Five Towns Jewish Home - 2-25-16

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FEBRUARY 25, 2016 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

DRS Sophomore Develops App


RS prides itself on its ability to empower its students to come up with their own groundbreaking ideas, clubs, and projects. This year, DRS Live, the yeshiva’s student-run broadcasting team, has grown to new heights in various capacities. The broadcasting team has purchased brand new video and broadcasting equipment, offering viewers new angles of the sports games. Hockey and basketball games are now streamed on in high definition, featuring instant replay capabilities. Most impressive amongst the team’s advancements is the new DRS Live App, fully designed and developed from beginning to end by soph-

omore Binyamin Klein. Binyamin first constructed a basic interface and then brought it to life in X-Code, a program used to create apps for iOS. The app allows Wildcats fans to not only stream games live on their devices, but also watch highlight videos cut and edited by Binyamin, as well as view statistics, standings, scores, rosters, and previous games all in the palm of their hands. Perhaps the most unique part of the app is the ability to receive notifications before, during, and after games with updates and breaking news. You can download the app at app.drslive. com. Remember, when the game is on the line, it’s online at DRS Live!

DRS sophomore Binyamin Klein develops app for DRS Sports Teams

Kollel Chatzos Opens World’s First Nighttime Bais Horaah


his past Thursday, an inspiring mamed took place in the Toshnad Shul in Monsey, NY, as Kollel Chatzos opened the world’s first nighttime Bais Horaah! Two of the kollel’s most devout talmidei chachamim, R’ Berel Wieder, dometz Sanz-Klausenberg, and R’ Avraham Yitzchock Lunger, dometz Skvere, have been crowned the dayanim of Kollel Chatzos in Monsey. Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Wosner, grandchild of the Baal Shevet Halevi, praised this noteworthy venture, saying, “Just this past night, at 2:30am, I received a call with an important sheilah. Unfortunately, I only saw it in the morning. America needs a Bais Horaah during the night! There should never be a moment in the day when a Yid shouldn’t have who to turn to with a question!” Then, Rabbi Nechemye Hoffman, the menahel and founder of Kollel Chatzos, took the dais. With unbridled emotion he thanked Hashem for making this moment a reality. Kollel Chatzos is America’s only nightly kollel with 95 talmidei chachamim in four locations who immerse themselves in Torah every single night and is long known for the yeshuos and protection it brings to those who partner with these selfless talmidei chachamim. Kollel Chatzos has been Rabbi Hoffman’s mission ever since an elderly man introduced the concept to him during the years he spent in yeshiva in Israel. His small group of ten slowly blossomed into an army of ninety-five, with a list of more waiting to be vetted.

Rabbi Nechemye Hoffman, founder of Kollel Chatzos, speaking at the event

Rav Avraham Yitzchock Lunger, shlita, addressing the crowd

Kollel Chatzos invites people to take advantage of this important service they’ve made available to Yidden across America. From 1am to 6am, Sunday through Thursday, anyone with a sheilah can contact the Bais Horaah at 1-855-242-8967, ext 8. In the Monsey location, Yidden are welcomed to walk in and pose their shei-

los face to face with the dayanim. As Rabbi Hoffman closed the ceremony he said, “This is only the beginning. We never stop, we always set a new goal.” New kollel locations are slated to open in the coming few months and more talmidei chachamim are preparing to become dayanim. In the zechus of those who sacri-

fice their nights for Torah, may our days be filled with blessing and success. Call Kollel Chatzos’s nighttime Bais Horaah with any sheilah! Sunday-Thursday 1:00 am–6:00 am. Call: 1-855-242-8967 Ext #8. Dayanim: Rav Berel Weider & Rav Avraham Yitzchock Lunger.

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