This recipe is great because it doubles easily and can also be frozen. I have also included two delicious appetizers for your seuda as well.

Avocado Egg Rolls

Middle Eastern White Fish

Ingredients 1-1/2 lbs chopped red onion 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 3 tablespoons finely chopped garlic 1-1/4 cups fresh lime juice 6 oz chopped dried tomato (packed in oil) 1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1-1/2 tablespoons ground cumin 1-1/2 tablespoons salt 12 medium California Avocados, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 24 egg roll wrappers

Preparation Sauté onion in oil until soft, about 5 minutes. Stir in garlic; cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat; stir in lime juice, tomato, cilantro, cumin, and salt; fold in avocado. Cool to room temperature. For each roll, lay an egg roll wrapper on a work surface with corner at top. Put 1/2 cup cooled filling in a line from left to right on the center of the egg roll wrapper, leaving a 1-inch border on each side. Pull top corner over filling; fold in sides. Roll once toward bottom corner. Moisten remaining corner with water; press firm to roll. Reserve on a lightly floured sheet pan, sealed side down. Note: Egg rolls may be prepared to this point a few hours before cooking Deep fry 2 egg rolls at 375°F until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Cut on the diagonal. Serve immediately. This recipe was adapted from the California Avocado Commission.

Sole, flounder, tilapia and salmon can also be used. Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, diced 1 tablespoon curry powder ½ teaspoon of cumin 1 can of chick peas 8 portions fish (about 2 sides), filleted ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper 3 gloves garlic, minced or 4 cubes from Gefen frozen package 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro or 6 cubes from Sabra frozen package 1 plum tomato, diced 1 cup tomato sauce Kosher salt, to taste Water Preparation Heat large sauté pan for a minute and then add oil. Add onion and sauté until soft. Add in the chick peas and stir for a minute. Add curry powder and cumin and cook for another minute while stirring. Place fish fillets skin side up on top of mixture. Cook for a few minutes and turn to coat other side and cook for another 3 minutes. In a small bowl, mix cayenne pepper, garlic, cilantro, tomato, tomato sauce, garlic and salt. Pour over fish in sauté pan. Add enough water to cover fish. Bring to boil, then lower to simmer for another 20 minutes on low until fish is cooked through. Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website,www.theaussiegourmet.com or at (516) 295-9669.

Spicy Sweet Potato Hamentashen As a variation you can use mushroom filling or spinach too. Ingredients 2 sheets puff pastry 2 sweet potatoes 1 teaspoon honey ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ¼ cumin Salt 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 egg Preparation Peel the sweet potatoes and boil them until they are soft, then drain. Once they are slightly cooled, mash them with a fork. Add honey, cinnamon, cumin, salt and. Mix well. Cut defrosted puff pastry dough into 3-4 inch round with a cookie cutter. Brush water over circle to help the edges stick when you pinch to form the triangle. Place the filling inside the center and bring up 3 sides of the dough to form a hamentashen. Brush hamentashen sides with egg wash and bake on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper at 375° for 20- 25 minutes until golden. See folding guide below. Serve warm.

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93 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Purim is always so much fun for the children. For those of us who have to prepare the Seuda, we can bring on fun for everyone too — even at the meal. Here’s one idea for doing so. Why not utilize a “Venahafichu” approach at the Purim table by serving dessert first! Well, at least something that looks like dessert. I plan to make spicy sweet potato hamentashen as my appetizer and will have them plated just a few minutes before we are about to eat. Everyone will sit down and think I gave them dessert first — but I will really have given them a yummy beginning to what will be a delicious, festive and yom tov meal!

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013




Avi Heiligman

The Forgotten Heroes of the Purim Story as per Midrash Avi


his column is usually reserved modern day military (or defense) heroes but the writer felt compelled to write a version of the Purim story that has details previously unknown to historians. The information written herein was found in a newly found sefer that was discovered by the incomparable Yonah Motzah, and was given to this writer by his good friend Asher Yotztar. During the beginning of Shachris, he was talking to his friend Baruch Sha’omer and promised him that he, Billy Neder, would write a condensed version for this week’s Jewish Home. The story begins with King IAmAnAcheInTheHead, a.k.a. King Akey, usurping the kingdom from powerful Lord Voldemort who had been sentenced to 20 years in Devil’s Island for not paying tribute to the U.N. He didn’t want to leave, so King Akey hired Harry Potter to place a spell on him and he banished him to a fairy-tell castle forever. Akey was so happy that he decided to make a party for the entire city of Shushan. It wasn’t his capital city but he built a state-of-the-art gym there (his wife was nagging him to lose weight) that was so big that he couldn’t move it to the real capital. King Akey wanted this party to be the talk of the town so he sent messengers to towns around the world to get delicacies that couldn’t be found in his kingdom. He got scotch from Scotland, Bordeaux from France, and tried to get bourbon from Kentucky but the messengers couldn’t understand their southern drawl so they had to settle with sushi from Japan. One thing I forgot to mention earlier was that the reason that King Akey was so fat was because he had a beer belly and that he got drunk pretty much every night. Stay tuned for the rest of the story to hear how that all fits in. All of the Jews from Shushan showed up to this frat party even though Rabbi Mordakay told them not to. At the party, King Akey wanted his wife, Queen Ghastly, to dance in front of the men but she refused to go because she had weeping boils on her face that made her makeup start to melt. King Akey

was so embarrassed by his queen’s noshow that he asked his seven specially trained advisors for their advice on a fitting punishment. The worst smelling of this bunch of used car salesmen was a guy who didn’t have to get dressed up on Purim because he already looked like a mountain gorilla from Kenya. His name was “Hee Haw” Hayman and he demanded that King Akey put Queen Ghasty on a boat with pirates off the coast of Somalia so that sharks could eat her up. Akey listened to his trusted advisor and put her in a boat but before the sharks got to her, Navy SEALs swooped down and killed her with one shot to the head. King Akey was now very sad because he didn’t have a wife so Hayman suggested that they hold a beauty pageant and have all of the pretty girls come to the castle. The rules were simple. There was one judge, King Akey, and he decided the winner. However, he didn’t like any of the girls that came in front of him so far so the king’s men decided to look near. They knew that Mordakay had a beautiful wife because her sheitals were in all of the ads in Hamodia, Yated and The Jewish Home and they knew Akey liked sheitals. The rabbi tried hiding her but they found her in the Pesach closet and dragged her in front of the king. It was love at first sight, for the king at least,and Esther Chana (she had a middle name), related to the owners of Esti Hana (she got special discounts), was soon wearing the queen’s crown. During his lunch break every day from sitting at the castle’s gate, Mordakay would visit Esther. One day he overheard two disgruntled employees of the king, “Big Fat” Tony and “Snakey” Snape, plotting to infest the palace with rats that were infected with a disease that only the king would die

from. Since he was a chemist and understood really long medical terms, Mordakay understood them and informed a messenger who told the queen of the plot. The messenger was Daniel who reportedly survived a roomful of lions but this rumor is unconfirmed and should be relegated to Wikipedia pages only. The queen then told a friend, who told a reporter, who wrote about in the next day’s newspaper and the king was informed of the plot and killed Tony and Snape. It was written about in the chronicles but the king had dementia and forgot to reward Mordakay. After all these events, Hayman somehow was promoted to vice president of the kingdom and didn’t want to be forgotten like other VPs so he schemed and he perspired and wound up with a promotion deal from Adidas. They wanted their socks to be marketed in more overseas markets so they hired Hayman as their spokesman and they told him that they would pay him for any good idea to get people to buy Adidas socks over Nike. So he came up with the idea that anyone seeing him would have to bow down to him. Proclamations went out to the people of Shushan to bow down to Hayman. Mordakay wasn’t very happy with this because Hayman’s feet smelled so bad from the time that Hayman was a servant of Mordakay and he stepped in a vile pile of animal droppings and hadn’t washed his feet since. So Mordakay didn’t want any of the Jews to have to smell his feet and told everyone not to bow down to Hayman. Hayman was so upset that he began to plot and perspire again. His son was with him but had to hold his nose shut with a clothespin because of the stench. In addition to being the king’s

advisor, a barber, a used car salesmen and a former employee of Mordakay, Hayman was also an amateur magician. He wasn’t very good, so he and his son started playing with dice to practice for his latest trick. He took his 12-sided die and rolled it twice. The first time it came up a 12 and the second time a thirteen. His son was so happy and said that 1213 was the winning lottery numbers but Hayman slapped him so hard that his dentures fell out. Haman said it was a sign that he was supposed to kill all the Jews on the 13th day of the 12th month which on the Hebrew calendar is 13 Adar and on the English calendar this year is after Chanukah and a month and a half before the Super Bowl (and this author would proudly like to point out that he is a huge Ravens fan and would like to remind all of his readers who root for the lowly Giants and Jets just exactly who won the Super Bowl this year). Hayman then went to the king and offered him $10 million for permission to kill the Jews but Akey refused the money because he know that the Secret Service was looking for counterfeit bills and soon would come after anyone with that much cash. Anyways he didn’t want 10 million singles that were stamped with “where’s George” all over them. He gave Hayman his special fountain pen given to him by the mayor of Paris to write out the order to kill the Jews on the 13th day of Adar. Special messengers were sent out wearing medieval knight costumes with signs dangling from their necks with the words, “Hear Ye.” After tha,t no one knows what they said but the people got the idea that the Jews were to be wiped out. When Mordakay heard about this, he started saying Tehilim during the Avos U’Banim program and tore his clothes. The Chinese dry cleaners that also did tailoring were thrilled because they would get more business but Daniel wasn’t happy and he told Queen Esther. She sent Mordakay new clothes but he rejected them because they were from Armani and he had signed an exclusive with Under Armor. Mordakay sent a message to the queen that she should go to see the king

come to a banquet and once there invited him for another banquet the following night. Wine companies rejoiced when they heard that Hayman and King Akey would be there as well—they could drink barrels of wine in just one meal. On his way home from the private banquet, Hayman heard Mordakay scream, “Take a shower,” which made him so mad because they weren’t roommates anymore and why should he care if he stunk. Hayman went home thinking of a plan to kill Mordakay immediately. When he got home, his wife, Screechy Zeresh the Zebra, who also looked like she came directly from the zoo, fainted because of the smell. They revived her by doing the Heiligman Maneuver and she said to prepare the electric chair. Her sons asked, “For Mordakay?” “No silly geese, it’s for Daddy’s clothes; I’m going to burn them.” After a kumzitz around the fire in which they burned old school textbooks and “vote Romney” placards (they were Democrats), Hayman and his sons prepared gallows from beams that they stole from a local construction site. (The sons eventually settled out of court with ABC Construction, Inc.). Hayman was so giddy with joy that he skipped like a schoolgirl to the palace. That night, the entire city was buzzing like fruit flies around a moldy banana. The Jews were davening, Hayman was building the gallows, King Akey couldn’t sleep, the Mossad blew up the Iranian nuclear project, and NASA was about to launch a rocket. To help him to try to go to sleep, Hayman’s son, IWasDroppedWhenIWasABaby a.k.a. Crybaby, read to the king from Chronicles I (it was translated into Farsi by the Artscroll’s Iranian division). When they got to the part of Mordakay sav-

