Refurb & Developer Update - January 2022

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At Michelmersh, we know exactly what goes into creating our products and meticulously calculate the embodied carbon f igures providing completely transparent data from extraction, to drying, firing and delivery. We are focussed on decarbonization of the brick making process, working on a variety of methods to make signif icant carbon reductions from cradle to gate.

In reality when measuring your building’s design over its true/real life span, clay brick is one of the least carbon intensive building materials you can use. To be truly sustainable, we believe in designing buildings that are both adaptable and multi-generational, so that the environment and our children’s children will benefit from the choices we make today:

Think Longer. Design for 200 years, not 20.

Michelmersh convened a roundtable discussion with RIBA Journal ‘Think longer to build sustainably‘ including influential architects, material suppliers, structural engineers, manufacturers, policy makers, construction teams and educational professors. Please read the full article here:


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