ing the king’s life, Crybaby tried to turn the pages but a draft coming from the window kept on turning the book back to the right pages. Finally, the royal ventriloquist, who always stood in the corner, read them out loud. Crybaby was so upset that he wanted to cry in his daddy’s arms. He didn’t have to run far because Hayman came skipping in to ask Akey if he could kill Mordakay that night. Akey was so happy because he was wondering how he could reward Mordakay but he made Hayman believe that he wanted to honor him. So Hayman went into whole speech on how to dress him like a general and ride around in the presidential limousine being driven around by someone the king wanted to punish in a monkey suit. Akey changed it around it to dressing Mordakay in the king’s clothes and Hayman would lead him around but he didn’t have to dress up because he already looked like a monkey. Hayman was so taken aback that he knocked himself down onto the floor and almost caused an aneurism. He slowly went to the Bais Medrash where he found Mordakay giving a shuir and while he was waiting, he went into the coffee room to make a coffee. He found a pen to stir the milk into the coffee and was about to use it, when a bachur screamed, “That might be a flieshig pen” so Hayman had to drink his coffee unstirred. Finally, Mordakay came out and demanded that Hayman give him a haircut and a bath. He was about to protest when Chazzan Helfgott started Shacharis and no one heard Hayman. After getting him ready, Hayman was pushed to the floor so that Mordakay could climb up on the horse. Hayman then led the horse around the city streets with his sons running in front playing Shwekey very loudly from their iPods. Suddenly, a vile pile of garbage was thrown upon Hayman’s head. He looked up and saw his daughter, RejectedFromPreschool, who jumped and died. (In the 5,328 page investigation, the police summed up that she thought there was a trampoline there and wanted to hug her daddy.) Just as she jumped, a knock came at the door. It was Joe the Plumber who came to the Middle East to check out how the sewers were doing in the middle of a tight election. Well, as soon as Rejected jumped, the FBI, CIA, Mossad, SWAT, Navy SEALs, Secret Service, Shomrim, Hatzlolah, Chaverim, Chaptzem and the Far Rockaway Citizen’s Patrol showed and immediately suspected that

Joe pushed her out the window. However, in the long run, they came to the conclusion that Rejected jumped after trying to unclog the backed up toilet and Joe was let free. He was still accused of trying to throw (pun intended) the election for the Republicans. Hayman finished the parade and came home rejected. This time when he walked in house, everyone fainted because of the stench. Two palace guards who came to take him to the queen’s banquet had to prod him with hockey sticks because they couldn’t touch him. When he arrived there, he was shown to the banquet hall where the king gave him a late note for coming late. Then Akey asked Esther for her wish and she said that this smelly man was not only trying to kill the Jews but to take their exclusive sponsorship deal with Sketchers away. King Akey was so mad because he wore an expensive pair of the

most comfortable Sketchers sneakers to help with the bunions on his feet. One of the king’s servants, AManWithAGoodName, informed Akey of the gallows that Hayman had built. Hayman was sentenced to the electric chair and burned while his ten sons were hanged from the gallows. On the 13th of Adar, the Jews fought a big battle with the Arabs who threatened to use weapons of mass destruction. U.N. weapons inspectors never found 

any WMD but they found evidence of biological warfare at Hayman’s house which in reality were his stinky clothes. They also found strong evidence that when he was wanted for war crimes 30 years earlier, he had been hiding out in a compound in Abbatobad, Pakistan, but upon further inquiry Pakistani authorities vehemently denied any association with him. Rabbi Mordakay and Queen Esther tweeted the victory and posted pictures on Facebook. However, the president declared they couldn’t show the world pictures of dead Hayman because they were too gruesome and finally they revealed that they buried him at sea. They declared that the 14th of Adar would be Purim and it would be a day where everyone would drink (depending on your age would determine your liquid. This, my friend, is the real Purim story that took me many years to find all the facts. Modern day Iranian President Machchchchmud INeedToBeWearingAStraightjacket tried to ban any copies of this manuscript from coming into his country but outraged citizens, who can’t stand his bad breath, ordered it online from Amazon. May we see the destruction of this crazy lunatic just like we saw the downfall of his role model, Hayman. G-d Bless America and a grossa yasher koiach to Mordakay, Esther and of course, The One Above for putting this all together (and the food this evening is being sponsored by…).

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions.for future columns and can be reached at aviheiligman@ gmail.com.



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and plead on behalf of the Jewish nation. She was afraid because now she would have to reveal her identity and Akey would want her to cook chulent and gefilte fish and she knew only how to cook Persian foods. Finally, she agreed to go after three days of fasting which made all of the matzoh factories upset because it was on the first day of Pesach and they would lose business. They started a protest and then heard that Esther had only asked the king to

T h e JTeHw h IHSoHm eH OnM EF enb M r uAYa ry , 2013 E Ji sE W 2 42, 12012

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“Say What?” “So can a drink of water make or break a political career?” - CNN’s Wolf Blitzer discussing the “incident” of Marco Rubio taking a sip of water during his rebuttal to the State of the Union address “The most impressive thing about President Obama’s State of the Union speech last night was that he did the whole thing without a single drink of water.” - Jay Leno “President Obama wants Congress to increase the minimum wage. Believe me, when it comes to doing the minimum for their wage, Congress knows what it’s talking about.” - Jay Leno “Yes, I’m Teddy Turner. You can’t pick your parents.” - Liberal icon Ted Turner’s son who is running for Congress as a Conservative in South Carolina when introducing himself to audiences “Be honest. How many of you never heard of Marco Rubio until last night? How many thought Marco Rubio was a game you played in a pool with the kids?” - Jay Leno “Last night while the President was speaking, the Westminster Dog Show wrapped up. The dog show and the State of the Union address are very different, of course. One’s a lot of yapping and prancing and sniffing. And the other is the dog show.” - Craig Ferguson “This is my midlife crisis, the bangs. I couldn’t get a sports car. They won’t let me bungeejump. So instead, I cut my bangs.” - Michelle Obama joking during an interview with talk-show host Rachael Ray “With the Pope retiring, more than 100 cardinals will sequester themselves in the Sistine Chapel to choose the next Pope. They’ll send out white smoke if they’ve chosen somebody, black smoke if they haven’t chosen somebody, and a text message when they find out that it’s 2013.” - Jimmy Fallon

“I am sitting in a lecture by Chuck Hagel at Rutgers. He basically said that Israel has violated every UN resolution since 1967, that Israel has violated its agreements with the quartet, that it was risking becoming an apartheid state if it didn’t allow the Palestinians to form a state. He said that the settlements were getting close to the point where a contiguous Palestinian state would be impossible. He said that he [thought] that Netanyahu was a radical … He said that Hamas has to be brought in to any peace negotiation.” - From an email sent to AIPAC by an audience member at a Rutgers speech given by Chuck Hagel, likely the next Secretary of Defense of the United States “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Fox News Sunday that it’s a false argument to say that we have a spending problem. You know something? I think she may be right. I think what we actually have is a ‘You don’t have a clue’ problem.” - Jimmy Fallon “President Obama gave his State of the Union address. At every State of the Union address the President is introduced by some guy who walks in and says, ‘Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States!’ If we’re really serious about reducing the size of government, start with that guy. What does he work, one day a year?” - Jay Leno “Have you ever had one of those weeks where your best- prepared plans weren’t good enough to accomplish everything you set out to do? Well, we just had one of those weeks here at Walmart U.S.. Where are all the customers? And where’s their money?” - Cameron Geiger, senior vice president of Wal-Mart U.S. in an email obtained by Bloomberg News “The big question: Who’s going to replace the Pope? Where’s the new Pope going to come from? I think they should check out Whole Foods. I’ve seen plenty of holier-than-thou people walking around that place.” - Jay Leno

Compiled by Nate Davis

“The Yankees are in spring training and you kind of feel it — the crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd, the smell of the deer antler spray.” - David Letterman “Happy Presidents Day. Today we celebrate an American tradition — immigrants working on your day off.” - Craig Ferguson “A new study found that humans are slowly getting less intelligent. I was going to read the whole study, but I’ll just wait for the movie.” - Jimmy Fallon “Yesterday, NBA legend Michael Jordan turned 50 years old. Scottie Pippen actually helped him blow out his candles, but nobody seemed to notice.” - Jimmy Fallon “Is this Parents Magazine? I have Parents Magazine. I’ve never heard anybody in Parents Magazine ask these kinds of questions. Are you suggesting … we just legalize all drugs? Is that what you’re suggesting? That would go real well in Parents Magazine. Let’s talk about being able to – no matter what your age – go out and be able to purchase cocaine. What do you think about that idea?” - During a Facebook Town Hall with Parents Magazine when a questioner equated gun control to drug control and asked why criminalizing guns would get guns off the street if criminalizing drugs didn’t get them off the streets “I believe that if somebody tried to enforce something of that magnitude [referring to proposed gun reform legislation], you would see the second coming of an American Revolution, the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison.” - Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark “15% DISCOUNT: Show us your carry openly or show us a concealed weapon permit.” - Sign on a Virginia pizza shop “The risk of having a criminal conviction by early adulthood increased by about 30 percent with every hour that children spent watching television on an average weeknight.” - Bob Hancox, co-author of a three decade University of Otago study recently published in US Pediatrics Journal





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100 100 T h e J eTw H oI SmHe HnO MFEe bnr uMaAY ry 2241, , 2012 2013 H Ei sJhE W

Politics Today

Spinclass Politics with Michael Fragin Hagel Filibuster >>> Marco Rubio and Poland Spring >>> Michael Bloomberg and the State of the City >>> The Board of Elections >>> The Passing of the Stafford Act The following includes excerpts from Michael Fragin’s Spin Class on the Nachum Segal Network. Live online on Thursday evenings at jmintheam.org. Michael Fragin: Good evening everyone. Welcome to Spin Class. Let’s talk about the Chuck Hagel filibuster. As I have said, I can’t understand exactly why he was nominated but it’s the President’s prerogative to nominate somebody even if he is controversial. I am not really sure exactly why they are fighting for him given all this opposition. I am not exactly sure why with so many things to criticize, why Israel has to dominate 90% of discussion; there is a lot of things to criticize with regards to Chuck Hagel. But I am glad Israel has come to the forefront, of course. And at this point, the man is waiting in limbo. They pressed a vote; they knew they didn’t have the votes which also goes to another rule of politics, is generally if you control the system, don’t put something forward unless you know it’s going to pass, especially if you couldn’t wait. But obviously, somebody wanted to push this forward. But that leads me to just one thought as we kind of move forward. We are going to talk about the State of the Union address and there was, of course, the traditional rebuttal to the State of the Union, made famous this week by Poland Spring who did a little cameo commercial in the middle of Marco Rubio’s rebuttal. But that was not the only rebuttal. Marco Rubio, who was the Tea Party darling a couple of years ago, was outTea Partied by Rand Paul from Kentucky who gave the Tea Party response. For some reason, the Tea Party felt that Marco Rubio was not suitable to give the Tea Party response this time around. Now, that’s a curious thing and I think that that kind of points to a lot of turmoil as we have spoken about quite a bit within the Republican ranks. The Republicans are still trying to figure out what they want to be, how they want to approach things, and how they want to move forward. And Eric Cantor gave a speech to the American enterprises last week; he tried to show the softer side. I think that Marco Rubio is also looking for that softer side, and well, let’s see, I guess the proof is going to be as they move forward what happens, what

happens with the immigration reform, what happens ultimately with the sequester, what happens with a lot of these big issues out there. Here’s a political resurrection or actually I shouldn’t call it a resurrection yet but the potential political resurrection of one Tom Suozzi. You might remember Tom Suozzi as the County Executive in Nassau County once upon a time who somehow lost to a very much unknown challenger, Republican challenger, Ed Mangano. Suozzi was, at one point, considered a superstar within the State Democratic Party, and made a very strange quest for the governorship shortly after being reelected the first time as County Executive and then decided to run for governor because he was determined to fix Albany. Well, he has decided he lost once but he is going to come back and try to fix Nassau County and we shall be looking for an interesting development certainly out there in my home county of Nassau. We are pleased to have Stu Loeser, Founder and CEO of Stu Loeser & Company and the Press Secretary for Mayor Bloomberg for six and a half years, with us in the studio. Stu, what’s the feeling that you have when the old boss gets up there and gives his final address? Stu Loeser: When you walk through everything that the mayor has done in the last 11 years, all the accomplishments, all the statistics, lower crime, higher graduation rates, longer life, it really is extraordinary. It took an hour, it took over an hour to go through everything that we have done together that New York has done, the mayor has done. And there was a lot in there about what we are going to do in the next year. But it really was pretty breathtaking to sit down and think through where we were in 2000, at the very end of 2001, the beginning of 2002 and where we are today. And sitting in a stadium that had been a hole in the ground, in a part of Brooklyn that you would never have thought would have had professional sports in it, in a city that was ready and willing to sort of accept itself as less than it had been, a city that wasn’t going to come back, a city that was going to take decades. Michael Fragin: So it couldn’t have been shorter

than an hour, that’s pretty much what you are saying. It could have gone on all day. Stu Loeser: He could have gone on all day; he could have done 22 pages. Michael Fragin: Wow, certainly. So I like the idea of the backdrop. They have always been very good with the backdrops of the Barclays Center and certainly, it’s good to take credit for the project even though it was on state land I believe. What do you see as a change in the mayor and the administration from when you joined six and a half, seven years ago to now? How does the mayor look at his final year and what he wants to do? Stu Loeser: He talked about special interests, he talked about how now is the time to get big projects done, to get rezoning of the East Side of Manhattan done, to get cost controls on parts of our government where we spend two or three times what other cities pay because one or another has special interests and political power. Michael Bloomberg has been in office for 10 or 12 years, and I guess, you are going to disappoint some people some of the time and some people are going to get upset with you. I think most people can agree that (a) he calls them as he sees them and he doesn’t play politics; and (b) we have had a singular opportunity to have a guy in office who doesn’t listen to the people who are endorsing him what the people from his political party want. He is independent; he is independent politically; he is independent financially and that has really allowed us to do extraordinary things in New York. Michael Fragin: Now, not just to quibble but who is he listening to if he is not listening to other people? Stu Loeser: Actually, he listens to everyone. He is not listening just to the people who collect petitions for him, put him in office, put him on their battle line, give him money. Being financially and politically independent has allowed him to call things, do things, do what he thinks is right. Michael Fragin: To put a lot of bike lanes. Stu Loeser: You know, like the bike lanes that-Michael Fragin: Less Styrofoam.

Michael Fragin: Well, they actually have some great bike paths out there going from Cunningham Park all the way east… So let’s go to a quick segue. The President put forward a State of the Union address with all these proposals and a great laundry list of all kinds of great things that he is offering out to the world and none of it is going to cost a dime; it’s just about smarter government and doing more…I think he said that this will not add one dollar to the deficit. Stu Loeser: True. If the closing of the tax loopholes and all the other savings that he identified are true. Now look, I mean there are a lot of people out there squawking and complaining, similarly those are people who idolize Ronald Reagan who did the exact same thing. Ronald Reagan proposed massive tax cuts, massive defense buildups and if only we had gone through, his entire plan would have been revenue neutral and would have been deficit neutral but instead what we had was deficits as far as I could see, deficits that were never going to get fixed until a bill couldn’t fix them. Michael Fragin: Okay. But now we are in 2013 and we are looking at a very large national debt, I think significantly higher at this point, at a $16 trillion level which is quite a bit higher than it was when the first term of Barack Obama commenced. So, are we not looking at a situation where we might want to start dealing with that? Aren’t people interested in getting our debt under control? Stu Loeser: We just had a national referendum on it; it’s called the Presidential election. This is not a secondary issue; this was actually probably the single biggest issue in the Presidential election, the treatment of whether and how we are going to close loopholes, things like carried interest, things that disproportionately affect wealthy New Yorkers, wealthy Americans and particularly New Yorkers, what the tax rates are going to be, and really quite centrally. I mean Mitt Romney made this absolutely central to race by arguing that 47% of people get more from the government than they give. This was what the election was about. What you saw in the State of the Union was an ambitious, far-reaching, detailed plan that people on both sides supported. I was re-tweeting during at the end of the debates tweets in support from Ari Fleischer who was George Bush’s [press secretary] and before that Elizabeth Dole’s spokesperson, David Gergen, who worked for Ronald Reagan and George Bush and Bill Clinton in the White House praising the depth and the breadth and in Ari Fleischer’s case, the voting reforms that the President proposed. This is a President who has won an overwhelming mandate by this country both in the popular vote and the Electoral College vote for a vision and he was laying out how he is going to do it. Michael Fragin: Okay. So let’s get to the response for a second, the Poland Spring moment. Stu Loeser: You have to admire Marco Rubio’s staff or maybe Marco Rubio himself. By the next af-

ternoon, they had a water bottle that you could get by going to Marco Rubio’s PAC. Michael Fragin: Always a fundraising opportunity. Stu Loeser: Always a fundraising opportunity, $25, probably made in China but they are already on their way here, and they have done that. Michael Fragin: I wouldn’t want to drink water from China, Stu. Stu Loeser: You may already have. Michael Fragin: Okay. And the fact that there was a Rand Paul Tea Party response. Stu Loeser: Not covered by every network. Michael Fragin: How did Marco Rubio not remain the Tea Party darling? Stu Loeser: There are a lot of things I can’t explain there. Sort of the thinking and the consistency of the rationale within the leadership of the tea party is not something that I am actually ever been able to figure out myself. So it’s not something that I am able to explain. Michael Fragin: I want to bring another voice into our conversation. We have Celeste Katz from the Daily News who is the author of the Daily Politics, a really wonderful blog and something everybody who listens to this show should certainly be following. Stu Loeser: You know, this morning we saw Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz. He introduced the mayor saying that they had the same birthday. Well, Celeste Katz and I have the same birthday. I am six hours older than she is. Celeste Katz: That is true. Michael Fragin: That’s great. I will be sure to send you the same e-mail with the same birthday card attached on that same day. Well, we will try to tailor it a little bit. But Celeste, thank you for joining us on Spin Class. You have been covering elections, and the Board of Elections and I was thinking during that State of the Union address about the 102-year-old woman who waited on line, for how long to vote? Celeste Katz: It was something like a ridiculous amount, it was like 18 hours. Michael Fragin: Could that possibly be true? Celeste Katz: I think that I am not sure if I am getting the exact number right, I could probably Google it while we are sitting here but I think that probably what they intend to demonstrate is somebody who would wait that long despite extreme age and discomfort maybe to exercise a right that’s very important. Michael Fragin: So I would hope that next year for the election that young lady will not have to go ahead and bear the cold to vote yet again. Let’s talk about what’s going on in the city board of elections. Why would anybody care about the City Board of Elections, New York City or any Board of Elections for that matter? Celeste Katz: They do a lot of things. They set guidelines and regulations for how elections are conducted; they handle all the equipment; they set the printing of the ballots; they handle the petitions that people have to file to become candidates; they actually run the election; they hire the poll workers who sign people in, then they gather and tally the ballots; they

actually certify the election and send it to the state board of elections to be certified. I mean there is a lot of things that they do besides just show up with a bunch of voting machines on election day. There are 10 commissioners who sit on the Board of Elections. There is one Democrat and one Republican from each of the five boroughs, and usually those people are recommended by the political party from each borough. In this case, there was apparently a lapse, a failure to recommend the reappointment or the appointment of commissioners before a certain deadline was provided for in the law. So if that happens, the law states the members of the legislature from that party i.e. the Republican Party in two cases that we are talking about, can go ahead and name the commissioners and appoint them. So there are only four members of the city council here in New York who are Republicans, and they have gone ahead and unseated two sitting members of the Board of Elections and they have replaced them with their own selections. A lot of people are really stunned by this. It’s not that it has never happened before in the history of the world but they saw an opportunity and they took it. Michael Fragin: So if you are not a member of the Democrat or Republican political party, and you are a member of a third, fourth or a smaller party here in New York or you are not a registered party member, you are essentially just enfranchised from this process. Stu, your boss wanted to abolish the Board of Elections I think a couple times. He has called it dysfunctional, incompetent, all kinds of creative words that you probably gave to him. What’s the problem with the Board of Elections? Stu Loeser: The problem with the Board of Elections is that they are controlled by the political parties; the very people who have a stake in the outcome are the ones controlling it. Michael Fragin: Well, who should appoint them? Stu Loeser: It’s a great question. Celeste Katz: They could be elected. Michael Fragin: Well then they would be elected by the parties essentially. Michael Fragin: Well if you have elections, the likelihood is in New York City at least, they would all be Democrats… I just want to draw everybody’s attention to the Stafford Act, an amendment to the Stafford Act which allowed FEMA to fund the repairs of houses of worship, which is a very important bill to the Orthodox community, a very important bill to the Catholic community, a very important bill to all communities that had their houses of worship destroyed or damaged during FEMA. And it was sponsored by Grace Meng, Democrat, and Chris Smith, the Republican in the House and it had wonderful bipartisan support in New York except for one congressman in New York City, Jerry Nadler, who represents probably the largest Orthodox Jewish community in the city. He opposed it. He stood reluctantly to say that he could not support this bill and actually argued against it; he said it was unconstitutional. I have to say Jerry, very unfortunate. I think that you certainly could have come around and you should have supported it, and you have a large community to answer to and hopefully they will take you to task.

101 101 TThHeE JJeEw 2 1 , 2013 WiIsShH HHoOmMeE nn MF eAYb r2u4a,ry2012

Stu Loeser: 65% of New Yorkers are in favor of the bike lanes so. Michael Fragin: I am not out of favor with them it’s just a question as far as who is getting-Stu Loeser: It’s easy to listen to an echo chamber, Mark Weprin, the city councilman from Jamaica Estates and that parts of Queens, said somewhere recently, as I read it yesterday or today, that the bike lanes are extraordinarily popular in his district.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013




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103 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


From My Private Art Collection Rebbetzin Naomi N. Herzberg

A Special Family Chesed Project

Created From Our HeART For Purim With Love


his past summer, my husband and I enjoyed spending time with our son, his wife, and their children who came for an extended stay. They moved into our summer home upstate for a well-deserved rest and vacation. The days were long and the children were looking for various forms of entertainment to keep them busy after returning home from day camp. The visits from our bubby/greatgrandmother, “Savta Sarah,” were an added bonus. I decided to fill some of their leisure time with a creative, fulfilling project that would keep them busy. Some of my other grandchildren who were in local bungalow colonies also dropped in, on occasion, to help with the project. It was a rewarding bonding experience for all of us. I decided to make loveable, soft and mushy dolls for sick children. Bubby/great-grandmother “Savta Sarah” joined me on the shopping spree. Off we went to find the appropriate materials that would fill the requirements needed for these specific dolls. The dolls were created in both female and male versions. For the girl dolls, we used soft-feeling fabrics in a striking shade of pink; for the boy dolls, the soft-feeling fabrics were in a striking shade of blue. The hair on the girl dolls were made out of a soft-feeling yellow fabric. We used pink and brown yarn as trim on the girl dolls. For the hair on the boy dolls, we used a soft-feeling brown fabric and blue and brown yarn for trim. The faces on all of the dolls were designed with smiley and loveable features. A lot of arts and crafts skills were used to design the dolls. Through trial and error, we wrestled with all kinds of creative ideas for the clothing. Somehow, after much discussion, we figured out what we wanted the dolls to look like upon completion. I cut each body part to specification, while the youngest children stuffed each piece that later became the head, stomach, arms and legs. The older children glued each piece closed. Every section was handmade with love. In the end, we finished 16 girl dolls and 19 boy dolls to be distributed to sick children around holiday time (which we anticipated would be in December), in honor of the Yom Tov

of Chanuka. Due to some unforeseen, disturbing circumstances, this did not transpire. Hurricane “Sandy” certainly did not help! It was not yet decided as to whom we would be donating them in memory of, but we were trying to come up with a plan and discussed the possibilities. Unfortunately, our nephew Reb Avraham Moshe Spiegel, z”l, a student of the Mir Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael, was niftar suddenly at the young age of 27, right after Succoth, from a serious illness. This tragedy happened a few weeks after his wife gave birth to their third child, a baby boy. He was zocheh to be at their baby’s birth and the sandik at the brit. Little did we realize that the refuah would come before the makoh. All of the dolls, except a few, which will be given to sick children in America on Purim, are now being donated to Chaiyanu, which is the Israeli branch of Chai Lifeline in Eretz Yisrael. “Chaiyanu is dedicated to the well being of the entire family. They tailor fill the needs of keeping the family anchored through special programs for the sick child and their siblings. There are workshops for the parents, support groups, outings, and family weekends. For each family, there is a case worker who will look at the entire picture and help stabilize them during the trying times... Just like in the USA, they have summer trips and programs, fulfill their ‘wishes’ for Chanuka ..”. Rabbi Yaakov Pinsky was thrilled to hear of the dolls arrival. They will be distributed on Purim to sick children in Eretz Yisrael. My brother and his family made Aliyah and my nephew was an

integral part of the Mir Yeshiva. The new baby boy is named Nosson Tzvi, after his beloved Rosh HaYeshiva, zt”l, who was niftar last year. Our nephew, Reb Avraham Moshe, Z”L Ben Naftali Aryeh, was born on Purim. Avi, as he was lovingly called, was committed to doing chassadim and always thinking about the needs of other’s. Avi was a person that strived to grow in his Yiddishkeit. Prior to yamim tovim, he would make it his business to learn inyana d’yoma. He was known as “geshmak” and admired by all. He extended an enormous amount of chizuk to all his friends and family. He was a builder of Torah, as he helped establish a yeshiva during his young life. Avi was named after his grandfather, Rabbi Avraham Moshe Spiegel, zt”l, who came from a well-known, illustrious family. He was osek b’tzorchay tzibur in the establishment of Camp Agudah, the Agudah of Far Rockaway, the Vaad Hakashruth of Far Rockaway and in being a leading force in providing the original home for Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv, all of which were among some of his accomplishments. His close friendships included people of caliber such as Mr. Mike Tress, zt”l, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, zt”l, Rabbi Amos Bunim, zt”l and many others. Avi possessed unique special qualities of his own, those of his grandfather’s, zt”l, and inherited the same leadership qualities of family relatives who served as Rabbanim for generations. Throughout Avi’s life, he was known as a chaver tov and attached himself to people with exemplary middot. He knew the intrinsic secret of how to put a smile on a person’s face. Reb

Avraham Moshe Spiegel, z”l ben Reb Naftali Aryeh, may have left this world, but he has left behind a beautiful family in Eretz Yisrael and across the ocean that loved and appreciated him. We as a family aspire iyH to continue his legacy for generations. In his memory and in continuation of the kindness and sensitivities that he consistently portrayed, we are donating these dolls to children that will hopefully find some comfort in owning them. A special fabric label with a handwritten permanent inscription in Hebrew is attached inside each doll. My grandchildren and I are proud of our accomplishments and how much we have grown and learned from each other. Working on this project made us aware of how fortunate we are to be able to do this tedious work. It took a tremendous amount of persistence and patience to complete the project. As a family, we created a pact to help others that are less fortunate and to put a smile on a sick child’s face. This was a wonderful teaching as well as learning experience. In addition, our family shared an important lesson in doing charitable work. Personally, it felt wonderful sharing important values with the “next generation,” and my grandchildren benefited greatly from learning, through hands-on experience at a very young age, the importance of this lesson. I hope they will never forget it and pass it on as a family tradition. I would like to thank all of our Herzberg children and grandchildren who participated in this meaningful chesed project in a variety of ways. For further information as to the continuation of this chesed project, please contact me. My contact information can be found below. Rebbetzin Naomi N. Herzberg is a professional art educator, artist and designer. Among her known artwork is a floral sculpture presented to Tipper Gore, Blair House, Washington, D.C. Presently she is the Director of Operations at Shulamith School for Girls. Please feel free to email her at nherzberg@optonline.net with questions and suggestions for future columns.

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Social Smarts Rifka Schonfeld

Oh, Brother! Oh, Sister!

Simple Solutions to Sibling Rivalry


eople come to my office all the time talking about their children fighting, especially when the children are close in age. Who doesn’t have occasional problems with their children? Even in the Torah, there are classic example of sibling rivalry between Cain and Hevel – and Yaakov and Esav. If you have more than one child, chances are that you deal with sibling rivalry on a daily basis. Parents hear comments such as: • Why was Shmuely’s piece of cake larger than Leah’s? • How come Rochel gets to go to bed later than Shaindy? • Why does Pinny always get to go first when we brush our teeth? • Naomi is breathing on me! Mommy, make her stop! Children who are born into the same family do not automatically get along or like each other. Yet, they are placed in close proximity, sometimes even sharing a room. The challenge for those children and parents is to figure out how to work together to make life easier and more meaningful. Is sibling rivalry inevitable or it is something families can overcome through social skills training? There are several steps that you can take to eliminate sibling rivalry: • Don’t play favorites. Obviously, children of different ages have diverse needs and therefore require different treatment. However, do your best to treat each of your children with equity. Don’t allow one child to run around during dinner because “he has extra energy” – if one child is allowed to break the rules, then you should make the same exceptions for everyone. • Set alone time with each child. Children often act up because they are looking for attention, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. Spending personal time with each of your children, even if it is just thirty minutes a week, can ensure that your children will feel attended to and special. During this alone time, you do not need to do something special. Rather, it is the ability for your child to be with you and you alone that will prevent negative outbursts. • Avoid comparisons. Each child has his or her own strengths and weak-

nesses. Your first might be an amazing student while your second might be a social butterfly. Don’t say things like, “Why can’t you get good grades like Yehuda?” or “Leah always had hundreds of friends calling every night.” Making comparisons simply sets the stage for sibling rivalry. • Provide alternatives for arguments. Instead of yelling or getting angry when you see an argument occurring, provide alternatives to arguments before they start. Talk as a family about the concept of compromise and teach conflict resolution through role play and problem-solving. Special Circumstances Sibling rivalry is an issue that all of us face; however, there are special circumstances that make life considerably more difficult when you have multiple children. Among those particular conditions is a family that has a child with Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). I have written several articles about children with ODD – explosive children – but I have never addressed how this can relate to dealing with family life and sibling rivalry. “Explosive Children” or children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) exhibit a pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior that interferes with day-to-day performance. Some signs of ODD are: • Frequent temper tantrums • Excessive arguing with adults • Often questioning rules • Active defiance and refusal to comply with adult requests and rules • Deliberate attempts to annoy or upset people • Blaming others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior • Often being touchy or easily annoyed by others

• Frequent anger and resentment • Mean and hateful talking when upset • Spiteful attitude and revenge seeking Having a child with ODD requires an extra investment of time and effort on the part of all family members. Siblings of children with ODD can often feel overlooked and disregarded. For instance, if your daughter, Faigy, is an explosive child, the minute she begins to complain in the store because she wants a candy bar, you might be tempted to buy one in order to avoid a scene. Faigy’s younger sister, Devorah, will eventually notice that whenever Faigy begins to get upset, you and your husband bow to her needs (or at least pay extra attention). With time, Devorah will develop resentment towards Faigy – both because of what she sees as favoritism and the amount of energy you invest in her “difficult” older sister. Controlling ODD and Sibling Rivalry The first step towards minimizing sibling rivalry when you have an explosive child is to cut down on your child’s “explosive behavior.” Below are some ways that the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry suggests dealing with children with ODD: Build on the positives. Give your child praise and positive reinforcement when he shows flexibility or cooperation. • Take a time-out. Time outs are useful for yourself as well, if you are about to make the conflict with your child worse, not better. This is good modeling for your child. Support your child if he decides to take a time-out to prevent overreacting. • Pick your battles. Since the child with ODD has trouble avoiding power struggles, prioritize the things you want your child to do. If you give

your child a time-out in his room for misbehavior, don’t add time for arguing. • Set up reasonable, age-appropriate limits. Make sure you can enforce the consequences if these expectations are not met. Remember, though, to make an attempt to not allow these steps to take away time from your other children. Of course, these tips are easier said than done, but being aware of them is the first step towards a solution. The Hidden Benefits of Sibling Rivalry Dr. Anthony Kane, a noted psychologist, explains that one of the main benefits that sibling rivalry teaches children is conflict resolution. We learned how to resolve conflict by competing with our little brother or arguing with our big sister. Because our siblings are our peers, learning how to relate to them properly prepares us to relate to our friends and our spouses. You can only learn conflict resolution when there is conflict. Sibling rivalry provides a safe and supervised haven for children to learn how to resolve their disagreements with others. So, unless your children are getting physical, try to give them the tools to work it out – and then take a step back and watch them resolve their own conflicts. Teaser: If you have more than one child, chances are that you deal with sibling rivalry on a daily basis. An acclaimed educator and education consultant, Mrs. Rifka Schonfeld has served the Jewish community for close to thirty years. She founded and directs the widely acclaimed educational program, SOS, servicing all grade levels in secular as well as Hebrew studies. A kriah and reading specialist, she has given dynamic workshops and has set up reading labs in many schools. In addition, she offers evaluations G.E.D. preparation,, social skills training and shidduch coaching, focusing on building self-esteem and self-awareness. She can be reached at 718-382-5437 or at rifkaschonfeld@verizon.net.

Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.

TJH Staff

The Secrets of Costumes


hen we went to visit the grandkids today, my seven-year-old grandson was already dressed in an astronaut costume and was unwilling to take it off. “Let’s save it for Purim,” his mother reasoned, but he would hear none of it. Everywhere I went in the last week, the kids were more excited about the costumes than the hamantashen. I can still remember the year my mother created a hamantash outfit for me to wear, complete with prune jelly. Okay, it was brown silky mesh but it looked just like prune jelly. I was close to the age of the above-named grandson then, so you know it’s got to be a lot of years ago. But I still remember it. What is the appeal of costumes? Why do they linger in fond memories for decades? And why, in contrast, do adults resist “trying on” new personalities? What’s the difference? There is the man who said to me, “I’m just not that sort of person. You want me to be a doormat and that’s not me!” All I was asking was for him to tell his hurt family member that he didn’t mean something that seems to have slipped out of his mouth the wrong way. After all, he reasoned, he was hurt himself and telling the family member he didn’t mean it would not address his pain. To him, it would be a signal that he accepted what he perceived to be mistreatment. The fact that he wasn’t addressing his own mistaken response was beside the point. But what if he was a doormat for a night? What if he came to the megilla reading dressed as a doormat? I’m quite sure he would never hear of such a thing. He would not want to be caught dead sacrificing his pride. On the other hand, I imagine my nine-year old grandson would think that would be hilarious. Let his brother be the astronaut and he would be a doormat! What do we lose as we grow older that keeps us so serious and unable to laugh at ourselves? How did we get here? Come to think of it, wouldn’t it be an interesting sociological piece of research to test the hypothesis that adults who enjoy dressing in costumes for Purim are happier in general? After

all, they are willing – for a night – to shed their dignity. They’re willing to lighten up and laugh. They’re even willing for others to laugh at them. One thing I’ve noticed in my work with couples and families in difficulties is that it’s really hard for some of them

insulter. We are looking at the reaction of the insulted person. If the one who feels insulted made the deliberate choice not to be insulted but rather decided that the problem belonged to the one who did the insulting and not him, then he has no reason to be miserable

Children don’t know about research on smiling or the effects of endorphins on the system and on mood, but they do know that “putting on” different personalities from time to time is fun. And having fun is good.

to laugh, especially at themselves. If only they took themselves and their woes less seriously, they would definitely be happier. Take this “doormat.” For him to be happy, all he needed to do was not worry too much about whether some-

any more. The insulted person, then, has washed his hands of the problem; he is magically un-insulted! If he went a step further and laughed at it, how much better he would feel. But how, exactly, do you do that?

one wanted to make him a doormat or not. All he needed to do was to laugh at the perceived insult and make light of it. So easy, yet so hard. Now, you might want to point out that some insults are insults and should not be laughed at. Husbands, for example, should not insult their wives and vice versa. Children should not insult parents. In fact, strangers on the street should not insult one another. True enough, but right now we are not looking at the behavior of the

How do you go from being sad, mad, or hurt to gleeful? Maybe we need to borrow a page from our children’s playbook: they pretend and they enjoy it so much. Research has shown that smiling with no apparent reason works. “Findings revealed that all smiling participants, regardless of whether they were aware of smiling, had lower heart rates during stress recovery than the neutral group did.” (Psychological Science, Nov. 2012.) In the above experiment,

people in one group were given chopsticks to hold in their mouths so as to create a smile. They were then given a stressful task and stress was measured. The take-away here seems to be to smile whether you feel like it or not and then the positive feeling will follow. In Alcoholics Anonymous, the oldest 12-Step addiction-recovery group, there is a saying, “Walk the walk and talk the talk” and another one, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” Both suggest that sometimes we are asked to act in a way that is really new, really different, and really uncomfortable, but we should do it anyway. The payoff is that in this way, we learn some new ways of being, even new attitudes, and that eventually they will feel familiar to us—even in stressful circumstances. Maybe the secret that children have – and from which we should learn – is that throwing away your dignity once in a while is healthy and healing. Children don’t know about research on smiling or the effects of endorphins on the system and on mood, but they do know that “putting on” different personalities from time to time is fun. And having fun is good. Is it possible that aside from all the metaphors surrounding Purim costumes as related to the story in the megilla, Hashem also wanted His people to try on lightness and humor as an antidote to our tragic history? Perhaps with the love and kindness He always shows us, he wanted us to learn the importance of laughter l’shma – for its own sake. Koheles 3:2 points out that there is a time for everything, including a time to laugh. For people who have difficulty with this, perhaps Hashem gave us Purim to get in practice. C’mon doormats of this world, put on your costume! Lighten up! You’ll get used to it, I promise. Dr. Deb Hirschhorn has had over 35 years clinical experience. She has been in numerous publications, both professional and for the public, and has appeared on TV and has been featured on radio. She practices Marriage-Friendly Therapy. She has a local practice in Woodmere, N.Y. See her website, http://drdeb.com, or call her at

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Lola's Story

Lola Lieber Schwartz

A World After This

A Memoir of Loss and Redemption Lola Lieber Schwartz is a world-renowned artist whose paintings have been exhibited in art galleries throughout the United States and are part of the Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem. Most importantly, Lola is a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother to many. She has myriad friends and sees life in all its vibrancy and vitality. But life was not always easy. Lola was only sixteen-yearsold when Hitler ym”sh invaded Poland, and Lola was forced into hiding and spent years on the run with her husband, Mechel. Through six years of trying times, near

Chapter 7 Pretzels and Straw


y first view of Niepolomice was unexpectedly pleasant. For the first time in so long I was able to see the world again as a painter. It took me back to the more tranquil period at The Three Roses, when the troubles were beginning but before tragedy had entered my life. For a few seconds I allowed myself a tiny pleasure. I remembered Arek and his paintings. I thought about what it would be like to paint again, even to paint this village in southern Poland on the banks of the Vistula River, on the edge of a legendary forest, while on the run. The village had a lovely square, an authentic medieval castle of course, a church, a marketplace, and beautiful gardens called the Italian Gardens, which were really the gardens of a queen from an earlier century. Niepolomice was a Gothic nobles’ village, originally a royal playground for members of the Polish ruling class. It had been established early in the fourteenth century with the beautiful castle built by King Casimir III. Even the Polish queens loved to hunt the bison in the forests. It must have been the background of the stories of fairy tales for children all those centuries ago, but it would be the setting of different stories for children now. There had been Jews in the village as early as the mideighteenth century, numbering a few hundred. By the twentieth century a few Jews still lived there, among them some families that had been there for many decades. Now, there were several hundred Jews like us, all refugees, and all living with very little or next to nothing. We felt we would be safe here. In

truth, we would be in hiding but not in bunkers or hideouts like others would soon be in Germany, France, Italy, Holland, and elsewhere. Still it was exile. We weren’t there secretly, but we did not have the run of the place either. Unlike those in attics or basements or in barns, we could at least walk in the woods and breathe fresh air. That much we had known before we left Krakow. So we entered the village with some

starvation and brutality, Lola and her husband held onto their faith and values. It was Mechel’s words of encouragement, “There will be a world after this,” that helped them cling to the hope that there will be a life of light and joy waiting for them at the end. This is the story of Lola’s life—from her grandparents’ “enchanted garden” to meeting Eichmann ym”sh to making the Pesach seder for the Bobover Rebbe during the war—her words will take you back to a different world.

that could be obtained, and it probably wasn’t so cheap either. But we almost fainted when we saw it. Mammiko silently grieved at our fate. I was frightened to even touch her. I was afraid she might break apart. How could this elegant and beautiful woman, so meticulous in her appearance and her way of running a household, endure such utter deprivation? Mechel had been waiting for us.

“I speak about Hashem often, but I don’t do so in a childish way or in any casual manner. We felt His protection in a very real way.”

anticipation of relief. We were grateful that the episode at the German checkpoint with the sefarim had not turned into a major tragedy – how easy it would have been for all of us to have been lost forever right there. How easy it would have been to murder me when I ran after the solider and asked to look through the pile of sefarim. I had the sefer from the pile at the schoolyard tucked into my little bag. I would give it to Father as soon as we were settled into our new quarters. But I held it close to me for a bit longer to remind myself to be strong, to never turn from my faith in Hashem, in my belief in the strength of the Jewish people – and to remind myself that even I could be brave. Any momentary feeling we had of finding a true retreat vanished when we were shown our living space. The cottage itself was very modest, but our room, the one room we were to live in, all of us together, was a hovel. It wasn’t Mechel’s fault; it was the very best

We must have looked a mess to him after all we had experienced at the hands of the Germans at the checkpoint – and Father’s loss of all his money and therefore our options, and now the hovel. Mechel’s eyes were able to pierce through to the truth and see one’s soul, and he quietly took it all in. Those eyes of his, which were connected to his heart and his brain, came to an instantaneous, impulsive decision, one that might have cost him his life. He decided that Mammiko and Tattiko needed to have something that resembled a real home, however humble it might be. Mechel rushed back to Krakow! It gives me the chills to think of that decision now, but that is what he did. It was only a few hours since we had left Krakow. He went back to bring a few things to us from our old home. When he arrived at our former residence, everything was gone. Not one thing had been left. Not a blanket, not a mattress, nothing. A picnic had been made from our despair. Mechel returned to

Niepolomice totally defeated, holding only one torn, striped linen towel. It was all that had been left behind by those who must have looted everything within minutes of our departure. We had left in such haste and with so few things that the opportunity to pick over the remains of what had been a family’s life was too great a temptation. Mechel did not like to be defeated. It was not in his nature and he couldn’t handle it as well as some others might. He was clearly not himself when he came back to announce what he had found, or I should say, what he had not found. Then it was my own father who rose to the circumstances and gave us all a good lesson in survival. “Look,” he said. “We don’t have much, but we have an oven. I will make bread. I will become a baker. Things will get better. You’ll see.” We all looked at him with admiration and some disbelief. The name of the village we were in was derived from the name of the forest in which it was set, Niepolomny, which means “unbreakable.” It was Father now who was unbreakable. Mammiko and the rest of us took the measure of our Father and we decided that this would be our life; we would be unbreakable as the forest, as unbreakable as Father. There wasn’t any flour, of course, and we didn’t have money to buy anything, not even flour. So Mechel bought flour and gave it to Father. Father made a deal with our landlord and was allowed to use the oven in the cottage, which wasn’t much more than a hut. He was only permitted to use the oven a couple of hours during the day, but it was enough. Father had decided that he would not make bread, which required more ingredients, but pretzels. Once he had made chocolate pretzels, but they were part of his past and were now family history. These would

The decent clothes I still had left I saved to wear on Shabbos, and that is when I wore the one pair of shoes I had brought with me. The rest of the time my siblings and I went around the

village barefoot. Mechel got me a few things to sketch with and I thought I would draw some lovely scenes of the area, of the forest, the river, and the village. In my delusional state of mind, I thought people actually would buy my drawings. How foolish to think that anyone could be interested in buying art in a village during a hideous war. However, I did produce a small amount of income for the family by making

away a sizable quantity of textiles to trade for food and provisions. For other residents, it had come down to swapping their furniture and valuables for enough food to stay alive and enough wood to cook with and to stay warm. Even in this remote village there were restrictions on Jewish movements and activities. We could not congregate in groups. This meant we could not use the village shul without

So there we were. Human beings, Jews, were living on the left-over wheat-straw that was not even fit for the pigs but good enough for Jews.

practical things that people did need and could buy from me. I knitted hats and mittens and I made some dolls for children and clothing for the dolls. Whatever flour Father could afford to buy went into the production of the pretzels. He found someone who baked and sold bread for Shabbos on the other side of the village, but you had to cross a field to get there. Once Mechel and I, along with my brothers Ben and Tuli, all of us barefoot, crossed the field to buy our challah. Father had given me some coins to purchase the challah. I gave my brothers the coins so that they would go on ahead and get the Shabbos loaf. Maybe I wished to spend a few minutes talking to Mechel alone, or maybe I thought it would be nice for my brothers to feel they had done something for Father. Before Mechel and I could catch up to them, they came racing back across the field with the challah in their hands. They had torn it apart and were gobbling it down. I wept with anger and with fear. Mechel saw how hungry they were and how young they were. We both knew it was not my fault, but I felt I had disappointed Father. Arriving back at our shack, I cried when I told my father it wasn’t my fault. He was not angry with me but he was angry with my brothers. “You will not eat anything tomorrow,” He scolded. They did not care; there was so little to eat on any given day anyway. For those few hours, they felt satisfied because their bellies were swollen with the bread they had eaten. Not all the Jews were in the same misery that we were in. The native Jewish population of the village had not been robbed of all their possessions by the Nazis so they still had some money and goods to barter with the non- Jews. Mechel’s family had put

risking our lives. Families or extended families could not walk together in the town square or the marketplace. The Nazi command did not remove the Polish mayor, as they had in other regions, but all decisions of significance were handled by the few Germans who had taken over the police station. Father stayed glued to a radio he had managed to get out of Krakow. On

it he heard the “news” but most of the time it was more rumor than news. And when it was the truth, you didn’t really know how to assess it because we were so far from any urban area that might have given us access to more reliable information. We believed that by being far from a major city we would be in a zone of relative peace. It was a false sense of confidence in our future, and it was short-lived. All too soon, Father began to report the alarming things he heard each day. Now the rumors were real news reports. The ghetto areas were being sealed off throughout the country. And the Nazi troops were abducting people for forced labor, without warning and from a variety of locations. The darkness that had descended in 1939 as Poland had crumbled instantly under the Nazi onslaught, now appeared to be a permanent night of fear, and worse than that, we all suffered from the most paralyzing of all human emotions: the fear of fear. Continued next week Lola wrote this book with the help of Alida Brill. A World After This was published in 2010 by Devora Publishing.

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be pretzels of survival. He had, oddly enough, a competitor in the village. However, Father’s pretzels were far better and the word spread quickly, so we were once again engaged in a family business. However diminished our situation, we were on our way to a new life, hopefully without the thud of boots in the streets and the terror of the knock on the door. Before the pretzel business was under way in the hut, Father made delicious bread for us all to eat. We made the blessing on the bread before we took a bite. But it was the baking of the bread itself that was the blessing – Father’s blessing to his family and evidence of Hashem’s abiding presence with us in our struggle. I speak about Hashem often, but I don’t do so in a childish way or in any casual manner. We felt His protection in a very real way. We felt it when we prayed. We felt it in our daily movements. Hashem was woven into the very fabric of our lives, as He had been present continuously in the lives of His people down through the centuries. We did not have to convince one another that we should not abandon Him because the world was turning against us. We simply knew that we remained under His protection. We would never need to tell each other not to forsake our faith. It was too deeply imbedded inside each one of us, which was, despite everything, the biggest blessing of all. We barely got by with the earnings from the pretzels. It was abject poverty. Somehow, we moved through each week – from Shabbos to Shabbos. There would be tiny bits of chicken to eat on Friday night, really just scraps of chicken. The landlady gave Mammiko the rough leavings from the wheat after she had ground it to feed her livestock. And here is the hardest thing to recall and to write: the good part of the wheat that the landlady so carefully ground was to feed her pigs. So there we were. Human beings, Jews, were living on the left-over wheat-straw that was not even fit for the pigs but good enough for Jews. Mammiko took the straw and cooked it and cooked it in lots of water, trying to make it into something we could swallow without choking. It eventually became the consistency of rough oatmeal, but it scratched our throats as we ate it and was extremely hard to swallow. It also stuck in our throats because of what it represented: pigs’ leavings.

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Two rings found in Sh’or Yoshuv women’s restroom on Simchas Torah. Please contact Mrs. Dechter at 516-239-9002 x 0 Looking for energetic guys to go collecting on Purim for an Incredible Kiruv organization Will provide taxi and will take good care of you Please call ASAP 248-755-2692 Shaital gmach in Eretz Yisroel desperately needs shaitels. To be a part of this great mitzvah please call Peninia @ 347-6756526 Tizku L’mitzvos FOUND Found ring a few months ago in the Stop & shop parking lot. Please call (718)327-3807. Lost white gold diamond bracelet/covered watch either at Kennedy Airport or in Boro Park. If found please call 347.578.4165 The Yeshiva of Far Rockaway admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other schooladministered programs.

113 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Far Rockaway. brand New Construction, 2fam house, Lrg 3BR, 2baths over 6BR, 3baths, Lrg LV/DR, C/A, drvway, huge bsmt. Walk to the beach. Only $765K. Call 718-643-7700

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Leisure & Travel

Susan Schwamm

From Sea to Shining Sea : Shushan HaBeirah


s the capital city of a vast empire, Shushan is cosmopolitan and savvy. Diplomats from around the globe—from Hodu to Kush—call Shushan their home. Every culture and nation has a place in the bustling city. And that’s what makes a visit here so intriguing. It’s like taking a trip around the globe without ever having to buy a camel-ride ticket! If you’re looking for action, check out the camelspitting contests and the racing of the horses. Relax in spas and mud baths built special for the king’s potential wives and available to the public on Monday afternoons. Take some time to enjoy the fine wines available in the city and the delectable delicacies served on golden platters at some fine restaurants here. When walking around the city, you may be able to catch a glimpse of Haman, the new viceroy of the kingdom. Be sure to bow in front of this official; he likes his power and is quick to show his disapproval of those who betray him. Another interesting figure to watch out for is the new queen, Queen Esther. She rarely leaves the palace walls but is known for her beauty and demure manner.

Things You Won’t Want To Miss The Royal Palace For those visiting Shushan, this is a “must” place to see. Although King Achashveirosh started his reign just three years ago, he has certainly put his mark on the royal home. When touring the palace, make sure to visit the throne room. It is here that the king sits and greets his visitors. His throne is a masterpiece to see. Made of gold, live animals prevent commoners from reaching the king. Golden vessels, rich cloths, golden beds and marble decorate the royal palace. The king himself, though, is a total drunk. A re-

cent party was thrown by the king for the residents of the capital. It is said that participants enjoyed their own particular wines and foods for days on end. In a drunken stupor, the king had his own wife killed and has since remarried Queen Esther. Haman Highway This wide road is home to the country’s newest prime minister, Haman. A stroll down this street showcases Haman’s palatial mansion. He lives here with his wife, Zeresh, ten sons, and daughter. Recently, they erected a tall sculpture in their backyard, made out of wood and plaster. It’s certainly a site to see. If one is lucky, walking past the house, one may catch snippets of conversation between Zeresh and her husband. It is said that she is the force behind the man. While visiting here, though, tread carefully. There have been reports of trash falling from the sky near their manor. The Jewish Quarter A visit to the Jewish Quarter is a unique experience. Here, one can see small boys learning the ancient books of the Jews. Because of the recent decrees against the Jews, the community has been gathering in fast and prayer. Some can be seen wearing sacks and ash-cloths. Although there is a sense of doom in the neighborhood, one can still sense a feeling of hope and expectation in the community. It is said that although they have previously been slated for annihilation, the Jewish people have always been saved from harm. There are rumors that they have an “in” in the royal household and many are wondering who that person may be.

Bureau of Espionage Museum A trip to Shushan is incomplete without a trip to the Bureau of Espionage Museum. Here children can dress up and pretend to be Bigsan and Seresh, the royal guards who tried to poison the king just a few years ago. Their plot was foiled when Mordechai the Jew overheard their conversation. Check out the “translation tour,” where visitors can speak to each other in different languages. Visitors can also view the royal memory book, where the king writes down acts of kindness that he has received. Enjoy a Day at the Spa When you’re in Shushan, why not spend some time pampering yourself? Take some time to spend your afternoon at Hagai’s, an exclusive, beautiful spa located in the heart of the capital. Hagai has the best lotions and creams; his personal line of beauty products is called Fit For a Queen. You can also get your hair cut here as well. Just days ago, Prime Minister Haman moonlighted here as a barber to cut Mordechai the Jew’s hair. Supposedly, it was by royal decree.

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

There’s Survival… and Then There’s Survival!


o sleep!! lessons we were taught, that was the OK, you caught me, very survival information that made the saclittle sleep. If you can call that rifices so worth it. sleep! Bed way too late and up way too Right now all the information I’ve early. And not learned is a giant for one night, but blur. There was for seven nights so much inforin a row. mation in so little Racing, runtime, and class ning, trying to after class after fit in everything class, morning, we could, while noon and night having a comof delicious jewpletely bookedels to make our up, no-secondsrelationships, free, schedule. life view, selfEvery night up opinion and actill the wee hours tualization better. of the morning. Every morning up in But right now it’s all a big chulent. the wee hours of the morning. Didn’t Everything’s been thrown in together really even get a minute to unpack. In and it’s cooking up in there. But I need fact, can you imagine the feeling of go- a couple weeks to separate the ingreing on an archeological dig, really get- dients, review my notes, and thoughts, ting in deep there and exploring, but and then reset some priorities. Still, guess where? In your suitcase for that the optimism that I feel, the hope that one elusive shoe! I can be a betThat was what ter wife, mother, every morning daughter, friend, The messages and was like. person, and Jew Don’t get me makes me feel insights, the Torah wrong; after all, euphoric. Note perspectives and I didn’t fall apart that I wrote betcompletely. After “wife” first. life lessons we were ter all, I didn’t These classes miss out on eathelp you retaught, that was the ing. I’m not that member who survival information nuts. Giving up can help you suron sleep is one vive best….your that made the thing; giving up partner. The one on food takes down here and sacrifices so worth it. you to a whole the One above. new level and Yup, there’s no healthy selfsurvival and respecting Jewish woman on vacation then there’s survival…and I’m going goes there easily. Yet, there were more for the one where you don’t just plod challenges like minimal time for shop- along dazed and confused, rather the ping—and no self-respecting Jewish one where you sense every fiber of your woman goes there easily either! being , experiencing life at its best. Now So why call this survival?! that’s surVival with a big V in it for VicBecause it was learning the best way tory. to survive! Have an awesome week. I was attending classes and semiAnd an awe-filled one as well! nars with approximately 45 other Jewish women. We were inevitably bonding, bonding, and bonding, ‘cause that’s Rivki Rosenwald is a certified life coach and what women do. The messages and couples counselor She can be contacted at insights, the Torah perspectives and life 917 -705 -2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com.


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121 Shlomo Steiman, Esq

Banking Overseas – in Israel and Beyond I have maintained a bank account in Israel for many years without a problem; now the bank informs me that I will need to fill out a Form W-9 and they will be reporting my name to the US government. Can I get in trouble and what can I do since I never really gave that account much thought and therefore never reported the account or the minimal interest I may have earned on any tax return? The Attorney Responds: Your question is unfortunately not unique, as it applies to anyone with a foreign bank account, and in our community is most often associated with Israeli or Swiss bank accounts. Before going into the specifics of your dilemma, let me first describe the general foreign bank reporting requirements and potential penalties when those requirements are not met. FBAR Requirements The Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (Form TD F 90-22.1, commonly referred to as “FBAR”) was instituted as a tool to help the U.S. government identify individuals who may be using foreign financial accounts to circumvent U.S. law. It must be filed annually and be received by the IRS on or before June 30th. Government investigators use FBARs to “help identify or trace funds used for illicit purposes or to identify unreported income maintained or generated abroad.” The FBAR started gaining notoriety because it is being used by the federal government as a tool to prosecute individuals, both civilly and criminally, for offshore tax evasion following the prosecution and disclosure of Swiss bank account holders, and the IRS has confirmed that it has expanded its investigation of banks large and small, in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Information regarding taxpayers is now also more readily available to the government through tax treaties, information provided by whistleblowers and the recently enacted Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). As a result, there is now a heightened risk that the IRS will discover taxpayers’ noncompliance. Who Must File and Potential Penalties U.S. citizens or residents with either

a financial interest in, or signature authority over foreign financial accounts whose total value exceeds $10,000 at any time during the previous calendar year must generally file the FBAR by June 30th of the following year. Foreign financial accounts include bank or brokerage accounts, mutual funds and trusts. This is in addition to the general tax requirements of reporting all interest and income from these accounts on one’s income tax return. Failure to file FBARs and/or failure to report the income generated by the foreign financial accounts can subject the responsible parties to significant civil and/or criminal penalties. For the FBAR alone, the current civil penalty may be as high as the greater of $100,000 or 50% of the total balance in the foreign financial account for each year’s failure. As such, if a responsible party failed to file the FBAR for several years, the potential civil penalty can significantly exceed the full value of the accounts. This is in addition to any unpaid taxes on unreported income from such accounts, and civil penalties, which typically start at 20% and can be as high as 75% if the IRS can prove that the underreporting was due to fraud. Prosecution, the Voluntary Disclosure Program, and the Importance of Tax Counsel Although the IRS started prosecuting individuals of all ages, whether their accounts are large or small, to force compliance and cooperation, it announced its third (slightly less-favorable) offshore voluntary disclosure program in January 2012 in order to make it more palatable for those who have not yet cooperated to become fully compliant. In order to get people to participate sooner rather than later, this program is subject to end or to have its penalties increased at any time. There is not enough space here to discuss full details of the program, but one would have to be willing to pay the government a significant portion of the value of all undisclosed foreign bank accounts and be ready to ensure that tax returns

going back several years included earning from those accounts (or those returns would have to be amended and an underreporting penalty paid for one’s failure to disclose those earnings). Furthermore, all remaining aspects of those returns would also need to be accurate in order not to be subject to prosecution for filing false tax returns. However, if you included all income earned from your foreign bank account(s) on your prior tax returns, but just failed to file the FBAR, you can generally correct that omission by filing the delinquent FBARs for those years and attaching a statement explaining why the reports were filed late. You do not have to enter the voluntary disclosure program and should not be subject to any penalties, since the IRS has stated it will not impose a penalty for the failure to file the delinquent FBARs if there are no underreported tax liabilities and you have not previously been contacted regarding an income tax examination or a request for delinquent returns. As a general rule, it is more favorable for individuals to voluntarily approach the IRS before the IRS approaches them, since doing so greatly reduces the risk of criminal or civil prosecution, and might offer the opportunity for a negotiated settlement. What further issues to consider, including whether and how to approach the IRS is dependent on one’s

individual circumstances. As the matter is complex and the risk of criminal and civil prosecution is real, it is imperative that you consult a tax attorney to thoroughly analyze your options while ensuring that your discussions remain protected by attorney-client privilege. I would be happy to discuss your matter further to see how I can help. This article is published for informational purposes only. It is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Shlomo Steiman, a former Justice Department Auditor, is a Queens attorney with an office in Manhattan. His practice focuses on tax and non-profit organizations. He can be reached by phone at 917-838-5923 or by email at ssteiman@steimanlaw.com CNG Networking Group is an Orthodox Jewish networking group which meets in Queens and Long Island. The attorney subgroup of CNG has 8 members with various specialties: Trusts & Estates, Real Estate, Matrimonial, Criminal, Personal Injury, Trademarks/Copyright, Tax, Non-profits, Litigation. We welcome questions from readers on a wide range of legal matters. Please submit your legal questions to SchechterLaw@ gmail.com. While we do not provide specific legal advice, we hope to present readers with a greater understanding of the issues presented and potential means of resolving difficulties. No column is a substitute for competent legal advice. Please consult with the attorney of your choice concerning specific legal questions you may have.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Ask the Attorney


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Your Money Allan J. Rolnick CPA

Sneaky Sneaker Tax


oday’s tight economy is forcing governments at every level to stretch for new revenue, with varying degrees of success. In Washington, the dysfunctional family known as “Congress” just raised the top income tax rate to 39.6%, and there are new taxes on earned income and investment income as well. But when President Obama proposed cutting loopholes to raise even more money as an alternative to the budget sequester, his idea was met mostly with scorn. Most state governments are in fiscal hot water, too. But Illinois may be worst off of all. Nearly $100 billion in unfunded pension liability is crushing the state budget. Last week, the bond ratings agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded the Land of L i n c o l n ’s score to last in the nation. Ratings rival Moodys ranks Illinois at the same level as the African nation of Botswana. (Some observers might ask what else you could expect from a state that defines “bipartisanship” as having both Democratic and Republican ex-governors in jail at the same time.) The cash crunch has left Illinois’s discretionary spending programs gasping for funding. So it’s no surprise that beleaguered lawmakers are looking for creative ways to protect favored programs. And one representative thinks he’s found a solution. State Rep. Will Davis (D-Hazel Crest) has proposed a 25 cent tax on athletic shoes which would raise $3 million per year for Illinois YouthBuild, a nonprofit organization with 16 programs providing job training for disadvantaged youth. Targeted taxes are nothing new, of course. The federal gasoline tax raises about $25 billion per year, with most of that dedicated to the Highway Trust Fund. Governments are especially fond of so-called “sin taxes” targeting irresponsible or undesirable behavior.

That’s why we see cigarette tax revenue going towards lung cancer research, soda taxes targeting obesity, and even a new 10% tax on tanning bed revenue. And a sneaker tax sounds simple enough – especially compared to, say, the rules for Alternative Minimum Tax net operating loss carryforwards. (That’s a real thing, by the way, and it’s every bit as awful as it sounds.) But as is usually the case with taxes, the devil’s in the details. Davis’s tax would apply to any “shoe designed primarily for sports or other forms of physical activity.” So, does “walking” count? What about h i k i n g boots, ski boots, or snowshoes? Will there be refundable credits for sneakerbuying families earning less than the poverty level? But the real problem is that Rep. Davis’s sneaker tax might open the floodgates to imitators. Just consider what other targeted taxes might be next: • A tax on flowers to support marriage counseling services? • A tax on snowplows to support research into global climate change? • A tax on footballs to keep replacement refs off the field? • A tax on “reality TV” shows to support public broadcasting? Nobody really wants to see new taxes, of course. But we all know we have to pay something. What sort of new tax could you support, and where would you spend the revenue it raises? Let us know what you think. And remember, no matter what gets taxed, we’re here to help you pay less!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at allan jrcpa@aol.com.

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


Haman’s Family Tree

In the Kitchen

Esther Ottensoser

We all have vivid memories of special Purim moments even from many years ago – especially if they included a unique family activity or “ritual” that was done year after year. One of my most favorites would begin already on Rosh Chodesh Adar when my Aunt Shoshana would string Haman and his 10 sons from the chandelier in her dining room. There, this motley group of gingerbread men would “hang around” until they would meet their ultimate “demise” at the Purim Seudah when my uncle and cousins would be sure to do their share of “Mechias Amalek.” Taking this concept a drop further, you can “treet” your family and guests to a memorable Purim centerpiece, which can be put together on any level, from simple backyard branches with plain gingerbread man cookies, to curly willow branches with elaborately decorated royal iced gingerbread man cookies – and everything in between. So whether Parshandasa and company are hanging from your light fixture, or “branching” out over your Purim Seudah, you’re bound to create special Purim memories for your family for many years to come.

Cookies Supplies:

Your favorite sugar cookie dough Gingerbread man cookie cutter You may use any of the following supplies to decorate your cookies. (If you like, you can keep them plain.): Edible markers, colored sugar, colorful chocolate chips, rolled fondant or royal icing Hamentash chocolate mold 3 oz baking chocolate 5 oz yellow baking chocolate 4 yds 1/8” ribbon(cut into 12” pieces) Directions Roll out dough. Using your cookie cutter, cut out 11 cookies. If you like, you can make “Haman” larger. Using a drinking straw, make a hole towards the top of the gingerbread man head. Bake according to recipe directions. Decorate cookies as desired. Thread ribbon through hole. Join ends of ribbon to form a tight knot. Melt baking chocolate in double boiler or microwave. Us-

ing a toothpick, “paint” the chocolate in the center of the hamantash mold. Allow to dry (approximately 5 minutes). Next, add the yellow chocolate to the bowl and re-melt until the chocolate is well combined. Using a small spoon ,fill the hamantash mold with the chocolate. Place chocolate mold in freezer until solid. Remove chocolate hamentash from molds. Repeat process till each gingerbread man has a hat. Using melted chocolate as your “glue,” attach hamentash to cookie.

Putt ingToget her The Tree Supplies

Curly Willow branches (available at florists) or you can use backyard branches Large vase to fit branches 3-4 yards of 5/8” wide ribbon for bows 1 yard of 1-1/2” wide ribbon



11 gingerbread cookies Assembly Arrange branches in vase. Hang cookies from branches. Cut 5/8” ribbon into 12” pieces and randomly tie bows around branches. Wrap the 1-1/2” ribbon around vase and form bow.

Recipe For Royal Icing Ingredients 1 lb confectioners’ sugar 5 Tbs meringue powder 1/3 cup water Food coloring Supplies Piping bags Couplers Tips # 1, 2 & 101

Directions Beat all ingredients except food coloring on low speed until stiff peaks

form. Divide the icing into separate bowls. Tint each bowl with a few drops of food coloring. Stir to combine until you get an even shade in each bowl. Fill a piping bag with the desired colored icing. Using a size 2 nozzle, draw right around the outline of the cookie, so that when you spread the icing over the cookie it doesn’t run over. Allow to dry. Using the same color icing, add a few drops of water until you get a fairly thin, pourable consistency. Add more water if the icing is too thick or add more confectioner’s sugar if it is too thin. With a teaspoon, pour the icing over the cookie until it touches the outline. (You may need to use a toothpick to get into the corners.) Now using tips #1 and 2 decorate clothing make a face, hair, beard… Use your imagination and creativity! Tip # 101 was used for some hair—it gives a larger, textured ribbon-like look. Let your cookies dry at least 2-3 hours .


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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

Why Go AWAy For PesAch?

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013


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In the Kitchen A Purim Meal Fit for a King (and Queen) Pastrami Egg Rolls


Ingredients 1 lb. shredded cabbage 5 tsp. sugar 2 tsp. salt 1-2 tsp. soy sauce 1/8 tsp. ginger 1/8 tsp. black pepper 3 oz. cooked chicken, chopped 3 oz. deli pastrami, chopped Package of egg roll wrappers

Ingredients Dough 1 ¾ cups flour 2 eggs ½ tsp. salt 3 Tbsp. oil Filling 1 cup ground cooked beef or chicken 1 small onion, grated 1 tsp. salt

Preparation Sauté the chopped cabbage in a small amount of vegetable oil until limp. Add all of the other ingredients, except for the wrappers, and cook for 3 more minutes. Set aside. When cabbage mixture is cool enough to handle, stuff and cook egg rolls according to the package directions. Serve with Dijon mustard and duck sauce for dipping.

Preparation In a large bowl, combine dough ingredients together. The dough will roll out more easily if wrapped in a damp cloth for an hour. Knead and roll out thin on floured board. Cut into 3-inch squares or circles. In a small bowl, mix filling ingredients well. Place a small amount of filling in the center of the circle or square of dough. Fold into desired shaped. Kreplach can now be either boiled and served in soup or sautéed in oil and eaten as an appetizer. To boil: place in boiling salted water. Cook approximately 20 minutes until kreplach float to top. To sauté: heat oil over medium flame in 10-inch skillet. Sauté kreplach until golden brown on both sides.

Sweet, Fresh and Tangy Salad Ingredients Dressing 1 cup pomegranate juice 1 Tbs sugar 1/4 tsp black pepper 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 cup olive oil 2 Tbs lemon juice

1/2 clove garlic, crushed Salad 6 cups arugula leaves 1/4 small red onion, peeled and thinly sliced 2 Clementines or mandarin oranges, peeled and segmented 1 avocado, peeled and cubed 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

Preparation Dressing: Combine pomegranate juice and sugar in a small pot over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the juice is reduced to 1/4 cup. Pour into a bowl or measuring cup and add the rest of the dressing ingredients. Whisk together. Cover and chill until ready to use. Salad: You can assemble the salad just before you’re ready to eat or ahead of time, cover and refrigerate until ready to use. If you do assemble the salad early, leave the avocado out and add it just before serving (it will discolor if you cut it up too soon). Toss the salad with about half the dressing and add more if necessary or serve the dressing on the side and let guests drizzle it over their portions.

Ingredients Salad 1 head broccoli, cut into small florets ½ cup craisins ½ cup cashews ¼ cup sunflower seeds, shelled ½ red onion, thinly sliced Dressing ½ cup mayonnaise 3 Tbs. sugar 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar 1 Tbs. lemon juice 1 tsp garlic, crushed

Ingredients 1 cup uncooked long-grain basmati rice 1 ¾ cup water ¾ tsp kosher salt 1 Tbs margarine 2 Tbs minced parsley 1 Tbs minced dill 1 Tbs minced scallion Black pepper to taste Preparation Combine the rice, 1 ¾ cups water, salt and margarine in small saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce to low, stir once and simmer, covered tightly, for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow the rice to sit covered for 5 minutes. Add the spices and pepper. Fluff rice with a fork and serve warm.

Preparation Prepare broccoli. Combine rest of salad ingredients together. In separate bowl or dressing shaker, combine dressing ingredients. Pour over salad.

Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken Fruit Napoleons Ingredients 16 wonton wrappers 1 12 tsp ground cinnamon 2 cups whipped topping, thawed 16 strawberries, sliced 1 pint raspberries, fresh or frozen, thawed Melted chocolate, optional Oil for frying

Ingredients 2 whole chickens 1 orange, sliced 1 apple, sliced 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons brown sugar

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 3/4 cup ketchup 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 cup onion, grated 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 cup white vinegar

Preparation Rinse the chicken and pat dry inside and out. Then stuff the chickens’ cavities with the sliced fruit. Rub them with the oil and place them in a baking dish. Combine the remaining ingredients in a bowl, mixing well, and spoon over the chicken. Bake, tightly sealed with foil, in a 325°F oven for 2 hours or until tender, then bake uncovered until just browned.

Preparation Pour oil into small saucepan. Heat oil over medium to low heat. Using tongs, submerge one wonton at a time into hot oil until golden brown, about 15 seconds for first side and 10 seconds for the second side. Transfer fried wontons to paper towels to drain. Sprinkle wontons with cinnamon. Cool completely. To assemble: place four fried wontons on a work surface. Spread 1 tablespoon of whipped topping over each one. Arrange one slice of strawberry and two or three raspberries over whipped topping on each wonton. Spoon one tablespoon of whipped topping over berries on each wonton. Top with another fried wonton. Repeat layering two more times. Spoon dollops of remaining whipped topping atop each cake stack. Garnish napoleons with remaining strawberries and raspberries and melted chocolate. Serve immediately.

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Herbed Basmati Rice

Broccoli Salad

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013

In the Kitchen

Frozen Pina Colada Ingredients 4 oz pineapple juice 2 oz coconut cream 1 cup ice Orange slice for garnish

Preparation In a blender, add 1 cup ice, pineapple juice and cream of coconut. Blend until slushy. Pour into and chilled hurricane glass. Garnish with an orange slice.

Shirley Temple Ingredients 3 oz lemon-lime soda 3 oz ginger ale 1 dash grenadine syrup 1 maraschino cherry for garnish

Strawberry Mojito for a Crowd

Preparation Pour the lemon-lime soda and ginger ale into a glass with ice cubes. Add a dash of grenadine syrup. Stir and serve!

Ingredients 12 large limes, quartered 20 large mint leaves 7-8 medium strawberries 3/4 cup to 1 cup sugar Ice 1 liter club soda

Preparation Add limes, mint leaves, strawberries and sugar to a sturdy pitcher. Use a long-handled French rolling pin or wooden spoon to muddle or crush the ingredients until mint leaves and strawberries are pulverized and limes have released all their juices. Add ice and club soda and serve immediately. You can do everything ahead of time except the addition of ice and soda—do this just before serving.

F lyin’ High Ingredients 3 oz cranberry juice 3 oz grapefruit juice 2 oz peach nectar 1 maraschino cherry

Preparation Pour over ice in a chilled glass and stir. Garnish with a cherry.

Strawberry Colada

Ingredients 7 ripe strawberries 5 oz pineapple juice 1 1/2 oz coconut cream 1 cup crushed ice Preparation Combine the strawberries, pineapple juice, coconut cream and crushed ice in a blender, and blend well at high speed. Pour into a glass, garnish with a cherry and pineapple wedge, and serve.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n F e b r u a ry 2 1 , 2013



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